The Swarm (Sign-up)





Battle Style: (I.E Marksman, Melee, Mage, healer, ETC)

Skill list: (Doesn't have to be each skill if your something like a mage. Just "Able to use Fire" would be fine. Though, if your using something like a mage/fighter combo, try to give me the skills you can do that would be used like "Earth shatter: Able to strike the earth and force various spikes from the ground)

Name:caleb staton


Description:his eyes are bright yellow,hair is black, and has a scar on his right eyebrow

Battle Style:marksman mainly

Skill list:robotics (can contol a attack drone for support), minor piloting, rifleman, hand to hand combat, and genetically enhanced.

Bio:caleb was born on aternia ad joined i.d.t and speciallized as a combat engineer. during his stay in the regular army he scored high marksmenship. before he joined the i.d.t he joined special operations venturing into many of the swarm hive zones running intelligence for the army. two years later he was recruited by idt as a sniper and recon operative


calebs suit:
Name: Eva Searoby

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Personality: Frankly, she's a bit of a wacko. Eva speaks English, but often mutters and rants in a strange, possibly made up language. It clear that she's a few apples short of an apple pie. She's a self proclaimed bug charmer. Eva walks up to the swarm creature with no sign of hesitation and 'charms' them to do her bidding. Surprisingly enough, it works, most of the time.

Eva isn't too keen on strangers.

Battle Style: She's not a fighter.

Skill list: She has an uncanny ability to charm giant insects. Be it magic or just a connection, she can make them do what she wants, to a certain extent. Eva seems to think it's magic.

Appearance: Eva may have been a cute kid had she not gone an messed herself up. She keeps her hair in dreadlocks, save for one tuft that hands to the side. She's covered in tattoo and scar designs, most of them made by her own self. Alone with this, she keeps her face painted up in a very tribal style. She has two lip piercing, and two large piecings in her ears. She runs around half naked, wearing an animal skin top that shows most of her stomach, and only a loin cloth on the bottom.

Bio: Eva's a bit of a freak, but why is uncertain. Why would someone ramble in a made up language and dress like an native if they didn't have some sort of issues going on? Obviously, something has happened in her past that caused this strange behavior. But getting her to tell you what and why is like talking to a brick wall.

Both Character's Approved, though to Dread, I wish to say that the exact setting of the RP is TBA. Though, Earth is a possibility, I might do something different.

Don't change anything yet and I'll have people kind of help decide that one. I like to give my RP's an open question on some things. I have things I know i would like, but then again, that's just me, so I let people help on parts of it to maximize interest.
shit setting it somewhere else i still dont haft to change much just some words no problem man
Name: Oliver

Age: 24


Battle Style: Archer / melee / very weak magic user.

Skill list: Very skilled archer. You can say he is gifted in many ways with using his bow. with using the bow as a club, or using the string as a whip, who knows the possibilities that Oliver could make with the use of his bow.

Bio: Every day that Oliver grew up was a.... well let's just say he was not the most friendly of people. He never had a lot of possessions, nor did he have a lot of friends. But the thing that he did have, was his best friend. He cherished that item for it kept him alive. This item, was a bow. He used this thing every day to save it for defense, or to capture some food. Ever since he found that bow and that new found courage, Oliver has always been self reliant and it has stayed that way even up through his teens when he built his new bow. Bow 1280765989.jpg
Name: Marco Darrius

Age: 23


(minus the Nazi stuff)



(but is one big cannon) (both knives)


(uses explosive, non-magic rounds)

Battle Style: Heavy/marksman - Uses a "Mana-Cannon" a device that hones the forces of magic into a single blast, using a targeting system, the blast can track a single target and can target multiple targets, the blast can split up into m,any, many blasts from a single shot.

but this weapon requires a few seconds to recharge and the blast makes him a clear target for snipers.

he also has the "mana-jetpack", but use in it makes him like a beacon to the enemy

Skill list: ability to handle magic in the "Mana-Cannon" and use it effective and can handle his flow of magic so the Jetpack or the cannon dosen't explode

Bio: Born into the Human capital, and he became an orphan, after his parents were killed by Stalkers, and he was found by troops later, he was raised in a broken down orphanage.

after a visit by his "uncle" the soldier who found him an was told how his parents died and how he was found, he became a soldier, his Mana reserves are fast and he recharges at a very high rate, he was a perfect match for being a "heavy" soldier
Both Approved. I'm going to start this thing up, and I'll throw the link here if needed.

--- Merged Double Post ---

The Role play is here
Name: Sarah McCullough

Age: 24

Description: Sarah has long flaxen blonde hair that reaches down to her waist, usually worn in a braid with two ringlets coming down from her bangs. She stands at 4'11 with a petite body frame similar to a cat, though at times she lacks the grace of one. She has an enlarged pupil in one eye from being punched in the eye during a mugging attempt one night while walking home from med school. While both eyes are actually blue her pupil gives the appearance of one eye being brown and she is also partially blind in it.

