The Stewarts (rebooted- accepting new characters)

Jeremy's hands are still tight around the steering wheel as he drops his sisters off, and try as he might to shift his attention entirely to the road, he cannot seem to stop himself from replaying in his mind what has just occurred with his sisters. Maddy repeating Juliette's obscene word in regards to Regina, Juliette still pouting, both wanting to continue to discuss the matter, to his intense discomfort. He was not about to explain the word to Maddy, nor to let Juliette, but what if Maddy proceeded to ask Regina later? That was just begging for trouble. And as for Juliette's challenge...well, she was right, Jeremy did think their sister behaved like a whore, and had said as much to her face many times when the younger girls were not within earshot. But how could he admit to that in front of Juliette, who was only fifteen, after all?

As he pulled into the parking lot of the Ledford Blood Donation Services, he cast a hurried glance at his watch and saw that he had two minutes before he would officially be late. Jeremy nearly sprinted into the office, aware as he entered that he must look somewhat disheveled and worried, but nevertheless took the time to give a breathless greeting and smile to Ellen, the young new coworker he passed. She always smelled so good to him it was difficult to walk by and keep his hands- and his fangs- to himself.

It made it that much harder to come home to the twins and their sticky fingers with each other.


Inside the closet Regina shoved back the bucket, several mops and brooms, and another unidentifiable object with her foot, smashing it as close to the wall as he could, but still their position with each other was awkward, and it was difficult to make a move without something poking them somewhere. Still she manages to make moves, all right, with considerable creativity and skill at adaptation considering the circumstances.

"We have five minutes...and I bet we can find good use for every one of them," she breathes into Riley's ear as she continues to kiss him exactly how she knows he will most enjoy, eyes closed, breathing rapid as she shifts herself still closer.


Rikarah gets through the rest of the class with little extension of effort on her part any longer, mechanically taking notes and listening in such a way that she hears and comprehends, but is not really focusing. She is watching Lucas instead, noting every mannerism she can, for they may be of use to her in the future.

She hears his comment about an internship, and she considers the offer, seeing it as another opportunity to further observe and learn of him as needed, to get closer to him if necessary. But in the end she walks on, deciding that if she is to subject herself to such misery, she will first exhaust other options. And besides, she needs to go to work at the cafeteria, which means she needs to change her clothing.

"I will see you later, Tegan, perhaps we can go for coffee or something of the sort soon," she says to the other girl, giving her a warm smile and wave as she continues on her way. In the restroom outside the cafeteria Rikarah changes quickly and pulls back her hair before entering the cafeteria and slipping behind the counters. Although it is now early afternoon and more students are trickling inside, it seems that the staff is short.

Rikarah thinks nothing of it; it is common for student workers to skip out on work. However, as she passes one of the cleaning closets, a noise from within catches her attention. Was that something like a groan, or a moan?

She pauses, then, remembering who happens to be on the schedule to work with her that afternoon...Regina Stewart, who Rikarah is rather certain would have no qualms about pulling another student into the closet.

It is not Rikarah's business, and it certainly isn't her concern what Regina or any other person might be doing in that closet. She knows that very well. Still, her curious nature gets the best of her, as well as her own irritation. Why should someone else avoid work by hiding in closets?

She opens the door with one swift motion, revealing, as she had expected, the long form of the black-haired Regina, sprawled across another figure, arm tight around his waist, face inches from his. Rikarah steps back, hardly surprised- that is, until she sees the face of the boy with her.

Riley...Riley STEWART. Regina's twin, Regina's what in the world, how could it be that she...

"Riley, you goof, get off me," Regina laughed aloud, shoving lightly at her brother's chest, and when she looks up at Rikarah, she does not look flustered at all; if anything, her expression is mocking of Rikarah as she blatantly looked her in the eyes and lied to her face. "Hey Riki, can you use some of that fairy queen charm of yours to get this heavy loser off me? I go in the closet to get a broom and he comes up behind me, trips, knocks us both in AND manages to get the door shut behind us. Thanks for letting us out, I think it was jammed or something. Such a doofus...can you believe this guy shares blood with me?" she laughs, one hand still on Riley's chest, but Rikarah notices the light affection in the touch, the way Regina slides her eyes up to Riley, as if sharing a private joke.

The story is blatantly ridiculous and see through in its lie, but Rikarah does not challenge her. It is not the first time she has witnessed something odd between the two, just the most blatant, and she has never trusted Regina Stewart and the slippery way of her words.

"He is not supposed to be back here, he is not an employee," she says instead before walking away, not wiling to stand there any longer and take in the girl's lies, nor those of her brother.

(was thinking she'd find Lucas about an internship after finding the twins)
Bobby rolled his eyes as he thought of his own little brother. "Yeah. I swear the little dweeb is such a pain in the a**. Always study study study. No wonder he's getting nowhere with his stupid little crush." Bobby knew of his brother's feelings for the youngest Stewart since Leo was always asking him for advice. But he had no idea that those feelings were mutual. Somehow he couldn't see his geek brother crossing the gap between them due to Maddy's little bit of popularity from what he could tell. "But Maddy's already acting like some teenage girl? Before you know it, she'll probably grow up like you." Over dramatic and kind of spazzy he thought though he didn't voice it.

He heard the warning bell but didn't bother moving. He already ate at home. "Caroline? Nope, haven't seen her yet. But then again, I just got here." He remembered Jule's and Carrie's little fight yesterday. It was a stupid fight over a stupid reason. Seriously, why did they make such a big fuss over Justin Bieber? He hated the prepubescent little girl as much as any hater but still, it was hardly something to get so worked up over. He had to admit though, Carrie was getting pretty annoying with her constant ramblings. Not that he could ever say it to her face. He had a position to keep and that meant treading lightly. "Why? You looking for her?"
Riley chuckled as Regina pushed things around, trying to get them out of the way. He had to admit the space was cramped and awkward but he didn't care because he was with her. Curling a finger around a waft of her hair he pulls some in light tease, his mind already telling him a handful of things he could do to her in five minutes. He no sooner lets go when there is a light breeze and showing of light. His attention turns from that of Regina to the one opening the closet door. It's Rikarah. Offering a smile, Riley played along with his sister's ruse while obliviously being caught.

