The Ties that Bind (Mongoose Traveller)


Senior Member
Summer is upon us and I would like to run a Traveller play by post game. The idea behind the game is that all of the players begin as members of a fallen Noble House in a homebrewed sector of imperial space named the Zeflan Expanse. The sector has seen many great persons, and great houses rise and fall. Treasures have been found and lost, wars have been waged and other events suitable for a political drama.

Interested players would work with me to develop a brief House history/identity to use in game. Afterwards we can stat out your homeworld. I have 2 subsectors written up and we can come up with more as needed but I don't imagine the campaign requiring more than 4 as traveller space is really really really big. At the beginning of the game the players House would have lost most of its fortune and its titles, and their dying relative/head of House would have asked them to recover it. I will be handing out a free ship at the beginning of the game for you all to use. I have witnessed far to many atrocities occur at the gaming table when players try to pay the mortgage for their first ship so you are getting this as a freebie.

Setting and mechanically we are going to use the variant of jumpdrive called the warp drive, and there will be FTL communications in this game. We will use the standard char gen from the core mongoose book plus any of the careers and items from the Dilettantes book. You will all be given 5 terms for your careers, and you are free to set your age to whatever you please. One house rule that I want to implement is that any mustering out benefit that gives you a ship or ship shares will be traded out for a roll on the portfolio table in the dilettante book.

The campaign is still in its planning stages so everything is a work in progress. Please post any questions you have below and I will answer them for you.
Just to clarify things you can be any career in the two mentioned books, just for plot reasons you are all members of a noble House.
excellent. Since this game has enough interest I will try to get the full submission thread posted by this weekend. Does anyone have any questions?

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