The Sun's Rest


Founder of Flame
phenixrider submitted a new role play. @phenixrider, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Appearance (picture or detailed description):


Name:Edward Jack




Personality:Take-charge guy. He likes to be in control and have a feeling of power. He never slips when it comes to protecting others. Although he is full of himself he will give his life for another person.

Appearance:He wears a red tank top with dark jeans. He wears sneakers that make it easier to run. He has a very defined face with a few scars. He has scarred knuckles from getting in fights pre-dark. He has sharp green eyes that match with his messy blonde hair.

Weapon:He uses a switchblade a lot but will reside on debris or broken things near him as weapons. He almost never uses his pistol in order to preserve ammo.

Bio:Before the Eternal Dark he was a police officer and an aggressive one at that. He loved doing the good cop-bad cop bit with his partner (he was the bad cop). But if anyone was in danger he would fight to the death to save them. After the Sun blinked out he started searching for other people to form a sort of militia. 
Any person you are fighting is controlled by you unless it is another person. You can only kill someone else if they give consent. If one of your characters die delete his/her character sheet and you can make another one as long as it isn't the same person.
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Name: Skylar Genevieve Smith

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Species (human or Dark-Crawler): Human

Personality: A very athletic, fast runner, kind-hearted but usually mean. She's very rough and aggressive and not those types of girls who likes to paint their nails and all that stuff. She likes to hunt and fight violently.

Appearance: Skylar has brown eyes and blondish/brownish hair. She likes to wear tank tops, camouflage pants and her camouflage jacket around her waist. The only shoes she's been wearing are combat boots. Her hair is always up in a ponytail and its straight. She has a fit combat body since she does a lot of body-building workouts.

Weapon: Bow and Arrow and sometimes uses her AK-47 gun.

Bio: Sky and her dad use to go hunting every Saturday and Sunday when she was 11-16. When she was in high-school she didn't have many friends that are girls, because she was kind of a tom boy. Her friends were usually boys and she was captain in soccer, cheer-leading, and basketball. She was even in the boys football team! Her dad told her that her mom was very athletic as well but she passed away when she was 8 months old. Skylar was also very smart. When she was 17, she applied for the military and fought in Afghanistan.
Name: Elias "Eli" Cullerman

Gender: Male

Age: 47

Species (human or Dark-Crawler): Human

Personality: Laid Back, Sarcastic, Friendly, Always able to try looking at all sides of a flipped coin, at least while its still in the air.

Appearance (picture or detailed description): Eli is 5'4" barrel chested and has a grizzled white beard and a military cut to match, despite his age he is muscular and very agile, his face has several scars across his right eye, which always seems to squint just slightly, and his arms and hands are covered in nicks and scars. His right arm has an old tattoo on the bicep that reads Lamina Nullatenus Moriendum (Death By The Blade or Not At all) , above which is a skull with a blade rammed through it.

Weapon: A long handled bearded tungsten titanium alloy war axe with three spikes on its back side and a spike on its crown, the pommel stone has a ruby set into it, it looks very old, but it's edge is flawless. He carries a Khukuri of the same metal as his axe with a high tensile cord fixed to its handle for throwing and a hand grenade around his neck on a cord run through the pin hole for that big finish.

Bio: Eli was brought up by a family of odd traditions, he learned the blade from an early age, and was given a choice, the sword, or the axe, as one of them was to lead the family. He took up the axe he holds to this day, forged for him by his grandfather. He enrolled in the military at 18 and served several tours with the marines and the air force before he was honorably discharged, afterwards he worked as a "security consultant." That was before the sun went out, When it did, his family was gone before he could get home to learn their fate, but not a man to be diminished by loss, he went back to his old job as a "Security Consultant."
Name: Benjamin Orion Young

Gender: Male

Age: 23 (Might need to change this depending on how long after the Eternal Dark you are RPing)

Species: Human

Personality: Awkward, childish, distant. Not aggressive unless threatened. Unable to properly empathize with others.

Appearance: Benjamin is 6'1". He is scrawny and wears a very worn and dirty tank top and black jeans. He has black leather boots that he does not always wear (when he is trying not to stay hidden mostly). He has very pale skin but appears very dirty having never cleaned himself since the Eternal Dark. His pupils are permanently dilated after not seeing any light for many years.