Don't act all cool and calm now, you know I scared the shit out of you” his playful grin appears as he turns to his most beloved sister. “Thanks ever so much for helping us out” he manages to say just as Rikarah turns and walks away. Once she is out of earshot his expression changes. “So five minutes?” The challenge is evident in how he speaks and the mischief in his eyes.

“I think that's the job of all younger siblings. If they're not annoying the f*** outta you then they're not doing their job.” she nodded when he spoke about the crush. It was quite obvious the two had it bad for each other, and it was almost painfully obvious that the two had no clue as what to do with it. Still it was somewhat fun watching the two stumble around each other. “Oh yeah, it's kinda scary. Though to be honest I think she may end up like our other sister...”Juliette winced at the idea of two Regina's around. No she would have to make sure Maddy didn't turn out that way. It was bad enough with just the one around.

Juliette's face reddened. “To be honest I'm trying to avoid her. If I have to hear one more time about how that wannabe artist is the coolest thing... I just might have to get violent” truer words hadn't been spoken, Juliette was on edge with Caroline. The girl always found a way to get under her skin and make Juliette upset. When Juliette got too upset, blood was spilt. Still she brushed it off like she was kidding, after all she couldn't go around telling others she had a violent nature. She didn't want to be forced to go to another shrink.
Five minutes...and Rikarah's back is turned. The other girl doesn't seem to care what she had walked in on, and knowing Rikarah, she didn't. The girl seemed to Regina to be more of a work machine robot than a person, always intent on doing her job without exchanging much in the way of conversation with Regina. Since Regina was one of the few other females who worked with her, Regina could easily interpret that...the girl probably felt threatened by her in some way. She should. Regina was at least six inches taller and in her own opinion, at least, considerably more fun for people to look at. That Riki girl- who of course, was uptight about Regina calling her Riki too- was practically the size of a kid. Regina would be surprised if she'd ever even had a boyfriend, let alone a comparable closet endeavor. Regina couldn't blame her if she was jealous, but the way she went about it, the way she talked like she was way smarter than Regina, just because she talked practically as dictionary-ized as Zane...the way she managed to look down at her even from her considerably shorter, Regina was not fond of her.

Especially since she had noticed her eyeing Riley, a time or two. Now that was a scenario that was just NOT going to happen.

She is tempted to simply shut the closet door, Rikarah and her silent judgment be damned, but she sighed, then got to her feet reluctantly, extending a hand for Riley to stand as well. "Later...I'll make you glad you waited."

She looks over her shoulder casually before kissing him again, then sends him off with a hard pop to his backside, eyes glinting with her amusement as she takes her place again near Rikarah, where the other girl is cleaning the counter top. Leaning against it, Regina says to her lightly, "Thanks for helping us out back there, I don't expect you heard us calling for help."

Eyeing her, Rikarah shot back in a pleasant but pointed tone, "No, but I did hear moaning. I suppose you were expressing pain after hitting your elbow against a broom, or something of that nature?"

She takes some satisfaction in the other girl's narrowed eyes as she moves back into the kitchen, busying herself beginning to wash used dishes and containers. For the rest of her time at the cafeteria she avoids Regina, relieved when the girl apparently decides to stick by the same policy. Rikarah's shift is shorter than Regina's, as she has evening classes as well, and it is during her break that she decides to seek out her history professor again. She has not yet decided about this internship, but she wishes to speak to him all the same. Making her way back towards his office, located near his classroom, she knocks on the door.

(If anyone would like to play someone who became involved somehow with Jeremy that would be cool)


Jeremy's work day passed much the same as usual, without incident and with a monotony that for Jeremy, was not only preferred, but craved. He looked forward to his time at his workplace, a time when he was viewed not only as normal and average, even boring, but as a person who others respected and relied on, whose opinion mattered and was listened to. It was so drastically different from his life with his siblings that he often began to dread 5:00 pm as it drew closer, knowing he would soon return to them, that he would have to once again be nothing but the disciplinarian and the scapegoat, the one whom everyone ignored or yelled at or challenged, the one whom no one seemed to care about or see as a person at all. At work he could feel himself to be just like anyone home, no such thing was possible.

The only thing he disliked about his job was the rather prominent aspect of its involvement with blood. It could be very trying to be around blood and people who were giving blood all day, to have it right there within his easy reach and access, and to practice restraint. Sometimes it was all Jeremy could think of, to grab one of the bags and tear into it with his fangs, right then and there, or better yet, to grab a donor and drain them dry with the IVs still sticking out their arms. In those moments he would find an excuse to leave and lock himself in a bathroom stall, taking deep breaths and repeating mantras to himself over and over until the urge was within his control. So far he had always been lucky.

And the stealing part...that was what really made him nervous. Every day he had to be able to get at least six bags or someone would go hungry...every day, and what were the chances he could continue at this rate without anyone noticing a thing? He had never been able to get so many bags, and this meant they were forced to rely upon what he could buy from butchers...and how much blood could you buy from a butcher before people started to look at you with great suspicion?

He was lucky, he supposed, that he was so utterly average in appearance and deameanor that he could fly under everyone's radar. Ironic, but true...being unremarkable, in comparison to his siblings, seemed to work in his favor.
Bobby thought for a bit. Who was their other sister? Oh yeah, Regina. The Stewart family seriously had too many siblings but he should probably not say anything with the whole dead parents thing they had going on. But what was Regina like again? Hm. Pretty. Sexy even. If Maddy ended up looking like her, it wouldn't be so bad though she'd probably get even further out of Leo's reach. But Regina's personality was a bit . . . strong from what he could tell. And according to Juliette, she was a sl*t. If Jules was right, then he could see why she might be worried.

