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Re: jobs

I want to be able to prescribe meds psych-iatry it is
I believe that that takes around 6 years of uni, and I'm not sure how many of traineeship (I think it's two).

Hate to be a pain, but regardless of which of those you choose, you're going to have to sit the STATs (as I believe they're called in America) or an equivalent certificate.

Unfortunately, this will require a certain amount of schooling.

Australia has a whole bunch of non-high-school options (such as adult education) for articulating to Uni, and I'd be suprised if you weren't able to find a way of doing this stuff without having to deal with immature brats.

Basically, it's going to be a bit of work, but you can do it. There's all sorts of equity scholarships that'll pay your way through Uni if you make it there, and you'd probably be able to make a substantial contribution to the body of knowledge in psych.

TSA's issue you know the profile of a serial killer includes extream antisocial behavior and I am very antisocail if you don't fit into my group of exceptable people he dosn't because I think he is rude
kakitashinsumi said:
Seriously though, I know a few people who would love to examine your brain based soley on what I have just read about you.
Wait, you believe everything you read on the internet???

Now I know why you use Internet Explorer.

You really need to develop a healthy case of cynicism.

...and yes, it's vaguely criticism. I do it 'cause I'm a brat.
Post subject

I'm a cynic but I'm open to weirdness when I read sometimes I demand prof or go looking for it my self I do exspect people to take some of my claimes with a grain of salt if it wasn't me saying them I would
Re: d

TSA's issue you know the profile of a serial killer includes extream antisocial behavior and I am very antisocail if you don't fit into my group of exceptable people he dosn't because I think he is rude
Most individuals with ASP have some form of protocol (rules) for their behaviour. TSJ's protocols were set mostly to military modes, and so basically he had to determine rank for those around him.

I personally believe that TSJ was one of the reasons why EC1 survived so long as an unmodded community, and which there was a sense of community that allowed the transition between 1 & Redux so fast. It was something like 140 users in 7 days, wasn't it Still?

We had TSJ (and Joe to an extent) acting as an internal policeman, Haku as Token Softie, Still searching for new directions, and most of the rest of us in the background performing other roles. Still haven't managed to pin Where Jakk fit though - basically most people looked up to him for his Exalted Future conversion.

Anyways - I gotta head. May do some more stuff on this later, if people are interested.

I always thought he was a shithead and wanted to hunt him down and beat some maners into him hell he said I couldn't handle his attitude and thats why I didn't like him I responded with "I find you amusing do to things you claim you must be around 40 but once you are backed into a corner you act like a 5 year old" the he sid I must be punk kid around 15 or 16 I was 23 or 24 at the time I find him completly unexceptable and if I lost all self control he fitts what I know my mo would be I/m so glad I learned honor helps me control myself
My last post

that was not a threat on anybody just relized it could be misconsrtude that way desire and willingness are not the same thing
another reson I stopped hurting small animals is due to one of my few rules that is not based on if I get caught my life will suck, I think because I was bullyed due to being sort as hell I developed the rule torturing things smaller than I was wrong
As far as I know, TSJ claimed to have been a linguist for the Marines. Not the Army. At no time on the EC did TSJ ever claim to be anything else but a jarhead.  

He is also, as far as I know, now teaching while finishing school in Florida.

TSJ had his moments of rudeness, but I do think that most of them were provoked in some fashion.  He did like to play with folks a little, but a good amount of what TSJ did was teasing.  Teasing to a former Marine, that is.  Given that my father spent a good amount of time as a trainer and as a DI, it rarely bothered me all that much.  There were a few times that TSJ and I went at it because either A) I missed an earlier post that would have clarified his position; B) He was playing Devil's Advocate, and was being a bit disengenious with his reasonings, but in general, I could respect the man.  He did have a good heart, albeit wrapped around a Marine's heart.

I don't think that Haku is a token anything. Haku is probably the sweetest poster we have here. Always helpful, always good natured.  I owe Haku a lot of beers at this point, and if I'm ever in BC, he's going to collect. It might take a few days, or one good night with stomach pump and an ambulance trip for him to finish.

Me, I don't really think I've got a role. I post here to either share ideas, develop them for my own games, take in new ideas, or share and comment about the oddities of our geekly obsession.  Just another fella who posts here. I just leave a window open here when I'm writing, and check in from time to time, just like Fark.

To be honest--the old EC didn't need policemen.  The flambaue did generate hits, and that can translate to income for a site, but it can also drive traffic away.  Not that I'm a big fan of the moderated forums of WW or, because they're filled with idiots who need babysitting.  TSJ and Little Joe were trolls who found a niche, and they enjoyed the role as Trolls in Residence.  They could both be very helpful, and contributed some good material, but it built an insular reputation that the Redux is still shaking off.  

The new community is more welcoming. It is more helpful.  It is a kinder, gentler EC, and while it may not be quite as lively, I don't think that's entirely a bad thing.  

Yes, we can disagree, and I do like the fact that the forums are pretty much unmoderated, and don't really need much upkeep, but that's in part because the community has been pretty respectful of each other.  All amongst consenting adults.

I'd rather see that continue.  Because if it does, we can see the site blossom into something of its own.  Not a clone of the old EC. Not a shadow of the WW nets. But a site that is our own. And we all contribute towards that. That the site still has had a few snippy bits here and there, and hasn't spilled into "U R TeH SuXX0R5!" or a lot of nasty posts is something to be said for the community as a whole.  

