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Futuristic THE TITAN (CS)


Bored Ancient
This is the character page for my Space Pirate roleplay. Only Gravitational Force Gravitational Force Its_Just_E Its_Just_E animegirl20 animegirl20 Shannon Trevor Shannon Trevor rattyray rattyray I Iamkingdomhearts1000 SynapseAnalyst SynapseAnalyst can post. All others will be deleted.

Outline (more can be added):

Race (species):
Looks (image or description):
Weapon of choice:

Backstories must include how your character joined the crew! Be it just by chance or an interaction with Captain Strider! Should it be by interaction, PM me and we’ll talk it out. First and Second Mate are mandatory for interaction.
Name: Isek Crash

Race: Medusa Snake-host (Human). Medusa Snakes are parasitic organisms with paralytic venom. After paralyzing a victim, they burrow into their body and take control of it, using it as a puppet as they burrow through it. They grant their host incredible regeneration ability, so the host lives for however long it takes for the eggs laid inside them to hatch. They're called Medusa Snakes because the sight of them coiling in and out of their host and the way their poison paralyzes reminded humans of the legend of Medusa.

Age: 28

Height: 6' 1"

Looks: View media item 34523
Weapons of choice: All of Isek's weapons are adapted to or from cooking implements.
Sonic Blaster: At its highest setting it can actually cook meat and disintegrate bone. Isaac uses it on meat he cooks.
High-frequency blade: A vibrating blade that can cut through metal with ease. It's the size of a large kitchen knife.
Flamethrower: Fueled with the leftover cooking oil, this flamethrower leaves flaming grease on its victims.
Bolt Gun: Usually used for putting down animals before butchering them, it's an incredibly powerful close-range gun.
Kitchen knives: Isek can throw them with great accuracy.
Sous Chef Marin8: A hovering robot with an extendable force platform on top of it and two manipulator appendages. Isek uses it for help in the kitchen or when he needs a ride. Its personality is faulty and it has a habit of saying nonsense.

Personality: Isek loves cooking, mainly because he gets to eat what he cooks. As a result he only cooks what he likes to eat. He's self-centered and flips from lazy to hyper depending on how he's feeling. He relishes combat, especially if he can cook and eat his opponent afterwards. When he's on his own he usually relaxes with a book and a snack. Other people don't really matter to Isek beyond their ability to enjoy his cooking, provide entertainment, or otherwise get him things. His mood is easy to read because the snake heads outside his body always give it away.

Likes: Cooking, fighting, eating, reading, laughing.

Dislikes: People not eating what he serves them, people messing with his stuff, people trying to hurt him.

Backstory: Isek had developed terminal stomach cancer and he did not have long to live. He was desperately trying to find a cure when he learned about a potential cure being developed using Medusa Snakes. He managed to scrape together enough money to get to the hospital, but a terrorist attack happened and the Medusa Snakes got loose. They poisoned him and burrowed in, but the snakes had been sterilized by the hospital so they didn't lay eggs. Due to some unknown factor Isek was able to fight off the snakes' control and managed to control them instead. His new healing factor caused his stomach cancer to be rejected by his body, with the snakes replacing the lost tissue.
There were a lot of changes though, an irregular metabolism (resulting in high and low energy and digestion periods), altered brain chemistry, increased physical ability, decreased empathy, and of course the snakes winding their way through his body. He managed to get a job on the pirate ship thanks to them lacking a crew. He's got an expanding recipe book, and whenever he can't get an ingredient he substitutes. The only time this went wrong was when the eggs he was using turned out to have been fertilized and the ship still has Frubberlings (little bipedel frog-gnome things) scurrying around it. Isek has set Marin8 the job of catching them, and cooks them when he runs low on protein.
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Name: Ezro Strider

Age: 24

Weight (optional): 220

Height: 6’ 2”

Race: Humanoid

Role: Captain of “The Titan”

Zodiac: Taurus

Looks: Image below

Weapon of choice:
Dual Pallidium Pistols: Don’t let this piece of light weaponry fool you, it packs a punch that can pierce through all kinds of protection and armor. The Palladium that the pistol is made of acts as a sort of current that ignites the ammunition with electricity which further improves the versatility of the weapon. If the victim isn’t shot fatally, the projectile will stun them and cause short term paraylsis.
Solar Blade: This one is rather self explanatory, it functions just as a lightsaber would in being able to cut through most everything. The blade spans a good four feet and Ezro has trained with it long enough to be more than capable of dismembering any opponent with it.

