The Truth About Life And Death

Aiko Ramiano

Junior Member
So... My goal is to make this roleplay a romance, action, fantasy like roleplay (I didn't know where to put this roleplay at so I put it in other :/ ) Now lemme tell you about this roleplay :D

You died, and you're lost somewhere in a world where you never came to before. You died and you didn't live your life happily or you just feel really guilty for something you did and ect. You came to this world to find what you need. You meet other people to join them or just to meet them. You can never die in this place but you can feel pain. You can get powers if you want. Fight other people, fall in love with other people, or become friends with other people.. your choice. (I guess you can say this roleplay is almost like Angel Beats if you heard of it
xD )


1) No Godmodding please

2) Keep this PG-13 at least, you can cuss too just don't go crazy with it.

3) Be friendly (unless your battling) and fair

4) Please try to meet people until your 4th thread.

5) Meet other people to and don't stick to one character.

6) Enjoy this roleplay

Character Sheet/ Skelly


Nickname (Choice)-

Age (14-26)-



Reason Why You Came To This Place ( Just put Reason for short)

Powers -


Others (Choice)-

Appearance (Picture or a description)

My Character Sheet/Skelly

Name- Marzia Lebrano (MAR-zee-Ah Leh- Brah-No)

Age- 16

Race- Neko :3

Personality- Outgoing, Positive, Insecure, Creative, Active, Anger- Issues (But is adorable when she is angry) Childish (acts about 8), Sensitive and Delicate

Reason- She never got to have a free life, her parents would abuse her, insult her, and won't let her go out with friends or something. She decided to commit suicide by overdosing pills.

Powers- None D:

Skills- Cooking, Climbing, Singing, Acting, Song Writer, Guitarist, Pianist, Violinist, Speed, and Clawing (Rewr)

Others- She usually cries at random times. She can also be mature at times to. She loves sweet and sugary stuff. She would do anything for a fish shaped biscuit. She's also pretty short (4 foot 6 inches or 137 cm)





Name- Roxanne Luminair

Nickname- Roxy

Age- 17

Race- Siren

Personality- Bubbly, Positive, Slightly Depressed, Creative

Reason- Roxanne had been picked on because of people accusing her mother and herself of being witches. One day, a gang of her peers tied her up and burned her at a stake, much like Joan of Arc.

Powers - None

Skills- Singing, Dancing, Writing, Designing, Poetry, Guitarist, Drummer, Pianist

Others - She loves sweets. She just wants to make everyone happy, even if it means possibly sacrificing her own happiness.


Name- Kimioshara

nickname- Kimi

Age- 15

Race- Neko

PErsonality- I'm quite fun and bubbly, but when im upset its hard to stop me from putting the hurt on someone

Reason- As a child no on wanted to keep me due to the fact im a neko, so i decided to come somewhere where i can be excepted

Powers- the power to hug people!!!

Skills- i can clean and cook great!

apperance- look at profile pic
Name: Isabella Irene Williams

Nickname: Bella

Age: 16

Race: Demon

Personality: Dark, Quiet, Creepy, Wierd, Outgoing, Sweet.

Reason: Bella was shunned in her small town. People often called her a Demon, or an Evil Soul. Her parent's died in an awful car accident after her birth. She was given to an Orphanege. After trying to fit in, she was jumped in an alley one day. Left to die, and that's wha she did.

Powers: Telekinesis, Mind Bending ( Explain more in Rp ), Being creepy and Antisocial.

Skill's: Writting & Singing.

Demon Appearence-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-132.jpeg.85eb8a861b4561b1ea7db9a6215cfd4f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="168" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-132.jpeg.85eb8a861b4561b1ea7db9a6215cfd4f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-9.jpeg.e1e97e8855695400642adcc04eeaff0c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="167" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-9.jpeg.e1e97e8855695400642adcc04eeaff0c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Shiki



Personality: quiet, attitude problems but can be really nice once you get to know him and loves candy

Reason: He had a little sister named Mary who he loved very much then one day they went home only to see their place getting robbed one of the robbers pointed the gun at his little sister and shiki glady took the bullet for her and he died just in time to see his little sister run out the house

Powers: Is able to bend his own blood and can teleport but it weakens him sometimes

Skills: Playing the violin and piano

Name: Roberto

Age: 23

Gender: male

Race: Anthropophagus

Appearance: Looming at 8 feet tall


Personality: Despite his appearance, he is very approachable and friendly. A tad melancholic, but otherwise very good company. Thoughtful and selfless.

