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Fantasy The Twelve Vessels OOC

Were actually missing the pearl vessel, we don't have a charachter created for that yet. We need a healer if were going against these monsters we call miners.
Tell that to Mr. Gem collecter/Corrupt Vessel...OH WAIT THATS YOU, sounds like your working double sides to get us at a disadvantage.

Well I never... admitted to that. But to be fair he's going to take a long time to find the Vessels I'm sure. After all he is seeking out ALL the gems and I bet the majority are the evil ones.
Come on, we won't know how bad it is til we try
Says mister fly away from the fight and doesn't care about war...

Ooh wait he can copy the healer power. If he does that he'll be nigh invincible!

Really? You'd choose healing against Illusions, Poison breath, Flying, or Controlling fire...get your mass murder priorities straight man.

All in all I'm joking about waiting for a healer.
Says mister fly away from the fight and doesn't care about war...

Really? You'd choose healing against Illusions, Poison breath, Flying, or Controlling fire...get your mass murder priorities straight man.

All in all I'm joking about waiting for a healer.
All the other ones are dangerous to use though. What if he copies flying and hits personality becomes like fly away man?
All the other ones are dangerous to use though. What if he copies flying and hits personality becomes like fly away man?
Honestly, you know the chanches of the healer being a pacifist or coward, they come from introvert island...take your gamble
You're so sleepy your quoting things about the last time you were supposed to sleep...wth!!
Yeah, it is ridiculous. I have just been binging Brooklyn nine nine instead... I want to be asleep, but here I am...
Anyway, yeah, we are just waiting on Typewriter
Says mister fly away from the fight and doesn't care about war...

Really? You'd choose healing against Illusions, Poison breath, Flying, or Controlling fire...get your mass murder priorities straight man.

All in all I'm joking about waiting for a healer.
I deeply care about war but fighting in it sounds like a lot of work. Do I get brownies in return?
Hiya! I should have Pearl posted tomorrow.
I'm sorry for the delay, last week was finals week and my parents and I ditched town this weekend to get my mind off the anxiousness.
Hiya! I should have Pearl posted tomorrow.
I'm sorry for the delay, last week was finals week and my parents and I ditched town this weekend to get my mind off the anxiousness.
Nah, you're fine, no rush. We are just excited

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