The Stars Do Not Tell


world's okayest lobotomite (they/them)
Roles and Sign Up

Note, reservations are good for 24 hours.

Available Roles [RECRUITMENT CLOSED]*:

-Executive Officer (XO) - Second in command to the ship's captain. [sOLD!]

-Soldier - Or any sort of fighter meant to protect the ship from external or internal harm. [sOLD!]

-Pilgrim - A religious traveler, trying to find their place among the stars. [OPEN]

-Vagabond - A stowaway and a wanderer. Homeless and without a job, showing no outwardly skill. [OPEN]

-Scientist - A curious individual bound to the mysteries that the stars offer. [sOLD!]

-Engineer - Ensures the ship will function without a hitch. [sOLD!]

-Doctor - Ensures the ship's crew will function without a hitch. [OPEN]

-Green - First time sailing on the open void. Newbie that helps with odd jobs around the ship. [sOLD!]

-Cook - Tends to the crew's need for sustenance. Also tends to the small growing garden onboard. [OPEN]

*Additional crew members that wish to join the crew will have to wait until the FSV Thundercloud arrives at a refueling station in order to enlist.

Active Characters:

Character Name (Role) - Username

Alden Harper (Captain) - @Coin

Patrick Hogan (Soldier) - @Pentagon

"Thomas" (Android) - @DrCompton

Kaitlyn Knight (XO) - @Allcure

Shiyan Rosa (Scientist) - @RoyalPhoenix32

Sammy Kirkston (Green) - @FancyPenguin

Adara Taylor (Engineer) - @CelticSol


Character Sheet Skeleton:

Name: What's your name?

Age: How long have you been kickin'?

Gender: What do you identify as?

Appearance: What do you look like? (Picture or description is fine)

Role: What can you do?

Bio: How'd you get to where you are?

Equipment: What personal effects did you bring? Each crew member is allowed to carry a sidearm, though long guns are to be kept in the armory.
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Sign ups are open! I will be taking the role of the captain and will post my CS soon.
Name: Patrick Hogan

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Role: Soldier

Appearance: Every time Patrick looks in the mirror, he thanks God for cosmetic surgery. He'd be a mess otherwise: scars, gashes, broken veins, broken nose and a million other small damages making him even uglier than his already-unfavorable natural appearance. When he left the service, he made his way back to Mars, and while there he spent a not-inconsiderable amount of money fixing how he looked. Skin fixed, bones replaced, features toned and a thousand small changes, making him at least an averagely handsome man. His jaw is thick-set, his face wide. His eyes are dark brown, with deep black hair. He stands at just a hair under two meters, weighing just over a hundred and ten kilos. He is fair skinned, with a casual gait and a relaxed posture [the military utterly failing to impress on him the value of propriety]. His teeth are white, and his smile wide and lopside, his hands broad and calloused.

Role: Patrick has been in the business of shooting, or being shot at, for nearly two decades now, and has gotten quite good at both. Strong, fast and quick to react, Patrick is no slouch in a punch-up, but has always loved guns, and prides himself on his skill with them. An above-average shot among his fellow veterans and with a good situational awareness, Patrick has managed to scrape by these last decades. What people do not realize about Patrick, however, comes from what people tend to not realize about the military: 97% of the time, noone is fighting anyone. Patrick has spent years of his life walking, navigating hostile, uncharted planets, fighting and trailing men and animals, cooking, cleaning, fetching, carrying, singing, dancing, drinking, fucking, gambling and a million other small things soldiers are forced to become proficient at. In his time as a trader, Patrick managed to pick up a smattering of the subtleties of bargaining, economics, time management and even a little accounting [his first few poorly-accounted trades gave him enough of a headache to force himself to sit down and review his maths].

Bio: Born on Mars to a pair of factory workers, Patrick grew up with big dreams and dreary prospects. A life in the cramped arcology, a job at the Manufactuty, a boring family life and a life of not longer than two centuries. He was always big, and not as dim as he let on, and enjoyed the prestige such things bring when one is a child, but as he grew older and realized how little such things mean in the depths of arcologies, Patrick looked for a way out. He didn't want to join the military at first: sure, the recruiters talk about prestige, money, adventure and decoration, ten seconds on the 'net would point out the fatality rates, horrible conditions, and average life expectancy. Patrick didn't want to die, and decided to be responsible and find steady employment.

