The Stewarts (rebooted- accepting new characters)

*Lucas takes his drink when it comes he takes a small drink before answering Rika.* I don't think it's an infection, it's genetic something that shows up when you're born, there is nothing supernatural about it, it's just genetics an act of evolution or de-evolution depending on who you ask. So yes I think there is a chance that one or more members of Zane's family has this trait. Can I be perfectly honest with you. If members of Zane's family knew he was attacking people that could be motive for one of them to kill him, out of fear he would expose them. Personally whoever did it I believe did the world a favor, Zane was weak! He risk everything to give into his own pathetic hunger..Whoever killed him did the world a favor.

*He takes another drink* So would I be to bold to ask you to tell me about yourself, if so please decline to tell me if you like.
Taking in a slow breath, Regina nods, tightening her fingers around his. Screw anyone who might happen to know or recognize them as brother and sister, it wasn't like they were making out on a cafeteria table. Although that would be very interesting to do, and something she might have tried were she more in the mood.

Lifting her chin and steeling her expression, she left the bathroom with Riley, walking close enough to him that their hips often brushed. She leans her head briefly against his shoulder before standing tall again, saying, "We should start with your classmates, if you see any, and the people I work with. Actually maybe we should just hang out in the cafeteria, sit down with people randomly and see what they're all blabbing about. We could always pretend to be too sickened to be able to eat, so there's that for a cover."


"So like a birth defect," Rikarah nods thoughtfully, taking a sip of her drink as well. "And likely a dominant one. A parent with this would have a child with this, unless the child happened to have a recessive gene of some sort."

Looking up at him, she asked him directly, "Have you ever personally encountered people of this kind, other than Zane?"

More questions occur to her, and she pauses, giving him space to consider and answer, before continuing. "As for his family. If they are of his kind, but do not publically attack and kill...what would your views be, as to how they should be dealt with? Would it be possible for them to not harm human beings, or is that inevitable? This is all very interesting."

She herself knows very well what HER view is. Whether or not they are publicly attacking, if they harm anyone, she should kill them. Period. But she listens intently to what he has to say, facing him.
Elena blushed slightly and nervously looked in the direction that this Jeremy fellow had pointed in. "Oh, alright then..." her voice was soft and she swallowed hard, licking at her bottom lip which suddenly felt dry and cracked beneath her tongue. The smell from all of the blood was making her a little dizzy and she plastered a forced smile on her face and finally offered him a grateful nod.

"Th-thank you Mr. Stewart..." she looked around, before looking back up at him, tucking a strand of hair behind one ear. She had noted the bag of blood clutched in one hand and wondered why it looked like he was trying to hide it from her. Maybe he felt she'd get squimish at the sight of it? Shaking her head, her nostrils flared slightly and she motioned around the place with one hand in front of her face.

"Does it always smell like this? Like's not, well it can't be from all the blood right?" Elena ducked her head sheepishly, feeling stupid for asking.
Oh no...had she just looked down at the blood? Did she see the blood? Was she thinking about him holding the blood, and why he might be? Why hadn't he hidden it better? If only he was a girl and could hide things like that in his purse...

Jeremy hastily shoved the bag behind his back, knowing even as he did so he had probably called even more attention to it. Laughing nervously, he shook his head, then nodded,then shook it again, trying to form a reply that would sound somewhat normal even as he simultaneously tried to plan out a halfway reasonable escape from her.

"Um, sometimes, if you have, uh, good senses...of smell...then yes, but for most people- for me, I mean- it's, it smells like...well, I don't know, really, does it smell like that to you? Maybe you should lie down. Maybe you should- yes you should lie down, right away! And uh...I really should go..." He edges away from her, eyes darting. Why did she have to be attractive on top of it all? He could feel the perspiration soaking his shirt collar already.
Elena bit down on her bottom lip, his nervousness, adding to her own nerves. "I...I think I'm alright...I'm...' shaking her head, a tiny laugh escaped her and Elena looked up at him sheepishly. "I'm fine, guess I just need to get used to it since I'll be working here..."

