The Three Kingdoms Official Character Sheets


The Scales

Long long ago, there were three Kingdoms. The Kingdom Of Rendanna, Kingdom Of Lotheihan, and Kingdom Of Draco. However, these were not the only factions that governed the lands. There were smaller, lesser clans and villages, scattered throughout the world. Ones who sided with none of the Kingdoms, believing their methods were too harsh.

The Rendanna and Lotheihan have always been at war, and the Draco (Dragons) often assist the Lotheihan. At times their wars were pointless, and at times their battles could decide the fate of the world. Their differences could stretch from who owned what land, to things as serious as whether religion or reason should govern the country.

The History Of The Two Kingdoms:

Once upon a time there was no division, no countries, no war, for there was but one ruler; And this ruler governed the entire world, deciding its laws and regulations. However, this ruler was not without his aides. The ruler's name was Merek, and he had two sons, Althalos and Sadon. The two sons were always at each other's throats, bickering about who was going to inherit the throne. Merek was becoming old, and he also was not sure who would be the heir to the throne. In the end he decide on choosing Althalos, the older of the two brothers, and Sadon despised his father and his brother for it.

Although ruler had now been selected, this still did not stop the fighting. They would always notice the others differences, and they hated each other for it. As they grew even more into their adult hood, their disagreements became more prominent, and eventually hindered the growth of the Kingdom. Sadon had grown to be a mage and started an academy for studying the wonders of magic, while also furthering their religious knowledge. On the other hand Althalos had become a Knight, mastering the way of the sword and always maintaining a military.

Eventually the two decided that the only way to decide who would really own the Kingdom is to have a battle. Althalos gathered his soldiers and Sadon called forth his scholars, the two factions meeting at The Devil's Crossing; a large valley between Draco and The Empire. The battle went horribly, both sides having terrible losses, and eventually ended in a Althalos claiming the throne. Not being strong enough to finish off his younger brother, he banished Sadon to the southern reaches of the world. Sadon then went on to create his own kingdom, hoping to some day unite the world under his control.

The History Of The Drakes:

The Dragons had long since been a primitive kind, lacking order and sophistication. Often killing one another for the sake of food. Until one Dragon was's name was Alduin. He was the hatchling of an abandoned egg found by Sadon. Sadon kept this Dragon as a pet, raising it and always keeping it by his side. Alduin eventually learned the English tongue and soon after learned magic. After years of living under humans, Sadon decided it was time to show Alduin where he had come from, and he took him to the Drake's Perch. (Name of mountain range where all dragons reside.) Alduin was horrified at what he saw, his own kin, his brothers and sisters acting so barbaric and sinister.

He decided to leave Lotheihan and take to the skies, teaching his Dragon brethren the way of the humans, uniting them and starting his own faction; The Draco. Since then he and his descendants have aided Sadon's Kingdom. In thanks for the mages teaching Alduin the human way of life.

Where The World Is Now...

But that was thousands of years ago, and now the world is on the brink of world war. Each faction at the others throat, bickering over who owns what. The only thing that matters is money, and if you don't have it, your nothing. Whether your a farmer, a warrior, or a child playing no part in the battle. Now it the time to rise.

Your Role In All Of This...

You live in one of the countries, or a small village or clan, or maybe your just a wanderer. You want to help your Lord, Master, or clan leader survive the oncoming war. Maybe you just want to stay out of it all, you want to bring peace to the world and end all of the fighting. Regardless of what your here to do, your life plays a key role in the coming turmoil, and it will no doubt be one of the deciding factors. (if you have read this please put, Beast, in bold somewhere on your character sheet.

Key Places:

The Tarnished Land:

This place is a dead and abandoned land lying between each of the empires. Disembodied corpses and destroyed buildings lay tossed about. Whether Knight or Scholar, this is a place that everyone hates.


This is the capitol of Rendanna. It is known for is beauty and women, most people only dream of coming here.


This is the capitol of Lotheihan. Named after it's founder it holds some of the most prestigious academies and temples throughout the land. If one wishes to learn magic, this is where they will reside.

Drake's Perch:

This mountain range lies at the heart of The Draco Empire. Dragons can often be seen flying around it from the distance. Most humans avoid this place.

Dead Man's Crossing:

A small settlement of bandits and Rebels lying just at the edge of The Tarnished Land. The only people that usually leave alive are merchants, and that's after they've been robbed. Thugs and Bandits reside here.


A small settlement lying just north of Rendanna. This place is a farming town and they produce most of Rendanna's food. Those that desire peace and wish to stay out of the war reside here.

Oak's Realm: A massive forest that exists just west of Lotheihan. The air here is pure and the trees bustle with wildlife. Wood Elves reside here.

The Blackened Hole:

An expansive series of caves and tunnels that lies deep below Drake's Perch. This place is dark and humid, But living conditions are just good enough for people to survive. Dark Elves among many other outcasts reside here.


A small city centered to the far west, away from most civilization. This city was built around a water spring that is said to have healing powers. Most Valkyrie reside here.

Pluto's Crossing:

A fairly large town that lies at the center of the world, between each empire. A place that acts as a bridge between all walks of life. Many merchants selling their goods and mercenaries looking for hire gather here. Most Merchants reside here.


A large port city located at the northern most point of Rendanna. This city is known for its Seafood.

(disregard the running man.)


A small Dwarven port city located at the southern most point of Lotheihan. This city is known for its weapons and pirates. Most Dwarves reside here.

Bridge Of Hope:

An immense river stretching from Farrack to Valadore. Aside from the Black Sea, this seems to be the only thing connecting the two kingdoms.

Black Sea:

A sea to the north of Rendanna and to the south of Lotheihan. Aside from the Bridge Of Hope, this is the only way to reach the other Kingdom.

The Dead Forest:

A medium sized forest connecting The Draco Kingdom to Rendanna. From a distance, Dragons can be seen hunting travelers here. Most people avoid this place.

(if anyone has any ideas on other places that should be added, let me know and i will consider.)



The majority of the people that occupy the world. They are very versatile and able to learn many different skills. Including magic, swordsmanship, archery, farming, and many other convenient skills.

Wood Elf:

They are a peaceful people and often choose to reside in the forests. They are kind and will welcome most people to their home. They are skilled at White magic, Archery, and have the ability to communicate with Wildlife. Including Fauna, Flora, And Insects.

Dark Elf:

They are an intelligent race. They are not as sinister as they are often portrayed but do hold some darkness in their hearts. Most of them reside in Lotheihan and study the science of Alchemy and Magic. They are skilled at Black magic and many other unnamed Dark Arts.


Dwarves are soldiers at heart. They are spread thin throughout the world, often offering their blades for hire. They are extremely skilled at swordsmanship, and are versatile with almost every weapon. They are also skilled at smithing, in some cases having spells that allow them to create weapons out of thin air.


This race is a group of winged humans, the ignorant often mistake them for angels. They are the smallest group of people on the planet, Because they are hunted by most factions due to the effect of their feathers. Used with the powerful White magic of the Valkyrie, their feathers have extreme healing powers, and can in some cases restore life to the dead.

(please PM me before making a character sheet for a Valkyrie.)


The third most prominent race in the land. They are keep to themselves, but they are not spineless. Though their only skill is hunting, the Dragons are an intelligent race. Most reside at Drake's Perch.


The second smallest race on the planet. The Draconians have been around for as long as people can remember. It is said that they were cursed by Alduin long ago, no one exactly remembers how or why. They are an outcast people, not accepted by humans or anyone else for that matter, much like the Dark elves. The ignorant mistake them for demons. Most reside at The Dark Hole.

Npc Races


A massive creature of gargantuan size. They are rare, or at least it seems that way because all who encounter them disappear. The only species that has been known to best Giants are Dragons, requiring a whole nest of them to stop one. Giants can be found in the dessert between The Tarnished Land and Dead Man's Crossing.


Ogre can be fount mostly anywhere where there's darkness and flesh. Dark Elves usually hunt them in search for potion ingredients. It does not take much to best an ogre, just a well-tempered blade and an intellect to match.


The Goblin. A truly repulsive creature. Most seasoned warriors have bested two or three hordes of goblins in their day. Goblins can be found almost anywhere. They will destroy your livestock and kill your pets, so be on the watch. The travel in large packs of at least seven or eight. Goblins are the most common monsters.


The Banshee, most only hear of these creatures through tales, and lore. A Banshee is the soul of a witch who made a pact with the Dark Lord. The witch then becomes so consumed within the magic that it eventually consumes her, destroying the body and only leaving her tormented soul to walk the earth. Banshees will try to convince soldiers and travelers that they are hurt, or in dire need of assistance. Once the victim approaches the Banshee it will then scream at the poor soul, a scream so loud and blood curdling that it will stun them. Following that she will then attempt to steal the victim's body for herself, ending her torment and thus starting theirs. Banshee shrieks can be heard throughout the Dead Forest.

Soul Keepers:

Soul Keepers, the product of a Banshee stealing a body. Once the body is stolen and the soul is expelled, this is the out come. Many have come in contact with these, and when they do most just turn and run. Despite their appearance they are completely harmless, they are simply wandering in search for their bodies. These can be found mostly anywhere, but they are only visible at night.

Harpies: A Harpy is a large bird with human characteristics. They often resemble females, and hunt small children. They can be found in most forests and mountains. They generally travel in flocks of three, Archers and mages have no problem taking them out.

Undead: The product of failed witch resurrections. They are found in some parts of The Dead Forest and all throughout the Tarnished Land. Sunlight immediately kills them so they are only found at night. Clergies do best against these type of creatures.

Beastmen: Beastmen are failed Chimera experiments from the capitol of Sadon. They usually live in Oak's Realm and Wood Elves have a constant problem with them. They have the same intellect as a goblin but are able to match the physical abilities of an Ox. A Horde of Beastmen could easily best a Knight.

Ghouls: Ghouls are also, the product of failed resurrections. Much like the Undead they are only found at night, and are also killed by sunlight. They are much larger and stronger then the Undead. Ghouls also have use of Black Magic. The Ghoul is a fierce opponent.

Lamias: Lamias are much like Beastmen, except instead of resembling Bulls, they resemble snakes. They are the failed results of Chimera experiments at the academy in Sadon. They are a bit smarter then Beastmen but are also a tough opponent, they generally travel alone.

(i know the list of monsters is lacking, if anyone else has any ideas, i am in desperate need.)

(I will throw these monsters toward your character at random. so be ready)


The Fighter Classes: Other Names: Warrior, Soldier. In any game with classes, one of them will always map to the Fighter. The Fighter is thetank of a group and the most basic and broad class, usually recommended for beginners. The fighter is basically, the strong guy with heavy armor, a large melee weapon, and possibly a shield or second melee weapon. Compared to the other classes, Fighters tend to be powerful but slow. Variations include:

  • The Barbarian: Other Names: Berserker. The Barbarian is a breed of Fighter focused more on damage than defense. Note that in systems where Barbarians have normal or greater than normal physical defense compared to other warriors, such as D&D, they will usually have no defense whatsoever against magic. Often characterized by wearing less armor, being less civilized, and being able to fly into a berserker rage that increases damage output or allow them to do more damage based on how hurt they are.
  • The Knight: Other Names: Cavalier. The Knight is often depicted as a more experienced Fighter. He typically wears better armor, and may be more defensive, as well as being able to employ mounted combat on a steed. In aLions and Tigers and Humans... Oh, My! setting, he may be a horse himself.
  • The Swashbuckler: A fighter who tends toward light or no armor and prefers agility, cunning, daring and technical skill to sheer force. Tends to be rogue-like in his or her trappings (though usually more flamboyant than subtle) and is often used to evoke the Rogue archetype in games where skills and stealth play a small or no role. A likely default class for The Hero, especially in JRPGs and adventure novels after Alexandre Dumas.
  • The Paladin: Other Names: Crusader. The Paladin is a Fighter with a side of Healer, usingWhite Magic to be more defensive; their devotion to their God or Deity gives them various prayers, healing abilities and spells that protect themselves and others. Naturally, they tend to fall under Magic Knight. They are also quite good at laying the smite down on undead, demons and other evil supernatural creatures. However, they may have behavioral limits: some rulesets impose varying penalties on taking actions that stray too far fromLawful Good, which can lead to weakening of abilities, loss of abilities or sometimes even being kicked out of the "Paladin" class entirely.
  • The Dark Knight: Other Names: Blackguard, Antipaladin, Death Knight. The Death Knight class is the opposite number of the Paladin, possessing offensive and often necromantic or dark-magic oriented abilities that deal large amounts of damage to enemies, although oftenwith a price. They generally do not suffer the behavioral limitations of Paladins. Does not, usually, have the ability to breathe in space.
  • The Dragon Knight: Other Names: Dragoon (though that term originally meant a mounted infantryman). A Fighter who either is in the employ of, powered by, owns, or who specializes in hunting, dragons. A Dragon Knight usually has a variety of extra abilities that mimic or relate to dragons in some way — flight or high jumping ability, fire breath, and dealing extra damage to dragons are all common. In many lucky circumstances, they may own a dragon as a pet (either a big one large enough to ride on, or a smaller one). They seems to be associated withspears for some reason.
  • Warlord: Other Names: General, Tactician, Marshal. The Warlord is a tactical master. He can hold his own in frontline combat as well as giving out buffs to his underlings and allies, usually by commanding them to superior positions than the ones they would have thought of on their own, and he may have protective auras made of his own charisma to increase a team's effectiveness in battle.

The Ranger Classes: Other Names: Hunter. Rangers are woodsman skilled at surviving in the wild. They may be lumped in with Fighters or Rogues (above) but more often than not are a separate tree of classes all their own. Archery is generally their favored skill, although most can fall back on swordplay if necessary. Rangers may also be skilled in some form of wilderness or nature magic. They may be very good at fighting a specific type of enemy, and often take on the role of The Hunter against such foes. Rarely, a Ranger may have access to guns as well as bows.

