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Fantasy The Tyrant King(remake)(always open)


Ten Thousand Club
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/cooltext144730500986009.png.9c58b2c0e1f7bfb91725cdaccfc6a28e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82209" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/cooltext144730500986009.png.9c58b2c0e1f7bfb91725cdaccfc6a28e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Must ask for role first before signing up.

Cs for the roles are in the spoilers.

No descriptions for appearance must have pic.

Tyrant King: @Kayzo accepted



Age: (24 - younger)

Do you agree with the king?:


Appearance:(can go anywhere)


Family: (make sure to ask first)

Friends:(make sure to ask first)


Lover/s:(make sure to ask first)

Married:(make sure to ask first)


Theme Song:
Royal Adviser(must be male): @Shimakage Thunder - accepted





Human or witch/warlock:

Are you for the king?:


Appearance:(can go anywhere)


Family: (make sure to ask first)

Friends:(make sure to ask first)


Lover/s:(make sure to ask first)

Married:(make sure to ask first)


Theme Song:
Male Captain: @XxLuluxX accepted

Male Captain: @NeoLeaf accepted

Female Captain: @animegirl20





How did you become Captain?:

What is your relationship like with the king?:

Do you agree with the King?:



Appearance:(can go anywhere)


Family:(make sure to ask first)

Friends:(make sure to ask first)


Lover/s:(make sure to ask first)

Married:(make sure to ask first)


Theme Song:
Knights: (Must all be men)





Why did you become a knight?:

Do you hate supernaturals? Why?:



Appearance: (Can put thus anywhere)


Family:(make sure to ask first)

Friends:(make sure to ask first)


Lover/s:(make sure to ask first)

Married:(make sure to ask first)


Theme Song:
1. @NeoLeaf accepted

@NeoLeaf Accepted

@NeoLeaf accepted

@Alterius Accepted







Boy Squire:

Boy Squire:

Girl Squire:





Why are you training to be a knight?:

Do you agree with the king?:



Appearance: (can put this anywhere)


Family:(make sure to ask first)

Friends:(make sure to ask first)


Lover/s:(make sure to ask first)


Theme Song:





Human or witchwarlock:

Are you for the king or against?:


Appearance:(Can put this anywhere)


Family:(make sure to ask first)

Friends:(make sure to ask first)


Lover/s:(make sure to ask first)

Married:(make sure to ask first)


Theme Song:
1. @NeoLeaf accepted

2. @Saruwatari Tomohisa accepted

Villagers: (open)







Are you for the king or against? Why?:


Appearance:(can out this anywhere)


Family:(make sure to ask first)

Friends:(make sure to ask first)


Lover/s:(make sure to ask first)

Married:(make sure to ask first)


Theme Song:
1. @DarknessSpirit accepted

2 @nottulfr -accepted

Tavern Owner: @LaDyGrEy - accepted






Why did you team up with the rebel leader?:


Appearance: (You can put this anywhere)


Family:(make sure to ask first)

Friends:(make sure to ask first)


Lover/s:(make sure to ask first)

Married:(make sure to ask first)


Theme Song:
Rebel Leader: @Kayzo Accepted







Why did you create the rebels?:



Appearance: (You can put this anywhere)


Family:(make sure to ask first)

Friends:(make sure to ask first)


Lover/s:(make sure to ask first)

Married:(make sure to ask first)


Theme Song:

[B]Rebels: 0 males, 5 females[/B]







Why did you join the rebels:



Appearance:( you can put appearance where ever you want)


Family:(make sure to ask first)

Friends:(make sure to ask first)


Lover/s:(make sure to ask first)

Married:(make sure to ask first)


Theme Song:

1. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6837-beowulf/"]@Beowulf[/URL] accepted

2.@[URL="https://www.rpnation.com/members/a-skull-on-the-shelf.39838/"]A Skull on the Shelf[/URL] accepted

3. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17043-national/"]@National[/URL] accepted

4. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5663-plaguedwithinsanity/"]@PlaguedWithInsanity[/URL] accepted

5. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6837-beowulf/"]@Beowulf[/URL] Accepted








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"They say you forget with time. They say wounds are cured throughout time. Is my time wrong? Do I run on another clock? For time is my jailer. I remember everything. I feel each wound as if it were fresh… I feel as if I'm going insane. I feel as if I'm dead.”



Eugene Konstantin







How did you become Captain?:

Working his way up through the ranks of the army, displaying exceptional skills of mind and body. Therefore leading him onwards to his current position as a captain.

What is your relationship like with the king?:

Eugene likes to remain merely a polite and faithful acquaintance of nobility, rather than touching the sun he'll bask in the rays. Unfortunately this man is no Icarus.

Do you agree with the King?:

The captain doesn't agree in the slightest, yet as his job and under oath swear him into the position, he'll begrudgingly fight. Although even so, his passion for strategy and adrenaline serve him well.


A sturdy and well forged steel cutlass, lightweight yet strong and manoeuvrable; Two shorter daggers, one in his boot, the other harnessed to his chest.


Strategic Mind

Excellent Swordsmanship

Extensive armed combat training

Fast, efficient and effective


Charismatic to a degree



A tall, dark, and mysterious man, standing at the height of 6’5 with broad shoulders, and sleekly muscled figure. Usually, he is seen to be one of the most intimidating captains; his height and shadowed features playing a large role. Eugene, wears a tri-cornered hat, along with knee high leather boots, and a cotton undershirt (Over which is a hide waistcoat) Before breeches of brown doe-skin. The finishing touch is his long overcoat, with the collar drawn up around his face. The captain possesses sharp, unyielding cheekbones, with a strong sharply featured jawline darkened with inky stubble. Eyes a dark, almost black ebony hazel, flecked with low hues of green. His hair a tenebrous chestnut brown, with a slight wave to it. Yet to the left cheekbone, a jagged scar is drawn across. Even more scars line his back, chest, arms and legs from years of combat.


Eugene, has forever been a quiet man. Preferring to think before acting out. He is not brusque nor curt, with a very lax and calming demeanour surrounding him. One would often be surprised such a philosophical figure, could be found acting as captain, yet once seeing him in battle you soon learn to respect the man. Or rather what he could do to you. Konstantin follows orders given, religiously although this can sometimes be a downfall, by using his fierce loyalty against himself. He considers himself to be an educated man, with a range of sophisticated and eloquent vocabulary; generally used whenever engaging in conversation with the officer. Even though you may find him to be dark and brooding, beneath it lay a man screaming for release, and a slow spread of insanity. His passions taken, with little empathy left residing. There is only few rules of his own he'll abide to; Never to harm a child, never to harm one of his own men, and to teach that stupidity is merely ignorance that one can easily dismiss.




Carla Evermore (
@animegirl20 )


“Any pretty face’ll do it”


Not yet.




Eugene was an orphaned child in the beginning. Hardly unusual. Yet he was always trying to show off how much of a fighter he was, determined to become a knight at any cost. So it began. He'd sit and watch guards each day, asking them when he'd become one himself. During this time in the orphanage, Eugene had little friends and even less so a voice. The child was almost mute. Yet the males of the orphanage, if not adopted by their 16th birthday, were expected to join the armed forces. So of course, at sixteen the fresh faced boy began his military career. Slowly the battles chipped away his ignorance, his innocence. They left him raw and exposed to the horror of violence committed against fellow man during war. One by one, he watched as his friends were brutally murdered, one by one they fell. His sanity skewered, and torn. Yet upon asking the company's Sargent how in gods name could he smile whilst the men of his command died upon the battlefield, the man replied with the expression of a corpse. “Every good soldier wears a mask.” These words followed him, leaving Konstantin with his own mask, his own hidden bottle of emotion. Throughout this, he managed to fight tooth and claw for each rank. The captain, met many a man on his journeys through the lands, following battles and raiders. Men whom many would consider wise. So it was he became aware of the need for thought and education to unveil secrets hidden. Becoming a captain was one of his harder accomplishments, but meeting the king face to face he was accepted as a hard working, and exceedingly loyal man to have at the side of the throne.

Theme Song:


Down with the tyrant.
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"They took a lot from me. I'm going to take more from them."

Name: Buras

Species: Giant.

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Why did you join the rebels: For the most part, revenge. Long term it's for equality, etc. etc. Short term he wants to leave a lasting impression on against the king and his men.

Weapon: A massive two handed sword. For giants it is a buster sword.

Powers/Skills: A living siege engine. Castle walls tumble before his might, and gates are easily kicked in. A berserker on the battle field, nothing short of siege equipment will he notice, splintering pole arms and becoming a pin cushion with arrows and bolts alike stuck in him.



In armor.

Personality: Fanatically loyal to the rebellion. He will blindly follow orders, even on apparent suicide missions. To those that either oppose the rebellion, ie the king and his men, or simply stand aside he has a profound lack of fondness for. In the case of the king and his men, he will kill them without a second thought.