I like most of the folks here.  I even have some fondness for Little Joe, who I still have hope for, now that he's returned from his WoW adventures--at least I'm assuming that's what has been eating up a lot of his time, knowing the vast sink of time that the game has put into so many other lives.

I don't think we need roles here. We just need to be respectful of each other, and keep either posting up ideas to either comment on, share, or critigue honestly.  Honesty doesn't mean that you have to be particularly nasty about it, and I give mad props up to all the folks who post here for being good about that. Y'all are doing a bang up job of being decent and smart.  Much better content than the Wiki, much better conversation than the WW forums, and no where near the Idiots' Index that seems to draw in.
ashenphoenix said:
kakitashinsumi said:
Seriously though, I know a few people who would love to examine your brain based soley on what I have just read about you.
Wait, you believe everything you read on the internet???

Now I know why you use Internet Explorer.

You really need to develop a healthy case of cynicism.

...and yes, it's vaguely criticism. I do it 'cause I'm a brat.
Wait, take your own damn advice.  It would not benefit you in the slightest to assume anything about me because I have posted something, unless you are as naive as this paints me to be.

How's that for cynicism.   :twisted:

BTW What's it to you that I should use I.E.?  Do you garner commission by converting people to your perfered browser?
You mean there's stuff on the Inteweb that isn't true?

I for one am shocked, shocked an appalled.  I am going to write the Flying Spaghetti Monster and see if I can get His Noodly Appendage to fling these cretins off the face of planet, Hallowed be the Sauce, Divine is the Cheese.

As for the browser thing--yes, he gets a commission.  Soon, he'll be able to afford a trip to Jamaica, if he just gets a few more box tops. Won't you please help?
Re: d

ashenphoenix said:
It was something like 140 users in 7 days, wasn't it Still?
Something like that. Anyone who wants a solid number can dig through the old posts on the Project forum.

On the subject, the ECR is less than 9 days away from it's 6 month mark. We've already broken 400 users, and I have no doubt that we'll surpass 9,000 posts by the 16th.

In all that, I think I can count the flamewars on one hand, and the spamming on zero. Not a bad track record.

Come on more questions about my weirdness  :lol:

O and because most Marines are shitheads that means we should just put up with it bull shit   :x

O if I offend anyone let me know I tend to start ranting and not notice
In a way, yes we should.  Or rather, we should attempt to understand why folks act in certain paths.

That TSJ was a Marine explains a lot about how he intereacts with folks. In part because of his inclinations, in part because of the training.  That we've asked him to become that, and he accepted it, explains a great deal.

That Little Joe is a philosophy major from a privileged existance explains a lot about him.  You can take a certain amount of his crap with a grain of salt.

That I bounce on occasion and have that pesky Education degree explains in part my long-windedness--I'd rather talk thing out than roll out swinging.

We put folks' actions into context.  What is not acceptable for some folks becomes at least understandable.  Doesn't make them any better or worse, but knowing where they're coming from at least puts us on even footing to know why they're doing it, and we can either choose to exacerbate the situation, or try to diffuse it.

As for your ranting...that was about a page ago, but so'kay.  You were on a roll, and it's been at least amusing.   :D
TSJ and I have also had our arguements, but that might have been from professional pride.  I was a sailor and he was a marine.  If you don't know why that is a reason to fight then it would take too long to explain it to you.  

While I agree, in retrospect, that there was no need for thought police on the old site there were times in which I wish we could have tracked down some of the trolls and cracked some heads. :twisted:

All in all, this site is a little better organized than the old one.  There is only so much that one graduate student could do by themselves after all.  With the new system, at least it takes less than six monthes to get problems solved.
I was a sailor and he was a marine.  If you don't know why that is a reason to fight then it would take too long to explain it to you.
I have a funny story about that:

When I was 18, I started getting phone calls constantly from recruiters.

One day I got a call from the Marines. I said no, and the recruiter kept pressing, so I just said, "I'm gay". He quickly said, "Ok, thank you." and hung up.

About 10 minutes later I got a call from the Navy recruiter. He sounded really excited, and told me that he had gotten my number from the Marine recruiter. The guy told him I couldn't wait to join the Navy.

How about where I come from I'm a borderline sciopath - it means very few morals and little to know respect for life. I am extremly antisocial but I know what decorum is, in my world view it is better to just kill most poeple rather than look at them but, decorum dictats that you don't do that so I have played Vampire serial killers in the WoD to feed my aggression without doing anything really stupid. Decorum also states that you be nice to people I throw that rule out after they piss me off honor thing do unto others as they do unto you. So if I can play nice with a mind state that puts most of the US into my MO why the hell can't he?
it helps me control my problem making myself be nice and all keeps me from being a shit head I'm by-polar too I have a hole mess of problems and part of my MO is against shitheads I hafe to fallow my own rules if I don't well that would be bad
If it's any consolation at all, I had to fend off several attempts to get me to re-up, before I turned 36.  After the whole anyuerism thang I'm in the clear for it, but it took some time to convince the boys down at the recruitment office.
Well, Midget, I'm sorry to say that if you've been searching for a place to talk about Exalted where everyone is a goodie-goodie, then the Compendium is probably not the best place.  I mean, seriously, in every other Exalted forum I've been to, thr EC, both old and new (but mostly old), has a reputation for having the most hardass and in your face denizens.

I understand your condition, but that isn't going to change anyone else around here.  I've been posting this way for over a year and a half, and a hell of a lot of the people on this forum have been doing it for more.

But anyway, my point is that a lot of people have tried to change the EC.  It's futile.  Just enjoy the insanity.

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