The Stewarts (rebooted- accepting new characters)

Faith Eliza Cord

Four Thousand Club
It wasn’t exactly the time of the day where people commonly could get away with sneaking into the house without being caught, considering that it was past 7 am, the first strains of light beginning to break across the morning sky. But that, of course, did not stop Regina Stewart and her twin, Riley, from entering their family’s home from the kitchen window rather than through the front door, as if they had been locked out and had to find an alternate, more stealthy way to re-enter than to knock on the door.

No matter that as it was a work and school day, everyone in the house should be up by now and would certainly hear them knocking. No matter that at least one of their four other siblings was probably in the kitchen at that very moment and would see them, so “stealthy” was fairly impossible to accomplish. No matter that the front door most likely wasn’t even locked, and that even if it were, both Regina and Riley owned keys; Regina in fact had one in the pocket of her very short skirt. None of this was the point.

The point was that watching Jeremy lose his cool was always an amusing way to start the day, and Regina was counting down the seconds until she could see his face go lobster red.

Regina let Riley hold her hand and one shoulder to help guide her through the window’s opening, though she was perfectly capable of getting through on her own, and as she slid through, feet first, she knew her skirt was riding up her thighs, possibly flashing whoever happened to be in the kitchen. That was a matter of absolutely no consequence to her, and in fact, if it were Jeremy or Juliette present, it would amuse her that much more. As irritating as Juliette’s high-pitched squeal and frequent whining tone were to hear, Regina couldn’t deny that she relished making her demonstrate them.

As she had hoped, Jeremy was standing in front of their fridge and loudly and pointedly cleared his throat as Regina straightened, looking to make sure Riley was following her inside, then turned to face him. She grinned, her blackly lipsticked lips revealing teeth stained red from blood as she gave her older brother a broad, sarcastic wave.

Figures he would be so anal as to not even LEAN against the fridge, but instead to stand up perfectly straight in front of it, like he had a steel rod running down the length of his spine- probably starting at his ass.

“Morning, big brother,” she greeted him, blowing him a mocking kiss, before turning back to Riley, linking her arm through his. “Nice to see you standing watch over the house in our absence. I know I feel way safer, thanks to your loyal services.”

Jeremy’s jaw was already clinched, his knuckles whitening from where he gripped his own upper arms, and his voice came out very strained and terse when he responded.

“It is seven in the morning. You both have work and school in an hour, and you’ve been out all night?”

“Not all night, just the past few hours of it,” was Regina’s unruffled reply as she continued forward. “Gonna let me by, or do you just like to have a reason for me to press up against you? Well, we ARE a rather close family around here.”

She attempted to squeeze by where Jeremy was half blocking the entrance into the kitchen area, which was located near one of their smaller bathrooms, and managed to brush her chest lightly against his before Jeremy leapt back from her as if fearing infection, sputtering.

“Regina! You…you can’t…” he decides halfway through the sentence to ignore her semi-sexual baiting and instead to focus on something equally as obvious, and every bit as disturbing. “You’re covered in blood!”

“Don’t worry, it’s not mine. Just a messy dining experience,” she laughed, cutting her eyes at Riley slyly. “That’s why we need the bathroom, obviously it’s not the mark of a normal, well-adjusted family to show up to work with blood, what WOULD the neighbors think? If anyone’s in there, tell them to get the hell out…come on, Riley.” She snickered again as she said to Jeremy with ridiculously feigned innocence, “It will save time AND water for us to shower together, you should be proud, Jeremy. We’re being very conservative, isn’t that one of the ten thousand things you like to lecture us about?”

“You just ran all around town when it’s getting to be broad daylight, covered in BLOOD?!” Jeremy almost yelped, his eyes bulging with a combination of both anger and unbelief, his nails digging into his skin almost hard enough to draw blood. “Who did you kill?! Where, when? What did you do with the body, you better have gotten rid of it! How many times have I told you, you can’t just go around killing for FUN, do you WANT to be caught?”

“Lighten up, Jeremy, if anyone saw us, we’d kill them too. So what?” Regina shrugged, and with an elaborate eye roll, opened the door to the bathroom. Regardless of whether anyone was present or not, and with the door still wide open, she stepped closer to the tub and started stripping off her badly stained clothing, causing Jeremy to immediately turn his back, shaking his head vehemently.

“You…you two…just get ready! And…don’t you DARE go out again tonight!”

“Oh Jeremy, like you could stop us from doing anything we felt like doing,” Regina said almost with affection as she waited for Riley to join her. “You really are a funny guy.”

She slammed the door shut then, leaving Jeremy actually shaking with suppressed fury, arms now down rigidly at his sides. One day, he would show those two…one day he would…

What? Regina was right…what exactly was he ever going to do?

It hadn’t always been like this. Of course, the twins had always been a handful, and there was always drama and fighting in a family of six kids. But when their parents had been here, everything had been different. When their parents had been around, everything had been so much more settled. The twins had been mostly under control, if typically rebellious and still unnaturally close by most of the world’s standards, and their parents could sometimes actually manage to shame or silence them. Their parents had been empathetic yet firm with Juliette, keeping her melodramatics to a minimum, and Zane and Maddy had been happier too. The stress on Jeremy had been more minimal than he had ever realized. Their parents had made it clear to them that they were different, unlike any other families, and rules were different for them too- and that much more important to keep.

They had been right about that, about their difference…what other family in America needed to drink blood to survive? What other family in America not only knew and accepted that two of its siblings were involved in a romantic relationship, but also hoped that some of the others might eventually pair up as well?

Only the Stewarts, Jeremy was almost certain…and those crucial differences in their genetic makeup, in the way they were forced to lead their lives, made all the difference in the world.

Their parents had provided well for them, financially, emotionally, and with their physical needs, always providing them with the blood they needed. Any accidental killings of other humans had been dealt with, and their parents kept them well fed enough that they were rare. Their parents had kept them centered and connected to each other, always emphasizing that they operated as one unit rather than as individuals, that family as a whole came first and always would.

But their parents had died almost a year ago, killed in a hunt for their family’s meal that had gone drastically wrong when they chose the wrong couple of humans to prey upon…and ever since their death, the family had been falling apart, spinning rapidly out of the carefully maintained control their parents had managed to build for them.

They had inherited a good deal of money from their parents’ death, but this had already been mostly eaten up by the fact that they had twice had to move in the year since their death. Jeremy and Regina were both struggling to raise enough money in their jobs to support all six of them, and with Riley and Zane about to start college, Juliette and Maddy still in school, and Regina’s job being minimum wage, it was a very tight budget, and they were all having to do without. Juliette was more emotional than ever, and Jeremy had no idea what to do about the dramatics of a teenage girl, much less Juliette. The twins were wilder than ever, the “accidents” much more frequent, and it didn’t seem to matter to them how often Jeremy brought back blood from his job at the blood donation center, they killed purely because they enjoyed it, rather than out of need.

Regina in particular drove Jeremy up the wall. It seemed to him that she had only gotten more violent, both with physical violence and verbal aggression, since their parents’ deaths. Their parents had been able to temper her rougher tendencies somewhat, but without that influence, there was no stopping her now from doing and saying exactly what she wanted- and she seemed to relish this new power, with Riley only egging her on. Jeremy had seen her cry or show any kind of genuine vulnerability only once since their parents’ death, and that had been at the funeral. Sometimes he was sure she was deliberately trying to see how far she could push, how much she could goad him until he finally snapped and showed just as much violence as she did.

It was up to him, as the oldest, to be the father figure now, even to the twins. But he wasn’t their father, and he would never be able, as they all so frequently reminded him, to even begin to fill those shoes. He didn’t want to in the first place. Jeremy was 22 years old and should have been starting his own life, but it could never happen now. So all he could hope for, all he could really want was to keep them safe, from their own recklessness as much as anything else, because what normal person could understand what they had to do to survive? If anyone were to find out their secret, they would kill them out of fear and ignorance, and maybe they would be right to do it. Because around the Stewarts, other humans were all potential prey.