Family: N/A

Friends: N/A

Crush: N/A

Lover/s: N/A

Married: N/A

Bio: He does not speak of it with words. All that is known is his hatred for the kingdom stems from his past. This is only known because of the intense rage he enters into when in combat.

Theme Song:


Down with the tyrant. I hope he burns.
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Carlisle Beckenskach

"Heed to me and you will not be lead astray, for I have the true answer."

Age: 22

Do you agree with the king?: Somewhat.


• Dictatorship — Carlisle is an incredible dictator when need be, and many people heed to his commands. He has a strong, authoritative voice that carries along a crowd.

• Organization — Carlisle is incredibly organized, almost obsessively so, and has a tendency to put everything into their own perfect category.

• Analysis — Carlisle is incredibly analytic, and can do so rather quickly due to his expertise in the sport of fencing. He has the capability to analyze others via their body language and is able to calculate their potentially next move.

• Observant — Carlisle is very observant and in-tune with his surroundings. He tends to notice most things that a majority of people would not, especially tiny details.

Appearance: Carlisle is a tall, lean man, although somewhat lanky. He stands at six feet four and weighs something around two hundred and ten pounds. He has long and wavy light blonde hair that frames his gently angular jawline, often tickling at his long, squarish nose, thus forcing him to tie it back quite often. He has pale, albeit stern, blue eyes set upon his light complexion. Carlisle has a lean figure with a slightly noticeable waist. He possesses agility due to his slender figure and long legs, and is laced decently with muscles along his arms and legs due to participating in the sport of fencing in his youth and teen years. He tends to dress suitably and formally, yet also quite plainly pertaining fashion and color schemes.

Personality: Carlisle is a bit of an enigma to most people. He can be charming and charismatic, but at the same time can he be sarcastic and lacking of emotion. He tends to change himself at the drop of a hat, and it is undetermined whether or not it is due to a mental corruption. He is a very confident, earnest man at his best, yet he tends to see himself as above others, although graciously lacking the condescending quality that most royalty would possess. Carlisle is very ambitious, and is a prime example of a detail-oriented dictator who actually has plans for his followers. He can get very passionate about subjects in which he favors, and is very witty and amicable in his speech. Despite his more stoic and sarcastic side, he can come off to others as very meaningful and credible, due to an overall trusting and responsible aura that he frequently carries around his royal composure.

Unlike his siblings, Carlisle is kinder; more selfless and less corrupted. He carries himself just as highly as them, but is still quite different from them, even if he does have his colder streaks due to being raised with such obsessively cruel tyrants. He tends to be more in touch with the wants and needs of the people rather than to be so corrupt to the kingdom's inhabitants. Even so, Carlisle can be persuaded to participate in more cruel actions by his siblings; their manipulative natures occasionally allow them to influence their younger brother. It is disheartening, of course, for the prince regards of himself highly with the status of the villagers, and wishes not of corruption.

One big thing about Carlisle is his more attentive and charismatic portion of himself that makes him to attractive to the likes of the standard public. That being said, he wishes to lead a more caring and deep kingdom rather than one so corrupted and being led by a vicious tyrant. He likes to talk to people, and tends to kind himself to be very likable to most individuals. A certain charm about him makes him more favorable.

Family: John Beckenskach | 25 | Brother; king @Kayzo

Friends: (make sure to ask first)

Crush: TBD

Lover/s: (make sure to ask first)

Married: (make sure to ask first)

Biography: Carlisle Beckenskach was born to a family of two other siblings, an older brother and sister, leaving him as the youngest. He was the one of the family with true ambition, even though his brother was destined to capture the throne as his own. Being the brother that he was, he supported his older siblings, despite John's own vicious shortcomings. He tried his best to make the man less cruel, but that was just how he was, no matter who he was around, and Carlisle did not like it one bit.

Even so, he lived a rather normal life—well, as normal of a life that a royal child would experience—with his parents and siblings. Even so, he tended to stray from them. Aki, his sister, tended to be more fascinated in John's crude nature, and even took on similar traits as what the man possessed, and Carlisle hated it. There was nothing he could do, however, so he just had to deal with his terror of older siblings.

He has some combat experience, having fenced when he was a child, and eventually even taking upon himself the art of the sword. He learned to be very quick on his feet as well as strategic and strong. It helped him better himself as a person in general, even if he would never hold the throne as his own. It never really bothered Carlisle much that he was the youngest child, but it soon began to irk him when John had finally seized the title of 'King'.

He would never admit it, but Carlisle believed that a tyrant such as John himself was never fit to rule the kingdom, and that his cruel ways would eventually lead to being usurped, or his potential assassination.

Theme Song:

"Down with the TYRANT."

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/cooltext158641524842191.png.e6e7d66004a841d8ed68bd2f7ada4626.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97827" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/cooltext158641524842191.png.e6e7d66004a841d8ed68bd2f7ada4626.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I don't care if I am a woman. I'll prove to you that I can be strong and cunning as any man!"
Carla Evermore

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_mlk7quXGCK1qd7h1xo2_500-1.gif.7b84f93e129b5b4726273f1f195d6426.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97704" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_mlk7quXGCK1qd7h1xo2_500-1.gif.7b84f93e129b5b4726273f1f195d6426.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




How did you become Captain?:

She saved the king's life single handily one night.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/600full-poster-1.jpg.bcfd1e38ef0bd84f22bb90c3a4e9e3eb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97832" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/600full-poster-1.jpg.bcfd1e38ef0bd84f22bb90c3a4e9e3eb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

What is your relationship like with the king?:

Even though they were once friends there is now distance between them.

Do you agree with the King?:







Battle Commander

Fast Runner


Good in hand to hand combat

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Tenjou.Utena.full.1598654.jpg.802f16af3680ebdf728d7a85c0a450f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97831" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Tenjou.Utena.full.1598654.jpg.802f16af3680ebdf728d7a85c0a450f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Carla is a adventurous, tomboyish, and free spirited girl who looks up to her father and wants to become a knight. She has very pure heart and just wants to do whats right and help other people. Carla is also courageous and believes anything is possible and lets that guide her whenever she faces any challenge. She is independent, very determine and will never give up or let anything get in her way.



Mother - Lives in town


Eugene Konstantin-

Former Friends - King @The Suspicious Eye

Jasmine Beckenskach

Mizuki Gates - thinks she could be a great Knight some days.


King - feels conflicted
@The Suspicious Eye




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Shoujo-1.Kakumei.Utena.full.1420393.jpg.99539d207eedf6f30cfd05013c75b121.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97909" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Shoujo-1.Kakumei.Utena.full.1420393.jpg.99539d207eedf6f30cfd05013c75b121.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

When Carla was young her father was one of the king's knights and was very well respected. For a time she and her mother lived a noble lifestyle until one day her father was killed during battle. Carla was 7 at the time. Then her life took a drastic change. Her mother ended up having to work as a servant in the castle because the money that use to come in from her father had stopped. Carla was very hurt by her father's death she had looked up to her father a lot and wanted to be just like him. Carla had worked with her mother in the castle as a servant girl. The friends she had when she was a noble all ignored her now because she was a servant girl, so she had to make new ones. But is was hard for her because the servants girls didn't like playing with her. They said she played ruff like a boy. Then boys wouldn't play with her much either because she was girl. But she did end up becoming friends with Prince John. John had noticed that she was always alone and started hanging out and playing with her. Soon enough she became attached to him and looked up to him a lot.

Carla's dream to become a knight was slowly fading as she started to learn that women and men had certain roles and that women couldn't become knights. But John encouraged her to do it anyway and prove them wrong. So she went for it. It just got harder from there. She trained really hard and got a lot of backlash for it. The boys bullied and teased her and the older knights just gave her a hard time and pretty much belittling her. After everything she went through they could not deny how good she was. She was beating all the boys at combat and sword fighting. When John finally became king she became a knight. Some time went by and the king was starting to get death threats and one night a highly trained assassin snuck into the castle and Carla happened to be on duty. Right before the assassin could get to John Carla fought him and then and captured him single handed. King John ended up putting her as Captain. She was happy that he was the one granting her this but as she looked at him she noticed something off. When she got the position the men weren't happy and the women talked about her behind her back. She didn't care she had gotten a great honor. She had finally reached a goal that she always wanted. The king was starting to become a tyrant and she knew it wasn't right what he was doing but, she didn't want to give up something she worked so hard for and part of her didn't want to see the king get hurt. She is now in confusion in what to do. Will she stay with the Tyrant king and keep the Knight's oath or betray king to join the rebels?

Theme Song:


"Down with the Tyrant!"