Oh, so she wanted to avoid Carrie. Man, girl fights seemed complicated but then again, he wanted to avoid the avid Belieber more times than not. "There are worse fans out there you know. Like that witter girl, what's her name, Amanda Bieber. I swear every single one of her tweets makes you want to slam your head right into the nearest wall you can find. Either that or just kill her." He noted the violent comment but didn't say anything. He wasn't exactly surprised if Jules wanted to get violent. Sometimes Carrie was rather violent with her beliefs. Of course Carrie's violence was nothing compared to what Jules had meant but he didn't know that. Bobby assumed that at worst, there was going to be a texting war, a separation of their group of friends into factions of whose side they were on, and catty rumors that would then end their friendship until a month later where they'll act like nothing happened.

"Well, I think the newest CD comes out today so she may be out getting that or something, but don't hold my word on it."
Juliette nodded. “Yeah at first I read them just for amusement... but I stopped for the sake of my sanity” that girl just seemed over the edge to her, in comparison maybe Caroline wasn't that bad, no wait this was Caroline, she was worse. Plus Juliette had to deal with her in person. Much worse. “That works for me... seriously why don't she just download the crappy music on itunes or something like normal people” Juliette pirated the music she liked because she didn't always have the money to buy what she liked, but every now and then when she couldn't get a song and she really loved it she would break and pay for it.

Whatever reason she isn't here, it gives me a day of peace... though of course she isn't all bad all the time” that was a quick save, what was Juliette doing talking crap on one of the most popular girls, she could have her shunned to the losers table or something, and Juliette would have no friends worth having. That was a life sentence. Hell this shit effected your entire life. She had to make sure not to say too much, thankfully she had stopped herself from saying all that was in her head. Sure Bobby was sometimes cool to talk to, but he was nothing like her brother. Talking freely with him wasn't worth the risk.
*Finally done with class, Lucas returns to his office, like it or not he had to get through this part of the day quickly, hoping that the act that he put on in the class would put off any students from bothering him, however those 3 that actually spoke up he had the feeling they would show up just to spite him, thinking that they're going to show him something new but every semester there is one or two that actually stand out. When some actually does knock he sighs and then invites them in.* Yes come in. *The blood he ingested earlier, still working it's way through his system, he shouldn't have waited so long to feed, his head is killing him which is probably another reason why he was acting so cranky.* What kind I do for you, and please make it quick I'm not feeling very well.
Adjusting his glasses as he looked over the chart once more Simon made sure that everything was correct before moving on to the next folder. Putting the first into the bin he now looked down at a new one. School had taught him well, for he sped through the medical jargon with ease. Still paperwork wasn't exactly his favorite thing. Simon had gotten into nursing to take care of people after all.

His spirits were lifted however when a familiar face walked in through the doors. Jeremy Stewart. At the moment the guy looked rushed, he probably was taking care of his younger siblings, the guy had a heart of gold. And those beautiful eyes... Simon had already got caught once staring at them, luckily by a coworker instead of by Jeremy. Sadly Simon knew his crush was one sided, he never saw that man watching him the way that one might watch one that they were interested in. But that was alright, Simon was content to work with him and to get close to him in other ways. At least that's what he kept telling himself.

Looking down he realized he hadn't been focusing any on the chart before him and shaking his head laughing at himself he tried to focus this time, he could think of Jeremy later. But of course he couldn't help but to look up and offer the guy a smile and wave. Nothing wrong with that.
Rikarah pushes open the door to Lucas's office and comes inside with quiet but assured steps, leaving the door slightly ajar. She is not afraid of him or that he might be untoward towards her- she knows very well she could defend herself if such a situation were to occur. No, what concerns Rikarah is that if another student sees her emerging from a closed professor door, they might believe her to be working in ways other than through her own skills and efforts in academics to receive grades. She would not lower herself in such a manner, and she will not have others believing it of her either.

"You mentioned an internship," she says neutrally, keeping a distance of several feet in between them as she looks the man in the eye, having to raise her chin upward to do so. "I would like to be informed of the details of such an arrangement. What would the tasks of your intern be, how much time per week would it require, and where would this work take place. I would also like to know if it would be a paid position."

It would certainly be nice if she could cut back some of her hours in the school cafeteria. That incident with Regina Stewart today had not left her with great enthusiasm at continuing to work with her. Surely even this arrogant man was not one to pull a sibling with him into a closet. That girl was in Rikarah's opinion an example of an imploding star, only she wasn't sure she would ever compare her to anything as complimentary as a star.


Regina finished her shift around 3 pm, just when the majority of the undergrad students were also letting out of their final classes for the day, which meant that she generally avoided the dinner rush of students and could spend her evenings doing as she pleased. Riley's last class of the day was past her time getting off, and so she would have to occupy herself until she could meet up with him again. This was not a problem for her. Although she preferred to spend the majority of her day with him, she was always restless, keyed up, and very hungry after work, and if there wasn't a blood bag on hand within twenty minutes, someone was going to get it.

As it turned out, this was not one of those days where she could practice patience. She would have to ride home today on Riley's motorcycle, and Riley had the key. This meant that if she went home, she would have to walk, and that would take far too long for Regina to be able to wait. Nope, definitely a day someone was going to get it.

