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The Time of Change (1x1) [Telios & Azimuth]

"they use good encryptions. It just invites me to crack them each time. They still refuse to let me do the encrypting. The fools." they reached their bosses office.
Tyler opened the door and walked inside the office. "You have a mission for us, sir?" He asked the general sitting on his chair.
"yes. Two shifters were seen on satellite an hour ago. Your job is to get rid of them. Everything you need to know is on these." he tossed each of them a USB drive. "stick to your targets this time. Please, not another Sahara incident."
Jack never said a word as he left with his drive. Once out of the room, he plugged his drive into, what seemed to be, his wrist watch. He then flipped down a pair of goggles he always wore. "do do Doo... Oh, wow. I got a hottie for a target." he said.
Tyler plugged the USb drive onto a socket on his belt and a hologram screen showed in front of him. "Two girls, then?" He said as he looked at the girl.
You got the young one, with black hair. I got the pink haired one... Oh, shark forms, red Wolf... Nice choices."
"What? Don't say you fell in love with her already?" Tyler teased. "Remember, we need to capture them, not letting them to seduce it."
"of coarse not. My job is to place a bullet in her head. To be honest, I love my job more than some shifter. I shall use my really good sniper for this one. You know, my experimental railgun?"
"Experimental? Are you sure it's not gonna blow up in your face?" Tyler asked, starting to walk to the entrance of the HQ.
"I'm sure. I worked out the kinks. Wait for me in the car. I need to get it. I'll also try the teleporter again." he said as he left down a hall towards the armoury.
"You and your tech." Tyler just shook his head and sighed, walking to get a car from the garage.
"tech is life!" jack called after Tyler. After about, half an hour, Jack walked through the door. He had a briefcase that he put In the footwell of the front passenger seat. "teleporter worked." he said glumly.
Tyler rolled his eyes and started to drive. Two more Shifters two kill... Tyler sighed softly. He never wanted to kill Shifters or anyone in the first place but he was forced to do this.
well, now a good enough time to recover. There are so few shifters left in the world that it could live without the company anymore. "can this thing go any faster? I just set the place to explode. I quit." he said.
"I made you look like an idiot again that's what I did." he smirked. "you think I'd be able to get my hands on enough explosives to take down this fricken fortress? No way bruh."
"just shut up. The car was last headed to the mall in the city."

Emily pulled up at the mall and jumped out. "hurry up, momma needs a new oculus rift." she said, waiting for Sarah.
Tyler continued to drive to the mall in the city.

Sandra got out of the car, following Emily into the mall.
Emily rushed inside, but made sure Sarah could keep up. They headed directly to the games shop.

They pulled up next to the car mentioned in their files. Jack leaned out and smeared something on the side. "let's hang back. Too public. Follow em home."
Tyler just stopped the car's engine, parked close but not too close to the Shifters' car.

Sarah looked at the new games once they are inside the store.
Jack kicked back. He seemed to type on the air. He had his goggles down.

Emily sniffed out the oculus rift the moment she walked in. She gasped. "there's a new one!" she grabbed it without even looking at the price tag and went straight to the counter.

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