The Ties that Bind( Shifter Role Play, Spots available!!)

Terry saw rosa get hit with the tranq and knew the time for waiting was done. He raced towards the hunter and launched himself at him, claws out ready to attack. The guy whipped around and packed a wallop of a hit into his stomach and sends him sprawling on the ground. He jumped up and tackeld the guy, getting arms around his neck to try and sub-due him. he yells at Izzy. "Get him!!! Rosa, run!!" he prayed that the drugs werent strong enough to knock her out.

(With Max and Kaelora)

Hank sighed as the other two talked with the freaks. "Can you guys stop? I'd rather get to the Lab quietly for once. And could you shut up tthe crying one? You know I hate it when they do that."

He sighed and turned up the music. He hoped the boss got the goods and got back soon. Usually he liked these jobs, they went smoothly. But maybe it was when he burned his coffee, or when he stubbed his toe in the morning, but he couldnt quite shake the feeling that something was wrong with today. That it wouldnt go as planned.

Maybe it was just him.
Izzy knocked the guy in the back of the knees, effectively making him lose his balance and topple onto the ground. He didn't spare a look for Rosa, too focused on the task at hand. A hard kick was sent into the man's side and Izzy silently prayed to whoever was out there that this guy wouldn't be too difficult to handle. He and Terry didn't seem to be having too much trouble at the moment, but who knew what could happen. While he was pondering the possibilities, the man snagged him around the ankle and tugged him onto the grass. Izzy cursed and flailed as the guy grabbed his throat and tried to choke him out.
Kaeleora sobbed louder, despite the thug's request, the cuffs on her banging loudly against the cage. As she cried, her body began it's melting descent into the small form of a red panda. As her arms and hands turned into paws, the cuffs slid off quickly, and likewise with the pair on her ankles. Once her limbs were free, she froze the transformation. It was painful to pause, but she had done it on many occasions, usually when a knock on her bedroom door told her she indeed wasn't safe to shift.

Now able to move in the cage, she continued to cry, occasionally screaming how this was illegal, while she quizzically looked over the locks on the cage.

Apparently these villains were just as dumb as they looked, and Kaeleora had to stop herself form laughing. It was just like the latch on a dog carrier. Reaching through the cage, she released the latch, opening the door. Quickly, she did the same to Max's cage, going into a speech on human rights while she did so. "AND IF YOU THINK MY FATHER WON'T BRING THE ENTIRE NEW YORK LAW FIRM UNION DOWN ON YOUR ASS," she bellowed at the driver while motioning for Max to shift so he could be freed of the chains, "WELL YOU ARE SO WRONG! THIS IS INHUMANE AND ILLEGAL!"

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