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The Stars Are Falling! (1x1) [Telios & Firefly Of Death]

"Well come on in then. Twilight's in the library" Spike replied, leading the way further into the castle. "I don't know about the stars disappearing, then again, stargazing usually makes me tired." Spike chuckled and opened the door to the library. Twilight was looking through her telescope, muttering to herself, "How. How could an entire constellation be gone??" she mused aloud.
"Huh?" She said, lifting her head. She always got so caught up in her research, some of her friends teased her about having her head in the clouds more than Rainbow Dash.
"The stars are disappearing... You have any ideas about what is happening?" Storm asked again.
"OH!" she exclaimed and backed away from the telescope. She put a hoof to her head and closed her eyes to collect her thoughts. "Well...actually I don't know why...I sent a message to Canterlot, but I haven't heard back about it yet." She looked in the scope again and angled it to look all across the sky, "I thought it was concentrated..........like in one area but...." she gasps softly, "They're disappearing all across the sky!"
A low, deep rumble shook the Equestria and soon after Rainbow Dash came soaring through the open window in a panic. "Twilight! Twilight, the stars! They're FALLING!" Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie came in through the door as the rumbling continued all fearful.

Star was flying towards Canterlot when the stars began to fall. She could feel the change in the atmosphere and looked up just as a star zoomed past in a blazing ball of fire. Star was barely able to avoid it, and was blown away by the turbulence and heat. She bit back a scream as she tried to pull her wings back up and catch herself but she was falling through the air too fast, spinning out of control before crash landing deep in the Everfree Forest.
"They're FALLING?!" Storm jaw dropped before looking outside. "We must get everyone to safety!" Storm said before putting on his goggles and flew out.
Twilight and the others rushed out after him and while the other girls ran to gather the townponies, she stood firm in the middle of Ponyville, her horn glowing brightly. She grit her teeth and a weak barrier formed over the town, becoming more stable as Twilight focused her magic.

Star groaned softly, opening her eyes to see where she'd landed. She was lying on the ground, with debris and branches from where she'd crashed through the trees lying about.
Storm was looking around Ponyville and Everfree forest. He then found Starlight and flew down to her. "You ok? He asked.
Star shook her head to clear it and looked at Storm, surprised to see him. "Y...Yeah I think so...something fell out of the sky. It knocked me into the forest while I was on my way to Canterlot..."

Celestia and Luna stood on a balcony watching in horror as hundreds of shooting stars arched across the night sky. Luna looks at her sister, "We knew this day would come Sister. The stars can no longer sit in the sky as they have been this last century." Celestia nodded, worry in her eyes, "I know Luna, I just did not expect it to happen so soon. We will have to awaken the Guide. She will lose the ordinary life she chose over Princess of the Stars."
"It's a star.... Somehow the stars are falling..." Storm answered with a sigh, looking around.

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