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Fantasy 𝕿he 𝕿emporal 𝕼uilt 𝕷ore

𝕿he 𝕿emporal 𝕼uilt
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“The End is sprouting, dissolving the spring roots into spindles that will prick Men.”
. . . The Egressian Empire and the eons that lie just below it’s crumbling beauty


𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒎𝒚𝒕𝒉.


♡coded by uxie♡

Welcome to THE LORE. Here, you'll find information regarding the Empire, creatures, the world as a whole, etc. Some things are spoilers, others are only relevant to certain characters, or are necessary to read in order to understand what the heck is going on.

For this reason, the lore thread will be arranged with THE REQUIRED READING coming first and character-relevant information required for auditions second. You can find the entirety of the lore here.

The Empire — x
⁂ The Provinces — x
Central Egress x
Espiritú — x
⁂ The Quilt — x
The Top x
The Battingx
The Bottom x
⁂ Otherworldiness — x
The Creatures of The Top — x
The Creatures of The Batting — x
The Creatures of The Bottom — x
⁂ Pandora's Box — x
⁂ Pin Prick & Tower of Babel — x

Please don't feel pressured to read everything in the ToC, nor should you feel like you have to read all of the below. This is simply to direct you properly, especially because there's a lot of information and it can feel overwhelming to look at it all. I simply ask that you try to skim, just so you have an idea of what the hell is going on with all this lore. The same applies to the supplementals!
The Empire — x
⁂ Rass — x
⁂ The Quilt — x
⁂ The Creatures of The Top — x
⁂ Pin Prick & Tower of Babel — x

These are just for your characters so you have some guidance when it comes to the sheets!

Mad Hatter
⁂ Pandora's Box — x

⁂ The Accurséd / Blesséd — x

⁂ Succubi / Veela — x
⁂ Hellenic — x

⁂ Echoes — x

⁂ The Batting — x
⁂ The Hand — x

⁂ The Fallen 30 — x

⁂ Witches — x
⁂ The Grain — x
Lee, The Grain of One
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The Empire

♡coded by uxie♡

An Overview of The Egressian Empire *:・゚✧

For simplicity's sake, money is referred to as dollars or cents.

Main Product and Services
Egress has the man-hours to construct and manage prisons in other provinces and internationally, making it an exported service. Weapons development, manufacturing, and management are also amongst Central Egress's most common exports. Of course, the Empire profits from the main exports of the surrounding provinces, and while it is not public information, it is believed that the Empire’s majority income now comes from the surrounding provinces.

The Egressian Empire is a small country, with a surprisingly large population of about 5,061,821 people. It is about the size of modern Nicaragua, though due to millions of years of the Earth’s changing, the Empire is a sole piece of land, constructing a small continent.

The Provinces
There are surrounding provinces, seven of them: Rass, Espiritú, Tai, Hartland, Iris, and Central Egress. Each has their own unique exports, though there are some overlapping natural to any Empire. There was a time when the provinces were individual countries, pint-sized, but over time the Egressian Empire grew and absorbed more areas into its fold. Borders have changed, oftentimes smaller. The Empire holds all areas in its grasp, giving it ultimate domain, and for the past 150 years, it has controlled all of the continent.

Social Hierarchy
By and large, Egress would be considered an oligarchy, primarily due to how it provides social status and power to those who are most wealthy. Additionally, the scale of power determines one's ability to attain monetary success. The Nobility, such as the residents of Lazarus Alley, are given more political power and a monthly stipend by the Empire in show of support. The Gentry, a more broad term, includes the lesser members of the Nobility who reside in towns throughout the country to operate the local governments in each province. The Common are simply that: the most often-found members in Egressian society, likely living what we would refer to as lower middle class to impoverished. The lowest of the low are the Criminals, though they are primarily used for labor and are not discussed.

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The Provinces

♡coded by uxie♡

The Egressian Empire consists of seven provinces: Rass, Tai, Espiritú, Iris, Hartland, Hellenic, and Central Egress. It is not required to read through all of them, but it is reccommended to skim. That way, you will have a basic understanding of the country as a whole, plus possible places your character may be from. Below is a map for your reference:



♡coded by uxie♡

CAPITOL: Gholling — 112,275
UNOFFICIAL MOTTO: 'It is best not to test what is unknown.'
ECONOMIC EXPORTS: manufacturing of machinery, assembly of machinery, goods manufacturing, industry

Where we lay our scene. A rusted city with grand overgrowth. Rass used to be what Hellenic is now, befitting given how close the regions sit. It would be unfair to say that Egress has abandoned Rass because, truly, it hasn’t. Instead, it has found other uses for the province, particularly in regards to industrialization. While a hundred years ago the province was used for farming, much like Iris, Tai, and Hartland, Rass has instead been shifted to more automated endeavors. Producing a vast majority of manufactured goods for the Empire, it appears none of the cities have the time to do away with the encroaching greenery. With Egress allowing it to grow, the province’s peoples have opted to leave it be, particularly as it has become a household staple and association with Rass at an international level. Still, many areas, particularly during the day when the green lights and cover of night hide the worn-edges of the cityscapes, struggle and appear dirty. While Rass has a similar geography and city planning to Hellenic, a larger majority of the country has been urbanized and made into manufacturing cities. Only those fortunate live outside of the cities, particularly those of Gentry who need greater space for their estates. Traditionally, these are housed between cities, making the nobility an ever-present force. A watchful eye.

However, there are still areas left untouched by the guidance of the Prime Minister’s Thiry Year Plan. In particular, the Mista Glen and Mista village come to mind. Regarded as a brief tourist phenomenon, Egress quickly stopped forcing international tourists and gentry on the Mista people, making it a fad. It is said that, since then, only those of the Mista village and heritage can enter the Glen. While not many know it is actually a certified Law, people have avoided the village and surrounding area since, particularly as in recent years, it has become known to be under scrupulous attack from various criminals.

By and large, though, Rassian culture is having a spark in popularity, particularly in Hellenic. With the province known for its hefty night life, layer of constant, darkened fog, and retro aesthetics, it is only natural they would have a place in the spotlight and Hellenic’s revolving door of culture. Some say that this means Rass is on its way to the top, that the industrialization of the past thirty years has finally made its impact, while others argue in opposition: that Rass is doomed to end up like Tai when it outlasts its use. However, with the fashion house, Pin Prick’s, surge in popularity, perhaps not all might be lost…

Misc Information:
⁂ known for its raves, underground music scene, and unique fashion sense (particularly those of silhouettes popular from thirty years ago)
⁂ with the infrastructure a bit behind on the times, the culture appears to be too while in others… it is not
⁂ home of Tower of Babel and Pin Prick
⁂ Known for its antiquated, above-ground train system with rail cars looking like double-decker buses, oftentimes with foliage growing up and over the tracks
⁂ Despite industrialization, the country still has a higher illiteracy rate than Tai or Iris


Central Egress

♡coded by uxie♡

CAPITOL: Antoinetta — 13,214
MOTTO: ‘Capre vinum.’
ECONOMIC EXPORTS: manufactured goods, diplomacy, security, military, weapons

Strings of fairy-lit lanterns line a ballroom. A buffet of delicacies, the kind an Echo chef slaves over, all consumed only to be spat back up to further the gluttony. A chaise perfect for lounging and spilling your darkest desires, your illest of sins. Normal fan-fare for Egressian socialites, who have grown up under the snotty nose of opulence and the musky smell of aristocracy. Of course, they are not villains (some of them, that is), but their country is.

An Empire marred by a less-than-clean history, Central Egress is known for its over abundance, ancient housing, black and white stylings, and even starker opinions. The land is lush and grand, free from the tar and smoke of 'disgusting' factories. Classism runs deep in the province, along with much of the country, and it's nowhere near as subtle as the residents would like to believe. The affluent are a VIP club, filled with trust-fun heirs, suspicious newcomers judged for their lack of status, and of course, the generationally wealthy, while the proletariat stand at the opposite end of the spectrum. Central Egress contains pockets of shanty towns, carefully hidden from many maps of the province. The two biggest towns include Devil's Kettle and Leninbog. They contain prisons spanning whole blocks, carefully avoided by many of the residents. These prisons make up the majority of the province’s monetary gain and nationalized workforce. For obvious reasons, Central Egress tends to glamorize their main industry, also specializing in weapons production and policing. The country advertises itself as the greatest practitioner of justice and safety, while truthfully, it practices anything but, from the colonization and imperialism to the coverups and rigged elections. While treachery lies below, it could be said the Empire is the more oppressive villain of all…

The septic heart of Egress.

A gated community sits in the core of Antoinetta, resting place to the grandest homes, some spanning miles. Victorian and Art Deco architecture make up the gilded estates, oftentimes laden in various shades of black, white, blues, silvers, and golds. Old meets new in Egress, especially in Central where Antoinetta resides. It is often described as being ‘where the upper echelon prides itself on maintaining a fashion-forward attitude,’ (Egressian Culture For Dummies). Consumers at heart, it appears that only the structure of the buildings remain the same, with ever changing coats of paint, lawn ornaments, and interior decor. All other aspects of Antoinetta life fall under a similar category, with only antiquated rules about propriety reigning in any sense of oddity and impracticality.

