The Ties that Bind( Shifter Role Play, Spots available!!)

Rosa while still on the defense did rose out of the attack stance. She was not about to spring on this new creature unless she was attacked first. She lifted her wrapped leg up to her chest so that there was no pressure on it. Her eyes never left the new arrival however her ears did swivel to accommodate each statement made those in the group. Her vocal cords had involuntarily switched into those of a dog with the sudden appearance of the shifter and at this moment she was having trouble changing them back. It took extreme focus and right now her hear was still thumping from the surprise. This left her having to convey her emotions through more dog like mannerisms, as the shifter pointed at her and chirped Rosa cocked her head in confusion.
Terry sighed in aggravation at the small furry cat-fox-red panda, whatever. He was real irritated that all of these guys were bustin on his and Max's spot. "Alright red, cut the crap. Your kind isnt native to these parts so just show yourself and we can get this over with faster. I'd rather not get the wrong kind of attention." Last thing he wanted was a hunter to run into them. he looked over at Max. "And you and me gotta find a new hide-out." He looked at the other two that had come around. "No offense or anything."
Maxwell groaned a bit sitting back down tempted to try shifting back into a dog as he looked up at Terry "But it took us so long to find this spot" he complained before giving a hefty sigh. "Fine but the only other places left for a hideout are way to open to hide in" he informed Terry. "I mean at least in a place good enough to keep away from hunters" he added looking up at the sky.
Rosa was unsure of how to respond to Terry’s statement. In some ways she wanted to travel in the group in hopes of maybe feeling safe. However she wasn’t one to trust it and seemed as if it would a ridiculously stressful conversation. As the shifter weighed the positives and the negatives she began to realize it was not even necessarily her choice. Terry and that Maxwell character did not seem to what anyone tagging along with them and Rosa was no means going to force herself on them. After a serious moment of concentration she felt the all to familiar tug of her vocal cords as they shifted.
"None taken," Izzy said softly and sighed. What had started out as a normal day had taken an exhausting turn. Izzy openly admitted to being a bit on the antisocial side due to his shyness, so this much interaction with others deviated highly from his norm. While he was mostly glad that things were appearing to stay the same for him, he did somewhat long for companionship. Izzy had a job, sure, but since starting out on his own, he had no friends of any sort to speak of. Shaking himself from the somewhat depressing thoughts, he watched the unfamiliar shifter and hoped that everything would be settled soon. It wasn't as if they were unaware of what she was, so Izzy really didn't understand her need to hide any longer.
Her dark eyes swiftly followed to conversation from person to person as they spoke, blinking. There really was no doubting it now, she'd quite literally fallen into the laps of fellows shifters. Kaeleora still wasn't entirely sure if this was a good thing or not-so-good-but-seemed-good-at-the-time-and-you'll-severely-regret-it-later thing. However, she was raised in a very optimistic household in which she was often told 'when fate comes knocking, you need to open the door before it decides to bust in'. Well, the knock seemed quite clear and after a moment of consideration, she decided she was ready to answer it's call.

Dropping to all fours so she'd have better balance, the young woman visualized herself as she had looked that morning before leaving on her walk. With a deep breath, she felt the changes reverse. Hair seemed to evaporate as her tail shrunk until disappearing. Beneath her, she watched her paws nearly double in size before splitting off to form long, slender fingers. The two ears atop her head always took a bit longer for some reason, and they were still there while her face was back to it's fleshy norm. Her torso and legs elongated, pushing her up from the ground. Straightening up, she felt the last bits of fur disappear as she looked at the strangers in the clearing, giving them a shy half smile.

"Did I bust in on a party?" she asked jokingly, hoping to ease the tension. Out of sheer curiosity, she had watched herself transform in the mirror. While the change fascinated her more than disgusted, she could imagine to some people it was difficult to stomach. Looking down for a second to brush the dirt off her pants and hands, she fought back any worries that what she had just set herself up for a disaster.

[[ [MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] [MENTION=2610]Bookworm0492[/MENTION] [MENTION=2624]Vitreous[/MENTION] [MENTION=2590]Wingal[/MENTION] ]]
(Hey guys! The two people who're gonna be captured have been decided and notified so, xD let it begin!!)

Terry watched the girl transform back with a guarded expression. He'd seen enough shifts to be familiar with it and waited until she was fully changed. "Kindve. You all have kind've busted in on mine and Max's spot." He sighs and rubs his forehead. "What the hell possessed all you to just converge on this spot anyway? It aint exactly smart for our kind to just get together randomly y'know?" He glances over at the injured girl. "What the hell happened to you anyway?"

