[The Tavern] The Tavern (Overview and Roleplay)

the night was still young and the moon had only recently rose to her knowledge. The cool night air filled her lungs as she inhaled. Her ears twitched to the soft slush sounds of the water hitting against the wooden boat. She had felt a light tap on her shoulder, an old man with refined wrinkles was leaning over with rope in his hand. "Miss, I don't mean to impose on your dreams but where here." The girl blinked slowly before inhaling again and sitting up. Her hair rustled a little as she brushed against the mans damp jacket. Looking up she saw the harbor then up ahead a rather medium sized building with dim lights shinning through the windows. She saw people leave and people enter, some with weird shaped bodies and others like her. She looked toward the old man as she stood up, grabbing her small bag and slinging it over her shoulder. She nodded her head in thanks before getting off the boat and walking toward the Tavern.

Her eyes wandered , from the smaller people to those who stood over 8 foots. The air was a little thick but you could never beat the sea water smell. the sound of birds flew over and groans and grunts from men fighting had drowned them out. It seemed pretty lively here. She gave a small smile before entering the Tavern slowly, peaking her head in to see if there was any easy way to get to the barkeep without bumping anyone. With a slight push she moved in, looking back to a more bulky man who had given her a wide smile. Slapping her on her back, she arched it a little as her smile faded into a distress frown. "Welcome welcome, you look new, if you want a place to stay the barkeep is up ahead." Nodding her head in thanks she forced a small smile before walking over and grabbing a seat.

Mumbling a little she pulled out a small brown sack. When she placed it on the counter the coins within clanked against one another. "I would like a room for the night." She had looked over her shoulder to see others around the room. Turning her head back she asked another question. "Do you perhaps know anywhere , where I can find a job."
Erika had found a strange tavern located in the middle of nowhere. Normally, she would never stop at such a place and continue going, however, she was running low on food and drink and could use to rest for a while. She approached the doors and entered into the Tavern.

She could feel the gaze of everyone turn to her as she entered the room. After all, she looked differently than all of them. It didn't change the fact that she hated the way they all looked at her. Still, she had decided long ago to not let them see that it bothered her.

As such, she walked up to the bar. She didn't need to take a seat, after all, standing for her the same as sitting. She approached the barkeeper. "I'll take a water please." She handed some coin to the barkeeper as payment.

Erica had never been one for drinking. In fact, most centaurs viewed being drunk as a high disgrace to all centaurs. It impaired the senses, the senses which all centaurs thrived on in battle.

As the barkeeper brought her a drink, she surveyed the room. It seemed to be your normal tavern, filled with the drunks and wenches she had come to expect of human civilization. She normally felt uncomfortable in closed spaces, and this tavern was no exception. But, it was a place to rest for a time until she needed to move on.

She considered asking the barkeeper if there was a stable for sleep, but for now she was fine soaking in the sounds of the place. She took another drink of water, downing the entire thing, before she asked for another glass, handing more coin to the barkeeper.

She noticed a young woman interacting with the barkeeper, someone who was clearly uncomfortable like Erika was. "You about as uncomfortable as I am," she said to the young woman. "What's your name?"

When the barkeep had walked away she turned her gaze toward the one who she assumed was speaking to her. Looking up she tried her best to not widen her gaze , she didn't want to make the woman feel bad or anything. "...Nio." She mumbled , trying her best to not avert her eyes to the rest of the woman's body. Unlike most she found this one to be quite exciting. She had seen many , fairies, wolves, foxes and even snakes but not a centaur. "...your a centaur right. I've heard fables of you from many people, to think one exist is quite a shock to me...ah I mean no disrespect." She gave a small smile before looking away toward a glass of milk she had ordered before asking for a room.

Nio hated conversation, she hated fearing that she might say the wrong thing or be insensitive to others feelings. However she was to curious about this one that she wanted to keep it going. "Indeed it is uncomfortable being here...its so crowded and there are a lot of people. It's loud and it smells of piss and booze. The chairs uncomfortable and I can't keep thinking that I'm being watched. "

DescriptedEnd said:
"Hm, lullabys? Don't think I've actually ever heard one, my parents weren't one for little kid things." He chuckled, thinking back to when he was still with his parents. As far as he knew, they were still alive but nonetheless still very sick. He momentarily lost himself in his thoughts, then was pulled back to reality when Willa spoke. "Let me see your hand..." Her face was carved into a frown, rendering the previous smile as she had watched him work nonexistent. "It's nothing bad," he mumbled, tightening the cloth on his finger and a blush slightly rising to his cheeks. His gaze lowered to the table's rough surface, hesitantly holding out his his hand. "I've cut myself worse before, especially when I was younger. This is nothing." A nervous chuckle escaped from his throat and he slightly looks up, a smile barely visible.
She held hid hand in hers, "Sethou pate nith." The wound closed itself up and vanished. "My father was a trader and my grandparents were healers. There all better." She smiled and released his hand and brought a smile back to her face. "So what are your plans for being here, monsters and missions, gold and renown, or just a new page in your book."
Erika was pleased to see she had found a friendly face. A curious one at that. "There are many, many centaurs on the plains of Kelshla. We true centaurs tend to avoid human civilization. It typically leads to bad things. You do me no disrespect. I have gotten such reactions before and you won't be the last." Erika responded politely, smiling at Nio. "Please, examine all you want, it doesn't bother me." Erika gestured to her lower torso, indicating that Nio could touch it if she so desired.