One street in Antoinetta is where the stage of Pandora’s Box set itself. On the corner sat the historical white Victorian, known as Holhorse House. Recently opened to the public (truthfully, for the oligarchical gentry who can afford the price) for tourism. Rumored to be home to the ghost of Edvard Holhorse, many Antoinetta natives avoid the home. There, the hunters, Abispa, Raven, and Darcy, set up surveillance and false identities as a group of gentry heirs, looking to rub elbows with the elite under the guise of finding spouses, status, and harmless fun.

Across the street, spanning almost two miles, is the wealthiest block in Antoinetta. Not all who reside are amongst the most powerful, but they either once were or have enough money to buy the title of one. Many are politicians, academics, celebrities, nepotism babies, slimy businessman, etc. While the Prime Minister’s house is a hidden secret to many, rumors detail that their family lives on Lazarus Alley. Others of note include: Madame Heatherstone, infamous for her spinsterhood and unethical research projects, Killjoy Nerv, a musician and rumored drug dealer from Leninbog, Cyrus Polyps, a man who offers a bright smile, a ‘helpful’ deal, and twisted fingers behind his back, along with many more. Most importantly, the mysterious hacker worth $7 billion in coin once resided within the neighborhood, a team of three childhood friends known as Ramiel, Verona, and Cleio. While the street seems sleepy, coming alive solely for a good party, tea time, or tennis match, it houses secrets. A soft, grimy underbelly sits protected under the hard earth of Lazarus Alley, threatening to unveil itself with the constant prodding of the newcomers.

Important Locations in Antoinetta:

Lazarus Alley
Characterized by its art deco and Victorian architecture, sprawling estates, and host of leisure activities, one would be hard-pressed to find themself bored, even with the towering concrete walls. The main hot-spots include: Kerwin's Chipped Ice Parlor, the Parquette Country Club, the competing outfitters known as Opphenmeir's Tailor, Millinery, Repairs, and Etc. and Junemeir's Boutique and Alterations, Flyleaf Books, the Lazarus Menagerie, Musicopolis, and the crowning jewel, Central Park

Holhorse House
Abandoned for quite some time, no one expected Holhorse House to revive itself. Within its walls is the ghost of Holhorse, himself. Anyone on Lazarus Alley will tell you the home is haunted. Why any developer with half a skull would want to revitalize the home and open it to the unsightly public remains a mystery. However, it served as an opportunity to investigate the residents covertly up until the fire of only a handful of months prior. People still murmur, gazing upon the wooden corpse, about the rumored ghost that haunted the building…

Quick Facts:

Culture Overview ⁂ Of course, Lazarus Alley is highly exclusive. Anyone with a bit of dough turns snobbish in Egress, and Lazarus Alley takes sad sentiment to the extreme. Beyond this, of course, there are themes of purity, status, and success. Find all three, and anyone in Lazarus will be forced to respect you.

Purity – Pre-ascertained matches, including courting, are preferred, and balls are offered in order to support said desire. Of course, this does not stop people from dating or harmless fun, but any serious relationship is frowned upon unless approved by the masses and found under proper circumstances. The Debutante Ball indicates the beginning of the next matchmaking season by celebrating all of the new young ones joining the ranks of adults. However, despite these traditions, many have opted for unorthodox manners, revealing that with a bit of money and an emphasis on the other two values, anyone can break this rule.

Status – Familial history is, at times, more important than the dollars in one's bank accounts. With a long line of up-standing citizenry and a strong prescence amongst the Prime Minister and other oligarchs, one is set-up for life. A handful of families who have fallen into a lot of prominence in recent years rely upon this sense of status, opting to up-hold it in any manner possible. Oftentimes, this is through marriage (aka purity) or through money (aka success). Of course, status can also be bought or won. Many families who have only recently came into Lazarus Alley are just as highly regarded as those who have lived in the community for centuries. It is simply a matter of throwing spectacular parties, maintaining an agreeable social presence, climbing the success ladder, and a whole lot of ass-kissing.

Success – Out of the three key values upheld by Lazarus Alley, success is surprisingly the easiest to garner weight in. Typically, this implies monetary gain, consistent and prevalent enough to allow for an overabundance. However, social honor is also key to success. Fame, critical fanfare, academic idolization, etc. can all contribute to a sense of power, ultimately giving one success even if they are only able to afford the eight-course meal, instead of the ten, at a party.



♡coded by uxie♡

POPULATION: 1.1 million
CAPITOL: Daft — pop. 342,543
MOTTO: ‘Sapiens qui prospicit.’
ECONOMIC EXPORTS: textiles, culture, tourism, electricity, entertainment

The entertainment hub of the Empire. Celebrities are at-home within Hellenic, making them the royalty of this province. However, Hellenic is still marked by the diversity of a city, particularly in their central capitol of Daft. Large complexes of subsidized housing shoot upward across all cities with vast greenery separating them. With factories residing within these greenspaces, the sub-train system is designed to stop between cities at these buildings, making it convenient for the working class. A large dam runs at either end of Kohl River, allowing water to flow within the river but utilizing it for electricity, funding a majority of Egress’s electrical complex. Many of the most populated cities in Hellenic are built along the River Kohl with off-shoots of the waterway running through the area. As a result, Daft and other areas are known for consistent rains, highlighted by the persistent neon advertisements common to the province.

Culturally, Hellenic is based around trends, which are ever-changing and free-flowing. In many ways, Hellenic is a combination of various elements of all the other provinces, taking from each to create something highly profitable. Currently, Rassian culture is most popular in Hellenic, leading to the affinity for New Eastern Salts and the formerly popular Soapspirit, something that is in line with the party-culture common to Rass. As a consequence of this, a moral panic as taken root in regards to the youth, who are the most popular market for such drugs. In particular, Festivals are the home of these activities, an element stolen from Irisian culture. As a result, there’s been an influx in gang activity, furthering the moral panic. What once was a culture based around ever-changing moralities, favors, tastes, etc. is now seeing a Spritú-esq strain of conservatism. Now, more than ever, it is clear that one of Hellenic’s major exports, outside of the neon garbage and priceless movie premiers, is illegalities, high and low.

Misc Info:
⁂ tourism has created a string of hostels with themed rooms, built like building blocks stacked on top of each other
⁂ a majority of the province is middle to upper class
⁂ the two major gangs are the Calloways and The Purple Gang
⁂ current trends include: metallic accessories, neon-decorated art deco architecture, the color pink, speakeasies, netic implants



♡coded by uxie♡

CAPITOL: Oasis — 21,643
UNOFFICIAL MOTTO: ‘We truck on.’
ECONOMIC EXPORTS: mining, tourism, footsoldiers, handmade goods

Before there was Tai, there was Hartland. When the Empire formed, indigenous populations were sent to Hartland for manufacturing, farming, and other exports, but over time, the landscape changed. The industrialization and over-tilling of the land destroyed the environment, creating dust-storm after storm. The land, imperfect as it was, revolted, and the Empire largely abandoned Hartland once The Nephilim and crime families took root. Of course, it still benefits from the copious amounts of mining, sending officials to ensure that is one element of Hartland that trucks onward.

Currently, there are only three major areas still occupied by Hartlanders, though there are small villages rooted throughout. The life-expectancy is slim for occupants due to the nature of the geography, with dust-storms aplenty and the air toxic due to the coarseness of the sand. Gas-masks and bandanas are common sights as a result. Oasis is the only city that fairs well, providing housing to many of the miners of Hartland. They have a similar structure to Hellenic with one sub-train leading from the city to the various mines across the province. However, this is not true for other areas, particularly Wayne, an up-and-coming village who’s putting itself on the map.

There was a time when the Calloways, a noble family turned to crime, ran Wayne. Now, an entrepreneur from Egress Central has ripped the rug from them, leaving Cab and his family to reside in Platto, the third most populated village, and the various cities of Hellenic, slowly building their way back to their full kingdom. As their former home, losing Wayne hit the family hard, both in terms of monetary function and sentimentality. Lyken Gacy is the man to blame. Having bought up almost every business on the Strip, he’s created three resorts, a casino, a track, and a workforce of all those who used to work for themselves. It didn’t happen overnight, of course, but even those who still work for their lives can tell that eventually, Gacy will own them all. Anyone who can man a horse has been scooped up and offered a hefty sum to run The Pony Express, a tourist favorite and the only way major packages are delivered to and fro. It used to be run independently, on an as-needed basis, but Gacy has utilized the concept to create a brand. Furthermore, the cowboys race, putting on a show for the Egressian and foreign guests. Gacy has it all: the picture-perfect Heartland.