Letting out a weak chuckle, she gave Jeremy another once over, blushing when her eyes met his. "You, you're, it was nice meeting you..." She watches as he backs away from her, frowning slightly, wondering if it had been something she said, or oh god...did she have food in her teeth? Ducking her head again, she ran her tongue along the inside of her mouth, sighing in silent relief when she found nothing there.

"It was nice meeting you!" she yelled after him as she headed back towards the office for her meeting.

On her way home later that afternoon, she couldn't keep her mind from wandering to the mysterious Jeremy Stewart.
The girl was frowning. The girl sounded nervous...the girl was backing away fast, trying not to carry on a conversation. Oh man...did that mean she knew why he had the bag? Did she know Jeremy intended to take it?

No, that was silly. Even if someone saw him carrying it, surely they would assume he had a logical, valid, work-related reason for doing so. She must think that. Of course she did. Who would ever think he was stealing it to DRINK it?

Still, then why had she reacted like that with him?

Trying to shake it off, Jeremy shoved the bag inside his jacket and zipped it firmly before heading out the back exit, avoiding even looking at anyone, let alone speaking. Sliding back into the car at last, he lets out a long sigh of relief, glancing back at Maddy as he turns the key in the ignition, hands shaking.

"Time to go home now..."

He is not surprised when he calls the house on his cell phone and no one answers. Of course the twins were out. Weren't they always exactly where they shouldn't be?
*He's telling the truth when he says he personally doesn't know any others like Zane or himself, of course he doesn't mention himself* I don't know, if it was me I would use a blood bank, or make some contacts with a clinic or hospital, it would be expenses but think of the alternative. So tell me Rikarah does my research interest you? Do you think you'll enjoy working with me? Or do you think I'm batshit crazy and want to run far far away cause now's your chance, I would totally understand if you did...However I don't think you will, I don't think I scare you..Hell I don't think anything scares you. But just the same this research is going to take us into some dark places, and I can't promise it's will be safe, if there are more like Zane they might not like the idea of us digging into them..Especially his family who I have to find out more about, if only there was a way I could get some DNA samples from them so I could study them.
Blood bank, hospital, clinic...all which were, of course, available in their town. It made sense, what Lucas was saying, that one of the Stewarts would work in such a place. Rikarah knows that Regina does not, but she is unsure about Riley or any of their other siblings.

She almost smirks at Lucas's questions towards her, having to take a moment to arrange her features into an acceptable expression before she can respond. Frightened? For a girl who has been committing murder for nearly a year, it takes more than a simple aberration in humans, however deadly, to frighten her.

"I am interested, yes, very much so. And I am not frightened. I am in fact very much intrigued. I wish to resolve this mystery, and perhaps to help others by its resolution. I am sure you are correct, and it is not safe, but then, I am not frightened or danger. And I am not as delicate and helpless as I may appear."

She does not elaborate further on this, but instead considers what he has said about DNA. "It is possible I would be able to obtain a DNA sample from his sister Regina, should she come to work with me soon. Would I be able to get DNA from, for example, taking some of her hair?"
Riley gives his sister's hand another squeeze and without question starts walking toward the cafeteria. It's still early in the day, and therefore only about a dozen or so students and faculty members are seated, most of which at their computers or hunched over textbooks highlighting way too enthusiastically.

He toys briefly with the idea of at least getting something to drink, but ultimately decides against it. Picking a table closer to a corner that was mostly empty, the only other person there being a girl with her earbuds in and a textbook opened in front of her, jotting down notes and doodles, oblivious to most everything else around her.

Riley sits down and looks around slowly, searching for any signs of devastation in the faces of the people in the cafeteria, but sees little to none. "I'm not even sure if anyone who knew the guy would be here, right? I mean, don't people usually get days off for this or whatever?"


At first, Tegan doesn't notice the two people sitting at the table next to hers. She's facing them, yes, but her focus is far from sharp. Her eyes skim the pages of her history book, but she doesn't absorb any of the material. The words never even really fully process. Her pen moves along the notebook, jotting down random phrases that she sees, but mostly, she's just scribbling in the lines.