The Magician Classes: Other Names: Mage, Wizard, Sorcerer, Witch, Warlock,Magi, Magus, Sage. By whatever name you know this class by, you know this class. In any game with classes, there will always be one that maps to the Magician. These have the widest variety of any set of role-playing classes simply because there are so many varieties of Functional Magic. In a Fantasy Kitchen Sink setting, there can potentially be an infinite number of magic users, so long as there is justification for considering them each their own type. A Magician is usually a Glass Cannon, blasting away at long range, but easily taken down at close range. Variations include:

[*]The Vancian Magician: Other Names: Wizard, among many others. These casters rely on Rule Magic and study to learn and wield magic, usually taking years, leaving their bodies squishy and out of shape... most of the time. Dusty tomes and candlelit towers are what you should associate with these guys. If there's a distinction between this and the Inherent Gift Magician, it will be that these ones have some kind of limitation — like needing to prepare which spells they'll use ahead of time — in exchange for more versatility if prepared.

[*]The Red Mage: A magician who does not specialize in one school or tradition and studies the magic of various types. They tend to be rare, and depending on which limitations they have, may be very powerful thanks to their versatility or very weak thanks to their lack of focus. Of all the kinds of magician, they tend to be the most open minded and least prone to think there are Un Equal Rites.

[*]The Blue Mage: Other Names: Mime, Mimic. A magician who does not usually rely on standard spells, but instead learns various spells and special abilities from monsters encountered in travel. Often they will need to see the spell or special ability in action, or cast their own unique spell to 'absorb' the ability. Traditionally will develop to be as diverse as the Red Mage, except with unique monster-like abilities to supplement them.

[*]The Necromantic Magician: A magic-user who wields power over the dead, blood, and "death energy". They're usually antagonists, but ifDark Is Not Evil, may be a playable class. Often they employ a Zerg Rush - creating hordes of weak undead and sending them after a problem till it dies. Any other abilities will likely be curses that weaken or sap away strength.

[*]The Illusionist Magician: A magic-user who casts illusions. Generally considered weak, with no real damage output, and has been phased out of most settings - their abilities are generally given to characters with Psychic powers and Bards.

[*]The Nature Magician: Wields power over thenatural world, often includingelements, animals, and plants.

  • The Elemental Magician: A specialized Magician who can only useElemental Powers in some way. They may be able to use all the elements, or may specialize in one or two. Often, they are the key to winning Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissorsin their setting.
  • The Druid Magician: A jack of all trades nature magician. They often have a mix of elemental offense, healing, and the ability to morph into animals or elemental spirits to become melee fighters. To further the overlap with the Cleric classes, is often a worshiper of nature.
  • The Shamanic Magician: A nature magician with a Summoner twist. This class generally revolves around bargaining with spirits and such.


The Cleric Classes: A Cleric is usually The Medic — some variation on dedicated healers. Unlike Magician-classes, the Clerics usually draw their powers from either Faith, a god, or some variation of the two. Their magic generally requires them to stick to a certain doctrine to access it, but usually comes with less of a price or chance of backfiring like some Magician classes might experience. Clerics often focus on healing and party buffs, but sometimes they are offensively useful against "unholy" enemies such as demons and undead. Often draw their powers fromCrystal Dragon Jesus and may be suspiciously Catholic for a fantasy setting. Cleric-type classes generally have the least amount of variation, simply because healing is so vital and important that distracting a healer generally isn't seen as a good idea. Variations include:

  • The Priest: Other Names: Healer, White Mage. A squishy dedicated healer with little abilities at offense aside from specific types of enemies, most commonly demonic entities and the undead.
  • The Battle Priest: A badass, tough warrior, carrying blessed weapons. This version of the Cleric can dish out melee damage and heal. They tend to be closer to Clerics than Paladins, who tend to be closer to Fighters.
  • The Witch Doctor: A version of the cleric flavored for a more shamanic, nature-worshiping culture as opposed to the generally Monotheistic religion most Cleric-using settings use. May be slightly more magically offensive and overlap with the Shaman (see above).
  • The Templar: Other Names: Inquisitor. Named after the Knights Templar, the Templar is more of an assassin mixed with a Cleric. The chief role in the story is generally to do the church's dirty work, ferreting out heretics and covering up the great conspiracy. In battle, they may be anything, but tend to be a jack of all trades, weaker than a Paladin, Cleric, or Rogue in their specialties, but able to handle all of their roles to one extent or another.
  • The Caster: In some settings, the Cleric will be combined with the Magician to create the Caster. The Caster isn't so much The Red Mage as they are the Squishy Wizard; the physically weak magic user. This character is usually female. Story-wise, they will be in the party because no-one else can use magic. This is more common in modern settings, but some medieval works will still use this class for the heroine.

The Rogue Classes: Other Names: See below. Rogues are usually dexterous thieves or treasure-hunters who are experts in stealth, infiltration, lockpicking, traps and the disarming thereof, sneak attacks, and attacking from the rear. In almost any game with classes, there will be that maps to the Rogue. They are often lumped in with Ranger-type characters, but more commonly specialize in melee - particularly with light blades and daggers. They tend to be quick but fragile, limited to light armor, but deal a lot of damage when allowed to do so. Variations include:

  • The Thief: The Thief, when it is a separate class, is a version of the Rogue with lower damage, but the ability to steal items from enemies. Sometimes, this can extend even to intangible items, such as experience points, but more commonly includes rare items that cannot be obtained in any other way.
  • The Assassin: A more offensive-rogue, who sacrifices technical expertise for better stealth and killing abilities. Often have a variety of weakening and poisoning abilities and are able to cripple a foe to leave him open for allies or to let him die from damage over time.
  • The Gambler: The Gambler is a fairly rare variation more often seen in video games than in pen and paper settings. The Gambler is a rogue who has a set of magical powers that rely more on chance than usual. They may have to draw a card, spin a roulette, roll magical dice, or activate a magical slot machine to get a desired effect which may be positive or negative depending on their luck. Very likely to attack withplaying cards in lieu of throwing knives.

  • The Shadow
    : Occasionally, Rogue-types will specialize in magic or powers that augment their stealth, and when they do, those powers generally feature darkness, shadows or the occult as themes. May be distinct or combined with the Ninja or Assassin.
  • The Scout: Other Names: The Operative. Another rare variation on the Rogue, the Scout combines high movement rate with superior sensory and information-gathering skills, and often emphasizes stealth as well. Not guaranteed to be as good at combat as other Rogues; may overlap with the Ranger archetype if they are

The Bard: The Bard is a class specializing in music. Perhaps understandably, they'rebutt of a lot of jokes in fantasy settings, however, depending on the game, they may be useful. Bardic songs are generally useful for buffing allies, weakening enemies, status effects, and occasionally damage, and of all the classes, Bards are the most likely to be good at diplomacy with [NPCs]. Sometimes they act as the Jack Of All Trades.

Magic Knight: Other Names: Spellblade, Hexblade, Eldritch Knight, Rune Knight, Red Mage. The Magic Knight is a hybrid Fighter/Magician. The key distinction between different versions of this class is how connected the Fighter and Mage parts are: there is a difference between using a sword and magic, and using your magic to improve your sword/fighting abilities. Usually, they tend to be worse at fighting than Fighters and magic than Mages, but that's the price of versatility.

The Alchemist: Other Names: Chemist. An Alchemist combines items, magic or otherwise, to create potions or bombs to use in battle, often mixing them together duringbattle. Oddly enough, of all of the classes, they're the ones most likely to be good at throwing things, partly because bombs aren't going to deliver themselves to his enemies.

(if you are dragon these classes do not apply.)

What is White Magic?

What is Black Magic?

List of magic spells. The spells above are only to inform you what white and black magic are. If your looking for some spells for your character. Click here.


Rendanna: The northern Empire. They fight to eliminate the Southern Empire and unify the world. They also wish to rise a world run by the military, one where the state and higher ups control every aspect of living.

Lotheihan: The southern Empire. They fight to eliminate the Northern Empire and unify the world. They wish to rise an empire where everyone is adept in magic, they wish to enlighten the world and show them all, the gift of knowledge.

The Draco: The western Empire. They fight to assist Lotheihan in unifying the world. Alduin wishes not for war, but will assist the south in winning it. Since Lotheihan helped establish The Draco Empire, he feels it is his obligation to help them as best as he can.

Wyrm's Wall: A Rebel faction. They fight to eliminate all of the fighting. They are a group of bandits and mercenaries that plan to rise against both kingdoms. Though their cause seems righteous, they often make their living extorting the weak and stealing from the poor.

The Sacred Wings: A gathering of the last remaining Valkyrie. This faction dedicates

themselves to maintaining order throughout the land. They are a powerful guild that only show themselves when the world is on the brink of chaos. They also can be seen hunting dragons that have gone rampant, losing their sense of intelligence.

The Wooden Guard: The Elven faction that reside in Oak's Realm. This faction dedicates themselves to stopping the Northern Empire's Industrialization and destroying of forests. They will defend their homes at all costs, even if it means giving their own lives.

The Blackened Light: A faction of Dark Elves and other outcasts. They dedicate themselves to stopping discrimination based off of race. They also will do anything they can to destroy the current way of thinking. They wish to destroy those who are in power now, and start their own empire, one where Dark Elves, among many other outcasts rule.

Notable Characters:

Rendanna: Cassius Cedrik

Cassius Cedrik, a direct descendant of Althalos Cedrik, and he wears that name like a badge of honor. He is a kind ruler and a merciless warrior. With his aid Arthur by his side, will charge into battle at a moments notice in order to protect the well being of his people.

Lotheihan: Luanda Cedrik

Luanda Cedrik, also a direct descendant from the Cedrik family. Although not so proud of it as Cassius. Her power and knowledge of white magic is unmatched by anyone on this earth. She has actually achieved "immortality" by creating a powerful regenerate spell. She Rules the Southern Kingdom on a quest for knowledge and faith. She also is the Priestess of a Cathedral located there.

The Draco: Alduin

Alduin is the oldest dragon alive. He sits atop his mountain, waiting for someone to challenge his home. He has great relations with the Southern Kingdom, and also holds a truce with the Dragon hunting Valkyrie. He also wishes to put a stop to these wars and have the Southern Kingdom finally unify the world again; Just as Sadon imagined it.(he cannot always be seen atop the mountain as he is in this picture.)

Wyrm's Wall: Asher Quinn

Asher is a ruthless leader. He plans to stop the wars by starting one himself, and will slaughter all who stand in his way. He resides in Deadman's Crossing, accepting all who will join him. He is an enemy of the people and the state. He has a massive price over his head.

The Sacred Wings: Deos Septim

Deos is a majestic creature. Most can never experience the pleasure of meeting him. He is of Drow(Dark Elf) and Valkyrie lineage. Making him the only Valkyrie ever, that is able to use Black Magic. His greatest wish, aside from lopping Alduin's head off, is to restore the Valkyrie to their former glory. He believes that the Valkyrie are a hunted people, and this matter needs to be brought to justice.

The Wooden Guard:

Ellie Stormcloak

Ellie is the head of the Elves, he will kill anyone at a moments notice in order to protect the Elven way of life. He believes that the north should be punished, for their industrialization and deforestation. He stands by neither Empire, but if war were to explode, he would stand alongside the South.

The Blackened Light:

Seth Durmak

Despite his appearance, Seth is a very kind man. Never wanting anyone, to feel rejected, as he once did in his childhood. He has no family, claiming that the people of The Blackened Hole are the only family he needs. He is the head of the organization called The Blackened Light. His goal in life is to stop discrimination based off of Appearance.

(these characters are not necessarily npc. I will make character sheets for them and if you wish to use them just let me know and I will give you feed back.)

Character Sheet




Appearance:(pic or detailed description.)


Faction:(Optional. But lets not have everyone not choose a faction.)

Class:(PM me to request an advanced class.)


Birth Place:

Current Place of Residence:


Magic spells: (List every spell you use, even the lame unimportant ones. you can use the links listed above, for white and black magic. or if you feel so inclined, you may even create your own. (lets not be op here.))

Position in Society:

History: (Please be detailed)

Purpose for living:

Summoning: (This only applies to summoning mages. and wizards of extreme power.)

Other:(anything else, you would like people to know.)

Mana Pool: (Only for those who use magic. This is the size and power of your mana pool that you pull energy from to use magic.)

Element:(Fire, water, earth, wind, dark, light, lightning, Force,)(Dragoons only.)

Special ability:(each dragon has one)(Dragoons only)

Dragon Character sheet(only race with separate character sheet.)


Age:(up to 10,000)


Appearance:(Pic only)

Faction:(Wild or Draco) (lets not all be wild.)


Element:(Fire, water, earth, wind, dark, light, lightning, Force,)

Special ability:(each dragon has one)

Position in Society:


Purpose for living:

Other:(anything else, you would like people to know.)

Mana Pool: (Only for those who use magic. This is the size and power of your mana pool that you pull energy from to use magic. Dragons tend to have massive mana pools.)

How Battles Will Take Place.....

This is a battle style I saw in a recent rp I was in, im going to try it out for this one. Here is an example of how it goes. Note: each battle will not have only two fighters, and each post for a battle does not have to be this short. Like I said before, just an example.

Player 1(You)

Alexander charged toward Dmitri, raising his sword high above his head preparing to strike.

Player 2(The other player)

Dmitri rose his dagger and prepared to parry the attack.


Alexander charged forward with all of his might, striking down upon the frail Dmitri. However, Dmitri rose his dagger just in time to parry the blow, but not without its consequence. His dagger was broken and now he was facing a raged berserker while he had no weapon.