Misc Information:
⁂ Fables tell of there being ancient ponds and bathhouses that dot the abandoned lands, amidst forsaken churches and old saloons
⁂ Many of the unlabeled villages are not known to Egress and are fiercely defended by the First Peoples of Hartland, allowing them to essentially live independently. It is believed that they are the only people who know how to farm the land
⁂ There’s a running gag that the only reason Hartland hasn’t been kicked out of the Empire is because Wayne created an incredibly popular style of dress in Hellenic about thirty years ago
⁂ Common Names: Asterix, Yorkie, Thom, Clint, Jacey, Istu, Isaiah, Byline, Thelonius
⁂ The Calloways own Platto and work heavily in Hellenic, jokingly making them the biggest export of the province
⁂ The Nephilim reside just outside of Wayne and are a cult that used to haunt the village, sucking bodies dry, until Gacy came around. Rumors say he pays them to keep them at bay.
⁂ Many outside of Hartland, even Wayne itself, do not believe in the Nephilim being real. Even Gacy will deny it.
⁂ Wayne was praised in EMPOUR, a Hellenic tourist magazine, for being the number one up-and-coming spot, particularly as a place of make-believe for Egressian Gentry looking to escape reality.
⁂ Gacy has recently applied to the Empire to become Wayne’s designation Gentry, essentially making the town his own



♡coded by uxie♡

CAPITOL: Nekko — 72, 306
UNOFFICIAL MOTTO: 'A rainbow is an answer, not a question.'
ECONOMIC EXPORTS: crops, canned goods, handmade goods, general labor, some meats

With little rivers and miles of shoreline, Iris’s major areas are close to the sea, with homes carved into the sides of mountains and hills. Bountiful, they use the inlands to grow crops and house their factories for canning. These are strictly common to cities akin to Nekko, which houses grand cathedrals of rainbow glass. In the smaller villages, canning, jamming, and preservation is done on an individual basis, collected by Egressian officials and sent to other areas. While Egress’s presence is strong within the province, it is apparent in the very fabric of casual living that Iris has long-standing traditions. Religion is key to the area, implemented into every fiber. It is said that Iris is named after a rainbow goddess of antiquity, a goddess that the Irisians continue to venerate. The land, itself, facilitates this, particularly due to the frequency of rainbows, created by the frequent light drizzles making the area perfect for farming, and the nighttime aurora borealis. Living is more natural within the province, with not even Nekko having the industrialization typical of other capitals in the Empire, particularly in regards to technology. While equipped with the basics, Irisians prefer to live with their lives in perpetual connection to the earth.

Festivals are a staple to Iris life, and with the Irisians’ knack for preservation, their cathedrals and massive complexes of beautiful architecture create the perfect scene for such affairs. With Hellenic’s penchant for Festivals of a similar magnitude, they have quickly become Iris’s number one tourist spot. While there are some conservative sects, such as the Orthodox that believe in limited access to the corruption of technology, many Irisians believe in the enlightening power of psychedelics, making them a staple at Festivals. In fact, there are several published cookbooks on how to concoct hors d'oeuvres for such affairs. While the Empire may frown upon such activities, due to tourism and positive international press, they have managed to maintain the time-honored tradition for Festivals, amongst other elements of traditional Irisian life. Amongst the three provinces with the densest indigenous populations, it appears that Iris has fared the best, economically and socially.

Misc Information:
⁂ most of the country lives rurally
⁂ even the least religious of Iris hold a bit of reverence for the rainbow
⁂ fairly tiny province, but still bigger than Tai, its neighbor
⁂ Has a spring festival called Somma, for summer, which is celebrated on a province-wide level



♡coded by uxie♡

CAPITOL: Mirnea — 62,735
MOTTO: ‘For the betterment of all.’
ECONOMIC EXPORTS: canned goods, lumber, furs, meats, dairy, general labor

There was a time when the people of Tai ruled both its land and Spiritú’s. There was a time when there was one province, Tai, and that was all there needed to be. The hearts of Taians are burned and bruised, but their wounds will not forget. Reduced to a small piece of land, an even smaller island, and forced to till the plains, not for themselves but for the Egressians that lie northeast. Their bodies are not their own, won and bartered by the ‘forward-thinking minds’ of Spiritú. While the colonization of Tai took place almost a 150 years prior, as of late, the conditions of the land and the lives of its people have only rolled further down the mountain. Swallowed whole in the landslide. Forgotten in the ash, Tai has fallen victim to a declining infrastructure, worsening climate, and increased levels of poverty. With the recent Crash and worsening levels of unrest, Egress eyes Tai carefully.

With constant flooding and threat of hurricanes, Taians tend to build their houses following the mentality of their neighbors to the North. Like Iris, their homes are built above sea level, often on stilts or hills, carved into the sides of mountains or tucked far enough inland that none of this is a concern. With lush hillsides and glowing waterways, the province appears healthy, ever-growing. Furthermore, with Taians’s knack for ornate paintings on the interiors of their houses and carefully-preserved traditional garb, the area appears to be better off than it actually is. Half of the water sources are slowly becoming undrinkable, primarily due to the chemicals used in sanitation for canning and preservation of furs, in addition to forests falling down by the minute, dead, dead, dead. With time-honored architecture and traditions to match, ranging from the significance of embroidery on one’s wrists and lapel or their own Festivals (uncelebrated and uninvited by the masses), Tai appears to be a country quickly forgotten, even as it provides and bleeds for its country.

Of course, forgetting always leaves the opportunity for the door to crack… who knows what might slip out?

Misc Information:
⁂ much of the country runs on self-generated electricity or with other forms of energy, particularly solar
⁂ however, ESID has tried to pass out and implement a home port system, giving free hotspot devices that double as generators
⁂ it’s been a largely unlikeable program
⁂ increased surveillance in the area, of which Taians have not taken kindly to
⁂ recently was hit with their worst hurricane to date, rivaling the last record-setting one that was over 40 years ago
⁂ murals in homes are used for a variety of traditional purposes, typically of family histories or religious legends
⁂ Tai’s main religions are actually the closest to reality, particularly due to how closely guarded their secret traditions have been, uncorrupted by enduring Christianity.



♡coded by uxie♡

CAPITOL: Portalie — 373, 912
MOTTO: ‘Cogito, ergo sum.’
ECONOMIC EXPORTS: housing production, academics, medical equipment, technology

A utopia. As one of the provinces neighboring Central Egress, it is of no surprise that Spiritú has risen above and benefitted from the pipeline of monetary and social gain being so close to the top offers. Over the past 150 years, Espiritú has perfected itself as the technological beacon and lighthouse for societal standards. With subsidized housing, medicare-for-all, and one of the lowest poverty rates per capita in the world, they are a well-respected province with several peer-reviewed journals being released on the subject of Espiritú, its city planning, infrastructure, sociological welfare, etc. Of course, the history of colonization and blatant eugenics is ignored, particularly due to the latter being a well-kept Egressian secret and the former being looked over. The shiny, color-coded expanse of Espiritú is marked by swirling cities of curvaceous apartments and skyscrapers filled with forward-thinking minds. Outward, across the trails of the Intrastate Highways, there are the masses of suburbs, marked by the homes of today, terrifyingly similar yet different enough. The perfect amount of foliage, the perfect number of people, all arranged by perfect design.

Of course, it wasn’t just the utopian landscape that put Espiritú on the map. No, it was the thirst for adventure. With Espiritú creating the entire technological infrastructure for Egress, along with being held responsible for the adequate use of electricity, it is of no shock that eventually the province would seek the stars. There are angels above, Langer, one of the first men to leave the stratosphere told Ground Control. Espiritú has conquered the flying car, the netic implant, disease, homelessness, the home port, and much, much more. Now, Langer said in an interview, We conquer God.

Misc Information:
⁂ Home of the ESID and all related experiments
⁂ Only has history books dating back to 150 years ago; they are trying to replace history books in other provinces, too
⁂ More and more gentry have applied to move from Central Egress to here
⁂ While Espiritú has been forced to share their advancements with Central Egress and all gentry, some believe they hide other resources below in their many disaster shelters, failsafes in the event that international or domestic terror strikes.


The Quilt

♡coded by uxie♡

The world consists of three layers, all of which our characters will become familiar with over the course of the plot. For those of you who would like to avoid as many spoilers as possible, you simply must understand this:
THE TOP — The place your characters are most familiar with, particularly because this is where Earth is. Humans are the most common species to this realm, though a hint of wisdom (The Batting's term for magic) sprinkles throughout.

THE BATTING — The realm that contains whimsy and wisdom. A land that sparkles, ruled by Queen Yulework, a Nimmpish, and spotted with creatures of all walks. The most human-like of The Batting's living things are the Redwork Nimmpish and The Hands. Held underneath The Top, it has a person in the sky, who sits off the grand mountain below, named Redwork, a Border -- a god of this world. However, not even Redwork's great power can prevent the Bottom Feeders from attacking The Batting, bubbling from below.

