The Tables Have Turned [AbyssHarlequin & Scrypt private role-play]


New Member
Basic Plot: Basically, our cutie patootie characters Devereaux and Gilion find themselves in a little maid cafe (Scypt's idea, which kinda surprised me actually). Just, instead of the usual with Devereaux being dressed up in gaudy feminine clothes he is suited up and Gilion finds himself dolled up in a maid-style dress. Blah blah basic plot stuff that doesn't matter really I guess since that is all we have so far lets just go with it man.



Devereaux- WIP


Gilion- WIP

(( M'kai here we are, as suggested by Scrypt to post these. Yey ))  
(( Hi. Let me just post a starter thing-a-ma-bop yeeee ))

It was a totally normal day in this little human world on the planet called Earth. Well, except for the fact that there was a rather irritable demon trudging through the streets. Of course, he appeared human, though anyone watching him would call him inhuman for wearing a black suit in the heat of a summer day. The demon, going by the name of Devereaux, had to admit it was pretty warm with the black blazer on but it was nothing compared to the heat one could experience in the world of demons. Licking his dry lips, Devereaux focused his eyes on a sign reading "@Home Cafe". Interesting.

Blue glamored eyes narrowing slightly, Devereaux changed his route to instead make a detour to the cafe. There might be a chance to cop a feel or something. Plus, potential inspiration for hooking new prey later. He squared his shoulders slightly, pushing up his glasses slightly before stepping into the establishment.

He blinked slightly, smiling a bit at the stout "maid" that greeted him with an obviously pitched voice. Ah well, not everyone has perfect voice acting skills. He followed her to a little window seat, thanking her gracefully before taking his seat and glancing at the menu. After a second he glanced up, taking in the polished wood furnishings and lacy frills decorating the pots of various plants. He chuckled slightly to himself before his eyes settled on each maid in the cafe one at a time. Frilly and overdone but cute enough to ensnare the attention of others. Exactly what he needed to do to catch new prey, probably.

weeps cause starters and I don't mix ))<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc04fcff_devv1.PNG.da386344c5c86f2c39e7897408f1db3b.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2046" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc04fcff_devv1.PNG.da386344c5c86f2c39e7897408f1db3b.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc05eebf_Devv2.PNG.ab388f7c33c8cf75ac89b556442c58ff.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2047" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc05eebf_Devv2.PNG.ab388f7c33c8cf75ac89b556442c58ff.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/GILLLLLLLL.JPG.924098a26f8da9e6bd8fc23cc97526c3.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2048" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/GILLLLLLLL.JPG.924098a26f8da9e6bd8fc23cc97526c3.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc075a6f_MaidGil.3..JPG.a23d413cad0eb8a3cea7f5d2a93cedd7.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2049" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc075a6f_MaidGil.3..JPG.a23d413cad0eb8a3cea7f5d2a93cedd7.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Just gotta think like Gil

aka just gotta hate pretty much everything

I can do this

Maybe .~.)

Gil leaned behind the counter toward the front of the shop, running his finger around the rim of a crystal glass, trying to keep awake by annoying himself with the endless wind-chime-like sounds that emanated from the crystal. The outfit her wore was much too bedazzled to be a maid's in his opinion. He had never met any decent entrepreneur or aristocrat who spent over a hundred dollars on a heap of stylized cloth to put on any female they hired, let alone one who cleaned their home. No matter how pretty their face was. The fact that Gil had managed to get a job in the shop surprised him, though he knew exactly why they'd hired him. He could glamor himself in such a manner to make himself mildly for feminine, though mostly in his face. Changing his physical structure was a different animal. But they had just considered him a very flat chested female with a pretty face. So, there he was, all dolled up in a black and white maid dress, his untamed deep brown hair tied into pigtails with a satin bows (a feature his cohorts had insisted upon), and his black square glasses resting on the tip of his nose. Not to mention the heeled shoes. Being a female kind of sucked when it came to maintaining an attractive appearance. Makeup, shaving absolutely everything (which Gil had a hard time explaining to people who knew his true gender. He hadn't told anyone about this job after all. It was far too embarrassing), wearing clothing that was quite uncomfortable, and then those demonic heeled shoes. Whoever had designed high heels, well Gil had to admit he was glad they were probably dead. Humanity didn't need any more uselessly painful devices.

