The Sweet Pot of Sweets [Inactive]


I'm back~
CraZyAj-4evah submitted a new role play:

The Sweet Pot of Sweets - Welcome to THE MAGICAL candy shop- filled with sweets but not just all are ordinary sweets.

A new strip mall has opened and right smack in the middle is a small candy shop called The Sweet Pot of Sweets. It's no ordinary candy shop though. Each sweet has a specific magical ability. The licorice can make you taller. The gum is everlasting and the some of the Peeps come to life. Come in and find out what these treats can do but watch out. There is a chocolatier by the name of Willie Wankah (distant cousin of Willy Wonka) who will do anything to find the secret behind this little shop....
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Dulcita woke up to the blaring of her alarm clock. What the-? Who the-? She thought as she swung her legs out from her Jolly Rancher comforters, looking distraught. It took her a full minute to make sense of why her clock was ringing. Her milk brown eyes snapped from worried/half lidded size to wide awake size.

She flung herself to her balcony, completely unaware that she forgot to brush her mouth and was in her pajamas.

"MY SHOP OPENS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, looking at the city down below.

"Who cares." A stranger shouted back at her.

Dulcita made a face to the stranger, forgetting that she was too high up for them to see it.
Rude, she thought, oh well... lets go open shop.

~2 weeks later~

She hummed the "Sugar Rush" tune as she swept the front of her shop. After she deemed the front clean, she went inside and flipped her sign from CLOSED to OPEN.

Farther out, in the parking lot; a man with a frown looked at the shop with binoculars.
What makes her shop that bloody famous? He mused, she has only been open for a couple of days yet she has already has all my customers flocking to her shop. I swear I'll learn the secret of hers.

He put down the binocular and started his car. He backed out of his spot and drove off.
"WHY YOU LITTLE - JUST WAIT UNTILL I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!" A furious voice outside the shop suddenly shouted. A moment later, a young red-haired man wearing a huge grin on his face sprinted into view. He threw a swift glance back behind him as he grabbed hold of the door belonging to the new shop sitting in the middle of the street, quickly pulling it open and ducking inside. Soon after, a very irratated-looking man stopped just outside the enterance, who somehow happened to be completely covered in what seemed to be ice-cream. "That damned brat… Where'd he go?!" He scowled, rapidly looking around in search of the culprit. Meanwhile, the individual crouching down beneath the rows of candy inside seemed to be struggling to hold in his laugher, as the man by the window eventually stomped away in anger.

"That..." He snickered, standing up from behind the stands. "…Was priceless! Definitely one of my greatest feats yet!" He proclaimed, remebering the look on the man's face. As he finally took in his surroundings, he noticed a young lady standing behind the counter. "Oh, hey. Sorry about that, I was in a bit of a pinch there as you could see." He said, giving her a casual wave as if nothing happened. "Anyway, you sure got a nice place set up over here. Been wanting to drop by sometime.. Ah, though I wasn't expecting it to go quite like this." He smirked, admiring the many rows of colorful sweets and candies. "You know, I've been hearing lots of interesting things going around about this shop, is it true what they say?" He asked, leaning in and taking a close look at a box of Peeps, almost expecting them to begin moving.
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Dulcita watched the scene unfold from behind the counter. Mm... I wonder what flavor that ice cream was, she wondered; not noticing the person who took refuge in her shop speak to her. She shook her head and focused her attention to him when he leaned in to look at the Peeps.

"What? Oh, depends on what they are saying." She gave a vague answer, eyes widening.

"Oh, be careful. They tend to-"

Before she could finish her warning, many chirps and tweets erupted. The Peeps started to wiggle around in their spot.

"-make noise when they feel threaten." She laughed. "I would respect anyone who could eat any of these little guys without them tweeting. Go ahead; unwrap them from their confinement. They'll never stop until they are let free."
Isabelle was walked down the street, a leash in her hand, where a cheery puppy was walking in front of her, it's tail wagging happily. The girl however, didn't look too happy.

"I'm so tired," she sighed. "Chocolate, will you carry me home?" the little brown dog looked at her like if to say: "Do you mean that? I'm the size of you're foot?" she sighed again and continued to walk.Then out of nowhere a cat suddenly ran right past her and chocolate, and of course chocolate ran after it without second thought.

