The Ties that Bind( Shifter Role Play, Spots available!!)


Junior Member
(OOC: Hello all! I'm Bookworm0492 and this is my first roleplay posted on this site and I'm excited to be here! If you havent already guessed, this is a shifter RP, an animal one specifically. Most if not all characters will be able to shift into some sort of animal and will be dealing with the trials of hiding in modern society and running from hunters and other dangers that come with having these abilities. For more info go and take a look at the info page in the Story information section and if you wanna join go and find the Character sheet section and submit a character!! When I've got enough people the next post will be a role play start!! And spread the word!! I would like to get this up and running soon! )

Edit: As of July 1st 2012 we can start!!

List of plays and characters!!

Bookworm0492- Terry Kitoyama

Wingal- Maxwell Rodgers

Vitreous- Isaac "Izzy" Forscythe

14hca14- Rosalind Faire

Aerynne- Kaeleora Johnson

I suspect we'll fall into our own turnbase system, but for now I'll start!!

The sun beat down onto the cement sidewalk as the hustle and bustle of the lunch rush swarmed about. Buisinessmen and women walked with purpose rapidly down the street either to a meeting or to grab a quick lunch before it was back to pushing paper. Others walked at a more leisurely pace, not as restricted by time either just window shopping or running an erand in the city. Amongst the throng of people a young moved along the vein, a few inches shorter than most of them, but blending nontheless. His hoody was up around his face and bits of blonde hair stuck out of the sides, but his blue eyes never strayed too far out of the pavement in front of him.

Walking around a dirty, bearded man sitting on the corner, he turned swiftly into an alley, cutting through a vast majority of the buildings. The bustling roar of Chicago was lessened but not by much as he ducked into the shadows. Making sure no one was around, he set out into a dead run. The brick rushed by him and he leapt straight over a large green dumpster, his speed gaining til he was a blur, sure to outrun any human that comes by him. Rushing, rushing, ducking and diving between the alleys, barely gaining the attention of any druggies or homeless that might be wandering the backways, his heart pounded and if a switch was flipped he screeched to a stop right before the alleys ended back onto the public street.Taking deep breaths, he relaxed and strode back out onto the sidewalk for a moment then after a quick look at both directions of the street, jay-walked across towards his ultimate destination.

Lush trees filled his vision as he made his way into the park and he finnaly allowed himself to relax more. he pulled down his blue hood showing off his full head of blonde hair and smiled as he ventured further in. He avoided the man-made paths and headed directly into the crowded, underbrush filled wood that casual walkers would generally avoid. He moved around the branches and dips in the ground with an easy familiarity until he reached an small clearing smack in the center of it, with the sun making an almost perfect circle. Listening for a moment to make sure no one else was around, he finally let himself go.

The change is gradual at first, like a shimmering wave over his whole body, a trick of the light, but then his face elongates and his body bends and dips down, his hands thickening, fingers shortening and fur sprouting all over his body. His cloths faded away into nothing and was replaced by the black and white stripes and soon after a few moments where there was once a young man standing was a white tiger, glowing in the sun.

Tretching languidly, his claws extending for a moment he lays down in the soft grass to soak up the shining sun, a soft purr in his throat as he enjoys his own little slice of heaven.
Rosa was tired and worn. There was no denying it and no amount of positive thinking and small victories could keep her going at this pace. Both her forms were scarred and sore and even shifting was becoming uncomfortable. Rosa had long ago gotten used to the pain that came with shifting but now it had escalated. By breaking her wrist during her escape she had put herself in a bad place and now she had to deal with it. When shifting the pain in Rosa’s wrist rose to an excruciating point and than dulled to painful throbbing.

However this could not be her focus right now because she needed food. The girl had not eaten since she had escaped and it was really catching up with her. Between the constant traveling, the fear of capture and her body’s attempts at healing Rosa was in some serious need of nourishment. As of right now she was in her pitbull form and shifting was not an option. She wanted the bone to set before she tried to change again, plus she could at least try to hunt at this point. Sighing she dropped her nose to the ground and began to seek out prey. She worried she might be too close to a town to catch anything aside from a squirrel but at this moment it would be enough. Although just catching something would be a near impossible feat.