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"The biggest trick the devil has ever done was making people believe he didn't exist..."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.e7985ad0c7f258d93c9dccfd423239ad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.e7985ad0c7f258d93c9dccfd423239ad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Princess Aki Beckenskach

Age: 24

Do you agree with the king:

Almost all of the time

Powers or Skills:

Manipulation- Aki is good at manipulating and tricking people into doing what she wants. She does this with bribery, seduction, or her charm. She tries to use it on her brother when she doesn't agree with his decision.

Iron Will: Aki is a very hard person to break. If someone tries to get information out of her, it will take a lot to get it out of her lips. However if something she truly cares about is in danger, than she's an open book.

Memory: Aki has a great memory, and can recall events and conversations from long ago. It's not the most helpful skill but it definitely has its moments.

Fighting: Aki isn't the best fighter with weapons, but she knows how to use a knife.


Aki's height is about 5'11, making her fairly tall for a princess. She has a soft and beautiful face with pale skin. Her eyes are a light blue color, and though they are pretty, they can still strike fear into others. Her hair color is light grey color and falls just below her chin. She wears it down most of the time with two small braids in the front. She has a sleek body and a good sized bust which she uses for getting information.


Akin is very two-sided. In public she tries to put on a caring personality. She tries to gain popularity among the people and have a good image. The better she looks the better her life will be. However, inside the castle it's a completely different story. She honestly doesn't care about what happens to the people of her kingdom. They make her profit and that's all that matters. She does respect her knights to an extent.

The thing she hates the most in life is the supernatural creatures that inhabit the land. Those disgusting creatures were responsible for her parents death, and they needed to be exterminated. She isn't afraid to get her hands dirty around them. Her older brother feels the same way, and she will support his every decision. She tries to get her younger brother to join in, but he never seems to budge. Aki thinks he's too nice for this world, but still loves him nonetheless.


Carlisle (brother) @PlaguedWithInsanity

John (Older Brother)

@The Suspicious Eye


None really



Soon to be married to Eren Weiss



Aki was born as the middle child in a family of royalty. She grew up a fairly spoiler life with her two brothers. Her parents were wonderful people, but she didn't like how they ruled the kingdom. They were too selfless and deserved more from the people. She always kept this to herself, however, only mentioning it to her brothers every now and then.

She didn't believe that They didn't deserve to die. Aki was fortunate enough not to witness the loss of her parents unlike her older brother John. The events left him shaken and her heartbroken. But being one not to mope for long, she quickly got over their death. Everyone dies at some point, it's unavoidable. There should be no reason to be sad in her eyes. In fact, it wasn't the fact that they died that made her sad, but how it was done and who did it. It sparked a hatred for supernatural creatures, the same one that the king feels. Aki thinks that together they can wipe the species off of this world for good.

(Authors block, not the best writing.)

Theme Song:


Down with the tyrant?



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"My name is Wilhem Osca Schneewald. I answer for the estate, brew coffee, take out the trash and I also kill insufferable self entitled little [assassins] such as yourselves."



Wilhem Osca Schneewald







Are you for the king or against?:

He has his own opinions sure, but he can't openly question the king or nobility since it's not part of his job. It doesn't matter what king or queen do he serves as long as the estate will still stand. At the very least he will protect the master of his castle and serve him willingly till the end.


Hand-to-Hand Combat


Swordsmanship ( can wield both one-handed and two-handed swords )

Coffee and tea brewing



Poison making (Basic)

Herbalism (Basic)


Personality: He's polite as a butler should act and his presence alone gives an air of acceptance or 'warmth' if you will. He's gentle when not facing a combatant. If he's fighting someone that dares to threaten the people living in the estate he will answer to these individuals and show them no mercy. When it comes to allegiance or seeing what is right in the eyes of justice, morality and what's right, he becomes an arbiter. He values his role as a servant and doesn't really bother with anything else.


Mother - Arthuria Edelwiess ( deceased at age 38)

Father - Friedrich Jan Schneewald ( deceased at age 42 )

Brother - Lenard Jan Schneewal ( deceased at age 10)

Brother - Julian Wilhem Schneewald ( deceased at age 3 )

Brother - Lars Alex Schneewald ( deceased at age 17)

Brother - Alexander Lex Schneewald (deceased at age 15 )

Brother - Luther Jens Schneewald ( deceased at age 7)

Friends:(make sure to ask first)


Don't have one


Don't want one


To his job


Raised in a 'normal household' he had spent much of his early life learning mannerisms, how to cook and clean for himself, dress, knit and to be polite. Around the time he had turned seven he was sent off into an academy that specialized in creating these service professions and from there he was whipped into shape by his educators and peers.

During his time in the academy his family was experiencing pretty bad conditions. His family kept getting sick and couldn't exactly afford things like a medical examiner. The stress from the academy and the unfortunate state of his home drove him into a an unimaginable struggle of hurrying his education to tend for his family. He graduated from the academy with the age of 17, but by that time the only ones left from his family were him and his father. It was all for nothing. He was employed as a butler for a number of nobles and eventually worked for the castle.

Theme Song:



"No matter how hard my enemy hits me, I'll make sure to hit them back two times as hard and break them twice as fast."



Luther Jans Ferdinand







How did you become Captain?:

Through merit and hard work. Nothing too spectacular other than the fact that he's got a reputation for being ruthless and a sadist. He's got some skill when it comes to tactics or bouts in strategy and his physical prowess is acceptable.

What is your relationship like with the king?:

He is a subject true and faithful to the king until the king runs out of money - gotta get that cash to protect the land eh?

Do you agree with the King?:

Luther doesn't care as long as he gets paid by the crown and rewarded for his efforts. Be it human or supernaturals, Poor or Rich, Good and Evil, Cursed and Blessed, death knocks on everyone's doorstep equally.


he uses a lance


Excellent rider

Mounted fighting

Spear combat




He is a very dangerous individual. Sadistic, Cruel and Ruthless to his enemies and those that he deems as a waste of oxygen. The strange thing about him is how he could be so calm, collected and quickly become a monster when agitated. If one were to piss him off, he's hunt that person down to the ends of the Earth, with or without an army and do some unthinkable things once he gets his hands on them.


Mother - Iris Burger(deceased at age 20

Father - George Ferdinand ( deceased at age 35 )

Friends:(make sure to ask first)

Crush: ...

Lover/s:(make sure to ask first) ...

Married:(make sure to ask first) ...


Born between a prostitute and an infantryman. Barely more than a couple of years old, his mother was killed by his father in one of his drunk rage episodes and had been forced into an orphanage by decree of a clergy man. He spent his childhood causing mischief, stealing food, robbing road travelers of their valuables and joining fights. After he turned 13 he decided to join the military to earn a more stable income.

After serving ten years in the military he became a candidate of becoming a commander despite his origin and social standing. During those short years he displayed 'average' results onto becoming a commander and became a Captain at the age of 25.



Down with the Tyrant!
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"All things that are born are cursed to die as well, along with all they have learned and accomplished. I can only hope they pass on their knowledge to those of us without this curse before it takes them."


Name: Evitandus

Species: Gargoyle/Artificial life

Age: Approximately 2,000 years, exact number unknown

Gender: Technically none, though Evitandus identifies as male

Why did you join the rebels: He was promised information in exchange for his services. He has no other reason for fighting.

Weapon: None, as his stone body and unique magics are plenty lethal on their own.

Powers/Skills: Stone Skin - Evitandus is made entirely of stone, making physical attacks against him extremely ineffective. This also makes him weigh several tons, resulting in him moving rather slowly. Once he is moving, however, stopping him is nearly impossible through normal means.

Regenerative soul - The magic that gives Evitandus life also slowly regenerates his body in the event it is ever damaged. Regeneration can take anywhere from a few hours to several years depending on the severity of the damage.

Flight - Evitandus is capable of flying through magic for as long as is necessary despite his immense weight. His landings tend to be rather noisy.

Crystalline Breath - Evitandus can exhale a white-blue powder that turns into extremely heavy clear-blue crystals upon contact with any surface, which allows him to incapacitate foes and block passageways. The crystals become extremely brittle and are easily destroyed after about fifteen minutes.

Appearance: (See image above) Evitandus is a massive stone gargoyle, standing at ten feet while down on his wings/legs, up to twenty feet when standing on just his hind legs.

Personality:Evitandus is best described as a curious child, always exploring the world around him, always eager to learn more. Curiosity, however, is the only emotion he ever really shows; he simply hasn't developed the ability to feel emotion yet. This can result in him being cold, even cruel, to other creatures that he feels he has nothing more to learn from. Though Evitandus will willingly follow someone and fight for their cause, he does so only because he wants to learn something in return. He feels no loyalty, no anger, no respect, no hatred, nothing even resembling emotion. He simply wants to learn.

Family:None, as Evitandus was artificially created.

Friends:None; Evitandus does not understand the concept of friendship.