THE BOTTOM — Consumed by ancient wisdom, something incarnate and held only by The Borders. The Bottom is the oldest layer and thus, the deepest. It is the end, and all that is unknown rises above. Hidden from humans, The Borders and The Grain use The Bottom as their sanctuary, though lately it is under attack by a blackened hand not even the oldest of Borders can recognize. It is referred to as The Feed, a term Morë, the Border that rules over The Bottom and its sole city, Mother, came up with. What was already a wasteland left to antiquity has turned even darker over the past 150 years.


The Top

♡coded by uxie♡

The plain that you, dearest reader, are most familiar with. A land with stains and tears, yet very rarely does anyone of The Top stare into the Abyss and find the Nimmpish and Hands of The Batting looking back up. For whatever reason, the Borders, the seamstresses of the Quilt, have decided The Top does not need to know of what lies below. Of course, The Top is home to a plethora of creatures that stem from the magic that runs below, but these are few and far between. Rather, in Egress, they are heartily guarded secrets of the Empire, curbed and kept in a dubious status based around hearsay of folklore. Yet, The Top holds pockets of unknown, of spindles that prick and bind you to The Bottom, of lands unlike Egress where mysticism lies still.

Odd circumstances plague Egress. Some say it is just that – a plague. Fire swirling with no cause, people reporting spotting black holes in the middle of nowhere, disappearances, blackened rivers, and areas being swallowed up like a blip that never existed. A folding of the fabric, a ripple. Darkness swells at The Top, rising to the surface where the sun and sky cannot hold it back.
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The Batting

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The land that lies below with the only attributed source of light being the Man in the Sky. The Batting contains equal parts The Top and The Bottom, in both magic and other facets. The Hand consists of humanoid creatures, ranging from those recognizable from The Top like Echoes to those unrecognizable such as Satyrs and Sullies. In addition to The Hands, there are the Redwork Nimmpish, fae-like creatures that Nimms derive from and that fables foretell to be what Half-Nimms actually are. The Nimmpish and The Hand work in tandem, residing under the same kingdom: The Rework Domain. Queen Yulework is rumored to be a Border, a divine god sent to rule this land, but she will deny these allegations, despite her immense power and the control of the Redwork Knights. Not even this appears to be enough to defend The Batting, as trouble brews. While The Top is only just now feeling the symptoms of what bubbles Bottom up, The Redwork Domain has suffered for almost a thousand years, fighting off Feeders who destroy their lands and sheltering their citizens. Not even the Queen’s Fates foretold the survey of defeat, particularly as of the last 150 years, though there is one tale that the three tell: The Kindred. Half-Borders, part gods, the purest of Knights. They will come to save them all, and The Batting must prepare for their arrival.

Flurries occupy the air and add sparkle. If you listen closely, allowing silence to settle, you will hear the strong thrum of the energy that fuels The Batting. Wisdom. Magic, a fictitious thing, as The Top understands it. It peppers the wings of Nimmpish and those alike, pollinating the flowers that grow three sizes too big, and lining the coarse skin of The Hands. Spiraling towers, ancient architecture that has yet to fail them. The world glows despite the darkness with clouds spotted above. Fabrics drape in constant celebration for the life the Redwork has forged, despite it all. Yet, even The Batting has pockets they seal off, barriers they cast. Bottom Feeders reside there, tempting closer and closer to the Queen.
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The Bottom

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Seedy sands of smokey, blackened deserts. There is no natural light here, none at all. Dark skies vaulted above, but anyone with guilt-free vision can see the dirt. It trickles down and marks your head. A sea of nothing with twisted Fates residing in tatters, floating above as smoke. Choking as you walk past, there is a speck in the distance. Traverse across the treacherous lands, and you’ll see there is a floating head with the eyes drawn downward and removed. Recently. Watery blood, dried, still drips and pools, crusted around the edges. The head drops, puncturing the sand, and from behind it resides a different pool: Bottom Feeders and their host: a large figure swathed in black fabrics and backed by large burned-feathered wings. Their face is a hole, and they rush forward. They swallow you whole.

There is a pot that boils in The Bottom. A dying light that must be fed with wood. The Grains reside here, temporary, minor gods that will one day replace The Borders, those who are dying out. They are supposed to protect The Quilt. They come from The Top and dig down, divine in their adventure, where The Borders grant them the powers they deserve: the ability to protect and guide The Quilt along in its construction. Except, they too are plagued by what seeps into every crack and violates every wisdom. The Feeders consume them, too, and it is all they can do to keep them at bay.

While much of The Bottom is barren, a great portion of the sphere resembles the blocked off and destroyed areas within The Batting. It appears that the force suffocating The Bottom and up targets antiquated beings and objects first, above all else so the quarantine spots in The Batting contain some of the oldest architecture to exist, including the deserted castle the Redwork Queen once lived in. The Bottom, being the most ancient out of all the areas, is of course most afflicted by The Feed. Crumbling castles and brutalist architecture trail its deserts and forgotten hollows. Of course, Borders and Grains still live within these structures, even as they deteriorate with each new attack from The Bottom Feeders.

The only city within The Bottom, known as Mother, is a grant fortress that offers security from what lies beyond. A smattering throughout the realm holds other fortresses for various Borders, but that isn’t where one should worry when traversing this hellish place. It’s the Feeders that dot this land, the ones who has succumbed to the Feed after failing to hold steadfast to their gods. However, they too have gifts imbued, god-like qualities Man has no business knowing about. And they don’t, for good reason, as The Bottom is dotted with disembodied heads that gulp a reddened lake, causing typhoons at a whim, trees that seek to deceit and drain your blood, princesses of the deep, sinkholes that break into Pits, skeletons as tall as towers that reach out and touch, and the monsters. Dear Lord, a fabled god of yore, please help us!
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The world of Egress contains a host of supernatural, fantastical, and even mildly scientific creatures. Much of these concepts blend together, meaning much of the scientific elements derive from fantasy and vice versa.

There are various species natural to all the layers, so the next post will provide the most important ones and then the ones delineating will provide information per realm, Top down.


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The Bottom Feeders
They grow, a throbbing mass of soldiers for The Feed. There used to only be a handful of them, all occupying The Bottom where The Borders could show them mercy, keep them under watchful eye. The citizens of Mother, The Bottom’s sole city, do not necessarily have to be creatures of true evil. Oftentimes, they are simply malformed souls that, upon death, will be reshaped and hopefully will find better ends. As a result, they come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Some take up whole seas while others are forgotten humanoids. The Batting knows little of how Feeders form, but it is believed they are creatures that made deals with Borders and Grains, failed to adhere to their end of the bargain, and fell down, down, down.

Of course, this has shifted upon the appearance of The Feed, the dark force that encroaches. The Bottom Feeders have become the footsoldiers, fearful beasts that are making their climb to The Top. For some, it is a hero’s journey back to their home while for others it is revenge. Still, even if captured and questioned, they either implode upon questioning or they speak in gibberish. As a result, The Batting lives in confusion, knowing The Feed is making its way through the realm and beginning to seep into The Top.

The Fates
Unbeknownst to many Oracles of The Top, their seer abilities stem from The Fates, pairs of three that work in tandem to spin tales of the future. Additionally, they are sought by many of The Batting and even Morë of The Bottom for proper recollection of the past and its impact on the present and future. The Fates are the only creatures that can travel through all layers of The Quilt, in addition to having carnal knowledge of the already-spun portions of it and the blessing of receiving snippets of what is to build off. While Oracles have their own capacity to view sections of the future, it is often the case that their Prophecies are actually ones first received by The Fate that blessed them.

How Fates Form Oracles:
While Fates come in pairs of threes, oftentimes triplets and femme, they each have the capacity to bless whomever they choose as an Oracle. Some Fates bless thousands, others only one. The process happens across the entirety of The Quilt, from Bottom Feeders to humans of The Top. The only creatures they cannot bless are Borders and Grains (though, in the case of a Grain, they can be blessed prior to their trial though it will go away). Blessings must occur upon or within three days of the Oracle’s birth. In a sense, they now contain some of The Fate’s essence, though it is more accurate to say that The Fate has simply given the creature divine knowledge, with The Fate acting as a conduit and guide. As a result, The Batting views The Fates as guardians, particularly for The Top.

The Kindred
The true nature of the Fallen 30. None of them know, except perhaps Gatsby. At least ten of them are no longer with us, making those surviving all the more rare. Experimented upon by the Egress Security and Investigative Detail (ESID), the Empire sought to understand the peculiarities within these seemingly-normal youths. According to the data collected on the days all twenty-five patients were born, reports from citizens detailed strange occurrences, ranging from red-dust hurricanes in Tai to an entire block in Devil’s Kettle levitating. Furthermore, birth records show that there were no other children born the day they were, twenty-five separate occurrences. Of course, this stuck out to the ESID, who offered healthy compensation to any family approached to do their ‘civic duty.’ When their children were returned with missing limbs, broken backs, and orders to keep attending to the doctor for whatever disease that appeared to keep penetrating their bodies, parents were offered even greater compensation, then if that wasn’t enough, the threat of their lives. Stop asking questions.