But then she saw it, a plumb rabbit that had just squeezed out of its den. The thing was so large it was having trouble maneuvering the cramped quarters between a rock and a rather large tree stump. Rosa dropped low in a crouch, pulling her broken leg close to her body, and began to crawl forward slowly carefully. The wait was agonizing but mentally and physically and at the last moment before she could leap the rabbit caught whiff of something else frightening aside from her. Rosa had not smelled it before because the wind had been blowing the wrong way but now she did. The creature was huge and powerful whatever it might be but it also smelled slightly of human. Rosa followed the scent until she reached a clearing where shockingly a huge white tiger lay before her.
The breeze rustled the leaves of the tree that Izzy was perched in, his legs lazily balanced on a rather large branch and his back pressed firmly against the trunk. He hummed softly, not really keeping a tune of any kind, but more so just passing the time. Anything to keep out of the sun that was threatening to burn his skin should he expose it for any reasonable amount of time. On his left knee he balanced a sketchpad and a relatively cheap digital camera, though they had long since been abandoned in favor of simply closing his eyes and resting for a moment. From the height of where he was stationed, the odds of seeing someone coming before they saw him were in his favor.

Eventually though, Izzy's back began to ache from his slouching posture against the tree trunk. He opened his eyes and switched into a more favorable position. It was just as he had settled himself once more, that he picked up a gentle rustling somewhere in the brush below him. His eyes widened and he started slightly, but quickly regained his balance to prevent himself from taking a rather large fall from the branch. Izzy scanned the area around him, slightly astonished that anyone would have ventured this far from the beaten trails. His curiosity piqued, Izzy placed his belongings into a drawstring bag and stashed them in a treehole for safe keeping. He slowly and carefully made his way down the tree and settled onto the ground almost silently.

Opting to be unnoticed, Izzy shifted. Silver and white fur spread across his body as his form bent and compressed itself. He quickly adjusted to the change in perspective and began to move toward where he had isolated the quiet sounds. He sniffed the air, picking up the scent of something almost human, but not quite so. He was careful to stay down wind, not in the mood to be found out or even seen. He reached the thicket edge of a small clearing that he was only vaguely familiar with and attempted to glance through the brush. Izzy could see very clearly now a large black and white feline as well as a pitbull. Satisfied with his secure position, he crouched low to the ground and watched.
Maxwell was hungry as he walked down the street watching people walking by probably on there way to work or off to their families. He sighed slowly missing his own life back in the human community but shook the idea quickly out of his head before it got to him. He reached into his pocket for about the tenth time reminding himself that he didn't have any money to purchase food. Stuffing his hand back into his pocket he looked around the area looking for a fast food restaurant. As soon as he found what was supposed to be the busiest one in the city at this time he waited for the light to allow him to walk across the street. After the walk he looked around one more time before going into the alley making sure there were no signs of life that could catch him.

He went behind the garbage can as he began digging around for any type of scrapes he could find. When he came out with a half eaten burger he sighed as he sat it down and began the transformation. His clothes slowly starting fading in as it was replaced with brown fur sprouting from his condensing body. When he was done he shook his head multiple times to make sure everything was okay and began eating the scraps slowly. He still hated the taste of eating it but it just seemed a little less revolting eating it as a dog.

He finished the last bite shuddering laying down for a few minutes wishing he could get the taste out of his mouth. He slowly made the transformation back into a human letting his clothes come back and turned around his hands in his pocket wiping his tongue on his shirt. He looked at his feet walking kicking rocks as he went across the streets feeling the looks of all the people waling past him. He quickly ducked into the alley and began making his way to his little brush of sun and quite he had. After a 10 minute walk he transformed once more and began trotting in his senses not very aware of the surrounding animals. He easily noticed the big clump of white and black stripped fur and felt a little better as he went over curling himself next to the tiger whimpering after thinking about his life since he forced by himself.
Terry sighed and stretched in the warm patch of sun. This was his favorite place to come and just be himself. It was quiet, with barely a hum from the traffic that seemed so far away, the sun shone and it felt like the most natural place around. He'd leave the city if he could, go out to the wilderness or a more rural place, but without money he'd be worse off than he is now. Hand-outs and restaurant dumpsters win out over the country side unfortunately.

As he basked in the sun, the tip of tail twitching back and forth, he heard a rustling in the woods. His head jerked up a little and he listened heard, his eyes also scanning what he can. But he relaxed when he saw a dog come up and settle next to him. He let out a soft sigh. He'd only known Maxwell for a little while, and Terry could tell wasnt really cut-out for life on the streets. Either that or it'll take a while for him to fully adjust. As far as Terry knew, the kid trusted him way too much. He showed the boy kindness byt giving him half a sandwhich and the kid has stuck to him ever since. They met up often and the white tiger suspected they were the only friends they had in the world right now.