Crush: None. Just as he does not understand friendship, Evitandus does not understand love.

Lover/s: N/A

Married: N/A

Bio: Evitandus started life as an experiment, his simplistic and unintelligent soul the result of a Warlock's research on artificial life and souls. This simple soul was infused into a gargoyle statue along with other magics, and Evitandus spent the first ten years of his life acting as the Warlock's protector as he delved deeper into his research, hoping to discover the secret to immortality.

The Warlock's research led him to an ancient orb said to be able to make any spell work, no matter how demanding the cost. Using the orb, the Warlock cast an altered version of the spell he had used to create Evitandus to try and make himself immortal, only for the spell to backfire; instead of giving him eternal life, the orb tried to give the Warlock a second soul, resulting in a massive explosion that killed the Warlock and destroyed the orb. Evitandus was seemingly unaffected by the explosion; however, as he stood guard over the Warlock's body, the residual magics slowly fused with his soul, giving Evitandus intelligence and the ability to learn.

The first thing Evitandus learned was that the Warlock was dead, and therefore no longer required protecting. Leaving the Warlock's body behind, Evitandus left to wander the earth in search of his next purpose. After almost a thousand years of wandering aimlessly, Evitandus had his first self-aware thought; why was he looking for another purpose? If he had only been created to guard the Warlock, did he even have any other purpose?

Concluding that he had no other given purpose, Evitandus decided to give himself purpose and discover how the Warlock had given him life and why he felt compelled to wander. After another thousand years of exploring, Evitandus stumbled upon the kingdom of Avalon and those who were rebelling against its king. Evitandus decided to fight alongside the rebels in the hopes that it might lead him to new knowledge about life and his place in the world.

Theme Song:[media]

Down with the Tyrant!
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Human or witch/warlock:


Are you for the king or against?:

For the king


-Taking Orders



-Anything a maid would have


Appearance:(Can put this anywhere)

Little less hair

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Maid.jpg.17bb798313994697870abc397890e3d0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98081" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Maid.jpg.17bb798313994697870abc397890e3d0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​


Obedient to a fault, Slightly oblivious, Kind, Needs to make sure everything is clean, Always tries to do her best at everything and is eager to please her master.


She was picked up from an orphanage when she was 3.










When she was three she was picked from a very select group to become royal maids. And so until she was 13 she was trained to have absolute loyalty to the royal family among other things. When she was done being trained she was assigned to Prince Carlisle

Theme Song:

Down with the Tyrant



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"My king,"

Name: Tristan Agro

Age:(25-up) 31

Human or warlock: Human.

Are you controlling the king or helping him?: Helping.


He is very smart and has a wide base of knowledge.

Very good at using a bow and arrow, as well as knives and stealthy combat, knowledge of the arts and supernaturals and how to fight well.

Organizational skills.

Very flirtatious- persuasive.



Loyal and mostly kind, he's protective and acts more like a guard. Tristan is honourable and enjoyable to be around and treats everyone else above him.

He will get annoyed but not show it. He's flirtatious and hellbent on serving and helping others.

Family: None.

Friends: He is the royal adviser of course, and so the King.

A few guards.

Perhaps the Prince.

Crush: None yet.

Lover/s: -

Married: -


Born and raised in a thievery gang, Tristan learnt many things...he developed picklocking, killing and concealing little things, he was found on the streets-caught. He was running before a man found him, adopted the boy and took him in. This being the predecessor. The royal man educated Tristan, as well as ensure he could fight properly. After he passed away from an incurable illness, Tristan followed him in his footsteps and begun serving the new king.

He's been doing it quite some time.

Theme Song:

Dark Times - Ed Sheeran. The Weeknd




"Pathetic humans should learn to bow down,"

Name: Celeste Silver

Species: Changeling

Age: 210 looks: 27

Gender: Female

Why did you team up with the rebel leader?: She's had enough of them all being treated like rubbish, being imprisoned and slaughtered for no apparent reason. It's time she felt they stood up.


She can shapeshift into others and also have their voice, she does this with ease, she can't however shapeshift into an animal, despite this she can keep this up daily but must take breaks inbetween.




She's a little cold at times but overall a kind character, she tries her best to be warm and loving to humans who enter her tavern as most are in need, wounded or pregnant, she charges very cheap to the humans who can't protect themselves, she despises though the hatred for the richer humans and guards who wish to destroy her family.

Being a changeling however, Celeste can adapt to many situations without even the family or friends recognising her until a good few weeks, she's adaptable, stubborn but a dman right flirt and likes getting what she wants.

Family: None at all

Friends: Tbd

Crush: None yet

Lover/s: None

Married: Nope


Born to her mother and father, Celeste was moving back and forth between different towns, using her powers to change her identity Celeste was living a life where she was on the run, whilst staying at a kind couples house who housed the 3 supernaturals, they were discovered by the King and his Guards, her mother and father along with the couple were murdered in ront of her eyes as she hid below the floorboards, when the guads were heading out, she got up out of her hiding space and quickly followed suit as a guard, she escaped into the forest and has never looked with kindness upon the Guards and richer people. She set up her tavern 70 years or so back and ages herself to match the time, saying things like the "former owners" daughter, or niece.

Theme Song:

Dollhouse - Melanie Martinez

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Tyrant King

"Blood, is what put me in this throne.

Power, is how I've kept it.


With both I have become the greatest slave to my kingdom and my past.

Each calling me to action."

Name: John Renouart Beckenskach

Age: 25

Why do you hate supernatruals?: "A supernatural killed my parents in the worst way possible. I will not forgive them, I will never forgive him."


Through extensive combat as a child he has grown to be a strong and powerful warrior. His combat skills improve in:

Combat Strength- unbelievably skilled in most known forms of fighting. Along with extremely durable and stronger than the average knight.

Immunity- Ever since he was a child he had been exposed to various poisons and toxins to develop a immunity to most, not all but most.

Anger Empowerment- More of a psychological thing, the anger he gets the more focused he becomes and stronger. Suppressing pain, sharpening instincts and motivating him to fight to the end.

From his father he learned much about how to be a leader and his nature has made him dark and observant. His skills includes:

Tactical- Thinks outside the box, using his mind to get the upper hand over his enemies.

Intelligent- He knows what is going on in his kingdom

Unpredictability- completely unpredictable nature. No one is sure what he will do, so everyone is on edge around him.


Personality: John is cruel, short tempered and unpredictable. He struggles between right and wrong, and feels haunted by the past. He has a strong hate for supernaturals and has made it his life mission to get vengeance, no matter what the cost. John is a strong fighter and is able to strike fear into people. He is always on guard and emits a dark aura that is somewhat intimidating. Although, he emits a sort of respectful charm around the ladies. There are few that John trusts and even fewer who he keeps close.

Family: Brother-Carlisle Beckenskach @Kayzo

Friends: Former Friends- Carla Evermore

Crush: N/A

Lover/s:(make sure to ask first)

Married: N/A

Bio: The eldest of the Beckenskach family, John was taught by his father how to be a proper king. He grew up portraying the lessons his father taught him, encouraging, kind, cheerful, and warm. He wasn’t one to leave anyone behind and cared for everyone equally. That is until his parents were murdered and he was attacked. It was a supernatural who brutally butchered his parents into unrecognizable piles of blood and flesh. Leaving him with the trauma of watching their murder, a mortal wound and a near death experience. He couldn’t remember much after the attack, he repressed most of the events. However, he knew, he knew that it was the doing of a supernatural and his parents will get their vengeance.

After that experience something changed in him, he grew colder, detached and his actions showed it. Soon after the death of his parents he took the throne, unsteady in what to do he grew stressed and strained quickly. Slowly the memories of the past that he repressed began to surface. He became haunted by the past and the only assurance was to follow through on his promise. Taking action, he vowed that his parents death would not be in vain and he would get his killer no matter what the cost. Having the power to do so, his tyranny and distrust grew.

Theme Song:


"Down with the Tyrant King"


"I don't know what to do... I may act like I know everything, like I'm all grown-up... but... when it comes to something like this? The truth is, I really am just a... kid. I don't think I am ready to grow up yet."


Jasmine Beckenskach





Human or witch/warlock:


Are you for the king?:

Not Sure




A few combat skills

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/render_152___24_1_2015___anime_girl_by_mizumikid-d8f3np8.png.d093a84c59fc9fd425766d976d71b140.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98435" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/render_152___24_1_2015___anime_girl_by_mizumikid-d8f3np8.png.d093a84c59fc9fd425766d976d71b140.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Jasmine's personality is beyond words. She has a very crazy and hyper personality, making her very energetic. Though she has her heart in the right place, she's quite oblivious about matters that involve the bigger picture of things and lacking knowledge in some areas, or math to say in the least. Jasmine can be dense to some things. Jasmine constantly has a deep sense of right or wrong and will go to extremes to correct situations if they are involving those she is close to. She has a habit of picking up strays, and has a puppy name Coco. She is also very kind, and will do whatever she can do to help people. She will also go to the full extremes if needed, as that is apart of her personality. She always sleeps in and tends to be late sometimes.


