The Sweet Pot of Sweets


I'm back~
CraZyAj-4evah submitted a new role play. @CraZyAj-4evah, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

@Kinxus Koi

4- Nilo played by @Inoshi

5- Isabelle Bonbon by @PinkConcreteAngel

6- Rorark “Rocky” Rickaby by @Crookie





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Name: Rodger Wright

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Personality: Reserved and typically quiet. He has a huge sweet tooth, though he hates to admit it! He gets bullied often and comes home with bruises that he constantly tries to hide.

Reason Why They Go Into the Shop: He ran in to escape his bullies.

If You Transformed as a Guardian of Shop, What Is the Outfit and Weapon: A red and white suit with a boater hat that matches. He would also have a candy cane sword.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_n6rdx5XJ4m1qj5ij2o3_500.png.84880583420996f98671929da9e4c800.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20408" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_n6rdx5XJ4m1qj5ij2o3_500.png.84880583420996f98671929da9e4c800.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/89e5f649358f4032cb0f2aa60374c9b8.jpg.b35fdd4d79c304e175464a2c15b4a43d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20411" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/89e5f649358f4032cb0f2aa60374c9b8.jpg.b35fdd4d79c304e175464a2c15b4a43d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Angel Cameron. Her nickname is Angel Cake though.

Gender: Female.

Age (preferably 12-35): 16

Personality: Angel is one of the popular girls in school, shes alright with it but most of the time she wishes everyone would back off. Angel is nice, polite and can sometimes be a B****! When she gets mad at you its time to run!

Reason Why They Go Into the Shop: Angel loves sweets and she also likes the time she gets there with out having to worry about guys trying to hit on her or anything else like that. She enjoys being able to sit there and eat candy and read her favourite book.

If You Transformed as a Guardian of Shop, What Is the Outfit and Weapon:

My outfit (including the hair but in red):

My weapon:

Appearance:At home!

At School!
HollyLeafForever said:
Name: Angel Cameron. Her nickname is Angel Cake though.
Gender: Female.

Age (preferably 12-35): 16

Personality: Angel is one of the popular girls in school, shes alright with it but most of the time she wishes everyone would back off. Angel is nice, polite and can sometimes be a B****! When she gets mad at you its time to run!

Reason Why They Go Into the Shop: Angel loves sweets and she also likes the time she gets there with out having to worry about guys trying to hit on her or anything else like that. She enjoys being able to sit there and eat candy and read her favourite book.

If You Transformed as a Guardian of Shop, What Is the Outfit and Weapon:

My outfit (including the hair but in red):

My weapon:

Appearance:At home!

At School!
You are accepted though I need you to read the rules.
Name: Cherise Marcia Dominguez

Age: 18

Personality: She's very fiery, and flirtatious. You could she's very alluring, and a bit self centered at times. Cherise personality varies from overly emotional to distant due to being a touch of Bipolar. She's generally passive aggressive, gentle, kind, illusive, and quiet. If she's having a good day, she's very upbeat and childish. A bit annoying you could say? It's the exact opposite when she's upset. She's very aggressive, and irrationally violent. When she is agitated/depressed, she tend to be quieter, jumpy, and paranoid. In others words this chick can be unpredictable, and being incapable doesn't help you figure out her emotion puzzle.

Reason Why They Go Into the Shop:

A sweet escape from reality. Her all time sugar high.

If You Transformed as a Guardian of Shop, What Is the Outfit and Weapon:



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[QUOTE="Kinxus Koi]
Name: Cherise Marcia Dominguez
Age: 18

Personality: She's very fiery, and flirtatious. You could she's very alluring, and a bit self centered at times. Cherise personality varies from overly emotional to distant due to being a touch of Bipolar. She's generally passive aggressive, gentle, kind, illusive, and quiet. If she's having a good day, she's very upbeat and childish. A bit annoying you could say? It's the exact opposite when she's upset. She's very aggressive, and irrationally violent. When she is agitated/depressed, she tend to be quieter, jumpy, and paranoid. In others words this chick can be unpredictable, and being incapable doesn't help you figure out her emotion puzzle.

Reason Why They Go Into the Shop:

A sweet escape from reality. Her all time sugar high.

If You Transformed as a Guardian of Shop, What Is the Outfit and Weapon:




You are accepted!
Name: Nilo

Gender: Male

Age (preferably 12-35): 18

He rarely takes anything seriously and everything's a game to him. Nilo's always looking for new ways to entertain himself, and it takes a lot for something to spark his interest. He's pretty outgoing and can talk to just about anybody without trying. Although he's a pretty decent guy, he does have a habit of messing around with people a lot. But it's usually all just harmless teasing on his side, as long as he isn't too bored anyway. He does always somehow manage to get himself on somebody's bad side though. You could say Nilo just has something about him that seems to attract trouble; Well, neither that or he goes looking for it.

