The Three Kingdoms IC


The Scales

A massive creature of gargantuan size. They are rare, or at least it seems that way because all who encounter them disappear. The only species that has been known to best Giants are Dragons, requiring a whole nest of them to stop one. Giants can be found in the dessert between The Tarnished Land and Dead Man's Crossing.


Ogre can be fount mostly anywhere where there's darkness and flesh. Dark Elves usually hunt them in search for potion ingredients. It does not take much to best an ogre, just a well-tempered blade and an intellect to match.


The Goblin. A truly repulsive creature. Most seasoned warriors have bested two or three hordes of goblins in their day. Goblins can be found almost anywhere. They will destroy your livestock and kill your pets, so be on the watch. The travel in large packs of at least seven or eight. Goblins are the most common monsters.


The Banshee, most only hear of these creatures through tales, and lore. A Banshee is the soul of a witch who made a pact with the Dark Lord. The witch then becomes so consumed within the magic that it eventually consumes her, destroying the body and only leaving her tormented soul to walk the earth. Banshees will try to convince soldiers and travelers that they are hurt, or in dire need of assistance. Once the victim approaches the Banshee it will then scream at the poor soul, a scream so loud and blood curdling that it will stun them. Following that she will then attempt to steal the victim's body for herself, ending her torment and thus starting theirs. Banshee shrieks can be heard throughout the Dead Forest.

Soul Keepers:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/The-Ghost-fantasy-19522283-1280-800.jpg.cb47c6b9902ead186b1b57179b87a6e2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2187" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/The-Ghost-fantasy-19522283-1280-800.jpg.cb47c6b9902ead186b1b57179b87a6e2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Soul Keepers, the product of a Banshee stealing a body. Once the body is stolen and the soul is expelled, this is the out come. Many have come in contact with these, and when they do most just turn and run. Despite their appearance they are completely harmless, they are simply wandering in search for their bodies. These can be found mostly anywhere, but they are only visible at night.


A Harpy is a large bird with human characteristics. They often resemble females, and hunt small children. They can be found in most forests and mountains. They generally travel in flocks of three, Archers and mages have no problem taking them out.


The product of failed witch resurrections. They are found in some parts of The Dead Forest and all throughout the Tarnished Land. Sunlight immediately kills them so they are only found at night. Clergies do best against these type of creatures.


Beastmen are failed Chimera experiments from the capitol of Sadon. They usually live in Oak's Realm and Wood Elves have a constant problem with them. They have the same intellect as a goblin but are able to match the physical abilities of an Ox. A Horde of Beastmen could easily best a Knight.


Wraiths are the product of purely black energy. No physical weapon is able to hurt them, requiring some sort of white magic to fend them off. They are able to travel through shadows, using them as a separate plain from the physical world. With White Magic, they are an easy creature to best.


Lamias are much like Beastmen, except instead of resembling Bulls, they resemble snakes. They are the failed results of Chimera experiments at the academy in Sadon. They are a bit smarter then Beastmen but are also a tough opponent, they generally travel alone. 
Name: Terrin Everbloom

Age: 56 (wood elves clearly age slower then humans.)

Personality: Terrin is a traveler at heart. He lives for the road and binds himself to no one place for too long. He is very care free and prone to take risks, regardless of the position it puts him in. Terrin is very easy to talk to and will fall in love with any girl that is willing to travel with him.

Just pretend his bow is black and that he has a bag on his back.

Race: Wood Elf

Faction:He sides himself officially with no one, but he fights for the same cause as the wood guard, answering to their pleas for help at a moments notice.

Class: Ranger

Weapon: NidHogg. A dark ebony bow named after the fabled ghost ship. It is a legendary Elven bow, crafted with the finest Oak. It is said to force the evil out of any tainted creature.

Birth Place: Oak's Realm

Current Place of Residence: N/A

Skills: He has achieved god like abilities with a bow. Also, due to his Wood Elf lineage, he is adept in White Magic. Often creating spells as he needs them. He is also fairly skilled in hand to hand combat. He is not near as good as he is with his bow, but he has taken some classes. Simply to give himself some means of defense in the case that his enemies get too close.

Magic spells:

Purge: An enchanting spell. The user coats their weapon with a bright white aura. When the weapon is used, instead of attacking the actual body, it attacks the soul. Only useful on monsters and other hellish creatures.

Cure: The user is able to heal wounds. The size and mortality of the wound healed depends on how much mana is exerted.

Smite: The user creates a small orb of light, then simply shoots it at the opponent.

Reveal: The user creates a small ball of light, the light then floats above the user's head, illuminating the nearby areas.

Faith In The Divines: The user kneels to the ground as a light shines around them. Their mana then slowly begins to replenish. Not to be used in battle.

Barrier Of Light: The user creates a shield of light, it then repels Black Magic attacks.

Shield Of Light: The user creates a large shield, it is useless against Magic. It only blocks physical attacks.

Ether Stream: The user creates a large cloud of shining particles of light. The cloud is then used how the user sees fit, attacking the opponent.


Position in Society: Traveler, Fabled Hunter, Forest Protecter.

Terrin was born in Oak's Realm. His father was a monster hunter, and his mother was a well-known healer. Terrin began learning the way of the bow at a young age, his father intending to teach him everything he knew. They practiced day and night, but Terrin had no problem with this. He enjoyed using the bow, and intended to be a monster hunter, just like his father.

Terrin began to become very skilled with the bow, even going as far as to try hunting some monsters himself. His father was beggingng to recognize how good Terrin was getting and decided it was time that his mother began teaching him the ways of the Clergy.

Much like with the bow, he caught on to magic very fast, and only after a few years of practice, he was beginning to create his own spells. White Magic and Archery, both skills that he had mastered by the time he was entering his adult hood. Terrin was also considering becoming a monster hunter for a full time job, working alongside his father. He began his career and everything was going swiftly, until one day......

He decided to go hunting on his own, a good spot that him and his father usually travel to, he didn't expect anything to go wrong. After about two hours of walking he arrived at the spot, only to find it much more barren then usual. He took a post in the bushes, and waited for something to appear. After hours of waiting, and nothing appearing, he fell asleep. When he awoke he was surrounded by a horde of ogres and goblins. He stood and readied his bow, targeting them and picking them off one by one; while also managing to evade their attacks. He began to get cocky and one of them managed to sneak behind him. The beast rose its club and struck him in the back of the head, knocking him to the ground.

Terrin then stood, and began sprinting back to Oak's Realm, letting his fear be his adrenaline. As he began nearing the village he noticed something, his body was starting to seem less and less responsive to what he wanted it to do. Then eventually he collapsed to the ground, his entire body paralyzed. One of the guards noticed him, picked him up and brought him to his father. His mother was also there and she determined that he had been inflicted with Crois, a venom commonly found on clubs of ogres. The poison temporarily paralyzes the victim, not a lethal ailment. His mother immediately began treating him, but with no success.

She was unable to effectively heal him because almost immediately after she started the treatment, the village was ambushed by a horde of Ogres; the same horde that Terrin was fleeing from. His father, along with the towns guard, were able to hold them off for a while, but it was not enough. The monsters then eventually broke through and began to flood into the inner parts of the village. When they arrived at Terrin's home, he advised his mother to leave him, but she would not. She used a sacred spell, Might Of The Divines, and this was the first place that Terrin saw the spell. She managed to hold off the horde long enough to force a retreat, but not without exhausting all of her mana reserves. She died defending her son,

Weighted by his burden of getting the entire village attacked, he decided to leave. The only things he took was his father's bow and his mother's spell tome. Since he has vowed to become a better hunter then his father, and to hunt enough monsters in order to redeem his recklessness and then some.

Purpose for living: To destroy any and all monsters that walk the face of the earth.

Summoning: N/A

Other: Though his troubled history and heavy resolve, he is a very care free person. Making freinds with most that he meets.

Mana Pool: Medium size mana pool. Only using spells when he is in dire need.



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Name: Aria Planetes

Age: Unknown (looks about 19-21)

Personality: Aria is a very calm person, and doesn't have a very good sense of humor. She gives good advice and anything she believes is evil, is nothing but that in her opinion. She loves getting assignments, because she has a dream of protecting all who have good hearts.

If Aria was a piece of music, she would probably be an enchanting ballad, with a light, uplifting beat. Aria enjoys poetry, but doesn't sing or write anything herself. She likes when people perform dances or rituals to God, except when it is one of fear.