A martian year later, he was on the elevator up to his first assignment, a Private's chevron burning away at his shoulder. The work was too monotonous for Patrick, too dull, too unfulfilling, and didn't pay nearly enough to make up for it. His basic training took place on the SS Gibraltar, off to Alpha Centauri. Six months later, he was in a foxhole on Cassidi, taking the fight to communist rebels. Patrick, by all accounts should have died: his platoon was given a particularly deadly charge, and were essentially completely unsupported, the Navy not thinking a hundred grunts were worth bombing what used to be their city half to dust. Patrick never quite figured out what he should thank for his survival, and subsequent promotion: maybe his hatred of the commies, maybe God, maybe just blind luck. Certainly not his skills in combat, though he came out of the ordeal a match for any grunt in the Army.

He was promoted directly to Corporal, and with a decade of further service, he earned his promotion to Master Sergeant, in addition to a pair of Terran Crosses, a collection of purple hearts and service ribbons, and [worth more than all the rest], his Federation Hero Star. At the age of thirty-two, he checked out. He convinced himself it would not be permanent, thinking he just needed some time off from getting shot at and slogging miles every day. A month of hot food, soft beds and freedom to do what he pleased with his [not insignificant] pension convinced him otherwise, and he took up transporting [read: smuggling] guns to law-abiding citizens looking for protection. 5 years of going against the strict laws of the Federation is not something one escapes cleanly. Just three months ago, the Gadsden got clipped by a Fed patrol, and now Patrick is looking for new, more relaxing work, suitable for a man of his impressive resume. Answering what amounted to a "Help Wanted" ad from one Captain Harper, he now finds himself on board the Thundercloud, ready for the next ill-fated adventure among the stars.

Equipment: Patrick, being in the business of trading weapons and armor, has managed to acquire his choice of a hundred worlds worth of combat implements. He wears khaki pants, thick boots and a choice of casual shirt when not in danger, but owns a pristine set of Army-grade powered armor. He is coming aboard the Thundercloud with every firearm he thinks he'll need, and a fair few he doesn't. A dozen assorted assault rifles, shotguns, grenade launchers, a heavy machine gun, a shoulder-mounted anti-tank device, and other personal effects, in addition to the bandoleers of grenades and spam-cans of ammunition. Being well equipped was something he had rarely been able to be in the service, and he liked to make damn sure he was these days. He carries a semi-automatic pistol and knife on his person whenever he can [learning for myriad lessons trading with less than legal elements in backwaters].
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Name: Compton Enterprises Android Basic Model J Serial No. 867-53-09 "Thomas"

Age: Brand New

Gender: Male

Role: Android


Congratulations [OWNER NAME HERE],

You've just purchased the newest edition of Compton Enterprises Android Series, the Basic Model J! With our new and improved android, they are faster, stronger, more obedient, and all with shorter down times! The Model J can be integrated to work with any ship AI, can be handle most hostile enviroments without a hazard suit, and is a great servant!

There are any number of upgrades you can purchase over the net, once purchased your Model J should automatically update the software during their down time. Your android's given name currently is, Thomas. You can assign any nicknames you wish, or change the name, during the start up sequence. Also during the start up sequence you may adjust any of the basic settings to your liking. If you have any questions about what the settings mean, just ask your Model J, and they will tell you.

Your androids basic settings are as follows:

Personality: Neutral

Humor Setting:Off


Weapons Handling: Off

Truth/Deception Percentage:100%/0%

To adjust any settings at any other time just say, "[ANDROID'S GIVEN NAME] Settings Adjust." and which setting you'd like to adjust.

Please enjoy the Model J Experience.

For any questions or Concerns please call 987-555-0213

Name: Kaitlyn Knight

Age: 27

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/768fce7353d419da7926246acfbf73f6.jpg.e95c2d5f4070fd9173622a368b32560e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50023" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/768fce7353d419da7926246acfbf73f6.jpg.e95c2d5f4070fd9173622a368b32560e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Second in command (XO)

Kaitlyn is a loyal officer who does the most important thing any officer can hope to do. No not shoot, not destroy, but achieves results. If she is set a task she goes through hell and high water to ensure she, and those under her, achieve their goal. She is an accomplished sharp shooter and a competent leader of men, able to inspire and rally even the toughest crowd. She is intelligent, a decent tactician and follows order to the mark, one of her most appealing attributes.


