The Troubles and Risks of Flirting with the Enemy [Inactive]

@oOBubblesOo @SilentWhisper @SkinsLover4Life @LannaRae @Martin @jewelboy @TechnoDragon


Time; 12:06 pm ; Beginning of Free Period

Weather; Perfect out, beautiful and sunny. ☀


Ali was the first one to leave class. She sauntered down the hallway and pushed open the door, the sun instantly kissing her face. She saw the boys surging out of the door, some instantly crossing the courtyard to flirt with the girls. She watched girls obviously flirt back, twirling hair between their fingers and giggling obnoxiously. Ali walked over to her favorite spot under a big oak tree, sitting down, and pulling out her phone to check the time. About 12:06, she noted. She was so happy the weather was gorgeous, it was much better than rainy days. Her eyes flitted around the courtyard for the guys she saw as most attractive; Wimbleton's top two Lacrosse players, Mike and Mason. She often called them M&M, but didn't see them currently.

Shrugging, she leaned against the tree, and waited for one of her friends to exit, or to be approached by someone else, instead of approaching them. Basking in the sun, she stared at her sun-kissed color, blond curls falling daintily over her shoulder. Closing her eyes, she soaked in the sun instead of attempting to search the courtyard for anybody again. She could hear the frustrated shouts from boys and girls playing football, and the excited chatter of girls nearby. She heard the deep voices from guys flirting awkwardly with girls who just giggled at every measly noise that came out of their brute mouths.
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Mason wandered casually out of the school, carrying on with a few of the other lacrosse players. They stood just outside the doors and talked for a brief moment, primarily about their next practice and what their plans for the weekend were, before they all dispersed. Mason continued on his way down the steps and out into the crowd. He kept his eyes open for anyone who stood out to him, meaning of course his next 'mission' as the guys called it. Just as he arrived across the way at the girl's school, Mason stopped momentarily to talk to a small group of girls who all seemed quite attractive; your typical blonde-haired, blue-eyed flirty girls. One girl made a point to tell Mason they would all be at their next practice just to see him. Another girl asked about Mike, a guy Mason didn't know too well but knew just enough about. He simply smiled and walked away, telling the girls he would see them around and let Mike know he had some admirers in the crowd as well.

Approaching a happy medium between both schools, Mason took up a seat at a table. He glanced around briefly before pulling out his phone, flipping through his social media apps and searching for any new, interesting information. Hearing a few greetings thrown his way and dipping in and out of other's conversations, Mason found sitting alone to be quite interesting so far. He liked giving other people the opportunity to approach him rather than always being that guy that talks to everyone else. Mason kept his eyes trained on his phone just as he heard a few guys approaching. Their voices sounded somewhat familiar but he could tell instantly that they were younger based on their discussion and the names of younger girls they tossed about. That's when he heard a familiar name -- Mallory. Mason instantly tensed up and tightened his grip on his phone, ready to jump up and get in the kid's face about what he was going to say. Once he continued his sentence, simply saying that was his new science partner, Mason told himself to relax.
Erik sat at the desk next to the window of his last class which over looked the courtyard that connected the two schools. He watched as all the "popular" guys walked out of the door and across the court yard to intermingle with the girls of the other school. He snickered at how their testosterone levels skyrocketed when Free Period started. It was as if the guys were moths and the girl were the only source of light in darkest part of night. Erik, however, wasn't much one for socializing or being outside - or socializing outside. Instead, he usually sat inside and got prepared for his next class.

Erik scanned the room and noted he was the only one left. Erik pulled out his MP3 Player out of his black jeans and slid his earbuds into his ears. He quickly flipped through his library and settled on the song, Grey by Yellowcard. As the melody and lyrics began to play into his ears, Erik picked up his books and made his way back to his room.

He no sooner made it out of the room and noticed how all the guy's that were still inside turned to look at him. They stared at him and began to speak. Erik couldn't hear them over his music, but he knew what they were saying, "It's the mute kid." "I hear his parents didn't want him and sent him here." "The delinquent." "He can't speak." This was a normal day for Erik as he moved up the stairs. He walked to the end of the hall and opened the door to his right.

The dorm room was smaller than the rest due to it being a single bedroom. A bed was placed in the upper left corner with a nightstand right next to it. A desk was located in the opposite corner. A laptop computer rested on the desk while a Yamaha acoustic guitar rested against it. To Erik's right was a dresser and to his left was a small bookshelf with multiple notebooks on top of it.

Erik sighed as he threw his books on the desk next to the other textbook. He then flopped down onto the bed and stared at the poster taped to his ceiling of Avril Lavigne sitting cross legged with her guitar. He sighed and closed his eyes for a few seconds. Erik sat up on his bed and pulled out his phone from his pocket. He searched through his contacts and hit the call button on one of them. He pulled his earbuds out and put the phone to his ear.

A couple of rings passed and an voice message was heard, "Hello, this Charles Harrison. Sorry I can't answer right now, but go ahead and leave your name and number and I'll get back to you later." the phone beeped.

"Hey, C, it's Erik. Just hoping we could chat. I could use some help." Erik said and paused for a moment. "I almost started the other night, but stopped myself. So, yeah, I could use some help. Call me back." Erik finished and clicked the End button.

Being one of the last people out of the school, Marilyn just hoped to find someone to sit. The weather however was perfect, you don't get many of these days. Where the sun shined and there was a slight breeze that would slip through every nook and cranny. People milled around everywhere, soaking in the sunlight as well.

Finding a lone table, Marilyn hurried to get it. She set her book down next to her and took out her cellular device, making sure no one called her. Like someone would call her. She quickly put her music in and opened her book, memorizing the page her eyes last left. She put both elbows up on the table and her small hands supported her chin, her golden hair fell between her and the rest of the world, creating a curtain that can only block out sight but not sound. Her eyes scanned the small text, soaking up all the information. She wasn't one to socialize during free period, if someone were to come socialize with her, she would obviously try to make conversation. The only problem is that, she has difficulty keeping a conversation going and to not spill everything out at once. She turned up the instrumental music louder, she couldn't concentrate with all the voices and conversations buzzing around.

Nicholas woke up to the sound of his classmates telling him to wake up, as he had dozed off during the middle of class. He slowly brought himself up and off the chair as he glanced at the clock to check the time.

"Huh, it's 12:06." he muttered to himself. He walked out of the classroom and had started to wonder what he should do during free period. He figured he would go to the gym to shoot basketballs to pass the time. He quickly made his way into the adjacent hallways and glanced out the window to see the courtyard. He stopped in his tracks and stared at the bustling of students moving onto the courtyard to socialize and mingle with friends or to flirt with the opposite sex. He read the emotions of the people he witnessed and made quick decisions on the groups. In one group, he analyzed a girl talking to a male student quite happily. However, in the boys eyes, he could see that the boy did not care for the girl and gave her no special attention. He glanced at the watch on his wrist and read that it was 12:10, he figured he should hurry to the gym before anymore time would be used through people watching.

It was 12:15 by the time he reached the gym, his eyes wandered around to find a ball to shoot. At last, he had found one and started to make his way to an open net. He raised the ball up and calculated the arc he would need in order to make the shot go in and only put in so much energy to make the ball move. The ball soared through the air and into the net, creating a large sound when it hit the mesh. He overheard a student talking about how he wished he could shoot like that. Nicholas gently smiled at the compliment given to him. He then walked to the half court line, and started to sink balls into the net with a smile on his face.
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