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Fantasy The Tyrant King(remake)(always open)

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."

Talryon Arkdagur








A 'royal' hunter for the Tyrant king. Also, a mercenary.

Are you for the king or against? Why?:

Talryon is entirely against the king, he contemplated joining the rebellion for a while but decided to stay on the low, as he is the king's hunter, after all, and continue with his life. He is against the king for the king has oppressed the supernatural people, enforcing inequality and supporting it. Talryon wants nothing to do with inequality, he believes in equality. Talryon believes Avalon must embrace the supernatueal and that they must all coexist. However, Talryon believes firmly in fate and that essentially clashes with his views as if the forces of the world wished for the Tyrant King then perhaps it's for the better.


Talryon is a warlock, but not as talented as the average warlock, for his magic is still a work in progress. He also devotes a decent amount of time, everyday, to swordplay and archery. He is a skilled archer that can hunt a wide variety of game.



His complexion is an almost pale white. He has a grown stubble with rather long black/brown hair for a man and blue eyes.


Upfront, Talryon seems like a very kind and generous man. He is, however, if one were to get on his bad side, that man would not be heard of again. He is quite shy as he keeps to himself and tries not to get involved in others' lives yet sometimes fate always seems to add him to all the drama that goes on in locals' lives. Talryon is often not afraid to speak his mind, or carry out justice himself. He admires honour and order in lands,yet he disrespects bad orders. He often catches himself lost in daydreams of himself being a noble king, spreading the wealth amongst the lands of Avalon so that all can be happy or slaying fantastical beasts such as dragons and trolls.




None as Talryon is generally quite a shy person person but is currently looking for friendships to form.


No one






Talryon comes from the Arkdagur family/clan. They certainly used to be a rowdy bunch, hence why Talryon goes binge drinking sometimes and tends to raise Hell in any tavern he visits. The Arkdagur family mainly lived in the woods yet Talryon's family, he grew up with, where killed by some sort of fantastical beast he still tries to research and track to this day, it lives close to the outskirts of the forest but isn't stupid enough to be seen. He stronly suspects the beast is a dragon. Talryon is the last Arkdagur and wants to carry on the family line through marriage and raising his own kin.

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