Reason Why They Go Into the Shop:
One day, when Nilo had gotten a bit too adventurous with one of his pranks, he had himself chased by a certain pissed individual apparently drenched in ice-cream -- very likely due to him. Quickly looking around for a place to escape, he slipped inside the candy shop. ...And there, he was finally able to find something which caught his curiosity.

If You Transformed as a Guardian of Shop, What Is the Outfit and Weapon:



Weapon: Gumball Machine Gun


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Isabelle Bonbon




16 years


She is a very cherry person, who smiles a lot,

She have a dog, named chocolate, who she adores.

She will always pretend to be happy and will never say if she is truly sad,

unless it is someone she feel safe with.

Reason Why They Go Into the Shop:

she was running after her dog, when it went inside.



If You Transformed as a Guardian of Shop, What Is the Outfit and Weapon:


weapon: can be a shield, when she need it. It will extend a sort

of invisible forcefield around the one that has it on.


outfit: when she fight.

Name: Rorark “Rocky” Rickaby

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality: Rocky is nothing short of goofy, but always delivers. He’s one that will not let down a task or command. Whilst he can get easily distracted by any attractive woman, he’s even more clumsy over his two left feet. He’s compassionate for what he loves, demanding for making things right, and determined to stride for his future - even though he has no idea where his life is taking him.

Reason Why They Go Into the Shop: Well, you can very well say his only reason to go into the shop is to woo the ladies that find themselves there, but his current job at a local run-down bar is failing him. He wants to possibly he hired there, or even more, be a candy taste-tester. He’s obsessed with candy, and needed to re-stock is supply of treats.

If You Transformed as a Guardian of Shop, What Is the Outfit and Weapon: Rocky's outfit would be a full deep peacock-blue suit, minus the jacket, with a long golden tie (including a fancy-looking 'R' embroidered on the front). He would also sport a matching blue fedora, with a golden band and a large golden feather sticking out the side. There's a handful of playing cards - all the three of clubs - tucked into the band of the hat. He uses those as ninja-like stars, considering they're not normal playing cards. He carries around a black leather violin case at his side, even though he doesn't play the violin. In the case he has a large baseball bat, in the appearance of a light blue stick of hard-rock candy. The bat is supernaturally strong - and supernaturally tasty.




photo credit to ; Tracy J Butler]

Extra points:
Rorark speaks with a New Yorker accent, with a light Scottish drawl. Even though he denies it, he's obsessed with the 1920's, and wishes that he could go back to that era to wreck havoc and play an old violin down the street, dressed as a newspaper boy. He also has a habit of calling just about everyone "doll", and using old-timey words.
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Isabelle Bonbon




16 years


She is a very cherry person, who smiles a lot,

She have a dog, named chocolate, who she adores.

She will always pretend to be happy and will never say if she is truly sad,

unless it is someone she feel safe with.

Reason Why They Go Into the Shop:

she was running after her dog, when it went inside.



If You Transformed as a Guardian of Shop, What Is the Outfit and Weapon:


weapon: can be a shield, when she need it. It will extend a sort

of invisible forcefield around the one that has it on.


outfit: when she fight.

I'm happy to report you are accepted! I adore that she gets a shield and she was running after her dog. :)  

Crookie said:
Name: Rorark “Rocky” Rickaby
Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality: Rocky is nothing short of goofy, but always delivers. He’s one that will not let down a task or command. Whilst he can get easily distracted by any attractive woman, he’s even more clumsy over his two left feet. He’s compassionate for what he loves, demanding for making things right, and determined to stride for his future - even though he has no idea where his life is taking him.

Reason Why They Go Into the Shop: Well, you can very well say his only reason to go into the shop is to woo the ladies that find themselves there, but his current job at a local run-down bar is failing him. He wants to possibly he hired there, or even more, be a candy taste-tester. He’s obsessed with candy, and needed to re-stock is supply of treats.

If You Transformed as a Guardian of Shop, What Is the Outfit and Weapon: Rocky's outfit would be a full deep peacock-blue suit, minus the jacket, with a long golden tie (including a fancy-looking 'R' embroidered on the front). He would also sport a matching blue fedora, with a golden band and a large golden feather sticking out the side. There's a handful of playing cards - all the three of clubs - tucked into the band of the hat. He uses those as ninja-like stars, considering they're not normal playing cards. He carries around a black leather violin case at his side, even though he doesn't play the violin. In the case he has a large baseball bat, in the appearance of a light blue stick of hard-rock candy. The bat is supernaturally strong - and supernaturally tasty.




photo credit to ; Tracy J Butler]

Extra points:
Rorark speaks with a New Yorker accent, with a light Scottish drawl. Even though he denies it, he's obsessed with the 1920's, and wishes that he could go back to that era to wreck havoc and play an old violin down the street, dressed as a newspaper boy. He also has a habit of calling just about everyone "doll", and using old-timey words.
Glad to say you are on board though look at the rules. I adore the creativity of their weapon and extra points. :3

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