The truth is that the ESID, not even the Empire, knows what the Fallen 30 are. They are lost bits of Borders’ souls, that which slipped past unnoticed and unseen when they passed on or were imbued with essence. With the material that makes up either being slippery, made up of individual atoms, it was only natural that when their matter was captured or transferred, a bit would slip past notice. The Batting believe that this was purposeful, that The Kindred are the fabled angels The Top foolishly believe in, made real. The Kindred will save them all from The Feed because, unlike the Grain, they are cursed, not blessed, and they are not corrupted by the power within them because their abilities grow with them, in lieu of attacking them. In place of a virus, the Border-matter they hold is a symbiotic bacteria. Of course, the Queen of The Batting would never acknowledge these theories, as even the knowledge of them is hearsay, overheard from Redwork’s mumblings. It appears not even The Borders are quite sure of what to make of these creatures, leaving it up to The Fates to see what their purpose is. That is, if The Fates could even divine much of that.

The Borders
Oft described as the gravity that holds The Quilt down, The Borders are beings of antiquity, of rustic and acoustic intuition. They are foretold to have forged The Quilt and its many stitches, though many counter this belief with the idea that The Borders were simply there for the inception of time, rather than the creation of it. This speculation derives from what many of The Batting are familiar with: The Borders are dying and some day The Grains will take over full divine power.

Many of the thousands of Borders have died out with no replacement, though a handful remain. They are draining, slowly, but the domineering creatures still shadow those of The Bottom. They come in a plethora of forms, though they often hold a man-like version of themself, their connection to the other realms. Of course, they are often found in their more recognizable forms, usually grand and all-encompassing of The Bottom.

The Grain
The stitches that bind the layers together. They are the gods set to carry the torch when the bodies of The Borders turn to the dust that lines The Bottom, like the other Borders long forgotten. The Grain consists, currently, of eleven, each with a Deity, that being the Border that imbued them with their abilities and extended lifespans. Most are regarded as hungry, some too ravenous. They are cubs at play, Redwork once told Queen Yule during her pilgrimage, when The Batting first learned of The Grain. Give them time. Their constitution is being tested. Of this, Redwork was astute in their guidance: The Grain, all from The Top, are forced to bear the weight of their Deity’s domain as it rushes into their being, even as slowly as it is. As a vessel, they must carry the vestiges of their Deity, including but not limited to the millions of years of knowledge and their enviable powers. Of course, as many Borders will remind The Grain, there will be more stitches to hold The Quilt but there will never be another set of framework that saw it all begin.

The Top

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The Truth

It is important to understand that there are inconsistencies within The Top’s understanding of the few oddities that occur within the realm. This is primarily due to the fact that the world, at large, has a limited number of fantastical creatures, most which reside in Egress for an unexplainable reason. For those that read all the information provided, even things that may be revealed to characters later, some of the information below may be confusing.

There is a simple explanation: The Top, based around the ancient yet enduring sense of Christianity, has created its own explanations for these occurrences. Believing in Him, the one God, there are angels and daemons that work against one another, in constant battle. Witches, succubi, curséd, etc. are taught, if they learn anything at all about their origins, that they are extensions of a long-practiced religion. Under each of these, there will be a spoiler explanation under the heading “In Actuality.” It is recommended that if you do not anticipate reading all of the lore or want to not be spoiled that you do not read any of these sections.

List of The Creatures of The Top:

⁂ The Wolfsbane Virus
⁂ The Fallen 30
⁂ The Accurséd
⁂ The Blesséd
⁂ Nimms
⁂ Half-Nimms
⁂ Witches
⁂ Oracles
⁂ Succubi
⁂ Veela
⁂ Ghosts



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Human-shaped and sized, usually ranging in the smaller size. Sometimes as short as 4’5, though this is rare. They are known to dwell around cavernous and watery regions, especially near beaches and in valleys.

Can only repeat the latest thing that others say to them. They can control tone, which is their primary form of communication amongst each other. They cannot repeat words that they say to each other, though it is common that they all have heard the same word last, given most creatures with the ability to speak freely usually avoid Echos, for they are often seen as an annoyance.

Misc Information
Echoes are often regarded for their beauty and inability to speak unless spoken to. Thus, they often work as servants, handmaidens, etc. Lazarus Alley is infamous for its workforce made up primarily of Echoes. ESID tried to understand the nature of Echoes long ago, but they were unsuccessful, and it is largely due to this history of mistreatment that they have been forced into the economic low and regarded with little affection. Many who do not believe in the mythical see them as mute, though any Echo will find this angering. Lastly, Echoes can communicate through sign language.



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Created in a lab on accident, the virus was created through an experiment designed to alter the temperament of wolves, hoping to domesticate them in order to make them pets for the Egressian elite. Like any unmonitored experiment that defies the laws of nature, the virus has spread to humans. Since then, research has been done to investigate and divulge a cure. No such one exists yet, and the experiments have only added to the number ill. Of course, healthy compensation has been met, but it is pennies compared to a life where one’s own body becomes a battle zone. Furthermore, if a person gets bitten by a person with the virus and survives, they will contract it too.

In its earliest case, the virus meant death. Oftentimes, it made the infected appear deathly, a walking corpse covered in tufts of fur. Inhuman. Medications have proven effective, allowing one to avoid most of the repercussions and nastier effects. However, increased agility, durability, and a temperamental mood are common. About once a month, the virus tends to peak in terms of cell count, resulting in the appearance of some symptoms, which can appear on demand through effort and practice. These include: sharpened fangs, sharpened claws, an increase in body hair, increase in durability (near bullet-proof), increased agility, a thirst for blood, and insatiable rage. Best if used sparingly, and only in life-or-death situations.



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A governmentally-funded research project looking to enhance humans beyond evolution. At least, on paper. All participants were randomly selected, offered an irrefutable sum, and all joined, either by choice or a tangled web. After being injected with a serum, the participants experienced a series of tests that forced them into near-death. As a result, wings and other malformations appeared, seemingly with no explanation, at least not to the participants. The massive, still-oozing scars on their backs are from the wings that were cut-off from them. Many participants died, either during the tests or as a result of their bodily transformations and subsequent injuries, and those who did not were tortured due to their uncontrollable tendencies to maim, almost out of self-preservation. The subsequent torture and brainwashing of the survivors attempted (mostly successfully) to rid the subjects of this dilemma. In the end, the experiment is marked as a total failure, and most participants, particularly those of less prominence, died and were quickly forgotten.

Not much is clear in regards to the abilities of the Fallen, as a medication is prescribed to all survivors, similar to the one given to Wolfsbane patients, to prevent any outbreaks of peculiarities.

According to any researcher from the project, the Fallen all showed symptoms of enhanced durability, the sprouting of wings and/or horns, mild telekinesis, enhanced agility, some speciality, the ability to fly/levitate, and uncontrollable rage. It is the last characteristic that allowed them to repurpose the Wolfsbane medications, as both illnesses are tied to the inability to control one’s emotions, in addition to emotional dysregulation activating the diseases. However, all survivors are supposed to frequently see ESID doctors assigned to their case, often going under the knife for further surgeries or having their medication upped to prevent any abilities from becoming too powerful.

Example Specialities:
[please choose one from below or DM me about your ideas!]
Telepathy – the ability to hear the thoughts of others and communicate telepathically [taken by twin]
Pyrokinesis – the ability to control fire, sparking fires anywhere and everywhere
Emokinesis – the ability to control the emotions of others and create mental illusions
Oculokinesis – the ability to see through any person’s eyes, provided the participant has seen their face before
Artukinesis – the ability to control the arms and legs of others and produce their own
Renovatiokinesis – the ability to return objects and people into former forms
Constructiokinesis – the ability to rearrange the formations of atoms to create new structures; not applicable to living things
Viskinesis – the ability to manipulate electricity and other forms of energy.
Caputkinesis – the ability to transform into the faces of others and transform other’s faces
Acutukinesis – the ability to grow and shrink objects and humans

The Bottom has their palms all over the experiment. The manner of how will remain a secret, but it is apparent that their plans were cut short. Once the Prime Minister received enough questions from concerned parents and had to pay out enough hush money, he shut the experiment down and let the rest of the living participants go home.



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Vampire. It is the word most commonly used, but it is incorrect. Oftentimes referred to more accurately as the Nephilim, the Accurséd are the descendants of daemons, of Him from The Lower. Many do not realize they are Curséd, especially because blatant symptoms only arise in the children and grandchildren. [think of them like demigods but for daemon spawn]

Besides blood-sucking, the Accurséd have increased durability, agility, etc. Furthermore, some have specialities, usually in mild forms that lessen over time, including: pyrokinesis, telekinesis, and mind control.

Misc Information
Due to their daemonic origins, cults worshiping the Accurséd along with cults made up of the self-described Nephilim are common.

The Accurséd are the spawn of Grains. There are very few and they appear to be popping up, more and more, particularly in the past forty years. As there are more Grains that walk amongst The Top, traveling to and fro, it is no surprise that this has occurred. Of course, The Borders are none too happy about this reality, though they have left them be, by and large, particularly due to the knowledge that those curséd can spread the mutation created by a Grain melding with a human until it becomes nothing, until they become weak.

