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Fantasy The Twelve Vessels OOC

When the Miner Headquarters is in Elmas

Also, I noticed that your character sheet was made of images supplemented by BBCode.

It's sleek as hell and you put it together fast, nice work!
Also, I noticed that your character sheet was made of images supplemented by BBCode.

It's sleek as hell and you put it together fast, nice work!
Thanks! I'm writing this all day, and i had a template lying around, I just had to change some things. Glad you like it!
Perhaps the Emerald Vessel could be the first found by the Jewels, and help to find the other Vessels? Or did you have another plan already?

Or maybe they're found last because they use their future sight to hide :P
We are going to start off all being found and at the Jewels Temple in Phailian
Alright I have her up now. I needed to stop where I was at or I was gonna start writing a novel for the Additional Information for Dour.
Alright I have her up now. I needed to stop where I was at or I was gonna start writing a novel for the Additional Information for Dour.
I love it! It is actually kind of similar to the lore of Dour from my book. Super superstitious, birds and fish are a big part of their lives
Hahaha so many short people, I need to get my character sheet out because so far every new character has had an aspect to them that was the same as mine.
Hahaha so many short people, I need to get my character sheet out because so far every new character has had an aspect to them that was the same as mine.
Ha. Same. But, people be like that.
I worked too hard to get face claims to throw away my ideas
Can you change the color of the font? It is a little hard to read. Also you are missing something from the rules
Which of all of them?

Also, My excuse is is that I quickly skimmed through it at midnight yesterday.
Added it

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