The Tavern

Hm, realistically speaking, how high could our characters ranks be? Also, are the monsters ranked based on individual strength or the destruction they can cause?
Well the thing about character ranks is, you don't get to decide that. The way it works is that after reading your character's background and profile, I then see if the abilities match up with the background and are justifiable, hash it out if not then give a grade on the result. That's the theory so far anyhow. eg. So your character's a 20 year old Paragon who can do this, this, this and that. Ok, that's a little too much. How about just this and that? Perfect, I'll give it a C. Demon level threats are gonna be an even contest. Anything higher, you're in trouble. But anything below at imp level? Naught but a breeze.

As for how monsters are ranked, the latter. More specifically, it's based on how likely they are to breach the wall and how much backup would be needed to take it down. Rule of thumb: the bigger they are, the higher the threat is likely to be. That said though, there may be human sized beings who could be powerful enough to be ranked as a titan level threat or even higher, but that can't really be confirmed unless engaging it in combat or observing it in battle with something else. So really, there's like 2 stages to ranking threats: assumed level and actual level. As you can imagine, Paragons on ranger duty get an especially raw deal in this department since they'll be the ones confirming actual threats by engaging them in battle, which they're required to do if monsters get within a certain distance of the wall. And not all Paragons being equal in terms of combat capability, this can get ugly. Initial encounters is actually when Paragons are most likely to die, especially inexperienced ones, so when the rp begins and newly minted Paragons are being sent beyond the wall, expect your characters to get roughed up a bit in the first encounter because I'll be throwing something big your way.
How about for our backstory? Can our mentors, or some other Paragons we may be related with, reach the higher ranks (say A or above?). Oh yeah, can our mentor have high ranks within the Paragon as well? Like, higher than Veteran?
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I feel like I might be misunderstanding your question, so I'll just cover as many different things on the subject as possible.

There may certainly be less experienced Paragons that are stronger than some of their Veteran counterparts, though it'd be somewhat unlikely since all Veterans would be ranked at least A or above. There's also the fact that most mentors tend to be Veterans anyway, so of course they'd be ranked quite highly.

The only rank higher than Veteran among the Paragons is 'Keeper' and each tower along the wall only have 2 Keepers, 1 a Nightkin, the other a Sungard. Keepers could very well take Apprentices if they want, but they usually don't do this unless they're grooming a successor. But then again, it depends on the Keeper. One tower could have Keepers that have never taken Apprentices and never will (too busy with their duties they might say). Another tower might have have a Keeper who has mentored everyone while they were Apprentices. We're, uh, we're not gonna have any such Keepers at the tower the Paragons rp will center around, but hey, they're out there.

Just as a mentor may have more than one Apprentice, an Apprentice may have more than one mentor, and both might not necessarily be from the same tower. When casualties occur, it's not uncommon for Paragons to be transferred from one tower to another if replacements are needed immediately, which has nothing to do with your question, but y'know, more lore. Actually, this is a pretty crunchy bit of lore. For anyone who plans to make or have made Paragon characters but don't have a backstory just yet, you may wanna take this into consideration. Anyone who does, feel free to make the appropriate edits if you'd like to use this idea for your character.

I wish there was a way of tagging everyone at once...
Well, I think I owe everyone an explanation. Long story short, I burned out. I'd come up with so many ideas, I couldn't decide what to keep and what to change, and it got to the point where there were so many details to keep track of, I just stopped caring anymore. In the end, I was just too disorganized for this project to ever be successful. This is not the first time this has happened and it probably won't be the last, so to everyone who's shown an interest in this rp, I thank you for being interested at all and I am deeply sorry for ending this before it could even begin. I can only promise that I will do better the next time I revive this idea again, whenever that may be. In the meantime, I will be creating and joining other roleplays, though atm I'm more interested in other people's ideas rather than my own, so if anyone's looking for people, feel free to hit me up.

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