Father: No longer living

Mother: Sasika

The royal family


few noble girls

Carla Evermore




to young


to young


She has lived a pretty normal life of a noble. Though her mother is strict and always trying to get her to act like a proper lady. She is always getting in trouble. Her father died when she was 5. He just got sick and couldn't get better. She doesn't understand the king hating supernatruals. Her mother does not hate them but tells her daughter to make sure she stays away from them. Right now she is confused and doesn't know what to think of them. Also she wishes she had more freedom to be a kid.

Theme Song:





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"To hell with the kingdom. I am done being a slave to those wretches. I kill for a purpose, and only so."


Lelios Machis







King or Rebellion:

For the rebellion


  • Can talk to animals
  • Meld himself to trees, being great for stealth and camoflauge
  • Has manipulation over plants and other wild growth
  • Expert with a bow
  • Wields his knives with much skill
  • Expert Tracker, making him an excellent hunter



His prized Elven bow, crafted by his ancestors, passed down by his family. It is an ancient but very durable bow, created by elven diamonds and Oak wood.

Elven Knife:

Created by his own father, he uses this blade for close combat.


Lelios is a hard headed, but loyal individual. Usually getting himself in trouble, he always itches for battle, wanting to go into the fray, and defeat the king. Being an elf, he is surprisingly very hot headed, most elves being calm and diplomatic. However, Lelios is always constantly arguing or preparing himself for a fight. He is very loyal to his captains and friends, he just chooses to show it differently, giving nicknames to many.


When Lelios was young, he was raised in a peaceful kingdom of the Elves, being a proud hunter with his father and brother. For years, he hunted and fought for the Elven Kingdom, knowing the forest like the back of his hand. However, at 16, everything changed. In the quiet afternoon of a spring day, the Empire suddenly started attacking the Elven Kingdom. Days, weeks, and even months passed as the war continued on and on. While the Tyrant King's army didnt defeat the Elves, they were dealt a heavy blow, and several of their citizens and warriors were taken hostage. Lelios and his lover were in that group. For two horrible years, they were both tortured and enslaved. However, it was much worse for Lelios. His eyes are a special color, rare in human and elves, a fiery orange mixed with a snowy white color, making him a rarity to the kingdom. He was forced to become the Kings personal slave, tortured everyday by the nobles and Duchesses. One day, on his 18th birthday, his lover, Meliana, was brought to Lelios. Lelios was struck with horror as he looked at his former lover: what he saw was a tortured and broken elf girl. Lelios was heartbroken as they tossed the dying girl in front of him. Tears were running down his face, and the stream only got thicker as she was shot through her back, and through her heart. The corrupt nobles laughed at Lelios' pain, forcing his head into her pool of blood. On that days night, an infamous jailbreak occurred, and Lelios was set free. Ever since that day, he has been with the rebellion, constantly fighting battles and going against the Kingdom.

Why did he join the Rebellion:

He was enslaved by the kingdom for years, forced to watch the woman he loved be tortured and killed in front of him. He was forced to drink her blood, his disgust for the kingdom rivaling that of the Rebel Leader.


I'm sure someone can get to him

Lover: NA

Married: Single

Theme Song:​


There for Tomorrow- Just a Little Faster



Down with the Tyrant!

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"I will repeat history itself. He shall kill my own family then I will kill his."

Name: Naomi

Species: Forest nymph

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Occuption: Villager/Slave

Are you with the king?: No

Why?: He killed her family, she plans to do the same.

Power/ skills:

She can sense any lie, due to her earth spurts, doesn't matter if you worlds best liar she'll always know.

Very agile

Earth magic/ earth powers/ manipulation

Can ends earth harm

Can communicate and control animals,


( she has long straight dark green hair)

Personality: Fiery, loyal, sly, challenging, stubborn, witty, easily angered, polite, cold.

Bio: being a nymph, her and her family grew up with nature deep in the forest, having no part in the rest. One day when she was 17, people stormed in burning things, they slaughtered her family and captured her. Forcing her to be moms a slave, beaten and thrown around.

Theme: Flyleaf- Again

Friends: none

Family: Dead

Crush: none

Marriage: (nope, single)

Lovers: none

Down With The Tyrant!
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Deidreus Lughaidus

(Day-dray-us/Day-dree-us ·~· Lou-guy-dess/Loo-guy-duss)

"I will have that king's head, no matter what cost."

Species: Zeaglem

Avian/Elemental — Ram + Eagle + Snake — Zeaglem (Zee-glem)


Zeaglems are a very mixed hybrid species. They are half eagle, half ram, as well as a little snake.

They are fire-benders, making their sole purpose evil: dealing destruction and wrecking havoc.

Their mysterious and slitted snake eyes can glow in the night, and the Zeaglems are very manipulative and controlling with them, almost like Medusa but mind-control. One must look into their eyes for such an effect to form.

Born with large, magnificent avian wings, they are natural flyers, and tend to rule the skies over the lesser beings. Not only are Zeaglems amazing flyers, but with their ram-like legs, they can run at quite impressive speeds.

'Survival of the Fittest'
is one of their most prime instincts, so any inferior species is viable prey.


Gender: Male

Why did you join the rebels?:


Major Power/Skill:

· Fire manipulation and creation

Minor Power/Skill:

· Mind manipulation via eye contact

· Agility and physical & mental strength

· Ability of flight and hovering

· Snake tails are extremely strong, and can easily strangle/bite someone, or merely grasp items


· Rain (they cannot fly when wings are wet; they cannot use their fire)

· Lights (they cannot visually manipulate others)

· Lack of weight (they are part avian, so their bones are very light)

Appearance: Deidreus' skin in the slightest bit gray, and his darker furred lower half stretches up to his ribcage, in addition to five bright blue stripes that encircle the thinnest portion of his already minuscule torso. He also possesses this dark fur around his neck, resembling something similar to a neck scarf. His forearms have fur as well, hands having long grey fingers with long black nails resembling dastardly claws. In his palms are black-singed bald spots in Deidreus' hands, completely lacking of fur, due to his fire-bending abilities. He has bright, almost entrancing golden eyes with sharp slits for pupils. Almost like a clown's makeup do black stripes extend down a couple inches in pointed triangle-like shapes down his cheeks.

Black horns also protrude from his skull, stretching out backwards and bending downwards and out. Deidreus' bright and thick ginger hair hides the beginning of his horns, as well as his fluffed black doe-like ears. Long brownish avian wings protrude from the base of the back of his shoulder blades, being able to stretch out to an incredible wingspan of seven feet. Usually do they lay dormant and folded, and are able to give off the illusion of small and short bird-like wings. A long sapphire snake sprouts out from Deidreus' tail bone, possessing glowing white stripes in an irregular pattern that is unique to any breed of snake. It is fully controllable by him, but sometimes seems to have a mind of its own. The only peculiar feature of the snake are its almost dead-like, lifeless golden eyes.

Deidreus doesn't wear clothing very often, finding the garments to be completely uncomfortable and unconventional, but when required to, he will wear some sort of long shirt or possibly very loose shorts.

Personality: Zeaglems are very aggressive breeds; even the females are quite ferocious. They are known for their sarcasm, stubbornness, lack of emotion, and sadistic relations/thoughts. They are often very hot-headed and don't listen to reason. The strong killing instinct is found very often in this species, making them increasingly dangerous to those around them. Take EXTREME caution when trapping or holding captive of a Zeaglem, as they will try anything to escape from capture, even by mutilating their captor.

Deidreus himself is an incredibly cruel and caustic individual. He is very lacking of empathy, yet tends to anger easily, unfortunately being a loose cannon when angered. He is very dangerous when provoked, and will not stop at anything that is not destroying anything and everything in his path until calming down. He is very quick to judge, and tends to go to a fight reaction in a fight or flight situation. Deidreus has a very fiery spirit, and hates to lose. He is one for confrontation, whether it be physical or simply verbal, and does not try hard at all pertaining censorship.

Deidreus, like all of his species, is driven practically all by instinct. Therefore, his is incapable of love and friendship.

Family: N/A

Friends: N/A

Crush: N/A

Lover/s: N/A

Married: N/A

Biography: Deidreus, being a hybrid, was forced to learn the ways of survival. His family was anything but royalty and high class. It was hunt or be hunted, even by your own siblings. He had two brothers and one sister, so there was constant competition. By the age of 12, his sister was gone, and she was only 14 in human years himself. By 17, his older brother had fallen as well as his mother. When at the prime age of 20, everyone else he knew and loved was also gone. Overcome by depression, Deidreus lacked his own self-care, as well as not caring what happened to him. No one would want anything to do with such a hellish hybrid.