They could not go more than a couple of days without feeding, and if excited, or if they had no other source of blood on hand, then accidents could and would happen. For that reason, having romantic relationships or even close friendships was playing with fire and very much discouraged. Family was what was important- and family, in fact, within the context of the Stewarts, was who was encouraged to be potential mates. It seemed disgusting to any outsiders, who of course it had to be concealed from, and even Jeremy was somewhat disturbed by it, but he did have to admit it was logical. If they could not safely breed with those who lacked their particular gene, what Jeremy privately thought of as a curse, and if they wanted to continue their own line of heritage, then breeding with those who shared their gene- who of course, were almost certainly related- was the only thing that made sense. Their parents, in fact, had been siblings as well, and now the twins seemed to be the next to carry on the line. If they did not, then eventually their kind would die out.

Maybe this was part of the reason that Jeremy found their existence to be so unbearable, why he was so much more infuriated by actions of the twins than his other siblings…maybe because, if he admitted it to himself, he was jealous. It was a lonely life they lead, and he would likely never be able to have what they had with each other. Any hope of his for a normal life, a normal relationship with a woman, was almost certainly a pipe dream.

It was getting more difficult over time to keep everything in order, to keep everyone safe, and the twins were clearly determined to make it that much more difficult. In the end, all they had was each other, and Jeremy could not fathom losing any of them, even the twins…but it was a constant stress for him to even try to force everyone to be sensible.

Shaking his head again, he called out to his siblings in large, his voice rougher than usual. “It’s 7:15, everyone get moving! You’re all going to be late!


As Susannah rinsed off a particularly long and sharp knife at the kitchen sink, being careful not to cut herself, she felt her father's hand on her backside, the touch quick, nervous, but deliberate…and with this sensation, and the knife still held in her hand, she reacted without further thought.

Whipping around to face Harry, the knife still clinched tightly in her fist, Susannah brought its point to her father's throat, tightly seizing his shoulder with her other hand, and her dark eyes bore into his with deadly serious intent as she spoke tersely, ignoring the gasps of her other family members.

"Do not EVER touch me again."

"Whoa…Suzy, whoa, now see here, there's no call for that!" Harry sputtered, going very still as his eyes darted between the knife at his throat and the apparent intent of his daughter to use it. "You just-"

"Say it," Susannah repeated, her expression not softening, her voice hissing, fierce, and the knife at her father's throat did not budge. "Say you will never touch me again…or I will kill you."

Her father swallowed, eyes focused on the knife, muscles tensed, and sweat began to bead on his forehead. Nearby Laurel and Isabella Pallis were watching in shock, mouths open, eyes wide, but Susannah paid them no attention. She had eyes only for her father's, and she did not let him pull away.

"Suzy, "he began again, his voice less steady than before. "Suzy, there's no need for this-"

"Say it," Susannah cut him off, hand tightening on his shoulder, the knife moving a fraction of an inch closer, nearly touching his throat. Behind her Laurel and Isabella finally found their voices.

"Susannah…Susannah, stop, no," her mother whispered, her hand drifting to cover her mouth, the baking goods forgotten. " Susannah, stop…"

"You're crazy, Suzy! Stop it!" Isabella yelled over her, her voice sharp and shrill. "Put that down, get away from him!"

"Say it," Susannah repeated, ignoring them all, disregarding any reply but that she was searching for as she continued to stare her father down. "Say it. Now."

"Suzy-" her father began, and it was the new cunning in this tone, his new attempt to turn around the situation, to manipulate her, that only heightened Susannah's anger. "Suzy, let's try to talk about this-"

She pricked him with the knife, just enough for the pain to be felt, for the first drop of blood to bead up on its blade, and her mother gasped, her sister screamed.

"Susannah, stop it, Susannah, you crazy *****!"

"Okay, okay, Suzy, just stop this, just calm down. ..we don't need to be like this. Just…just calm down…" Harry backed off hurriedly, his eyes shimmering with fear and what looked like submission…but still, something in his tone, in a quiet flicker of his eyes, did not lower her guard, and she did not move her knife away.

With good reason, it turned out. Less than a half minute after he spoke Harry roughly shot out his arm, attempting to strike Susannah in the solar plexus. But Susannah was ready, and even as he hit out at her, she slashed the knife across his throat, cutting deeply. Staring into her father's bulging, anguished eyes, almost relishing the feel of the hot, sticky blood dripping down her cheeks, soaking into her blouse and drying on her skin from the spray of the wound's opening, she ignored the guttural gurglings of his attempt to speak, stepping back from his grasping hand.

"My name, "she said softly, deliberately, "is not Suzy."


Rikarah Pallaton, formerly Susannah Pallis, had no such problems of keeping herself to a schedule. Living alone, as she did, in a student housing development, located only five minutes from her college campus, she was able to be at her classes and her workplace, the college cafeteria, by walking if she chose- which, not owning a car, she did. Even if this were not the case, Rikarah was an organized person who maintained as much control over herself, her actions, and how her day would unfold itself to the max of her ability.

It had been because of her efforts and her control that she had managed to move herself across the country, without a car, to lose herself in a mass of undistinguished faces and a bland place, to lose the identity of Susannah Pallis and to take up the new identity of Rikarah Pallaton. It had been because of her own manipulations that she had managed to secure fake documentation, school records, and a fake identity of her own choice, impressive enough to get herself into college, line up enough financial aid to get herself an almost full scholarship, and also to line up a job there as well.

Granted, at any moment all of this could fall apart, and the lies of her own identity could be revealed. She could lose her job, her housing, her scholarship, her education, and even her freedom as a citizen in one fell swoop. But Rikarah was not concerned. If her true identity were to be found out, it would be easy enough for her to disappear again, and it is not as though she has not become skilled at making others disappear as well.

She had discovered, upon completing the murder of her family members, that bringing death, when richly deserved, upon others was a source of strength and power to her that she had craved all her life, that she felt better about herself and her life than she ever had afterward. Seeking out those who committed what Rikarah considered to be unforgivable acts and bringing justice upon them, by way of their own death, was exactly what she now felt to be her purpose in life. Why else would she, an eighteen-year-old girl, be so good at it?

Not to mention, it was simply fun.

As Rikarah began her walk to the Hamilton University, she was smiling faintly, ready to start her day.
(Woo! Looks like this is my 1000th post! Yay.)

Maddy carefully tied the ribbon in her hair. She did a little spin before giving herself the final check in the mirror. There perfect. This was getting to be too much work. Every morning she had to wake up fairly early, at least early for an elementary school kid, to make sure she could dress up all pretty like her older sisters. Not that she'd ever admit that she thought they were pretty. Her older siblings never made a fuss or got too excited about the small things. Well, Jeremy did, but according to Juliette, Regina and Riley, he was a loser and majority ruled. Juliette fussed over a lot too but according to her, those were important things. So displays of affection or emotion were big no-nos if she wanted to grow up like them.

She smoothed her hair one more time before heading downstairs. Walking downstairs, she caught sight of Regina and her short skirt. Maddy looked down at her own skirt. That was weird. She made sure to measure this skirt to make sure they were the same length as Regina's clothes. Why did it look a lot longer? Of course, she failed to realize that her legs were significantly shorter than her sister's. She looked at her outfit disappointingly. Maybe she should cut it shorter with some scissors at school. But the hem had a pretty lacey trim that she didn't want to get rid of. Poo, she'd have to recheck the ruler she used.

She covered her nose as the coppery scent of blood hit her nostrils. She rushed by trying to hold back the urge to throw up. She knew that her family weren't like the others. They needed blood to survive. It was a necessity. But she still didn't like it. Having to kill innocent people just so that they could drink blood made Maddy feel like she was a monster. She hated it. She didn't want to live like a bunch of vampires. Vampires were the bad guys or worse, they were sparkly emo wimps. Maddy tried her best to live without the blood but the thirst was woven into her very DNA. Starving herself like that often led to relapses or anemia, which usually ended with someone having to force her to drink.

Maddy entered the kitchen and tugged on Jeremy's shirt. "Jeremy, can I have some juice?" Wait. No. The others wouldn't say it like that. What would Regina or Juliette say? After thinking about it for a minute, Maddy looked back up at her big brother. "Give me juice. You're in the way." No. That wasn't quite right either. "I'm getting juice and there's nothing you can do to stop me." Better? She'd have to work on that.