That's a basic round up of how it will go. You all will write what you attempt to do, while putting in thoughts, emotions, and other things like that. While I will act as fate, being the end decision. And don't worry, I wont just be killing people left and right, you will be notified of an oncoming death if I feel the battle is going in that direction.

Flow Of The Game.....

Based upon the abilities, race, and history of your character, i will create an arc for them. An arc is just a base story or purpose that the character follows throughout the story. Everyone's arcs will eventually come together into one big story. This will only take place if i don't see a possible arc pointed out in your history, or if your request a certain arc from me.


1. RPN's rules and terms of service apply.

2. No godmodding.

3. 2 Paragraph minimum.

4. Keep it PG-13

5. Wait for everyone else to post before you post again.

6. 5 or more days will lead to your character being auto controlled. when in this state you character is prone to death. To prevent this happening just notify me that you will be taking a long leave and i will gladly control your character without them being prone to dying.

7. Suggestions and concerns about the RP would be greatly needed to make the story develop even further. so if you have any ideas or concerns, PM me and we can talk about future plans or suggestions to make improvements to the RP.


A massive creature of gargantuan size. They are rare, or at least it seems that way because all who encounter them disappear. The only species that has been known to best Giants are Dragons, requiring a whole nest of them to stop one. Giants can be found in the dessert between The Tarnished Land and Dead Man's Crossing.


Ogre can be fount mostly anywhere where there's darkness and flesh. Dark Elves usually hunt them in search for potion ingredients. It does not take much to best an ogre, just a well-tempered blade and an intellect to match.


The Goblin. A truly repulsive creature. Most seasoned warriors have bested two or three hordes of goblins in their day. Goblins can be found almost anywhere. They will destroy your livestock and kill your pets, so be on the watch. The travel in large packs of at least seven or eight. Goblins are the most common monsters.


The Banshee, most only hear of these creatures through tales, and lore. A Banshee is the soul of a witch who made a pact with the Dark Lord. The witch then becomes so consumed within the magic that it eventually consumes her, destroying the body and only leaving her tormented soul to walk the earth. Banshees will try to convince soldiers and travelers that they are hurt, or in dire need of assistance. Once the victim approaches the Banshee it will then scream at the poor soul, a scream so loud and blood curdling that it will stun them. Following that she will then attempt to steal the victim's body for herself, ending her torment and thus starting theirs. Banshee shrieks can be heard throughout the Dead Forest.

Soul Keepers:View attachment 15797

Soul Keepers, the product of a Banshee stealing a body. Once the body is stolen and the soul is expelled, this is the out come. Many have come in contact with these, and when they do most just turn and run. Despite their appearance they are completely harmless, they are simply wandering in search for their bodies. These can be found mostly anywhere, but they are only visible at night.


A Harpy is a large bird with human characteristics. They often resemble females, and hunt small children. They can be found in most forests and mountains. They generally travel in flocks of three, Archers and mages have no problem taking them out.


The product of failed witch resurrections. They are found in some parts of The Dead Forest and all throughout the Tarnished Land. Sunlight immediately kills them so they are only found at night. Clergies do best against these type of creatures.


Beastmen are failed Chimera experiments from the capitol of Sadon. They usually live in Oak's Realm and Wood Elves have a constant problem with them. They have the same intellect as a goblin but are able to match the physical abilities of an Ox. A Horde of Beastmen could easily best a Knight.


Wraiths are the product of purely black energy. No physical weapon is able to hurt them, requiring some sort of white magic to fend them off. They are able to travel through shadows, using them as a separate plain from the physical world. With White Magic, they are an easy creature to best.


Lamias are much like Beastmen, except instead of resembling Bulls, they resemble snakes. They are the failed results of Chimera experiments at the academy in Sadon. They are a bit smarter then Beastmen but are also a tough opponent, they generally travel alone.]

Wyrm: Deadly serpentine creature which has been known to pester many a famous knight. The Wyrm is not easily defeated, striking fast and hard with a deadly, venomous bite. Most commonly, a lance, spear, or other polearm is employed in defeating these wyrms, and if timed right, one can use the thrust from one of the Wyrms own attacks to impale it on their weapon.

Leviathan: A huge sea monster which roams the local seas, the Leviathan is a creature of terror and legend, and though they are rare beasts who prefer whales over men and ships, every year one or two boats are never seen or heard from again.

Tulian: Few creatures are as rare or as sought after as the Tulian, particularly the Golden Tulian. These wondrous, intelligent beasts are known for bonding with mages, and form a connection with one or more. The very nature of these bonds is unknown, as is what the Tulian receives in exchange for creating the bond, but the mage who has been bonded with gains an incredible boon of power. Dragons love to hunt and eat Tulians, and consider them a rare delicacy, as well as a challenging hunt. Tulian's can create and cast many spell like abilities, and it is even theorized that the first mages ever were really just trying to imitate Tulians.

Elemental Beast: Another product of Sadon's experimentation, the Elemental beasts are wild, mindless, and indiscriminate in their destruction. They rampage, mate, and rampage some more before their live inevitably end when they run up against a settlement and are slain by human warriors. Elemental beasts can embody a single element, or as many as five. The more Elements the beast has, the more dangerous and powerful it will be.

Ice Horror: Enormous beasts which roam the deep north and the deep south, they are rarely seen, and even more rarely survived. They eat just about anything, can move and see in snow storms (Which is when they often ambush their prey), and can move almost silently despite their bulk. Occasionally, the Wizards of Sadon will capture one and bring it back to experiment on it. The havoc that could be unleashed if one were to get loose is an ever present danger.

Wild Unicorn: Incredibly rare, hunted, and deadly, the wild unicorn of the mountains and icelands are all that remain of the once proud herds. Every wild unicorn is tough, irritable, and nearly impossible to tame. Their horns allow for incredible potions to be made from them, and the rest of their bodies are alchemically valuable.

Kaklish: Beasts from another land, the Kaklish are feared by all and hunted by Alduin. The land they come from is unknown, but it is so distant that even dragons can not simply fly there, and none have ever returned from attempts to go there. The enormous Kaklish are even more armored than dragons, and it takes the mightiest warriors, mages, and dragons, to put even one of these beasts down. Whenever a Kaklish is spotted, Alduin Personally leads a Dragon Wing to kill it.

Wild Dragons: Dragons which have not accepted Civility or Alduin's rule, they are just as likely to attack a traveler as any wild beast, and are almost guaranteed to be deadly. They do not often speak the mortal tongue, nor can they cast spells. Even still, they are massive, magical beasts which can rain down elemental hell from their breath weapons.

Ruin Reaper: A mysterious race of serpent like creatures who roam the ruins of ancient kingdoms in the Tarnished Lands, and the in the Blackened Hole. They are Ruthless, emotionless killers who savage and slay any person they come across. Though not all of them have the gift of magic, some of them do, and even worse, their magic is Dreaded Elder Magic, making their spellcasters a match for even the mightiest mortal mage. Their goals and purpose are unknown, but there are many of them, and if they were all to unite into a single force, the realm would quake at their approach.

Basilisk: A poisonous serpent which makes its home in marshlands and swamps, the basilisk is rightly feared for its deadly poison, and its ability to petrify flesh into stone at a glance. Once petrified, a creature is as good as dead and can not be resurrected, not even with a Valkyrie feather. The person can be un-petrified if they are brought to skill enough mage, in which case the person is brought back to normal.

Ursine: The Ursine are another type of Beast Men, though instead of snakes or bulls, they are bears. Their strength is unrivaled amongst the beast men, and though they tend to seem slow and sometimes lazy, they are cunning in their own way and not to be taken lightly.

Name: Terrin Everbloom

Age: 56 (wood elves clearly age slower then humans.)

Personality: Terrin is a traveler at heart. He lives for the road and binds himself to no one place for too long. He is very care free and prone to take risks, regardless of the position it puts him in. Terrin is very easy to talk to and will fall in love with any girl that is willing to travel with him.

Just pretend his bow is black and that he has a bag on his back.

Race: Wood Elf

Faction:He sides himself officially with no one, but he fights for the same cause as the wood guard, answering to their pleas for help at a moments notice.

Class: Ranger

Weapon: NidHogg. A dark ebony bow named after the fabled ghost ship. It is a legendary Elven bow, crafted with the finest Oak. It is said to force the evil out of any tainted creature.

Birth Place: Oak's Realm

Current Place of Residence: N/A

Skills: He has achieved god like abilities with a bow. Also, due to his Wood Elf lineage, he is adept in White Magic. Often creating spells as he needs them. He is also fairly skilled in hand to hand combat. He is not near as good as he is with his bow, but he has taken some classes. Simply to give himself some means of defense in the case that his enemies get too close.

Magic spells:

Purge: An enchanting spell. The user coats their weapon with a bright white aura. When the weapon is used, instead of attacking the actual body, it attacks the soul. Only useful on monsters and other hellish creatures.

Cure: The user is able to heal wounds. The size and mortality of the wound healed depends on how much mana is exerted.

Smite: The user creates a small orb of light, then simply shoots it at the opponent.

Reveal: The user creates a small ball of light, the light then floats above the user's head, illuminating the nearby areas.

Faith In The Divines: The user kneels to the ground as a light shines around them. Their mana then slowly begins to replenish. Not to be used in battle.

Barrier Of Light: The user creates a shield of light, it then repels Black Magic attacks.

Shield Of Light: The user creates a large shield, it is useless against Magic. It only blocks physical attacks.

Ether Stream: The user creates a large cloud of shining particles of light. The cloud is then used how the user sees fit, attacking the opponent.


Position in Society: Traveler, Fabled Hunter, Forest Protecter.

Terrin was born in Oak's Realm. His father was a monster hunter, and his mother was a well-known healer. Terrin began learning the way of the bow at a young age, his father intending to teach him everything he knew. They practiced day and night, but Terrin had no problem with this. He enjoyed using the bow, and intended to be a monster hunter, just like his father.

Terrin began to become very skilled with the bow, even going as far as to try hunting some monsters himself. His father was beggingng to recognize how good Terrin was getting and decided it was time that his mother began teaching him the ways of the Clergy.

Much like with the bow, he caught on to magic very fast, and only after a few years of practice, he was beginning to create his own spells. White Magic and Archery, both skills that he had mastered by the time he was entering his adult hood. Terrin was also considering becoming a monster hunter for a full time job, working alongside his father. He began his career and everything was going swiftly, until one day......

He decided to go hunting on his own, a good spot that him and his father usually travel to, he didn't expect anything to go wrong. After about two hours of walking he arrived at the spot, only to find it much more barren then usual. He took a post in the bushes, and waited for something to appear. After hours of waiting, and nothing appearing, he fell asleep. When he awoke he was surrounded by a horde of ogres and goblins. He stood and readied his bow, targeting them and picking them off one by one; while also managing to evade their attacks. He began to get cocky and one of them managed to sneak behind him. The beast rose its club and struck him in the back of the head, knocking him to the ground.

Terrin then stood, and began sprinting back to Oak's Realm, letting his fear be his adrenaline. As he began nearing the village he noticed something, his body was starting to seem less and less responsive to what he wanted it to do. Then eventually he collapsed to the ground, his entire body paralyzed. One of the guards noticed him, picked him up and brought him to his father. His mother was also there and she determined that he had been inflicted with Crois, a venom commonly found on clubs of ogres. The poison temporarily paralyzes the victim, not a lethal ailment. His mother immediately began treating him, but with no success.

She was unable to effectively heal him because almost immediately after she started the treatment, the village was ambushed by a horde of Ogres; the same horde that Terrin was fleeing from. His father, along with the towns guard, were able to hold them off for a while, but it was not enough. The monsters then eventually broke through and began to flood into the inner parts of the village. When they arrived at Terrin's home, he advised his mother to leave him, but she would not. She used a sacred spell, Might Of The Divines, and this was the first place that Terrin saw the spell. She managed to hold off the horde long enough to force a retreat, but not without exhausting all of her mana reserves. She died defending her son,

Weighted by his burden of getting the entire village attacked, he decided to leave. The only things he took was his father's bow and his mother's spell tome. Since he has vowed to become a better hunter then his father, and to hunt enough monsters in order to redeem his recklessness and then some.

Purpose for living: To destroy any and all monsters that walk the face of the earth.

Summoning: N/A

Other: Though his troubled history and heavy resolve, he is a very care free person. Making freinds with most that he meets.

Mana Pool: Medium size mana pool. Only using spells when he is in dire need.
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Name: Aria Planetes

Age: Unknown (looks about 19-21)

Personality: Aria is a very calm person, and doesn't have a very good sense of humor. She gives good advice and anything she believes is evil, is nothing but that in her opinion. She loves getting assignments, because she has a dream of protecting all who have good hearts.

If Aria was a piece of music, she would probably be an enchanting ballad, with a light, uplifting beat. Aria enjoys poetry, but doesn't sing or write anything herself. She likes when people perform dances or rituals to God, except when it is one of fear.

Aria is full of straightforward sayings with helpful and true meaning, but also is good at quoting works that she believes in. She will define what she means to those who don't understand.

Aria is very smart, but she doesn't look down on others who aren't though she isn't exactly nice to them either.



Race: Valkyrie

Faction: The Sacred Wings


Weapon: Her weapon is a work of art, and was even titled, "Creation." Creation is a long, silver sword in a shape similar to a cross. In the middle of its handle lies a single diamond crystal. The handle is curved symmetrically to match the wings of a real angel and has the engraved pattern of platinum feathers.

Creation has a legend behind it, which makes it so special. At the beginning of time when everything was still just chaos and God, it was said that Creation was the very sword that God used to separate heaven from earth, night from day and sky from earth and sea.

Birth Place: Unknown

Current Place of Residence: Celestia

Skills: Aria has mastered the art of swordsmanship, and uses it with her white magic to defeat those who create evil.

Magic spells:

Healing spells

  • Small heal- Can be used to close small to medium sized wounds, but doesn't heal fully on medium heals.