Born into an accomplished military family back on Earth, Kaitlyn had been indoctrinated with the belief that there was no higher goal in life than to become a military officer. So from the age of 14 she was entered into one of the most prestigious military academies on Earth, easily accepted under her fathers request. However the years suffered in the academy were a wake up call to Kaitlyn, while she was there she had a chance to see something really quite worrying. Most of the students in her classes were not fit for leadership, many only entering the school through family connections, much like Kaitlyn. All she saw was incompetence and since she had gained entry to the school the same was she lost all confidence in her own abilities. By the third year she couldn't take it any more and dropped out, much to the disgust of her father and tutors as she was one of the best students they had seen.

Instead she started working as a ship hand for a local cargo company. Immediately the captain noticed her talents and placed her in more and more managerial roles. After a year, at the age of only 18 she was placed as a commanding officer. Two years after she was second in command. When the company expanded after another three years she was given command of her own vessel. As she took command of the vessel the company decided to send her on the most dangerous route, putting her, though incomplete, fully competent military training to use. She turned her crew into a well oiled machine, fighting off pirates as they delivered cargo all over the galaxy.

She was slowly becoming a very rich woman. That was until she made a mistake. She mistook a pirate vessel for a trading ship, the codes they provided atched and they even warned them of another pirate patrol. Upon docking her ship was swarmed by wave upon wave of borders. Her crew was overwhelmed, the men brutally murdered and the women... Well they were kept alive, Kaitlyn among them. She was imprisoned aboard her own ship which was added to the pirate fleet and was kept there for six months before she thought of a method of escape. After crafting a shiv from a piece of scrap she managed to remove a panel in her room and override the door controls. Making her way to where she knew the other prisoners were kept she slit the throats of the guards and freed them before ushering them to the escape pods. The ship was currently part of a larger fleet, orbiting a pirate moon so Kaitlyn decided some revenge was in order. Finding her way to the engine room she syphoned off all of the engine coolant before joining all of the other prisoners in the escape pods. As they fell towards the moon they watched as the ship they left, suddenly and violently exploded, taking several others with it and starting a chain reaction. As they landed on the moon's surface so to did millions of tons of debris. In the confusion she and the other prisoners managed to steal a shuttle and return to civilised space.

Deeply traumatised by the experience but determined not to let it be the end of her career Kaitlyn looked feverishly for any officer positions available. after several months of searching she spotted a recruitment poster she reported for duty aboard the Thundercloud, ready for a new adventure and eager not to make any more mistakes.


Kaitlyn often wears surprisingly casual clothes when out of combat, often found in tracksuit bottoms and a hoody. When in battle or on duty however she wears MK II Rouge armour, built and designed for scouts and sharpshooters. The armour is light weight and flexible, providing protection without compromising manoeuvrability. She detests any clothing that reveals her skin as it is littered with scars and burns suffered during her imprisonment. As for weapons she prefers to use her Telltale .50 cal plasma tipped sniper rifle. A devastating weapon which she uses to great effect. Her side arm is a modified .44 magnum, each chamber holding thirteen bullets instead of the traditional six. Originally a pirate weapon she carries it with her at all times as a reminder that you can always turn your enemies strength against them.​



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The names Shiyam Rosa and don't forget it


I've been around 25 year now, being me.


I identify as female since I...well I'm a woman.



Role: Scientist, who can study life forms...and things

Bio: If you ask me, I rather dissect you first before giving you my past but...Since you're going to be working with me and my interesting but curious mind, I'll tell you. I'm just an ordinary human with a very large brain and vocabulary to match. I graduated top of my class...which does bring up the question of where I graduated from. That's where I stop and not tell you. To put it simply, I love to dissect things and find out things that others don't want to but I've been warned not to go too extreme with my enthusiasm for being a scientist.