Personality: Ezro is a mean and tough son of a bitch when you first encounter him. He doesn’t take too kindly to strangers and often has a cold demeanor toward them. However those close to him, that of course being his crew, know him to be a more sarcastic and joking type person that loves to tease and joke and around with his friends. However, with this “fun loving” trait comes the constant occurrence of acting like a straight up asshole sometimes. Of course, he is more often than not quick to apologize and try to make amends for his behavior. Should the time arise where his crew is in danger, Ezro will not hesitate in doing everything to save those he loves and is the most dedicated and loyal person you could ever meet. He is strong willed and determined to finish a job and make it look easy while doing it. All in all, Ezro only cares for his crew and his ship.

As a young child both Ezro and his brother
Kaizo were brought up and trained among the ranks of the Interspace Naval Academy. To which their skills and talents went noticed by the ITF (Interspace Task Force, a sort of law enforcement of the cosmos) and they were eventually recruited. Throughout their training, the pair were to be injected with several syrums of unknown contents. All they were told was that it would make them unstoppable, powerful, and strong like the other soldiers. The thought of this excited them. Ezro has always thought of the ITF as the good guys who protected the many systems of the known universe. But his opinion was soon to change. At the age of 20, him and his brother were hired for a hit job by their commander. All they had been told was to take out the target and get out unnoticed. Their target was described as a tyrant who rejected the ITF and their offer of protections. Thinking of him just as such, the pair set off.

Upon arrival, they quickly set up a vantage point that had a clear view of the rulers estate. However, upon examination, Ezro’s brother Kaizo hesitated on the shot before setting the sniper aside and his face fell in his hands. Kaizo described the man, looking gentle in nature and was caring for his children like any other person. Knowing full well the children would be scarred for life and orphaned if he took the shot. Both himself and Ezro had more than a good experience of life without parents, of course they didn’t know if they were dead or alive. Because of the rejected orders, and the failed mission they were to report to the Head Commander himself to discuss his displeasure with them. After a few harsh words were exchanged, Kaizo had had enough and attempted to leave only to be shot point blank. As his body crashed to the floor Ezro stood horrified as he felt fear and hopelessness in his heart. When he finally came to his senses, he realized that the gun was now pointed at him. In an instant, Ezro dodged left and right before finally coming around lashing out on the commander. In a flurry, he had him pinned down with the pistol pressed to his face. Tears welled up in his eyes as his finger tightened around the trigger. “Do it boy, you don’t have the guts.” And he was right, Kaizo couldn’t bring himself to do it and instead cracked his commander across the face and fled the ITF compound. Ezro was labeled a criminal and a deserter of the task force, and eventually he was able to deal another disservice in stealing an ITF cruiser and converting it into his very own vessel. The regret of not puttinga bullet
to his brothers killer still haunts him to this day, and he bears not to speak of the events.
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Name: Olwin "Mr. Colors" Lockes.
Age: 44.
Role: Helmsman.
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius.
Race (species): Human.
Weight: Heavy.
Height: Tall.
Looks (image or description): Resembles the character Jinbe from the Manga/Anime series One Piece except he wears a black colored trench coat over a red colored Kimono with yellow colored diamond shaped patterns on it and also wears a white colored eye-patch over his left eye, a green colored Obi around his waist and blue colored Geta on his feet, he has tanned colored skin and brown colored long hair kept in a ponytail along with having a purple colored right eye, earning him the nickname "Mr. Colors" at casinos of which Lockes was known to previously heavily gamble at.
Weapon of choice: Wolverine claw like gauntlets and carries a giant firearm upon his back resembling a Mortar Cannon.
Personality: Cool, Calm, Collected, Caring, Composed, Kind, Sarcastic, Wise and has a perchance to joke around most of the time, even in the most dangerous of situations and is also a heavy womanizer and gambler, though in the case of the latter due to his Backstory, he gambles far less now then he more usually did back in the past before meeting Captain Strider.
Backstory: Comes from the small water based planet of Hydro 7, it was here that he met Captain Strider by sheer luck, Lockes had a terrible habit of gambling with money and just about when he was going to be killed by the mafia family he got money from to spend on gambling, suddenly, Strider came to the rescue but not to save Lockes but rather because he had a bone to pick with the mafia family's boss beforehand due to whatever reasons, afterwards, Lockes felt indebted to Strider and decided to join his crew of pirates navigating their space ship across the entire universe itself for contrary to popular belief, due to Lockes' appearance, he was once a skilled navigator in Hydro 7's navy military before turning to a life of gambling for unknown reasons, even the Captain himself does not know entirely about his past, now Lockes claims the wheel of Strider's ship on deck and pilots their crew through whichever course the Captain wishes to explore, sometimes Lockes for comedic effect wishes that the Captain would just take the scenic route rather then the dangerous ones all the time but Lockes knows when to keep his mouth shut, not wanting to anger Captain Strider, now Lockes happily serves on-board the Captain's ship, taking the ship to the very far edges of the galaxy to obtain untold treasures of legend, seek adventures filled with dangers of all kinds along the way, finding the ultimate form of the meaning of "the adventure of romance."."
Additional Information: Compares Captain Ezro Strider off-screen to the likes of Captain Harlock, Spike Spiegel, Han Solo and Balthier, legendary pirates in their own sorts of ways but highly believes that Captain Ezro will come to make a name, a legend of his own, still currently entirely in the making. (Note: These other pirate captains are only referenced in fictional books off-screen that Lockes likes to read from time to time.), is a fan of heavy weaponry and likes to occasionally smoke.
Theme Songs: Tank! from the Anime Cowboy Bebop and The Real Folks Blues also from Cowboy Bebop.
Voice Actors: Tessho Genda in Japanese and Beau Billingslea in English.

