[The Tavern] The Tavern (Overview and Roleplay)


Aki of Hearts ♡


The Tavern

~Pay no attention to the assassin on the rafters. That's just Larry.~

Welcome friends, warriors, adventurers, and hunters of all ages and races. Welcome to The Tavern. What is our tavern name? The Tavern. We like to keep things simple here. We're all you would expect a tavern to be. We have food and drinks of all kinds, tables for all, occasionally we have music, we've got plenty of room for those who want to stay longer than a few hours, but most important of all, we have missions.

You are an adventurer, more or less. You may be here to simply converse with fellow adventurers or perhaps you are here to hunt monstrous beasts in the wild. Either way, everyone eventually makes their way here, to The Tavern. You have the power to do whatever you want here. We only have a few simple rules:​

1. Don't kill anyone here. Cleaning up blood is nasty business. By all means though, have at it if you want to fight each other. Just you know, don't stab anyone in any vital areas.

2. Do not attempt steal anything, we will catch you and you will be punished severely. A limb or two will suffice as punishment. Also all of your gold that you've earned.

3. Lovebirds... Yeah whatever. Do what you want but I swear if things get a little steamy. Get. A. Room. By the way, we rent them out for 100 silver pieces a night.

Those are the rules. Simple right? Good. Now welcome to The Tavern. Enjoy your stay.​
Serra Raynewood entered The Tavern, her sword at her side and her money in her bags. Only a few days ago she had arrived at this strange country. Thankfully she found this place where she rented a room for herself. After resting for many hours, she finally felt ready to talk to the many people who gathered in The Tavern everyday. She could tell that many were warriors who were there to hunt monsters like her although their reasons were probably much different than hers.

She sat down at the bar and called to the barkeeper.

"Ale with a tinge of berrywine if you please." She called out. The barkeeper nodded and made her drink, sliding it to her and then resumed filling other drinks. Serra drank her ale and turned her chair around to observe the people around her. Perhaps she would make some friends here in this strange country.

(She's available for interaction to whoever wants to c:)
Ender walked into The Tavern and looked around. It was a lot more populated than he had expected. While Ender was searching for things to do, a stranger had told him of this place. Apparently, he would find much to do here and have a good time. Many people here were talking and drinking, so Ender decided to join them. He walked up to the bar and had a seat next to a blonde woman. Ender looked at the bartender "Ill have an ale." Ender was never much of a drinker, but he had been walking a long time and thought it couldn't hurt. He turned to the girl seated next to him and said "Hi, my name's Ender. How are you today."
Serra turned to a young man who sat next to her. She studied him for a moment but then he turned to her and greeted her and introduced himself as Ender.

Quite a friendly young man. He seems as though he talks to me as if he met me before..

Nonetheless, she smiled and nodded to him. "Name's Serra Raynewood. Do you have a last name or are you just Ender. A intriguing and unique name by the way. Where do you hail from?"

She took another drink of her ale, longer this time. Not much of a drinker (Although she did discover she could drink every man in her village to the floor) she did enjoy a good drink from time to time. Sometimes she'll get drunk but only if she truly wished to take it easy. For now, she would not be getting drunk anytime soon. She still had a country to get back to when she was done here.
For some reason, Ender was surprised that he got an answer from her. " Sorry, my last name is Droak. I'm from a town called Mosstown. Its pretty far from here. I came here on an adventure. I have no real goal other than to see and do new things. Why are you here?"

Ender took a swig of his ale, but then heard panting. Ghost! He had completely forgot he was there. He called over the bartender " Ah, can I get a bowl of water for my dog?" Once the bartender gave him the water, he put it on the floor for Ghost to drink. "Sorry I forgot to get you something, ghost." He looked at Serra " Ah, This is my dog, Ghost."
Willa Syndermane walked into the tavern and walked to the bar. She had grown tired and had seen the tavern. She sat at the bar away from everyone else. She was a quite girl and didn't talk much. "Barkeep...A gin please... It's been along day." She smiled at the barkeep as he prepared her drink and went back to his other duties. She took a small sip of her Gin and sat the glass down. She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed.

((She is also open to conversation :) ))
Serra gave a sad smile.

"Oh I come from a faraway country. For reason I will keep to myself, I'm sorry. It's a long story and one I'm not too fond of. Perhaps one day I'll tell you." She said, smiling at him. Serra made room so another girl could sit down. Serra gave her a polite nod and a joking smile.