Aria is full of straightforward sayings with helpful and true meaning, but also is good at quoting works that she believes in. She will define what she means to those who don't understand.

Aria is very smart, but she doesn't look down on others who aren't though she isn't exactly nice to them either.



Race: Valkyrie

Faction: The Sacred Wings


Weapon: Her weapon is a work of art, and was even titled, "Creation." Creation is a long, silver sword in a shape similar to a cross. In the middle of its handle lies a single diamond crystal. The handle is curved symmetrically to match the wings of a real angel and has the engraved pattern of platinum feathers.

Creation has a legend behind it, which makes it so special. At the beginning of time when everything was still just chaos and God, it was said that Creation was the very sword that God used to separate heaven from earth, night from day and sky from earth and sea.

Birth Place: Unknown

Current Place of Residence: Celestia

Skills: Aria has mastered the art of swordsmanship, and uses it with her white magic to defeat those who create evil.

Magic spells:

Healing spells

  • Small heal- Can be used to close small to medium sized wounds, but doesn't heal fully on medium heals.

    [No incantation or sacrifice other than -2 mana]

[*]Full heal- Used to heal entire body, as long as alive.

  • "Look upon me, have pity on me, for I am alone and afflicted. Relieve the troubles of heart and bring me out of my distress." [user feels the pain of the wounds, though they are not effected physically or permanently. -2 mana]

Protection Spells

  • Guardian Angel's Blessing- Used to protect the user with a wall of silver light. Wall can eventually be broken, but can't be harmed with a normal blade.

    "Hear, Lord, my plea for justice; pay heed to my cry; Listen to my prayer from lips to guile." [-4 mana]

[*]Wall- A very weak spell, usually used for quickly blocking.

  • [-1 mana]

[*]Reflection- Used to fire an enemy's attack back at the enemy

  • [-1 mana]

[*]Foresight- "Sixth Sense" wards of impending danger

  • "My refuge and Fortress, in whom I trust, rescue me, shelter me, be my eyes and ears and guide me."[-3 mana]

Offender spells

  • Judgement- As one of Aria's most powerful spell this spell is one she would use in rare cases and emergencies. So far, Aria has only used it once. This spell forms a wall around the person used on as they are judged on how evil they are, resulting in different ways of harm, from sent into oblivion for a number of days, to nothing at all.

    "Judge me, Lord! For I have walked integrity. In the Lord I trust; I do not falter. Examine me, Lord and Test me; search my heart and mind. I hate an evil assembly; with the wicked I do not sit. I will wash my hands in innocence. Aleph Beth Gimel Daleth He Waw Zayin Heth Teth Yodh Kaph Lamedh Mem Nun Samekh Ayin Pe Sadhe Qoph." [-17 mana]

[*]Paralyze: Exactly as it is titled, the chosen person becomes paralyzed, for an amount of time depending on the fact of how much mana she uses.

  • [-xmana=xminutes]

[*]Sunburst- Blinds all within 10 ft

  • "Their idols are silver and gold; the work of human hands. They have mouths but do not speak; They have eyes but do not see.

[*]Moment of Revenge- If an ally has died or became injured, this spell casts 2 times the amount of pain on the person who did it, acting as an illusion for the nerve system.

[*]"Rise up, Lord in your anger; be aroused against the outrages of my opressors. Stir up the justice, My god, you have commanded." [-12 mana]

Position in Society:Aria is an elite in Sacred wings, and has met Deos a few times in person, other than the joining of her in the sacred wings faction.

History: Aria hasn't remembered anything in her past except the day she fell in love with the idea of the sacred wings faction and God. She had seen parts of the war and was scarred by this utter hatred between kingdoms and wanted it to end.

Creation was a sword that went down to the first son in the Planetes family. Aria grew up with 9 sisters and was the oldest, so was given the sword after her parents death.

Aria was put into training as a Paladin at a young age, because most of her race did so, and she was found to be a fast learner. She ended up becoming able to master a skill level of five in magic while still very young, and six when she used incantations, though it would take up a lot of her power and mana.

She began hunting dragons when she was a fairly new member in the Sacred Wings, and wasn't doing too bad. Then again, she did have Creation. Nowadays, she continues accepting missions and doing whatever she needs to do to get through life.

Purpose for living: To destroy evil and bring good.

Summoning: If you count her ability to "summon" Creation when it is out of reach.

Other: Beast

Mana Pool: She has a fairly large mana pool, but is much more limited in its usage when she doesn't use incantations.
Morning slowly came as the sun began make its way over Drake's Perch. The scent of fresh picked vegetables and meat being cooked filled the air. If one tried hard enough, they could even smell witches making their brew, preparing for another day of studying alchemy; But that was not all that could be smelled.

There was another scent that filled the air, a foul smell. The smell of war, famine, greed, hatred, power, anger, lust. These stenches also polluted the air, plaguing all those who breathe to have to deal with them. But there were some who could not smell it, those who did not side with the Empires. They keep to themselves, working just enough to ensure that they survive. Though they can not smell the stench, the plague comes for them also.

But maybe it won't. Have the Divines decided to step in, decided to employ agents of their wishes to go and stop this coming conflict? Or will they just watch, watch as history repeats itself, as the humans destroy themselves, just as they have countless times before. No one knows what is coming, and it is up to the people of this world to decide. They must protect their world with their own hands if they plan to do anything at all.

Arthur Bigot: A three star general for the Renndana army. He has started his day early, waking to his quarters in the Castle Of Capolis. He has no specific plans today, except for attending the festival today. He expects everything to go as planned, just as it usually does.

Roselyn: She wakes to her small cottage in the Tarnished Land. She can hear the wind beating against her house as a sandstorm passes through. She has nothing planed for today either.

Erin Jagger: She wakes early due to her recent enlistment among the ranks of The Blackened Light. She is still considered a "grunt" among the other troops but is catching on quickly. She is currently resting in the barracks, awaiting orders from her superiors.

Ryuleianna Septim: Due to her spoiled life of royalty in Celestia she hasn't even begun, to wake yet. Once she does she will most likely go to visit Deos, and simply carry on with her day. Being an agent of Deos' command, she must be ready for orders at any time.

Rinfaf Stone Talon: He hasn't slept for about three days, Dragons are able to go days on end without rest so this is no problem for him. He is sitting atop Drake's Perch, nearby Alduin. Hoping to serve his ruler the best way he can, or not. Only time will tell.

Morgan Branford and Serina Blackhearth: They are just entering Sadon as the sun makes its way toward the sky. Having gained no sleep the night before, both of them are quite irritable. They are heading to The Blackened Hole, in order to meet a man that says he has information of a lost library. They just have about an hour of travel East before they reach their destination.

Terrin Everbloom: He is waking to a cheap inn in Capolis. He is searching for leads on any nearby Banshee sightings. He doesn't plan to stay for the festival, and will leave as soon as he is able to find work.

Jared Leto: He is currently residing in Dead Man's Crossing. With the sand storm coming in from The Tarnished Lands he has no specific plans for today. He plans to lay low until the storm passes.

Jenasari Theanine: He is also waking in the city of Capolis, but he already has his assignment. He plans to sneak into the castle in order to steal something for The Blackened Light. But now he must wait, he is waiting for the festival to start before he decides to seize his opportunity.

Aria Planetes: She stands guard next to the bed of her ruler, Deos Septim. She is an elite of the Valkyrie, one of the most powerful organizations in the world. She is waiting for him to start his day so she may receive orders from him.

Kiril: He is sitting in a small pub located in Pluto's Crossing. He has started his day with two bottles of Ale, trying to rid himself of the stress from the lack of jobs. He has no specific plans except to continue looking for work.

(If your character was not listed here, do not worry. They have either not been accepted yet, or we have not been able to formulate stories for them yet. An opening should be available by the second or third post. Also, this will run in turn cycles, my post signaling as the beginning of a new turn cycle. Each person may only post once per each turn cycle.) 
Terrin quickly shot up from the lump of a bed that he was sleeping in. He was waken up by a loud couple arguing in the room next to him. He slowly got out of the bed, and walked over to the window. "Hmm, so their making preparations for the festival already.." He wiped the sleep out of his eyes and began to strap on his armor, eager to start his day.

(The festival that Terrin referred to, is known as The Day Of Reckoning. It is a holiday celebrated by Rendanna, Celebrating the day that Merek started the Northern Empire.)