There was a small bar about a block from campus, one generally frequented by students, and so Regina made her way towards it, first taking off the apron that would mark her as a worker of the college and throwing it overtop Riley's motorcycle before heading off. Though it was only late afternoon, there were already a fair number of students drifting in, and Regina had become fairly expert at choosing among those in the crowd. She let her eyes scan over the potential prey, dismissing the group of jocky-looking guys as too many to remember her, and too high a risk of her being overpowered by any one of them. She also vetoed any others who were in a group, finally settling between a quiet male with a shaved head sitting alone in a corner and a female with dark hair and black-rimmed glasses at the counter. She settled on the male simply because she would be less likely to be noticed or remembered if not sitting at the bar, and with a smile curving her lips, slowly approached, allowing her hips to sway back and forth deliberately and making sure he was watching her before she slid her self across from him.

"Hello," she purred. "Care to make a girl feel less pathetic drinking alone?"

Twenty minutes later the two of them were inside a bathroom stall of the men's room; less than a minute after that, Shaved Head was carefully arranged sitting on the toilet seat, his own belt tightly looped around his neck as though in self-strangulation, and Regina had in fact finished him off through strangulation. But she had first drank from him, not quite enough to kill him, but enough that she was quite satisfied. She hoped the choking would cover up the wound in his neck, but if it didn't, frankly, she didn't care. She figured any "average" cop would shrug it off and go with suicide, if only because it meant their need to investigate further was over.

As she casually left the bathroom and began to walk back to wait for Riley at his motorcycle, she noticed that she felt a little strange, warmer than usual, even a little light-headed, and that there was an odd aftertaste in her mouth, but she shrugged it off as lingering adrenaline from the kill.
Jeremy noticed Simon's wave and smile and almost reflexively looked away, his shoulders tensing simply by his attention. The other man was quiet, always friendly towards him in a low-key way, always had a smile and greeting for him, but even so, Jeremy was always nervous in his presence, though he tried to hide it. Simon seemed to be observant, and Jeremy lived in fear that one day he would notice something in Jeremy's demeanor that would clue him in to the man that Jeremy really was, or that one day he might see Jeremy's thievery in action. How would he be able to explain away something like that? It wasn't like he was stealing office supplies.

Still, Simon would think it odd if he wasn't just as friendly back to him, and so Jeremy gave him a cheerful smile and wave in return, nodding bright acknowledgment of his presence and even going close enough to exchange a greeting.

"Hi Simon! Glad for the weekend coming up? Have any plans?"
Simon couldn't help but to perk up when his crush greeted him. Weighting his words for a moment Simon had to quickly tell himself that Jeremy wasn't asking him out, but a part of him couldn't help but to wish he had. Keep dreaming he told himself. “Yeah I love the weekends” he shifted nervously, running his fingers through his hair, an acquired nervous trait. “I don't got any real plans going on, most likely going to stay in and read” oh wait did that make him sound like a dork without a life? Well he couldn't very well say he was going out with someone then there was no way Jeremy would try to go out with him, as if he was going to- telling himself to breathe and keep smiling Simon pushed away these fretting thoughts.

Got any plans yourself?” he asked, wondering if it was the perfect moment to ask him out. No he still had no idea if Jeremy was interested, or if he had any idea that Simon was gay, that could really freak a guy out if he's straight. The idea of asking him to just hang out hadn't dawned on the dorky guy in glasses, no he was too frazzled when Jeremy had asked him about his weekend plans.
*Lucas looked up at the Rika.* I see so you're interested in working with me, note I said with me not for me? If I decide to take you as my intern it's because I think of you as someone that will not make me look foolish. As for the details, have you ever seen Indiana Jones? Well sadly my work is far far more boring and even more sad is we don't get to kill any nazis. But we do get to travel on the university's dime, I will need you to sort and perhaps do research, perhaps assist me in lectures and teaching classes..Less of the last two things.
Classes had gone pretty much as expected and Riley was feeling somewhat drained after he was done, so he didn't realize that Regina was somewhat off when he met her at his motorcycle. Giving her a kiss on the cheek since doing more was frowned on in public he gave her a smile “Hey darling, wanna get heading home or is there somewhere else you wanna get to?” he had no idea she had fed earlier and she had a habit of wanting to get meals and the likes with him at times so he truly didn't know if she wanted to go home or do something else, either way worked for him, anything that distracted him from his tedious school day sounded good to him, and spending time with his Regina was always a major plus.

(Sorry for the short post t.t)
Staying in and Jeremy, that actually sounded like a pretty decent time. His weekends were depressingly the same in general detail if not specific. If he wasn't working, then he was either staying at home with Maddy and whichever of his siblings decided to come and go as they pleased, trying to police them, or else he was going out to get blood in whatever way they required that particular week. He never had time for himself, never had plans for himself, and Regina was right, "fun" didn't seem to be a phrase that commonly applied to anything about him or his life.

Thinking of this, Jeremy felt his jaw muscles clinch, and he had to take notice of this and make himself relax them before he could smile back at Simon, shrugging and giving a slightly forced laugh. "Oh, no, I'm afraid my weekend will be pretty unstructured! Has to be that way once you become a Mr. Mom, haha! Those brothers and sisters of mine, they keep me pretty tied up sometimes!"

Well, didn't that sound was true though, and something that Jeremy realized, as he described it so carelessly to Simon, that he resented. Could it never be his turn to have fun, his turn to just let go and do as he pleased? Did everything have to be about everyone else BUT him?

"So what are you reading?" he asked Simon, hoping to distract him from any more questions about himself. "Is it good?"


Make Lucas look foolish? Rikarah is hardly concerned about that; in her opinion, the man does a fine job of that all on its own, through his asinine comments and challenges as earlier displayed in class. Again at this comment she contemplates turning and walking out the door.

But to do so now would be to imply to him that she is intimidated, or that she is not capable of impressing him, and Rikarah's pride will not allow for such an exit, at least not just yet. Instead she lifts her chin, saying to him in return, "You did not specify if this would be a paying internship, nor what I would be researching. For a man asking for an intern you do not seem eager to choose one. But whatever you think it is you require, I would wager I can meet that need, within the context of what I would be willing to provide."