At the Winchester household, about two blocks down from the Stewarts, things were going as they always did, with Bobby literally throwing Leo out of their shared bathroom. The ten year old hit the floor with a thud. Rubbing his bum, Leo ran to the door and began pounding on it. "Damnit Bobby, I was there first. I just needed to brush my teeth," he said with a muffled voice. His mouth was full of water since Bobby had kicked him out just before he was about to spit. "You snooze, you lose, dweeb." "That doesn't even make sense!"

Having accepted his loss, Leo went back to his room to get changed first with a mouthful of water. Bobby better not have made him late. If Leo didn't leave the house by 7:30, he was going to miss passing by the Stewart house when Maddy leaves for school. His cheeks flushed slightly. He dressed quickly and ran down to kitchen to spit into that sink instead. He sat at the table and was greeted by the scent of bacon. Bobby came down shortly after.

Leo tried to eat his breakfast as fast as he could, nearly choking on a piece of egg. His mother chuckled. "Slow down, Leo. I'm sure this Maddy will wait for you." "Yeah," his dad said. "Do not let her know you like her. You play hard to get, you hear me?" The boy nearly choked again but forced the piece of food down his throat. "Bobby! You said you wouldn't tell!" "Not that it even matters," the teen said while chewing his toast. "She's not going to like a nerd like you."

"Maybe not now, but in the future when I become a millionaire for inventing a fully operational hovercraft, she'll be my wife."
Leo's face was bright red. After a period of silence, he realized no one was supporting his idea and ran from the kitchen with teary eyes. "Meanies."

Mrs. Winchester brought a hand to her concerned face. "Oh dear." But Mr. Winchester never even looked up from his paper. "Leave him alone. I don't remember raising a ***** and I don't mean to start now."
The night had been long and eventful. Coming home with the rising sun Riley still felt the adreniline rushing through his veins still. He knew he had classes in a few short hours, and a shift at the garage not much after that, but Riley was full of energy and knew he would be fine, if anything he would crash for the night and bring up his stores, perhaps only to repeat the cycle the next day. Boosting his sister and lover rolled into one up into the window he was careful that she didn't fall, giving her a firm hand and holding her steady. He could already hear their elder brother clearing his throat, imaging the big stiff's expression as he followed her inside, no assistance needed, hell he could climb through a second story window with ease. But what would be the fun in that, he would miss the show.

Regina started her taunting, linking her arm through his and Riley offered Jeremy an ever innocent looking smile, as if they had done nothing wrong the night before. As if sneaking out in the middle of the night, stalking and killing a human for the sheer joy of it, and sneaking back in evidence in full glory was anything to be ashamed of. Well perhaps the bloodied clothes were a bit much, but at least the rest of the evidence was properly disposed of.

Used to Regina's taunting of Jeremy in a sexual manner it hardly phased him as she goated and pressed against their brother, though in honesty Riley felt relief when Jeremy pulled away from her in disgust too straight laced for the smallest of ruse from their beloved sister.

Riley followed Regina to the bathroom, only to have Juliette push past him in a rushed attempt to get away from her sister who had walked in on her brushing her teeth. The evidence was clear in her hands as the younger teenager clenched the wet brush most likely going to the sink to finish the job. Riley gave her a pat on the head as she pushed past and he was rewarded with a scowl on her face as she sulked away. Laughing Riley went to close the door as Regina slammed it. Raising his eyebrows in play he went to pull the stained tshirt from his person, the cloth now a sticky mess. “Need any help with those clothes?” a new hunger was evident in his voice as he inspected his blood stained beauty.


Juliette had woken up early without assistance. This glory was short lived when it took forever to go over and straighten her hair and pick out a perfectly cute outfit. Finally settling on a checkerboard skirt and fitted band shirt Juliette dressed in silence and headed downstairs to brush her teeth before eating. Not running into anyone before getting to the bathroom she wondered if perhaps she was up too early but that fear was short lived as she heard Jeremy and Regina getting into it. Poor Jeremy, he did everything he could but Regina was a wild witch that did everything bad and laughed about it. Juliette had half a mind to say something when the door was yanked open and Juliette cursed herself for not locking the door.

Seeing who came barging in Juliette wondered if a lock would have stopped her obnoxious older sister from coming in anyway and she stared at her with astonishment as she stepped inside, but before she could say anything Regina started undressing. Face reddening Juliette was speechless and she pushed past Riley as she tried to get away from Regina. The jerk decided to tease her, messing with her hair and Juliette turned to glare at him before going to the sink to spit out the watery toothpaste solution in her mouth.

Witnessing Maddy and Jeremy's interaction Juliette 's face soured but she said nothing, still thrown off by Regina, only walking up to Jeremy herself with a small pout on her lips. “Big brother, would you get me a glass of milk? I got to get my breakfast ready and I don't have enough timee” with emphasis on time Juliette looked up at him with wide eyes, acting all the innocent.


Emilee was having a horrible morning. Her alarm hadn't gone off and she was rushing to get ready. Meaning she didn't have time to straighten her hair and she had to throw on random clothes, only taking enough time to make sure they didn't clash. Lucky for her she had clean blue jeans. She was afraid to find her mother yet at the same time was fearful that her mother hadn't returned home. Still she went to her parent's bedroom, slowly opening the door hoping that her mother was asleep. Panic set in when the bed was made, evidence that she hadn't slept in it and Emilee began to frantically search the house for some sign of her. The search was short lived as she found her mother passed out, half on the couch and half on the floor in a way only her mother could master. Emilee went to check for a pulse but as she approached her mother she heard heavy breathing and was reassured. Well at least she was okay... if you could call that okay.

Grabbing her backpack Emilee ran to the bus stop frantically, seeing the other kids boarding. She wished she could drive to school but her mother had totaled the last car after finding the keys she had hidden away and they didn't exactly have enough money to replace it so bus it was. Frantic and distracted she didn't even think about having to meet with a tutor or the fact that she had forgotten to pull up her hair, her only thoughts were to get to school and survive the day, hoping her mother would do the same. If she was lucky maybe her mother would stay passed out for the remainder.
*Going over his lesson plan for the next day, Lucas rubs his tired eyes, his vision blurry from not feeding in least not feeding on blood, his usual diet was mostly raw vegetables, hardly life substaining for someone with his condition..There is no real classification for what Lucas and others he's come across in his life, nothing official, to the less educated he may be considered a vampire, hardly the case, he has none of the perks and luckily none of the weaknesses except the need to feed on blood to avoid his body completely shutting down. He been aware of his condition since he was 7, his parents were both normal but somehow knew what their son was and made long term arrangements for him to feed but he knew it wasn't out of concern for their son, not really see his parents were very important big wigs in the city, his father a high profile defense lawyer and his mother a doctor who's client list look like a the roll call of some of the most important people in politics and business. Lucas could very well be considered a spoiled rich boy but he's been down to earth ever since his wife died after only two 2 years of being married to him from a inherited defect in her heart. Since she was from a humble background his marriage was disavowed by his parents and when she needed surgery that may have saved her life, his parents refused to help him, after Lucas buried her he cut all ties with his family. And that brings him to where he is right now..3:24am and he's still up planning a lesson in Ancient Languages for a bunch of students that could barely pass high school spanish..But it was honest work, he didn't have to step on the necks of the so called little people that his parents looked down their noses on. He cringes as the pain in his stomach increases, rather he wants to or not he's going to have to feed and that means reaching out to some more of the more shady inhabitants of this city in other words a slim named Shane down at the morgue that acquires fresh blood for him, no questions asked as long as Lucas has 700 bucks. His vision is getting blurry and he has little choice but to make the call and venture out before it's to late.* This is such a pain but I better get it over with.
Tegan rolled over in her bed and reached over to turn her alarm off, maneuvering between the legs of her fawn colored Bengal cat, Django, who was currently butting his face against hers, purring noisily. She withdrew her hand from the nightstand and scratched briefly between the cat's ears before hauling herself into a sitting position. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, she climbed out and walked into the kitchen of her apartment, rubbing her eyes. She put on half a pot of coffee and shoved a piece of bread into the toaster.

While she waited for the toast to pop out, she gathered her books and computer, shoving them into her messenger bag and put some food and water in the cat's dish. The bus didn't arrive at her stop for another hour, so she was able to take her time pulling on her clothes and shoving her feet into their boots as she munched on the toast and sipped at her coffee, half-listening to the news. As usual, there was nothing of import; a minor accident on the freeway, rain predicted later in the week, and some local parent earning a few grand for some kind of kids with cancer fund.