Terrin finished dressing and left the inn room, leaving a small coin purse on the bed as he did. When he walked outside of the building he could see the townspeople setting up and hanging banners. "All Hail Lord Cassius!" One of the posters read. "What a load of shit." Terrin said responding to the ignorance he saw in the celebration. He walked over to a nearby bench in town square, sitting down and waiting for the city to populate a bit more.
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Aria stood by her leader's bed, awaiting his wake from slumber. She did not wake him up, but waited for him to wake up himself. He looked a bit peaceful as he slept, and similar to that of a child, though Aria didn't speak of it out loud. She wondered what type of goals she would have today, and wondered how many jobs she could do for Deos.

She continued to let he mind wander farther and farther, as she walked towards the window and looked out at the clouds passing over Celestia. The clouds color matched her own wings, dress and hair, as her lips curved into a smile. She continued to wait and watch through the window, reminding herself of how she had always dreamed to be this high in society as a child. Her own eyes closed halfway as she smiled, dreaming of her childhood memories, or at least, the parts she could remember. It felt so long ago, but yet so close.

She looked back at Deos, thinking she had heard something, but sighed in disappointment when she saw that it was just her ears playing tricks on her. She was very eager to wake him up herself, but knew that it would not turn out the way she wanted, because he would most likely still be far too sleepy to send her on a real job.
"Damn, another useless corpse," said Jared as he kicked the dead bones of a male Elf. He then flipped another corpse over and began to search it.

Jared was tasked by Asher to go to the Tarnished Land and search for the body of Edward Reed. It is said that Edward had a powerful Amulet, one strong enough to challenge the Gods. Rumor has it, the amulet is able to nullify all magical effects. It is also able to absorb all of the mana that resides in ones body to the point that it causes death. The rumor then says that the user of the amulet is able to channel the absorbed mana and use it.

After another fruitless search, he went over to his horse and grabbed his canteen. Drinking out of his canteen, he ran is hands down the top of the White Mares head.

"We will be leaving after one more search. I promise." he said as he closed his canteen. He then strapped it back onto the horse and continued his search.

After 30 minutes went by, his white mare began to get restless. At first, Jared disregard the horses behavior to continue his search, but as time went by, the horse grew more into a frenzy. The horse then broke off the rope that held him to a stone column and rushed over to Jared's location.

"What the hell are you doing? Have you gone........Damn, I was careless," said Jared as he jumped onto the back of the horse," Go now.

The horse shot off with exceptional speed and Jared was thankful for it. He looked back at the Sand Storm as it was quickly gaining on them. He wished he had listened to his friend earlier. He promised to apologize to the horse and give him a present later.

Jared headed to the closes town, which was Dead Man's crossing, to lay low until the storm had passed.
Rinfaf lay in his throne, seated beneath Alduin's larger throne, resting his head against his massive claws as he waited. For three days he and his master had been waiting, waiting for news of the weapon. They had created it, and sent it away, and now all of the council remained assembled until the weapon was received. Rinfaf still could not fathom why Alduin would create such a weapon if he was only going to give it away to mortals.

"Alduin, how can we trust them? How can we think to give humans such power as this? What if they turn it against us? What if they destroy the world with their recklessness?" Rinfaf had warned and counciled, but Alduin would hear none of it. He trusted the human mages, he had been raised by them in the past, and despite how hard Rinfaf tried to make Alduin see that those who had raised him were long dead, nothing would shake him in this.

So they waited for news which could very well decide the fate of the world, while the court entrainment played before them. Rinfaf looked up and had to suppress a yawn. Two Acrobatic young dragons were preforming death defying maneuvers inside the interior of the massive throne room. They darted around pillars, looped in the air, and dove down towards the ground. Rinfaf could not claim such skill himself, but still it did not fascinate him as it once used to. He had seen such dare devils grow and die for thousands of years, and dared think he would be more amused if one of them ended their careers all over the floor.

He looked around at the other members of the Court. There were nearly a hundred dragons arrayed in the many thrones which lined the walls of the building, each one the Patriarch or Matriarch of a Dragon wing. Most of them were barely worth more attention than the acrobats, but some were truly formidable. Those in the inner council, such as he was, were six such creatures.

Freya Coldworld, the head of the Crater Council, the Sorcerous Dragons known as Mage snouts who formed the most powerful spell casters in all of the Draco. Rinfaf also thought it likely that the Crater Council itself was greater than any other mage conclave in existence, despite the relative youth of the order, after all, who could best Dragons at Spell casting? Rinfaf was, himself, a part of the Crater Council, and thus Freya Coldworld was technically his superior, though he knew that his actual power in the court was greater than hers.

Freya was not formidable because she was the leader of the order, nor because she was a rival influence on Alduin, for in both those aspects she had proven too weak or un-savvy to prevail against him. Instead, it was her raw magical power, the depth of her spell knowledge, and the skill with which she employed it which made her dangerous. In a straight out battle, with distance between them, she was one of three dragons who might best him. On top of that were her prophetic visions, but he hardly counted those, for they were often so cryptic and unintelligible that by the time any sense could be made out of them, the event in question would have passed.

Eldinu Sweetwing, a younger dragon which was everything that Freya was not, and at the same time, completely deficient in all the areas she was strong in. Eldinu had sway in the court, and everyday he whispered more of his new age blasphemy into Alduin's ear, but at the same time he did not fear the younger dragon one bit. He was no Patriarch, and Rinfaf could slaughter him with casual ease if he so decided to. Alduin would be the only one who could protect him from this.

Old Farjaw Glimmersnout was another member of the inner council, though he and Rinfaf tended to see eye to eye on a lot of issues. Farjaw was old and loyal to Alduin, but Rinfaf felt that the older dragon would not resist if one such as him were to take the Throne. It all had to be done right though. One day it would be done right.

Then there was Talon Falsedeath, the third largest dragon in Draco next to Alduin and Rinfaf, and only by a little. He was physically capable of challenging Rinfaf, and was known to know a few spells of his own, though he was no part of the Crater Council.He was hardly loyal to Alduin, but nor was a loyal to anything aside from himself really, which made him a problem. Still, his Dragon wing was the largest in the Draco, and he demanded a voice and a place on the inner council. Everyone hated him, and Alduin often made a show of ignoring his advice whenever the larger dragon became too pushy.

The final two dragons were of little consequence, being younger dragons, and thus also weaker and less wise. They were loyal completely to Alduin, even fanatically so, and one of them was a religious leader of some sort, Though Rinfaf was hardly religious. He did not plan to ever die, muchless need a god for anything, and so he payed that kind of thing little heed.

He turned his attention back to the entertainment, watching as the acrobats left the room. Then entered a band of humans, this made Rinfaf watch more closely. Humans were not unseen in the mountains of Dragon perch, in fact one could call them common. Many came to Dragon perch for asylum, wisdom, or other reason, and Alduin accepted most so long as they made themselves useful. For most this meant becoming servants of some kind, but for mages it could mean an apprenticeship, though no human had ever been asked to join the Crater Council.

The humans who entered now did not seem to be servants, wearing bright white robes and turbans, and dancing and skipping as they went. There were many of them, and nearly all carried instruments of some sort. They quickly began to assemble into a semicircle in front of Alduins throne, and then they began to play their music. It was enchanting, and began with the Violins first, before the other instruments slowly began to add to the rest of the music, coming together in great crescendos. Surprisingly, as the

played, Rinfaf felt magic funnel out from the music and resonate within the air.
That was when he realized who these mysterious humans were. They had many names, the Dondi, the Shissa Kahloon, the players of destiny, the heralds of time, the announcers of fate, the great performers, the last dancers. They were the Phates, the traveling mages of unknown origin who come to places of great import to play the destiny of someone great, just before their greatness is either tested, made, or completely destroyed. The music did not sound destructive, it sounded up lifting, and Rinfaf could not help but sway his head to it.

"Who are they playing for, I wonder." Rinfaf thought to himself. "Are they playing for Alduin? For me? Is this about the rise of my power? About the rise of his, or about the rise of another?" Rinfaf was soon lost within the music, and he fell into it, letting it carry him away as it reached its pinnacle.
Erin believed it to be dawn when she woke up. She was sleeping on the top bunk closest to the back of the barracks. It was humid and muggy. Erin was lying on her back when she awoke. Erin' eyes barely opening , still sleepy from such a short rest. Erin moved her right arm over her forward as if she was trying to cover her eyes from a sun that wasn't there. Erin licked her mouth to moisten her chapped and cracked lips. Erin tilted her head down toward the door, to see if it would open. Erin only heard creaks and the other few who decided to sleep in.

