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Fandom The Suicide Squad: High-Risk

Great. Question, in the comics, did Bane ever get a Power Ring? I know Scarecrow did, but did he? 
Oh man, I love the Toyman.
Nope, you can find a action figure of him with a red ring thou 
@MrM ? You know death stroke just became a current member of the New Suicide Squad would you like him already know about it sense he is a member or have it be his first time? Also I think if you want to should play slade as of hearing rumors of such a team and never knew for sure if the US had a team like this.


Amanda is not using collars but Explosive Nanites that are going through there systems. But still good post.
@MrM[/URL] ? You know death stroke just became a current member of the New Suicide Squad would you like him already know about it sense he is a member or have it be his first time? Also I think if you want to should play slade as of hearing rumors of such a team and never knew for sure if the US had a team like this.

Amanda is not using collars but Explosive Nanites that are going through there systems. But still good post.
oh sorry, so what should i do to improve it? 
I thought this was deathstroke's first time in the squad so he doesn't know anything about it
He still is kinda fresh, You can play that part anyway you want if he was a member or not but Deathstroke has been in the business for decades. He would have know of such a team at least.

The only thing Is must to change it that there is no collar but explosive nano bombs in in there body. Bane shocked because he called amanda a fat bitch in spanish
[QUOTE="Kyd Jhesus]He still is kinda fresh, You can play that part anyway you want if he was a member or not but Deathstroke has been in the business for decades. He would have know of such a team at least.
The only thing Is must to change it that there is no collar but explosive nano bombs in in there body. Bane shocked because he called amanda a fat bitch in spanish

So how should i change it?
[QUOTE="Kyd Jhesus]Just change the collar part that's all M.

But then that will effect the whole thing 
I fixed it
Oh you kids made a update? Let me read those I just had another famous nap of mine


-Fight in Gotham City Bring

-Christmas Eve

-1 days prep

-DS has his usual gear

-Bane gets 1 surge of Venom that increases all physical abilities.
Bane. While DS has his special abilities and experience, with one day preparation Bane would call in some favors. He doesn't fight fair and seems to use any manner of warfare to complete his goals.
@Kyd Jhesus

I don't know. Disregarding outside help I would assume Bane because of his raw strength, but Deathstroke is a master martial artist and has the advantage of speed and agility.
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DS could cut his cord and that would leave him without venom but even without the drug Bane is still Bane. 
@Icefox11 and @CrimsonEclipse , I don't want to introduce Waller with out you guys posting yet. Hope you guys are still alive.

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