After all, she knows all too well that some power-hungry profs out there would likely take that to mean anything literally, including favors of an intimate nature.


Regina is leaning back unconsciously against the motorcycle, supporting her own weight against it, and she squints into the sun as she waits for Riley to arrive. It feels very warm to her today, more so than usual, and by the time Riley emerges and she can see him approaching her, she has a throbbing headache. She doesn't say anything about it though, instead tilting her face up to return his kiss to his own cheek and giving him a smile as she slips behind him on the cycle.

"I don't have anywhere particular in mind...surprise me." Far be it from her to let a headache interfere with a good time.

It doesn't take very long though for Regina to realize that wherever it was Riley was taking her to, it was not improving the headache; between the noise of the motor and the whipping of the wind in her face, the sensation of their speed, and the sight of everything rapidly blurring past her, she was in fact beginning to feel nauseous. Her grip gradually tightened on Riley more and more until she was squeezing him hard, and she swallowed several times, eventually outright closing her eyes. By the time Riley had pulled the cycle to a shop Regina jerked away from him and off of it so fast she almost tripped and fell, staggering a few feet away in the direction of some nearby bushes, where she bent to vomit. Remaining hunched over for several moments afterward, drawing in slow, slightly unsteady breaths, she raised her eyes upward, a little shaken.

"What the hell?"
Nodding, Riley mounts his bike and starts it up, giving Regina's thigh a quick squeeze before heading off. At first they are heading nowhere, just riding around, then Riley thinks of getting her into the woods with a certain destination in mind and he heads in that direction. At first when Regina gripped him tighter he thought nothing of it until she kept squeezing tighter and tighter. Something was wrong. Easing off the road Riley pulls over to ask if everything was okay only to watch her practically trip getting off the bike and running into the bushes.

Everything was most definitely not okay. As his twin spews into the bushes Riley watches a moment unsure of what to do. Then realizing he is doing nothing he gets off the bike and slowly approaches her as you would approach a wounded animal. “How you feeling babe?” he asks hesitantly putting his arm on her shoulder. It wasn't like Regina to get sick. Hell he couldn't recall the last time she got sick like this if ever, just what was going on with her? Her words echoed his thoughts.

It seemed that something Simon had said upset Jeremy in some way and Simon carefully went over his words in his head trying to figure out what it might have been. Oh perhaps it was the asking after his own plans. Did Jeremy get out much dealing with all his siblings? Poor guy even if it wasn't a date Simon just had to get him out of the house sometime. Listening as he spoke of being a Mr. mom and his siblings Simon was already trying to get a plan together in his head. Perhaps a movie where he can just get out and unwind would be a good idea. Or a club, but maybe Jeremy wasn't a club type person...

As the conversation turned back to Simon he felt somewhat bashful, even though Jeremy was only asking after what book he was reading. “I sort of go through books something crazy, right now I'm going through Stephen King. The guy is a true artist of word, ever read any of his works? Simon wondered if the books were too dark for Jeremy's taste, not everyone liked Stephen King after all, but Simon did so he wasn't going to be ashamed by that fact. Only flustered somewhat.
Bobby nodded in agreement to what Juliette said. "True but it's not all bad. Her tweets make you feel smarter at least." Then the black haired girl questioned why their supposed friend would be willing to buy a hard copy of that harpy's screechings. "Yeah, there really is no point in getting a hard copy. You're just gonna lose it or something." Bobby himself was a reoccurring patron at the itunes store. It was rather easy to pirate the music he wanted but his dad had drilled into his head multiple times that he would not raise a thief. Mr. Winchester was willing to pay for his son's music as long as it supposedly kept him on the right path.

He caught onto Juliette's quick save. Bobby has had to make quite a few over the years as well. Unless you were a star player, which Bobby was working to become, a rich kid, or some drop dead gorgeous god, your place in the popular cliche was as stable as a teenage girl's mood while she's on her period. You had to be careful of what you say and do. You could listen to others talking smack but you yourself couldn't. He probably wouldn't use this against Juliette though. Most likely, he'd forget all about it. "Yeah, she's good. A bit annoying at times but who isn't, right?"

The bell then rang, the one that warned the students to head off to their classes. And although Bobby did stay back a year, thus making him the same grade as the Stewart girl, he didn't share homeroom with her. "I guess we should go then, huh. Well, see you later." He then gave a casual wave to Juliette before disappearing off to his class.
Regina took in several more breaths, attempting to settle her stomach, and leaned back against Riley's arm, accepting the support. She again will not voice this, but her head is still throbbing steadily, the pain made no better by having been sick, and her limbs feel weak and limp, as though it would be difficult to stand unsupported. She nods faintly in response to his question, though that didn't really answer it, and briefly leans her forehead against his neck. Her skin is very warm.

She does not make the connection in her mind to the frat boy she had been with earlier in the day, how he too had seemed sluggish in his responses, how his skin had been hot; she had assumed him to be drunk and thought little of it in her eagerness to get to the meal portion of her experience with him. She could not know, of course, that her afternoon snack had been infected with hepatitis C, and that this was a disease passed through the blood.

"I think we should just go home," she said in lieu of a real answer to Riley's question. "Sorry for the show, don't know what's up with that."

Already in the back of her mind a somewhat disturbing possibility is forming, but she dismisses it for the moment. It's not morning, after all. Isn't that where the term "morning sickness" was supposed to come from?


Jeremy visibly brightened as Simon explained with reddened cheeks his books of choice. Stephen King...Jeremy did enjoy the man's works. Sometimes it seemed to him that King himself must be some sort of "freak" of nature himself, though perhaps not a vampire, if his Salem's Lot was any indication. Why else would the man seem to have such an endless array of imagination for the supernatural and monstrous? How could a man so often bury himself in a world like that if he himself didn't experience any of it?

