Mythology Encyclopedia
Creature character sheet
Vytas Bryne
Shapeshifter (Although not that good at it)
Prince of the Underground
Appearance other:
Pretty sure that's a piercing under his lip in the picture... But let's just say that Vytas doesn't have that.
Vytas has a nack for sniffing out trouble. Meaning that he is usually the source of it; or somehow gets dragged into it. To put it shortly, he's a bit of a rebel in terms of listening to those with more authority. It's not because of his status, or anything. Vy absolutely hates using his princely status as an excuse to get people to listen to him. Instead, his whole "I'll do what I want" attitude mainly comes from the fact that there are just too many restrictions placed on him. "Don't go anywhere alone," "Stay close," "Don't do blah blah, or go wherever." It all got old pretty fast in his eyes. So, of course, he kind of got into the habit of doing basically the opposite of whatever he's told by the guards, any servants, and his parents. There are a few people he'll listen to, however; like his caretaker, a couple of friends he had made in the city, and his brother. Overall, Vytas is stubborn, a bit selfish, and has a strong sense of adventure.
Vytas was born and raised in the Underground, and honestly has never come close to taking a step outside of it; even though he desperately wants to. Somehow, he always gets caught before he can get past Buras.
Candy is his absolute favorite thing in the world. Especially the more fruity kinds.
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