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Fandom The Uncanny X-Men

heyooo - i am more than intrigued by this~
would it be such a bother to genderbend angel? i dont think i'd pull her far from warren's already established character [his values and personality and what not] it's not likely id change much at all really~ just his gender :)
if not~ i've got one or two mutants in my head - and an oc as well~
Hey guys, is everyone ok?

I'm fine. Sorry if I've caused any undue concern so far, I was just waiting for things to pick up a bit before posting. With Jack, I was thinking of him maybe him looking into the school or lurking around outside, scooping it out so I wanted to wait a little bit. With Toad, I'm waiting for the Brotherhood to be introduced.
Name: Pietro Maximoff
Code Name: Quicksilver
Appearance: quicksilver.jpg
Personality: Pietro is a hotheaded arrogant child, but he still has a need to impress his father, almost instinctively. Possibly because he craves attention that his real father never really showed him or possibly because he moves so fast that slowing down for others is boring, he is seen as a showoff. unlike his fathers views however, Pietro actually does have a soft spot, if you can get past all the arrogance and grandstanding, he actually doesn't see the humans as a threat like his father does and doesn't really know where his allegiances lie, although he does believe blood is important. especially when it comes to his sister Wanda.
Bio: Pietro and his twin sister wanda where raised by Gypsys in Europe before their real father, magneto came to bring Wanda into the brotherhood. he was not as impressed with quicksilver but allowed him to join with his sister. for years sense he has tried to impress his father and is often ignored. Jealous of his sisters relationship with their father, Quicksilver has become a showoff, a grandstander and also arrogant. other then his sister, he has no real stake in his fathers or the old professors war. he has actually questioned and often times saved those his father wanted to harm, too fast for anyone to notice, but his father is no fool and quicksilver is sure he will kick him from the brotherhood if he is found out and brand him as a traitor, and he isn't too sure the xmen would want him around.
Powers: Superspeed- straight forward, quicksilver can easily break the soundbarrier, he can even move faster then the speed of light with great strain to his body, although if he did do that, it would have some pretty bad side effects. like timetravel.
Other: (Miscellaneous info)
Does the game still have spots open? Also is there a discord or anything being used?.
Id claim Scarlet Witch if she is still open, not sure on the setting itself but was likely going to go with a mix of early interpretations to make character my own if thats ok?
Otherwise would make a OC i had in mind if that gives more freedom with personality.
(Throwing character down in revent game is still on and has a spot)

Name: Wanda Maximoff
Code Name: Scarlet Witch
Age: 17
Appearance: Height: 6'0", Weight: 152 lbs, Eyes: Green, Hair: Brown

Wanda Maximoff follows some of the traditions of her family, having a personality driven by an intense emotional disdain for the world around her that has taken so much. However, in other ways, she differs greatly. She is more reserved and focused, a tempering voice among the cries of anger that often echo from her father and twin brother. Early on she demonstrates a tendancy to be reserved. She is socially awkward and does not relate well to others outside her immediate family. This creates some distance between her and the rest of the world and leaves her with a limited capacity for emapthy. This is how she is able to go along with her father and oppose all of mankind without hesitating. However, this tendency is often tempered by another defining characteristic.

She shows a great deal of curiosity about the arcane. She is quick to question and learn, something her brother and father don't often do out of arrogance. This creates an important aspect of her psychology, one that leads her to think more critically about her circumstances. This best reveals itself when she is forced to keep her impulsive twin brother, Pietro, in line. Since he's often getting himself into trouble, she takes it upon herself to stop him from going too far. She can reason and make distinctions but lacks the overall vision skills her father has so she often has to rely on him to lay things out for her. This helps tie her closer to her family and keeps her questioning nature from conflicting too greatly with her family.

It remains a tough balancing act of being the most rational mind of the family while also sharing the emotional aspect of her father's cause. In many ways, the loss of her foster mother was more influential than anything her father did. In some sense it led her down a similar path seeing someone she love die at the hands of ruthless humans deeply scarred her. This is how she is able to dedicate herself to the Brotherhood's cause while also maintaining that curious questioning aspect to her personality. She is a classic example of those who compartmentalize issues in their psyche, having certain domains where she focuses her energy while everything outside that domain remains in sync with the personality she developed as a child.

In some ways this leaves the door open for her to break from her father's tendencies, but so long as she is dependant on him and her brother to lay out for her a plan to assert themselves in the world she remains in this state. It is not clear if this balancing act will ever become unbalanced. Often in those who struggle between two mindsets, it is circumstances that lead them to make the decisions that lead them down different paths. Only time will tell for Wanda and the mindset that remains most dominat as she carries herself in the human/mutant struggle. Wanda herself, however, has long battled mental illness, thanks to the abusive and traumatic nature of her upbringing, compounded with her relationship with her father and other issues. In her agitated state, she is capable of severely harming those she cares about and losing control through her relationship with her brother is one of the few things capable of bringing her back under control and provide some sense of stability.

One of two twins who grew up in eastern Europe, unaware of their father. But being powerful mutants like him, they attracted his attention anyway, even though he too was unaware of their relationship. Adopted by their foster parents Django and Marya Maximoff, who had just lost two children of their own. Django and Marya were Roma, and unfortunately suffered from prejudice and persecution in Transia. Django worked as a doll-maker, but it was hard for him to find customers due to him being Roma. Django eventually had to steal food to keep his family from starving. When Wanda grew older, she was attacked and suffered unwanted advances by a boy her age to put it lightly and was forced to use her powers to keep him away from her. The villagers, however, accused Wanda of seducing the boy and attacked the Maximoffs, setting fire to the family’s wagon. Marya was still inside and burned to death. They clubbed Django unconscious, but Wanda and Pietro were able to escape. Wanda and Pietro now believed that they were the only members of their family left. The two twins grew up together taking care of themselves until they were eventually brought into the Brotherhood by their father on his discovery of them.

Powers: Probability Manipulation, Chaos Magic , Capable Martial combatant
Wanda has proven capable of a vast array of abilities through the combination of both her mutant abilities and innate attunement to magic, performing impressive feats such as short-circuiting advanced technologies, control actions outcomes, Kinetic blasts, Telekinesis, Teleportation, reality-distorting illusions to full-on reality-warping effects in high level witchcraft. Although unknown to her at this time she also holds high resistance for forces well beyond her current knowledge such as against the elder god Chthon or perhaps even greater, capable of outright rejecting their influence as well as high resistances in general to magical attacks.
Is the game still on? I never got a answer about if a spot was left or not that i recall (or if that character was ok)

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