Equipment: What I brought along is the usual scientific menagrie of things along with a Mjf-9 Amscray Cannon, my baby, and...Wait what do you mean I can't bring Altair on board?! He won't eat anyone...Fine, I'll leave Altair here...Hehehe, surprised to see a mutated wolf that supposedly died centuries ago? I kind of saved him from being a circus attraction on some planet and how he came to be is beyond me. I'll probably find out but for now, he is coming with me and you can't stop me...Yay! Thank You!...Altair, you stupid wolf! I'm not an airhead!

Name: Sammy Kirkston

Age: 21

Gender: Female



Role: A brand new soldier who is super excited to go on her first journey on a real ship and with real crew!

Bio: Sammy comes from a long linage of soldiers, ranging from major fuck ups to generals, but mostly fuck ups (Such as accidentally almost starting an interplanetary war!). Her family is mostly known for the chaos they have caused within the ranks over the many decades that at least one of them has been in ranks. For many higher ups just hearing her last name can bring shivers down their spines. But, Sammy is determined to change her families long history of being nothing by no good soldiers.

It all began from a young age when her parents tried to keep her away from knowing anything about their past. They may have served their time in the ranks but they knew what it was like to be constantly ridiculed by their equals and higher ups, and didn't want their daughter to suffer from that same fate. It wasn't until she was ten that she visited her grandparents home and found some old memorabilia from both her parents and grandparents military pasts. When she tried asking about it she was scolded and had the items taken from her. That didn't stop her curiosity though. She secretly researched her family members in military archives. After hours of reading through all the turmoil and accomplishments she decides that she must redeem her family and make a new, better, name for them. The only catch, she wasn't going to tell her family, because she knew they wouldn't approve.

Years pass and it's time for her to enter into the next level of education so she can get higher up in the world, along with cut ties with family history. At least this is what her parents thought. She applied and got into pretty high ranked universities, but secretly she also applied to military academies. Considering her past, non of the good ones accepted her, but she got into a few mid-grade academies. Once getting in it became much more difficult to keep this secret from her parents, but she found a way with the help of a friend that was going to the school her parents thought she was attending.

For the next several years she worked diligently inside the classroom to learn as much as she could so she wouldn't end up being a fuck-up. She also did everything in her power to keep her parents from finding out about her secret. It wasn't until one day they decided to surprise her with a visit on the weekend, only to find out she wasn't where they thought she was. After some hunting down and interrogation of her friend, they found out where she actually is located. They were not happy with her at all, but somehow she was able to talk them into letting her stay. Once she finished school she graduated near the top of her class. Not long after graduation she found a recruitment poster for the ship Thundercloud. Jumping at the first chance of adventure, she packed her bags, said goodbye to her worrisome family and headed out for her first journey among the stars

Equipment: Sammy wears the basic military issue armor, so it protects decently, but isn't meant for long term combat. It covers most of her body and would hold up well in basic and moderate combat. But, if put into heavy combat the armor wouldn't be able to withstand. Currently she is saving her money for new armor. When not ready for combat you will normally see her wearing a fitted t-shirt with a pair of jeans. As for a side weapon she carries her fathers modified magnum that he used during his time. It is modified to be able to carry an extra clip without being much larger, along with a hidden blade at the end of the barrel.​

(Sorry about the wait! Finally done!)

Adara Taylor

  • Name: Adara Taylor

    Age: 24

    Gender: Female

    Earthborn: Dual Citizenship of the U.S and Morroco

    Role: Engineer of the FSV Thundercloud

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Name: Alden Harper

Age: 30

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c240bc6a5_AldenHarperportrait.jpg.053315961b476b3a68a7eb8d0951fec0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50293" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c240bc6a5_AldenHarperportrait.jpg.053315961b476b3a68a7eb8d0951fec0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c240c419e_AldenHarper.jpg.392ae3bec9593c47547fb8088b824afe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50294" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c240c419e_AldenHarper.jpg.392ae3bec9593c47547fb8088b824afe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Role: Captain of the Federation Space Vessel, Thundercloud. Employer of her crew.