Tegan stooped to scratch the back of Django's neck briefly as she shouldered her bag and left her apartment, locking it quickly when it was time for her to leave. As she stepped out into the city, she ran a hand through her hair, tugging at the ends and started the trek to her bus stop, screwing her earbuds into her ears as she powered up her ipod.

“All right, T.” She mumbled to herself on the breath, “Let's get this over with.”
Regina laughs when Juliette flounces out of the bathroom in a huff, indignant and no doubt jealous by her own behavior, and calls back after her. "Gooooooood morning sunshine, watch it, you might actually look like you have hips if you swing them back and forth like that hard enough!"

She turns back to Riley as he approaches her, her eyes raking up and down his bare chest. She seems to be in absolutely no hurry to "get moving," despite Jeremy's shout.

"Well, you know me, always the damsel in distress," Regina deadpans in response to Riley's questioning her if she needs assistance, raising an eyebrow in an identical fashion of his own as she draws closer to him, reaching out to lay her hands on his bare hips and pull him in close against her, one finger lightly stroking up his spine in an effort to make him shiver. But her own words are so ridiculously false that her face breaks into a genuine grin, and she laughs out loud, standing on tiptoes to kiss Riley lightly at first, the more hungrily as she uses the other hand to yank open the shower curtain.

As Maddy enters the kitchen, asking, then demanding juice in the fashion that has only grown more typical of her lately, and that much more exasperating, Jeremy exhales, his eyes rolling up to the ceiling almost in silent prayer before he looks down at her. There are several things wrong with this scenario. For one, she is asking for juice, which is not what any of them drink or should be drinking, and she has not yet had a proper breakfast of blood. Two, the manner in which she is announcing she's getting juice is clearly influenced by Regina. Jeremy could just imagine how Regina might be taking her aside in the bedroom she shared with Riley, or in the bedroom Maddy shared with Juliette, and egging her on, instructing her how to hold herself, the tone she should speak in, and what to say to most infuriate him. And three, the clothes Maddy was wearing...well, they weren't really all that short or revealing, but they were just so inappropriate as to Jeremy's views of what a ten year old should wear that he didn't even know where to start.

Maddy is already getting the juice as he tries. "Maddy, you know we only have the juice so if a social worker or someone else drops by unexpectedly, we don't look like we have no food at need to have some blood before you go off. It's in the lettuce drawer like always...and know not to speak to me like that! I'm your guardian, by law, and that means I CAN stop you!" he summoned up the energy to try, drawing himself upright and trying to sound as authoritative as he could. She was only ten, after all, if he couldn't control a ten year old, what hope did he have with any of the others.

He would leave the clothing issue for later, or else try to get Juliette to talk to her about it. It wasn't like it would be a great idea for him to try to tell a ten year old she looked like a slut.

Juliette comes up to him then, standing too close for him comfort, and blinks her eyes in the wide-eyed manner she's taken up lately...Jeremy isn't sure what's up with that, if she's watching too many romance movies or spending too much time with the twins, but it's very disconcerting. She's fifteen, and he isn't quite as comfortable with...well, general physical contact, let alone the sort of ongoings the twins have no issue with.

"Why do you want milk, what's with you two?" he said instead, shaking his head. "Get some blood or you won't be able to think straight in class, and god knows you need to pull up your grades or the social worker will want to talk about that too on top of everything else. We need to be in the car in five minutes, come on!"

He started to head out to it, knowing even as he did that it was a bluff that rarely worked if the girls were in the mood to dawdle. He would undoubtedly have to go back inside, pull them out, and make them late or nearly so before they would actually be on the road.


As Rikarah slipped into her usual seat in her first class of the day, history, she checked inside her bag, just to make sure she had packed the uniform she would need to work in the cafeteria later that afternoon. It was present, as always, for Rikarah was the sort of person to be very careful with her schedule and accomplishing what she needed to. That was the way to fly under the radar and not draw attention to yourself, to always be prepared.

She sat in the middle, the better to blend in, and took out her notebook and pen, waiting for the professor and more of the students to arrive. So far only a few stuck out in her memory- Tegan, a girl who appeared older than the average students in the class, and Zane, who was approximately Rikarah's own age. She wasn't sure quite yet, having only recently met her classmates overall, what it was that seemed interesting about them compared to the others, who seemed to her quite young, immature, and bland, as most people did. She knew only that something about both aroused her curiosity, and when Rikarah's curiosity was piqued, she most generally made it her mission to find out if it were warranted.

People could be so very intriguing, and Rikarah had always been one to be interested in obtaining further knowledge.
Tegan climbed off of her bus, muttering a quiet thank you to the driver and walked into the building, still nursing her travel mug of coffee which, much to her dismay, was running low. She wouldn't have enough time to fill it up in the cafeteria before her class started, so she swallowed her losses and walked to class, still half-listening to her ipod.

As she stepped into the classroom, she withdrew her earbuds and allowed the corners of her lips to twitch upward in Rikarah's direction. So far, it was just the two of them in the room and, out of habit, she took her normal seat two rows from the back. It was comfortable there, no one really acknowledged her unless she called attention to herself and she could just attend.

“Morning,” Tegan said quietly to Rikarah, currently the only other person in the class and pulled out her notebook and pen, opening to the page she had left off on last class and froze slightly. “We, uh, we don't have anything due today, right?”
Maddy looked at the juice in her hands with a bit of a disgusted look on her face as she thought of what she was supposed to have for breakfast. "I don't like blood," she muttered underneath her breath. "Plus I already had blood yesterday. I-I don't have to drink it all the time. Plus the smell makes me sick." She put the container of juice back in the fridge though. Maddy didn't want to cause trouble for her big brother. Especially since he was always working so hard to make sure the family had enough money to live. Jeremy always seemed worried about money. Maddy really wished she could help but that didn't mean that she was willing to drink blood or kill people for his sake.

She puffed up her cheeks when Jeremy brought up their grades. Maddy was doing good enough. She wasn't getting straight A's but wasn't getting D's either. There were even two A's on her last report card. Well, A-'s but close enough. Of course, she had to study well. It was the only way she could keep up with her conversations with Leo. The boy was practically a computer, rattling off so many facts, Maddy often felt dizzy. Although that may be the fault of her skipping out on blood.

Then her big brother called them out to the car. He always drove them to school, but today, she didn't want to. Everyday for the past month, she saw Leo pass by her house just as she left the house and got into Jeremy's car. This time, she wanted to walk with him. Her cheeks flushed pink at the thought of walking side by side with him, maybe even holding hands. The members of her family had troubles with relationships with humans though, as Jeremy had told them often. But she didn't want this life. She didn't want to be a monster and marry some cousin or sibling. She was going to be normal and find a prince charming and everything.

Maddy tugged on Jeremy again. This time, she avoided eye contact because she was still blushing. Now how would Regina say it? Juliette wouldn't want to part from Jeremy so Maddy had to rely on the tactics of the eldest female of the house. "I-I-I feel like walking today so I will not be needing the sho-shofur (chauffeur)service." She then began walking through the door and stiffly down the pathway to the sidewalk, hoping to God that Jeremy would let her.
Zane was exasperated. He'd just heard of the twins' early morning escapades. Really, he couldn't leave them alone. At least the thought of having Jeremy there comforted Zane a bit. A bit. Still, right now, he'd just have to concentrate on college. Not that he'd have any trouble with college. Although he'd been accelerated two grades, he'd still breezed through school, denying many national accolades and admission to the top colleges because he didn't want to draw attention to his family's... condition.

Sighing, he ran a hand through his unkempt hair. 'Well, time for more classes.' he thought. Walking into the classroom, he took his preferred seat in the middle of the room. Noting his early arrival, he sat down, swung his satchel of his shoulder, and just sat there. He was accustomed to simply memorizing whatever the professor would say. There really was no need for troublesome notes and cumbersome textbooks.