    [No incantation or sacrifice other than -2 mana]

[*]Full heal- Used to heal entire body, as long as alive.

  • "Look upon me, have pity on me, for I am alone and afflicted. Relieve the troubles of heart and bring me out of my distress." [user feels the pain of the wounds, though they are not effected physically or permanently. -2 mana]

Protection Spells

  • Guardian Angel's Blessing- Used to protect the user with a wall of silver light. Wall can eventually be broken, but can't be harmed with a normal blade.

    "Hear, Lord, my plea for justice; pay heed to my cry; Listen to my prayer from lips to guile." [-4 mana]

[*]Wall- A very weak spell, usually used for quickly blocking.

  • [-1 mana]

[*]Reflection- Used to fire an enemy's attack back at the enemy

  • [-1 mana]

[*]Foresight- "Sixth Sense" wards of impending danger

  • "My refuge and Fortress, in whom I trust, rescue me, shelter me, be my eyes and ears and guide me."[-3 mana]

Offender spells

  • Judgement- As one of Aria's most powerful spell this spell is one she would use in rare cases and emergencies. So far, Aria has only used it once. This spell forms a wall around the person used on as they are judged on how evil they are, resulting in different ways of harm, from sent into oblivion for a number of days, to nothing at all.

    "Judge me, Lord! For I have walked integrity. In the Lord I trust; I do not falter. Examine me, Lord and Test me; search my heart and mind. I hate an evil assembly; with the wicked I do not sit. I will wash my hands in innocence. Aleph Beth Gimel Daleth He Waw Zayin Heth Teth Yodh Kaph Lamedh Mem Nun Samekh Ayin Pe Sadhe Qoph." [-17 mana]

[*]Paralyze: Exactly as it is titled, the chosen person becomes paralyzed, for an amount of time depending on the fact of how much mana she uses.

  • [-xmana=xminutes]

[*]Sunburst- Blinds all within 10 ft

  • "Their idols are silver and gold; the work of human hands. They have mouths but do not speak; They have eyes but do not see.

[*]Moment of Revenge- If an ally has died or became injured, this spell casts 2 times the amount of pain on the person who did it, acting as an illusion for the nerve system.

[*]"Rise up, Lord in your anger; be aroused against the outrages of my opressors. Stir up the justice, My god, you have commanded." [-12 mana]

Position in Society:Aria is an elite in Sacred wings, and has met Deos a few times in person, other than the joining of her in the sacred wings faction.

History: Aria hasn't remembered anything in her past except the day she fell in love with the idea of the sacred wings faction and God. She had seen parts of the war and was scarred by this utter hatred between kingdoms and wanted it to end.

Creation was a sword that went down to the first son in the Planetes family. Aria grew up with 9 sisters and was the oldest, so was given the sword after her parents death.

Aria was put into training as a Paladin at a young age, because most of her race did so, and she was found to be a fast learner. She ended up becoming able to master a skill level of five in magic while still very young, and six when she used incantations, though it would take up a lot of her power and mana.

She began hunting dragons when she was a fairly new member in the Sacred Wings, and wasn't doing too bad. Then again, she did have Creation. Nowadays, she continues accepting missions and doing whatever she needs to do to get through life.

Purpose for living: To destroy evil and bring good.

Summoning: If you count her ability to "summon" Creation when it is out of reach.

Other: Beast

Mana Pool: She has a fairly large mana pool, but is much more limited in its usage when she doesn't use incantations.
Name: Kiril

Age: 25


An Honorable man, Kiril always keeps his word. He would not hesitate to help the people around him and usually puts himself at great risk for random strangers. He is always serious and diligent in whatever he does, he rests only after the job is done. Always speaks his mind, but takes into consideration the opinions of those around him. He is usually calm, but is fierce in a fight. He is kind but merciless to those who deserve no mercy.


Race: Human

Faction: None, A freelance mercenary that sometimes helps the Northern Kingdom.

Class: Knight

Weapon: Broadsword and shield

Birth Place: Farrack

Current Place of Residence: Pluto's Crossing


-Resilient, due to the number of times he's been hit in a fight.

-Trained in the use of a sword and a shield in combination and has experience using bows and arrows.

-Quick to react, after being in so many fights.

-Observant, a skill that was necessary when he was out escorting merchant caravans.

Position in Society: As a mercenary and a bounty hunter, most people who do not know him ranks him low on the societal ladder. He is happy about this as he does not need to answer to anyone except his clients.


He was born to a long line of fishermen in Farrack. His father was a fisherman, his grandfather before him and his ancestors had all been fishermen ever since Farrack was established. Kiril, however, had other plans for himself. Whenever his uncle would come visit when he is off-duty from Capolis, he would always ask his uncle to teach him the way of the sword. He had held a firm belief of protecting people ever since he was a child, he was enthralled about the stories of Knights of the Redanna faction. All of them filled to the brim with glory. When he had become of age he had decided to employ in Redanna Army but was turned down. Slightly embittered by the development Kiril had turned to mercenary work, especially escort jobs, it gave him a sense of satisfaction whenever he heard the gratitude coming from a merchant and jingling of coin as he receives payment. As of now he resides in Pluto's crossing acting as either a caravan guard or a mercenary for hire still making a name for himself in the world.

Purpose for living:He lives simply to protect those he holds dear to him and to make a living out of it.

Name: Roselyn

Age: 114


She seems over all...cruel. Her snappy and witty attitude makes it hard for her to work with others. She doesn't mean to be that way. It just happens. With her old age she likes to act like she knows it all, but the truth is that she has hardly scratched the surface. Roselyn fights with her emotions rather than thinking with logic and she is a person who could use much growth.

On the slim upside of herself, she is loyal to the ones whom she trusts. Get on her good side and you will have a powerful ally and a caring friend.



Race: Dark Elf

Faction: Although she says she has not chosen any sides in the war, she has aided the Southern Empire by terrorizing military camps in the North.

Class: Summoner Magician


-Tips are usually laced with poison, but sometimes Roselyn forgets.


Birth Place: Farrack

Current Place of Residence: The Tarnished Land. She doesn't spend all her time her but she does spend most of it since she finds the corpses and dead plants perfect for enchanting items and learning new spells.


- Dark magic

- Climbing/flexible

- Hand to hand (although she prefers it with her weapon on)

- driving people away from her

Magic spells:

Always Use: * * * * *

Most Use: * * * *

Sometimes Use: * * *

Hardly Use: * *

Most likely to Never Use: *

Blood chalice offering - To contact her Dark Lord for a sacrifice or guidance *

Three Nights of Hell - To bring Pain upon ones she hates * *

Death Bolt - A shadow like aura goes around her hand that causes pain on others when touched by it

* * * *

Fire light - Similar to Death Bolt but it can also be used to illuminate a dark room * * * *

Plague - She can call upon swarms of flies, snakes or toads * * * *

Resurrection - Those who have passed can live again but on one condition, they serve their spell caster *

Life Drain - The health of another goes to her * * *

Manifest - Creates small things like food and water but needs something in it's place * * *

Blood - Water

Bones - Bread

Rotten Flesh - Meat

Spiteful Demon of Torment - Traps a demon inside an object to torment others *

Position in Society: Her tormenting in the North has given her a bounty on her head. She used to be just a fable in ghost stories that prevented people from going into the Tarnished Land but now that she has been interacting she has become a threat.


Roseyln was a feisty girl as a child. She was born in Farrack with humble people as her parents. She had two older brothers who got to do all the men's work while she had to stay inside and prepare dinner or something else that was lame.

Her and her mother never got along that fact she never really got along with anyone in her family. She felt like the odd one out, especially since everyone but her had black hair and her's was doomed to this red blob (so she says).

As time went on she learned to accept the fact that she'll get lame jobs of scrubbing floors and walls like her mother. Once she turned nineteen though, she felt like she was wasting it all.

She needed to live longer and experience everything. She couldn't die as a fisherman's wife! No!

So her quest began to find ever lasting youth and not end up as a fisherman's wife.

Part one of that quest was already complete, I mean she wasn't married so she had a good start.

Roselyn left home as soon as she could. Ignoring the words of "We're gonna disown you!" from her parents.

It's not like she wanted to be owned anymore. She started traveling and eventually word went around that she was looking for some way to live forever. She was later approached by an old woman who claimed to be a wonderful and grand Mage of white magic. The old woman said that she'd grant Roselyn her wish.

Roselyn believed the woman and so together they cast a summoning spell. The brought aBEAST into the world. One who was a powerful Dark Lord. Roselyn was confused. She thought the Old woman was a good mage, but she was mistaken.

The Old woman wanted to be young again, so she brought Roselyn as a sacrifice to the Dark Lord. Surprisingly though, the Dark Lord looked upon Roselyn and saved her. Killing the old woman and giving Roselyn ever lasting life like she wanted.

But now she was a slave to him. She his servant and a messenger of Death when the Dark Lord wishes.

As a messenger of Death Roselyn has entered tales that a passed at a fire, becoming a villain.

The stories that were told about her made her sound like a vicious beast who ate children to give others special powers.

There were a couple things wrong with that.

1. She's not some vicious beast with fangs and blood all over the place.

2. She wasn't able to give anyone powers, much less each children.

Over time Roselyn just became a myth and the stories became less and less real. They just became heeds of warning and an excuse to not enter the Tarnished Lands.

But with the up bringing of the whispers of War, Roselyn has made herself much more prominent. She has sent plagues into Northern Military camps because her Dark Lord has told her to.

This act has caused her to be a threat to the North.

Purpose for living:

To serve the Dark Lord


Easiest to summon *

Hardest to summon * * * * *

Flies *

Snakes * *

Toads * *

Dark Lord * * * * *


Although she serves the Dark Lord, she tries her best to stay morally grey.

Mana pool:

Being mentally connected to the Under World (where the Dark Lord resides) she receives a powerful source of energy to cast spells, in contrast, all her spells takes up much of her energy which is why she can also feed off of fear when this pool becomes low. If there is no fear around she has to simply make do and resorting to hand to hand combat or relaxing for awhile.
Name: Rinfaf Stone Talon

Age: 8,947

Personality: Rinfaf is an intelligent, cunning, brutal, and at times, civil predator, but a predator none the less. He is charismatic amongst his kind in much the same way a warrior king is charismatic amongst his subject. He respects one thing and one thing alone, and envies one thing and one thing alone, power. Be that the power to cause the sky to fall or the power to lead a nation of dragons, power is what Rinfaf craves, and he is capable of drastic change in order to get his way.


Faction: Born wild, became Draco


Minor Spells are spells which mortals still use today, and are not generally hard to master, nor do that cost a large amount of mana, at least not to a large Dragon. Among the more notable spells in this arsenal are illusion, Summon Pests, Suggestion, and Arcane Eye. Also, he has a fine mastery over Feral Tongue, the same spell Alduin had used to communicate with him when they first met.

Illusion, Creates Realistic Illusion.

Silence Field, Creates a Field of Silence.

Magic Missile,Fires Darts of magic which are as effective as thrown daggers.

Feral Tongue, Talk to Animals and wild things.

Suggestion, Make a psychic suggestion which moves a target towards a certain course of action.

Magic Hand,Manipulate items without touching them.

Whisper Message, Whisper a secret message to someone.

Detect Poison, Tell whether a place, item, food, drink, or creature is poisonous.

Hypnosis, Hypnotize a creature.

Protection from Arrows, Force field which blocks arrows and other fast, small projectiles.

Summon Pests, Summons a horde of Spiders, bats, and rats to attack.

Arcane Eye, Create Magic floating eye.

Mist, Create a cloud of mist.

Major Spells are spells still used by mortals to this day, but only by at least average level spell caster, though many of these spells require years of study and mastery in the arcane arts. These spells have a moderate drain on Rinfaf's mana pool, but they can still be cast several times a day by the huge dragon without depleting his mana. Some of Rinfaf's most used spells lay in the list below. Summon monster is one spell which is particularly proud of, as it allows him to summon up to five creatures from another realm whose minds he has subdued and made extensions of his own will.[/URL]

Green Tongue, Speak to plants and plant like creatures. Bond, Create a telepathic bond with one or more creatures. Arcane Sight, Can see magic and information about it. Sphere, Can create a Sphere of energy which will shelter those inside from rain, temperature, and wind.

Summon Monster, Allows the summoning of up to five of the creatures Rinfaf has bound to his will, and there are many. Servant, Creates invisible, none hostile servant., Enchant a creature into thinking your its friend., Cast and illusion over yourself to look different. bank, Create dense fog barrier. Thoughts, Read and Detect the Surface thoughts of creatures around you. Sphere, Create a large sphere of invisibility. Everything within the sphere is invisible. Curse, Take away a curse. Curse, Curse a creature to be crippled and weak.

Elder Magic is magic which was used by the ancient races, such as the Eldinurai and the Clave. These spells are spells of extreme power, and are lost to most, if not all of the mortals of the current day. These spells generally have a moderate to large drain on Rinfaf's magic, and he is cautious about how much he casts some of these spells. Out of all his Elder magics, the two he is most proud of is his mastery of Shadow Illusions, and his ability to change the composition of his body. With his mastery of shadow illusions, Rinfaf can create illusions which look, sound, taste, smell, and feel so real that they might as well be the actual thing! His body can turn to shadow, or into solid, flexible adamantine. Illusion Spell, Create Illusions of spells using shadow magic. These illusions are so real that they normally affect an enemy the same way the actual spell would. Shadow Walk, Walk through the shadow fringe. Remember to look out for wraiths! Illusion Summon, Summon illusion monsters using shadow magic. These monsters are so real that they affect the world around them as though they were real. Tongue, Talk to the dead. Dimensional Pocket, Create a pocket outside of space and time to hide or store things in. Form, Transform into a shadowy substance that can not be touched by regular means. Body, Transform your body into Metal, making yourself stronger, heavier, and much harder to harm in any way. Killer Create an illusion using shadow magic, of the targets worst fears. The illusion is so real that when it touches the target, the target must either be incredibly brave, or die from the contact.