Battle Style: A Med student, possible healer.

Skill list: She is in her 7th year and final year at college for medicine and specializes in blood and heart transplants, having even performed a successful operation on one patient.

Bio: Sarah came from an average family with a supportive mother and father who believe that she could have the entire world. With her mother going deaf she had begin to support her parents more and more financially. One day when returning home from classes she found her mother alone in the kitchen, under the table uttering nonsense words, tears rolling down her cheeks. Her father was never found and Sarah still does not fully know of his whereabouts or whether or not he is still alive. While Sarah is highly intelligent she lacks strength and is easily put in danger in physical ordeals. While she tries to remain level headed during emergencies and tries to come up with plausible solutions she is normally ignored not only because of her young age but also due to her small stature and blonde hair.
Name: Tiel "Shade" lazarus

Age: 27



Battle Style: Mage / fighter. Uses a scythe along with shadow magic.

Skill list:

Shadow Slash: able to manipulate the space between him and his enemy, slashing opponents up to 25 feet away.

Marionette: Using make-shift spirits, he is able to control the fallen opponents around him.

Shadow step: Only usable when there are shadow to move through, his physical being fades into the darkness and makes him nearly undetctable. Sound and smell are the only things that anything would be able to use to find him.

Bio: Before the event took place, Tiel was a quiet individual that would spend his days alone in a dark room. Never really wanting to do much, Tiel simply went to work, came home, and minded his own buisness.

Once the uronium took over, and people started to be able to use it to fight, Tiel found a new spark ignite in him. Not exactly a split personality, when in battle, Tiel likes to be called "Shade". A new since of enthusiasm taking over, and making him want to battle.
Name: Belli'atri

Age: 22

Description: Belli'atri looks very much like her mother, Dahlia. She has medium skin and brown hair just like her. At night, her hair turns black and her eyes turn maroon, instead of her mother's silver hair and scarlet eyes. She also grows a new flower in her hair, the deadly nightshade.




Night (ribbons replaced by the flower; she's not wearing a dress.)




Battle Style: Markswoman, Melee (with some weapons)

Skill list: Use of a spear, Medicinal flora (She can concoct "potions" using plants, and can even make her weapons poisonous,) Meditation (not used necessarily to calm down, but to focus on her current action.)

Bio: Her biography follows that of Dahlia's. Dahlia's father was the most notorious murderer wanted at a time way before she was born. Along the way, he ran into a beautiful florist and they both fell in love, even though they both knew their relationship was dangerous. Eventually, Dahlia was born, and no sooner than that, her parents were hunted down and killed. Dahlia was hidden, and found by a kind warrior who trained her. Apparently, the demonic government wasn't happy with Dahlia's survival, and they began to hunt her down for decades. The government brought forth their most powerful and successful hitman to hunt her down, but he heard her story, and they too fell in love. Right after Belli'atri was born, Dahlia handed her to the warrior who raised her, and they were murdered as well. As soon as they heard of Belli'atri, the government began to hunt her down. She was fed up with the hunt, so she snuck a ride in an aircraft with the new members of the I.D.S. and is now headed to Aternia.
Name: Rochez (and RAESINOP)

Age: 23

Description: Rochez is a fellow rather of the nerd variety... Or perhaps even of the crazy variety. More likely somewhere between the nerd variety and the crazy variety. He has short, red hair, green eyes, freckles, and an electronic monocle. He is short, yet wiry. He has a bit of upper lip hair (not quite a mustache) and often dresses ludicrously, wearing, for example, an overcoat in the summer and shorts and a t-shirt in the winter. He expresses himself very exaggeratedly, often throwing his arms about clumsily in his body language and usually seen wide-eyed and grinning like a fool.

Battle Style: Mage / marksman

Skill list:

Magnetize/Demagnetize : Magnetizes RAESINOP (see bio for explanation as to what that is), allowing devices to be mounted on it. If RAESINOP is already magnetized, demagnetizes RAESINOP, automatically unmounting all devices.

Enter/Exit : Allows Rochez to enter and exit the cockpit on RAESINOP's head. When RAESINOP is magnetized, it can have a special cockpit Rochez built mounted on its head. Anyone who controls RAESINOP from within the cockpit has superuser access, and their commands will override all other commands, even from the system administrator (if the system administrator is not the one inside the cockpit, that is, which generally shouldn't happen).

Powerup/Shutdown : Allows Rochez to remotely powerup or shutdown RAESINOP. When RAESINOP is powered up, it is roughly twelve times the size of a human being. When RAESINOP is shut down, it is nothing more than a magical pebble small enough to fit in Rochez's hand.