Over the sound of her music, though, she hears a voice and her eyes flit upward to see who is close by. She usually sits here where she won't be bothered, but today, apparently, that has changed. Tegan recognizes as the girl who usually works in the kitchens, she's ordered fries from her enough, but doesn't know her well enough to smile in greeting or anything.

She does recognize her as Zane's sister, though, having seen them talk in the hall and by the last name printed on the name tag she usually wears. It's then that she remembers the look on the face of the guy in the bar last night, the devastation on his face when Zane's name was mentioned. She sucks in a deep breath and pulls one of her earbuds out.

"You're Zane's sister, right?" Tegan says, just loudly enough to get their attention. "I uhm... I heard what happened. He was in my class. I'm really sorry for your loss."
*Lucas is relieve that she's agreeing to join him on this.* Hair is will work but if it's not a carefully taken sample it's useless, saliva or blood is probably our best hope to get real conclusions. As for you being delicate and helpless, it never occurred to me on either case, it is hard to focus on my work when I look at you, you are incredibly beautiful, however I'm a professional and would not assume to confuse our arrangement for anything other then professional. *The food had arrived but he's totally forgotten it, he was truly enjoying talking about this stuff with her, it's strange as much as he's attracted to her, and given the chance for a sexual relationship he would take it, but he's enjoying talking to someone that shares his interest in his research and she doesn't seem to be faking it either.* When is the next time you'll see her? Wait you didn't quit your other job yet, I assure you working for me will pay you more then you will make on your other job, believe it or not research assistants make a decent wage. But if you need to keep your job to get close to that girl for a sample then by all means keep it and I will still pay you.
Regina is paying little attention to the girl beside her. She has seen her often enough in the cafeteria, but not having found her particularly interesting or attractive, hasn't bothered to talk to her for longer than it takes to take her order and give her change. It takes her a moment, when the girl addresses her, to even recognize her as being someone she has seen before.

Regina is still holding Riley's hand beneath the table, sitting close enough to him that their shoulders touch, when Tegan speaks to her, and when she turns to face her, she doesn't drop his hand or pull away from him. Today and yesterday have been long and difficult enough that she couldn't give a shit what anyone thinks about her or what speculations they might make of her relationship with Riley. What is that in the face of Zane's murder? What does she care if people whisper about her in the halls, when they already no doubt are about Zane as it is?

And Maddy's and Juliette's social worker is due over tomorrow...well that will just be such terrific fun to live through.

As the girl expresses sympathy, Regina stares at her with not a trace of friendliness in her gaze. In fact, her eyes are narrowed, her face closed up, almost sarcastic, and her lips twist into a bitter smile as she speaks before she can check herself.

"No, I'm not Zane's sister. I WAS his sister. He's dead now, remember? And I didn't LOSE him, I'm not that careless. Someone stabbed him in the spine. Any ideas who that might have been, Miss Sympathy?"


'Incredibly beautiful.' That was Lucas's words about her, and despite his hasty assurance after that he would not try anything with her, Rikarah, though her expression does not change, cynically thinks that this will certainly not be the case in time. She knows that she is often thought of as attractive, and in fact enjoys using it to her advantage. She is not certain yet as to whether it will be or not with Lucas in particular.

"I will see Regina Stewart tomorrow morning, if she comes in to work," she tells him. "I am not sure that she will, with her brother having died, but if she does, I will arrange for a way to try to get her DNA as needed."

It would be easy enough, she supposed, to offer the girl gum and retrieve it from the trash can after she spits it out, though that would be disgusting. It would be a bit more complicated to manuever a way "accidentally" poke her with a knife or pin of some kind to draw blood, then to save the tissue she would use to blot it or that Regina would throw away. Either way, Rikarah intends to find a way to get what is required.
Tegan nearly flinches at the acid in the other girl's voice, completely blindsided by her reaction. It's not that she expected a thank you, for her brief interactions with the girl proved that she wasn't one to be humbled by anything anyone else says, but still. It comes as a surprise to her.