Eventually had the kingdom heard of Deidreus, because he had to kill other things to survive, being strictly a carnivorous species. He was captured by a hunting patrol that was commanded by the tyrant of a king. So, he sat in a cold, metal cage, awaiting either his escape or potential murder/scientific exploration. Being held captive unearthed sadistic and vicious instincts within him, and he was determined to no end to escape and kill the guards as well as his followers for taking creatures this way. A deep hatred for the king was born within the beast that was Deidreus, and he sought for potential escape, as well as blood dripping between his claws.

But, his current location was rumored upon the rebels, so it was there mission to get him out of the castle's depths and stop more of the king's relentless murder.

Theme Song:

"Down with the TYRANT."

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"The Tyrany King is a dying tree in a beautiful meadow. I want to be apart of the axe that cuts it down.


Asaki Mai







<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.c6ef2a68f3882758e654db7a6b49b611.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98521" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.c6ef2a68f3882758e654db7a6b49b611.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Asaki stands at about 5'9 and weighs around 129 pounds. Her hair is a light blonde hair that runs down to her lower back. She always wears her hair down. She has fierce Amber eyes that can strike fear or be reassuring. She has a well built body and pale skin.

Reason for creating the Rebels

She thinks that the treatment of supernatural creatures to be cruel and unfair, and that he needs to be put to death for the good of all living creatures.

Powers and Skills

Archery: Asaki is an excellent archer, having a near perfect shot. She prefers to use a bow over other weapons on the battlefield, even on the front lines.

Sword Fighting: Though not as skilled in the area as she is in archery, Asaki is still a fearful sword user. Her quick reflexes prove to be a deadly force on the battle field as she cuts through her enemies like a hot knife on butter.

Organization: Asaki is great at keeping tags on where people are, what they're doing, and who's accompanying them. Her workspace is also very nice.

Strategizing: Asaki is skilled at planning out attacks on the King and his resources, though she does always consult others before launching her troops into danger.


Lightwood bow- As the name suggest, her trusted now is very lightweight allowing for very agile plays and maneuvers.

Shortsword- A short sword crafted from some of the finest metals. It's heavier than the bow but can be just as deadly.


Asaki is a very "all work no play" type of person. She believes that if the rebels just ran around drinking and playing, their army would be very unorganized and inefficient. She's very strict with her army, and doesn't take shit from anyone. If someone talks back or disobeys orders she'll chew them out for hours. She doesn't tolerate horseplay during a battle, but around the base she'll let it slip. She is driven by the death of her parents and sister. It's taken a huge toll on the leader and she hasn't yet recovered from it, and often falls into a depressed state. Asaki isn't strict because she hates everyone, but rather because she doesn't want them to screw up and lose their lives. However, every once in awhile she will celebrate with the people.


The Rebels


Megumi Mai (Mother, Deceased)

Fujio Mai (Father, Deceased)

Tsukiko Mai (Sister, Deceased)



(If anyone is interested, hit me up)


Asaki grew up in a little forest village with two loving parents and a younger sister. The four lived a relatively fair and prosperous life. She and her sister Tsukiko were very close. They were each other's best friend and it seemed nothing could break them apart. By the time Asaki turned 22 and her sister turned 16, the Tyrant King took control of the throne. Asaki didn't think much of him at first, and actually felt bad for the poor mans parents, but ten his extermination campaign began. Her village was one of the first hit by his wave of soldiers, the corrupted men storming through and slaughtering everyone. Friends, neighbors, strangers. None were safe from the king. The soldiers began to burn down the houses and people, and it was utter chaos. In all of the destruction, Asaki managed to escape, but none of her family did. She never saw Tsukiko die, by she knew deep down that the girl didn't make it out. It ruined Asaki and filled her with such a list for revenge, which led to her creating the rebellion.





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Other Characters

"Live to fight another day."



Lenard Stressing​





Why did you become a knight?:

Because it was the only profession that he knows that he could do. Lenard was honestly bad at being a stable boy, not a big help around the fields and didn't have the motivation to do stuff like chores. Soon as the boy had the opportunity to enlist himself he decided to serve his king and country at the expense of his own life.

Do you hate supernaturals? Why?:

He doesn't hate any supernaturals, he has however come dislike them and can tolerate a number of them but to actually resent those types of people seems unnecessary to him.


One-handed broad sword

Circlular torso shield


Power swing


Shield Combat

Good swordsmanship (one-handed swords)


Calm and aloof​


Mother - Sarah Lessing

Father - Thomas Lessing

Sister - Franziska Lessing ( deceased 15 )

Brother - Mitch Lessing

Brother - Pascal Lessing

Brother - Steven Lessing

Brother - Stefan Lessing

Sister - Michaella Lessing

Brother In-Law - Fred Bauer

Nephew - Michael Bauer


Sebastian Ritter​








Lenard was born in a caste of peasant farmers. He spent much of his life working in the fields, albeit poorly he still had something to gain from the labor, such as the development of his muscular build and body constitution. It wasn't until he turned eleven where his parents told him that he should be something else. The farmer's life wasn't something that he could manage and everyone in his family knew that and gave him their recommendations on becoming a soldier.

He became a simple infantry man having nothing at first but the cloths on his back, a wooden sword and a wooden shield. On his first campaign he managed to take and scavenge gear to prepare himself for the oncoming battle with a regiment of deserters. Through that battle he was seen as a potential candidate on replacing an veteran knight. Four years later at the age of 18 he was promoted as a knight.

Theme Song:



"Do you think being a knight is a noble thing? I'll tell you otherwise, greenhorn. With these hands I can only take away life, every day the stench of blood would remain imprinted in my mind and every night I am tormented by the souls that I've killed..."






Why did you become a knight?:

He was inspired by the good tales from knightly heroes since the early years of his youth.

Do you hate supernaturals? Why?:

He sees them as dangerous beings. He fears their power and doesn't want understand them.


One-handed broad sword




Power swing

Sword dance

Quick step

Excellent swordsmanship (both one-handed and two-handed swords)


Gloomy, Quiet, Distant
Eren Weiss​



Mother - Hildegrad Weiss

Father - Leonard Weiss (deceased 45)








Soon to be married to Aki Beckenskach


He was the son of a merchant family. He had the opportunity to appreciate his home schooled education and better living standards. His father couldn't raise the boy due to his job and had the boy raised by friend who happened to be a nobleman of the king's court. The man taught him stories of great men and women, tales of lands and riches that no one could imagine and dangerous creatures that can bring harm onto the fragility of man. The boy learned to spar with a sabre while growing up with the man and in the coming age of 16 He enlisted himself into the military. He was a prodigy among his peers and after a short while could even compete with Captains such as Luther or Casandra but he chose to stay a knight.

During his time in the military his mental health began to deteriorate slowly due to the souls the amount of people he's killed with his own hands and grew less fond of war.

Theme Song:



"My life for King and country!"



Sebastian Ritter





Why did you become a knight?:

It runs in his family. It's pretty natural.

Do you hate supernaturals? Why?:

Imagine what would happen if A supernatural that hated humans had taken the throne... It could probably guarantee the endangerment of the humans that live inside the kings realm.


two-handed long sword

Large Rectangular shield


Power swing


Shield Combat

Good swordsmanship (two-handed swords)


Patriotic, Optimist and Hard-faced


Mother - Helga Ritter

Father - Leon Ritter

Grandfather - Heinz Ritter










He wasted much of his childhood practicing the arts of the sword, developing himself through a balanced diet, training schedule and daily exercise. He was going to become a knight through his family and would fauxpass the whole enlistment process where he would be forced to work with peasant infantrymen to fight enemies on horseback or better equipped enemy soldiers. He became a knight with 18 and befriended with knight Lenard for their unique shield combat.

Theme Song:



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"Win? No, it's not about winning, not right now. Now, it's about lasting long enough to get what we need to win."

Name: Gareth Bryne

Species: Lycanthrope.

Age: 28.

Gender: Male

Why did you join the rebels: Well, he's a supernatural, and he was in the military, and he didn't want to die and have a dishonorable discharge, etc. etc.

Weapon: A two handed, single edged, long sword that curves slightly. On it's scabbard, pommel, and just above the hilt are intricately engraved herons, a mark of a blade master in his order. On one side of the blade itself are the words "Death is Lighter Than a Feather." On the other, "Duty is Heavier Than a Mountain."


Powers/Skills: A member of the Knights of the Old Ways. Simply put, they don't hold this thing called Chivalry in much light. They are the enemy, they are to be killed, especially on the battle field. Their reason for thinking this is simple, your enemy will not give you the same luxuries that you are giving them. The Knights of the Old Ways have also been taught to fight less with straight up strength, though they don't disapprove members working on their strength, but to also rely on their dexterity. A favorite for teachers to say is "The mighty oak falls in a strong storm. The reed bends with the wind, and survives.