"Ale is what everyone gets here. I see you like to be unique. Never follow the crowd as they say. They'll lead you off a cliff if you're not careful!" She exclaimed, laughing.
Willa smiled. "Indeed, though I do actually prefer Gin to Ale." Willa took another drink of her drink of choice. "I'm Willa Syndermane. A morphite from Westphalia village, in the woods a few hundred miles away to the..you guessed it, the west." She said with a small laugh. "And you are?" She asked politely.
"Serra Raynewood, at your service." Serra replied with a smile and gave a silly bow. "I am from a faraway country but have come to this land for my own reasons that perhaps I will tell you one day. Now if you will excuse me, I have to down this ale!"

Without another word, Serra lifted her mug and chugged her ridiculously large mug of ale without hesitation. This was probably a bad idea but Serra felt good and the day was still young. It wasn't quite time for her to start but soon enough, time would come for her to begin her training.

(Heading to bed!)
As per usual, smile plastered to his face - just due to the fact a frown couldn't seem to make it's absolute presence - he sat, quite rudely, in the Tavern. Feet propped lazily up on the aging wood table, carved aspen figure dancing in his fingers as he mindlessly traced his fingers along each crevice that he'd taken the time to intricately etch into the raw material. His cinnamon oculars glanced through the smokey panes of glass to the outside, where they took in the details of those who came and went, the smiles, tears, and other activities of those outside. He felt a slight pang of loneliness; many had dubbed him a 'social butterfly', always hopping around from person to person hoping to engage in a conversation that would keep him busy. He felt no time for idling, limbs becoming restless and mind becoming bored. The young male often spent his time on the Tavern, not only for the drinks. The social aspect was an agreeable aspect to him, but today... it just seemed a bit too quiet. His eyes moved over from the window to the figurine in his hands. It was smaller than he normally did, but much more time was taken into its production. It depicted a two small children, two girls, dresses flowing and wonder seeming to fill their inanimate orbs as one reached out to a sleeping swan. It'd taken several days of quietly studying an actual bird that had nested near the lake, simply so he could reincarnate each little detail on all the feathers that encased the creature in a pearlescent coat.. Khalil wasn't quite sure what had brought upon the carving, simple curiosity and boredom, he supposed. Reaching into the far depths of his scattered conscious, a single thought caused his gleaming smile to soften. It'd been, he believed, since he'd last seen his dear Aunit and Audrey. During his lapse, he'd failed to notice that three others had entered, each sporting a drink and chatting to each other quite happily. He hoped that, perhaps, this would rile things up a bit and the quiet of the building would soon dissipate. For a moment, he considered joining them, shifting his legs so that his feet they were nearly to the floor, then halted. It struck though his head that, perhaps, they didn't want him over there and were having a jolly good time with just the three of them. Instead of hopping up and walking over - as he usually did; he's rather impulsive - he mildly huffed to himself and set his lower appendages back onto the table. Reaching down onto the floor, he grasped a rough chunk of raw core wood, from an willow tree, and began to inspect it, running through what his next carving would become.

Willa looked around the tavern. She noticed a lone man at a table. She wondered if her were waiting on someone. "Bar keep...An Ale please." She smiled at the the barkeep. "Thank you." She said as the barkeep handed her the glass. She got up and went over to the man at the table. "Um hello sir, I brought you a drink. I hope Ale is ok.." She held out the drink to the man. "My name is Willa Syndermane. A pleasure." She nodded at him slightly.
Ender had been petting Ghost for awhile now because the new girl, whose name was Willa if he overheard correctly, and Serra had started talking. He wasn't one to interrupt a conversation, but he did want to meet Willa. By the time he had realized the talking had stopped it was to late. The only person at the bar was Serra, and she seemed fairly enthralled by her drink. Instead of going to look for Willa, Ender decided to start talking to Serra again. "Well if you wont tell me why you're here ill tell you why I am. To put it simply, I don't know. I just want to have new experiences, so as long as I can do that, I may never need to leave. However, i would like to leave eventually."
Fingers delicate with practiced precision over his years of carving, he grasped the knife from his shallow pocket and quickly pulled out the layered iron blade. The tip, gingerly pressed to the soft wood, indented the material slightly and he frowned. This time it seems as if he choose a tree that was a bit too young. Sighing that he'd made the mistake, he pocketed the objects and forced himself to smile; no need to get down, there was always time to get more. He could still make something out of the wood, he'd just have to be careful not to press too deep as to ruin his work. He made a small notch, still not quite sure where he was going or what he was going to carve. Another line, then he was interrupted. He smiled warmly, not at all bothered by intervention. "Um hello sir, I brought you a drink. I hope Ale is okay.." He vaulted his head, pausing for a slight moment to study the woman. Stunning scarlet hair framed a round face, causing the woman's vibrant blue orbs to become a point of high focus on her face. "Oh, hello!" he warmly greeted, mind flaming with curiosity. Khalil wasn't much of a drinker in the best sense... he didn't quite care for the bitter taste most carried and was more of a fan of berry juice as it was. Nonetheless, he wasn't about to reject and gingerly grasped the drink from smooth, ivory hands. "My name is Willa Syndermane. A pleasure," she introduced, her head nodding slightly. He responded by nodding right back at her - with noticeably more force - and decided to share his name. "Khalil Eidlitz, very nice to meet you." Taking a sip of the ale, he then placed it on the rough surface of his table and held out his scared hand, marked with his several accidents with the carving knife. His thoughts were finally settled by this sudden approach of a social being, boredom chased away.
She accepted his hand and shook politely. "May I join you?" She asked Khalil. She smiled at him and looked him over. His hands were scarred and his face had the look of someone with many a story to tell. She looked to the small wooden item on the table, "Oh! Woodworking! What are you working on, if I may inquire?" She asked with surprise and slight enthusiasm.
Enderious said:
Ender had been petting Ghost for awhile now because the new girl, whose name was Willa if he overheard correctly, and Serra had started talking. He wasn't one to interrupt a conversation, but he did want to meet Willa. By the time he had realized the talking had stopped it was to late. The only person at the bar was Serra, and she seemed fairly enthralled by her drink. Instead of going to look for Willa, Ender decided to start talking to Serra again. "Well if you wont tell me why you're here ill tell you why I am. To put it simply, I don't know. I just want to have new experiences, so as long as I can do that, I may never need to leave. However, i would like to leave eventually."
Serra finished her drink and slammed the mug on the counter, with a happy expression. Serra regarded Ender with a weird look but nodded slowly as he spoke.