Weapon: Not being with other groups of humans Benjamin does not have many resources and usually combines what he had with him when he left his house with whatever he can find in the caves he explores (sometimes passing by abandoned camps) to make weapons. These include but are not limited to: Thumbtacks laced with poison (used as traps or attached to other items like rubber bands so he can wear them on his fists), makeshift slingshot (needs to be replaced periodically as the stick he uses might break occasionally, not the most accurate due to the nature of the materials he finds, uses whatever he finds as ammo)

Bio: Benjamin was diagnosed with Aspergers at a young age. He did not quite agree with the psychiatrist believing himself to be perfectly normal. He was 14 when the Eternal Dark came. His parents packed up as many things as they could and drove as fast as they could to the nearest government run heat sanctuary. They did not make it. Another panicking driver crashed into their car. An old man saw the whole thing happen and found Benjamin's body still alive. He painstakingly dragged his body back to his group who were taking refuge in a cave that was part of a geothermal area. The group became angry at the him for bringing an extra mouth to feed and exiled him deeper into the cave. His age finally got the better of him and he died before Benjamin awoke. When Benjamin saw the old man's body next to him he looked at it puzzled. He was neither scared nor saddened, being able to accept harsh realities rather easily and never having been taught the way most people would react to these situations. Understanding that he would be on his own he explored the caves with what little he had in his backpack and made a small shelter for himself in a location he thought was suitable. He ran into others taking refuge in the geothermal areas and had found the cave. Usually they were hostile, but Benjamin was already naturally wary of people and surprisingly resourceful. He killed them without remorse, but he never started his attacks. This was not an act of honor, instead it was something his parents taught him before the Eternal Dark. That harming the innocent is wrong. Thoughtlessly following whatever his parents told him it held him back even after they died in the crash.
At this point I made the choice that all Dark-Crawlers are NPC and are controlled by you in battle. No need to include species as a character sheet selection. If you would like to be a Dark-Crawler PM me the character sheet.
Name: Ashley Stephens

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Personality: Defensive, Sarcastic, Pessimistic, Observant, and some times annoying. More of the act first ask later type


Weapon: Machete, Wooden Louisville Slugger bat, and 9mm

Bio: Back before the Eternal Dark everyone in her family was a professional in their own right. Her father was a pro-football wide receiver, her mother was a orthopedic surgeon, and her older brother was a pro-boxer. She admired them all and wanted to grow up to be just like them. She started off with gymnastics at 4, then moved on to soccer, before getting into mixed martial arts. Smarts was something she got from her mother and because at one point she had considered being a doctor she had studied up on the anatomy of the human body, which really came in handy when she decided to do MMA. The day of the Eternal Dark still haunts her...she had been hanging out with her older brother and his friends at the time when all hell broke loose. Her older brother managed to keep her safe for the most part as the group traversed from place to place, but the other guys in the group proved to be way more malicious than either her or her brother thought possible. They had almost reverted to acting like Vikings and every other group they came across became a target to their malevolence, granted they were able to get supplies and food, but her brother didn't like like and could see how disturbed she was by their behavior. After a while of staying together and not coming across any more humans, her brother, as well as she, knew what was going to eventually happen, and knew they need to make an escape plan. That night tho proved to be a major turning point as she woke to the sounds of a scuffle to find her brother attacking on of their own who had try to come for her in her sleep. He yelled for her to run but she attempted to stay and fight and although she was able to take 1 down, there were still 5 to go. Outnumbered and out classed she had only 1 option left to her, run! The last image she has of her brother is him screaming at her to get out of there as he stood, blood-soaked over to former friends, with his hand around another's neck and about to be bludgeoned from behind.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/fighter.jpg.14b0a5ef79a35e80124d2ce963110463.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18249" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/fighter.jpg.14b0a5ef79a35e80124d2ce963110463.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Robbie Porter

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Personality: Quiet, friendly, loyal, determined, ambitious, aggressive if necessary

Appearance (picture or detailed description):

Robbie is 5'11", weighs 185 lbs, and has deep black hair (the picture doesn't do it justice). He tries to stay clean shaven but it isn't always easy.

Weapon: Will use a Beretta 92FS. He is also quite skilled at using XM2010 Enhanced Sniper Rifle.

Bio: Robbie was a college student, preparing for Medical School before the eternal darkness hit him. And hit him it did. His entire family, his parents, older sister, and distant relatives, were forced into the darkness. Robbie remained at his school, saddened that he couldn't save his family. Before the darkness, he used to love sports, watching movies, and hanging out with friends. Now, he is forced to defend himself because he day can lead to his death and demise. A Red belt in Tae Kwon Do, he at least knows some combat moves that can help him and his new friends. Because he took plenty of science classes in University, he also can identify any poisons or help in providing health and relief to his fellow companions.
Name: Raven

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Personality:snarky (in her head), interesting, shy and carful. She loves staying out of the center of attention.