Erin decided to move around more. Erin didn't want her body to become stiff. Erin used her elbow to lift herself up from lying on her back. Erin sat up , her hood falling down exposing her black bed hair. Erin ran her finger through her hair to smooth it out. She took her other hand to tug on the bottom ends so that they would be curled and have a little bump to it. Erin looked around again then down toward he feet. Erin let out a tiring sigh as she moved her legs to the side then leaned forward. Erin brought her hands up toward the edge of the bed then rested her forehead on the bed sheets. Erin Wanted to do a few stretches and since she was already on something soft, she did the downward facing dog.

When Erin heard her back pop she flipped her head so her hair would move away from her face. Erin sat back up and moved on to her knees. Erin used her right foot first to moved her knee up in to a one knee position. Erin stood up on the bed then jumped of. Using her right hand as support when Erin grabbed hold of the side of the bunk bed. Landing on to the floor quietly her hands were raised in to the sky as Erin bowed her head. Erin's hair flung forward when she bowed her head then it flung back when she raised it again. Erin made sure she didn't wake anyone else up so she looked around.

Erin seeing that everyone was still sound asleep she resumed her stretching by spreading her feet apart. Erin grabbed her hand and brought them to the sky. Stretching far up in to the air, to the point where you could see her ribs. Erin inhaled as she brought them down to the floor. Erin counted to ten the exhaled as she brought her hands back up. Erin repeated this this move five times and each for ten seconds. Erin transitioned to just her left leg this time. Only counting to five then switching to the left. Once more Erin switched to the back then back to the center. Erin brought her legs together then moved to the side as far as she could. Erin waited till she could hear her back pop. Erin repeated it on the next side.

Erin inhaled again as she went back on to her knees. Erin resume the push up position. Erin went down. Erin counting in her head. Erin's goal was to be able to achieve 300 push ups before the superiors showed up. Erin wanted herself ready.
Jenasari is startled awake with the sounds of yelling above him.

“You stupid whore, you said that you weren't going to cheat on me again! This is what I come back to? You screwing a man in the bed I paid for with my sweat and blood?!” He was screaming at the top of his lungs, no doubt the whole inn could hear him.

“I didn't cheat on you! This is my brother from Rendanna! Our mother kicked his rump out, and he was in need of a place to stay!” She screamed back at him.

“If he is your brother why were you ******* riding him like he was my horse?” Sar let out a low growl and ripped his covers off, revealing a dark, hairless chest, and a pair of black work pants.

“Would you be silent you bickering idiots!” He yelled up at them, trying his best to not throw a spell at them. It was far too early for him to be up. He had been planning to get up when the parading had began. He supposed that this way he could do some ground work before he actually went out on the job.

“Shut up! Lest I come down there and kick your bloody ass, you twat!”

“Why don't you all just be silent?” A different man's voice called out. Most likely the woman's lover.

There was the sound of a fist meeting a face, and the crunch of bones being broken. Then a loud thud as a body fell to the ground.

Theanine ignored them after that, not wanting to draw more attention to himself. He went to the small wash basin in the corner of the room. The water within was void of heat, but he used it nonetheless. He dipped his hands into it feeling goosebumps raise on his dark skin. He then splashed it on his face. He let out a hiss through clenched teeth as his senses became razor sharp.

Cold water always made him wake up. It was better than that dark drink the humans are so attached to. He once met a human who you could not speak to until he had his morning black-drink.

He silently went through the small pack that he carried with him to get a pair of leather pants. He slipped them on with a little difficulty. Then he went to the large oaken desk that he set his armour on and put it on. It was quite difficult to put armour on by ones self, but he managed. When all was done he finally turned to the mirror to make sure that everything was buckled and settled.

His armour dully shined in the sunlight that was drifting through the window. His armour was once his father's. His father had been a fairly successful man, and he had a connection with a Dwarven Smith who paid him with a well made suit of armour.

The armour was soundless, very suitable for a Thief. This was going to be his first big operation, and he intended to go through with it, and succeed.

There was the sound of someone banging on his door making him turn. “Come out here, you twat. I will not stand for you talking to me like that.” Jenasari rolled his eyes and opened the window, grabbing the little sack with all of his belongings and went out it.

If someone like that knew that he was half-drow, he would be in a cell faster than he could pick a man's pocket.

He landed nearly soundlessly on the ground below the window and quickly lost himself in the crowd that was already gathering in the streets.

Ryuleianna Septim turned over in her bed, wings folded up tight against her back. She let out a sigh, and opened her eyes. She didn't really want to be awake right now, but she woke up, and hadn't been able to fall back asleep. Ryu sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes, and stretching out her wings. Her room was large, and had an amazing view of the city, but she was used to it by now. A yawn stretched her mouth, and she moved to shower, and then to dress, sluggishly dressing in a simple, black strapless dress.

Her wings stretched out once more before tucking neatly against her back. She sighed and brushed her hair, getting out any knots from the silvery wavy locks, that were the same color as her wings. Ryu slapped on two bracers, grabbed her sword, staff, and the holder for each, then plopped back down onto her bed. She stared at the ceiling for a long while, wishing she wasn't up right now, then let out a long breath, and stood. Ryu headed out the door, going towards Deos's room.
Meanwhile, Lyra was busy. Very busy.


And laughing.

She'd been caught pickpocketing a very arrogant out-of-towner. Some merchant from the dwarven empire. In full honesty, she got caught on purpose, just so she could see his face when she got away. It was a simple red coin purse, several silver and gold coins rattled loudly against her hip as she ran. Bobbing between people and carts was easy for her slender figure- the merchant, fat and out-of-shape, didn't find it so easy. She laughed over her shoulder, looking back at him.

Her small living place only seemed comfortable as she slipped in. Her things were neatly packed into a side-bag. She didn't need much, she usually bought what she needed when she needed it. Very efficient. The red coin purse was secured by her thick belt already. She pulled the bag over her shoulder, and was gone as quickly as she'd arrived. Off to the next place. Maybe she'd try and hop a ship, or find a battle to take part in.
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Sprawled out on her bed was a dark elf named Roselyn. The beat of wind and sand on her door woke her up. She ran her fingers through her red hair and yawned, just staring at the wooden floors, which had dents and curves due to the constant eroding the sand did.

Not exactly wanting to wake up completely she smashed her face into her arms and closed her eyes, but the whispers were being heard. The whispering in her head made her ear twitch and she lifted her head up.

"Shut up..." She mumbled before sitting up in her bed.

It was hard for her not to hear the whispers. They came from the shadows, the dark nights and nightmares...and the whispers consumed her thoughts.

Roselyn got out of her bed and began to start her morning by throwing up her hood and grabbing her silver claw, dipping each tip in a spider base poison that she made last night.

She clenched and retracted her fingers over and over again until the hand felt good.

Roselyn then went over to a rustic shelf where she hung her satchel on. She took the leather bag and slung it over her shoulder.

Finally ready to head out and maybe get some ingredients she went to the door and peeped through a hole in the wood.

It seemed pretty good to go out today, until a gust of wind blew against the door and got sand in her one eyes.

"Ow ow ow!" She whined covering her eye with her hand and backing away from the door, pressing herself against the wall. "I'll wait a bit..."

No, no, no, you must, very must, go, proceed, leave the home...

The whispers told her.

Roselyn rubbed her eyes, pouting, but eventually opened the door and stepped out, walking against the wind.
As Aria stood by Deos' side, a cold wet wind began to blow in through the window, whipping against the side of her face. The wind grew stronger and began to send a gust throughout the entire room. Deos was slowly waken from his sleep by the sudden change of temperature. He slowly sat up and pulled the blankets off of himself as he stood from his bed. Deos turned to face Aria, while stretching his arms and spreading his wings in the same motion. Since he was used to his guards watching over him in his sleep, he was not surprised when he saw her standing there. "Well, hello Aria. How have you been?" Deos said as he turned and walked over to a stand next to his bed, shuffling through envelopes and stacks of mail.