The explanation regarding their origins came from priests across The Top, who encountered the curséd first about three years prior. Since there are not enough to flag ESID, they have been left in peace with only Him’s disciples there to offer any direction to their origin. Just the way The Borders prefer it.



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Much like their Curséd counterparts, the Blesséd are the spawn of otherworldly beings, specifically the angels from The Above. They appear much like the Curséd, feeding off of blood, except they have managed to be more discreet. Many humans do not know that Blesséd exist, as even the Blesséd do not know themselves. Their bloodlust appears to be lessened, primarily due to a lack of feeding material. Contrary to common folklore, angels, just like daemons, crave the blood of the pure, though for different purposes. Only the most pure of heart may be consumed by a Blesséd.

All of the same abilities as the Curséd apply. They can also have specialities, including: levitation, pyrokinesis (using ‘Divine Light’), telepathy, and invisibility.

The Blesséd are the spawn of Grains. There are very few and they appear to be popping up, more and more, particularly in the past forty years. As there are more Grains that walk amongst The Top, traveling to and fro, it is no surprise that this has occurred. Of course, The Borders are none too happy about this reality, though they have left them be, by and large, particularly due to the knowledge that those curséd can spread the mutation created by a Grain melding with a human until it becomes nothing, until they become weak.

The main difference between the two curséds is due to the form that the mutation develops, particularly due to the weathered and extreme nature of Grain’s matter. As the Grain struggles with holding the entire matter of a Border’s, they are also permanently changed, passing along their non-human qualities to a human whose body struggles to hold it all. Blesséd are simply humans better-adapted.

The explanation regarding their origins came from priests across The Top, who encountered the curséd first about three years prior. Since there are not enough to flag ESID, they have been left in peace with only Him’s disciples there to offer any direction to their origin. Just the way The Borders prefer it.



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1 in. to 6 in. pixies that roam the forests. They are often spoken of in folklore, unbelieved by many to be of reality. They’re generally very sweet, endearing creatures, though they do not appreciate humans eating them for extended life. Not very fun at all.

A Nimm’s primary purpose is to guard the trees, for they are their friends. Additionally, they can speak to the trees and divine their thoughts and feelings. Because of their connection to the trees, they tend to have extended lifespans of about 100 years longer than humans. They also have little, translucent wings that help them avoid capture. Lastly, their bodies contain pixie dust, which they use to fertilize, prepare for winter, and heal the trees. It can also prolong anything’s lifespan, including fixing inanimate objects.

The Trees
By and large, a Nimm receives a new tree under their care every five to ten years following their 20th year. The decision making involved in this process is very vague, with there being no real council for the Nimms. Generally, the creatures talk to the trees, hearing their thoughts, and when they hear a new voice in the chatter, they must decide who will guard it. Usually, the job goes to either a newly twenty year-old Nimm or a Nimm who guards another tree close by and hasn’t had a new friend in awhile. Generally, Nimms enjoy the company of trees, even over themselves, and as a result, many Nimms are envious or downright greedy when a new sapling comes to be. Nimms are supposed to leave the planting of trees to Lyrs, another creature much like mice and of considerably less human-like qualities. Nimms are protectors, guardians, and most of all, best friends to the trees, who are often lonely. They can never touch each other, at least not beyond the brushing of a branch, without guaranteeing their mutual end. With Nimms, however, they will always have a friend and vice versa.
Due to this special bond, there is always a ceremony when a sapling comes into the hands of a Nimm. Naming of the tree, which is usually a collaborative effort between the Nimm and the tree, is the center focus of the event. Then, there is food and spirits. It happens quite often, at least once every few months, so it isn’t seen as a special occasion. Still, it is regarded with fanfare, however undeserving it is.

It is recommended to read up on the Redfolk Nimmpish to understand where Nimms stem from.



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Despite their size, there are cases of witches cursing Nimms to be human-sized, often as a means of defense against the humans who wish to eat them. As a result, romance has blossomed between the two species, and Half-Nimms were created. Many cannot tell when a person is a Half-Nimm due to how human-like their stature and life-spans are. In fact, some Half-Nimms may go their whole life without the knowledge of their magical endowment.

Much like their Nimm-parents, Half-Nimms have a slightly longer lifespan. Of course, this is only about 10 to 30 years longer than the average human’s, and due to their rarity, this is often remarked as a fluke. Around trees, Half-Nimms feel more lively, and some even believe they are hearing voices as the trees sense their presence and attempt to speak to them. Some Half-Nimms have been reported to float and others have even sprouted wings.



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Humans who are blessed with the ability to harness magical energy, known in the other realms as wisdom. It is believed that, like mythical angels and demons, witches have access to the same energy they do, though to a lesser degree. Witches are known to practice and perfect their capacity to wield energy utilizing various methods commonly found in modern paganism and Wicca.

Witches have the ability to wield energy and utilize it for their desires. However, witches have to use a wide array of techniques and methods. These include: potion brewing, crystals, channeling their energy through arcane objects such as wands, scrying, sigil drawing, etc.

Using magic, witches can do a variety of things. Most commonly, they utilize it for protection, good fortune, controlling others, transfiguration, and in select cases, raising things from the dead.

It should be noted that while witches are never fully good or evil, some choose to rely more on daemonic energy-based magic over angelic energy-based magic, though in reality, this is simply the subconscious nature of their soul shining through.

There are specialities to witches, as no witch is powerful enough to wield the whole gamut of magical abilities.

Glamours ⁂ Witches who can alter their appearances, sometimes able to appear as other creatures or people.

Shifters ⁂ Witches who can change into an animal of their choosing. Only the most powerful witches can turn into multiple creatures.

Elementals ⁂ These witches include plant-based witches, fire-based and light-based witches, either derived from Divine Light or Hellfire, water-based, or air-based.

It is recommended to read up on The Hand to better understand Witches. Over time, The Top has changed its own understanding of the world, and anyone who knew of what lies below has been forgotten. Thus, witch families often uphold the same interpretation of the world that the rest of The Top does.



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Oracles have the capacity to read the future and the souls of others. They are the ultimate sages, highly regarded for their ability to read the tone and messages of the energy around them and within others. However, often Oracles do not know they are capable of such abilities, as they are innate and subtle.

Oracles can divine the future, though usually it is by chance unless through tarot, scrying, etc. They often go unaware of their abilities until they experience their first Foretelling, a possession-like experience where they reveal a Prophecy.

It is recommended to read up on The Fates to better understand the source of Oracles.



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It is believed that, upon being cut and drank from by a daemon, a succubus is born. What once was a normal human is now an otherworldly creature with beauty beyond comprehension. Irresistible, succubi exist to entrap do-gooders who work against Him’s Mission. They are cannibals, consuming their victims after killing them with their bodies.

Succubi have unnatural, charming looks that suck any human in. Their bodies are death traps, making any kiss a sedative and any sexual encounter deadly.

Given a Succubus does not remember being turned, the religious explanation is the only one found by any looking to understand themself a bit better. What is true, in actuality, is that succubi are spawn of Grains, just like curséd. Their mutation has developed differently, with the necrosing soul of their Grain-parental laying dormant until the moment it rears its head and strikes. While they are blessed with peace for the beginning of their life, they are left with an insatiable hunger later in life that the body must relieve.

The explanation regarding their origins came from priests across The Top, who encountered them first about three years prior. Since there are not enough to flag ESID, they have been left in peace with only Him’s disciples there to offer any direction to their origin. Just the way The Borders prefer it.



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Similar to a succubus. A human believed to be kissed by an angel, endowed with The Divine Goal innately. Using their unnatural beauty, gifted by the angel, they use their looks and sensuality to entrap ne’er-do-wells, cannibalizing them.

Veelas are naturally enchanting with looks that literally kill. Like Succubi, they consume their prey, particularly their soul, which is given to the angel that kissed them.

Given a Succubus does not remember being turned, the religious explanation is the only one found by any looking to understand themself a bit better. What is true, in actuality, is that succubi are spawn of Grains, just like curséd. Their mutation has developed differently, with the necrosing soul of their Grain-parental laying dormant until the moment it rears its head and strikes. While they are blessed with peace for the beginning of their life, they are left with an insatiable hunger later in life that the body must relieve.

The explanation regarding their origins came from priests across The Top, who encountered them first about three years prior. Since there are not enough to flag ESID, they have been left in peace with only Him’s disciples there to offer any direction to their origin. Just the way The Borders prefer it.

The main difference between Veela and Succubi has to do with cultural perception.



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As centuries drone on, ghosts become more and more common on The Top. When a soul is so fiercely attached to an idea, an object, a person, etc. they do not sink down easily. However, most of Egress, even those of supernatural origins, do not believe in them. Pandora’s Box, however, has seen one first-hand.

All of the above is true. It is simply important to note that ghosts pop up more and more due to Morë’s fading spirit.