It was at this moment that he heard another student ask a question about assignments. Recognizing the voice as another student, 'Tegan, was it?' he though to himself. Responding without turning, he replied, "No, there were no assignments due today. However, we do have a long-term paper due if a few weeks, and the professor assured us that it would take excellent time management, so that may be a good addition to your agenda." Then, he took note of another student. However, this one was someone he was interested in. Her name was Rikarah, and she piqued his interest because it seemed he piqued hers. He decided to introduce himself as they hadn't spoken yet. "Hello. I noticed I haven't really conversed with you as of yet. I'm Zane, and you're... Rikarah, if memory serves. How do you do?" he asked in his intrinsically formal, polite manner.
Turning her head to look back at Tegan as she greets her, Rikarah gives her a smile, tilting her head slightly as she nods acknowledgement to her. The other girl has always seemed somewhat shy to Rikarah, but then, Rikarah likely often appears shy to others as well, or at least she sometimes attempts to present herself in such a way.

"Good morning, Tegan," she says. At the girl's question, she lets her face grow serious, even frowning slightly and furrowing her brow. "Of course we have something due. Did you not finish the term paper on the the suffragist movement? It was supposed to be ten pages and contain 7 primary sources."

She waits for a few moments, to observe the girl's response, then laughs, though not in a cruel manner, shaking her head as she smiles at her warmly. "I was only joking, Tegan. We only had the chapter readings."

When Zane also responds to Tegan's question, a beat after Rikarah has confirmed her teasing, Rikarah lets her eyes shift to him, noting again his serious manner. It is decidedly unlike most students of college age, let alone males, and his manner of speaking is even more proper than her own. It seems wrong, somehow, coming from a man of his age and in this particular setting, at least in her eyes, almost as if he is mocking her. This does not seem to be the case, however, and she knows it- she has heard him speak in this way to others when she is not within sight.

Considering who his sister is, Zane's mannerisms are that much more surprising to her. Rikarah works in the university cafeteria with Regina Stewart, and to put it mildly, she dislikes the girl. There is something about her that is false and slippery, something that reminds Rikarah of a snake or an even more feral creature disguised as a typical, if somewhat rebellious, late adolescent girl. There is something about Regina that Rikarah believes she recognizes as part of herself, and so for this overly polite Zane to be in any way related to her seems incredible.

"I am well," she said politely in response to Zane, before letting her eyes flit to Tegan, wondering what the other girl thinks of the young man's conversation starter.


Jeremy released a short, huffy breath audibly and half turned as Maddy spoke up defiantly, crossing his arms before he could even begin to reach the front door, let alone the car. There it was again. She and Juliette were PRISSY about when and how and why they would have blood, as if there was anything they could do about it. It wasn't like Jeremy wanted to need it either, or wanted any of his siblings to. Did they think it made his life easy, to have to steal from his own job? Did they think it was easy to smuggle bags of blood home every night, to live in fear that one day he might be caught and have to explain? He could lose his job, he could even end up having to kill someone to protect them, all to keep the family fed. And here Maddy was, not even bothering to drink it when she needed it, making herself sick to give him that much more to have to worry about!

"You're growing, Maddy, you need it and you need it every day, three times a day! You'll never grow right or get to be as big and healthy as you should be if you keep putting yourself on a...a diet!" he exclaimed, for want of a better word, thrusting up his hands for emphasis. "Go drink it...Juliette, make sure she does," he ordered his other sister before heading out the door to the car. "I'll be waiting outside."

It doesn't take as long as he expected for Maddy to emerge, but instead of getting inside, however sulkily, she walks right past him, declaring some nonsense about...walking? She thinks he would let her WALK to school, where she could get kidnapped or hurt, where she could get lost or just decide to play hooky, or head off with some kid where....accidents...could happen?!

"No! No, Maddy, get in the car! You''re too young, get back here!" he almost squawked, sticking his head out the window, then getting out of the car altogether and starting after her. "Get in the car, we're already late!"
Tegan felt the blood drain from her face and jaw fall open at Rikarah's first reply. Her laugh, however, was incredibly comforting, alongside her admission of the joke and she even let out a small laugh herself, bringing a hand through her hair absently and giving the ends a small and comforting tug. She liked Rikarah so far, but then again, it was hard to dislike someone who joked so openly with someone who had only traded a few words with them beforehand.

When the other boy in the room, Zane he'd later introduced himself as, answered her question, her eyes flitted to the back of his head, almost waiting for him to spare her at least a glance. When that didn't happen, she managed a small shrug more to herself than anyone else.

'I guess I know where I stand.' She mused silently, her head snapping in his direction when he'd started speaking again.

Once he'd addressed Rikarah, his extensive use of vocabulary almost instantly forced one eyebrow up, her face contorting briefly into one of complete bemusement. It made her uneasy to hear someone so young speak in such a way, especially since growing up, it was nothing short of a miracle if she'd heard anything even remotely close to what had just come out of that boy's mouth.

She caught Rikarah's glance and raised her eyebrows once again, the corners of her lips managing yet another brief turn upward before averting her gaze to the clock, twisting her pen around in her hands. Tegan watched the two interact with mild interest, preferring to rest against the backdrop rather than join in. It was much easier like this, to not be acknowledged and get a feel for their personalities with a sort of absent curiosity.

One last time, she allowed a glance toward the clock and let out a quiet breath, glancing down at her notes to skim them over quickly before class started.
*Lucas, now refreshed after finally getting his hands on some fresh blood only hours before, enters his class, in his past he was one of those teachers that always wanted to shape the minds of his students but after years of teaching he's come to realize that the minds he's trying to shape..Most his students are sitting on them, having drowned them with beer or whatever else is popular these days, he can look out over his class and already tell 3/4 of them are either hung over or high, the rest are just here for the easy grade..Or so they think, Lucas admits to himself there have been times where he would just coast through a semester but this wasn't one of them. Dropping his bad on the floor and drops his books on his desk.* Tell me which one of you trust fund babies thinks they know all there is about this subject..I'll tell you what if you can impress me I will pass you here and now for the entire semester. But if I do pass you I will fail everyone else..So what will you do impress me and secure an automatic A for yourself but you will doom everyone else in this class? *He smiles trying to figure out which one of his students think they're so smart that they can impress him but also which student is selfish enough to doom all his classmates.*
Riley watched Regina taking in the sight of him. That woman had a way with her eyes that did something to him before there even was any physical contact. Grinning he reached to help her take off the bloodied shirt as she pulled him closer, the touch of their skin sending a fire through him. A shiver running through him as she traced her finger up his back. She laughs at her own words then reaches to match his height better. First a soft kiss is exchanged, only for it to heighten in hunger and need. “Even if you're not a damsel in distress, I'll still take care of you” he whispers against her lips before returning for another kiss, one hand reaching to turn the water, only to miss by way of present distraction.

In response to Regina's typical teasing Juliette shrieked in frustration before trying to cozy up to her brother. Apparently he didn't find it cute if she asked for non blood items, why had she followed Maddy's example again? Sighing she takes the blood wordlessly and drinks it down with a grimace on her face, sticking out her tongue and making a bitter expression before cleaning up after herself. “I got a B on my last test” she pouts, wishing Jeremy would see how hard she worked to please him. But no he was always distracted by the lewd Regina and her tricks.

“Come on Maddy drink up” She tries to be cheery as she offers her little sister blood, as if she were the poster child for drinking it, hating the idea of it herself. Not watching to see if she drank or not Juliette ran outside to get into the car with Jeremy who was already in a mood today. “Oh by the way my hair straighter is starting to work up, can I get a new one?” she asked with the sweetest smile she could muster. It didn't matter that her hair was naturally straight, she needed a good straighter, and hers needed replacing. Now.

Despite distractions the twins got out of the shower in time to get to campus. With fresh unbloodied clothing Riley went to his motorcycle. It was his pride and joy, sure it wasn't a Harley, but he built this bike from the framework up, putting his sweat and tears into this thing, so the lack of a name on the side didn't matter. Handing Regina a helmet before putting his own on and starting the bike up.
Rikarah smiled back at Tegan as the other girl responded with some relief to Rikarah's explanation of her teasing, noticing that she seemed almost embarrassed. Her response was somewhat refreshing to Rikarah- something about introverts generally piqued her notice and interest, perhaps because in their generation, people who kept to themselves and allowed an air of mystery to their thoughts rather than blurting out every idea that flitted across their mind, whether or not anyone was interested in hearing it, was becoming rather rare.