It had always been his private dream to one day meet King and find out that yes, the man who of the sort of lives that Jeremy himself had to lead, that perhaps he would not condemn him or be afraid, but rather fascinated. So he smiles back at Simon, nodding brightly.

"Oh yes, isn't he amazing? Which one are you reading now? I just read Full Dark, No Stars, and the last one before that was Under the Dome. But I like his older works better, something about the new one, they just don't have the same quality!"

(too dark for the vampire? you like Stephen King yourself? never asked you that before)
Kelly was late for work. In fact, according to the radio in her buggy, she was about half an hour late and still not even at the blood clinic. She wasn’t even sure what she was caught up in doing, one moment she was buying coffee for poor Ellen at the front desk and now this. The woman deserved some coffee though! Kelly often heard the woman, flabbergasted at how she managed to lose blood, forgetting where she sent it and usually throwing off her whole order. This was the least she could do…well that and show up on time…

When she pulls into the lot Ledford Blood Donation Service she parks in the staff zone and remembers to bring the coffee with her. After locking her mint green beetle she run inside, flashing a smile at Ellen; “Good morning, Ellen!” before the receptionist can ask her why she’s late, Kelly is sure to hand her the coffee “I know I’m late...but look, coffee!” Flashing another smile the receptionist just shakes her head, hiding her smile with a sip from her cup.

Declaring herself safe from the dock of the half-hour, she rushes into the back and is greeted by the sight of two of her favorite co-workers. “Hey you two!” she greets, ruffling Simon’s hair before unslinging her satchel and hanging up her spring coat. Hastily pulling her hair into a ponytail, she explains herself, “So…I’m late. But I was getting Ellen some coffee! That girl has been having a rough time lately!”

Her eyes meet with Jeremy’s nervously, the feelings still poking at her, but he had a family to worry about! The last thing that the man probably needed was Kelly suddenly confessing to him…
As Regina leaned against his support he gently embraced her, not wanting to make her more sick but wanting to comfort her as he could. Running his fingers up and down her arms almost subconsciously he waited as she regained her composure. She nodded, obviously not answering the question, but Riley let it alone for now. It wasn't often his love got sick and he wasn't going to nit pick at her now. It looked like their little day trip was going to have to be put on hold. Perhaps when they got home Riley could make her some soup and make her feel somewhat better.

Regina spoke up about going home and Riley merely nodded in agreement having been thinking the same thing himself. He did shake his head though when she apologized. “No need for you to apologize babe, no reason at all” he gave her hand a squeeze and kissed her gently on the forehead before going to return to the bike. “You ready?” he asked hesitantly. When she got on Riley carefully got back on the road and began to head home, easing up on the horsepower for the first time in a long time for this trip.


It seemed that Jeremy much rather enjoyed Stephen King, if that visual change was any sort of a hint. But of course this appealed to Simon as he lit up himself, listening as Jeremy became enthused about the subject. “I just went back to the older ones myself, personally I just see it as his tastes have changed somewhat, though to be honest some of my favorites are from his older works so perhaps I think the same.” He begins to think somewhat, trying to remember which book he had just finished up before coming into work today. “I just finished reading Carrie for who knows the how manyth time.” Was that a dorky line? Too late now have to go with it. “And I have some of The Dark Tower books sitting at home waiting for me. I'm most likely going to just start with The gunslinger and work my way through them again”

A familiar voice calls out to them and Simon visibly lights up at the sight of his friend. Grinning when she ruffles his hair he playfully chaffs at the action and goes to 'fix' the damages. As if his hair could so easily get messed up. “Coffee huh?” he teased “Aren't you the office hero?” Simon notices how she reacts to Jeremy. He swallows nervously. It just couldn't be, that or he really didn't want it to be true. But none the less he is happy to see his friend, even if she may be some sort of rival to his affections. But perhaps now wasn't the best time to ask Jeremy out.

Juliette agreed with Bobby's causal statement. At times when she was feeling down or hell even lazy she would look for tweets such as hers to feel better about herself and lose herself in the stupidity of it all. Not that she would admit such an embarrassing thing out loud. “Or scratch it” she adds, remembering how she learned that the hard way while having a much younger sibling who couldn't stay out of her stuff back when she tried having such things.

Juliette was glad that her save wasn't noticed and she grinned quickly nodding and agreeing with Bobby “Yeah, no one's perfect” Yeah, just some people you wanted to strangle and leave for dead. Hearing the bell herself Juliette realized she had of yet to go to her locker and drop off her backpack. Oh great now her whole flipping day was gonna be thrown off. “Yeah I got to get running myself, see you around” she offered a smile before running to her locker to drop off her backpack, not wanting to be late for homeroom again and get the stink eye from Mrs Prude.

(It's actually on my to read list once I finish up a certain series I'm on now... I know major delay, I just never found it in my library to read and I get too lazy to request things lol)
"I think maybe it was about the time he had a car accident that it started to change. You know, when he got ran over?" Jeremy explains, eager to expound upon his personal theory. It wasn't often that he had any sort of conversation that was not strictly pleasantries with anyone outside the family, and he is now particularly pleased with this particular one, because within his family, none of the others are even remotely interested in reading anything that they would think of as "geeky" or "pointless." Well, maybe Zane, but Jeremy frankly doesn't spend much time with his younger brother, because his ridiculous intelligence only makes Jeremy himself feel more awkward and inadequate in comparison.