Draconic Magic is magic which has been created or invented by one of the mage snouts of the Crater Council. Of those he knows, Rinfaf has created two, his master pieces, Polymorph and Gease. Almost all of these spells take a massive drain on the mana pool, and Rinfaf is careful when and how often he uses this spells. of Exhaustion, Completely exhausts the target of this ray., Can transform self or any willing target into any other kind of creature., Can issue a command to a creature that the creature must follow even unto his dying moments., Transforms user into a combat machine, thickening skin, strengthening muscles, and otherwise improving all physical aspects of the creature.

Mana Pool: Rinfaf is a monstrous dragon with an equally monstrous mana pool. With this massive pool of power, he is able to make spells and enchantments which are dragon sized. He has also trained and expanded his knowledge of how to ration his mana pool from thousands of years of experience, so the likely hood of him running out of mana is slim, unless of course, uses several of his highest level spells, Such as Geas and Polymorph, which drain him considerably.

When Rinfaf polymorphs himself, he retains his current mana pool, but only in that he does not lose the mana he already has. If he transforms himself into a human, he will only be able to regenerate a human's amount of mana, though he will initially contain a dragons amount of mana. Rinfaf has mastered doing this over the course of many years training, and for the regular dragon, especially one who has never before been polymorphed, the process is likely to make them leak all of their dragon mana during the transformation, leaving them with a human amount.

Element: Earth

Special ability: Can breath out gouts of thick, sludgy earth and mud. On small targets, such as humans and elves, the mud impedes movement if given a light spray, completely covers and halts with a solid gout of earthy sludge, and can drown and even crush if someone is covered in a sustained gout of the formidable breath. When used on dragons the mud serves only one purpose, to weigh down and impede the other dragon. On the ground this can give an edge in movement and maneuverability that can win a battle, but in the air, that is where it is truly lethal. It can completely gunk up and cover wings in mid flight, causing loss of stability and even full out free fall which can lead to a lethal or devastating crash.

Position in Society: Patriarch of the Stone Talons, and Senior Mage Snout of the Crater Conclave of Dragon Perch.


Rinfaf began life as one of the many hatchlings of Brinvrin Storm Snout, A primal, massive beast of a Dragon who did not know language nor mercy. Indeed, the only emotions that Brinvrin ever seemed to display were mercilessness, fury, boiling satisfaction, and unending lust. It was his kind that ruled the world before Alduin came, and he was the worst kind of beast, the kind that knew only pride in himself, and not in his brood.

Rinfaf never knew his mother, and when he hatched, he hatched to the brutality of the nest. Here tucked away in a cave amidst the white ribs of some unfortunate dragon, was the pit he knew as the nest. His many siblings fought and died for the scraps of meat that Brinvrin would occasionally drop into the nest, along with more eggs, soon to hatch. Rinfaf, new to the world, saw only suffering and hatred amongst his many dying siblings. He watched as the older, stronger whelps beat back the tides of starving, younger ones, each hording as much food as they could for themselves. Food was growth, and growth was strength. Rinfaf watched from the egg shells, knowing that one day he would also be starving. In his stomach, the yoke of his egg slowly burned away, feeding him for the first few weeks.

Rinfaf was a cunning beast, and for the weeks when his body still had nourishment, he watched and studied his situation. He watched as other hatchlings like him would run out of yoke, grow mad with hunger, attack the older whelps, and be beaten back, and sometimes to death. He knew that this would soon be him unless he did something drastic, something to survive. One day, his yoke ran out, and Rinfaf knew hunger for the first time. He watched as several hatchlings prepared to charge the older whelps.

When they came cowering back, they met Rinfaf, and his hunger was sated. For years this was how he survived, and he became known as a monster among the survivors of the nest, a beast who drank the blood and chewed the bones of his own kind, his own siblings. But despite their scorn and horror, Rinfaf grew strong. His might swelled, he grew larger than the others, and soon he challenged the eldest sibling for his meat. Rinfaf devoured one more of his siblings that day before taking his first bite of the meat they had all fought over, killed over, and in his case, eaten each other over.

It was putrid, rotten leftovers, and Rinfaf found no satisfaction in his victory. It got even worse when he realized what Brinvrin did to the lager whelps, as he witnessed soon after taking his place. He ate them, devoured them, and now he had his eyes on Rinfaf, he would be eaten any day. Rinfaf couldnt escape, however, it was instant death to leave the nest, as many desperate hatchlings had proven. But when Brinvrin came to devour him, he could not find his son anywhere, but he did find the hole Rinfaf had dug to escape him.

The following months were months spent crawling and hiding as his father hunted him from the sky. When he finally managed to get far away, he kept going quite a bit farther before he stopped and focused on hunting and eating. His new freedom, at first terrifying, soon grew on him, and he relished hunting things that where not his brothers and sisters.

Rinfaf eventually found his own territory, where he grew even larger and stronger. Over time he came to have many rivals and fought many of them. Some battles he won, some he wont later, but always the cunning and powerful Rinfaf found a way to overcome his foes and trials. By the age of five hundred he became known as one of fiercest beasts in the known lands. He terrified humans, buried castles, had amassed a large horde, and had already courted many females, and had sons and daughters of his own, none of which he allowed to be treated so cruelly as he was, though he still pit them in life and death struggles against each other for their food and for his favor. When he was seven hundred he decided to face his father, who was still larger than he was.

Their confrontation was short, brutal, and without words. The battle, short though it was, was a desperate one, with Rinfaf catching his father off guard, but Brinvrin soon reversing the flow of battle back into his favor. In the end, Brinvrin was moment away from biting off the front of Rinfaf's face when the younger dragon released a gout of mud and earth into his fathers mouth, sealing it and choking the older dragon. His father tried to clear his mouth with a blast of lightning, but it only served to completely disorient him and allowed Rinfaf to sink his jaws deep into Brinvrin's throat, killing him. Rinfaf devoured his father and declared himself ruler of the land with an incredible roar of triumph.

After that, Rinfaf founded his own dragon wing, the Stone Talons. He raised many sons and daughters, made them strong, and sent them out to conquer and devour. His wing became strong and feared by human, dwarf, and elf alike. The brutality and cunning of the Stone Talon wing knew no equal, and for centuries they rules supreme in their lands. But then, one day, Rinfaf sensed a storm approaching, and was met by a foriegn wing of dragons encroaching on his territory. Rinfaf gathered his sons and daughter, allies and wives, and prepared to defend their lands by tooth and claw. The enemy dragon wing was nearly twice as large as the Stone Talons entire force, but they were not daunted by such numbers, for surely Stone Talon Dragons were worth three, or even five times the regular dragon!

No, what made them question their chances of victory was the leader of these, foreign dragons. At the head of this terrible wing, who flew in swirling patterns, and organized themselves into ranks, was a massive black dragon even larger than Rinfaf. By now Rinfaf had long out grown his father, and had been the largest beast to prowl the land for ten thousand miles in either direction. But this new beast was even larger!

The two massive dragons circled each other, and the Dragon made his intentions clear. Dragons had no spoken language, but their roars and body language could convey nearly as much. He was a challenger, but not for land, for dragons. His wing was swelling, he was gathering all who would follow to go into the mountains, and wanted the Stone Talons to be among them. Rinfaf outright refused, and Alduin, as the dragon called himself, made a counter offer to the refusal. He would battle Rinfaf in one on one combat, and if he lost, then Rinfaf would inherit all his power and his dragon wing. But if Rinfaf lost, Alduin would take nothing. Rinfaf was confused until Alduin elaborated.

"If I can cast you down without touching you, however, then you, and your dragon wing, are mine." Rinfaf agreed, and the terrible battle commenced. Rinfaf roared and charged, breathing out mud and stone to bring Alduin down, but the large dragon was deceptively fast for his size, and evaded the attacks, again and again. He would even disappear and reappear in different places, or split into fifteen dragons and fly away in different directions. When Rinfaf was thoroughly confounded by Alduin's powers, Alduin struck, but not with his claws or jaws.

Raising a claw into the air, Alduin summoned a storm of meteors, which fell upon Rinfaf and beat him down to the ground, where they formed a pile and buried him. Rinfaf dug himself out only to find Alduin triumphantly awaiting. Rinfaf bore his teeth, flexed his muscles, and bowed to Alduin, compelled by his own will to do so. He recognized Alduin as the greater beast, and joined him on the formation of the Draco.

Recently, Rinfaf is a powerful Patriarch of the Stone Talons, as he has been for over seven thousand years. He is also a mage snout of the Crater Council, and is known as one of Alduin's chief advisers and mangers. Rinfaf has only grown more powerful with his mastery of magic, though, admittedly, he has little skill with Evocation magics, and almost no skill with elemental powers. This has confounded him for a long time and led to him designing many devices of catastrophic power. Though he has never built one of these devices, he has been heavily involved in the construction of a Secret weapon which one of the empires intends to use against the other.

Although he dares not to steal it from Alduin and their ally, he would give nearly anything to possess it, for it might give him the power to final accomplish his lives goal, and defeat Alduin and take his place as leader of all civilized dragons. Rinfaf believes that magic is the one true power in the world, and that its mastery is among the most important endeavors one could aspire to. He has learned many spells over his thousands of years, and has taken time to master each and every single one under his command. Many of his spells are self invented, and though variations of the same spell may exist, Rinfaf's spells are the result of experimentation and study on the part of the massive dragon.

His crowning achievements, the Geas spell and the Polymorph spell are his two most powerful and complex spells, and drain him the most, but also among his proud achievements is his dominion over dimensional beasts. By bringing forth his might he can call upon mighty champions and beasts of other realms to battle for him, and he once intended to use this mastery to over throw Alduin. But none of the beasts he can summon are more powerful than himself, and he can only manage to keep five creatures rooted to this plane at one time. These resulted in thousands of years of research coming to a dead end. If there was some way to create an army of outsiders, Rinfaf did not know of it.

Purpose for living: To defeat Alduin and take control of the Draco and all its dragon wings.
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  • Name: Teddy "Little Bear"

    Nicknames: Cub (Called by friends and companions.), Little Bear (Called by friends and companions.), Hero (calls himself this.)


    Personality: Happy go lucky nothing really bothers him as his innate genius is not being a genius at all. He lives a simple life enjoying the small things without ever worrying about the future. He is gullible and very child like in all his operations and management towards things. He grew up hearing the legends of heroes so he has picked up a few chivalrous traits along the way. Calls himself the hero.

    Race: Human Dwarf

    Faction: Hunters Guild and Merchant Guild

    Class: Merchant (Gambler class with a Barbarian mix)

    Position in Society: Merchant, Upper Class, Aristocrat.

  • Weapon: War Hammer


    Birth Place: Valadore

    Current Place of Residence: Pluto's Crossing


    Iron Will: Being a child has bolstered his fortitude making him unaware of his own mortality. Thinking him to be the hero of the story and invincible he never gives up.

    These are the goods you are looking for: This silver tongued child has a way to talk you into buying your own pair of pants. He comes from a family of merchants and knows his way around a barter.

    Taunt: A skill that pulls the attention of said monster away from others.

    Iron Skin: His fathers dwarven skin he inherited has given him a tough outer shell.

    Lady Luck: A strike that gains half of total damage added as bonus damage or halves the total damage

    Mammonite: Pays tribute to the gods of fortune as the user pays money to gain damage onto their weapon in an explosion of their coins to do damage.

    Hammer Fall: Slams ground to cause the ground to shake and quake momentarily disorientating those around the epicenter lessening from initial strike point.

    Fissure: Slamming the war hammer against the floor causes the earth to split and tear into a jagged fissure that spreads in a cone in front of the user.

    Adrenaline Rush: The users body temperature increases inflating the muscles and causing the brain to process things much faster causing the user to attack faster and deal more damage for a duration.

    Heroic Presence: Confidence radiates from the user bolstering the moral of all those around them.

    Berserk: Falling near the low health threshold the user can not be criticaled or fataled during the short duration. Berserk also multiplies the users strength immensely, mental magic is ineffective during berserk. Can only be used once in the same engagement.

    Double edge: The user gains bonus damage for from current damage. Making the user stronger for the more damage they take.

    Blood Rush: The first scent of blood on the battle field increases movement for one action to super quick speeds.

    Killing Frenzy: Killing a monster, beast or enemy gives a boost to do more damage and increase speed after target is dead.

    Key to the City: Teddy's war hammer doesn't lose out to locked chests as it can smash most locks open with its heavy swing.
Name: Jared Leto (Alias; his real name is Daliviri Shadewolf)

Age: 71

Personality: Sharp and to the point. He isn't one to beat around the bush or make up excuses. He keeps his personal opinions out of his work and follows orders faithfully. He doesn't have a problem with killing somebody but it has to have probable cause. He will not randomly slay a man. He looks at situations realistically. He is very perceptive and is always on alert. You will never catch him off guard.