Her question about whether or not she knows who killed Zane almost feels like an accusation. The boy by Regina's side watches their interaction with mild interest. Something about them makes her uncomfortable, though she can't quite peg it down.

Cautiously, she shakes her head, her eyes not leaving the two of them, refusing to show any sort of submission. "No, sorry. I don't have any idea."

((sorry. this is bad. might come back and edit it when i can think more clearly))
(it's fine)

Regina continues to stare at the other girl, as though attempting to assess her truthfulness, but the girl seems sincere in her ignorance. Sincere, and very uncomfortable, not that this bothers Regina at all. If she's going to talk to her like she knows something or understands anything at all about what it's like for her, for all of them, this girl with her perfectly normal life and her perfectly normal family and her normal...EVERYTHING...well, then she's going to understand real fast that she can't possibly know or understand anything at all.

"So you haven't heard people talking? You haven't heard people running the gossip mill 24/7 over the tragedy of the weird genius Stewart kid? No one's been talking about gay hate crimes or bathroom drug orgies or cannibal sacrifices or anything like that? Damn, and I thought this was a college. Have people suddenly gained compassion and maturity?"

She shook her head in mock disbelief, and then, with deliberate motions designed for Tegan to notice, she took her hand, still entwined with Riley's, and slowly moved it to rest atop the table. She kept her eyes on Tegan as she slowly rubbed her thumb over his hand and moved her fingers slightly in his, then leaned her head into his so they were facing out to her, almost forehead to forehead from the side.

"You're right. You don't have any idea. What we're going through now, what we've gone through before. What we've had to do just to get through each day...what we have to be for each other."

She punctuates this statement with her other hand slipping beneath the table to rest suggestively on Riley's thigh, knowing that Tegan is watching. Still she is looking her straight on as she finishes, "You don't have a clue...but we could tell you all about it, if you really want to know. Or else you can tell us what you've been hearing that we haven't."

She knows Jeremy would blow a gasket if he could see her now, but she cares even less now than she normally would. And for all she knows, it could get what her wants...if not, then at least she had a little fun venting like this.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Cassie_Hack___Begita_Larcos_6_by_Begitalarcos.jpg.0dcc2fa0d9c9d1f375a676cec5cc5f02.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="206" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Cassie_Hack___Begita_Larcos_6_by_Begitalarcos.jpg.0dcc2fa0d9c9d1f375a676cec5cc5f02.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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The last thing Tegan had been prepared for when she left her apartment that morning was getting into a confrontation with the sister of a dead classmate. She rarely prepared herself for confrontations at all, really, unless she was getting ready to go to work, and then, it was just normal situations: some drunk unhappy with the prices of his drinks, or trying to slip his tips down the front of her shirt - those things, she could handle with at least a little grace.

Being openly insulted, however, especially by someone with whom she had never done anything wrong to, and wasn't being paid to tolerate, was not something she was really in the mood for. Her eyes darted over to the boy beside Regina, his thumb caressing the back of her hand, lips twitching upward every once in a while as though something about this excited him.

It pissed her off, and it didn't matter to her that her brother was dead, as she listened to the acid in the girl's voice, the blatant accusation that she might know something about Zane's murder, was offensive on all fronts.

Tegan's lips straightened into a thin line across her face, the predatory nature of these two strangers staring her down tempting her to just drop it, but she couldn't do that. Not after the way the last two days had been.

"Sweetheart," She began, voice cold and much like the tone she had taken with Lucas the day before in class, "I'm a little too old to pay attention to a gossip mill run by a bunch of kids who aren't even paying taxes yet. I don't give a sh*t about what you and your family have for each other, or what you've gone through. Your lives suck, I get it, but that's not my fault. All I was saying was that it's sh***y to lose people in your family and that I hope they catch whoever did it soon."
Regina had expected the girl to stammer and apology and get up and leave, or at the very least blush and look away. She expected her to flick her eyes between her and Riley's joined hands above the table and theirs doings beneath, and she definitely expected shock or unease to show in her expression. She expected her to let her run over her as she had before, to let Regina assert dominance over the situation.