"Carrie, that's a good one," he nods, "he doesn't usually write in the point of view of females so that's one of his more rare ones too. Of course The Shining is a classic, and The Stand, if you can slog through 1000 pages...but the Gunslinger! I really liked the Gunslinger series. Well except the ending because that was just disappointing, but the first four of the series? Pure genius. I mean, twenty years it took him to write all of that and he still-"

He stopped himself from his rant as Kelly joined them, smiling cheerfully as she always was, and explained her lateness. His cheeks were slightly flushed as he nodded a greeting to her, hoping that she hadn't heard him talking to Simon about books, horror books, no less, with such enthusiasm. He was sure the girl thought him to be strange already, despite her friendliness, and he didn't need to add to the dubious impression he had probably made working with her so far.

"Hi Kelly," he greeted her instead, knowing his face was still a little stiff and forced in his smile due to his embarrassment. Why was it that he could never really feel natural around other people?

Oh yes. It could be because he wasn't exactly a "person" himself; in his mind, Jeremy was a monster.


Regina was silent on the ride home, arms wound around Riley, head turned to one side, cheek pressed into his back as they made the brief journey back to their home. Jeremy would not be home yet, she knew, and she wasn't sure about Zane, but Juliette and Maddy should be soon, as they rode the bus home in the afternoons. She wasn't in the mood to deal be around Juliette, that was for sure, and even the thought of provoking her wasn't as irresistible as usual for the moment.

This was stupid. Regina did not get sick. None of them did, at least not with the usual colds and flus and viruses that usually went around, at least, not if they had been regularly drinking blood and not letting their immune system wear down or their lack of blood to cause anemia and other such pleasant occurrences, as Maddy often let happen to her through her abstaining. So whatever was up with her now, she was going to ignore it and go about the rest of her day like she always would. Minus motorcycle riding, maybe, which, okay, meant that she'd be cutting out a lot of what she'd normally do, but the point was, she wasn't going to ACT sick just because she felt it. Stupid.

Still, her stomach churned again through the remainder of the ride, and when she dismounted as Riley pulled up into their own yard, she took hold of his arm to steady herself, then kept her arm looped through his as they walked inside. Once inside their kitchen Regina went to the freezer- not the one that was located in the fridge, out plainly for any visitors to see, but rather the small one hidden in the closet in their laundry room, and took out a frozen blood bag, thinking that maybe she just needed some more blood. This made no sense, because she had had blood earlier that day, and also the night before, but it was all she could think of.

Returning to the kitchen, she stood the bag in the microwave and then poured some of its contents into a glass when it was warmed, leaning against the counter and drinking the cup of blood down. She still feels uncomfortably warm and not as steady as usual in her movements, but she figures this will go away once she's drank again.

"Soooo I bet we can figure out something more interesting for you to do than homework, smartypants," she says to Riley with a seductive smile, going to him and looping an arm around his waist, playfully walking her fingers up his ribs and across his chest. She never says as much aloud, and she herself has no interest whatsoever in academics and never has, but a part of her is just slightly jealous of his choice to attend college, to have time and an interest apart from her, and she therefore often lightly needles him about it- but not enough to make it seem like it actually matters to her.

She kisses him, lightly at first, then more deeply, her hand continuing to explore his skin, but then a sharp cramping twists itself in her abdomen, and she pulls back abruptly, sucking in her breath. Moments later she is running towards the bathroom again, and then she is cursing loudly from where she kneels, slump-shouldered, beside the toilet.

"What the f***?!"

(figured they'd ride the bus home since Jeremy probably works til 5, the twins take the motorcycle...and apparently, hepatitis C can cause abdominal swelling? *did not know* )
Tegan managed to slog through the rest of her classes nearly painlessly. It really only took a few refills of coffee and a sub from the cafeteria to bring her through. By the time she'd finished with her classes, she was more than ready to climb onto the bus, go home, and curl up on her couch with a beer.

The next bus didn't come for another 45 minutes, so she sat down on the bench and fished out the photocopies she'd made of the assigned history chapters. Well, the first three anyway. She couldn't afford to throw away that kind of money on all of the textbooks, so when she could, she would just get photocopies from the library's books if they had them. Plus, it was a hell of a lot lighter this way.

With a pen in hand, Tegan crossed one leg over the other and began reading, the ballpoint moving along with her eyes.

(sorry it's not that great, things got really busy for a few days and I thought I should probably get a post in before things get more involved)
(I just realized that Maddy might think the c-word might be a compliment since it was used to describe Regina . . . That would be awkward.)

The rest of the day took much longer than Maddy thought. With her mind preoccupied over whether she was ugly or pretty, time seemed to stop as she kept tormenting herself and she could barely remember what Mrs. Wilson said. She tried asking other people and when asked, Kelly and Britney quickly denied her fears, proclaiming that she was super cute. But none of this made her feel better. How could she feel better? The one person whose opinion mattered called her ugly. She bet even Regina would feel a little sad if Riley thought she was ugly.

She spent the whole day avoiding Leo. She even rushed right past him onto the bus without a word when he tried to say goodbye. The bus ride home was a bit better with her few female friends chatting so fast she had no time to think bad thoughts. Britney even invited her to go shopping that weekend. Maddy said that she'd have to ask Jeremy first but secretly hoped that he would say no. The Stewarts had no money to waste away with new clothes and to just watch the other girls try on clothes was no fun. Her friends' moms often offered to buy her something since they knew about the family's financial situation but she always declined. It didn't feel right.

Maddy walked into the house thinking about whether or not she should even ask Jeremy. He'd probably explode or something. She still didn't understand what exactly made him mad. Sometimes it felt like only hiding in a hole would please him. Then it hit her. Clothes. Maybe Leo thought she was ugly because of the clothes she wore. Juliette even said in the care that she'd didn't dress the way she did. She was probably notifying Maddy about how the youngest Stewart wasn't copying her sisters well enough.