"So you're basically going with the wind? Seems exciting. You seem like the kind who enjoys exciting thrills. A thrill seeker huh? Be careful, some thrills are better left alone." Serra said, winking at him. "However, it's your life. I have a goal I need to achieve. I prefer to have a plan rather than nothing. Walking down a road is pointless but walking down a road to achieve something is exciting don't you think?"

Serra debating on getting another ale but decided against it. Willa, the girl she was talking with a moment ago, walked over to talk to another man but she could still hear their conversation although she didn't pay that much attention and was waiting for Ender's reply.
Ender was drinking his ale while Serra replied. She seemed to have a different opinion than he did on fun, but to each their own.

"But what if nothing happens on the road? Don't you want to see new things and meet new people? I hope I never have to see the end of the road until the day I die. Ghost and I have seen so much that other people haven't and we plan to see so much more. I understand your mentality, but if you think about it, what you consider the road is what we consider the goal."

Ender figured he was going on to much, so he stopped talking. He still had some ale left, but he wasn't sure if he was going to finish it. Should have just ordered water. With that thought, he gave the rest of the ale to Ghost.
"Of course, please do sit!" he chuckled, retracting his hand, a slight feeling that he'd been rude by not offering her a seat in the first place. The brilliant smile turned sheepish as he lightly blushed in embarrassment. He briefly glanced out the window, rich brown pools flickering over the bright landscape outside before once again making contact with her soft face. He slowly rubbed his fingers over the scars on his left hand, then turned his attention to Willa. "Oh! Woodworking! What are you working on, if I may inquire?" His eyes brightened and his smile widened, if possible, before he took another sip of ale. "In all honesty, I'm not quite sure yet. I can't seem to think of anything to carve. Any suggestions?" he questioned, setting the knife down on the table, sheathing the blade and turning his wood piece in his nimble fingers. "I can do just about anything. I'm not the best, but more often than not I can get the idea down." He huffed slightly, removing his legs from the table, and reached into an averaged size leather pouch that sat on the floor. He pulled his shoulder back up, bringing into view three other carvings. Two were a bit sloppy, rushed in appearance, portraying tiger cubs. The other figure was of a mother whale, calf resting protectively by her side. "I have more back at my Aunt Aunit's and a couple more in the bag," he explained. He thought back to Aunit's house, thinking of his incomplete actual size crane carving; Aunit said she'd work on it, but he honestly doubted it. The old woman preferred that Khalil did everything himself to his full ability. The sloppy tiger cub figures caught his attention especially; he noted to himself that he should work on them more, as he didn't like to leave things incomplete.
"I particularity found of foxes." She said happily. She could imagine the beautiful red fur that was her second form, the big bushy tail of red and white. She smiled at him. "How long have you been working on woodworking?" She picked the little tiger up and looked at it with intense eyes, absorbing every detail. She noticed the sloppy appearance of them but didn't mind, it gave them character in her opinion. She enjoyed them the way they were.