So for the girl to look her straight in the eye, nowhere else, with something like anger, without shock or embarrassment, and say what she had said, was not only surprising to Regina, but vaguely impressive. She blinked, her own eyes softening just slightly, and squeezed Riley's hand before she could catch herself, briefly licking her lips before allowing a very small smile to flit over her lips as she nodded, barely, in response to the girl.

"Yeah. Yeah it is. And we do too."

This is the closest thing to an apology Regina would give her. She looks over at Riley briefly, as though to see what he is thinking of the exchange, before looking back at Tegan, deciding she might as well play straight with the girl, since she obviously isn't about to take any further sh*t from her.

"Look, you haven't heard anything about who the other kid was, or what happened, then? Police aren't telling us sh*t and we don't exactly want to get them more involved with our family than they have to be, no one likes the cops, right? We just want to figure out what happened and who did this."

But not why it happened. Regina was rather sure they already knew the answer to that.
Riley watched the exchange with mild amusement. He had been just as surprised as Regina had when the girl mouthed off to her, and actually expected his twin to maybe even lash out at her verbally or physically. He shared a look with Regina, his lips twitching lightly, eyebrows raised.

Okay, so maybe this stranger wasn't horrible. However, she was not someone whose lip he would want to get used to. The occasional snappy remark, maybe, but to watch his sister being openly patronized... well, he'd be a liar if he didn't admit that it pissed him off a little bit. But since Regina didn't seem to take too much of an issue with it, he decided to simply let it drop.

The girl watched them, clearly unamused, though she relaxed some now that his twin was addressing her with something close to respect and humility. Her face softened some, regarding them with something that wasn't quite pity, or anything that Riley could really pin down. When she spoke, her voice was softer too.

"I haven't heard anything, really." Tegan admitted, "I don't know who the other guy was, either. The only reason that I knew about Zane was because I heard some people talking about it at work last night." She paused here, regarding them carefully, "Your, uh, older? brother stopped in last night... is he holding up okay? He was kind of a mess when he left."
The girl has relaxed, which is a good thing, Regina notes. She might, as Riley had observed, be able to take a little attitude from her, since Regina had rather heavily provoked it, just enough to show her that the girl was no meek mouse, that she had a backbone and something interesting about her. But if she got too full of herself, or tried to use any further sarcasm or worse, pity, then Regina would show her exactly where she really stood on the food chain.

She doesn't let her disappointment show in her eyes when Tegan admits to not having any information; in face, her expression doesn't change at all. She simply inclines her head slightly in a nod, but her head lifts again when Tegan asks about Jeremy.

"You met our brother?" she asks, snorting. "Jeremy's always a mess. Which is funny given how he thinks everything we do is so mortifying, he's the one who can't keep himself together even if this sh*t wasn't going down. Where did you meet him, some strip joint?"

She is unaware at the moment that Tegan works at that particular bar, let alone that the particular body Jeremy had found was the one she had killed.
Tegan can't help but raise her eyebrows at Regina when she asked if she'd seen Jeremy at a strip club. Firstly, because she'd never even stepped into one before, and secondly, because her body type was not necessarily one that she would imagine many men would fawn over as she ground on a pole. She was slender, and, as Jeremy had noted to himself the night before, she was not exactly well endowed in the chest department and had been told so plenty of times by the patrons of the bar.

She snorted, clearly amused at the thought and shook her head, gesturing at her body. "Do I really look like I'd make decent tips at a strip club? I'm practically a bag of coat hangers."

Riley snorted at that, and Tegan saw his hand tighten around Regina's. Clearly there was something more than just a sibling bond between the two of them, which, as unsettling as it was to Tegan, she was able to stamp it down enough to prevent it from spreading across her face. It wasn't her business.

"I'm a bartender," She answered finally, shrugging once. "At The Hideaway? It's the dive just a way down the road. He came in last night, is all. Guy was pretty wrecked when he left, but I guess I can't really blame him. Rough night all around, I guess."
Regina raised an eyebrow back, letting a smirk cross her lips. Due to having rushed out of bed in the morning, and her exhaustion the night before, she has not applied makeup today, but she has also not washed off her makeup from the night before, and it is still just barely clinging, smeared, to her lips and around her eyes.