Jared Leto:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/tVGG_3665.jpg.5103021786fc2838f72755f74b68e9fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2199" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/tVGG_3665.jpg.5103021786fc2838f72755f74b68e9fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Daliviri Shadewolf:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/elf-warrior-with-sword-and-armor.jpg.ddfcdd274230acfb9ec2ca76374a3855.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2200" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/elf-warrior-with-sword-and-armor.jpg.ddfcdd274230acfb9ec2ca76374a3855.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Wood Elf; Human

Faction: Wyrm's Wall (Jared Leto), Daliviri Shadewolf is a mercenary for hire

Class: Assassin/Scout


  • A single Elven sword called Vulnus. The Elven sword has an enchatment. Wounds will not be able to heal easily if they are cut with his sword. It some time takes month's for simple scars to heal.
  • Throwing knives
  • Smoke bombs
  • poison and antidote
  • Arrows and Crossbow (he can use a long bow as well but carries a crossbow because of its quick firing capabilities)

Birth Place: Oak's Realm

Current Place of Residence: Wyrm's Wall

Skills: Adept at scaling buildings and trees, Infiltration/Stealth, information gathering, Coercion, Trap making, Poison making, Marksman, Knife throwing, Single and Dual Sword skills, Able to make himself appear dead, able to control the temperature of his body,

Magic spells: Able to call nearby animals to his aid in battle, able to do small fire buff, Able to cast Calm on a person (puts them in a state of tranquility), able to cast Fury (puts them in a raged state)

Position in Society: (Jared Leto) Most trusted man of Asher Quinn, he doesn't have an official title in Wrym's Wall; (Daliviri Shadewolf) His face is known as an Elven mercenary for hire.

Born of a female Wood Elf and male Human, he was shun by most of the pure blood kids who lived in Oak Realm. His father died when Daliviri was a child, leaving the mother to raise him..

At the age of 10, he left Oak's Realm with his mother and made Wyrm's Wall his new home. When he got a little older, he took up odd jobs and eventually joined the military of Wyrm's Wall to pay for their living expenses. There he received his combat training.

At the age of 21, his mother died of a rare sickness that not even the best Mages or Doctors could heal. He then dropped out of the military and left Wrym's Wall, becoming a mercenary for hire.

At the age of 64, he returned to Wrym's Wall and became a hired hand to Asher Quinn. He completed many task for him from killing to escorting. Asher took a liking to his work effort and loyalty and made him his right hand man. He then took up the alias of Jared Leto and hid his identity to the people. People had a new fear of Asher, due to his mysterious aid.

Purpose for living: To serve Asher Quinn and Wyrm's Wall

Summoning: N/A

Other: Asher Quinn is the only one who has ever seen his face while asuming the roll as Jared Leto. Nobody knows that Daliviri Shadewolf is Jared Leto of Wylm's Wall. Jared Leto carries one Elven Sword and on his person. Daliviri Shadwolf carries two elven swords on his person. All other items are the same except for armor .

Mana Pool: Average, doesn't use much magic

Name: Ryuleianna Septim

Nickname: Ryu or Ry

Age: 200

Personality: Careful about every move that she decides to make. She hates being ordered around, but has a strong sense of pride, along with a strong sense of what is right and wrong. The type to not open up easily, but is soft at heart truly, and loves people. She has a bit of a hard time connecting with most though, and because of that, she tends to hang back, and observe, but she is extremely loyal to the Valkyries.



Race: Valkyrie

Faction: The Sacred Wings

Class: Battle Priest

Weapon: Blessed staff, commonly carried on her back, aside from when she needs to use more complicated magics. Blessed short sword. If she gets any other weapons along the way, she is quick to learn, and would bless them immediately if she decided to keep the weapon.

Birth Place: Celestia

Current Place of Residence: Celestia

Skills: Ry can fly, and is fast, even on foot. She is a lithely thing, and her wings only help her instead of being a hindrance. She is adept at swordplay as well.

Magic spells:

  • Heal
    This heals a small amount of health, best used for small, not deep wounds. Uses a small amount of mana.


  • Heals a larger amount of health than Heal does, used for deeper, more life threatening wounds. Uses a larger amount of mana.


  • Increases the abilities of the target


  • Revives someone who has recently died, using a feather from her wings, and a bit of mana.


  • Blessing to an object. Amount of mana used depends on level of blessing, and intent of blessing.


  • Shield of sorts, deflects mostly magic based attacks, uses a small amount of mana at first, but quickly drains.


  • More physical than a ward. Blocks physical attacks. Drains quicker than a ward.

Position in Society: Cousin of Deos Septim

History: She was born to the Septim family, and like with all Valkyrie births, her parents were ecstatic to have her. She lived fairly well, and was happy for most of her life. No sob story here. She couldn't have imagined better. When she came of age, her father, a large fan of political things, brought her into the world of politics, thinking it would be useful, and that she might help her cousin bring the Valkyries into the spotlight.

She was happy enough with this idea, learning all she could about the politics of the land. The others always loved her, and her naturally cheery attitude, but also found her a bit odd. She always had her nose stuck in a book, or a grimmoire, and didn't relate well to others.

Ry has an affinity for clerical magic, and enjoys it thoroughly, learning all she can. Her father taught her how to fight properly at an early age, and she loves that as well. Learning in general seems to make her happy as can be.

Purpose for living: She lives, and goes on living, because of her strong sense of pride, and a need to do right and help people. She wishes to help her cousin.

Mana Pool: Her mana pool is rather large, her wing's natural ability adding to the curative affect of her healing powers, and lessening the cost on her mana pool.
Name: Rawlin Moore

Age: 23

Personality: He likes to sing and dance and play music. He jokes around and teases his friends but all in all is a sincere and honest guy. He's cautious but not uptight. He hates drinking because it dulls his senses and he likes being on high alert and heavily guarded. Since he can't fight well he has to rely on quick wit and agility.




Race: Human (but he's still a BEAST)

Faction: Wyrm's Wall

Class: Ranger


Bow and Arrows


Feathers (dyed to know they are his)


Stilleto Dagger


Birth Place: Farrack

Current Place of Residence: Bride of Hope, closer to Farrack

Skills: Archery, Hunting, Fishing by shooting the fish with arrows, Healing Spells, Playing the flute, Singing, Running/Sprinting, Finding his way around/Finding something lost (like his arrows), Cooking, and Pick pocketing.

Magic spells:

Healing Spell (depending on the size of the wound it takes her energy)

Fire Conjuring Spell (To make a small fire for cooking)

Soothing Spell (To calm an animal or person's suffering)

Plant Growing Spell (To grow small herbs or fruits)

Position in Society: Doesn't support the war, just wants to survive and protect his friends.

History: His mother was a common prostitute that had seduced his father while he was drunk and hanging out with friends. He found out later that she was pregnant with his child and vowed to take care of the child. He lived a happy life, his father being a fisherman and his mother still prostituting but visiting him and teaching him how to seduce people (which he was terrible at) and pick pocket them (which he was wonderful at). At 15 his mother disappeared, everyone thought she had been kidnapped and killed but he still thinks she's alive. When he turned 16 his father was drafted into the war and he was left alone to fend for himself. He couldn't care for the business so he handed over the business to a family friend. After finding out his father was dead he moved away from Farrack to the Bridge of Hope and started working as a hunter/fisher for a local market. When he turned 22, he met Dahrim in the woods. His arrow struck beside her and they got into a shouting match before laughing together and becoming friends. She is the only thing dear to him in his life and he'll do anything to keep her safe and happy.

Purpose for living: To protect and keep Dahrim happy.

Summoning: None




Mana Pool: Limited

Element: None

Special ability: None
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Name: Dahrim Vallehund.

Age: 19

Personality: Dahrim is as easy to read as you can get, when she's happy she's elated, when she's upset she's a barely contained hurricane. She's quick to take offence and easily gets upset, though not stupid enough to always respond physically. Dahrim drinks hard, parties hard, and works hard, taking after her brutish father. Despite this she normally has a positive outlook but is keen on taking care of herself, she likes justice, but she likes living better.

Appearance:(pic or detailed description.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc44205c_FinalDahrim.jpg.9cf1ec26f2d463307f162a2dfc592acf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2210" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc44205c_FinalDahrim.jpg.9cf1ec26f2d463307f162a2dfc592acf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Spoiler (open)

Dahrim is around 5'2" with wild and bright white blonde hair and weather paled skin, she has wide eyes and a thin mouth. Her shoulders are thin and her upper body is slightly toned, though her legs are where her power is at, fully toned and strong.

Race: Human

Faction:(Optional. But lets not have everyone not choose a faction.)Dahrim is a part of Wyrm's Wall but dislikes their tactics used and is somewhat naive to their true purpose. If it came down to it she would leave them and side with Lotheihan, anything to stop a military take over.

Class:(PM me to request an advanced class.) Ranger.

Weapon: Ear Dagger

small, dagger strapped to her thigh. Mostly used for cutting fishing nets and other daily needs, not necessarily a weapon.

Long sword.

sword she keeps strapped to her hip. Light weight, simple and around 2 feet long

Short Bow, Used mainly for hunting animals.

Birth Place: Unamed small village, cold climate in the mountains. Near Drake's Perch but well secluded from it. It being the BEAST-ly dragons that like to chill there.

Current Place of Residence: Bridge of Hope, close to Farrack

Skills: One on One fighting.

Chaotic Crowd fights. (Like a bar brawl.)

Wilderness survival.

Mountain climbing.

Animal mounting and combat.

Slightly adept at fishing.

Very adept with a spear (Because that's what her clan used to hunt)

Can take a punch like a man. ( Wishes she could hit like one.) Very skilled archer, though rather new at it, learned two years ago, taught by Rawlin.

Magic spells: (List every spell you use, even the lame unimportant ones. you can use the links listed above, for white and black magic. or if you feel so inclined, you may even create your own. (lets not be op here.))

Small Flame: -3 mana, creates a small flicker of fire, (Only used to light campfires)

Battle Prowress: -65 mana, increases stamina, reflexes and strength by two for a short period of time.

Position in Society: A lowly merchant right now, has a stand where she sells the fish she catches for a low price.

History: (Please be detailed)

Dahrim grew up in a very small clan located in a more frigid part of the mountains relatively close but secluded from Drake's Perch. In this clan, while men did the hunting women ruled and were head of their society. Despite this Dahrim spent most of her childhood with her father, hunting in the snow and playing and riding the animals there. When news of the war reached the clan they decided to pack up and move further away from the three kingdoms and start anew. Dahrim's father quickly took her and left, travelling down the mountain carefully avoiding being detected by dragons they spent three years in the wilderness.

Finally the two managed to reach The Blackened Hole, in hopes of being able to raise his child there Dahrim's father entered, and a few weeks later was killed in an 'accident'. Thirteen year old Dahrim left, using what she knew to travel away through the land, taking three years before finally finding a place where she wanted to stay, Farrack. At the age of sixteen Dahrim secretly studied the fisherman to learn their techniques and set up a small merchant stand on the Bridge of Hope. She was able to keep a steady flow of customers and is now able to form a small inn room on the point of the bridge closest to Farrack. Now and then she travels off to visit the woods and hunt, hoping to bring back memories of her father and ended up meeting Rawlin, who almost took her head with an arrow, resulting in one of her notorious hissy fits. Despite that he ended up being one of her close friends and she means the world to him, though his protectiveness irritates her more than a little bit.

Dahrim now drinks and parties in ale houses, and gets into the occasional bar fight, but she is in general happy where she is and at all costs does not want the war to affect this.

Purpose for living: To live for today, and possible to keep the war from destroying her day to day somewhat carefree lifestyle.

Summoning: (This only applies to summoning mages. and wizards of extreme power.)

Other:(anything else, you would like people to know.) Dahrim= Mini viking she-bear. And whatever language spoken here is not her first, so she has a light accent.

Mana Pool: (Only for those who use magic. This is the size and power of your mana pool that you pull energy from to use magic.) Dahrim's mana pool is somewhat limited and small, she has no need to fight daily so she has not taken the time to train these abilities.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/DAHRIIIM..jpg.5dbe82c0924c828601eeab348b8fb69d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2206" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/DAHRIIIM..jpg.5dbe82c0924c828601eeab348b8fb69d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Name: Jenasari Theanine

Age: 100

Personality: Jenasari is a dark, and unhappy person. He is cold, and uses his body to get what he wants at times. Just looking at him you can tell that he is broken inside; even though he tries to hide it. His past is laced with pain, suffering, and death. All of these things sway his personality.


Race: A half breed. Mother was a Wood Elf, his father was a Drow. (Drow is another name for Dark Elves)

Faction: The Blackened Light

Class: Thief

Weapon: Jenasari wields two short swords. The hilts are the colour of ebony, and the blades are made of dark red steel. On special occasions he will wield a long bow of black wood with ruby gems encrusted in it.

Birth Place: He was actually born in Oak Realms. His mother and father wished him to be born in a place filled with colour. They thought that they would be welcome there since his mother was in fact, originally from the Oak Realms. His mother died giving birth to him. She had been the only thing keeping them there. He and his father were kicked out because of the Drow blood within them both.

Current Place of Residence: The Blackened Hole. He has claimed a fairly large cave that isn't too far off of the main cavern.

Skills: Jenasari is skilled in sword play, and he has made a habit of stealing a coin purse or two when he was hungry. He isn't the most talented of people, but he is a scrappy man that won't give up without a fight. He is also efficient in both Light and Dark magic. He can also speak with animals; though the conversations are not clear because of his Drow blood.

Magic spells:

White Magic Spells:

Protection~Vara tel' Seldarine*

Wall of Stone~Ram en' ondo**

Invisibility~Quella tuulo' elea ***

Heal~Tanka harwar *

Unlock~Panta tangwa *

Dark Magic Spells:

Fireball~Koron en' naur ***

Summon Creature~Yala onna **

Polymorph~Luhta kanta *****

Position in Society: His position in society is to be the Thief. He makes a living off of it. If he could do something else with his life he would, but being a half breed made his options very limited.



Jenasari was born in the place where Wood Elves dwell. His mother was a slave to one of the merchants that set up shop in Sadon. His father was a lowly Thief that took a liking to her, and she him. His father had been quite the good Thief and actually stole Jenasari's mother away. They spent the next fourteen months running from place to place, never settling in one place for too long.

When they reached the home of the Wood Elves they were near death, starved of both water and food. They found an apple tree sitting next to a river and gorged themselves. That was when his Mother went into labour and gave birth to him, but at a cost. His mother died giving birth to him, the strain too great on her frail body. His father stayed with her body for two days, grieving and trying his best to take care of a noisy infant.