(Is this okay for the Helmsman's Backstory Captain?).
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Name: Zaera Adeola [ pronounced zay-rah ah-day-oh-la ]

Age: 25

Role: Surgeon

Race (species): Dagnopi ; A species that can be identified by their tall height [ the females ranging from 6'1 to 6'8 while the males ranging from 7'0 to 7'8 ], pale purple skin, pointed ears, and flower like markings on their bodies. The Dagnopi are a species of prim and proper people best known for their intelligence.

Height: 6'6 [ regularly ] ; 6'8 [ in heels ]

Looks (image or description):

Weapon of choice:
Twin Blasters ; She finds that keeping herself armed with her blasters, or her babies as she constantly refers to them, will keep herself safe always, no matter the situation. These two blasters shoot a concentrated beam of energy that on its lowest level can stun a person while at it's highest can be fatal—depending on how she's feeling that day.
A Regular Blade ; As much as she has faith in her blasters she knows there will be times when she doesn't have them, so as a last resort Zaera has a blade that is on a sheath that's always on her hip. Being a doctor she has a lot of experience with knives so this blade is very dangerous in her hands.

Personality: Zaera is an impish trickster at heart. Growing up she was known for always getting in trouble because of either a prank she played or because of something she stole. Even now Zaera has an affinity for mischievous deeds, making her a perfect fit for a pirate ship! Despite having rebelled against pretty much every single rule on her planet Zaera is still Dagnopi at heart. She still has a very formal way of moving and even talking. She's a bit calculated when it comes to most things but no where near robotic about it; she just really likes to have a plan for things. Going in blind isn't really her style. Her sense of humor is a bit dark for most people and her intrusive thoughts are something to marvel at. She has a bit of a sadistic side, so being The Titan's surgeon is really fun for her. That being said getting on Zaera's bad side is a really bad idea. Depending on what someone does she can make their healing process as painful as possible or not even heal them at all. She is very known for holding grudges so most people keep that in mind. Despite this Zaera can be very caring at times, especially toward the rest of the crew.

