The twins, Axel and Diesel


( These are two of my favorite characters that hit me when I found a certain RP, I was happy to make them and they are also my first to be shared, so yes the form is still there xD )

<b>Name: (Required)<br /> Scotland "Axel" Edwards <br />


Age: (4-17)<br /> 6 <br />

Gender: (Required)<br /> Male <br />

Bio: (More than a sentence!)<br /> Scotland had been with his brother alone for about a month before being found under a car sleeping. Scotland particularly was sleeping on the car's Axel earning him hi nickname. The twins do not know of their original homes and simply call themselves what they wish. This one (the one on the left in the picture) named himself Scotland. <br />

Rebellion or No?: <br /> No, unaware of it yet <br />

Likes:<br /> -Smiling





-Talking <br />

Dislikes:<br /> -Misery


-Mean people <br />

Other: Even though small, he has a big heart, Scotland will defend you no matter what. "I won't leave you alone, Blake, we will help everyone, together!"


<b>Name: (Required)<br /> Blake "Diesel" Edwards <br />


Age: (4-17)<br /> 6 <br />

Gender: (Required)<br /> Male <br />

Bio: (More than a sentence!)<br /> Blake was named after a person on the street that Scotland over heard talking to a store manager. Being it as the two weren't aware of their past, the two preferred to be together and only really knew each other until they were brought fresh into the orphanage. Blake is never far from Scotland and together they are a duo of happiness. <br />

Rebellion or No?: (If so, state your place)<br /> No

<br />Likes: -Books




-Talking <br />

<br />Dislikes:<br /> -Sweets

-Mean people


-Messy areas <br />

Other: "When I'm with Scotland, we can take on the world, but when we are apart, an ant can break us." </b>
Needs considerable work on background. Right now the entire idea of the character hinges on the character image and remains more of a concept then a true character.

I don't see them as sweet but instead as a half finished selfishness so intense that the rest of the world is cut out by their pairing. I get the intense urge to separate the two just to see them break and be remolded into strong characters with a new stronger bond with each other.

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