Punch : Allows RAESINOP to punch or perform any other offensive action with its hands, such as wielding a large weapon. RAESINOP's hands are incredibly powerful and can do great damage to buildings and other forms of architecture, but they are unlikely to harm typical-sized insects because RAESINOP's hands are too large to strike accurately at them. This technique would most likely be useful against obscurely large insects.

Kick : Allows RAESINOP to perform any of the following kinds of taekwondo techniques: roundhouse, back kick, spinning reverse roundhouse, side kick, axe kick. Again, this is most useful against obscurely large insects.

Leap : Allows RAESINOP to leap in the air, crushing most everything in its path with its landing. There is a small chance that this technique will kill Rochez if executed improperly while Rochez is in the cockpit. You ought to be getting the idea by now that generally, RAESINOP ought to fight in unpopulated, wide-open spaces if it doesn't want to get any humans killed.

Levitate : Allows RAESINOP to levitate and even fly. This can only be done for a very brief amount of time, as a ludicrously large quantity of Uronium is necessary to suspend an object as massive as RAESINOP in midair for any reasonable amount of time, and such a large quantity of Uronium cannot be summoned by the demands of a mere human mind, even if this human mind is aware of magic.

Elemental Infusion : Allows RAESINOP to temporarily take on the physical properties of a chemical element when Rochez inserts this chemical element into the elemental sample tray in the detachable superuser cockpit. For instance, RAESINOP can temporarily compose itself of fluorine; fluorine ignites with almost everything and will thus set RAESINOP ablaze. RAESINOP can also take on the physical properties of chemical compounds, but this feature has some bugs that haven't been sorted out, and Rochez will be reluctant to use it unless absolutely necessary.

Liberation : Allows the soul currently serving as the template for RAESINOP's sentience development engine to be released. This must be replaced with another soul, or else RAESINOP will lose sentience and become merely an unintelligent, fully obedient computer, requiring an instruction for each and every action it takes, even if it seems obvious and/or vitally important.

Bio: Rochez self-identifies as an inventor. He's identified by others as one of those guys who stands around wearing tin-foil hats and waiting for the UFOs to come, but that's beside the point. Rochez is actually quite a skilled inventor. He doesn't have much, but he uses what he can find. Currently, he has a theory about the potential uses of Uronium to unify magic with modern technology. He can tap into the use of Uronium and, being one of those stereotypical crazies, is a strong believer in the occult. He has used his knowledge of magic in conjunction with this Uronium to develop a strange new invention. To most people, it's just a rock. Rochez tried to go around selling this thing. People thought he was high. Anyway, to most people, it's just a rock, but to Rochez, it's far more, for he has programmed an entire magical operating system on it using spells, and with the right magic words, he can transform this piddly little rock into a huge golem that possesses sentience (though it cannot speak or otherwise typically express itself) and an aversion to insects and will obey the commands of its user to the very last punctuation mark (unless a contradictory command is posed by the system administrator or the superuser, both of which take priority over ordinary user commands and the latter of which takes priority over the prior). He can also use magic to alter the properties of this rock and magnetize it, which can in turn allow it to receive enhancements by having electronic devices mounted on it. This mounting process is rather inelegant and unsightly, but despite its sloppy appearance, it works like a charm. Rochez calls this model of his magical operating system RAESINOP v1.1 Beta. RAESINOP stands for Rock Animation and Enlargement System for Insect Neutralization and Other Purposes.
Love it :D join when you can, and get with me or Dread or something if you want a point of entry, or come in how you wish :D
Name: Alias: Nomad

Age: 33

Physical: Wears a gas mask at all times*,and a trench coat. Under the trench coat is a ballistic vest,and denim jeans. Over the vest and coat is a TacVest**,filled with survival supplies and ammo. Wears denim jeans,and combat boots fitted with a bootknife scabbard. Wears kevlar gloves. No skin is showing at all.

Combat Style: Mage (support and movement),gunslinger

Combat Merits

-Teleportation (Single,Area,or Select)

-Space Walking (essentialy being able to walk on any surface...Or lack of surface,if you want [more draining])

-Akimbo FN P90's,one Armed Forces standard bayonet (kept on the front of the TacVest),one handmade shiv (kept in the boot scabbard)


-Halfway decent shot,but there's a reason he preffers automatic firearms;less aiming required.

Note: As a rule,the more tired he is,the less effective his magic is. Also,anything containing platnium and palladium react to his touch: Platnium seems to rejuvinate his stamina whilst palladium seems to prolong his stamina (Think fast-acting meds and all-day meds,respectively).

Bio: Nomad was always a paranoid man. He always prepared for disaster. And it paid off. When disaster struck,Nomad was the most prepared for anyone without access to military kit. He even stole the vests and gas mask during his preparations. He quickly got the bayonet after the disaster,and began to wander through the wake of this invasion,scavenging what he could. 9mm ammo was always a boon for him,as it fed his guns. Hydrogen fuel cells,as well,were smiled upon,as they woke him up with their platium. Watches,Nomad found,also kept him awake for great periods of time,but they died very quickly whenever he wore them.