Terry sighed and went to lay his head back down and enjoy the sun in the woods, but he tensed his eyes scanning the ground and trees for anything. The fur on his back was sticking up, and even though he couldnt really see anything his senses were going nuts.

He let out a low warning growl that broke the peaceful silence of the clearing.

There was someone there.
Rosa watched the scene before her from afar. She wanted to let out a warning yelp when she saw the little dog into the clearing, couldn’t he see that there was a tiger before him. Than again Rosa had feeling this tiger was more than just a feline, he smelled too human. The wind shifted blowing the scent of the tiger and the dog towards her and her suspicions were confirmed the tiger was a shifter and so was the dog. They seemed to know each other, the dog didn’t falter one bit when he saw the hulking black and white tiger. He just curled up beside him and the tiger greeted him with half a sandwich.

Rosa’s mouth began to water; she could practically taste the sandwich. The sweet taste of white bread mixed with the salty taste of the mayo, and than there was the spicy mustard that could almost bite your tongue, mixed with the watery crisp taste of the lettuce. But all of that was secondary to the meat. Oh the meat, it smelled of smoked turkey. It looked thinly sliced and layered sky high pressed between those two slices of bread. Before she could stop herself a whimper escaped her throat.

Her heart jumped into her throat and she could have kicked herself for slipping up like that. And when she heard that growl she knew she had really messed up, Rosa took a step back her injured leg pulled close to her stomach. She unfortunately had not taken the time to look before she stepped and was greeted with the resounding snap of a dry twig. There was no way of hiding herself now; the pit bull had all but announced her presence and the tiger did not look overjoyed about it. She tried to sink back further tucking her stump of tail between her legs. Once again the wind shifted and a new scent blew her way, another animal was here but before she could decipher its location or species the wind changed again. A heavy gust from behind that blew her scent towards the tiger.
Izzy continued to watch, now more out of curiosity than anything. He could tell now that the tiger and dog must be shifters, judging by their scent and the interaction between them. The odds of the others knowing that he was there by this point were high, but he was fairly confident in his ability to escape should it be necessary. Also, he was honestly intrigued by the concept of seeing other shifters due to only being around humans for such a lengthy duration of time.

Upon hearing the growl, though it may not necessarily be directed at himself, he figured that he might as well come out of hiding. At this point he probably wasn't in any real danger. Izzy navigated through the brush and came to sit within the clearing. He stayed near the edge where the underbrush met open space, keeping a safe distance from the others just in case. He really didn't want to cause any unnecessary confrontations between the other occupants of the clearing and himself. He hated dressing injuries and was running low on cash for supplies as it was so anything measures that would hopefully prevent future expenses were taken immediately. Izzy felt it better to be safe than sorry.

Izzy watched the two calmly, everything about his posture and stance conveying that he posed no current threat. After a few moments, he relaxed and moved to lay in the grass where he was seated. The sun was particularly pleasant here and by laying he could pick up as many of the warm rays as possible. His tail tapped lightly against the ground with contentment and he placed his head on his front paws. Despite being in a relaxed position, Izzy was alert and aware of the happenings within the clearing.
Maxwell's head popped up as soon as he saw Terry's. "He felt like shifting back into a human to see what was going on but decided against it just in case it was a human. He lifted his nose in the air and picked up the scent of what he thought was another dog but had that same human scent. His suspicion was also proven clear that someone was there when he heard a twig snapping. He stared out attentively looking for any sign of moment. Once he took one more check of the area he laid back down happy that in the least there wasn't any humans around.

Max flipped on his back in a bit of boredom trying to paw at the leaves that would fall near him from time to time when he noticed another creature with a different scent but the same hint of human. He looked up at the animal questionably checking him for any sign of danger. He finally calmed down about him too but still had one eye on him. After a while he yawned climbing halfway on the tiger taking advantage if his warn fur before letting off another yawn. He looked at the still on edge Terry trying to see if he wanted them to stay here or find another spot to lay down since this one had visitors.
Terry growled lowly when he saw a silvery form emerge from the woods. The cainine posed no immediete threat but he learned a while back not to trust someone just becuase they were a shifter. Keeping in front of Max Terry shifted back to his blonde human form, his eyes still narrowed in suspicison. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" As he waited for the male to answer his eyes darted towards another scent in the woods. "And tell your friend to show themselves too. I can smell you both."

