The Tavern


Dusty Wanderer
Feel free to relax and have a chat. Ale's on the house.
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Howdy pilgrim and welcome to this fine establishment. Take a seat by the fire while I fix you a pint, I'm sure there's a clean mug around somewhere.
Some simple water to quench my thirst first Man-o-Bar.(That's a play on Man-of-war :V)
I've come a long ways away and have met many a women that sought to drain me dry. Damn vampires these days. No manners I tellsya.
"I'm tellin ya! It had claws as long as me arm! And its teeth as sharp as me wife's temper!"
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You're welcome @Mathias No Bias. Now, uh, bit of an announcement everyone, few things to talk about. Firstly, it turns out you're not allowed to post links to discord so the one I put up earlier has now been removed. If you want a link to the discord, pm me or @EMP and if you get to know anyone else who's already a part of it, they might extend you an invite, you guys know who you are.

On another note, I'd just like to say that I've been looking over everyone's characters and I absolutely love what I'm seeing so far. All the lore in your characters' backgrounds (well, those who have backgrounds) will contribute greatly to building a more detailed picture of Tirn and I'll be sure to give credit where credit's due. Work's been pretty busy for me lately, but as soon as I can, I'll try to get everything laid out by the end of December and then the party can officially begin.

Anyone whose characters are not either Knights or Paragons and will have nothing to do with those main storyline, I would encourage you all to come up with a story together, select your own gm and I'll setup a thread for ya. If you like, I could act as a gm for a bit, but my attention will be more focused on the Knights and Paragons storylines, so maybe after a few posts I'll get someone else to takeover. The only requirement is that whatever you guys get up to, it does not affect the main storylines, however certain events in those main stories could affect yours, so just bear that in mind. If ever you want your character to cross over into the Paragons or Knights storylines, lemme know and we'll see about making it happen.

Also, if you prefer 1x1's, there doesn't appear to be any function for me to create private threads beyond putting 'DO NOT ENTER' in the title, sooo... I dunno lol. I suppose the best bet is to create your own 1x1 threads outside of the hosted project. If you don't mind others seeing what you write however, then yeah, I can set up a thread for you and your partner, no problem.

And that's about it. 
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@Archdemon@Divinitus@FireFlare@Blitzer@Volfy@CrimsonEclipse@Shmivian@MorpheusDavol@rumxcoke@Enkerzed (wait, what?) @EMP@AceOfSpades0210@Mistory@shadowz1995@Ratatoskr@animegirl20 (tag everyone, right?) @InsaneAsylum@Mathias No Bias@Yum222@Randomfella

Read above.

ALSO, @CrimsonEclipse, I like what you got for your charry so far. Not only is she a veteran, but she's also an instructor too. Just the kind of Paragon to take others under her wing and introduce them to life on the wall. For everyone's information, if you want your charry to be a raw recruit apprentice or otherwise be involved in the Paragons storyline despite your charry not being one, Elyanna will be your ticket. Provided that @CrimsonEclipse is ok with that. If he is, talk to each other, ja.

Now for everyone's information, the Paragons rp will begin with a rotation of duties between sentinels and rangers. That's a chance for Paragons both new and old to either come back with stories to tell, or go out and see how the newbies fare in the land beyond. To illustrate, one ranging party will have taken casualties in their last encounter with a monster. That's sure to affect morale among that particular party, especially if any of those casualties were experienced Paragons. Something to think about, no?

As for the Knights, I'll have to confer with @rumxcoke on that as she'll be running that particular storyline, so wait one.
@Enkerzed Sure, no problem. Anyone who wants to be Elyanna's apprentice, just send me a pm and we'll talk about it. Just wondering though, is it possible to be both a paragon and a knight? Not at the same time though, like, you retire from one then join the other. It's not for my character, just curious.
Yes, that's entirely possible. For anyone who's not an elf or mage, they'll probably be greying a bit in the hair, but a retired Knight could very well make the switch to Paragon and vice versa, provided they are allowed. For that matter, Renegades could become Paragons too, but the Knights are decidedly NOT ok with this so this may lead to conflicts from time to time. Like, a person's past isn't meant to matter on the wall, but ever since the founding of the Knights, those who'd hope to escape justice on the wall can now look forward to one day seeing Knights riding in on griffins, or dragons, or griffins and dragons invading their tower just for them. As such, Paragons tend to avoid such incidents now, though they're equally not happy about it since it cuts down on potential recruits. A powerful Renegade would make a fine Paragon after all and maybe a tower or three won't feel like getting pushed around by the Knights. More lore :O

Also, crossover potential.
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Man, that's going to be awesome. Seeing regal Knights riding their mounts facing against resolute Paragons defending the walls. Makes you think who'd win.
So a few things:

@rumxcoke will be in charge of the Knights of Tirn storyline. For anyone making a Knight character, once things get going you follow her lead.

@animegirl20 is putting something together for people whose characters will NOT be involved in the 2 main storylines, so if you got a character like that, talk to her.
So I drew a map of Tirn:

... It requires artistic improvement. @rumxcoke I summon thee!

Also, @MorpheusDavol introduced a threat and power class system for monsters and mana/ki users respectively, goes something like this...
For monsters from Beyond, threat levels go from: Imp > Demon > Behemoth > Titan > Mythic > Legendary (although I'm considering changing 'Mythic' to 'Colossus' and 'Legendary' to 'Apocalypse'). Threat levels are always initially determined by size, but that can always be upgraded or downgraded as Paragons engage the actual threat. Eg. Oh look, there's an Imp level threat. Let's just quickly deal with - oh no, there's a whole mob of them. Demon level it is then.

As for mana/ki users, it goes from lowest to highest: Class D > C > B > A > S > X
Basically the higher the rating, the more powerful the individual. This rating system can also be applied to any other skills, so in terms of combat ability, a master enchanter might be a class D, but when it comes to enchanting, class A. Now to figure out a way to implement this in the character sheet...
I may have a solution to the character sheet; but I'm sleepy and will tell you the fruits of my layout tomorrow.

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