The Summer Beach [Inactive]

Jess swam out and looked around. "Allison?" She called out. She dove and saw Allison stuck in a downwave. Her lifeguard training kicked in, and she saw out, careful not to get caught in the wave. She wrapped her arms around Allison and pulled her back to the surface. 
Jess swam out and looked around. "Allison?" She called out. She dove and saw Allison stuck in a downwave. Her lifeguard training kicked in, and she saw out, careful not to get caught in the wave. She wrapped her arms around Allison and pulled her back to the surface.
She took a breath, "The waves took me under." She coughed again. "I swam to far out." She hugged her knees thinking of when her older brother died because if the ice drift that hit him while he was swimming. "I should be fine."
Jess coughed and fell to the ground. She was breathing heavily. "Way to much work for one day." She said. "You ok Jessica?" Jon asked
Serena looked out from her surfboard. "looks like someone got pulled in"

"Looks like it" Derek looked at the sea.
Although Skyla already had a big smile on her face, Dominic's smirk made her smile even more. Sky is a sucker for smiles. "Absolutely!" she assured him, upon releasing hands. "Technically you could say I am from here," she replied as he sat down next to her in the sand. She pushed her sunglasses on top of her head, revealing striking blue eyes. "I was born in a hospital here in L.A., but I have always lived in a neighboring town. It's really small, so I did attend an L.A. high school, where I met my boyfriend," and as she finished that last sentence, her eyes went from Dominic to the ocean, searching for her man who was surfing. "His name is Cameron," she said, focusing her attention back on Dominic. "He's surfing. So what about you?" she asked him, with a look of sincere curiosity on her face.
Dom's smile was literally plastered on his face as he listened to Skyla tell him about where she lived. He had opened his mouth to say something, but then Skyla mentioned her boyfriend. Dominic tried to hide the dissapointment that he felt when she had told him about her boyfriend. After snapping out of his trance, he began t answer Skyla's question. "I grew up about three blocks away from here, so I've been here for all my life." He explained with a soft smirk, "You see that pile of sand?" He asked, "That's my girlfriend because I'm practically dating the beach." Dominic explained with a chuckle.
As Sky's attention began to focus back on Dominic as she was talking, she did notice a change in his smile. It seemed to have dropped a bit, and if it wasn't a random thought that threw him off, it was definitely the boyfriend she mentioned that had. She absolutely felt a little bad, and was about to say something about it, but he seemed to brush it off so easy and move on with the flow of the conversation that she didn't want to ruin it.

When he explained that he had always lived here, she grew a little curious and confused as to how they are just now meeting. Her eyes darted to some random bit of sand he vaguely mentioned and then back to him. As he joked about dating the beach, her eyes grew bigger and brighter, her head tilted back and she let out a full-blown, down deep laugh. "That is too funny!" she exclaimed, trying to calm her laugh down. As she started to practice breathing exercises because she always forgets how to breath with those kinds of laughs, and just to relax her chest, she smiled. "If we have both been in this great ole city for all these years, how come we have never met before?" she asked, a serious question in her beautiful blue eyes.

Cameron had heard the familiar sound of his girlfriend's deep hearted laughter and decided he had caught enough waves for the time being. Her laugh was almost like a calling for him, and as he headed back to the shore, his stomach growled. Definitely gotta get back and fed us, plus she has the money, haha, he thought to himself. When he was just getting out of the water and walking up to his girl, he noticed a guy sitting beside her. Automatically, his somewhat possessive instincts kicked in and he quickly assessed this kid sitting next to her. The kid looked young enough for the word "cute" or "adorable" to be applied, but was obviously at least a teenager. Maybe 16, 17? Sky's age, eh, maybe. His own age? Definitely a stretch. Although he was in shape, he certainly wasn't on Cam's level, so he felt pretty alright with the kid. He wasn't worried.