Backstory: Hailing from the planet Dastrion, Zaera grew up with the regular Dagnopi experience. From birth she had the idea that she was supposed to be this prim, proper lady with no flaws whatsoever, but she never quite fit into that mold. Instead she found herself being rough, brash, and foul mouthed. She was a disappointment in many of her peoples' eyes to say the least, but alas her family never did give up on her.

As with every other person in her family she was forced into the profession of becoming a doctor. She studied for years the ins and outs of both Dagnopi and alien anatomy. She hated it with a passion. Zaera never wanted any of that, she wanted to be free and cause trouble, so a few months before she became an official doctor she ran away from home. She stole a ship and set her sights on every corner of the universe. It was marvelous. She started fights, seduced and stole from important people, drank like there was no tomorrow, and traveled many different places.

A few years after running away from Dastrion Zaera encountered the crew of The Titan, well the beginnings of a crew. After overhearing the conversation between Strider and his first and second mates about The Titan she was immediately intrigued. She'd always heard of pirates before but never encountered ones, the whole pirate set up sounded like something she could get into, so with confidence she walked over to the three and suggested the position of the ship's doctor for herself (specifying the title of surgeon). After some thinking and hushed whispers (really it was only a minute and a half) Strider agreed and Zaera was officially apart of The Titan's crew.
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Liana Willow


Second mate

Liana is from Avalon, a planet, that resembles earth. The people on the planet considers them selves humans except shorter. A person who sees them would probably mistake them for hobbits. The tallest they get is usually 5'0" they also all have purple hair and eyes that range with different shades. The planet also is steampunk that seems to be stuck in the 1700s.


Weapon of choice:
She typically doesn't use weapons but she does keep a gun on hand.

Cute optimistic, and energetic, Liana may look like an ordinary girl, but she is a lot tougher then she looks. In terms of personality, Liana is good-natured and caring towards her friends. Her clumsiness may lead her to trouble most of the time, but she has a very determined spirit. Despite being a klutz, Liana is quite athletic, acrobatic, flexible and is a fast runner. She also has a talent in singing, dancing and is capable cook....sort of she's been banned from the kitchen because of causing a huge fire. Liana is highly upbeat, loud, outgoing yet foolish. She exhibits strong attachments to her friends and loved ones. She has a fear of the dark and ghosts, and can easily freak out. Her innocent and cheerful personality allows her to befriend others easily, whether they are rivals or strangers, of course this doesn't always work out that way. She also admires those who care deeply for others and inspires her to help her friends as much as possible. Liana is an incredibly brave, honorable and compassionate person, often will risk her life and happiness for those dear to her. She is very caring, sensitive and somewhat stubborn as she won't back down without a fight. She can also be a crybaby at times.

Liana is the type of person who easily forgets her worries and problems, mostly appearing happy and smiling. She always tries to make the best out of a bad situation, a trait that never fails to amaze even her closest friends. Often she can be clever and mature when needed. In contrast to her naivety, she can exhibit clever thinking and perceptiveness during critical situations. Although she is a bit hot-tempered, she tends to forgive people who bully or tease her, that is unless they show they regret their actions.

