The Trinity Tree

Have fun, remember the rules.


I balance precariously on one of the thin willow branches. Taking a deep breath and pushing the thought that it's over four hundred feet to the bottom, I draw my sword. Tipping it slightly higher than usual, I get ready for a duel. I plan on flipping in the air over my opponent, then doing a downward slice, this s the best position.
Averelle sat in her ofice in the palace. Yes, ofice she was trusted and improtant enough to have one. She sat reveiwing a case, divorce. the finished but and tidied her desk and sighed glancing over to the table unn of gifts.

Ever since she had been eligable for mariage many suitors had been sending her gifts, she liked not one of them, she didn't want a prince charming, to plain, too boring.

I sit on my bed, combing through my black hair. People say black and brown don't go together... I guess my eyes will have to be an exception, considering I cannot change them. Not that I want to, though. I let my mind wander...
She stood up and sighed running a hand through her hair. She decided to take a walk and get fresh air. she left a note on her desk and one on her door. Averelle decided to walk into the village she slowly walked into town, glad for destraction.

I quickly disarm my opponent and end the duel.

The First Year students at the Warrior Academy gawk. "Simple." I say as I walk by. I head back to the castle, then to my chambers. I chose a place in the willow chambers. I step through the thick layer of small willow branches that serve as a door and into my hall. Which is all willow branches. Unless you know how many step to take before you reach a door, you'll run into a wall. I walk to the very end of he hall, and then strait through the willows to appear in my bedroom. I collapse on my bed, thankful for it's softness.
(I just realized that I accidentally put Eden at the top of my first post. Sorry!)


Laying back on my Japanese futon, I sigh. I let the brush roll out of my hand and inhale deeply. The Japanese blossom scent surrounds me, a good attribute of my room placement. Being the leader of the Asian regiment, I was permitted the room that is completely surrounded by the branches and flowers. Lucky me.

I inhale deeply, then sit up. A huge, black curtain hangs from the ceiling and surrounds my bed. I nudge aside the curtain and step out. Then I go to my window, crawl out, and climb my way to Keiko's room.

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