"Trash...trash..." He said as he tossed the envelopes to the side one by one. "Trash, wait...a treaty renewal?" He began to tear the mail open and started to quickly skim over everything. It seemed that the Draco were requesting a treaty renewal. Deos had already written a new treaty, he had expected the Draco to ask him about something like this. He then walked over to his study and began snatching out the drawers to his desk. "Aria, have you seen my...? Nevermind, here it is." He then pulled out a contract lined with golden paper. He blew the dust off of it and set it down on his desk. "Kestrel!" Deos yelled out to some one in the hallway. Almost immediately a lightly armored solider sprinted into the room, stopping in front of Deos and snapping to attention. "Yes sir?" Kestrel yelled. "Go fetch my little cousin, Ryuleianna. I think i have a task for her." He said as she shooed away the solider.

Meanwhile, Jared Leto was retreating from a failed attempt to find the fabled Amulet of Vitora. The stone is said to grant god like powers to anyone who wields it. Although it has never actually been seen before, Jared still risked his life looking for it. He was currently fleeing from a large sandstorm that usually passes through the desert twice a year. Sprinting at a full gallop, his horse was begging to lose stamina. His steed was rapidly slowing down and the wall of sand following behind them didn't look like it would be stopping. If he were to continue pushing his horse to travel at this speed, it could easily pass out from exhaustion. And if that were to happen, he would not only be caught in a sandstorm, he would be stranded in one. He could also choose to find a large rock or cliff face to hide behind. The choice was his, and Jared had many options, but whatever he decided to do; He'd best do it fast.

Rinfaf enjoyed the performance, slightly nodding his head to the melody. As did Alduin, even going as far to say that it was the best he had heard in over a thousand years. While Rinfaf and Alduin were both enjoying themselves, their performance was interrupted. Suddenly a small black dragon landed in the room, flying in through the open roof of the stage room, and setting himself between the performers and Alduin. The young dragon bowed his head in fear and respect to Alduin, waiting for permission to speak. "You may speak." Alduin said in a stern tone. "M'lord." The dragon said as he slowly lifted his head, still not looking Alduin in the eyes. "You have a visitor, he comes bearing a package from Sadon. He wishes to enter your chambers." Alduin sat in thought for a moment. "Hmm, I see. Very well, let him in."

Suddenly a second dragon landed in the room, but this one bore a man on his back. It was the legendary Kain, a dragoon knight from the southern kingdom that has mastered the art of dragon riding. He wore a large spear on his back, and was covered from head to toe in a black armor made of dragon bone. He hopped off of his dragon and slowly walked toward Rinfaf and Alduin, bearing a package in his hand. "I believe this if for you. Do not reveal the contents of this package until you are somewhere where no one else may see." Kain set the package and walked back toward his dragon. "Farewell." Kain said as he bowed to Alduin, just before leaving the building. Alduin stood from where he was sitting and slowly walked over to the package. As he grew closer, he laid on his stomach in front of the package, and called out to one of those performers. "You, come." The human the quickly dashed over to Alduin, clutching his violin in fear. "Everyone else, leave." The other performers ran out of the room, afraid for their friend, but even more afraid for themselves. "Now, open that." He said referring to the package. "And bring it close to my face." The human picked up the package, then slowly walked toward Alduin. While walking toward Alduin, he slowly unwrapped the item, revealing a beautiful magic tool. The power emanating from this weapon was tremendous, even strong enough to make Alduin tremble. "Rinfaf, come see this...." He said as he spoke to his aide, While slowly grabbing the weapon from the human.

Erin's superiors walked into the room, greeted by the surprising sight of her exercising in the morning. The person that walked in was Elida, a stern Draconian woman. She was dressed in a light Elven armor and armed with a silver rapier. She had quickly moved up the ranks in The Blackened Light army and was already a general. "Hello, and good morning." Elida said as she looked around at her platoon, then down toward Erin. She then placed her hands on her hips, as she began speaking in a slightly louder tone. "I have your orders for today." She pulled a small crumpled paper out of her pocket and began reading. "A small scout platoon of ours did not report back to base last night. They were last seen entering The Dead Forest on a reconnaissance mission. Your orders are to go there and search for them. Just a simple search and rescue mission, nothing too hard. Only three of you will be need for this task, any volunteers?" The room remained silent, most troops there afraid to travel into The Dead Forest. "Oh, so no volunteers huh? I see. Then i will have to pick. You, you, and you." The first one she selected was a tall and slender Dark elf, armed with a light mace. The second was a female human, she wielded a staff and a spell tome. And the last, was of course Erin. "And that's the end of it, i don't wanna hear any complaints." She said practically yelling, she then looked toward Erin. "You will act as commanding officer. Orders effective immediately. Chop Chop!" She said as she clapped her hands on each chop, walking out of the room. Now Erin had her first assignment since enlisting. The trip would take half a day at most, if they left immediately they would be able to make it by noon.

As Jenasari leaped out of he window, he would find himself greeted by a small group of people. The crowd slowly growing as more preparations were made. The castle that he was tasked to infiltrate was quite a ways up the main road from where he was, But the item he was stealing was worth the walk. It was the Sword of Aegis. Said to have been used by Merek, the blade is known to posses an enchanting magic that causes it to change shape based upon the intentions of the user. But Jenasari's orders were not to keep this sword. After he stole it he simply planned to sell the weapon. Keeping the money or giving it to The Blackened Light as he was instructed was completely up to him. If he felt so inclined, he could even go as far as keeping the sword for himself.

Lyra bolted through the city of Farrack, tripping and stumbling over the occasional child in the streets; But still enjoying herself. She easily evaded the merchant, and before long wound up at her settlement. Moments after she walked in a friend of hers that lived above her knocked on the door. Lyra opened the door, and her friend walked in and began speaking. "Hey Lyra!" The young girl yelled, immediately she noticed the red coin purse that Lyra was holding. "Oooh! How much did you get this time?" The girl approached Lyra, taking the coin purse and immediately pouring it out on the table. "Wow, you really scored big this time Lyra!" She said as she counted 10,000 Surgos. Indeed a very large amount. At the instant her friend said this, a certain incident would come to mind. Lyra grew happy as she remembered a man at the docks that was selling a ship for 8,000 Surgos. She would then immediately run to the docks, eager to buy the ship before someone else did. After she purchased her ship, standing upon it and admiring the view. A pair of travelers named Dahrim and Rawlin.They asked her if she was heading in the same direction as them, and if so they requested to accompany her. Lyra quickly said yes, eager to form a crew.

The half Human, half Dwarf, Teddy. Teddy is currently in Pluto's crossing, speaking with with a Rich Dwarven merchant named Haldo Sweettiding, he was supposed to be meeting her here today. After hours of waiting, she would then notice a small Dwarven man, approaching her. "Hello, Teddy. Forgive me for being so late. I ran into a band of thugs on the way here." He spoke in a deep raspy voice. "But that is beside the point, let us get to the meat of it all. I have heard from my informants that you are in a hunters guild, and someone skilled in monster hunting would be an invaluable resource on the team i'm forming." Before Teddy had the chance to inquire on the team he was forming, he began speaking again. "I am leading an expedition into an ancient Dwarven ruin, to retrieve a Fragment of Orelore, the Axe of the ancient and famous Dwarf King Fusterous Madedge. Fusterous the slayer of Ten Thousand Orcs, He who beheaded Vildor the Goblin king, and laid to rest Asha the twilight Banshee. I'm sure you've heard of him. In the legends they say that on his death bed his axe was split into three pieces, the handle, the haft. and the blade, and taken to the three kingdoms of his sons, now all Lost Kingdoms."

Haldo then reached into his satchel and pulled out a coin purse holding 20,000 Surgos. "I will give you half of it if you accept, and the other half upon completion. It will be an adventure of a lifetime, your legend will live forever, if we complete this task. Come child, what do you have to lose?" He extended his hand out to him, expecting Teddy to take it.

As Roselyn walked out of her door, she would feel the ground begin to shake. Then she would feel a very sinister feel spread throughout the air. However, she would not be afraid. For this was a feeling that she recognized. It was her master, the infamous Dark Lord. He had yet another task for her, and she had no choice but to complete it. Everything around Roselyn would stop, time seemingly frozen. As motion froze, the colors around would also disappear, everything fading to grey. Then suddenly, the shaking would grow more intense, and a mass of shadows swarmed around Roselyn, sometimes colliding with her. Eventually they all came together in front of her, forming her master, The Dark Lord. When he spoke many voices could be heard, but there was one thing that all of them had in common. Fear. The voice of the Dark Lord enstilled absolute obedience in all who heard it. "Roselyn, my child. Go, travel to the edge of the Tarnished Lands. And just as you enter Oak's Realm, at the most westward part of the forest, you will find a castle. This castle holds a band of knights called The Holy Order. They must be killed. Now, be swift." Time would resume and color would also be restored, The Dark Lord vanishing as if nothing had happened. Roselyn had her commands, now she had to follow them.

