The Underworld Breathes.


Oh, and we'll add a lore tab with a template after the first post and beastiary are up. :)
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1469702223661.jpg.d0666de2ccdeaf50ea3b4f39c34fd79e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146512" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1469702223661.jpg.d0666de2ccdeaf50ea3b4f39c34fd79e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 1469702223661.jpg
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Is there still time to add a culture? It's something I need for the character back story I'm working on.

If so

The Sand Pit used to be an old underground fortress built by invaders who starved inside. However know erosion has exposed the stone under soil, allowing sand and bandits to blow in, now it's a hub for various crimes still fortified and hidden enough to keep law enforcement out. It's most famous for it's arena, which would likely have been shut down by now if many local lords and ladies didn't have a stake in it's profits and their heirs weren't allowed to compete (and weren't given an unfair advantage).

Current character concept is a human (so nothing to do with the race idea I posted) fighter type.
Are we allowed to make more than one character, provided we don't spiral out of control? If so, do they duke it out as to who can join the party and who must be left behind (hopefully not to the death)?
@Frederick @Syrenrei @simj22

The lore thread is now open! Please review the guidelines and submit your lore to the Neutral Characters tab. :)

The forgotten rule:

7. When you submit content, make sure to put it in a spoiler tab.

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I told Killi I'd make my second character sheet when she submits one of hers. I am planning to make a dude so we aren't overrun by angsty womenfolk.
I'm hoping we'll have a starting post out by this weekend, Saturday or Sunday. We do want this to start before the RPN massive update, because who knows how long that'll last. >__>

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