"Hey, did I say you were a stripper? I just asked if you met there. Hell, for all I know you run the joint, or maybe you've got a wilder sex life and more alternative orientation than most of the crowd here."

She nodded to the students around them in the cafeteria, most who were rather conventional and dress and appearance, and squeezed Riley's hand back, exchanging a smile with him and tilting her head close to his, not kissing or even touching him more than lightly, but the intimacy of the look and their posture screams volumes. She almost isn't listening when Tegan speaks again, and so when she hears her mention the club, and Jeremy having been there, it takes her a moment to start connecting dots.

"Wait? Jeremy was there? And it was...a rough night?"

Thinking back to some of what Jeremy had drunkenly muttered the night before- something about a body in a bar, she thought, or so it had sounded- everything clicked into place in her mind, and she burst out laughing. Riley couldn't know, of course, what she found so funny, nor could Tegan, but she didn't much care. She laughed aloud, her eyes squinting with mirth at this new information as she gasped, "Oh, shit, that's hysterical!"
Riley glanced at the girl who, when Regina mentioned the possibility of Tegan's wild sex life. She let out a snort at the idea, as though she had some sort of internal dialogue running that neither of them were privy to, or, possibly wouldn't understand. Which is true enough. He and Regina's sex life, compared to probably anyone's, was probably far more twisted than anything she could think of or make up.

"Believe me when I say that I have absolutely no time or privacy for any sort of crazy sex these last few months." She shook her head, "Nah, he just showed up for a while, got kind of drunk and... some shit went down so he bailed."

When Regina burst into laughter, Riley glanced over at Tegan who looked just as lost and confused as he felt. Raising his eyebrows, he returned his gaze to his sister and cleared his throat, trying to get her attention.

"Gina? You wanna let us in on the joke, here?"
Jeremy drunk? Jeremy rarely drank anything but blood, Regina knew this for a fact. There was no telling what he would have done or said when not only drunk, despairing, and half poisoned by the effect of the alcohol in his veins, by his body's inability to process it, but also shortly after he had, from what it seemed like, discovered the body Regina had left behind. No wonder the guy was practically incoherent by the time he got home.

If Regina were the type to worry much, she might have been concerned to hear this from Tegan. After all, it was very possible that Jeremy might have said entirely too much and that Tegan and others might possess knowledge they definitely didn't need to. It was something to watch out for, eventually, but first Regina had to allow herself to feel the amusement of this moment. So damn ironic.

When Riley raised his eyebrows at her, obviously confused, Regina held up one hand, shaking her head with a wide grin before she put a finger to his lips, leaning close to whisper in his ear. "I'll tell you later. Trust me, you'll laugh too."

Looking back at Tegan again, finally composed, she asks, "So, drunk and babbling, that's our dear big bro. Say anything interesting?"
The intimacy between the two of them was beginning to get incredibly uncomfortable for Tegan to watch. She glanced down at at her textbook, and managed to skim through about half of a page before Regina addressed her again.

Looking up, eyebrows raised at the question about what Jeremy said and shrugged. "Not really. Just that he was having a rough day, mostly. He wasn't in for very long, and I had other customers, so it's not like we got to have too long of a conversation. Why? Was he babbling when he got home?"
Maddy had stayed in the car silently like Jeremy had instructed. He was yelling again. It seemed like everyone was yelling at her. Everyone was mad at her. If only Zane were here. He wouldn't yell at her. She buried her face to her knees as tears formed in the corners of her eyes. But Zane was dead. And Regina got mean. Now everyone's gonna yell at her. She got a slight headache just from thinking about it.

It would've been better if she had died instead. No one liked her anyway. Jeremy only said he did so that Leo's mom wouldn't tell the social worker. If they took her away, it would only be a matter of time before they figured out that she was a monster. And then the scary guys in black suits would come and take everyone away to be dissected or something.