Liana was born on the planet Avalon a place that seemed stuck in the 1700s. Liana, when she was young, lived with her grandfather in the country side. She never knew her parents but they loved to travel and grandfather would tell her all sorts of adventures they had been on. Unfortunately though they had disappeared and never came back. So they don't know what really happened to them. But Liana liked think that maybe just maybe they were still alive out there. As she grew up she become interested adventures and wanting to learn how to fight like her parents. Her uncle who lived by would teach her everything he knew. She became quite good though her clumsiness tended to hold her back sometimes. When she was 13 her Aunty, her mother's older sister, came to get Liana saying she needed to learn how to be lady not going around pretending to be some explorer. So without having choice in the matter she brought to live city where society pressures were high and people judged. She hated it. She was allowed to do things she wanted and she hated the fact her aunt was fixated on finding her husband even though at this point she was only 16. Not being able to take it anymore she ran off snuck on to a ship and left Avalon behind. Liana was bit in culture shock seeing the clothes and the people and technology. She soon took on a new look and ditched the dress and corset her aunt had forced her to wear. Liana soon found herself joining a traveling circus and at first it was pretty fun but soon enough she grew bored of it. For one thing no one ever took her seriously cause of the way she looked and she never got show off any of her talents she was always stuck in the background or doing nothing at all. Also whenever they land on a new planet she never got explore it like she wanted to. So she ended up quitting. She didn't know what to do now. She was 18 at this point and well she still looked like a kid. Which bothered her a lot. One day she decided to head to a bar to see if maybe she could get ride back to Avalon. She was starting to give up. She had no friends and no plans. She didn't know what else to do but go home. But suddenly she heard a man talking to a bunch of people at a table apparently he was looking to start a crew. She grew excited, of course this was it. This was perfect she could join a crew and go on tons of adventures just like her parents. She walked up to the table telling the man she was interested but of course people laughed at her thinking she was some dumb kid. She tried telling them she was actually 18 and not to judge on looks but no one was listening. She then got into a argument with one of man that was sitting at the table and got into a fight with him and well in the end they were all left surprised. The man she had fought was now laying on the ground knocked out. She then very innocently smiled at the man who was looking for a crew. "So am in?" Man nodded and then pointed to the floor. “Sure, you can have his job.” And that’s how she’d come about becoming his second mate. "Happy to aboard captain!"​
Name: Val Colenta
Age: 31
Role: Engineer
Race (species): Human
Weight: 122 lbs
Height: 4'11
Weapon of choice: A large spanner and a small blaster pistol
Personality: Val is a very outgoing person when it comes to subjects that she understands, generally mechanical objects or the inner workings of robots and other mechanical items. Though when present around a stranger Val becomes quiet and reserved, hiding in her work to avoid making a fool of herself.
Backstory: Val worked as a plain mechanic in her father's shop, working day in and day out though she enjoyed the repetition because she got to work with her favorite items in the world. Though her life changed when a fire in the shop caused an explosion and claimed her arm and leg, making it so she could no longer do what she loved. Her family began to suffocate her, trying to protect her from the terrible things in the world that could hurt her again, she finally escaped and began work on her new arm and leg. Eventually, she found herself with a robotic arm and leg and in need of work, due to her skills she landed a job as an engineer on Ezro's Ship, fulfilling her want to work and to explore.

(This is just a rough outline, I will polish it up as soon as I am able!)
Name: Grey Vorzei.
Age: 25.
Role: Captain of the God Star Ship Space Pirate Crew.
Race (species): Human.
Weight: Same, as Ezro's.
Height: Same, as Ezro's.
Looks (image or description): Resembles Ezro Strider but with White Colored Hair and an Eye Patch on the Left Side of his Face.
Weapon of choice: A Rapier.
Personality and Backstory: The complete polar opposite of Captain Ezro Strider of the Titan, Grey is the leader of a group of Space Pirates on board the Ship known, as the God, like Ezro, Grey too once served the ITF but left due to personal reasons if not very like Captain Strider, he sees Ezro, as his equal in life and frequently challenges him to dogfights or trying to collect bounties from one another before the other cashes in, to Grey himself, he and Ezro are rivals in every sense of the word, if Ezro represented the color white, Grey would represent the color black, if Ezro were to be on the side of the angels, Grey would be the opposite and be on the side of the devils, although Grey may be Ezro's equal and rival in everything, like Ezro, Grey too shares a hatred of the ITF and would rather bring down both his entire ship and crew rather then side with them, Grey has a code of honor and all of his men are fiercely loyal to him, they would die for him for he has saved them from countless kinds of hells throughout the Xevious System, Grey Vorzei...a man of mystery seeking the romance of adventure and self proclaims himself to be the eternal rival of Captain Ezro Strider of the Titan.
Theme Song: <iframe width="854" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>.
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