Belzamel is in the recruitment office of the Rendanna army, requesting an enlistment contract. "Hah, you wanna do what?! Join the army? Your not fit to join the church, look at yourself!" The arrogant Rendanna officer said to him. "Whaddya think Alvin?" The man said as he looked to one of his comrades sitting across the room. The other man, Alvin. Slowly stood and began walking over to Belxamel and the recruiter. "Your...Belzamel. Hmmm." Alvin thought for a moment then looked toward his friend. "Well, I've heard of him, and he is strong. I can vouch for that. I'm just not sure if Cassius would allow someone of his kind into the army." Alvin's friend thought for a moment, then a large smile stretched across his face. "Aha!" He yelled as he rose his finger in the air. "Well if he's strong like you say, and is that determined to destroy the south, why don't we give him a test? Like a qualification of sorts." Alvin crossed his arms, then replied to his friend. "Hmm, what did you have in mind?" His began speaking again. "You know that shitty wizard, who lives on the border of the two kingdoms? The one that keeps killin' all our guys?" He asked Alvin. "Oh yes, Sardonis GreyEyes, i think it was." "Yeah that guy." Alvin's friend said as he walked over to Belzamel. "Why don't we have this guy go kill him. If he's such a good fighter like you say, he should have no problem killing that old roach." "Your right." Alvin said back to his friend. "That is a great idea." Alvin then walked over to a stack of papers behind his friend. He shuffled through them for a moment, then returned to Belamel bearing one of them. "Here all the details on your assignment. If you want in, you will return here, with the wizard's head." Belzamel now had a choice before him. He could accept or decline, getting into the military, or not. The choice was his.
Aria almost shivered as the cold draft flew open messing up her white hair, as it flowed with the wind over her bare shoulders and thin strapped white dress. She looked at Deos who was waked up by the breeze with her expression immediately one of joy. "Good Morning Deos! I've been great lately." Her response was ignored but Aria remained strong, and knew that Deos was very busy. Aria blinked her eyes and stood where she was, awaiting for command.

She had hoped that by standing near Deos and waiting for him to awaken would allow her to get the first orders of the day, and her face lightened up once more at the sound of her name, but then went back to it's calm appearance at the words, "Nevermind." It seemed that two people already were ahead of her but maybe her leader would be saving something bigger for her.

Aria was extremely eager for some chance to do work to help him in some ways, and would probably do anything for him if she was asked. She would even be happy sweeping or cleaning his house, or serving him food and drink as of that matter. She wanted to be useful, and at the moment that was all she wanted.
Erin smiled as Erin put her fits to her chest then back toward her side. Erin had thought about the dark forest. It wasn't as terrifying as people thought it was , well at least to her. Erin had dropped her thoughts and looked toward Erin's comrades. Durable Erin thought. How well was there stamina. If they didn't stop I the way then they will make it right on the dot. Erin picked up her staff and tossed it into the other hand.

Erin looked at the group. The hood Erin wore concealing Erin's eyes so the others could not see. " let us be off then" Erin was serious about her work and wanted to get it done in a timely and calmly manner. Erin eyes them one last time, wondering I'd they had any haunted thoughts about the forest. If they did Erin groaned hoping that it didn't interfere with be mission. Erin turned on the back of her heel. Erin's feet planted firmly against the wood.

Erin of course took lead , opening the barracks doors and stepping out on to the ground. Erin made a left toward the exit of the camp and in to the blackened hole town. . Erin made sure to look back to see if they could keep up. Erin was a fast walker by Erin didn't want to leave her team being
When the Dragon first interrupted the performance of the marvelous bards, Rinfaf thought that surely he brought word of the Weapon they had sent to Sadon, but he was completely unprepared for the Dragon Knight which arrived to deliver his package. Rinfaf bore his teeth at the knight, showing him that, as far as the patriarch of the Stone Talons was concerned, his kind were unwelcome in the home of dragon kind. Such dragons which actually let themselves be tamed and ridden like some common beast were a shame on all dragons, and a stain on their pride, and Rinfaf had nothing but enmity for them and their mortals masters.

He watched as the man presented Alduin with a wrapped package and warned him not open where others could see. Alduin ordered the other Bards out, leaving one behind to unwrap the package. Wasteful, so wasteful, as ever Alduin did not think through his actions. As the man approached Alduin and began to unwrap whatever it was he was unwrapping, Rinfaf quickly summoned forth some eyelashes with his magic hand, pulling them from a compartment on a metal plate he wore strapped to his chest, which was full of ingredients of all kinds. As the dragon lords who lined the walls leaned in and cast spells of their own to see better, Rinfaf cast the lashes into the air and quickly spoke the words of power, his claw tracing intricate shapes in the air which burned with light as he traced them. Speaking the final word, he created a globe of invisibility around Alduin and the human, hiding them both from sight.

He, consequently, could not what Alduin saw, but when he heard Alduin call him, he eagerly leapt off his throne and into the globe of invisibility to see what Alduin had been shown. He landed next to Alduin's throne, claws biting stone for purchase, and looked down at the small, but evidently powerful tool. He could feel its strength, and see the effect it had on Alduin and could not stop himself from trembling slightly in its presence. When Alduin took the item, Rinfaf acted quickly, bringing his jaws down and eating the human bard in one bite, gear and all. *So Wasteful* He thought again as he turned to more closely examine the object. He looked at it, then spoke three words of power, and rubbed his eyes. When he looked at the item again his eyes were glowing bright blue with Arcane Sight, and he tried to discern the true power and purpose of the item by examining its magical aura.
Lyra was absolutely euphoric. Everything was perfect. She had even had enough left over to stock up with supplies. And that was on this morning's catch alone- now.... now she was almost there. Out in the ocean, with nothing but water on the horizon. The sway of the ship at all hours of the day and night. The stars- oh, millions more than in town. The sea seemed to draw them out until the entire sky was simply shimmering with deep blues and sparkling points. Maybe she'd smuggle again, or steel from the northern ships. They were usually pansies on the water.

Though three people attacking any ship would be highly unlikely to turn out well. Fun idea. Maybe I could just rip them off. Yeah.

Either way, she would have to wait until they got on sea to figure out their route. Now? She was just having fun buying maps.

Though her crewmates worried her a little. They seemed nice, yeah she trusted them (like everyone else), but she wasn't sure if they would enjoy her kind of travel. Where they wanted to go was a ways away, and could potentially take months if worst came to worst. Spontaneous and often based on whims. She wasn't in this to make money. Would they be bothered by that? Though they were only joining her crew for a ride. That was fine- she'd always wanted to go that way anyways.

Just the way I like it.

She relished the sight of her ship as she ran back up the dock. Maps, papers, quills, ink- several other things overstuffing two bags that weighed the young captain down. She wasn't slowing though, as she ran up the narrow board connecting her ship to the dock. Two-man crew. She'd have to cook. That was alright. It was a small ship, they didn't need more than what they had. Maybe along the way she would pick another member up. Or two. She didn't have money to pay and feed anyone else, not if she wanted to have some cash for supplies at the next port.

I didn't realize how much I missed this.
Dahrim walked behind Lyra with a swagger that was not usually found in a maiden her size, but she felt confident, sword at her hip and the gritty sea air pelting her face. Throughout all of her travels she had never found herself on a ship, the snowy tundras and humid forests were so different from the water that surrounded her. In fact she was quite sure she didn't know how to be a crew member on a ship. After exploring the vessel by herself for a little and throwing side-long glances at Rawlin, who was no doubt accompanying her because he didn't want her to be hurt. The very thought irritated her, she had fought multiple grown men twice her size and weight with little to no consequence yet he still clamped onto her like a leech. Yet there was something comforting in his father-like presence, though if there was fighting to go down she would be the one protecting him. Probably while dodging his arrows.

She shook her head free of her overbearing thoughts and approached Lyra, unable to hide her wide grin due to the excitement that tugged at her chest.