Eventually,he found a group of people,moving with a purpose. They seemed like they were moving to combat these invaders. So,he approached them... (Ryn! You determine which group I start with!)

*This is the mask:

**This is the TacVest
Name: Shikla

Age: 22


Battle Style: Mage.

Skill list:

Fore dreaming: Rarely happens but sometimes she will dream about things that will happen in the future and therefore she can manipulate them.

Doodle power (yes I said doodle power): Whatever she draws becomes a reality, this can be used as either a defensive or offensive skill. She can draw something that will happen far into the future or something immediate. Often the things happen in the future are things she has foreseen and then drawn out.

Dark corridor: cannot summon the Dark Corridor for an extended period of time. In fact, she can hardly summon it all. Even when she can, she can only travel as far as perhaps the next room over or a few feet. It takes an enormous amount of effort for her to do even this and will leave her very drained.

Bio: A fiery gal she tends to be quick to act first think later. Being fairly young when the unorium became the norm it was what she was used to. When the swarm broke out she really began to rebel. Completely disagreeing the the IDS’s morals she tried to fight as best she could on her own. Of course this didnt last very long. The IDS now holds her captive for treason and is awaiting a sentence.

Other: She is Tiel "Shade" lazarus’s sister.
Name:rom alia



View attachment 643

Battle Style: marksmen and hand to hand combat

Skill list: advanced combat training, parkour, stays calm in high pressure situations, (if thats even a skill?)and explosives training

Bio: rom lived outside of the forts for most of his life taking care of his sister and brother anyway he could. he began working for a small resistance group that fought the forts for not letting everyone into them. a few years ago a massive group of swarm attacked the colony that his siblings where staying it. he hated the swarm and wanted them wiped out at any cost so he joined the military thinking they would be his best chance of destroying the hives and avenging his sister and brother
Love it, all of them :3 All approved. If you need a point of entry, collaborate with me and the other members already in :P
Age: kyu

Battle Style: mele weapons blade sword gun

Skill list: Shockwave Buddha,The Hua Cut,The Tiao Cut,backward blade throw, point blank kill,silence strike

Bio: kyu is a half demon boy from a small clan his parents passed away he was next in his clan to be giving the mark of the demons eye once the ritual was over he was to leave the village and find the life of ten life's once he found this he was to return to his village he found it but when he came back to his clan everyone of his clan members where killed he swore to find whoever did it and take vengeance on them

Name: Calypso Sabell

Age: 22


Battle Style: Fighter. Uses a sword for most of her fighting.

Skill List: Sword fighting is her forte, and is very light on her feet, despite the unfinished suit of armor she wears.

Bio: Calypso lived with her father and pet dog, content with her quiet little life. Being a knight was only a silly dream then. When the swarms came, her dad and dog went missing when trying to contact someone that could help them. Since then, she wasn't as nearly as friendly (or social, rather) as she used to be, always holed up in her room, working on that suit of armor. When she does go out though, she's only practicing her sword skills or buying food.
Is it too late to join? Q__Q

Name: Unknown (classified information)

Codename: Archangel

Age: 24

Description:,cPRfA&nmid=237411305 face. clothes. sometimes he wear this longcoat instead.

Battle Style: mainly a Marksman but can act as different roles like Recon and support.

Skill list:

Projection -

He is capable of recording all information regarding physical constitution, supernatural properties and even history of any manner of ancient weapon merely by glancing upon them, and then materialize an astonishingly precise copy. The copies not only possess the same magical and conceptual traits as the originals, but they also retain the memories of the weapons, enabling Archangel to read into these records and download any skills or techniques these armaments might have been employed for. His method is not without limitations though, as weapons traced are lowered in power and it is not possible to replicate artifacts composed of substances not existent in this world.

Reinforcement -

The art of temporarily strengthening the construction of objects through the understanding of their nature and perfection of defects in their structure through projection, enhancing the fundamental properties of the target, such as an armor’s resistance or the sharpness of a blade. One of the most difficult employments of this craft is the reinforcement of living beings, as insertion of magic energy in other live organisms is a complex process and any mistake in the procedure is perceived as an invasion and subsequently rejected. Archangel employs this method on himself to enhance his physical performance, particularly in his eyesight, granting him such precise vision that it approaches a limited form of clairvoyance.


Not much is known about Archangel as most of the information about him is classified. He is in fact a product of super-soldier experiments and is one of a kind. He destroyed the facility that turned him into what he is and escaped. He sought refuge with the IDS and since there was a risk that came along with him, the higher-ups of the IDS opted to keep info about him classified. He's part of an IDS advance recon team which were assigned to find Mothers and if possible, eliminate them.

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