Zane, on the other hand, does not seem to meet this description, and as Rikarah meets Tegan's eyes, seeing the girl's mild show of what appears to be amusement or perhaps slight mocking of him, Rikarah lets her lips curve into a matching smile, not quite a smirk, but close. The girl could communicate much with her eyes without saying a word, and Rikarah makes up her mind then to make further gestures to reach out to her, if only to find out more of the thoughts that lay behind those eyes.

The teacher enters the room then, and without so much as a word of introduction, launches into a challenge that immediately raises Rikarah's hackles. She regards the man, eyes narrowed just slightly, though she keeps her expression neutral. She does not like his stance, his arrogant words and tone, the contempt he already appears to show. She can concede that most of the class is indeed here with their parents' money and because they are "expected" to be rather than motivated, but the lack of respect he has shown towards the others- and Rikarah herself- puts her on the defensive.

Rikarah plans to work for her grades. She always has and always will. She will not allow her own work ethic to interfere with others, nor will she allow another to automatically doom her to a failing grade. She raises her hand, and looking Lucas in the eye, speaks in a clear, level voice.

"I would like to know, Professor, why it is that you would feel the need to offer such a challenge. Surely if you are to be impressed, it should be by the quality of our work in your course and the depth of our understanding as it progresses and you teach us, and it should be judged on the merits of each person rather than by what one person has already been taught or memorized from a textbook before the course has even begun. The job description of a teacher is to teach, is it not? And we as students are to learn. Surely as a teacher you will feel more fulfilled in your task if you would allow us the chance to do so."


The ride to Regina's work and Riley's school was a rather exhilarating one for Regina, as it always was. To zigzag in and out of other vehicles, arms tight around Riley's waist, the rev of the motor beneath them, occasionally unwrapping one arm from around him to flip off, laughing, any cars that might dare to honk in their direction, was the typical way for Regina to REALLY wake up in the morning, if the earlier activity hadn't done the trick. Of course, the fact that Jeremy hated the motorcycle and shook his head, thin-lipped, every time he saw one of them get on it only added to the thrill.

By the time they pulled into one of the designated student parking spaces, Regina's hair was disheveled from the wind and helmet- which she only wore, of course, if it was Riley rather than Jeremy handing it to her- and they were verging on late to class. She did not kiss Riley, not with other students streaming by, for she wasn't THAT reckless out in public, unless she REALLY wanted to get under Jeremy's skin. Instead she simply hugged him tightly, and tilting her head up, whispered into his ear. "After your afternoon classes, meet me at the caf, and we'll have a "lunch" together."

She knew Riley would get the meaning behind this as she pulled away, flashing another smile before making her way towards the cafeteria. She knew as well that the little Rikarah girl would be working in the afternoon, and she'd noticed Riley glance her way a time or two. She wanted to make sure she was around when Regina made a point of pulling him aside.


A hair straightener? Jeremy didn't even know what one of those was, though he could guess by the title. He stared at Juliette, blinking several times, and then shook his head adamantly.

"Juliette, your hair is already straight, if you want one of those you can buy one yourself with money you earn...we don't have the money to be able to get things like that we don't need, between Riley and Zane both being in college and all the other things we do need. Did Maddy drink? Why isn't she coming out yet?"

He gritted his teeth as the twins emerged from the house, noting that Regina's hair was still wet, her uniform sloppy-looking, and he shook his head as they roared off. The way they acted, it was only a matter of time before they'd end up in enough trouble he'd have to move them all over again...
Maddy grimaced at the blood Juliette handed her and forced a mouthful down her throat. She hated the copper-like taste, feeling a sick sensation in her stomach as the red fluid flowed down her throat. Disgusting. She swallows a few more mouthfuls before her big sister finally left the room. Making sure that no one was looking, Maddy put the other half of the blood back in the fridge. Before heading out, she rinsed her mouth out with some water from the kitchen sink to get the slight red out of her teeth and fighting back the urge to throw the blood she had just taken back out again. And soon she was out the door.

When Jeremy screamed at her to get into the car, Maddy's chest dropped. What made it worse was that she saw Leo just as she stepped into the vehicle. Giving a soft wave, she got into the car with a downcast face. If she had asked like how Juliette had that morning, would Jeremy have let her walk to school? She stayed quiet while watching the boy disappear.

Then Juliette mentioned her needing a new hair straightener. Maddy looked down at her own hair. Juliette's hair had always been naturally straight, straighter than Maddy's own. Wait. Was her hair not straight enough then. She began silently panicking. First her clothes and now her hair. She didn't have the same look as her sisters. Oh my God, she was ugly. Maybe that's why she couldn't get away with stuff like her other siblings could. What if she was too ugly to love? What if she wasn't even related to them by blood? She was an outcast, a leopard (leper). And someday they were going to kick her out or maybe use her as a blood supply! Maddy stared down at her fists clenched tightly on her knees. Her head then shot up. "A-am I ugly?!" she said loudly, eyes wide and filled with panic.
*Lucas walks around his desk and leans against and crosses his arms over his chest. And looks to Rikarah.* Ms..? Nevermind there will be no need to get so formal that I'll need to know any of your names just yet. You must consider yourself one of the few, that think hard work will get you where you want to go but look around you, see everyone else staining themselves to meet my challenge..All of them looking for the easy way out no matter what it will do to the rest of you, all of them selfish and conceded they think a good grade is their right cause mommy and daddy are throwing piles of money at this university. *Turns his head and looks down at the enrollment sheet then faces the class again* Zane?? Ok first of all your parents are mental midgets for calling your that but anyone back on my point which would you rather do meet my challenge and go about your business and focus on what college is really about for you that being hooking up and partying, maybe continue to flirt with the two young ladies you were flirting with when I walked in or spend the next 9 weeks hearing me lecture about people, places and things that have been gone for thousands of years? I'll tell you what you answer me honestly and I'll pass you on the spot?
Tegan kept her eyes in front of her, focusing her vision onto one sport of the whiteboard at the front of the room and tried to become totally absent. It was easy to ignore hostility this way; to just... push it out of your focus. It was a lot like what you tell people who are going on the merry go round, or spinning around in circles. Focus on one thing and you won't get as dizzy.

However, regardless of what she did, it was still there. It was not the first thing on her mind, but it was certainly fighting to be. She was used to it stopping eventually, but it seemed like absolutely nothing was being done to resolve it. Tegan began to pick at her thumb and took in a deep breath.

“Excuse me.”

She slid her eyes over to him, watching closely for a reaction, what she said next, though, was not what she had planned. “Hey!” Once she was sure she had his attention, Tegan's hands stilled, “You're being paid to teach, not stand in front of the room and insult us. You can do that on your own time, but right now, you're eating up an hour of my day that I could have spent learning. So can we just skip this and get to lecture, please?”
*Lucas's eyes switch to the other girl that sounded off at him.* That's it?? Two out of...*Looking back down at his enrollment sheet then back at the class.* 34 of you? Am I to believe these are the only two people that I need to focus on? Only 2 of you actually give a damn about learning anything at all? *Shaking his head as he walks back around his desk.* Damn well that's one more then last semester..Well for the two of you that actually care..We're going to start with the Ancient Cultures of South East Asia, focusing on the Mongolian Tribes. For those of you that can actually read I want a summary of the first 7 chapters on my desk by Friday. I suggest you form some sort of group for the slow among you...And young lady don't try to take away my insulting you..To be honest next to my first cup of coffee it's the best part of my day..By the way you two girls that questioned me today...Well done..Never stop questioning anyone..It's the only way you're gonna learn a thing in this world. The rest of you practice this phrase.."Would you like to try our new chicken poppers combo meal?" Cause you're all mental midgets and doomed to a life of pathetic accomplishments!

(actually had a professor say something like that to a class I was in. LOL)
Zane looked at the man with bored eyes. The professor was irritating, and his challenge was crass, obviously made to incite some sort of outburst from his audience. However, Zane was content with feigning ignorance. After all, most sensible people would stop after their aggressive advances are repudiated. But, then again, it didn’t take a genius intellect on par with Zane to infer that this man, their so-called teacher, was anything but sensible.