"Hey baby," he said sweetly to Sky as he stood his surfboard in the sand next to their beach blanket. "Hi babe!" she said with a sweet smile on her face. Before anything else could be said, he quickly sat down on the blanket next to her, pulled her face to him, and kissed her. A long, probably awkward kiss for Dominic. Sky thought her boyfriend was making up for time spent not with her, but in Cam's mind he was just "marking his territory." After almost half a minute and in sync, they pulled apart. She cleared her throat, and introduced the boys. "Babe, this is Dominic. Dominic, Cameron. My boyfriend," she said with a smile, and gesturing to each guy as she said his name, or in Cam's case, nickname.
Dominic smiled, he liked her laugh. He was about to answer his question when the boyfriend Cam, came along. He looked away as they kissed, and returned his gaze as they pulled apart. "Hi." He said shortly, as he stood and brushed the sand off on his legs. Dom looked at Skyla and gave a little smile. "It was nice to meet you two." He explained as he waved and took a step forward, "I was the lifeguard." He called to her before he ran off down the beac to join a volleyball game.
"Yeah, you too. Later," Cam said shortly in response to meeting Dominic and watching him leave. Sky licked and softly bit her lips as she looked from her boyfriend to Dom. It was a nervous habit, and she could tell when Cam got there that Dom had gone from happy to just, well, gone. Something was up. "It was nice meeting you too," she called out to him, and then smiled when he answered her question. Lifeguard. Kind of made sense as to why they hadn't met, although she usually checks out the lifeguard. "Baby," Cam wanted her attention. She turned to him and he tucked some of her hair behind her ear. "Want some food?" he asked her. She smiled, "Absolutely." He insisted that he go get it for her, and after she told him what she wanted, he grabbed his wallet from her purse and left her to relax. She put her shades back on, rolled onto her stomach and rested her head so that she could have a view of the volleyball game Dom went to join. It was nice to get some sun. Sky had been so busy with school, her family, friends and boyfriend. This was the first time she had to herself.
Dominic had just finished his last set when he was substituted. He stood in the sand as he fiddled with his sunglasses. He watched the game, needing to see how the other team was setting up. Although he did catch a glance of Sklya. He only smiled but forced his attention to the game. Soon he was substituted back in as spike. He loved volleyball, especially beach volleyball.

Lauren gently placed her sunglasses on her nose and flicked her hair behind her shoulder as she began to walk towards the little concession stands. She played with the dollar bills in her hand and was eventually getting in line. Lauren got To the end of the line and stood there, yawning softly. Her eyes searched the beach, for something to entertain her while she waited for her turn.
Ali grabbed her towel and began to tan on the beach. Her feet were buried in sand, and she shook the sand off, not wanting her feet to be pale. She placed her hands behind her head, her sunglasses propped on her eyes gently. She looked around and saw people in the ocean, on the sand, and a huge crowd on the benches. She was single, so maybe this was her chance..
All the concession lines were kind of long for being at the beach, so Cameron just jumped at the back of the seemingly shorter line. He stood for a minute, looking at the menu. His babe wanted a salted pretzel and a mountain dew, but he didn't know what he wanted. That is, until he heard a soft yawn behind him and he looked back to see a longhaired blonde with a gorgeous face. Cam turned to face her and smiled, "Hello beautiful." As usual, any and all thoughts of his girlfriend of two years went out the window.
Lauren was slightly startled with a voice pointed towards her. She looked at the guy with a smirk and placed one of her hands on her hips. "Why hello." She responded with a small smile tugging at her lips. She gently pushed her hair over her headband out of her eyes as he maintained a conversation with this not so silent, yet hot admirer. "I'm Lauren." She explained playing with the dollar bills that sat in her hands.
Serena and Derek had just finished their last set of waves when Serena started to get hungry.

"Hey babe, can we get something to eat? I'm kinda hungry after all this surfing." Said Serena

Derek smiled, "Sure baby. Let's head in."

They swam to the beach, placed their boards next to their towels and headed for the concessions.
Ali got up from hertowel. "Sure, I have money if anyone needs it." She said, shaking the sand off hertanned skin.
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