"I agree with your sentiment. I feel somehow confined in here, like a caged animal. If there was ever any trouble, I wouldn't be able to simply use my speed to get away in this tight environment." She pleased to see that there was at least one other person in the room who didn't want to be there. She could tell that Nio and herself could easily be friends. "I can agree with you on the noise and smell, but as for the chairs, I'm afraid I can't render a verdict. You see, I'm a walking chair," she said with a laugh.

Nio smiled a little more as she turned in her chair. She nodded to her statement and felt relief when she said there was no disrespect. When she was given permission to examine her she wasted no time, hopping down from the stool and petting the side. "Soft." She giggled a little as she brushed the tail then lightly poked the under belly. When she made the comment about being a walking chair she laughed. "You could say I'm a walking ghost." With a slight push off the floor she swung her leg over and seat herself on Erika's back. "...So high..." She smiled as she looked around the room. "I've never been on ...a centaur." She quickly hopped down and seated herself back into the stool before she caused anymore unwanted eyes.

"Your cool, it must be fun. Your coat is soft and your tail is silky. Ah sorry about sitting on you...it's my first time so." She gave a slight smile as she drunk the rest of the milk, the barkeeper handing her a small sliver key and pointing toward the east side of the tavern.

(@AmericanEagle )
Erika smiled as Nio pet her coat and then jumped on her back. She didn't mind it when it was a friend. "Do not worry about it," Erika said with a laugh. "And thank you for the compliments. Thankfully, the coat and tail require little maintenance. I don't know what I would do if they were high maintenance."

"The most exhilarating thing about being a centaur is running through an open field.
" Erika closed her eyes, imaging the experience in her head. "When you reach that full gallop and the sun is beating down on you, wind blowing your hair back with no where to go but anywhere..." Erika opened her eyes. "There's nothing else that even comes close."

"So, are you going to be staying here a while Nio? I've heard that there is some work that requires a few good warriors, if you're interested. You look like you know how to handle yourself,"
Erika asked tentatively.

"I know the feeling. I belong to a ninja clan that's passed the blue sea. I feel truly alive when I find myself jumping from tree to tree. Then there's that one branch where I jump up from and off toward the open field. At the moment I lean back and let the wind take me. The moon seems so close to me when I'm up there, I can hear him singing when I close my eyes. By the time I know it if I already hit the water below me, slowly falling toward the bottom. Its soothing...honestly I miss it. " She smiled as she remembered the good times, her brothers, the moon god and the warm meals her mother would make.

She nodded her head to the next question. "Most of money was spent on coming here and I used the rest for a place to sleep and some milk.Until I can get enough to buy my own house here I'll be buying out a room. Say why don't we get one now , a job. I left my weapons outside...i thought they'd be to big to bring into such a tight closed space. "

(@AmericanEagle )
"That sounds like a good idea. I'm told there is someone who knows where there is work to be done." Erika responded. She didn't plan on settling down in the area, but if there were folks who needed her help she would stay for as long as possible and help them.

She called over the barkeeper and asked how much for renting stable, then handed the barkeeper a few coins for rent. The stable would suit her plenty fine. In fact, it would probably be the nicest bed Erika had slept on in months. "I'll follow you outside. I want to check out my accommodations for the night," Erika replied to Nio.

(@Goddess, check your PM)
"Alright." She slipped the key into a small slit above her right leg. Moving from her seat she lead the way outside. Finding a spot to stand outside she placed her hands on her hip and took in a deep breath. The night air was colder and it smelled fresh. "I'd rather sleep out here then in there. I bet the bed is damp and its small. " She looked for the stables and found where a man was leading a donkey into one. "There...I think that's the stables. Mind if I bunk with you. I can use the room I got for something else, but I don't think I can take another minute in there. "

@AmericanEagle )
Amy Sterling

Amy walked into the Tavern, seeing people sitting around and chilling out. Some were talking about missions. Some were eating and drinking. Shaking her head, she walked over to a table and sat down by herself, thinking of what mission she should take on. She was running low on money, but it was enough to live off of. Hearing footsteps, she looked up at the waitor and just asked for some water for now before pulling out her map and looking at it, small marks where she had been and where she finished previous missions.

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