It angered Zane that someone who was supposed to be an example of what the students were trying to become, someone who was supposed to guide the students on that path was so irrational. But, he wasn’t surprised. Increasingly, professors were interested only in their own work, their own contributions to their respective fields, and, ultimately, their own legacy. Irked though he was, Zane decided not to participate in the verbal quarrel until he was directly addressed.

Regarding the professor with a look of disdain, Zane kept his legs crossed, his body reclined in a leisurely manner. “I’m sorry, professor, but I’m afraid I don’t know what you meant by calling my parents… what was it again… ah, yes, “mental midgets”. Unfortunately, they’re dead, so I can’t very well ask them to change my name. As for your “challenge”… well, I don’t think I shall be taking it. You see, unlike your assumptions, college, for me, is a stepping stone to the profession of my choice, and I assure you, my accomplishments already dwarf your own. Incidently, the job I have in mind doesn't involve the inane phrase you suggested we assimilate into our vocabulary. “Hooking up and partying”, as you put it, are avocational activities that one may pursue in conjunction to one’s work in one’s leisure time. On a side note, the last time I read the dictionary, a simple greeting and conversation starter did not equate to flirting, although you’re welcome to check.” That being said, Zane pulled out a dictionary and placed in on the desktop closest to the isle.

However, he wasn’t done yet. “I believe I can and will pass this course. Ergo, I shan’t need your challenge. To be frank, I wouldn’t have a problem with listening to nine weeks of history as it is somewhat of an interest of mine. However, I’m afraid that so far, this class has demonstrated that I would have the utmost trouble enduring those nine weeks if it was taught by someone of your disposition.” Leaning forward, Zane placed his elbows on his desk and steepled his fingers. “If I may follow your own doctrine, allow me to question you. How petty must you be to resort to bullying and taunting your students? Why don’t you allow a more competent and rational person to teach this course, one who isn't quite so derisive to those he is teaching? Perhaps you should memorize the phrase "I am an incompetent, crass imitation of what a teacher should be, and I most likely won't amount to much".Otherwise, I suggest you go about your business and focus on what college really should be about for you; that is, helping and guiding students to their goals.” said Zane, modifying the aggravating man’s own words to be used against him. He leaned back into his casual position in his chair and copied the work that the professor had announced.

The wind whipping through his hair and against his face, her arms wrapped tightly around his waist, and nothing but the sound of the motor as he dashed through traffic, as if in a race with an unknown driver. Maybe it was a bit reckless, but Riley was a good driver, he knew his bike and how to handle it, they were safe. The distance lessened until they were at the school, and Riley's left hand turned to brake. Once parked he kicked his leg over the bike and removed his helmet, turning to his twin. He felt her arms wrap around him once more and he leaned in some against her warmth, returning the hug, the most the pair could do in public like this, unless they really wanted to start trouble. Riley secretly hated this. Regina was his woman and he couldn't brag to the world, he couldn't tell the losers that tried to pick her up that she was already taken, and they had to sneak around. Sure the sneaking around part was fun in many a ways, but regardless he didn't want to have to be like that all the time. With a smile he tried to fix her hair some “Wouldn't miss it for the world” giving her side a quick squeeze before they parted ways.

Juliette's jaw dropped when Jeremy said that her hair was already straight. She knew that he was a male and that would limit his thinking, but this was Jeremy, why didn't he understand?! Sure her hair was naturally straight, but it looked much better smoothed out by the iron. Why else would she waste twenty minutes every morning straightening it? It was of vital importance that she had one, if she didn't... she shuddered the thought of walking down the halls of school with disheveled hair. Didn't Jeremy care about her? Did he want to ruin her life?
“Jeremy they will eat me alive if I don't replace it asap! You don't want me to die do you?!” Juliette a drama queen, never. She groaned at just how naïve he could be and hoped that she could get him to see her way by the time the drive was through.

When he spoke up about Maddy Juliette's first thought was wondering if Maddy was more important to him now. Sure Maddy was cute and all, but Juliette was important too.
“I'm not her keeper you know! Why do I have to do everything?” she crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat, not liking how this day was going already.

Juliette turned in shock at Maddy's words, when had she even gotten to let alone in the car? “You'd be prettier if you didn't try to dress like that c*** sister of ours” she said matter of factly, not one for fragile egos and the like, and you'd think she'd have experience with them.

Morning classes were a mix of bore-some bordering on the tiringly so, and tediously informative, of which if he stalled at taking notes surely he would fail midterms. It was just one of those days. By the time afternoon came around Riley was more than ready to see Regina and recharge his battery so to speak.

Entering the cafeteria it didn't take more than a quick glance to find his lover, he could always find her in a crowd and today wasn't any different. His footsteps calculated, Riley tried to sneak up on the raven haired beauty. Coming up from behind her his arms slid around her waist, leaning casually over her form some, a somewhat intimate touch but Riley could pull it off as a brother teasing his sister some, he just had that way about him. “You're here to serve the students right, because I could really use some of your assistance” his voice was a low whisper that even teasing, showed an edge of desire to it.

Jeremy has started the car by now, and his hands are gripped around the wheel so tightly the knuckles are white as his eyes focus straight ahead, the muscles of his shoulders and back drawn up with his tension from the mere sound of his sisters' dramatics beside and behind him. He tries to ignore them, tries to focus on driving fast enough to get where they are going without breaking the speed limit by more than five, as Jeremy is a rather conscientious driver. The last thing he needs is to be pulled over for speeding and to have the officer realize his driver's license is in fact a fake ID, as are Regina's, Riley's, and Zane's.

But he can't ignore them for long. First Maddy is wailing that she could possibly be ugly, a statement that boggles his mind not just because it is ridiculous, but because in his mind, a ten-year-old girl shouldn't care about her appearance at all, let alone worry about being ugly. Then there is Juliette, not only still griping about her already-straight hair, but the words she says to Maddy...Jeremy's eyes bulge at her casual comment, and he actually swerves slightly before recovering, eyes roving back to meet Maddy's and Juliette's in the rearview mirror as he sputters at them both.

"Maddy! No, you're not ugly, you' shouldn't even care about how you look, you're ten years old! And Juliette, don't talk about Maddy's looks with her, it doesn't matter how she looks, and don't EVER say a word like that in front of her! Don't say it at all, the last thing we need is for either of you to get in trouble for saying something like that!"

It doesn't occur to him until a few moments later that there's another part to the reprimand that should be added. "Oh, and, uh...don't say things like that about our sister."

This part wasn't quite as indignant, because in the privacy of his own often resentful thoughts, Jeremy thought the same and worse about Regina. Still, she WAS his little sister, and he couldn't let his other little sisters talk like that. Even if he thought it was perfectly true.

He dared to break the speed limit just slightly the rest of the way before dropping the girls off, already exhausted. It was pathetic indeed that he actually looked forward to his job.


Rikarah's irritation with the professor, who still as of yet has not bothered to introduce himself, continues to grow steadily as he insults and harrangues them, though she shows no emotion in reaction to him in her face. She simply continues to look him unwavering in the eyes, barely blinking; even his compliment to her does not faze her. It is men like this whom she truly dislikes, and this particular man has caught her attention, certainly. If he does not watch himself, she just may have to watch him, much, much more closely.

She is somewhat impressed when Tegan too is one of the few to speak up, as she had had the impression of the girl as too shy to do so. As Tegan finishes speaking Rikarah turns her head just enough to catch her eyes and give her a small smile; she will let herself show as such to her, if not to this man.

But it is Zane who really attracts her incredulity. As he not only challenges the teacher, as she and Tegan had before, but actually insults him, in a rather wordy and pompous manner, Rikarah turns her gaze towards him, allowing her eyebrows to raise as she openly stares at him. As intelligent as the boy may be, it seems to her that he also does not carry much in the way of common sense. Showing himself in such a way, calling much more attention to himself and showing an arrogance matching the professor's will win him no favors, nor any of the rest of him. She looks at Tegan again, counting the minutes until the class is concluded, and is thankful that it is only a fifty minute class rather than a 90 minute or 2 hour one. She has a shift in the cafeteria shortly after, and for once would rather be there than here in the classroom.