"I'm not sure if you caught my name, I'm Dahrim... I don't know much about the workings of a ship but I am quite skilled with fishing, so I can promise we won't go hungry... though my friend Rawlin here is a tad bit better... ," she mused, raking her white blonde hair out her face. The sea air was going to prove to be quite annoying.
Rawlin was not happy. Dahrim had said that she wanted to join this crew so what did he do? Pack up what little possessions he had and came with her. Pirates could be dangerous and he didn't want her getting hurt. He walked easily with the motion of the ship. He looked out onto the sea and smiled softly. He remembered his father's ship he had for fishing. Nothing impressive but it was named after his mother. Remembering his parents he frowned and ran a finger over his scar.

He hoped that Dahrim could handle long sailing. Sure she had been sailing for maybe a day before but for months? Probably not. The seas change and the weather is unpredictable. He had been on long journeys before, mostly by himself and a small crew to look for his mother.

He sighed when he heard Dahrim say his name. She was probably teasing him or insulting him for something but he decided to ignore it, too lost in his thoughts. Where the hell on a ship was he gonna have an opportunity to shoot an arrow. He couldn't fish with them, the currents even on a calm day were too strong. He sighed and put his head in his hands, letting the sea spray his face and the breeze ripple his clothes.
As he pushed his horse farther and farther. He could see Dead Man's Crossing just over the horizon, but there was no way he could bea the storm. With his horse loosing speed due to fatigue, he decision was clear. He had to find a place to hideout in until the storm has passed. Without a moments notice, he pulled his horse into a broken stone building that was there from the first great war. After he got off the horse, he pulled out a large cloth that was in a bag on his horse. He then laid his horse down and put the cloth over both of them.

"This would have to do," he said to the horse as he gave it some food.

He would then wait here until it was safe to get to Dead Man's Crossing.
Jenasari walked out of the small alleyway that was connected to the inn he was staying at. He was happy that he was able to escape the angry man. Of course, he could have taken him on, but he didn't want to draw too much attention to himself.

The second he stepped out of the however, he was greeted with the sight of a group of humans, ranging in age from 15 to 50. They were all quite angry, and that anger was pointed at him.

“We don't like having you filthy Drow in our town.” The youngest one said, fiddling with a throwing knife.

“We wonder how you would look as a rug in front of the fire.” The eldest said.

“Yes, we could skin you like the cattle and tan your skin to make leather.” Another one said. They were all armed with poor weapons and no armour, Jenasari was quite the opposite.

“I would like to see you try.” He said, his dark, deep voice rumbling just loud enough to let them to hear. The first to attack was the youngest.

Short arm span, poorly made dagger, a small tattoo on his arm placing him in the gang of this town His kind were not the only ones to be threatened by this gang. This gang was in fact against any and all other races that were not their own. They consisted of only humans, and were quite the nasty little characters.

Jenasari smoothly dodged the attack, brought out his dagger, and plunged it straight into the boys heart, killing him within an instant. Just as he pulled the dagger out another came to attack him. He wasn't able to dodge quick enough and the blade struck him on his arm, barely cutting through the fabric of his shirt and slicing his forearm. He hissed in pain and brought the hand that was holding his dagger up, straight into the mans gullet.

Two down, three to go.

The next one lunged at him, a crazed look in his eyes. “You will pay for killing them!” He slashed his two handed sword at Jenasari. Jenasari was caught off guard and was actually slashed with it across his midsection, making the dark cloth even darker with blood. Jenasari let out a yell and jumped back, away from the blade. He drew his dagger back and threw it, making it fly right into the eye socket of the man with the greatsword. The rest of the fight continued in much the same way. When all was said and done, Jenasari was spackled in blood, his blades were embedded in several bodies, and he was tired.

“Well, it was nice playing.” He grabbed all of his weapons, he grabbed his bag that had been dropped on the ground and went on his merry way.
Belzamel stood idly amongst the two officers, draped in tightly woven dark cloth. His wings were pressed in and his face obscured by the hood and collar of the cloak he donned. The Draconian veiled his self so as to avoid any unnecessary notoriety, but it appeared to work less to obscure his identity, and more to give gesture as if he was a Draconian concealing his wings as a sign of submission. The soldiers who caught a glimpse of Belzamel as he first appeared and nearly shot him down from the air quizzed each other as to his presence on the premises. Now, the Draconian stood in front of two arguably lower-ranking officers, when he had believed his cause would merit the attention of someone... even more official.

He knew in his own mind that if they reconciled his lust to cut the ties of magic from mortal hands that it should instead be the Rendannan army scrounging to acquire his own services, though he came to understand that his infamy was varied in these parts. Perhaps he was a scourge and a terror in Sadon, but Belzamel appeared to be merely an exciting rumor to Rendanna and her people. He accepted this thought, but had a habit of formulating opinions based off of strong assumptions so he always readied his self for denials in his theories.

Another interesting notion was of this Sardonis Grey-Eyes and how Belzamel had been plotting to subjugate the old magi fisrt since he had visited the area. By mere coincidence or utter relevance of fate's hand in things, this outlining of the plan seemed to satisfy enough of his ambitions to cause him to want to play along. Belzamel crept a hand from regalia to grab the document, thinking in his mind how he had desired to explain his plans to a higher official but thought a display of his prowess would a better exhibition his determination than words since his infamy didn't compliment the effort.

"I oblige."

Belzamel placed the paper within his shroud before looking up to the officers again.

"I'll have you know that I don't think my methods best suit the... styles of your typical rank and file soldier."

The Draconian touched a finger to his lip before smirking.

"I do not know how your reputation would suffer due to my practices."

Belzamel babbled these things, but he knew they would be waved off, so rather, sub-consciously he planned out his assault upon the old wizard.

"Unless that perturbs you, I'll be back shortly..."

Belzamel would then turn as if to leave.
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Still concerned about the sand in her eye Roselyn was rubbing it, trying to get the grain out.

"Blasted sand...if only it was living so I could kill it..." She muttered just before she felt the dramatic shift in the air. The sand around her seemed to roll in slow motion and that was when she knew that he was here. He who she needed to obey at all costs, the Dark Lord.

He has appeared before her to give her yet another assignment, to kill The Holy Order. Before she could object, not that she could object in the first place, he disappeared leaving her to do the job. The sand blew in the wind at a normal pace again and it blew right into her bewildered face. She takes her clothing and rubs the sand off her face in disgust.

Although Roselyn didn't mind going off and doing the Dark Lord's bidding, she just sometimes wished she could do some other things every once in awhile. Yes, she's not so good at socializing but that's only because she hasn't been able to do it in forever.

"Roselyn kill this...Roselyn destroy about Roselyn go to a tavern and make friends?" Roselyn asked to nothing. She paused as if she were expecting an answer but as usual there was none. Just the whistle of the wind. She sighed, deciding not to waste any more time than she already did.

"Edge of Tarnish Lands, Oak Realm, Castle, Holy Order...kill..." She repeated this to herself numerous times so that the instructions would remain embedded inside her brain.

She then began to march, to start her journey that would be the end of others.

The more Roselyn marched through the sand she realized this may take awhile. "Not a walk in the park...oh no, no, no, it's more like a walk in sand...well I am in sand..." There she goes again, not making any true sense.
((I was asked to edit my post, so please, ignore the last one I made, thank you. :) ))

Jenasari walked out of the small alleyway that was connected to the inn he was staying at. He was happy that he was able to escape the angry man. Of course, he could have taken him on, but he didn't want to draw too much attention to himself.

The second he stepped out of the however, he was greeted with the sight of a group of humans, ranging in age from 15 to 50. They were all quite angry, and that anger was pointed at him.

“We don't like having you filthy Drow in our town.” The youngest one said, fiddling with a throwing knife.

“We wonder how you would look as a rug in front of the fire.” The eldest said.

“Yes, we could skin you like the cattle and tan your skin to make leather.” Another one said. They were all armed with poor weapons and no armour, Jenasari was quite the opposite.

“I would like to see you try.” He said, his dark, deep voice rumbling just loud enough to let them to hear. The first to attack was the youngest.

Short arm span, poorly made dagger, a small tattoo on his arm placing him in the gang of this town His kind were not the only ones to be threatened by this gang. This gang was in fact against any and all other races that were not their own. They consisted of only humans, and were quite the nasty little characters.

