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Fantasy The Striders of Boloforest


More toxic less flow
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
A cruel smile formed on the face of Ellsworth J Kelly as his assistant pulled open the heavy steel door letting light from his torch flood into the darkness.
"as you paid for milord, one hundred children from all across the lands"
Ellsworth felt no need to answer his servant as he cast his gaze over the many faces and bodies packed inside. Over hundred girls and boys all under the age of fourteen reside in this large cell underground.
As the noble looked over his stock he thought out loud.
"I dare say there is far more then hundred. Though the weeding process shall fix that. Only the strong will survive, the weak will remain in the forests... proceed as planned, I shall be waiting at the finish line"
"Just to make sure, that means let them go tomorrow?" A guard asked questioning the whole affair.

Ellsworth and his assistant left as quickly as they arrived. Leaving a bunch of children locked underground with very little in regards to light, food, water, cleanliness or even air flow.
The reason sick master Kelly has decided to partake in human trafficking is because he has a grand idea and the resources to see it through.

I want the very best warriors money can provide.
To that end, Ellsworth gave the order to acquire kids. Buy them adopt them steal them whatever...
Each of them with magic unique to them and they would be molded into the perfect soldiers. Ellsworth believed he had to start them off young.

A night passed before that door was opened again, armed guards began escorting groups of fifty out at a time. Up out the cold dark of the underground tunnels into the lands of danger, Boloforest- Carnageflora.
A terrifying location, but more chilling was what came next.
Each child had a choice in a weapon before being given a flask of water and being told...

"head south if you want to survive, Terrorgors of all sort call Carnageflora it's home... master Kelly will provide safe passage to civilization if you make it to his campsite located south. It's outside the forests"

Terrorgor, a animal or monster that's somehow gained power beyond its means. Much larger and stronger then compared to a normal version of the same species. Most think a terrorgor is a creature inwhich a demon has taken residence, others believe them to be nature.
Though a pirate locked up in the kingdom of Velva claims they are man made, created with the power of a staff made long ago.
Man made or not isn't a topic for now, seeing as everyone outside the tunnels can see what appears to be a living trees hungry for flesh and a terrorgor spider stomping close...

If you join this rp you are one of the kids cast into the wilds or soon to be, you will play your daring escape to survival in game and proceed where that takes you but time skips to teenage/adult years will happen somewhat quickly after the "Carnageflora escape arc"
Without spoiling the story. Choices made in the rp will set the players to either face off or join forces.

As it's a group rp all players will interact in some way or another.
Put bluntly no matter how....
sexy, or tough your character grows up to be, they will be apart of a team and they only have two choices in who they get quests from.

The Resistance forces.
The Kingdom of Velva.
You can probably spot cliches or arcs coming and yay you if you can.
I'm not sure how many players would suit this so I'm going to keep it open until it becomes bullshit to manage.
While most of my rp's are "casual" or not to "serious" this one is aiming to be more strict while still allowing some lols or light comedy.
Like always magic in my rp's is the soft kind. Think quirks or bending. Everyone has one, most people have something different to the next person.
Bob shoots fire,
Sally can levitate,
Bluh bergh bah buh ber.

Lemme know here if you care or not.

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