(Roughly 10 yards away)

Through the crosshairs of his rifle, he saw them. His assignments. His targets.

His Prey.

He went over them, one by one. Two females. Three males. He watched as some of shifted from their mangy animal forms to their human disguises. Disgusting. They were abominations, the lot of them. His finger tightened over the trigger. He could take out one of them so easily. Two if he was fast enough, and their pelts grabbed a pretty penny.

But that wasnt why he was here.

He scanned over them again. A short blonde male who looked irritated at everything, a guarded dark haired male, a brown haired baby face male, an injured female, and a smaller female. So hard to choose.

He had one that he had to grab, but why not add a few to the prize? His employers would appreciate it and he could use the bonus.

He switched to his dart gun and aimed towards the group. He switched targets until he finally settled onto the baby-faced brown haired male. He'd make a good little experiment.

He pulled the trigger.
Max smiled up at Terry amused "Come on now there is no need to be that mean to strangers" he said slightly punching his leg. "Now I guess you guys are all okay but we Really have to get going" he said laughing falsely trying to get Terry out of here before he got angry. Maxwell was making the attempt to stand as he felt a sudden sting in his shoulder as he looked down both shocked and confused as the blank image of a dart slowly drifted away as he collapsed to the ground unconscious.
Izzy flinched slightly, startled by Maxwell's sudden loss of consciousness. He immediately looked around, as if trying to determine from where the dart had originated. With no luck, Isaac went on the defensive. While he was genuinely concerned for the others, he felt that protecting himself was his top priority just as it always had been. Izzy backed away from the rest of the group slowly, careful not to disturb Max's unconscious form, but he did not leave the clearing. He wasn't that much of a coward. Without a word, Izzy looked from Max to the other shifters, curious as to what their next course of action would be.
[[Went a bit out of order since [MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] wasn't posting .-. ]]

At the sound something whizzing past and seeing the small boy collapse to the ground, Kaeleora swore loudly, spinning around. She knew it was a bad idea to shift, she knew it knew it knew it! "What is going on?" she asked the others, her heart racing. Should she shift back? Should she run like a bat out of hell?

She wasn't sure what possessed her, but she crossed the short distance to Maxwell. Wrapping her arms around his chest, she pulled back, attempting to lift him from under his shoulders. Although she had braced herself and he was thin, she was still incapable of lifting him. Swearing again, she looked to the others. Would they try to help or would they all be concerned about themselves? Should she just try to save herself? "We NEED to get him out of her3," she ordered the other two 'human' forms in the clearing, "Help me."
(Suffering from writer's block, if I am not posting I am either busy, tired, or don't know what to say so don't wait for me but also don't leave me three pages behind. Thanks for the head's up though)

Rosa let out a harsh growl as the sound of gun shot rang through the air, once again her vocal cords shifted of their own accord thusly leaving her mute. The boy by the name of Maxwell fell to the ground in and unceremonious heap, which left all of them in a dilemma. Do you stay and attempt to carry this shifter, dead weight that you barely know and most certainly sacrificing yourself to the same fate or do you run and assure yourself of escape? She took a step towards the forest then stopped and took a step back to Maxwell. She did this a few more times, seemingly weaving and shifting her weight between the two options until she finally opted to stay.

While the girl by the name of Kaeleora lifted his shoulders the pitbull very carefully wiggled underneath his lower back. Seeing as she was still only operating on ¾ speed and her balance was a little off the maneuver was quite difficult but somehow she managed to support him making the job of carrying him a little easier. She whined and looked to the other begging them to grab onto his back legs before it was too late. He was starting to get heavy but maybe if three of them carried him the weight would disperse.
(Ugh, I hate real life, Ill try to really get the ball rolling with this one)


Boom. One down. And so easy too. a little pop and thats all it took. And now there they were, scrambling like cockroaches in the light. Like fish in a barrel. He raised his gun to fire another dart at the girl who was trying to get her unconcious friend.

"Dont worry sweetheart, you'll be joining him soon...." He silent out the silent signal to his assistants, big and burly, but silent and able to get the retreival process over with quite effectively. He watched the five of them descend upon the targets, keeping back just in case. This was a crucial time of the mission, however standard, and it wasnt the time to get cocky.

But he grinned all the while.


Terry jerked around when he heard Max fall to the ground and immedietly did a 360 to scan the area? What the hell? Hunters?! How the hell did they find him?!

He was about to scream at the others to get their asses moving when five thugs burst out of the strees, each one going towards a shifter-kid, the panda-girl getting two off them at once because of Max.