He really hoped that they were just passing through, or just theives. He didnt want to deal with the possibility that they might be from somewhere else and have larger ulterior motives.
Maxwell glanced up sitting on his hind legs giving a huff of air which counted as a sigh for dogs. He slowly made his way into his human form which left him sitting on his knees. "You don't really have to be so direct do you" he asked taking a quick sniff of the air once more. "Iv'e double checked and I can tell that they're either somebody's pet or even just like us" he said with a little more hope then was intended. "If they are then we don't have to do anything correct" he asked tilting his head up a little at Terry Still keeping his nose and ears ipen to the two strangers.
Standing, Izzy shifted back into his human form. He ran a hand through his dark hair and sighed softly. "Calm down. I mean no harm. I was just resting in a tree not too far off from here and sensed something close by. Naturally, my curiosity got the best of me and I came to investigate. And, though I know someone else is here as well, I don't know them so I'm just as eager for them to show themselves as you seem to be. Also, in an effort to be polite, I should probably introduce myself. I'm Izzy Forscythe," he said in a soft, calm tone. Izzy really wasn't in the mood for a fight or argument of any sort, so he made an effort to keep the exchange civil and non-threatening.

He mentally cringed at the confrontation that was going on. Keeping up conversation with strangers wasn't his strong suit what so ever and Izzy very much preferred to stay on the fringes rather than to be part of the focus. He hoped that if he played his cards right and kept up the confident bravado for a bit longer, that he would just be able to get out of there peacefully and unscathed.
Rosa remained in the shadowy folds of the forest while the shifters spoke. They of course knew of her presence and were requesting her to come forward but at that moment she really did not want to shift. Her front leg was just beginning to heal and shifting would refracture it, she also, unlike the others was not lucky enough to have clothes that magically appeared once she shifted. At the moment she was carrying them in her mouth in a small pouch she had lifted from a store. Eventually she hoped to get a back pack that she could wear on her back.

So far everyone seemed to be acting reasonably although the tiger seemed a bit tense. With a low grunt she tucked her leg up close to her chest and hopped out of the forest her eyes darting between the shifters warily. Rosa had seen the tiger shifter interact kindly with the dog shifter but she was still not convinced.
Terry watched with cautious eyes as the male identified himself as Izzy, (weird name but whatever) but after a moment figured he was...alright. While being not too bad to look at, the guy was calm and frusterated and just as cautious, no real signs of mischeif there. The tiger's tension eased off a little. "Sorry. Have to be careful with who you run into around here. Name's Terry, and this is Max. We usually dont have anyone coming this far off the trail." And quite frankly he was irritated that their secret spot wasnt so secret anymore.

At the sound of a rustle he looked over to see an injured pit bull. He'd have brushed this off as regular lost dog, but this one had a sack in its mouth, not something a regular canine would do. Zoning in a little more, he saw that the injury was a little worse off than he thought. "Damn,that looks nasty, If I had some bandages I'd offer to patch it up for ya. " he looked at the small canine shifter next to him. "You got anything that might help Max?" He looked back over at the pit bull. "That is, if you want it."
As she entered the clearing Rosa breathed in sharply trying to gain a better understanding of each of them. The one called Max was a dog shifter similar to her while the white tiger went by Terry and finally the wolf was Izzy. She limped forward and finally dropped the bag of clothing before, they expected a reply from her and it would take her a moment. She had learned how to shift her vocals cords without shifting the rest of her body but it took a moment of deep concentration.

She closed her eyes focusing deep within herself and then she felt the searing pain in her throat that meant she had done it. Rosa shook her head before replying in a soft voice unused to work, that would be nice if you have something. I am Rosa by the way,” to be truthful she was not in love with the idea of allowing these shifters to help her out but she needed it and right now they were her only options. She was wary to say the least but still smart enough to take the risk considering the decent pay off. Also she had watched their interactions and so far she had minimal hostility except for the tigers opening growl.
"Mmm well I did find some old rags if that will work" he said looking at the injured dog with the clothes limp out from the bushes. "Yipe's that's worse then I thought it would be" he said eyeing the injury. Maxwell couldn't help but feel taken a back as the dog talked. "That's a neat trick you got there Rosa" he said impressed before moving over to her slowly. "This might not be the best way but ti's something right" he asked tearing up the cloth. "Okay now your going to have to lay down and this will hurt" Maxwell informed her.
Rosa resisted the urge to snap at him about it being a trick; it was not Max’s fault that he did not know the truth about it and how much pain she had gone through to achieve it. The scientists had trained with her, tested her, and operated on her for months trying to figure out that ‘neat trick’ but that was of no consequence at the moment because right now she might be getting her leg fixed.