Plus, if she died, she'd no longer be a monster. She'd just be a normal ghost. No more drinking blood. No more worrying about people finding out. No more being afraid that she would go crazy like Zane did years ago. No. She'd just be a normal ghost or whatever you become after you die.

During the ride home, she chose to ignore Jeremy. Mostly because she didn't want to say anything to make him yell again. As soon as they arrived home Maddy rushed out of the house and upstairs to her room to take refuge under her bed again.

Juliette, looking at the clock after the youngest Stewart crawled into her "happy place", noticed that it was probably too late to go to school, or at least make it to first period on time. This was perfectly fine though. She hadn't gotten any sleep last night and didn't need people seeing her red and slightly puffy eyes. Looking at the darkness hiding her little sister, Juliette was a bit tempted to ask Maddy how her little sleepover went but Jeremy was home and he outweighed Maddy in her mind.

She went downstairs to greet the eldest Stewart. "Welcome back. So are we going for a burial or a cremation?"
"He always is," Regina shrugs, glancing over at Riley for confirmation with another eye roll. "Babbling, ranting, or freaking out, that's pretty much Jeremy's sole method of communication. I'd think he was an ape if he had more body hair and more impressive upper body strength."

She is still tracing her thumb over the back of Riley's hand as she speaks. She is growing tired of Tegan and a conversation that has not been terribly enlightening as to their goal of finding Zane's killer, and so she stands, pulling Riley up with her as well as she speaks to Tegan over her shoulder.

"Hope he doesn't get too drunk next time around, he tends to be bolder with women when he's drunk...AND with men. And trust me, having hepatitis sucks, and who knows what either of you could infect each other with?"

Leaving Tegan with this thought, she pulls Riley far enough outside the cafeteria middle section so that she is out of earshot, leaning in close to him without caring whether Tegan or anyone else is watching as she whispers into his ear, snickering again with her amusement as she explains her earlier mirth.

"So that dead guy Jeremy found and came home babbling about? Yeah, I was the one who did it, I had a snack of him after I got off while I was waiting for you to get out of class. Isn't that hysterical?"

She snickered again, shaking her head as she rested one hand lightly on his upper chest, still leaning close. It dawns on her a few seconds later.

"Oh shit, that loser's probably the one who gave me the damn hepatitis in the first place, I thought he was acting weird!"


The drive home with Maddy was almost entirely silent. Jeremy was still thinking back to his encounter with Elena, worrying that she had somehow guessed what he was doing with the blood bag, and he barely noticed that Maddy was still present in the car, let alone took the time to wonder if she was doing okay or what she might be thinking. As they pulled into the driveway, he said only to her, "Maddy, you have to drink some of that blood, you hear me?" before she went to her room.

The twins were still not home, he noticed as soon as he saw that Riley's motorcycle was missing, and he was relieved. All he wanted was to retreat to his bedroom and lock the door behind him, strip down Zane's side of the room so as not to have to look at anything that might remind him of him all over again, and sleep the rest of his day away. But Juliette intercepted him.

He stared at her, barely able to comprehend her question for a few moments. Was she seriously asking about how to...dispose of Zane's body? How could she stand there and ask him so calmly, how could it occur to her at a time like this?

"I don't know," he managed finally. "We created Mom and Dad. I guess...that's what we'll do with...damn, Juliette, I don't know! Why are you asking right now?"
Riley bursts into loud laughter when Regina whispered what had cracked her up so much while they had been talking to Tegan. To muffle himself, he covered his mouth with the back of his hand and gave hers another squeeze. Once he managed to calm himself down, he shook his head, "God, Gina. You have to make sure I'm in the room when he finds out about this, because he's going to blow a gasket."

His eyes widen briefly at the mention of her hepatitis and he wrinkles his nose, "Looks like no more burnouts from divebars, huh? Time to work our ways up the food chain."

Riley gives her a small smirk and starts to tug her toward the cafeteria doors, "It's useless in here. Seriously, if the best we can do is some bar maid who got Jeremy hammered then we're doing something wrong. Who else can we even talk to? The dean? Would he even say anything to us?"

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