The Batting

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List of The Creatures of The Top:

The Hand
⁂ The Redwork Nimmpish
many, many more but The Batting cares little about species type... these are just the humanoid ones


The Hand

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The Fable of The 1,000 Year Man. The Hand sparks rumors of it: the idea that, amongst them, there exists a Man who lived long enough to gain ultimate wisdom, lived longer than the greatest Nimmpish. It is all rumor, spun by creatures who live long enough to get bored of five hundred years of nothing. It is unfair to say that The Hand, humanoids that occupy The Batting, are boring, but compared to their brethren, it is often regarded that way. While they are quite different from the humans of The Top, there are still only a small number that can conjure wisdom, casting spells. In fact, it is because of The Hand that witches exist within The Top, passing along their knowledge during ancient times when the two layers were still one. When Hands reached up to the heavens, thinking that was where The Borders resided, when in actuality, they were the base. When The Batting formed, they dug downward, akin to their gods, but they left a handful above. Those who wished to stay behind carried on the traditions of wisdom, passing along their bloodline. Of course, that is ancient history, now. The world of The Top has completely changed, from culture to geography. It is all The Hands can hope that pieces of them still remain, even after all these years.

Within The Batting, however, Hands carry on, living at minimum a couple hundred years. The wisdom, the magic that haunts The Batting fuels them. This is apparent when looking at the different forms a Hand can take, from Sullies, snail-like with shells on their back but completely bipedal otherwise, to Satyrs, adorned with goat-horn curls and hooves. Some are less clearly blessed, including Knights, magical fighters given wisdom of the Sword and divine protectors. They guard the Nimmpish Queen, the Hand nobility, etc. Currently, they are most occupied with The Feed, where they work alongside Wizards, the Nimmpish, etc. to hold back the draining of their lives, of their homes. Now, more than ever, The Hand holds close the tale of the 1,000 Year Man, the Hand who could protect the entire realm with a snap of their fingers.

Phenotypes of Hands

Palms – Simply put, the most human of Hands. That isn’t to say they are not rife with potential; it simply depends on the path their soul takes.

Sullies – Hands with shells on their back. No one really quite knows how these develop, particularly because they cannot be swapped out and they grow back, unlike a hermit crab’s shell.

Roos – Much like Sullies, no one quite understands how wisdom has created Roos or why. They are Hands that develop mushroom tops for heads. In keeping with the tradition of Roos, they usually wear colors that blend with the colors of their tops.

Satyrs – Hands with goat or ram’s horns, curling around, and hooves.

Echoes – Hands that can only repeat the most recent sentence spoken to them. It is believed that they were created by the Border of Speech, Echo, though other theories believe Queen Yulework’s mother, Queen Leera, is to blame.

Worls – Hands that have fish-like qualities or otherwise reside within water.

Beasts – Finally, these are a catch-all for types of Hands that fail to fall into other categories. By and large, Hands do not care about identifying what their phenotype is. They are all recognizable for their humanity and lack of wings. They can have the horns of a deer, the eyes of a frog, or the fangs of a wolf. It does not matter, for they are all Hands, the creatures that texture the realms.

Classes of Hands

Hands do not typically refer to each other with these classes in mind, though they are used to describe how one has harnessed wisdom/their job title. Hands can also master several classes.

Knights – Hands that can harness wisdom of the Sword, making them divine warriors and protectors. There are quite a few of these, with more rising everyday as The Feed consumes.

Carnations – Largely regarded as the Nobility of The Hands. They tend to princes, princesses, etc. that can capture wisdom of Beauty and Grace. They are incredibly convincing and able to craft illusions.

Grewths – Hands that have harnessed the wisdom of plants and Growth. They are generally farmers.

Architects – Hands that have harnessed the wisdom of Structure. They are generally in-charge of buildings, designing and constructing them.

Wizards – Jacks-of-all-wisdoms. Very few Hands are Wizards, and it is believed that they are ultimate Soothsayers of Wisdom. Typically, they serve as councilmen for the Queen and work alongside Knights.

Prophets – Hands who have gone on to pilgrimage to Redwork, the Border of The Batting. They are given the wisdom of Realm, able to act as guides for the land, guides and councilmen, leaders, etc. Typical jobs include acting as counsel to the Queen or Carnations, leaders of other groups of classes, bookkeepers and historians for particular regions, and regional leaders.

Reneas – Healers who formerly could raise the dead but now harness the wisdom of Healing. Generally, they are doctors.


The Redwork

♡coded by uxie♡

Wingéd creatures that, by and large, hold domain over The Batting. Queen Yulework is one of the Redwork Nimmpish, fae-folk that live for thousands of years. They are the life that came after The Borders with the first Nimmpish said to have been created by Redwork, the Border of the region. Of course, this calls into question how the Hands formed, but some Nimmpish, particularly those of snobbish imposition, believe that the Hands and the resulting Top humans were mistakes, a pet-project of Morë that got out of hand. However, it is only those Nimmpish close to death, the generation of the Queen’s mother, that still spark this fable. Queen Yulework and the generations that have spawned after believe that they are equals with all creatures, blended together and bound by Unu.

Nimmpish often follow the same classes as The Hand, though the appear quite differently. There are no diverging species or phenotypes of Nimmpish, but rather, they appear with wings of moths, butterflies, bugs, etc. and sometimes, antennae. Some Nimmpish have wings of flower petals and hair to match. Otherwise, they are rather humanoid, though many style their bodies to look more like natural creatures, from flowers to bugs. They embrace the wisdom that hums throughout, embodying it with their bodies.

A small fact about the Nimmpish is that they are the vestiges that led to the Nimms of The Top. Prior to The Batting, they occupied the above. When humans came to be, a few Nimmpish remained above, and over time, they evolved into miniscule creatures that tend to the nature that persists within The Top. The trees, flowers, all of it that dies and resurrects for all time. For survival, they are tiny and produce pixie dust in place of wisdom. In a sense, Nimms are what remains of the Nimmpish and the magic of The Batting.

Lastly, it is important to understand that Nimmpish and Hands can procreate together, creating Gards, half-Nimmpish, half-Hand. They are a rarity, but possible. They appear with both elements of their parentage, traditionally with wings and whatever their Hand-parent was blessed with.

The Bottom

♡coded by uxie♡

List of The Creatures of The Bottom:

The Borders
⁂ The Grain
many, many more but The Bottom cares little about species type... these are just the important ones


The Borders

♡coded by uxie♡

Oft described as the gravity that holds The Quilt down, The Borders are beings of antiquity, of rustic and acoustic intuition. They are foretold to have forged The Quilt and its many stitches, though many counter this belief with the idea that The Borders were simply there for the inception of time, rather than the creation of it. This speculation derives from what many of The Batting are familiar with: The Borders are dying and some day The Grains will take over full divine power.

Many of the thousands of Borders have died out with no replacement, though a handful remain. They are draining, slowly, but the domineering creatures still shadow those of The Bottom. They come in a plethora of forms, though they often hold a man-like version of themself, their connection to the other realms. Of course, they are often found in their more recognizable forms, usually grand and all-encompassing of The Bottom.

List of Known Borders

Grin for The Bottom – the creature that holds the dirt above, preventing it from falling. They appear as a dark orb encircled in a golden light, high above, with a hammock of greymatter, spotted with reds, blues, and the only hint of green available in The Bottom, guarding the head and caging it to The Bottom’s ceiling.

Redwork for The Batting – the face that watches over all of The Batting, worshiped by many and believed to be the one who endows wisdom upon The Batting. Often sought for advice with pilgrimages to the mountain upon which they reside being common. They are the only Border besides Kline and Weir that can travel beyond The Bottom, and even then, they are limited to The Batting.

Kliné of the Moon – the one who controls the large planet that lies above The Top, lighting the night. Within The Bottom, they are known for their tall stature (as all Borders are), long blue robes, and their face, which folklore tells they throw out amongst the stars and labor all day to raise, hoping to meet their love for one more kiss.

Wëir for the Sun – the one who controls the large star that lies above The Top, lighting the day. In The Bottom, they appear as a creature of flame, trailblazing throughout the realm. It is believed they also hold a fortress, much like Kline, where they have a hole that they release their face out of, like a disk, and attempt to climb the sky.

Hyatt for the Wheel – Residing deep within The Bottom, many wonder why Hyatt still triumphs onward, as ancient as they are. It is believed they man a great wheel, turning it slowly, at the eye of a red-dust, ever-present hurricane in The Bottom. However, others see them as solely the hurricane itself.

Carmé for the Heart – It is believed that Carme hibernates below The Bottom, within a Pit. Like The Batting, which holds the circadian thrum of Wisdom, The Bottom has the undulating beat of Carme, which as of late beats softly. At times, the beat resounds everywhere, particularly during moments where the Feed rears its ugly head.