Terry jumped into defense mode and tried to fight off the goon swinging at him. He was fast and able to dodge, but when he saw the punch the guy made actually dent a tree he knew he was in trouble if he got hit. Left, right, left right, down, back; he became a dodging machine, looking around desperately for a weapon his panic instincgts repressing his tiger powers to the point that he didnt even have claws. Guess thats what happens when you're taught your whole life to supress the damn thing.

The goon swung again whole the whole clearing was brought into chaos, he tripped backwards and just about landed flat, backing up quickly until he ran into a branch. Gripping it like a louisville slugger he swung it hard into the guys shoulder. The goon howled and ripped it form Terry's hands and kicked him in the stomach, forcing the air out of his lungs and making his vision spotty, for a few seconds leaving him utterly defenseless.


(Ok, goons are out and about, one for each person to fight, and if I remember correctly its suposed to be Max and Kaelora that get captured. (please correct me if I misremembered) So have at it!!)
One of the burly guards walked over menacingly to the heap of mass which was Max. "This is the thrash I'm picking up ,huh"he said out loud quickly picking the boy up by the front of his shirt. He glared at the girl and the dog as he swung Maxwell over his shoulder. He could easily take out the two especially the dog ,but he already had what he was being paid to get and decided it wasn't worth the extra trouble as he suddenly left as fast as he appeared into the scene.
[[ [MENTION=2624]Vitreous[/MENTION] [MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] Just so no one misses the post =D We are active again yay \o/ ]]

Kaeleora was struggling with Max's body when she felt a sharp stinging sensation on her neck. Yelping, her hand moved to feel the end of a long slender object that now protruded from her flesh. Grasping it, her grip weaker than normal, she pulled the dart out of her neck, giving it a look of confusion before looking in the direction it flew from. Her heart beat suddenly echoed loudly in her ears, all other scrambling around her was dull background noise. Trying to swallow, her throat felt thick. Sweat was seeping down her brow as she fell to the ground, fighting to stay awake. Everything around her seemed distant even as she was grabbed and thrown over one of the Shifter hunter's shoulders. Weakly, she struggled against his hold which he simply tightened, chuckling even at her efforts.

"Aye, now you settle down lil lassie," he assured her, winking at the riflemen who had shot both her and Max, "You're a delicate prize that I'm sure some high notch scientist will get a kick out of. A fine lil prize to brag indeed." The last words she heard as she faded into unconsciousness.
With the second shot Rosa was left completely crushed underneath the Maxwell's weight. The girl holding his shoulders had passed out and for a moment Rosa was trapped. His crushing weight made it near impossible to breath until suddenly he lifted off of her, the dog spun about to face whoever had released and realized that he was taking Maxwell. She struggled to her paws and let out a ferocious growl attempting slow the burly man. HOwever he just kept running and only after a well aimed kick to her ribs that sent the pitbull sprawling. Rosa snarled as once again facing the rest of their assailants, luckily they were not outnumbered but the group was still in a state of chaos from the sudden attack.
Izzy started slightly as he sensed an attack from his right side. The guy threw a punch which Izzy dodged quickly. After gaining a bit of an advantage and getting a feel for the guy's weak points, Isaac kicked him in the ribs hard. He felt a crack beneath his foot and pulled back to throw a solid punch into the man's jaw while he nursed his cracked rib. This guy was big, and under normal circumstances, Izzy didn't believe that he would have been able to fend the guy off. However, he didn't have much of a choice at this point,concidering that the others were either unconscious or occupied with their own opponents. Izzy got lucky for a moment and was able to land a decent punch that left the guy flat on the ground and out like a light. He looked around to the others to see how they were doing. After a few seconds, he opted for sending a sharp kick to the back of the guy fighting Terry, hopefully managing to buy him a bit of recovery time. Unfortunately, Isaac was starting to feel his injuries. His jaw hurt and his ribs were at least bruised, but he knew that the fighting wasn't likely to end soon.

[[ Sorry, my internet is down at the moment so my replies will be slow.]]
(No worries xD )


The thug wailing on Terry was huge. Big enough that despite his years of scuffling on the streets he was getting backed against a tree, sure he was going to be clobbered and hauled away like they were planning.

Then by some grace of God the thug howled as he received a sharp kick in the back from....Izzy? The thug was incapacitated for the moment but then wheeled around to pound Izzy, who was looking a little worse for wear at the moment. While the guy was distracted Terry hopped onto his back, claws out and started choking the bastard while simultaneously slicing his arm open. The thug roared and tried to knocked Terry off by bashing back into a tree, but the tiger jumped off right before the brute hit and he knocked himself out. Panting heavily, he looked over at Izzy. "You ok?" He glanced around quickly, and with despair saw that they had already taken off with Max, and another was running off with the panda girl. Shit.