"CHOCOLATE WAIT FOR ME!" she screamed after the dog. About 2 minuets later, the cat was gone and a proud Chocolate came back. "don't ever do that again" she said out of breath. The dog just looked at her as she tried to get her breath back to normal, then she hugged the dog, "Come on lets go home now," she said, but the dog didn't move ."Chocolate?" she asked as the dog stared to walk up the street again. she gave up and followed the dog.

It let her to a small street. When Chocolate started to run again, in fear of losing him, Isabelle ran after. Chocolate ran in through the door to a candy shop this time. There were a lot of candy in here, but she didn't have time to look at it. "Chocolate come back!" her voice was shaking and she was so tired that she didn't notice a guy with red hair right in front of me and she bumped into him. "Ops, Sorry," she said quickly.
Angel woke up in the morning craving chocolate. After all a girl who's as popular as she is needs something to support her from time to time other then a book, she had heard of a new sweets shop and she decided to go and check it out. She thought to herself as she was getting dressed in her lazy outfit. Which was a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that was a bit too big for her. She put her hair up in a bun and told her mom she was going for a walk as she slipped on a pair of red flip-flops. As she was walking down the street she heard someone scream for there dog and she laughed a bit and kept on walking. As she turned down the street that the sweet shop was supposed to be on and a brown dog popped out of nowhere she picked it up and turned a corner to go into the sweet shop. "Umm.. Miss is this your dog?" She asked holding the dog out to the girl
"Yes, thanks." Said Isabelle and toke the dog, gave it a hug and said "I love you chocolate, but why do you have to alway run away from me?"

the dog tilted its head and looked at her with so cute eyes. "Well, thanks again." She smiled "My name is Isabelle. what is you're name?"
Rorark was walking down the sidewalk, flanked by the small businesses and and cars putting along the street, respectively. He walked with a sort of stride - almost vain-looking - that he would insist is his normal saunter. As for appearance wise, he was wearing his usual white button-down with a leather-coloured vest, black pants and a long, golden tie baring a fancy-looking 'R'. He also sported a worn messenger bag, which swung lightly against his hip. To him, it was nothing out of the ordinary, to look so formal, per se, just to go out on the town. It wasn't that he was weird - which I doubt he isn't, but you can be the judge of that - he just rathered to have a different style. Hopefully, one that could catch eyes.

Speaking of catching attention, he was specifically on his way to a petite-looking store, The Sweet Pot of Sweets. He had only been to the place a few times, but he felt as thought he knew enough about the place. There was something different, almost magical about the place...

The sweet ladies there!

Yes, Rorark Rickaby, was on his way down to a shoppe just to try and woo one of the many ladies there. Sounds, vain - yes. Sounds stupid - even more of a yes. But he had a plan thought out for getting the owner of the place, and it was foolproof.

The Sweet Pot of Sweets
began to come into view as Rorark went over his plan in his mind. Inside his messenger bag, was a 'Help Wanted' sign that he purchased from the nearby dollar store. He was going to go into the candy shoppe, walk up to the total cutie that was the owner - (Her name's Dulcite or something, right? Yeah - ha, that must be it! So exotic. I like exotic.) and ask about what position was open in the shoppe. If there actually is a spot open for employees, then perfect, he had a new job surrounded by candy-loving babes. If not, in the midst of the owner's confusion, he could 'work some of that Rorark magic', and swiftly ask her out for dinner. She had to say yes!

As he bared a smirk, he strutted into the store.

Dulcita left the red hair to his own device, deeming that the information she just gave him was enough. She returned her attention to her original task, dipping clusters of almonds in chocolate batter.

Although it looked like ordinary chocolate, the chocolate had the ability to make anyone tell the truth.

Dulcita started to hum the "Sugar Rush" tune and worked diligently.
"I'm Angel, you probably Havel not heard of me..... I go to your school I guess you could say I'm popular with guys."

She looked at Isabelle nervously. She stopped to look T the counter and noticed the peeps, "Umm.. Miss I'm sorry i never got your name but... Ummm could I have a peep please." She asked
"Miss? Ah, no need to be so formal. Call me Dulcita and like I said to that kid. I'd respect anyone who can eat them without them making noises. So have at it, if you can."