Personality: He has embraced the Old Way completely. No mercy on the battlefield, no punches pulled, and nothing left up to trust. Off the battlefield, he is often stressing over the supplies the rebels have, how to get more, and how to keep the supplies they have secure. And then there is training the recruits. The King has well trained and well equipped soldiers. They may have a giant and a gargoyle, but the majority of the rebel army in his eyes are farmers.

Family: It's safe to say that he doesn't talk about them. You never know who you can trust.

Friends: No friends. They are liabilities, especially when they die and take a part of your heart with them.

Crush: He admires the will power it must take for Asaki Mai to lead the rebels. He refuses to let it go any further then admiration.

Lover/s: N/A

Married: N/A

Bio: There isn't much that isn't known about one of the few supernatural officers in the Old King's Guard. A lycanthrope, or werewolf, by birth, he often locked himself away in the event of a blood moon, causing him to forcefully transform and go into a blood lust. Most of the time, however, he remained in his Guard Uniform, which he still has, and the armor as well. Not going to let that go to waste. With his keen vision and generally enhanced vision, as well as his strategic brain which was nothing to laugh at though it wasn't anything to brag about, he quickly went from grunt on the front lines to officer. Until the New King took the throne, and put a bounty on his head for simply being a supernatural.

Theme Song:



"I owe nothing to the king or his kingdom, yet I will still fight."

Name: Thiel Fareos (Fah-ray-ohs)


Gender: Male

Why did you become a knight?: I was a gift, given to the king by a neighboring kingdom when he rose to power. My skills were doubted, I made sure to fix that, now I serve this king as a knight.

Do you hate supernaturals? Why?: No. In my kingdom of origin supernaturals were common and widely accepted. I bear no ill will towards them, though I will obey the king's orders to kill them whenever they are given.

Weapon: "I AM a weapon."

Thiel wields two swords using them one at a time normally he draws them both when he feels it necessary. Other than his blades Thiel relies on his own supernatural strength and skills in combat.

Powers/Skills: Thiel has a variety of powers and skills ranging from magic to sword play. Despite his youth Thiel is already a master swordsman capable of easily dispatching less experienced opponents. His dual wielding style adding to his ability to overwhelm and end his enemies. Thiel is also very unique, while still technically human Thiel has been so intensly imbued with magic that he has become more like a supernatural. Since being subjected to countless experiments in his past using ancient and complex magic Thiel has gained superhuman strength and speed. Along those same lines his senses are greatly enhanced, eventually leading to extra senses to arise. These two senses are magic detection, and aura reading. If magic is being used Thiel can pinpoint it's location and navigate his way to it if need be. Aura reading allows Thiel to essentially read a person learning their mood, race, and even detect if they are lying just by looking at them. Lastly Thiel has an intimat connection and powerful control over magic. Having a proficiency in various fields of magic including healing, combat, and even necromancy. Thiel severely limits his use of magic knowing the king and his fellow knights general distain for it. He will even limit himself to human levels of strength and speed unless in an actual combat situation, he may allow himself some Liberty if sparring but will otherwise keep himself in check. A side effect of Thiel's use of magic is that his hair and eyes are typically blood red. Though if he has not used magic in a while his hair will return to his natural blonde as his eyes return to a not so natural (though natural for him) gold.

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Personality: Thiel can be seen as apathetic, detached from his fellow knights and many others in the kingdom he does what he needs to. Some have accused Thiel of having no drive, no internal desire that could make him surge forward to be great, those people are ve mistaken. Thiel longs for a place where he belongs, having believed he had found it when he rose to the elite ranks of his old kingdoms military. He was deeply wounded when his former king sent him away to another kingdom as little more than a present. Thiel can actually be very devoted and once he feels he has found his path, his conviction will lead him to do whatever it takes to reach his goal. Once a desiccant is made within Thiel he becomes a nigh unstoppable force blowing away all in his path, but first he must find himself. An interesting fact about Thiel is that he feels no fear, an odid though useful trait it has allowed him to step forward even when everyone else is cowering. Lastly despite his typical calm and quiet behavior Thiel is very kind and sociable. He will not initiate conversation and leaves the starting of any interaction to the people around him, but he will gladly speak to my who would like to. In the deepest reaches of his heart all Thiel wants is his freedom. Being forced to do any and everything he has been told he wants to find peace knowing that he finally controls his destiny, though he has accepted that as a knight in service to a king such desires are but dreams to be pursued only in the depths of sleep. No matter how many times he reiterates this truth he still cannot help but hold onto hope deep inside.

Family: None to speak of

Friends: Nada

Crush: None

Lover/s: Nope

Married: Nuh-uh

Bio: Thiel was born into a noble family, one important to his home kingdom. However the family had gotten into trouble and was at risk of falls out of grace with their king. At this point in time that King had been dealing with supernaturals committing serious criminal acts and getting away with it due to the kingdoms inability to properly combat them. This led to a plan, a plan to make a human who was capable of dealing with a variety of threats both humans and supernatural. Numerous tests had been done before trying to integrate it into grown already trained men. However their physicalities were already established, their minds already formed, and senses settled. So the next step was to try children, normally the children were collected from slums. During one of the collections Thiel was taken at only four months old. Allowed to keep only his first name his surname was eliminated keeping him from being able identify his family or his own status as a lord. One who would be quite powerful at this point in time. Over time the mages and researchers inf Thiel's home kingdom were amazed to see that Thiel was evolving at a rate far beyond their original hopes. This led to more of his family being taken until finally the family had grown to such importance where they took the operation over making the process one that would make their family more powerful. This was long after Thiel had been pushed from one branch of the kingdoms' military to another. He was force fed knowledge until he began learning at a faster rate than they could teach. He advanced to the highest position in the elite force and was ultimately put into the royal guard. The princess had grown fond of him while Thiel was perfectly harmless in his interactions the princesses obsession grew to the point where the king sent him away conveniently as a gift a newly thrones king. Ever since Thiel has served his new king though the embers within him are catching.

Theme Song:

A broken silence - Hope





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"Fools all of them and that king is a utter disgrace. It's time that someone more worthy had the crown....This time no mistakes."

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Sasika Beckenskach



Human or witch/warlock:

Human for now

Why do you want the crown?:

"That crown was supposed to be mine! Yes I'm not the oldest but on my father's death bed he declared me queen! And that brother of mine cheated me out of it! Because I'm a woman he thought I couldn't handle it. I will get that crown and nothing will stop me."





Good at conniving and at getting what she wants

Very good faker and liar.


She is a very strict a snob and confident woman. But she is very lady like and does have a kind side to her. But she craves power and feels like this nonsense has gone on long enough.


Husband (no longer living)

Daughter: Jasmine

The royal Family


All of the nobles








She lived a pretty good life. During the time her father was king he did his best to have women equal to men. On his death bed before he died he said he wanted her to rule the country. He thought that this would make a big statement. She was ecstatic of course but her older brother was not happy. So her brother had warlock change the document her father had made out to make it official that she be queen. He made it so it look like he was the one who would be queen. When she tried to tell people it was a lie no one believed her. Years went by and she accepted the fact she would never be queen. One night her brother and his wife died. She was crushed even though she hated what he did to her she still loved him. I mean they were siblings. When his son took the throne. The kingdom basically went into chaos. Right now she has had enough.

Theme Song:





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"Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others.

Name: Eliza Parr

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Human or witch/warlock: Human

Are you for the king?: Yes, though reluctantly, and she would be easily tempted to fight against him.


Intelligence: She is very well educated, and can speak Latin. She also makes time to read up on her lands, and check for any problems that may arise.


Personality: Eliza is very mature for her age, having been brought up as the heir, but she can seem like she someone you can manipulate at first glance. She uses this to her advantage, playing the part of the innocent girl, new come to her fortune, while around anyone in the royal court. She enjoys messing with them by allowing them to think that she is weak, when in reality she is the opposite. When she is in her normal estate she tries to act fairly, and will deal out justice herself whenever she can. She will fight alongside her people if necessary, and does everything she can to protect them, which is why she still supports the king. She thinks out strategies carefully, and always plays for the long game.


Margaret Parr- Mother (Deceased)

Henry Parr- Father (Deceased)

Alice Parr- Sister (Lives away from home)

Friends: P/M

Crush: P/M

Lover/s:(make sure to ask first)

Married: No, and she doesn’t want to, as she wants full control of her lands.