Regina is not a fan of work of any kind, and much less so when it pays minimum wage, requires her to wear a dull, bright orange, and rather unrevealing apron and uniform, and she truly detests cleaning up after and waiting on others- especially their FOOD. Being around all this food for most of the day, preparing it and smelling it and seeing it in a variety of formations, is always enough to leave her vaguely nauseous by the end of the day. But they need the money, as Jeremy is fond of reminding her, and as one of the "adults" of the family, and the only one of the teenagers who does not go to school, she is required to pay her way. There are some perks to the job as well. She can have easy access to students, opportunity to mingle, observe, and select future "friends," while still looking respectable.

And of course, there is Riley. He's always good at helping to break up her day.

She smiles as he comes up behind her, able even before he speaks to tell his identity just from the feel of his arms, from his scent. He doesn't have to do anything at all to make his presence always known to her. Leaning back into his arms ever so slightly, eyes flitting around first to make sure that no one is paying much mind, then up towards Riley's face, she lets her smile widen into a lascivious leer.

"I can help you find the nearest closet."

And with that she pulled away, looking over her shoulder as she casually walked towards the closet in the back area of the kitchen where they kept brooms and other cleaning supplies. Yes, it was risky, but hell if Regina wasn't one to take risks.

(figure my next post Rika will go to work)
*Lucas turned his back to the class and pretended to be shuffling papers, smiling at himself he's found three students that actually have some fire in their guts at least they do today, lets see how things progress, but if things go right he's found 3 that can help him with his research. Turning around the smile gone he looks to Zane and the rest of the students.* You have your assignment let see how cocky you all are after you do it. you have 5 days to turn in your summaries. In the mean time anyone looking for intern credits, feel free to stay after class, I only have 4 slots and I will not pick just anyone. So please think about if you'll be wasting your time and mine by applying.

(He'll soften up once he finds his favorites)
The car swerves and Juliette manages not to hit her head on the console. “Well she ASKED” Juliette rolls her eyes, listening as her older brother chaffs her for her choice of language. She smirks. “If you can honestly tell me that you don't think it yourself then I'll never say it again” Crossing her arms confidentially she looks out the window, they're getting close. She begins to worry about how she's going to interact with her friend after the big fight they had yesterday. After all Justin Bieber was SO not hot. And Caroline was an idiot for not seeing that. As she is dropped off Juliette manages a cutsey wave before running off to find her friends. Somehow this girl managed to run in the popular circle. Scary isn't it?

Riley follows, a cool and casual mask upon his face hiding his excitement and the rush he felt whist in her company. When they reach the closet Riley make a quick scan to make sure no one sees them before opening the door and pushing her into the closet. The door still open and forgotten, he shoves her against the wall and bestows her with a kiss one typically wouldn't give their sister. Eyes now showing their hunger he presses against her and begins to whisper against her ear in detail just what he was going to do to her.
Maddy hit her head against the car window as Jeremy recovered from the swerve. It probably wasn't a great idea to lean against the glass. The slight headache did nothing to make her confusion any less. So she shouldn't dress like Regina? But Regina got Riley and they seemed happy. Maddy wanted to find her prince charming too. And what was that word Juliette used? C**t. She didn't know that word. Was it a grown up word? "What does c**t mean?"

Then Jeremy tells her that she shouldn't have to worry about her looks. "But a lot of the other girls in my class are super pretty. And they all have fancy clothes. N-not that I need more clothes. I'm happy with what I have. But Britney's mom lets her use make up and stuff. And Kelly's got a bra already." The other girls in her class were all getting sucked into the world of fashion and beauty one by one. It seemed that they were all growing up and leaving her behind. Britney let the class try on her lip stuff before. It felt sticky and gross to Maddy but everyone else said that she looked pretty with it. And Kelly showed the girls the bra her mom bought her when they had to change for gym class.

Maddy held her hands up to her nonexistent chest. Regina had already gotten the curves that seemed to define a woman by television's standards. And the eldest daughter had already found her soul mate. Maddy was sure that Regina and Riley would get married and have kids and live happily ever after even if they had to hide it from everyone else. Juliette was also growing and from what Maddy could tell, she wasn't having trouble with boys either. Both her sisters were super pretty and there was Maddy. Flat chested, plain faced Maddy. The least she could do was dress like her sisters.

Leo popped into her head. Surely, he liked pretty girls like Britney or Kelly. Every boy liked pretty girls. Unless you were gay then you liked boys but even then they'd have to be good looking boys. "If I'm not pretty, he might not like me," she whispered not really wanting anyone to hear but who knows.With her family's failed attempts to convince her otherwise, Maddy's mood and self confidence fell. To the point where she didn't even bother to wonder how Regina or Juliette would word the things she wanted to say.

She remained quiet until the car pulled up to her own school. She got out of the car. "Bye bye Jeremy." Maddy then began dragging her feet to class. A voice from behind made her stop. "H-hi Maddy." It was Leo. The brunette never failed to wonder why he always seemed out of breath when she saw him at school in the morning or how he got here so fast when he walked by her house right as she was leaving herself.

"Oh, good morning Leo." She then came up with a thought. Why not ask Leo himself if he thought she was pretty? If he thought so then it was all okay. "Leo, do you think I'm pretty?"

The bespectacled boy jumped at the question. W-w-what was she asking? Of course she was pretty. She was s-s-s-s-super pretty at least in his eyes. Well in the eyes of him and maybe two other boys in their grade. Though not as much as rich Britney or mature Kelly, Maddy's cute face and quiet demeanor made her fairly popular among the class. His face turned bright red as her face neared his. Oh God, what was he supposed to say?! Bobby had often told him that when a girl asks a question that it was a minefield and that he had to answer carefully. "W-well . . . um . . . y-you know. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. L-like what one person thinks is p-pretty, someone else m-might think it's not. B-but I think you are p-" "So, I'm ugly?"

Maddy's eyes began tearing up. Ugly. He thought she was ugly? She tried to suck the tears back into her eyes. She soon noticed some other kids looking at her. She didn't want them to look at her horribly disfigured face and she certainly didn't want Leo to know that she was sad. "S-shut up geek boy!" And after yelling that, she ran off to the girl's bathroom.


Bobby rolled up to the school in his car. It wasn't much, just a fairly old dark blue sedan but it was his own car. One he bought with all the money saved up from his part time job. He got out and walked into the building. He began doing a final mental checklist of his look. Bed head like hair? Check. Large hooded sweatshirt with no brand logos? Check. Brand new expensive sneakers that cost a week's pay? Check. Baggy faded jeans that fit fairly loose but not enough so that they'd fall? Check. It may have seen like much but high school was a jungle. If you weren't at the top of the food chain, then life was going to be absolute Hell.

Strolling up to his usual circle of friends, the popular cliche he worked so hard to get into, he caught sight of Juliette Stewart. She was a rather strange but typical teenage girl. Still, it was a bit of a mystery how she got into the popular group. She didn't necessarily follow all the trends for teenage girls and she openly fought with those that did. A scientific miracle or something. Anyway, she was in and he had to treat her as a friend. He did find her a bit amusing though. Like watching Jersey Shore or the Real World. Girl seemed to have plenty of drama and was not shy on sharing it. He brought a hand up in a lazy wave. "Hey Jules. How's it going?"
Juliette turned at hearing one of her nicknames. A smile of recognition fell on her face at the sight of Bobby. Bobby wasn't as cool as some of the other boys, but he seemed to have his own charm that worked for him. It wasn't that Juliette liked him or anything, of course not, she had high standards and he was too close to average, and nothing like her brother Jeremy. “Hey Bobby” she offers a small wave while walking up to him. “Maddy is on this thinking she is ugly kick it seems” she rolled her eyes. Sure Juliette loved her little sister, but sometimes she could be such a... kid. “You know what it's like having an annoying younger sibling and all” she smiles, knowing full well that their younger siblings were such an awkward couple.

A warning bell echos through the hallways, giving enough time for most students to get to the cafeteria and eat the school's breakfast food, if they dared. Juliette always passed on that, it was hard enough being around food without eating once a day, she didn't want them to spot a habit. Lucky for her she was good at passing her food off to others and clearing her plate enough to make it look like she ate. A practiced skill that one. “Have you seen Caroline?” she asked, somewhat wanting to avoid her until later if possible.

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