Appearance: she is also an albino.


Weapon: sword, staff, gun, pretty much anything you give her. At the moment she is carrying a small knife, a quarter staff and a small gun that she can hide easily.

Bio: Raven was ditched on the side of the road after she was born. Because she had red eyes, her parents thought that she was some kind of devil. (They were very religious.)

She managed to eat everyday by hiding in a restaurant and being stealthy. The owner of the restaurant called her Raven because she could imitate people very well, and would practically fly away when she was caught. Other wise people just called her 'rat' or 'kid'.

Raven tends to act like she is mute because she has learned that talking only gets her in trouble.

Finally her fighting skills came come of use. She has been staying wandering around for the last 10 years.
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Name: Ichiru Naguya

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Personality: A very serious quiet person, he is never out of line unless he is in a situation where he needs to defend himself. He can take people talking down to him but if you put your hands on him you will pay the price of losing both of them.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Yakuza-1-small.png.b1e7e2ebbdeedb41bbeb91518232245b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18925" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Yakuza-1-small.png.b1e7e2ebbdeedb41bbeb91518232245b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon: Steel Katana w/ Titanium lined blade, and two custom Ithaca 1911 handguns w/ AAC-TiRant silencers

Bio: Was born into the Yakuza, but raised as their dog. He was used when things went south. They sent him in against all odds and every time he arose the victor, he knows nothing but war and hate. Pre-dark he became the head Yakuza members's top assassin and go to guy for major jobs. Right before the Eternal Dark began he was on a "Mission" to kill an American businessman who posed a threat to the Yakuza, but after he completed his mission the Eternal Darkness came. Once the Eternal Darkness arose Ichiru used both his weapon and hand-to-hand combat skills to get what he needed to get by.



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Guys, I'd just like to mention to you folks that we have been RPing for a while.

I hate it when I sign up for an RP, and by the time I go to the 'role play' section, they already rpd like 20 pgs, so I thought someone might appreciate this.
Yeah... Phenix has RL issues, I'm going... to just take a knee here and assume assist so to speak, any further App's I'll approve and disapprove, if he has issues with this later he and I will have words one way or another. 
Basically approving this because Phenix is indisposed.
Name: Birch Baudin

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Personality: Birch has a quick tongue and uses it cheekily. He has a tendency to lie, even about completely unimportant matters. He dislikes being the leader, but also has trouble following orders.

Appearance (picture or detailed description): Birch is slightly under average height, but not enough to be considered short. Unkempt brown hair is usually short enough to stay out of his vibrant green eyes. He is fit, but not incredibly muscled.

Weapon: Birch prides himself for his morality, (besides his lying of course.) and normally uses either a non-lethal tactical baton or a 5 ft Bo Staff. If necessary, he will use a silenced 9mm and aim for non-lethal immobilizing shots.

Bio: Of French descent, Birch shares his philosophical questioning with the French Philosophes of the 18th century. As a child, he had friends but was unsure of his future. The Eternal Dark came almost as a relief to him. Suddenly, he no longer had the luxury of dealing with existential crises and philosophical quandaries. He now only had to think about surviving. He has never killed. Always finding a way escape danger without death, but he fears that his luck will end, and he will have to kill to survive. He gained enormous experience with blunt weapons, becoming a skilled melee fighter. After the deaths of his friends to Dark-Crawlers, he has traveled alone, refusing to become invested in anyone or any place.
@Birch, Accepted, I'd say read through the play and find a place to hop in when it seems appropriate.
Name: Alexis Cartier Keileigh

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Species (human or Dark-Crawler): Human

Personality: A very athletic, fast runner, kind-hearted but usually extremely flirtatious. Shes cunning, sly and able to lure others into her protective web.

Appearance: Alexis has light brown hair and soft coloured eyes. She has a petite frame and immense speed.

Knives, Handgun

Alexis had a typical childhood in which she went to her local public school and high school. She studied foreign languages by herself. She has a degree in medicine from the University of Colorado.
Feel free to find a place to enter into the play, please read the play leading up to the current events. I would suggest planning your entry carefully.

You could be nearby, witnessing our characters, or you could show up after the events that are about to take place. Just be careful is all I suggest.

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