Bio: Eliza was the first child in the marriage of Margaret and Henry Parr. She was tutored from a young age on the normal things for girls, such as needlework, singing, and Latin, but she was also taught the art of running a country, sword fighting, and archery. Three years later her sister was born, but her mother died during the birth. After this her father retreated into himself, becoming mad with grief, so the two girls were raised by the servants, and lived in fear of the madman who happened to be their father. Eliza always swore that she would protect Alice from him, and, as they got older, she did have to on some occasions. When the new king came to power Alice was sent to a far away family to protect her, while Eliza took over as regent of her father’s lands while he rotted away in his rooms. She chose to become the ally of the king to protect her tenants and the servants who had raised her. When her father died they had the proper funeral, but no one but the oldest of servants really remembered anything good about him. Since then Eliza has ruled her lands, protecting them as much as she can and making alliances, in case the time comes when fighting will tear the land apart.

Theme Song


Down with the tyrant king
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"Life is nothing more than a push forward. I've lived a long life, seen many wars and viewed life from afar. This is what I have learned



If you want it, work for it.

It's that simple."

Name: Parinath Roluth Mneventh

Species: Dragon Witch (aka: Half Dragon Half Human)

Age: 87 although looks like she’s 15

Gender: Female

Why did you join the rebels: "I was asked to and am bound to my word, besides this pointless slaughter needs to stop."

Weapon: Magic

Powers/Skills: Fire magic/ manipulation. Her speciality is summoning fire dragons both large and small.

He physical skills include:

Small- she is just barely 4’3", makes her hard to catch

Agile- quick and maneuverable, she flits around the battlefield

Durable- Raised by dragons, she knows what roughhousing really is and can take a punch.

Personality: Growing up in a time of peace she is disappointed by this pointless blood bath. She was once a strong, ruthless, intimidating and brave. However, over the years she has mellowed out, become calm and mothering. Taking care of those who seek out her assistant and is bound by her word to assist when needed. She is a pacifist, emitting grace and calm wherever she goes. Preferring to heal with herbal remedies and potions, than fierce attacks. However, she still has a sharp tongue, not afraid to spout out any remark she sees fit. She enjoys playful banter and to insult her opponent.

She is also dreadfully lazy, and usually lets her owl companion do the talking at her inn and at meetings.

Family: Dragon Mother- Syrilth- (off in the north for retirement current age: 350,000)

Dragon Eldest Brother- Ohen- (off to the west current age: 27,000)

Dragon Elder Brother- Rhosalth- (off to the east current age: 9,000)

Dragon Elder Sister- Razeth- (off to the south current age: 9,000)

Dragon Elder Siste- Mianth- (vanished current age 1,110)

Father- Tamolth Mneventh- (deceased at age: 109)

Friends:(make sure to ask first)


Lover/s: (Ask if you want it)

Married: Widowed, her former husband was named Ikos Kalhem (deceased at 25)

Bio: Hatched from a dragon egg less than a century ago Parinath had a unusual life. She grew up with her four dragon siblings who treated her just like any other dragon. She roughhoused and fought with them, ending up with plenty of broken bones. Luckily, her father was a warlock who taught her all about healing. As her siblings left for their own journeys Parinath worked with her father and became a powerful fire witch. Powerful enough to catch the attention of the royals.

As a powerful fire user and well known apothecary Parinath was a loyal friend of the kings past. Dragon born she was born with overwhelming magic powers and used it to help the people of her lands. She used her powers to assist previous kings build their kingdom and fight by their side in times of need. However, as peace grew over the years she knew her strength was no longer needed and left.

During the time of peace she loved the unification of the supernaturals and the mortals. To maintain the peace, she moved into the woods and decided to open a potions and herbal remedies shop. Living with a large white owl as her only companion she spends her time away from the kingdom to recuperate. She makes and sells potions and preparing logging for weary travelers of all kinds.

Theme Song


"Down With The Tyrant King"
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"I want to fight for the glory of the King and his people!"

Mizuki Gates

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Why are you training to become a Knight?

To protect The King as well as her friends and family.

Do you agree with the king?

Somewhat. She understands his lust for the blood of Supernatural creatures, but doesn't believe that each one is an evil, satanic creature


Mizuki uses a spear in battle.

Powers or Skills:

Quick Learner: Mizuki learns best by seeing and doing, and she can pick up fighting techniques and strategies fairly quick.

Lance Fighting: Mizuki is currently training to use a Lance in battle. She's fairly good at blocking and stabbing, but doesn't plan on throwing any time soon.

As she continues her training, her skills will grow!


Mizuki is a very excited and obedient individual. She values the knight code and lives it in her everyday life. She's always eager to get out onto the battlefield to fight for the kingdom with her large spear. She's a hard worker and an excellent listener, carrying out her duties to the best of her ability. She's a bright person and tends to pick up on things quickly. She can be a little outgoing at times, but tries to contain hersel around the higher-ups. She's not the biggest fan of killing, but she'll do it if needed.


Megumi Gates - Mother

Alexander Gates - Father (deceased)


She really looks up to Carla Evermore, but doesn't know if the captain would call her a friend.


She has a crush on the Prince, but is 100 percent sure that they won't be a thing, so she doesn't bother to try. Mizuki does hope that when she gets knighted the prince will recognize her.




Mizuki entered the knight program at 12 years old. Her father was a knight which sparked her interest and passion to follow in his footsteps. She wanted to prove that she could be just as strong as him. She left all of her friends and mother for the life of a knight, a decision that was very hard on her. Fortunately she had her dad around during training, so she wasn't completely alone that was of course until he was killed in a battle against the supernaturals. This hit Mizuki hard, but her training didn't falter. She had to finish what he started. Now, after four years of training and hard work, the girl expects to be knighted in a months time.






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"Life is a gamble."

Name: Joshua

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Why did you become a knight?: I became a Knight because I thought it was a good way to test my prowess with the blade. And they offered a good wage so why not?

Do you hate supernaturals? Why?: I had never encountered a supernatural before. Can't hate something I had never even seen.

Weapon: Mainly blades. Any type.


[]Proficiency with blades

[]Able to predict enemy's movements

[]Able to negate most magical effects (Confusion, curse etc.)



[]Happy go lucky

[]Childish at times

[]Loves to gamble


Family: Family back in hometown, Jehanna

Friends: -

Crush: -

Lover/s: -

Married: -

Bio: I'm someone who loves to gamble. I would gamble at even the smallest things. I consider myself a very lucky person since I win like 95% of my bets and gambles. I had been wielding the blade since I was 12. My father who was a bladesmaster back in Jehanna, would train me every day. I grew a certain passion for the blade, and also gambling. I came to this kingdom because hearing about this tyranny and rebellion thing made me excited. I'm not some mad killer of course. I just would like to spar with whoever the enemy was. And do a bit of gambling here and there. After the rebellion is over, I would propably go back to traveling as a mercenary.

Theme Song:[media]


"Honesty will get you further in life then lies ever will."

Name: Gwendolyn "Gwen" Ryia

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Human or witch/warlock: Human

Are you for the king?: No, but she will hold her tongue for the sake of her husband


-Retains no Supernatural or Mystical Powers


+Archery (Advanced Level)

+Knife Combat (Proficient)

+Swordplay (Basic)

+Medicine (Advanced)- Can treat most serious injuries and remedy certain poisons


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Gwen is a gentle, kind-hearted and patient soul. Despite growing up in a Narcissistic, Egotistical and Selfish Noble Family, Gwen strove not to be like them and wanted to be a different and better person. She does not like how Nobles and Clergy Members are disrespectful towards lower class citizens. Oddly enough, she dislikes the Clergy greatly more then she dislikes nobles, believing Religion to be nothing more of an excuse to not pay taxes.

After getting married to Carlisle, her Personality took a darker turn. However, she still uses her kind heart and patience to deal with his influence. She is very kind and patient with others, often wanting to be fair with others, which brings her into conflict with how she thinks about the king. She is good at keeping her thoughts to herself, often afraid to voice her opinion in fear that she will be killed for it.

Family: Has a Baby on the way, doesn't really like talking about her extended Family

Friends: PM Me



Married: Carlisle Beckenskach (This is okay, right, @PlaguedWithInsanity ?)


Gwen is a member of the Riya Family, one of the closer Noble Families to the Ruling Family, known for their Warriors serving in the Kingdom Military. Gwen is the youngest child in her Extended Family and the only daughter to her parents. Her Father was the second Oldest of Five, while her Mother was the Youngest of Five. Since the age of six, Gwen had been groomed for an arranged marriage with one of the Princes in the Ruling Family.

While the Relationship was shaky at first, Gwen did her best to try and improve the relationship as time went on. Although her arranged Marriage has gone through rough patches, Gwen is still happy with Carlisle and hopes that their relationship turns around for the better. But now with a Rebellion and a Civil War brewing in the Kingdom, she finds that difficult and hopes that it can be resolved peacefully.

Currently, she is with child and midwives have predicted a boy.

Theme Song: Moment of Silence by Tapani Siirtola


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