He would have stayed by her longer if his son had stayed quiet and hadn't alerted the Woof Elves to their presence. Both Jenasari and his father were threatened with death if they did not leave.

So they left; going to the one place that they would be accepted. The Blackened Hole.


Jenasari was raised in the Blackened Hole, and therefore was raised to be the toughest kid on the block. His father taught him everything he knew.

One day, Jenasari was caught stealing. The man he stole from was a part of a guild of Assassins that nearly no one knows about. Late in the night, when Jenasari was away doing an errand for his father, they came and attempted to find the stolen money. Instead they found Jenasari's father laying on the ground with several bottles of Lichen Ale surrounding him.

They slit his throat and left him, letting his father's life pay the toll for the two gold coins stolen.

Jenasari came back to find his father's dead body on the floor. His eyes were already grey and unseeing.


This story, is still to be told.

Purpose for living: To make life better for his race, and revenge his father.

Other: He will be a Beast to romance if someone chooses to.


Name: Sinovera Arianni

Age: 20

Personality: She is a person with a split-personality disorder. One side of her is calm, cool, and sweet. The other side is a ball of rage that will kill anything in her path. She uses song to keep the darker side of her at bay.


Race: Draconian

Faction: She has no faction

Class: Bard

Weapon: She carries a flute at her back and an assortment of daggers on her belt.

Birth Place: The Blackened Hole.

Current Place of Residence: Pluto's Crossing.

Skills: She is skilled in singing and playing the flute. It was quite tough for her to learn that skill because her nails are claws, but she persevered, finding that playing and singing actually assists her in keeping her beastial side calm. She first tried to learn how to play a stringed instrument, but the strings kept snapping under her sharp claws.

She has also trained herself in the art of dagger play; though, she doesn't really need them, for she already has natural defenses. Her claws are thick and sharp, her teeth are small and sharp, she has short, sharp horns on the top of her head, and her tail ends in a three pointed blade. She can also fly. Her wingspan is nearly twenty feet in length.

Magic spells: As far as she knows, she knows no magic. Her song is the only thing that holds any music. She is like a Siren in that case.

Position in Society: She sells herself to continue living; be it body or sword arm. She sees no other path for herself. Being a Draconian, she really has no other option.

History: Sinovera was born in the Blackened Hole. Her Father was a Draconian, her mother was an Elf. It is said that Draconians and other races cannot make children; that is not true. She can almost remember the day of her birth.

Darkness, the sounds of a woman screaming as horns and claws ripped at her flesh. A sound of a monster roaring. The feeling of cold, scaly hands clutching at her blood covered body, cradling her. The soft feeling of large tears falling onto her skin.

Her mother died giving birth to her. She hadn't meant to kill her. Her Draconian features had proved too difficult for her non-Draconian body to handle.

She was raised by her father, a very ugly Draconian, who loved her very much. He always used to say that she reminded him so much of her mother. Despite her scaly purple skin, red eyes, wings, and tail. Sinovera always thought that it was just her pointed ears.

Being raised in The Blackened Hole was hard, being made harder because of the fact that she was Draconian. Draconians were treated more like animals. The Drow, at least, had the courtesy of being called dirty savages.

She trained herself in the ways of music and dagger play.

When she grew old enough to go out on her own she set out for the great unknown. The sunlight burned her eyes, and her skin seemed to burn on contact. She had actually never seen the sunlight, having been underground for so long.

The rest of her story has yet to be told.

Purpose for living: To explore, and find some way to control the best within her.

Other:(anything else, you would like people to know.) She is not very trusting towards men after something very bad happened to her when she was sixteen. She will be a beast is treated wrongly.
Name: Erin Jagger

Age: 19

Personality: She is dark and mysterious female. She does not talk much and only responds with a nod of the head or one answer. She thinks more than she speaks, which leads her to be suspicious or weird seeing how her facial expression always change. Because of her past she hates to be touched or even looked at. This caused bad blood amongst her people which she grew uncaring for. She fights for herself , only thinking that it is her she only needs. Even though she holds up this defensive , dark wall. She is actual quiet the talker and tends to help more than she needs to. She would play it off by either coughing or acting high and above you. Of course to get to this you have to be willing to put up with her current mood.

Appearance:(pic or detailed description.)

Race: Dark Elf

Faction: Blackened light

Class: The Theurgist Magician

Weapon: She carries around a wooden staff that is stained black. The top of the staff branches out like a tree and has a small black gem in the middle but is covered with more twigs that intertwine with one another, making it hard to pull out.

Birth Place: The blackened Hole

Current Place of Residence: Blackened Hole


  • Dark Magic
  • Hand to hand combat
  • Melee ( all ranges) combat
  • Cooking
  • Running
  • Hunting

Magic spells:

  • Always Use: * * * * *
    Most Use: * * * *
    Sometimes Use: * * *
    Hardly Use: * *
    Most likely to Never Use: *

  • Demonic shadow manipulation-focus on a enemies shadow. imagine it is a demon or some other hellish thing. imagine it will kill or hurt them. what you imagine will happen. you'll start to see them in pain. this attack is of black magic , so it does run a risk using ( ****)
  • Negative energy manipulation -Users are in control of negative energy, usually from some inter-dimensional or negative source. Negative energy can come in waves or as tiny particles. Users also able to gather energy from negative influences such sadness, rage, hatred, despair, etc. and channel it into raw power (* * * * *)
  • Black mist- She can selectively or completely block the senses of several people at the same time. When she uses this ability, it manifests into the form of a shimmering hazy mist that slowly moves toward his target, and it cannot be affected by the physical materials, such as wind or gravity. The down fall is that it takes time to complete, but it targets multiple people (* * * * *)

Position in Society: She is a simple traveler. Despite her race and where she comes from she wishes for peace and would fight for it. She enlisted as a solider.



It was on an evening around midnight when she had came in to the world. She was water birthed in a caldron that was over a pentagon and trees that bent over as if they had bowed to the new born. Her father was there with a knife along with two other women. Her mother's eyes were dark as night and the small girl was to small enough to be held in one hand. The father recited these words, as back up the woman behind him began a series of hand motions and language in another tongue.

"I oh great one bringer of life and death. Here me as I give you my spirit and body.

Listen to thigh for I have given you a gift. That of a pure soul who was born when the moon is at its highest.

I who sacrifice the barrier of which the child was born from and she the blood unto the child.

I then shall kill myself In order for this trial to be complete."

The man first stabbed the mother in the heart. Being careful not to hurt the child. The blood as plan splattered upon the child face. The baby moving around without shedding a tear. He pulled the knife away as the mother died slowly. Bringing the knife down unto him , driving it through his heart he fell to his knees. The blood dripped along the lines of the pentagon. The ground beneath them began to shake as the woman fell to their knees and held their hands out to the sky. Their eyes rolling back as their body began to shake.

"We who bare the fruit of sin and murder. I who give you the new child to continue this legacy.

We who understand you pain and desire to rule the world and all of these mortals.

We give you the new child who will do you bidding as you came to us so many years ago.

We offer up this contract in the name of you my lord."

With this the father fell on to his back. The child was lifted in to the air by nothing at first. There he was , a form of the dark lord that has been seen by many. A Beast who sees the evil in all. Their he held the child high. The dark lords voice deeper than any sound you have ever seen before. Her destiny was carved in to her body leaving a mark of a circle in a triangle on her upper right hand shoulder. Like all children that were born, she was born to serve him.

Later on

It has been years since the awakening of the child, and the death of her parents. She was moved in to a place called the Blackened Hole. There she resided in a small home that was vacant by non other than herself. She didn't do much there but ear. She trained for several of months until she enlisted in the blackened light. Still keeping a pact with the dark lord she had freedom from him and found it wasn't as hard as she thought. She was granted freedom and to live her own way. Only because she was given to him at birth that he allowed this.



Now she is fully grown, to her at least. She travels the world , but with a bounty on her head. Because of her past , the title she gained continued to follow her. To make amends with this she decided to go to Pluto's crossing. She intends to fight in this war and to wipe her slate clean. But in all honestly , deep down she knows this can never be accomplished

Purpose for living: To see peace through out the land. She is tired of all the conflict

Summoning: (This only applies to summoning mages. and wizards of extreme power.)

Other:(anything else, you would like people to know.)

She hates jokes and has a keen taste for blood.

Mana Pool: Because she is connected with Lucifur , mentally and physically. She has a very big power source. Although hit may seem she has an endless amount of power, if she is not careful her body would reject the power, and make her shut down.
Name: Vaxiter Meu'lin

Age: 21

Personality: Vaxiter hates no species but his own and the humans.

Appearance:(pic or detailed description.)


Race: Dark Elf

Faction: None, he's pretty rougue. He sides with whoever appeals to him at the time, not really caring about the whole thing in general.

Class: Blue Mage. In his travels he's encountered a lot of monsters, though he selects the spells he learns very carefully. This also gives him access to certain white magic, which he values above anything else he can do.

Weapon: He might be a mage, but he's something of a beast in battle. All the time he had alone in his traveling lets him practice the sword he'd stolen from the Wood Elves when he was a teen. He fights with his mind more often, though- playing games with his opponent until they break and go mad or simply give up.

Birth Place: He doesn't know where, but the rumor is that he was born in Drake territory.

Current Place of Residence: None. He's travelling to Farrack at the moment, hoping to find a place to stay and refresh his supplies.

Skills: He knows how to survive on his own, he's just good enough at hunting and fishing, though he isn't a master at it. He is better with his magic than anything else, but that's not something he likes to talk about.

Magic spells:

Light - Simple replacement for a torch 5

Alter Self - Can take the form of a similar creature 35

See Invisibility - speaks for itself 30

Tongues - Speak any language 15

Water Breathing - subject can breathe under water 20

Break Enchantment - can break some curses and spells cast on subject 20

Mind Fog - confuses target/distracts them 10

Note* Though he has a wide array of magic, he hates using it.

Position in Society: Occasional thief, he doesn't really stay long enough to recognize.

History: Vaxiter's biological parents were Dark Elves. They tried to get rid of him a hundred different ways, drowning, abandonment, poison- they thought it was fun. They enjoyed his anger and pain more than simply killing him. Mind games were inherent since birth. After no one he turned to took him seriously or tried to help, his resentment spread from his parents, to all of his race. The Dark Elves were suddenly his enemies.

He was seven when he ran away. He spent as much time in Wood Elf territory before they noticed and chased him off. At fourteen he had his sword and some magic, so he set off to find some form of academy to train at. Possibly further his magic skills.

He found a human tutor in Pluto's Crossing. The tutor became a father figure to him, even if his teachings were sinister, he could do no wrong. Teaching him how to rob people without them remembering, using him to get alcohol when the need came. The tutor began going mad, and nearing Vaxiter's eighteenth birthday he committed suicide while drunk.

Vaxiter, in a rage, blamed the human race. He realized that his racist tutor only stole from elves or dwarves or Drakes- (though that wasn't true, it was the majority of their targets)

And so, he hates humans for their greed and lies.

Now, he travels from town to town, never taking more than he needs, never from the poor. He sometimes fights for money or gamblers, but that's not a living. He doesn't know where he's going or why or what he's going to do when he gets there. Most of the time everything seems so pointless he considers following his Tutor- and then there's his purpose for living.

Purpose for living: To be happy. That's all he wants. Not revenge, or battle, or women. Just to be happy, something he's never really had.

Mana Pool: I'm not sure how this is scaled. I'll say he has fifty mana, and mark his spells accordingly.

Name: Lyra Belle

Age: 21

Personality: Rebellious. Sparky. Stubborn. Reckless. She does things her own way, without asking questions. They usually work out, and she always knows how to talk her way out of a problem. She loves getting herself into trouble, loves taking chances and never knowing whether she'll be lucky or not. Winning isn't important, the adventure is. She trusts people easily, but she isn't particularly loyal unless you've proven yourself to her. Either way, you won't know her for very long- she's always running off to see what else she can get into.

Appearance:(pic or detailed description.)


Race: Human

Faction:(Optional. But lets not have everyone not choose a faction.) No faction, she couldn't care less what happens. Though she'd be more likely to join the militia- to stop the fighting in the first place.

Class: Swashbuckler. She's always around the sea, she even had her own ship for a few years (until it sank). She's working on getting another ship, though, as she knows exactly how to keep men in line. Don't let her version of friendly fool you into thinking she's nice.

Weapon: Any kind of sword she can get her hands on, and the occasional pistol.

Birth Place: Farrak, and she loves it there.

Current Place of Residence: Farrak, though she has only just got back. She was looking for Capolis for a long time, but eventually came back home. She isn't sure why.

Skills: Lyra's clever, and she can use her mind and body to figure out anyone. She's charming and cunning and cruel when she wants to be. It's easy for her to manipulate someone, but she chooses not to use sexuality as a motivator. She doesn't like 'manipulation', though she'll use it on those who deserve it. Instead she barters and argues- or simply pulls out a pistol. That ends most arguments.

Position in Society: Thief, Sailor, Pirate.

History: Lyra was born in the very city of the ocean. She grew up a sailor's daughter, and loved every day of her childhood spent on the ocean. Her mom never existed- not to her, anyways. She left a long time ago.

Lyra soon got her own ship- a simple "cargo" thing, when really they were smuggling people who wanted to be transported. She made good money, and her crew was happy, considering their captain was seventeen.

Then her ship was attacked by pirates. It sunk, and most of the 'cargo' was lost along with half of her crew. She was taken prisoner on the pirate ship, but it only took her a few months to talk her way into first mate. She enjoyed it, taking revenge on each of the crew lowly, one-by-one. She let the innocent go, they were still under the impression that it was some sort of disease among the crew.

The first port they stopped at was where she got off.

So she traveled.

