The Stars that Fade Away

Hi! I was thinking about joining, but I've never done an animal RP before and so might take me awhile to put up character sheets but if it's still active by the weekend I should have some time then
I'm very confused about the whole forest fire thing. xD I think the Phoenix pack just wanted to draw attention? Or did they want to start a forest fire? It seems to have developed into a full-fledged fire (partially my fault with my most recent post) but I'm not sure what the initial intention was.
For me, I'm just confused as to which territory the fire originated, but you made a good point. Did they mean for it to turn into a huge deal? Or just that one little pine tree?
At the moment I think that they started it between territories, or more so towards the Seraphim territory, but trees are trees and will catch fire regardless of what territory they are in I suppose. xD
@Madam Red


Yes the forest fire is a bit...confusing. I'm talking with DecpetaBOSS now, because the power to end a fully fledged fire is a little much for my liking. (Please tell me if you disagree.) So far I think that this is what's going on.

The Phoenix Hunters started a fire to make their presence known, but it took a turn for the worst and became an all out forest fire. The Shiatan believe that the Seraphim did it and the Seraphim believe that the Shaitan are at fault. However it originated in the Seraphim territory and is quickly spreading to the Shaitan. This is the reason that the Seraphim pack was forced to leave so quickly, where as the Shaitan have the time to organize an evacuation.


Okay so basically what happened above plus this.

- Dante jumped off a cliff with a pup to escape the fire.

- Raayd jumped off it to save him/the pup.

- Carel has passed away.

- Sky is missing from the Seraphim pack.

- Kole, Sky's "Dad", is worried about his son.

- Aurora just made it back to the Seraphim camp.

- Both packs are evacuating.

Your rogue character Haral could somehow come upon the fire and you could do something with that. Aaralyn can evacuate with the Shaitan. As for Heolstor, she could evacuate with the Seraphim. Be creative, make something out of the situation. Do something realistic with your characters, but have fun doing it. ;P

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