Gil then noticed a new customer. A terribly familiar customer. In his mind, he listed a string of curses. He knew well enough that if she spoke them, they'd have him kicked out in no time. And he needed this job. He was hoping to find some rapists who'd been about the city. A maid cafe seemed like a good place to find them. As an angel, sometimes you had to put your reputation on the line for the sake of humanity. This was one of those times. Gil cleared his throat, striding over to this customer, throwing angry glances at anyone who looked his way. He couldn't help it. He knew the outfit he wore was for sexualization. His instinct was to just get people to back off. Being an angel meant he was naturally attractive which was sometimes a hassle but he'd lived so long with the problem, he could handle it. BUT ANYWAYS, once he had reached this customer, he gave his an angry glance too. As well as a fairly maniacal smile. "What the hell are you doing here?" he hissed under his breath, handing Dev a menu nonetheless. "Actually no. Just get the fuck out," he said, clasping his hands before him as though he were waiting patiently for Dev to order.
It wasn't until the demon heard the maid before him speak that he really realized who it was. The corners of his lips curled into a smile as he took the menu from Gil. "That's no way to greet your master, now is it? I might just have to file a complaint, especially about that dreadful language." Devereaux skimmed over the menu before moving his eyes back up to the angel's face slowly. "Why don't you relax some? I'm not doing any harm. I'm just a friendly customer here. By the way, I didn't catch your name. Will you please grace me with hearing your angelic name?" Dev chuckled slightly, glancing back at the menu again as he pushed up his glasses.

goes to bed fjskdlfjsdlf ))
Gil sighed, exasperated almost immediately. "Y'know sometimes, I wonder why I don't hate you," Gil said, shaking his head and sliding into the seat across from Dev. "I don't trust you to be here alright. You have a way of messing up whatever I'm trying to accomplish. And you could probably guess I don't have this job just for leisurely purposes. You know I'm not like...this," Gil explained, gesturing to himself. "So could you please leave? Just maybe...I can bribe you if necessary," Gil pleaded, raising a questioning brow Dev's way. He had some suspicion Dev was going to mess with him as much as he could. It was a very rare opportunity to find Gil in such a state. But as Gil had said, Dev had a way of slipping him up. It was deeply annoying. But he couldn't hate him for it. Dev was an intriguing character. And Gil had an eternity to get to know him. This fact gladdened Gil, but it was so odd to him. Basically anything involving Dev was maddening for Gil, but at the same time he sort of liked it. Which was yet another paradox. Ugh.

(G'night .3.)
(( Sometimes I actually feel sorry for Gil having to put up with Dev. Like seriously yo ))

At this Devereaux chuckled slightly, shaking his head as he put down the menu and folded his hands on the table. "Gil, you shouldn't tempt me. Especially not with bribes that I can use to get the upper hand." He closed his eyes as he spoke, taking slow, deep breathes. Before speaking again he opened his glamored eyes and focused them on Gil. "I admit, I'm very tempted to tease you until I make you explode, though that is not why I am here. I probably would have left you alone, had you not gotten so irritated at the sight of me. I'm here for
educational purposes." He swallowed slightly, cocking his head slightly to the right before he spoke again. "You know why you don't hate me. You know exactly why, ma chérie. Though, this might not help the case, but, the only way you're going to get me to leave is to treat me as a proper customer. I'm sure the master of this establishment won't mind if I spend some money here, right?"

Winking at the angel, Dev slid the menu towards Gil slowly. "I'll take a screwdriver and a "tsundere parfit", please and thank you."
(That's the fun of it

Gil is the most black and white wait

Angel in existence

And then Dev is like a splatter painting

They shouldn't mix usually


We force them to .3.)

Gil let out a deep breath, rubbing his eyes beneath his glasses as if he were tired. Which of course he wasn't. He was an angel. But sometimes Dev could push him to his limit. And over. "I swear if you mess this up, I am calling God's wrath upon you as soon as I get home," he mumbled beneath his breath, standing up from his seat and walked back to the counter to call Dev's order into the kitchen. As soon as he had, he turned back to look at Dev, silently willing him to just temporarily become a statue. Honestly Gil did that with a lot of people. Being Medusa didn't sound like such a bad prospect to him. If everyone just froze, he'd probably be a happy little angel. It was too much trouble walking on the heels of demons and human scum day and night. Then throw Dev into the mix and it becomes this nightmare. Gil had a decree from the heavens ordering him to kill Dev. But as Dev had said, he knew why he didn't do so. Dev seemed to be just about the only creature in existence that Gil did not hate. Anyone could do bad. In fact everyone did. So it was just easier to not attach to the creatures that could become his next target.
(( Like mixing orange juice and chocolate kinda


Devereaux smirked slightly, catching the angel's eye as he looked up from his hands that were still folded on the table in front of him. He waved slightly before diverting his eyes to study the other maids doing their jobs carefully. He found this concept of frilly, extravagant costumes labeled as that of a maid to be almost intriguing. In all of his years he had never seen such a thing, and oddly enough, it seemed to catch plenty of "customers". Certainly something he could use to his advantage. He shifted his eyes back to Gil, resting his elbows on the table and his chin atop interlaced fingers. And to think in a quest for knowledge he would find such a hidden gem. Certainly better than the base reward for simply completing a quest.