Eighteen, looking for Capolis, it wasn't a dream or an obsession. She was simply curious about the place.

Having found nothing, she eventually returned home. Where she is now.

Purpose for living: To see and do everything one possibly can. She wants no revenge, though she might if something happens.

Other: Though she has never been in love, she would be quite the interesting partner.
Name: Belzamel

Age: Twenty-seven (27)

Personality: Belzamel is usually the last of any member of a congregation to share his presence. The Draconian is a mentalist shrouded intentionally by the air of a distant yet calculated sociopath with an inclination of sadism. He emanates a grin that perpetuates his amusement in other sentient life forms. His new found freedom ( see history section) along with his particular set of skill allows Belzamel the confidence to impose fear in others before even making contact with the victim. Belzamel is not one to waste words or talk nonetheless, so when he is talking one would be wise to recognize swiftly the intent behind his tongue. Belzamel knows his appearance and presence may make the weak of heart alongside the lionhearted feel uncomfortable and plays upon that when it does. Belzamel also suffered the tutelage of one of the most seasoned rogues in all of existence... "Raven-Haired" Thorin; and that is particularly why Belzamel has a near genius level capability as an assassin, strategist and MOST importantly... an opportunist.

Appearance: "Belzamel using Dimension Door"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Belzamel.jpg.bafe2ddd0f080e5a7793eabf12f4490f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2234" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Belzamel.jpg.bafe2ddd0f080e5a7793eabf12f4490f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Draconian

Faction: The Empire of Rendanna

Class: The Shadow Assassin

Weapon: Primarily, his razor tipped dark-stained mithril gauntlets. He does however conceal a short adamantium poison blade aptly named "Malice" on his persons, that upon contact may also mute the victim for thirty (30) seconds.

Birth Place: The Blackened Hole

Current Place of Residence: At a covert base of the Army of Rendanna.

Skills: Tumble / Auto-hypnosis / Survival / Search / Sleight of Hand / Intimidate / Open Lock / Move Silently / Hide / Listen

Magic spells: Feather Fall / Ghost Sound / Alter Self / Pass Without Trace / Misdirection / Non-detection / Deeper Darkness / Dimension Door / Modify Memory

  • Belzamel's intent is to instill fear in all of his victims. The result is that the majority of his techniques employed are utilized to emulate terror and hysteria through atmospheric or mental manipulation. However, spells such as Dimension Door provide mobility that once in unison with a physical strike births devastating combinations.

Position in Society: Infamous amongst underworld assassination circles and their clientele.

History: In several short segments:


Belzamel was born to victim of sexual assault; a woman who had not intended to have offspring nor was fond of children. This, and the fact that every time she laid eyes upon her son she could see a striking image of her assailant, was the reason that she went on to neglect Belzamel. They had lived on the fringe of one of the Hole's conclaves and the woman made her means by various forms of theft or sexual compromise. The woman had a sister who could not bare her own children, and through the death of her own husband she lost her belongings. This sister took care of Belzamel till about the age of six, where she passed from illness. This left Belzamel's care in the hands of his mother again, who had not and did not prepare for raising him. She typically left Belzamel alone most of the day, though on occasion would interact with him in the evening or early morning to taunt and tease if she had returned home under the influence of a substance. This prompted the boy to sleep irregular hours and take to the streets most of the time to fraternize with steet-rat variety a little older than he. Belzamel learned through watching others in the enclave, and some habits he picked up became a means of expressing frustration through violence. He never did go hungry however. Despite her distaste in her child, Belzamel's mother would always leave scraps of food on the table for him to pick at for his fill before he would crawl back to his quarters; this perhaps was done out of guilt, though more than likely she had schemed possible profits in Belzamel's future.

When Opportunity Arises

The Blackened Hole was fond of wander-lusting vagabonds and mage-kind from above. Sometimes even humans felt the gall or had the means to explore it's depths for riches, and that of course meant work for dare-devil tour guides and hired hands. If not for those means, one may also take into account the individuals with particular tastes that seek the Hole's denizens as mates or perhaps something not so mutually beneficial. It was on a particular night that word caught aflame about a magi seeking young Draconians for personal endeavors. Belzamel's mother was one recipient of this knowledge, and followed the trail of whispers that led her to his location. The mage was staying at lodge roughly a mile and a half from her usual stomping grounds. It did not take long for her to reconcile the benefit of exploring the option.

Nothing Worse Than Here

The unwanted child was nudged awake at an odd time that day, his mother's toes shaking fervently upon his shoulder. It was not to taunt him but instead introduce a visitor. A man was standing in the lit edges of the room, which wasn't something odd to see, except for that this man was far more elegant looking than the usual gruff to frequent the hovel. After his eyes adjusted, Belzamel noted the interesting style of robe he was wearing; swaths of cloth adorned with small chains pocked with trinkets and gems, along with other pieces of cloth draped over his limbs. His inner robe was rather tight to his frame, though his sleeves opened up wide, more than likely to make spell casting easier. He caught the boy's stare when he cracked a smile riddled with golden teeth. "Ellethale of Stormwatch, my young lad..." The man bowed before Belzamel and held for a moment before rising up and striking his chin.

This was the first time the boy had been shown respect by anyone older than he, and without using methods of intimidation. "I'm looking for healthy young draclings of magnificent potential to come along with me to my lands, and partake in my glories. You'll get to get out of these damps underworks, and see the skies and breathe the air of the beautiful upper world; engage in feasts of culinary perfection all the while praying witness to the glory of my holdings. It is perhaps not the life your creator thought you deserved, but I like to think that I defy my own creators everyday through ingenuity!" The mage chuckled at his owns words as the boy stood cross armed, now around the age of nine. "Why?" the boy responded plainly. "You just shut your damn mouth and get outside bra-" the woman was hushed by the risen hand of the magi before continuing her tirade. "I simply find the Draconian specimen to hold fascinating potential. Your mother's heritage is also connected to the same stream of energy that I use to harbor my own magics. Isn't that right Prizma?" The boy tilted his head as he looked between the two situations.

He thought to himself while Prizma humored Ellethale with knowledge of the drow that was ridiculously primitive to his own findings already. Sickened by the two minutes in which he watched his mother sell herself, the boy reflected on his life here in the Hole and weighed on whether the great unknown would be a fairer alternative. For his age, his problems matured him faster than a normal child of a decent upbringing would inherit. This fact is what prompted his own query: "Is it better than this cesspool?" The mage raised a brow. "Cesspool? I am impressed by your verbiage dracling! And I'll only accept the ignorance of such a statement seeing as you are young and have never seen anything other than darkness..." The boy's mother chimed in, saying "Well would you look'e that? You two were practically meant for each other. Getchu'r things together brat; you and the nice soft skinned man here are going to go live the good life!" Ellethale glared at Prizma as Belzamel gladly rolled up a sack of supplies.

The mage looked to Belzamel as he prepared, then back to Prizma who's eyes said it all: "Yes... about our little trade, Prizma. To never be harmed again and to have a way to seize your own bounty. That was it, right?" Ellethale seeped with a grin. Prizma nodded, but picked up with her own statement. "I've been thinking Elle, and to be honest this trade may be an ogre's nut more special than you think. I AM handing you my only son, but you just say you can give me the ability to do what I want, instead of just given' it to me!" Ellethale looked to Belzamel and nodded, the boy turning to his mother before leaving yet not being compelled to do anything other than sigh before walking out of the door. "Missin' me so bad he can't get the words!" Prizma whined as she portrayed the facade of a caring mother. "I'll miss you moss-fart!" she said before dropping her act almost absentmindedly to finish her dealings with the mage.

"It is just a child amongst many I could pick. My words to him and my words to you should not mingle. The fact that I even gave you coin before what I am to give you now is already more than some of the richest men of my world would even dare ask of me in my domain. Take what you have now before I happen to lose interest in your ilk." Prizma frowned, but simply groaned before holding out a grubby hand. "Right then" said Ellethale before raising his finger to her forehead. "I'll instill upon you a gift that will change how others see you forever. I can't imagine you not being moved by the results." Prizma grinned widely, not even caring about what he was to do, but simply trusting the words of a man who's class insinuated straightforwardness and efficiency. "Don't move" the mage said as he murmured an encantation and etched a symbol on Prizma's brown. After the mage finished, Prizma complained about the anticlimactic nature of the event and lack of change she felt. Ellethale simply turned and took out the door, pushing Belzamel ahead and chatting with him on things to come. Prizma was shouting things from afar, yet went in and out of her home to check herself for physical changes. In this process she eventually lost sight of them.

Lost Expectations

The trip to Stormwatch was riddled with laughs and joys from the other children, while Belzamel gave thought unto what was truly to become of them. It became clear sadly that this new destination was not what they had dreamt of. All the children had learned upon reaching the mage's home that they may had been chosen not to live a glorious life alongside Ellethale, but instead be used as things more like. The children were quartered away one by one to be dissected individually and privately. In time, the children went from undergoing hypnotic therapies and chemical supplements, but some were used in bewildering experiments that pushed the limitations of the draclings so as to monitor their potential as agents of Ellethale. During these processes, Ellethale evoked advanced mind-control spells that constituted a severe allegiance to the magi within the children. Belzamel himself was riddled with markings that were used in incantations to speed the process, that and scars from probing his body to add and remove things that would improve his capability. The mage was industrious and ambitious, and his latest idea lead him to amassing a squad of blindly loyal executors that could amplify his placement in Sadon's elite.

To be but a Slave

After a few years of servitude, Belzamel grew into a potent murderer. While he didn't take care of diplomatic affairs (at least civilly) he picked up on vast quantities of information and tactics. This was subterfuged with the other knowledge Ellethale allowed his agents due to his confidence that his control was strong enough to not allow any back fire. Though the thoughts may have passed through all of their minds what it would be like to be of freewill, something in their minds always seem to sedate the notion and keep them comfortable with their situation. It was not until a certain mission that things would change for both the draclings and Ellethale entirely.


The agents were mostly in their early twenties by now, tome fulls of mission experience and wisdom in tow. Belzamel, due to his potential in shadowy arts, was even given the privilege of a brief yet potent tutelage under "Raven-Haired" Thorin; a brilliant rogue known to obsess his phrases with the word "opportunist."

It was a bitterly chill night that hosted the scene of the dracling's cataclysmic encounter. The agents had been sent to dispose of a rival magician of Ellethale's, though only upon meeting this Saltore did they realize said target was outrageously powerful. Through various means, the team had overcome Saltore but not without him imparting a gift. The magician flung a phrase that appeared to lift the subconscious control Ellethale had on all of their minds. "I sensed that you were all slaves to that hack tongue-biter, so now we get to see how much love you hold for him now!" Most of the agents looked to each other momentarily, but finished the job only because that's all they knew how to do.

The agents discussed their inclinations on Ellethale on the flight back, remembering that originally they had all been lied to and manipulated into beings of terror. Thankfully, many of the available agents were on this particular mission and fathomed that the only resistance they would meet upon planning a coup would be the magi his self, his servants and the spare draclings that were still bound to his will. A plan was hatched that required all of the agents to feign normalcy upon return, and overtake Ellethale by surprise.

A majority of the plan proved successful, for they had returned and adjusted with little suspicion. They definitely also caught Ellethale off guard on the day of the attack. The mage imagined that if ever they were to be free of his control, they more than likely would run away. He reconsidered this idea at times when he realized the extents of his training for them, and now that had proven to be just intent. They probably knew that if they were to run away and split up or run out of necessities, they would all be easy targets for counter measures taken by the Ellethale. The actual battle in Stormwatch was blood ridden, as former allied agents tore into each other at the behest of their master of their cause. Belzamel was a part of the group that had managed to corner Ellethale, and they eventually over came him though at the cost of many lives.

Belzamel led the collapse of Stormwatch along with the massacre of it's inhabitants. Since the agents were a secret weapon to an already ominous magi, clues to Stormwatch's fall were lost to time. Belzamel looked to all those left and advised to do what he would do, and run for a while; learn of the world and learn to shape it to their will.

...and Rebirth

What Belzamel chose to do with his freedom was what came most natural to him over his long captivity; to kill things. Belzamel spent roughly three years out in the

North seeking out contracts for killers. He made a special effort to chose mage targets as over time he developed a theory; the mage was far too powerful a class for any sentient to wield. He was sickened by the wanton eccentricities that pedestrians suffered from mage's and their ambitions. The Draconian grew quite a name for himself in this time, and through word of mouth found his wings beating to the chamber of the Rendanna's elite. It was there that they had struck a deal of mutual benefaction. Belzamel overtime had decided that if he could do anything with his talents, it would be to initiate a witch-hunt that would sunder the lands of Sadon once and for all. The officials of Rendanna naturally supported the idea, and in turn provided Belzamel with the means to do so...

Purpose for living: Belzamel's objective is to utterly dismantle the empire of Sadon. His infamy and ability allotted him recognition as an efficient killer, and his specialty was mage-kind. Belzamel after an arduous test of his loyalties met on terms with officials of Rendanna to discuss a mutuality of service, in which he would be given the means to initiate a secret witch-hunt targeting the top fifty Magi of Sadon's provinces.

Summoning: None

Other: The runes, sigils and scars etched unto Belzamel's flesh are secretly his greatest insecurity. It is most of the reason he tends to travel with his wings shading his front-side, if not completely submersing his self in the shadows. Belzamel's way of conquering the insecurity was by reasoning himself to be an umbral figure that owned the fear and ugliness he would perpetuate as oppose to appear victim of it. This personal defect did interestingly enough play a role while developing his assassination style, as his methods evolved from his preference to be concealed. While he is making efforts to spearhead his own designs, one may never know the influence another could have on him. While he is on a twisted path, one major aspect that he is now devoid of is guidance.

Mana Pool: Belzamel has mana potential due to having Drow in his ancestral line.

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