As the shifter began to ready the clothe Rosa watched him with wary tired eyes. She was struggling with the idea of lying down and allowing him to fix the leg, it was a compromising submissive position that made defending herself difficult and on top of that lying down was a less than graceful maneuver with three legs. The shifter sat and began to wiggle her good leg forward so that her stomach slowly got closer and closer to the ground. With a grunt she finally achieved her goal and extended her broken leg out in front of her. The throbbing pain was gruesome but she did not let on.
"There we go"Maxwell said encouragingly as Rosa made her way down into the position needed to be in so she could receive the minimal treatment he could provide. "Now Ill be as careful as possible" he reassured taking one of the pieces of cloth wrapping it around the injured spot before giving a warning as he gave one yank tightening it securely and tied it up. He continued this for about 2 more pieces and backed away.
"It's nice to meet you," Izzy said offhandedly as he watched Max assist with Rosa's injury. He cringed slightly as he watched, not due to being squeamish, but at the thought of the pain that she must be in. Isaac was also slightly curious as to how she obtained the injury, as an afterthought. "I don't usually come this way, but I wanted to take some photos of the trees without having to worry about people getting in my way. That, and I prefer to avoid crowded areas," he explained in a soft tone. Izzy silently cursed at himself for not bringing any bandages with him from home as he usually did, given his tendencies for being clumsy and hurting himself, but didn't give it much more thought as Max finished tending to her leg. It looked quite secure and would definitely help the healing process along, so he wasn't worried.

He picked at the hem of his shirt distractedly and contemplated what he would happen next. Probably nothing, he figured. Though he hadn't had any contact with other shifters in awhile, it wasn't as if this group was likely to cause problems for him. Izzy hadn't thought that they would in the beginning and after meeting and observing them, his assumption was validated. These shifters seemed like nice, if wary, individuals that were simply looking out for themselves, just as he was.

"What a lovely day!" Kaeleora commented, to no one in particular as she walked at a slightly hastened pace. It was the first day since school had started that she really had time to herself. The move to the city had been a big change, and she was ready for a bit fresh air instead of the peculiar smell the crowded dorms had or the stuffiness of classrooms still trying to contain the heat of summer in them. She was dressed in tightly fitting clothes (her personal preference for shifting since they were the least likely to be damaged during the change) a pair of dark grey yoga pants and a pale blue tank top.

Trotting into the park she had been begrudgingly directed to by her not-so-eager to talk roommate, she gave everyone who passed her a soft smile, which was meant by several odd looks. She was still not used to being around as many people and had the overly-friendly rural energy. Two trees to her right bordered a very lightly faded path and was the decided way to go. Heading off, her sneakers sunk a little into the ground. Perfect. Less ground work meant she was going to be left alone. A few minutes into the path, a group of bushes offered a safe place to duck into. A quick glance around to be reassured she was alone and then she crouched down.

The transformation was smooth, as it should be after years of practice, however it still wasn't the most comfortable for your body to rearrange itself. Shrinking toward the ground, she felt herself growing smaller and smaller. Bones crunched and snapped, sickening to hear. A thick patch of dark red fur spawned all along her body as her tailbone elongated and hair bushed out. A black mask formed around her eyes and fingers melted together to form dark paws. It took about a minute before she went from studious college student to cuddly fox-looking creature.

Letting out a chirp, she stretched, feeling the cool earth between the pads of her feet. Sniffing deeply, she could automatically sense anything the wind brought her. About fifty yards from her was the closest large movement (a pair of teenagers doing things best left in a parent's basement) but other than that it was just birds and squirrels around her. Delighted to have a chance to practice her shifter form, she dashed off and quickly climbed up the nearest trees, her claws making it quite easy. Climbing up about ten feet, the branches were still thick. Heart racing, she raced to the edge if the branch, thrusting off with her hind legs and launching herself in the air. The wind ruffled her fur as she flew, landing on a tree a short distance away.