He enjoyed messing with the angel, for that had been what he had set out to do since their first encounter. Sure, he had never planned on falling for the angel like he had, but he had to admit that it just made teasing Gil even better. He snorted softly, pushing up his glasses gently as he let his eyes shift to settle on a photograph of the staff. No, he wouldn't tease Gil now. Not because he really believed the earlier threat, but because he figured he could use this experience as fuel for later teasing.

The order came out fairly quickly. Gil couldn't deny that despite all the frilly sexualized things associated with the restaurant, it was efficient and made some pretty decent food. Only when he had accepted the tray and was walking towards Dev did he realize what he was going to have to do. Dev had ordered...a screwdriver. An alcoholic drink. Oh god, Gil thought, pausing in his tracks. It was fine, he could just lie to Dev and not do the stupid little chant. Dev wouldn't be the wiser. So, Gil calmly served the dishes, finishing off the service with a polite little bow and a rather gruff, "Please enjoy, master." which he followed up with yet another angry glance.
Dev smiled at Gil, eyes sliding from watching another maid to Gil slowly. "Aren't you forgetting something? Seems to be a service in this establishment with some sort of chant." His lips twitched slightly as he suppressed laughter at the thought of the angel doing any such thing. "Also, what is with that rude glance? Almost venomous. And they way you said master was not great either. Might as well have sneered it. I'm just a customer, right? A paying customer." He glanced at the drink and parfait, chuckling to himself before resting his steady gaze on Gil once more.
Gil let out a deep breath, closing his eyes. Fine, I'll just treat him like every other customer. It'll get him to leave sooner. When Gil opened his eyes, he had the cheeriest look on his face. It was almost sickeningly happy, but somehow you could still buy it. His feminine glamor accentuated itself with the brightness and placed his hands over the brim of the screwdriver. With a flourish of his hands, he chirpily chanted "Moe moe kyun!" following it with a little bow and a slight giggle. It made his stomach churn, Dev seeing him like this. There was no way Dev would be able to keep a straight face after that. Gil couldn't either. He started chuckling a little, hiding it with his hand and ducking his head. Between gasps he cheered, "Please enjoy, Master!" before breaking down into full out laughing.
Dev clamped one hand over his mouth, stifling his laughter as best he could as he ducked his head slightly. After a few seconds of taking deep breathes he looked up at Gil again, removing his glasses to wipe his eyes. "Thanks for the material for my research. That was more than just a gem found tucked away. That was pure gold." He chuckled quietly, taking the glass containing the alcoholic drink and sipping at it slightly. "Keep up the good work, little angel." At that point he almost lost it again, biting his lip to keep from laughing.
Gil took a few deep breaths to calm his laughter before looking at Dev again. "I'm glad you enjoyed it because there is no way that is happening again," he sighed, clutching his side to relieve the tension in his diaphragm. "So you just came in her for curiosity's sake? Well you got pretty lucky didn't you. There's another one of these around the block. Looks like chance just happened to curse me today," Gil inquired, his breaths still light.
"My kind tends to bring about curses a lot." Dev chuckled slightly sipping the alcohol again before setting it down gently on the table. "Though I consider it a blessing, ma chèrie." He picked up his spoon, scooping up some of the parfait to study it before eating the bite. He nodded after a second, taking another bite of the parfait before meeting Gil's eyes again. "Would you like to stop by tonight? I'll make you dinner and I swear I won't try anything. I'm too busy to fool around and have a pissed angel after my head."
Gil pursed his lips, thinking it over. "Well...alright. My shift ends at six so, see you around then?" he asked, offering a small half-smile. He still felt rather awkward in his costume. And he could swear a small pack of his cohorts was listening to their conversation. But, he wanted to see Dev. Even if they did see each other an awful lot, mostly because Dev was a persistent problem for the angels and Gil was in charge of taking care of the problems he caused. Gil had a horrid suspicion that one day, the leading angels would selectively target Dev. And then he'd be forced to pick a side. But that could be billions of years in the future. Dev had lasted this long, he'd probably last quite a while longer. And if Gil was being honest, he was glad about the fact.
Dev smiled at the other, winking slightly as he put his glasses back on. "Around six then. Anything you would like to eat?" He asked quietly before taking another sip of his screwdriver. "As long as you don't request a seven course meal I think anything should be okay." He snorted softly at the thought of actually making seven courses just for two people as he sipped at the alcohol and orange juice mixture again.
"Surprise me," Gil shrugged, obviously in a brighter mood. There wasn't much more he could do that could embarrass himself so he felt no need to be particularly self-defensive. "I guess I should go...gossip with the girls," Gil mumbled, adding an odd valley girl sort of twang to his last few words. He gave Dev a small wave before turning and walking back to his group of cohorts, who immediately wrapped him in a swell of girly chatter. He supposed Dev was fairly attractive to females, especially when he wanted to be. But the thought hadn't really crossed his mind before. It only occurred to him now because the only reason these girls ever got so gossipy was if one of them caught the eye of a good-looking guy. It was an odd thing to think. Gil's relationship with Dev was so complicated, he'd never even had the time to consider it.
Stifling more laughter, Dev turned his attention back to the parfait having finished the screwdriver already. He ate the sweet absently, more focused on studying the finer details of his surroundings at that point. He glanced back down when his spoon hit the bottom of his dish and he blinked slowly before pushing the empty dish to the side with the glass that at one point contained alcohol. He rested his chin in one hand, blue eyes carefully studying the cafe one last time as he waited for a bill so that he could head to the store and then home.
(Should we time-skip?)

