Exterminators Arc One
Nobody Special
"Marwa here. We’ve received a work order to assist with a recovery for a traveling merchant. She lost an important piece of cargo that was meant to be transported to The Capital when she was attacked by an Ant Gigapod. Normally, it wouldn’t be such a big deal, but the cargo that was taken wasn’t some jewels or an artifact. A child with some… "abnormal variation of Alchemy" was taken away by the Gigapod.
We don’t know if The Capital’s actually paying merchants for people, or if this special alchemy is even real, but a life's at risk and it's something worth looking into. The merchant said she was camped outside of the Ant Nest, so meet up with her and get more details before heading in.
You all know how crazy Ant Nests can be. They split up into a bunch of different tunnels and it isn’t hard to get lost. So, I’m sending a large handful of our combatants on this job so that the nest can be efficiently searched.
Exterminate whatever you may find down there, but most importantly, find the kid. I’m guessing they have a means of defending themselves with their alchemy if the merchant even bothered calling us in. We’ll be the ones to determine if The Capital gets them or not.
...Oh, I forgot to mention. The Merchant's friends with a pretty important person in Haven, so you'll be accompanied by a few Shocktroops from their Sawyer Group. Be nice and treat them well, please.
Be safe."
"Marwa here. We’ve received a work order to assist with a recovery for a traveling merchant. She lost an important piece of cargo that was meant to be transported to The Capital when she was attacked by an Ant Gigapod. Normally, it wouldn’t be such a big deal, but the cargo that was taken wasn’t some jewels or an artifact. A child with some… "abnormal variation of Alchemy" was taken away by the Gigapod.
We don’t know if The Capital’s actually paying merchants for people, or if this special alchemy is even real, but a life's at risk and it's something worth looking into. The merchant said she was camped outside of the Ant Nest, so meet up with her and get more details before heading in.
You all know how crazy Ant Nests can be. They split up into a bunch of different tunnels and it isn’t hard to get lost. So, I’m sending a large handful of our combatants on this job so that the nest can be efficiently searched.
Exterminate whatever you may find down there, but most importantly, find the kid. I’m guessing they have a means of defending themselves with their alchemy if the merchant even bothered calling us in. We’ll be the ones to determine if The Capital gets them or not.
...Oh, I forgot to mention. The Merchant's friends with a pretty important person in Haven, so you'll be accompanied by a few Shocktroops from their Sawyer Group. Be nice and treat them well, please.
Be safe."
Hey! Welcome! Happy to have you! How was your fall? Did it hurt? See any bugs yet?
...Anyway, feel free to use this code, or use a different code if you don't like this one!
...Anyway, feel free to use this code, or use a different code if you don't like this one!
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