Lanar for the Head – Believed to have planted themself at the edge of The Bottom, Lanar is a domineering figure, casting shadows in their wake. They are a disembodied head, floating above and watching over all. It is believed they can see everywhere all at once, though in actuality, they can simply hear the thoughts of everywhere, all at once.

Üme for the Limbs – The most human-looking out of all The Borders. Ume is a curl of black and pink, almost like feathers but akin to petals. Her face peaks out from the mass of her body, smiling. Phalanges hidden within her folds, fabled to reach out in many forms. It is believed she can control all limbs and their sensations.

Oppa for the Wings – A fluttering angel (demon?) of technicolor shadows. As one of the more humanoid of The Borders, Oppa is seen the most often, flying about with wings as long as shadows. Similarly to Ume, they can control the wings of all creatures.

Reiway for Paths – It is said that Reiway exists everywhere, that there are paths, unseen and unrecognized, that they occupy. In The Batting, it is believed that if one sees footprints appear out of nowhere it is the work of Reiway. However, in actuality, Reiway holds their own domain as a set of hands, forming an entryway into a plain gated by the arms. It is said that no one returns from Reiway’s sullen body, worm-like with a decayed and flesh wrapped human skull, where their mouth lies open as a cavern for those who tempt them.

Morё for the Soul – More appears unlike any of the other Borders, as they are a being of white light and shadowy outlines. They appear human in all ways, including stature and temperament.They hold their own in a fortress of their creation, often regarded as Ruler of the Bottom, hosting the only city, Mother, for all of The Bottom.

Nulle for Death – Many believe Nulle to be a goat-headed creature, akin to the Devil that is spoken of in The Top. Fur that fades into nothing. Stark black wings of leather, said to rival Oppa’s. As The Border for Death, they control the circumstances of all souls, consulting with More as to where to sort them.

Mira for the Eyes – An imposing giant with only one eye amidst a black, human-shaped abyss, preferring to occupy space in the horizon of Mother, The Bottom’s city. It is believed that they can see everywhere.

End for Memories – There is a black hole that sits at the end of The Bottom, along the crusted, dirt wall that becomes flush with the soft sand. Like a mirror, it watches, twin blue eyes peeking out, rarely seen by any who have experienced the miracle of crossing The Bottom. To many, it seems as though End waits in deep slumber, like many of the other fading Borders. It is believed that End is all-knowing, experiencing the many multitudes of memory from all layers of The Quilt.

Borders That Are No Longer With Us:
for One – A Border who once enveloped all of the sky, all of The Top. Protector and creator, the beginning of innocence and the one to heal after corruption. It is said that, when creation started to splinter and form the creatures of The Batting, and later, The Top, Unu is the one who encouraged the Borders to dig downward, to shield themselves, but also to bind themselves to the life they had made. More (add accent) oversees their essence, clasped within a needle, though it is said that Unu lives onward, binding the layers as One through the plains of souls, wisdom, and light that goes unseen. They are the wind, the dirt, and the light common to all realms. A pure being. As a result, it is known within The Bottom that Unu’s trial for their Grain was this: Find me a sharpened needle, unmarred by the tar of wayward souls. A man who fills my footprints, manufactured as One, as I intended all creatures.

for Renewal – The Border that controls the shininess of all things. Appearing as a firebird, a phoenix, it is said that Yewe was the first of the strongest Borders to die out.

Wesp for Deception – It is said that Wesp faded into nothingness once Men took over the uppermost part of The Quilt. As a being of shadows themself, their power faded with those who took on their domain, and they fell under the weight of their kingdom.

Poir for Structure – Suffering a similar fate to Wesp, Poir died out long ago when the first structures were made in The Top, drained too soon after all the work in The Batting. With Man having taken the world into their own, Poir lost control and passed on. Before this, they made up a great labyrinth in The Bottom, of which ruins, constructed alongside the Border, remain. It is said that Lone, Poir’s inheritor, traversed these halls of calamity.

Iré for Rainbows – More accurately, Iré can control all forms and matter of light. No one quite knows why she died out, particularly due to The Top’s small, yet enduring worship of her. It is believed that once Man created their own forms of light, she dimmed. In The Bottom, she used to control all the light, be all the light, making it a much friendlier realm.

Twé for Knowledge – coming soon

Volёt for Energy – coming soon

Lyea for Beauty – coming soon

Esu for Love – coming soon

Tut for War – coming soon

Mushú for Bravery – coming soon

Ranaud for Spring – coming soon

Jünew for Summer – coming soon

Jaru for Winter – coming soon

Left for Fall – coming soon

Hungur for Growth – coming soon

And many, many more…


The Grain

♡coded by uxie♡

The stitches that bind the layers together. They are the gods set to carry the torch when the bodies of The Borders turn to the dust that lines The Bottom, like the other Borders long forgotten. The Grain consists, currently, of eleven, each with a Deity, that being the Border that imbued them with their abilities and extended lifespans. Most are regarded as hungry, some too ravenous. They are cubs at play, Redwork once told Queen Yule during her pilgrimage, when The Batting first learned of The Grain. Give them time. Their constitution is being tested. Of this, Redwork was astute in their guidance: The Grain, all from The Top, are forced to bear the weight of their Deity’s domain as it rushes into their being, even as slowly as it is. As a vessel, they must carry the vestiges of their Deity, including but not limited to the millions of years of knowledge and their enviable powers. Of course, as many Borders will remind The Grain, there will be more stitches to hold The Quilt but there will never be another set of framework that saw it all begin.

Misc Information:
⁂ Other than The Fates, they are the only creatures of The Bottom that can rise to The Top as their pleasure
⁂ No one knows precisely how people become a part of The Grain, but mythos says it involves finding a portal to The Bottom and an appeal to The Borders. Some, far less than those that believe the portal story, also believe the appeal must prolong the Deity’s strength.
⁂ Many have wings, a mutation of the mind to help make sense of the natural float, the natural evaporation, given to all Grains.

The Current Grains

Madra of Mira, the Border of Eyes – A forsaken nun from The Top that once worshiped God. She still keeps her habit, but much like her Deity, she wears a blackened face that appears to be a black hole, infinite. It’s believed her abilities include being able to access a single creature’s viewpoint at a time and to craft illusions, along with other abilities typical of a Grain.

Lee of Unu, Border of One– A clown with a bunny’s head. With his test being overseen by Morë, the creatures of Mother were shocked to see Lee succeed, particularly as no one had prior. Lee has the capacity to corrupt or conceal, to break or to fix. Having taken on the entirety of Unu’s essence, he is feared for his influx of ultimate power.

Phineas of Morë, Border of Souls – A devout angel with wings of strung gold; an adonis fit with a halo. Like his Deity, Phineas slowly gains the power to oversee souls, their sorting and nature. Given Morë’s youth, however, it appears that Phineas is simply able to read the integrity of souls, often leading to him being regarded as a lowly prince.

Krill of Yewe, Border of Renewal – One with a hummingbird’s beak for a face, with a long beak that pokes down to a small point. Arms appear as human ones, blackened, with feathers of grease-shimmy. Krill has the ability to bless renewal to any creature, to manufacture rebirth for all creatures, or to take it all away, either through the curse of old age or illness.

Lone of Poir, Border of Structure – Known to be of human stature with a pyramid for a head, dressed in shrouds to look as though he is a crystal wand. Slowly, his abilities will stretch beyond telekinesis, all the way to the level Poir had over structure everywhere. At least, that’s the hope.

Undone of Wesp, Border of Deception – The man with a mask, fabled to look human with wings for ears, fabled to be a shadow, fabled to be nothing at all. A man whose appearance changes, often against his intention (or is it?), compared to his fellow Grains. There’s a secret in his lips, in the fold of his hands, and not even the Grains closest to him know what power lies beneath his skin.

Olga of Iré, Border of Rainbows – Known as a skeleton queen dressed in robes of rainbows. An Irisian who fell too far, worked in favor of Iré under the guidance of Weir, who oversaw her trial. Like her Deity, she can control the direction, color, and form of light.

Vio of Nulle, Border of Death – a skeleton with a scythe, known to occupy a floating eye within The Bottom. Like Nulle, they can control death, though often only with a few people at a time. They have yet to inherit all of their Deity’s domain as Nulle has not become simply their energy, their soul.

Wells of Oppa, Border of Wings – The devil of a spindled, transparent lizard, wings to match. His wings are ever-changing, particularly of purpose. As one of the oldest Grains, they are known to use their limited powers to bless the various Kindred with their wings but also to argue with their Deity. A soul that hasn’t taken well to their life.

Gregorio of Twé, Border of Knowledge – Three disembodied heads floating within the same cusp of an eggshell. Oldest out of the Grains and the only one to have faced End, the Border of Memories and the one who carried the essence of their Deity, and lived.

Bull of Volët, Border of Energy – A creature followed by the sparks of electricity and clouds of thunderstorms. Long nails surpassing its body, dragging on the ground, frail figure to match. The skin sheds away to reveal a metallic skeleton in its wake, not bothering to hide what lies beneath. Once more, they are a vestige, older than the others, but not all-knowing.

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