Reason: A troubled childhood, he missed many things he needed to prosper, including a decent father figure.

He bled to death on a battlefield.

Power: He can heard multiple forms of the undead. His ability to eat, heals wounds to him and helps take on aspects of what he eats (ie if he eats a Neko's remains he gains cat like agility), he can eat carrion, he can survive three weeks without water. He is a capable fighter and immensely strong, due to his sheer size and seemingly supernatural strength, able to pick up oxen above his head.
DrKiril Accepted but please... dont eat people in this rp... and can you add the link to your picture.. i can't see the picture. other than that it is accepted... i will post the thread soon people.. ^^
Shoot... it says the photo is forbidden....... and eat people that are made up is fine... just dont eat people that are here.... you know what im trying to say?

Name- Gin

Nickname (Choice)- None

Age (14-26)- 18

Race- Demon

Personality- He is carefree, but mischievous, and has no problems tricking people.also becomes much more sadistic, and enjoys using his "Choose" ability to kill people. Even so, Gin is very protective and is easily well known to get along with.

Reason Why You Came To This Place ( Just put Reason for short) Having no choice, the two siblings were taboo to the laws of heaven and hell. Their parents leaving their side, the two were sentenced to death. With out a tiral or a plee of help, the two sibling were killed.

Powers - Materilization: Gin and rin use their hands as guns. Putting their thumb up and the middle, indx fingers together like a gun. The ammo that the pair use are created with the twins' power of "Materialization", which is when they simultaneously think of what ammo to use. The revolvers merely serve as a medium for their synchronized imagination.

Ammunition: Blue Bomb: Freezes anything it hits.

Red Bomb: Burning Red Planet : Combines to form a large fireball, which they name "Blazing Red Planet" . Can be used at least twice in rapid succession.

White Bomb :Creates a concussive blast capable of extinguishing a massive fireball instantly.

Green Bomb : Traps anything in a green slimy prison.

Purple Bomb: Trick Glasses : Covers the eyes of their enemies in a purple goo that is impossible to remove, called the "trick glasses" after which, the twins can make their enemies see anything that they want.

Judgment: Once the twins shoot each other in the head, they merge back into their original form: Judgment, like the twins, have the power of "Materialization". As their bodies are one, they no longer need the guns to act as a medium, but instead simply think to create whatever they want. Unlike the two weaker bodies of they have extraordinary strength and speed, and can harden their body to augment their defense greatly. Using this body manipulation, they can also manipulate thier hair to extend, pierce through humans, and act of its own accord if cuts.

Skillz- Cooking, Hiding, Fighitng

Others (Choice)- Gin and Rin Are Twins

Appearance (Picture or a description)(gin is the top one)

Name- Rin

Nickname (Choice)- None

Age (14-26)- 18

Race- Demon

Personality- Shas a colorful personality, ranging from playful and sweet to sadistic and secretive. She does, however, always behave in a mock-childish manner.She can be extremely affectionate, cherishing her family, above all else. She has a childlike need to be entertained at all times.She's also extremely protective of those she cares for, willing to endanger her own life to keep them safe.

Reason Why You Came To This Place ( Just put Reason for short) Having no choice, the two siblings were taboo to the laws of heaven and hell. Their parents leaving their side, the two were sentenced to death. With out a tiral or a plee of help, the two sibling were killed.

Powers - Materilization: Gin and rin use their hands as guns. Putting their thumb up and the middle, indx fingers together like a gun. The ammo that the pair use are created with the twins' power of "Materialization", which is when they simultaneously think of what ammo to use. The revolvers merely serve as a medium for their synchronized imagination

Ammunition: Green Bomb : Traps anything in a green slimy prison.

Purple Bomb: Trick Glasses : Covers the eyes of their enemies in a purple goo that is impossible to remove, called the "trick glasses" after which, the twins can make their enemies see anything that they want.

Judgment: Once the twins shoot each other in the head, they merge back into their original form: Judgment, like the twins, have the power of "Materialization". As their bodies are one, they no longer need the guns to act as a medium, but instead simply think to create whatever they want. Unlike the two weaker bodies of they have extraordinary strength and speed, and can harden their body to augment their defense greatly. Using this body manipulation, they can also manipulate thier hair to extend, pierce through humans, and act of its own accord if cut.

Skillz- Cooking, Hiding, Fighitng

Others (Choice)- Rin and Gin are twins

Appearance (Picture or a description)(rin is the bottom one)

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