The incompetent fools. They were running off with the wrong target!! The others were suposed to be a BONUS along with getting the rot. He growled and slid down from the tree as he was alerted by the morons that they ahd secured the first two shifters in the van, putting them in cages right next to each other. Fools. Sometimes you simply had to do things yourself.

With a smaller tranquilizer gun and a knife out he headed into the clearing going straight for the target; the girl. She would be taken down and recovered no matter what.

With that injury of hers, it would be like taking candy from a baby.
Rosa spun her paws betraying her as she tripped and stumbled. She knew that in the heat of battle she could have used her hurt leg just off of the adrenaline but it was tied to her chest so that it could heal without further injury. Quickly the pit bull tried to wiggle out of her constraints but failed. The knot rested comfortably between her shoulders and was therefore impossible to dislodge.

The pitbull snarled as she spotted a new attacker emerging from the woods. He held a knife and what must be a tranq gun. Rosa tried to dart about in hopes that if she was his target she would be more difficult to hit.
[[ [MENTION=2610]Bookworm0492[/MENTION] Do you want Wingal and I do reply or just wait it out since we're both unconscious? =o ]]
Izzy nodded and offered a slight smile. "Yeah, just a little out of practice." He looked up from where his gaze was directed at the ground and looked over the scene. Isaac sighed heavily when he noted the absence of both Max and the red panda shifter whose name he couldn't think of. It appeared as if he and Terry weren't the intended targets, but Izzy saw that he couldn't say the same for Rosa. She seemed to be holding her own for the moment. They would.definitely need to get Max and the other girl back. The only question was how.
( Wingal and Aerryne xD you guys are currently in cages but you can wake up, Ill be posting as Terry and the hunter so you'll both get interactions, and if anyone wants to volunteer they can take the place of another hunter if they wish)

Terry breathed heavily as he and Izzy ergained their bearings. Rosa seemed to be holding her own but her leg was giving her a disadvantage and that thug seemed different from the others. More focused. Calm. Deadly. A sick feeling crawled into his stomach. "We need to go help her!!"


The girl was trying to run but he knew her leg would be her downfall. He was big but he was fast for his size. He raced around to cut her off, aiming his gun and shooting a tranq dart towards where he predicted she would run. His prize was almost won.
"That would be a good idea," Izzy said with a sharp nod. The guy who was after Rosa definitely seemed different from the others. He wasn't just some goon. Izzy collected himself and headed toward Rosa and her attacker. He tried to get the tranq gun out of the guy's hands. Hopefully he would at least be able to incapacitate the guy before he was able to hurt or capture anyone else.
Rosa was just a step too late when she felt the sharp pinch of the tranq needle sinking into her flesh. If she had been a second faster her spin would have been complete and the dart would have missed her but unfortunately she had not. The pitbull began to feel the affects immediately as her already erratic steps slowed and she fell with a resounding thump to the packed ground. She let out a groggy growl that was more pathetic then frightening as her eyes closed leaving her incapacitated and blind to the world.
Maxwell was regaining his sight very slowly at least it was too him but in reality it was nothing but pitch black in the back of the van he was forced in. He groggily tried standing put felt a piece of metal tap against his bite which made him collapse to the ground again. "Where am I" he mumbled out trying to reach his hands handcuffed between his hands and the bars of the cage. He soon realized it was the same situation with his legs as he tried moving them and heard a low grumbling laugh which sent a chill down his neck "Your not going anywhere until we the Laboratory where you belong out filthy animal" the thug said kicking the cage making Maxwell cower down again.
Head pounding, Kaeleora opened her eyes. Her vision was blurred as she tried to figure out what was going on. She wasn't at home, and certainly wasn't her dorm. After a moment, the odd greeting in the woods hit her. The other shifters! Moving to stand, she was violently jerked back to the ground with a metallic clank. Surprised, she looked to see she was handcuffed to the base of a..cage? Who put people in cage! Wait. She wasn't just a person...that meant. Wide eyed, she looked around the van she was contained in. The man who had scooped her up was sitting back in the driver's seat, glancing at a newspaper.

"I demand you let me go!" she said, her voice slurred a bit still from the side effects of the tranquilizer, "I am a human being! You can't cage me like some sort of animal." The man in the front chuckled, not even bothering to look away from the newspaper.

"I don't know, sweetheart," his voice raspy, no doubt from smoking, "You looked like an animal back there." Kaeleora's cheeks flushed dark red and she panicked. People knew what she was! She was going to become a test rat for some evil scientist! Unable to control herself, she began sobbing uncontrollably, her body shaking and causing the handcuffs to clank loudly.

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