Mariah Takaesu

I push my way through the doors of the tavern. Instinctively, the first thing I do is let my eyes flit around the room to every individual's face. It doesn't take but a few moments, though I find no familiar faces. I sigh softly to myself and pull my cap tighter down on my head, simulatneously pushing my bangs further into my eyes; which I make no attept to move. I didn't really expect to find my brother, or anyone else, but there's still that small feeling of disappointment. Among the establishment's current population is a pair of people sitting side by side at the bar, and another two at a nearby table. Both groups are engrossed in their own conversations and drinks. I turn away from them and move over to the bar, climbing up onto one of the stools. I make sure to keep myself a respectable distance - of one chair down, so I am not directly next to them - from the other two people at the bar, so not to bother them. The barkeep glances my way when I pull up onto the seat. I stare back, silent for a moment. "Water," I say to him. I'm not in any mood to drink - at least not for the moment. The barkeep, after a short while, places a mug of water in front of me and flashes a smile. I simply nod my thanks, glancing up at him past the short black locks that still obscure my vision. I take a sip from the glass in front of me as the barkeep turns away to focus on others. The tavern isn't particularly busy, in my own opinion, though it isn't empty either. The air certainly isn't quiet. I glance around once again, taking in my surroundings, while holding my water idly in my hand.
"A fox, eh?" he muttered, mostly to himself, starting to picture where each slice would go into the wood. The knife was quickly pulled from pocket, blade exposed, as he traced lines only visible to his eyes along the material. He noticed her smiling out of the corner of his eyes, and he glanced up. "How long have you been working on woodworking?" she questioned, studying one of the tiger cubs with an intense focus. He laughed softly, curious as to how she could stand to look at such a lazy piece, but decided to answer nonetheless. "I honestly couldn't tell you an exact time. Many years, though," he stated, carving off a small chunk of the wood. "My Aunt taught me since I got bored easily when I was younger and I was always fiddling with my hands." Another sip of Ale traveled its away down his throat as he pressed it to his lips, knife still sitting in his hands in a dormant position. "I've attempted alchemy, pottery, scripting... I just couldn't hold focus on something that required so much memory. But with wood carving, you just need to pick up your carving tool and take the pieces away." His mug made a soft thud on the table as he set it down, causing him to flinch slightly. "Do you, perhaps, have any hobbies that you'd like to share? I'd love to hear them. Another stranger walks through the doors, briefly distracting Khalil from his handwork and the girl sitting across from him. She glanced around, then seemed to retract herself in by tightening the clothing piece on her head. He found it odd, how somebody would want to hide themselves like that, but he internally shrugged. He supposed that not everybody was as comfortable around people as he was. She'd sat down on the bar stools - away from the other two patrons at the bar, he'd realized - and ordered her drink. Not one to stare, his attention was once again divered back to Wil.
She looked up from the carving. "Hobbies? Hmm..Well I enjoy eating and singing..I can't cook to save my life though.. funny as it seems." She laughed and continued to look at the carvings. Willa noticed the stranger as well and half waved at them. She went on to talking to wood carver. She excused herself, "I'm going to get a drink, would you like another one, I'm thinking about getting something with berry juice in it." She told him.
"I believe that most everybody enjoys eating," he hummed, eyes full of humor and warmth. He busied himself with carving away at the material in his hands, daintily chipping into its flesh. "I'm not much of a cooker myself," he mumbled, glancing up at Willa briefly. "I could teach you some foodstuffs, it you like. I've got a few recipes that I could share." Khalil smirked, pressing the knife's edge deep into the wooden flesh; a sizable piece falls off easily, as the wood was soft and young. The piece started to take a rough shape as he continued to remove fragments. "And singing? It may be presumptuous to ask, perhaps bit of a stereotype, but do you write your own songs?" The words fell out of his mouth and he hummed quietly, wondering what her response would be to his abrupt question. His fingers moved clunky-like for a moment, managing to nick a finger with the blade. He simply stared, sighing, pulling a woolen cloth out of his bag and holding it harshly to the wound. "Dang..." he huffed, then smiled at Willa.
"I've got talent in writing, but I've got no talent for lyrics. I usually just sing lullaby's that my mother sang to us." She smiled at him and watched the wood working in progress. She saw him cut himself and frowned, "Let me see your hand..." She said to Khalil. She held her hand out to him.
"Hm, lullabys? Don't think I've actually ever heard one, my parents weren't one for little kid things." He chuckled, thinking back to when he was still with his parents. As far as he knew, they were still alive but nonetheless still very sick. He momentarily lost himself in his thoughts, then was pulled back to reality when Willa spoke. "Let me see your hand..." Her face was carved into a frown, rendering the previous smile as she had watched him work nonexistent. "It's nothing bad," he mumbled, tightening the cloth on his finger and a blush slightly rising to his cheeks. His gaze lowered to the table's rough surface, hesitantly holding out his his hand. "I've cut myself worse before, especially when I was younger. This is nothing." A nervous chuckle escaped from his throat and he slightly looks up, a smile barely visible.

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