Cheerfully she hopped from tree to tree, enjoying her time alone. As she threw herself into the next jump, voices below caught her attention. Take off guard, she looked down, a brief blur of people and then a THWACK as her body made contact with the next trunk. Squeaking, she hurried to dig her claws into the branch, but it was too late, gravity took over. Sliding to the branch, she managed to get a grip on the bark, hanging off the side of the branch. Mentally, she sighed. That could have been bad.

As she hung, she wrapped her tail around the branch, trying to see the people who had distracted her. She had yet to have any negative encounters with humans while in shifting form, but she always prepared herself for the first. Now able to look, she also saw a dog below her. Her body tensed in fear. Dogs were mean and often thought she was more fun to chase than a squirrel. She scrambled to pull herself up, losing her grip in her frantic hurry and before she knew what happened, she was a heap on the ground, less than five feet from the people and dog. Hurriedly, she rose to her hind feet, doing her best to make herself look larger, hoping she'd scare away any troublemakers. Her eyes were locked on the dog.
Acknowledging Izzy’s greeting with a slight nod Rosa submitted to treatment. She did her best to focus on what Izzy had to say for she so badly wanted to snap at Maxwell. His help was greatly appreciated but the immediate pain was not. The girl was still uncomfortable with the idea of shifting so Rosa resigned herself to waiting despite how antsy she was.

“So what’s with the interest in trees?” she asked flatly but before she could answer a hulking best crashed from the trees. A furious growl escaped her already tense lips and she planted her feet despite the injury. IF someone looked at the scene right now they might think Rosa was protecting the three standing behind her but in reality she was just watching out for her herself. The creature that fell from the tree seemed to be of feline descent but she never dropped her guard, she was not aggressive but she stood her ground.
(Ok, Aerryne in the LAST addition to our little group, any others will be turned away due to past deadlines and how far the RP has progressed already. 0o Plus I think this is a decent amount players.)

Terry watched as Maxwell fixed up the pit bull, slightly weirded out by her ability to shift her vocal cords, but hey it looked kind've useful.

He really didnt like how so many people -shifters specifically- had decided to rain down on ths spot. It was unnerving and made him suspicious as hell. He'd been hearing rumors of shifter-hunters around and to have so many in one area? He'd rather not have his hide as a rug on the floor thank you very much, nor Max's either. The kid had grown on him.

His head snapped top the side when he heard a crash and saw what he was pretty sure was crash to the ground? The hell? It was a small thing and didnt look dangerous, but Terry had learned long ago not to go by somethings appearance. He turned towards it while it got its bearings. He took a glance towards Izzy while he unconciously sheilded Max a little. "Never heard of a fox that climbed trees."
Izzy had just been about to reply to Rosa's question before he heard a crash and immediately went into defense mode. He turned toward where the noise had come from and distributed his weight so that his stance wasn't as vulnerable as it had been previously. At the right of the creature, he raised an eyebrow and exhaled. "Well, unless a red panda escaped from the local zoo or from someone's apartment as an exotic pet, we've got another shifter on our hands," Izzy muttered quietly.

Though the other two were highly plausible conclusions to make, he doubted them both. For one, this creature had the similar scent distribution to the other shifters that he had come in contact with. Also, unless it was a pet, a red panda most likely wouldn't have approached them in this manner. Especially with a canine present. Izzy kept up his guard up and opted to only watch the creature for the moment.
Maxwell stretched glad he was able to tend to the odd dog shifters leg before he had a finger bitten off. He glanced up at Terry curious if he was worried about him as he was fixing the dog up. He sighed figuring it didn't matter as he looked around at the rest of the group of people that got bigger faster than he would ever really expect.

Hie quickly turned his head to the sound of something falling which look like a small red fox that looked as if it fell from a tree. "Maxwell's first urge was to go and check it out but quickly stopped and looked up when he saw Terry move in front of him defensively. "He then just peered at what one of the boys called a red panda, checking for any sign that it was an actual shifter.
Her small heart thudded in her ears as Kaeleora continued to freeze. Her dark eyes widened as they spoke. Shifter? How could they know? No one knew what a shifter was! It had taken her months to find any information on them when she first discovered her power. She tilted her head to the side in the direction of the one who had acknowledged her as what she was. Deeply inhaling through her nose, she tried to calm herself. But wait! There was something....different about these people. Nose twitching, she sulked to the ground, moving slowly backward.

The dog had yet to chase her. This was absurd. Could it be? Were her? She still wasn't ready to give herself up and be labeled a freak not long after moving. Rolling back on her haunches, she pointed one fur-covered claw at the dog, chirping softly.

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