Alden Harper was born on a supply ship bound for the outer colonies of the Milky Way. His father was the captain of the ship and his mother was the chief engineer. Even from birth, it seemed that Alden's destiny would be bound to the stars like his parents and their parents before them. However, Alden's adolescence had produced one very rebellious teenager set on defying the hand that feeds until his last breath. When his parents went on supply runs from Earth to the colonies, Alden insisted he stayed planet side and as far away from space-faring vessels as physically possible. Alden fully intended to give his "destiny" a big "fuck you" and be the first in generations to stay grounded and live a quiet life away from reality.

However, fate had other plans for Alden. When he was 18, he received word that his parents had been killed during a pirate raid while they were exporting goods to the outer rim. No matter how much he tried telling himself he didn't care that, no matter how much he tried to convince himself that it was his own parents' fault for throwing their lives away -- he couldn't help but feel a deep anger roiling inside him. He wanted revenge. Just a year later, he was on an IEF shuttle back to Earth bound for a military academy in orbit. It was the only way Alden could make enough credits to purchase a ship and work off his pent up violence at the same time.

A few tours of duty fighting skirmish wars with the PR in the backwaters of Earth and Mars later, Alden had wisened up. In fact, he'd all but forgotten why he had enlisted in the first place. He'd lost all the feeling of revenge he wanted as an angsty teenager in between shooting and getting shot being a grunt in the IEF military. However, without a family to support and hardly needing to spend his funds in any other field, Alden had worked up quite a sum of credits. That and a license for purchasing high grade military equipment, Alden retired from the Federation at the rank of first sergeant.

In the myriad amount of free time Alden now had, he had purchased the FSV Thundercloud from his internal connections with the IEF navy. With the Icarus-class corvette leaving commission and being replaced by the sleeker and more efficient Babylon-class ship, Alden managed to nab the ship for a very reasonable price. Only weeks after his purchase, the New Constantinople event shook Federation news networks with rumors of new unexplored space and land to be claimed. And like that, Alden's fate had paved a yellow brick road for him -- he just needed a crew to compliment the Thundercloud.

Unfortunately all his friends in the military, well, were still in the military. Thus, Alden began the long search, galaxy-wide search for crewmates. The promise of equal pay for everyone aboard and the prospect of exploring the Frontierlands had brought people from all walks of life and all sorts of experiences but only a few, the cream of the crop, were selected. Their journey was about to begin.


By technicality, Alden owns the Thundercloud and it's contents but his personal inventory is much simpler. He prefers lighter armor plating while in combat to maintain mobility and battlefield awareness. The same goes for his choice of weaponry. Alden carries a UI-21 Nodelysium Medium Bolt Pistol while aboard and on shore leave while his preferred long gun is the 'Redwhip' T-99 loaded with plenty of tracer rounds so he can direct he squad's fire with better visual queues. Additionally, Alden prefers to dress in warm clothes because of his dislike for cold environments.



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Name: Connor Kroe

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c25acb591_ConnorwithEnhancements.png.04857424b95f98c2249baf6872ad23a4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51438" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c25acb591_ConnorwithEnhancements.png.04857424b95f98c2249baf6872ad23a4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Role: Vagabond (Inventor and weapons maker when he has tools and materials. which is rare nowadays)

Bio: I was crogetically frozen by my father so a cure could be found for my cancer. It was found some 500 years later, after it had mutated in someone else causing a rise in telepathic super beings who are 10x stronger faster and smarter than the normal man. After I was cured I made it my personal quest to protect the galaxy from these conquering monsters. They call me "Star Child" since every time I arrive it's from the night sky. After learning how outmatched I was, I 'upgraded' myself, replacing my arms and legs with cybernetics along with my eyes with bio optics. Most of my brain was also replaced allowing my custom A.I. Ada to live in my head and be with me everywhere I go. So in a way I converted my flesh body into a 'Half A.I. Contruct". I continue to fight these "Star Slavers" where ever I can. My ship was destroyed after my latest battle with them now, I am stranded on an unknown planet doing what I must to survive. But I will find a way off, one way or another.

Equipment: I usually carry a pair collapsible HF Blades which is stored in my right and left arms. They cut through steel and flesh due High Frequency Vibrations in the blade. And two pistols stored in my legs that fire concentrated plasma.



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