The ten year old rushed upstairs and into the room she shared with Juliette. After tossing her bag onto her bed, Maddy made a beeline to her older sister's closet. She grabbed only a few of Juliette's clothes and placed them on the owner's bed. She then just stared at them. She then took a small notebook and wrote down the colors, the styles, the patterns and trims. She then put them back into the closet and made her way to Regina's room.

The little girl stood at the doorway of the twins' room as if what lay beyond the threshold was hallowed ground. It was a room for grown ups and grown up things. Her face turned beet red as she thought about how the twins must've done the same things grown up in love do on tv like . . . kiss and hug. It was almost too embarrassing to step into their private lovey dovey space. But she was on a mission. Maddy walked into the room and headed for the closet. She leafed through Regina's wardrobe taking notes. She even took her ruler to measure the exact lengths of the eldest daughters' skirts to make triple sure she got the right length. She didn't want to mess up again and get skirts that ended only two inched from her knees again.

After that, she headed to where Regina kept her underwear. Taking out a bra, Maddy looked down at herself and sighed at the great difference between her sister and her. She wrote down her notes and put it back. When she opened the next drawer though, she was confused. She picked up the piece of cloth. What was it? It was so . . . small . . . It couldn't be underwear. Maybe Maddy got the wrong drawer. This . . . thing looked like a scrap of cloth on strings. An eye patch? Maybe Regina wanted to play pirate with Riley or something. She quickly jotted down the word "pirate" into her notebook and looked into the drawer again.

Hm? There were eye patches everywhere in the drawer. Was Riley playing pirate too? Were pirates popular? Not quite satisfied with her conclusion, Maddy went digging into the drawer, leaving the skimpy undergarments falling to the floor around her.
*Despite the way he's speaking this girl is still here, perhaps she could be useful.* Tell me, do you believe in the supernatural? Not just that, what about ancient aliens? More or less all the thing everything that will make most people think you're crazy. So what if I told you that there are people..well they look like people, in fact all signs both external and internal these people are appear to be just that people, but one difference..Sometimes it's an additional gene or maybe a missing gene..I really don't know I'm not that kind of doctor but these people have existed since mankind first walked the earth. *Lucas watches Rika for her reaction so far, she already thinks him arrogant.* I think I've driven you away talking about this. There is no money in the budget to pay you but I'm sure I can move funds around to pay you and maybe 2 others.
The was something Rikarah had never thought very much about, let alone concern herself with pondering their existence or lack thereof. She wonders at first if Lucas is playing with her, or mocking her in some way, refusing to allow her to have an internship in a rather indirect manner. But no, he seemed quite serious, and he did not seem the type to make up an elaborate lie rather than to simply tell her no to her face. He had had no problem being rude earlier.

She would not have guessed Lucas to be a man who believed in the supernatural, and the fact that he appeared to intrigued her. She would think him a man to refuse to take anything on faith, needing considerable evidence to trust in anything. So if he did indeed believe in the supernatural, what sort of evidence was he basing it upon? Whatever it was, Rikarah wanted to see it for herself as well.

"That sounds interesting," she said, noncommittal. "I will accept the position. When and how will I begin?"


As Regina pulled herself up from the bathroom floor, shrugging off any attempts from Riley to help or provide comfort, she is not just irritated now, or embarrassed, but genuinely shaken. She cannot remember the last time she was ill, nor think off the top of her head of a reasonable explanation for it...other than the one. But that is not possible. It just...well, it's actually very possible, maybe even probable. She and Riley have certainly performed the requirements of baby creation enough for it to be.

But that couldn't happen to her. Not now, anyway, not before she was even twenty years old, not while she had a shitty job as a CAFETERIA WOMAN. Could it?

Regina had sneered before at the melodramatic movies of teenage pregnancy they showed in school, rolling her eyes and mocking that anyone with half a brain could really think that pregnancy couldn't happen to them. But wasn't that something she had in fact assumed all her life- or at least assumed that it would wait until when or if she actually wanted a kid?

Hell, she still had three younger siblings beneath her feet all day. She had just barely reached the age where she didn't require a legal guardian. If she was really pregnant-

No, of course not. She wouldn't even think about it. Regina wasn't a superstitious person, but to think about the possibility of pregnancy now seemed dangerous, a tempting of fate.

"Whatever, I'm going to lay down or something," she muttered to Riley before making her way towards their bedroom, half hoping he would follow, half dreading that he would, just in case he tried to talk to her about it. But as she opened the door to the room and saw her youngest sister standing inside it, digging through her drawers- and throwing her underwear all over the place while she was at it- this was the last straw for her.

Normally Regina would have laughed this off, ruffled Maddy's hair, and thought it was cute, encouraged Maddy to keep being just like a mini version of herself. But right now, she was feeling queasy and feverish, her head was still pounding, and all she could think as she looked at the mess her sister was making was, what if she ended up with an irritating little brat of a child like HER?

"Maddy, what the hell are you doing digging through all my underwear, put it the hell back and get out of here!" she snapped, grabbing her by the shoulder and yanking her away from her dresser. Seeing the measuring tape, she stared at it, uncomprehending, then gave her a little shake for good measure, her eyes narrowed. "Get out, now, go screw with Juli's shit!"

Letting go of her, still watching, she flopped herself on the bed and curled up, but her eyes are still on her sister even as she draws her knees up to her chest.

(you know that no one is actually supernatural in this, right? That's the point, that they're basically ordinary)
Once I fill the other two positions, we'll start working and be prepared to have to leave the country for work at a moments notice. Do you have a passport? If not get one, in the meantime study these.* Pointing to a stack of his notebooks of research on cultures that use blood in rituals and feedings, most filled with instances of humans surviving on feeding on other humans.* You need to do some catching up on my research. And please don't ask me why I'm researching something so...Well out of the ordinary, you'll learn that as we work and as I decide if I can trust you or not.

(again sorry it's short, having issues tonight)

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