The Trinity Tree background and sign-up

First of all, if your brain starts hurting from all you have to read, just don't even bother to sign up.

The Trinity Tree is surrounded by mountains that go beyond the clouds. The mountains protect the Tree. Why? The Trinity Tree is an absolutely ginormous tree made up of three different trees intertwining. There is a willow, a dogwood, and a Japanese cherry blossom. The main branches are able to fit a sizable house in it comfortably, or a mansion. And that's exactly what happens. An entire city is within the Trinity Tree. And the beings within are amazing as well. Each one gifted with powers and the ability to control elements. They are all given extra senses. Some of them even have wings, or tails, or things of the sort. Located in the center of the tree, where the branches intertwine the most, is the Castle. The Castle is both within the branches and outside of the branches. But, a lot of things are medieval, though some things aren't.

~Extra Information~

NOTE: Using powers uses energy.

The Ranks are:

Warrior: If you don't know this one... Just don't even bother. Usually have 5 elements and 8 powers.

Scout: Adventurous beings specializing in speed, agility, and nature-related things. Usually 10 elements and 5 powers.

Rogue: Wandering ones who specialize in quick escapes, survival, and frighting styles. Usually 9 elements and 8 powers.

Royal Adviser: Wise ones who specialize in negotiation, trust, and (hopefully) positive actions. Usually 3 elements and 5 powers.

Spiritual Adviser: No, not ghosts and stuff, but they are a lot like psychologists. Usually 2 elements and 10 powers.

Sage: Powerful beings with poor skills unless in mental and power areas. Usually 3 elements and 13 powers.

Page: Soon-to-be squire who works on fighting, weapon, and general knightly skills. Usually 4 elements and 7 powers.

Squire: Soon-to-be knight who continues working on general knightly skills. usually 5 elements and 8 powers.

Knight: The medieval equivalent to a modern tank. Usually 7 elements and 8 powers.

Healer: Best at healing and remedies. Usually 7 elements and 7 powers.



No cussing

No demigods, werewolves, vampires, witches, or wizards.

No more than 4 characters to a person

No controlling a player that ISN'T yours

Don't be too graphic

Put "Blue berries are purple" in "other" if you read all of this





Race(Elf, Human, Etc.):



Facial Features:



Body Type:


Extra senses:



Specialize in(No higher than four please):


Name: Averelle

Gender: female

Age: 20

Race(Elf, Human, Etc.): Human

Personality: Happy, Calm, friendly.


Facial Features: button nose, , full red lips and rosy cheeks

Hair: Long, waist length blood red hair

Eyes:large kind blue eyes

Body Type: Slender, hourglass shape.

Rank: Royal Adviser

Extra senses: If people are good or bad and if people are lying

Powers: Em path, common sense (i couldn't think of anything else to name it, like gut feelings)

Elements: Air Water and earth

Specialize in(No higher than four please):? Advise

Skills: giving advise

Other: Blue berrie are blue and she loves roses
My Form~

Name: Kai Amazon Knightley

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Race(Elf, Human, Etc.): Elf

Personality: Strong, quiet, leader, sarcastic, likes dark colors and prefers a lonely corner to an open, crowded space, courageous

Height: 6'5

Facial Features: Small nose, square jaw, high-cheek bones

Hair: Waist-length, strait, black

Eyes: silvery blue, turns silver when feeling great emotion or concentration.

Body Type: Tall, lean, fit

Rank: Princess Warrior

Extra senses: Energies. sensing personalities(That's the best way to explain it...)

Powers: Healing, Mind, Invisibility, Pursuation, Lie Detecting, Illusions, Life Force, Enhancing Abilities at Will

Elements: Fire, water, electricity, earth, air

Specialize in: Fighting, double-weapons, Blacksmithing,

Skills: Blacksmithing, and several others...

Other: Has a twin named Keiko. A.K.A. Zephora
My Form~

Name: Keiko Koi Knightley

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Race(Elf, Human, Etc.): Elf

Personality: She personally enjoys being alone to being anywhere with people. She can keep a nonchalant demeanor even while she is anywhere from extremely happy to burning with rage. She likes dark colors, especially blue and black, but she also enjoys the color white.

Height: 6'3

Facial Features: Angled jaw, moderate nose,

Hair: Waist-length, straight, black

Eyes: They are a golden brown that intensifies to golden when she just can't hold her emotion in any longer...

Body Type: Taller than usual, fit, lean

Rank: Princess Warrior??

Extra senses: She is very close with God, which results in a natural instinct to make good decisions.

Powers: Healing, Mind, Invisibility, Persuasion , Lie Detecting, Illusions, Life Force, Enhancing Abilities at Will (We are twins, after all....)

Elements: Water, a bit of fire, electricity, earth, air

Specialize in: Fighting, a bit of healing, the Japanese arts

Skills: She has several... lets leave it at that.

Other: She has a twin. Oh, and blue berries are blue.
Name: Athey

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Race(Elf, Human, Etc.):Human

Personality: Athey is a very caring person, she's compassionate and has a lot of love for everything and everyone.

Height: 5'9"

Facial Features: Round face, with a small nose, and slender lips.

Hair: Very curly, puffy strawberry blonde hair that falls just past her shoulderblades. (usually tied back in a low ponytail)

Eyes: Bright blue, sometimes almost grey eyes.

Body Type: Twiggy

Rank: Healer

Extra senses: Sensing danger, and she can see people's auras.

Powers: Healing (dur), animal communication, first aid enhancing, true intentions (ability to see what people want), mind communication, nature, enhanced sight.

Elements: Air, water, earth.

Specialize in(No higher than four please): Healing, sight (what people want, focusing, extended sight), nature.

Skills: Climing trees (how ironic), healing, and isn't too bad with knife throwing.

Other:Blue berries are purple (I was thinking more of an indigo maybe).

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