Gil returned to Dev after seeing that he had finished and lightly placed the bill on the table. "Thank you for coming goshujin sama," Gil bowed, not able to contain the little snicker that followed his last words. He let out a contented sigh, standing straight and waiting for Dev to pay the bill. He knew it wouldn't take him long and he was in no rush to head back to the counter.
(( Sure, I don't see why not. ))

Devereaux shifted, pulling his wallet out of the interior pocket of his blazer. He pulled out the proper amount of money, setting it on the table next to the bill. "How much would you like for a tip?" He asked,glancing up at Gil with one eyebrow raised in question.

(( I almost forgot Dev still has all of his piercings in.
laughs ))




Gil strolled out of his house, glad to be back in his normal attire. This being a deep green T-shirt under a taupe cardigan, some worn old jeans, and of course his square black glasses. The most relieving part of the outfit was probably his maroon converse, which were very much needed after those godawful heels. He didn't bring anything with him, since Dev would already have everything prepared and the majority of Gil's belongings were necessary, considering he lived on the bare minimum. He knew he could be moving at any minute with his job so there was no use in furnishing a home very extravagantly. Though he most certainly did not lack money.

Devereaux on the other hand, was carefully setting the table carefully. " for both red and white wine as well as water, check. Bread plate and knife, check. Salad fork and dinner fork, check. Dinner knife, check. Tea spoon and soup spoon, check. Desert spoon and cake fork, check. Dinner plate and salad plate, check. Soup dish, check. Bread basket and butter dish in the center. Wine serving basket." He ran one hand through his hair slowly, letting out a slight sigh. He said as long as it wasn't a seven course meal that it should be fine, but then a five course meal was just a step down in the end. He shook his head slightly, laughing at himself quietly as he rolled down the sleeves of his dress shirt again.

It didn't take Gil long to reach Dev's doorstep and ring the bell. He had no doubt that Dev had outdone himself. Dev could really put on a show when he cared. And based on Gil's relations with him, he probably cared quite a bit. Sometimes Gil felt a little guilty for not giving Dev much just voluntarily. Of course, Gil hadn't given any leeway to Dev's affections for quite a long time. When it came to eternity, they'd only been partners for the equivalent of a few months. And it still felt a tad awkward simply because of how ruthless Gil's rejection had been of him before. And how suddenly he gave in. Gil sighed, imagining what it was like for the people around him. Just endless hateful words. That's probably why most of them didn't stick around.
Devereaux readjusted his glasses before turning his back to the set table upon hearing the doorbell. He unlocked the door and opened it slowly, a warm smile curling onto his lips and making his eyes crinkle slightly. "As relaxed in dress as usual." He chuckled, stepping to the side to let Gil in. "Dinner's finished and the table is set. Also, do you prefer red or white wine?"
"Oh um, red," Gil said absently, stepping in and walking to the the dining room. He smiled. It was just as he had expected. The table was set impeccably, the smells emanating from the kitchen mouth-watering. "I can't remember the last time I saw such a nicely set table," Gil commented, glad to see he wasn't the only one who enjoyed a very proper meal every now and then. Of course it used to be commonplace to experience such a meal but with the casualization of culture, a nicely set table had sort of fell out of place.
"Just make yourself comfortable. Would you like some wine or water to start before I bring out the soup?" Devereaux asked, following after having closed the front door. "Oh, and thank you for the compliment on the table. I just decided to kick it up one step from the usual. Dining with others always calls for something nice, don't you think?"

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