Dulcita smiled and motion Angel to the Peeps.
Nilo meanwhile, was busy tormenting the small box of Peeps he himself had picked up. Shaking the box, the the small bundles of sugar were chirping frantically at the motion. As he unwrapped the plastic off, he picked one up and squeezed it, making it let out a loud squeak. "Geeze, these things might just make you deaf." He commented, stuffing the noisy marshmallow into his mouth.
Angel bent down and picked up a peep, it only cheeped once. " Is there something wrong with this one?" She asked confused, because she had heard the boy saying they were loud. She took the big one she bought or took she was not sure but she began to per it. "ITS SO CUTE!!!!" She basically screamed.
"You actually ate one." Dulcita astonishingly proclaimed to the boy. "I give you props. Here."

Dulcita reached into one of her pockets and pulled out a chocolate coin. She flipped it once in the air, caught it and then flicked it to the red-haired boy.

"Keep it with you. As for that one that is in your hands, Angel. I think it likes you since it's quiet. I mean," She posed as if she were thinking. Her left hand cradled her chin while her right arm crossed to hold the bent right elbow. "Don't dogs, if they are wild and see someone, quiet down? Or was that they become wild when they see someone they know? Hm..."
Catching it, Nilo took a curious glance down at the shiny coin in his palm. Keep it?.. Eh, maybe it's for luck or something. "Sure." He shrugged, slipping it into his own pocket.

Hearing the doors swing open, he noticed a somewhat flashy-looking character enter the store, wearing a confident grin on his face.
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"Oh, dose that mean I'm weird?" She asked with a curious smile, "Do you have Anything really really sour?" She looked at Dulcita curiously hoping that she did, waiting for a reply she toke her book out and read a few sentences.
"Sour... sour... sour..." Dulcita repeated the word, thinking of what she had in stock. "Of course; I have Sour Patch Kids, Warheads, Sour Skittles, Sour GummiWorms, Lemonheads, Sour Punch," She listed the candy with her fingers, going into overload. Her milk chocolate eyes, glazed over and didn't focus on anything. "And a bunch of store made sour treats like lollipops, gum, taffy and jaw breakers. Oh, OH! I shouldn't forget about the self serve sugar dispenser, they have some sour flavors... Wait, what was the question again?" Dulcita asked, snapping back from her monologue. She blinked many times and saw more people than before.

"Oh, hold on. I got new customers. Welcome to the Sweet Pot of Sweets~." She announced, a bright smile to the newcomers.

"Oh, umm... Can i have 30 WarHeads i wannna see if i can put them all in my mouth!" Angel, looked excited. After all she loved sour things.
The first person that Rorark saw was the owner, Dulcita - brilliant. With the grin still plastered across his lips, he nodded lighty at the girl's greeting. His hand was already grabbing the fake 'Help Wanted' sign out of his bag as he began speaking.

"I saw this little thing outside, and couldn' help but snatch it up and walk in, to ask 'bout the cutesy little owner of this fine place." He spoke smoothy with his accent, and rather calmly, even though on the inside he was praying that his plan would follow through. He didn't have the time to be publicly embarrassed in a candy shoppe with people around.

He tapped on the sign with a finger, throwing a raised-eyebrow look (that he thought was simly irrisistable - to be completely honest, he looked a bit like a fool) with a flick of his head.
Huh- 'Help Wanted' sign? I don't remember putting up one unless I did on the first week. She theorized, looking at the sign and the silly expression on the person. What should I do? I am the owner and I don't even remember if I put up a sign... Her expression turned from calm to a pensive look.

A few seconds passed which felt like an eternity since Dulcita was having an internal debate. Finally, she made up her mind and smiled.
I'll humor him and test him out. I'm such a genius like William A. Mitchell (creator of Pop Rocks).

"Well, thanks for the flattery but that won't sweeten your chances of a job. If you would like to work here, you'll need to do a simple task for me or to be more specific to a valued customer, Angel. She would like to have Warheads. Go to the shelf, over there." She pointed at the wall on her right, the wall was only six steps away from the counter.

The whole wall was covered with shelves with many Mason jars filled with different packaged treats. On the third highest shelf, the Warheads sat innocently which was the opposite for what stood beside it.
Right beside the Warheads, was a jar filled with Airhead Sour Belts and they are prone to slither out and glide everywhere and create mischief.

"Be careful though and the ladder is under the shelf. If you do that without messing up then you are hired." Dulcita explained and waited for the person to choose to do it or not.

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