Jenasari attempted to lunge to the side and bring his dagger down into the boy's back.
Ryuleianna, who was already on the way to the room, nearly ran straight into Kestrel. She nodded politely at him, "Hello Kestrel. I was just on my way to say good morning to Deos." The man who was looking for her half bowed, then told her how Deos was actually looking for her, and had said something about a possible task. Ryu listened to Kestrel, then nodded and walked at a brisker pace to Deos's room. Once inside, and with Kestrel next to her, she stopped and bowed her head politely, then smiled.

"Deos," she said happily, looking over her older cousin, "It is nice to see you, even though it is still so early in the day. Goodmorning by the way." Ryu looked over to Aria, and waved, "Hello to you as well, Aria." Her gaze moved back to Deos, still smiling happily, regardless of how tired she really was. "You wanted me, yes? Kestrel and I nearly ran into each other. Literally," Ryu said and relaxed in her position only slightly, a strand of silvery hair falling over her face, which she blew out of the way, annoyed at the hair. "I heard you have a possible task," she continued, smiling larger, "You know I am up for anything, pretty much."
"Ahhh, hello Ryuleianna. Its been so long." Deos said as he approached her, greeting her with a hug, and a light kiss on the cheek. He gave a small chuckle to what she said about her and Kestrel running into each other, then walked back over to his study. "Where was it..." Deos looked about his chambers for a second. "Here it is.." He then picked up the same scroll from before, and slowly approached Ryuleiannna, Kestrel still standing next to her. "And yes, i do have something for you, this." He handed her the scroll and then began giving her details on its contents and purpose. "Its a treaty between the Valkyrie and the Draco. They have requested a new one, so here it is. "At that moment Ryuleianna would have turned around and cheerfully began her assignment, but before she did, Deos stopped her. "Wait, you can't possibly expect me to let you go alone. This is an S class assignment, a terrible war rests on the safe delivery of that scroll." He then looked down in thought for a moment, having trouble deciding who should accompany her. "Kestrel, you will accompany my cousin. She is royalty, i expect you to protect her with your life." "Sir!" Kestrel yelled in response. Deos then took a second look at kestrel, staring for a moment. "No, one Elite simply won't be enough." He looked toward Aria, an undecided look in his eyes. He was unsure if she was skilled enough in battle to protect his little cousin. Nevertheless, he put faith in her abilities. "Aria, you will also accompany Ryuleianna. You are an Elite, i expect no less then absolute success." He said in a serious tone. The face he was making would then be cracked as a gentle smile stretched across his face. "Alright, off you go now." He said as he waved them off, commanding them to execute their orders.

As Erin entered The Blackened Hole, she and her team would be greeted by many things. To the left they would see a pair of siblings, arguing about who were to get the last ration of bread. To the right, they would notice a group of men attacking a small child, attempting to steal the money that he planned to use for food. Regardless of what they saw or thought their assignment was to continue walking, and execute orders as commanded. In a desperate attempt to clear her mind from the surrounding conflicts, the human mage sped up her pace, catching up to Erin. "Hello." She said in a soft voice. "My name is Lilith, i don't believe i have seen you in any of the ceremonies before. Are you a new recruit?" Lilith asked. The Elf, on the other hand, would remain silent, trailing to the back of the group. He was trying not to become attached, in the case that any one of them perished while searching for the missing squad.

Alduin growled at Rinfaf as he devoured the unsuspecting human. "Rinfaf, you should not be so hasty. I was going to simply cast a spell to wipe his memory. That would have been a much better choice, seeing as you decided on killing him." Alduin then grew quite as Rinfaf cast his spell of arcane sight, for this was one of the few spells that Alduin did not know. He sat and watched, as Rinfaf's eyes began to glow. Rinfaf would watch in confusion, as his spell had no effect on the item. He would then notice his mana reserves beginning to rapidly drain. The tool as many adverse effects, aside from its actual purpose. If any spell was cast on it, or around it, except from the activation spell, it would drain the users mana. If the caster was not to realize this before all of their mana was drained, they would simply fall to death, due to mana exhaustion. Nor Alduin or Rinfaf had ever encountered anything like this tool before, so neither of them knew why Rinfaf's mana was draining or why his spell wasn't working. If neither of them realized what was going on, Alduin would lose a useful aid. While Rinfaf would lose his life.

Lyra's ship creaked and squealed as she walked aboard it. Rawlin and Dahrim following closely behind. As they got onto the ship, they would find it quite comfortable. A large Oak deck. Fashioned with the usual ship layout. And in the center lied a large trapdoor. Upon opening they would find a fully furnished living quarters, with sleeping chambers for up to five people. The ship that they had found was nice, and it seemed that their journey would be a sweet, comfortable one. Preparations for sail should be made soon, if they wish to reach their destination before the predicted storm came in.

It was only about 30 minutes before the sandstorm passed, and Jared was able to return home. Upon leaving, Jared would notice that the wait for the sandstorm to pass was relatively short, and was puzzled at to why. The reason for this was quite simple, that was not the actual sandstorm. It was only a gust of sand carried from the Tarnished Lands, warning those who reside in Dead Man's Crossing of the actual storm approaching. As Jared climbed atop his horse he would notice how slow it was now moving. Not because it was tired, but because it was dehydrated. However Jared's horse was a loyal one, and it would show no signs to its dehydration, save the fact that it was now moving slower. If Jared was not to notice that his horse needed water, it would soon collapse of dehydration, leaving him to walk on foot for the rest of his journey.

The recruiter would send a number of curses and slurs toward him before Belzamel was actually able to leave. As he turned to leave he would have to travel south down the main road, eventually ending up in town square. As he entered, he would be greeted by a large crowd of citizens, finally starting to begin the festivities that they had been preparing for hours. He would also see a Dark Elf, engaging in a battle with three humans, and across from the fight he would see a blonde haired Wood Elf, simply watching. It was his choice to intervene or not, help the Elf or smite him. Whatever he decided to do the decision was entirely up to him. If her were to continue his journey, he would have to travel south for a while, leaving Rendanna and most likely traveling along the Bridge Of Hope, until reaching the Southern Empire.

It would not be long before Roselyn arrived at her destination, and with the number of magic spells at her disposal, traveling through the sandstorm should be no problem. As she traveled through the desert, she would notice countless destroyed buildings. Among them countless disfigured corpses, rotting and starved of life. How and when the Tarnished Land became this way, no one exactly knows of. Some think that this is the sight of the battle between Sadon and Merek, but no one knows for sure. However Roselyn chose to traverse through the desert, she best decide fast. The sandstorm she was experiencing now was not the real one, and just as Dead Man's Crossing, The Tarnished Land will soon be hit with the actual storm, and no amount of magic can be of assistance in that.

At the scene of being cursed by numerous bystanders, Jensari had quickly jumped in to battle with them, aiming to end their lives. One of the boys among the trio had wished to test their blade against Jensari, wildly swing toward him. Jensari nimbly dodged the blow and immediately struck with a counterattack. He lunged to the side, and then swung his dagger down, with the speed of ten thousand stallions. However he was not fast enough. There were two other man standing among the group that Jensari had challenged. An older man, wielding a hammer, and another man looking to be in his mid twenties, armed with a sword. The old man dived in the path of Jensari's attack, eager to protect the boy. As he dove in to the boy's rescue, he rose his arm shielded with a gauntlet. When the attack collided with the gauntlet, it shattered. Leaving the old man's left arm with no armor. However this defense was not futile. The parry had given the boy enough time to recover from his missed attack, and dash back to plan for a counterattack. While this was going on, the other man, in his mid twenties, began charging toward Jensari from the right, rising his sword high above his head. Now with an old man in front of him, a child on his left, and a man charging toward him on his right, it seemed as if Jensari had bitten off more then he could chew.

Blake is currently heading northeast, to a small port town, called Crixus. Just east of Drake's Perch. The trip from Sadon to Crixus would not be easy, but he must go, if he plans to meet them. He is going to meet two escorts, from an organization that he heard of in Sadon, called The Silver Bell. The Silver Bell aims to stop the current conflict between the North and the South. How they plan to reach their goal, no one is really sure of that. Blake is simply traveling to meet them, in order to see if there is any way that he can assist. In order to get there, he must travel through a small forest, to the east of Sadon. Once reaching the end of the forest he would be greeted by Drake's Perch. He could travel around this massive mountain, or simply pass through. It would be much faster if he traveled through, but doing that would risk being attacked by Wild Dragons.

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