The Star Hounds

Dominae Abstergo

New Member
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First Mate (1/1)

Cartographer (1/1)

Technicians and/or Navigators (2/2)

Medic (1/1)

Mercenaries (Filled)


The Dame's crew has been filled. Though the crew itself is now closed for sign-ups, we will take
certain positions. If you wish to create an ICPU officer, antagonist, or competing pirate, you must message me first so I can fill you in on the details of doing-so.

Please include this information for your character:

Age (Relative to human years):


Gender (If applicable):





Occupation (if any):

Biographical Info (a short summary of who they are, history, ect). Please make sure to go over the world information and the rules!

An image may be included (and is encouraged) but please limit it to one.

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Ulili Tazira

Age: 104 (28 in human equivalent)

Homeworld: Zhisny

Gender (If applicable): Female

Race/Species: Atmarakch

Personality: Ruthless, loyal, stern. Expects only the best from her crew, and accepts their short lifespans. Slow to trust, but will protect her friends with her life. Desires a large amount of wealth and prosperity, and will do anything to get it. While she believes in a dog-eat-dog galaxy, she does not murder. Tazira does not consider herself a cutthroat, but an opportunist. She is confident in her abilities, and does not accept rule-breakers aboard her ship. Punishments have been known to be quite harsh (jettisoning crew from the cargo bay and poisoning have been a common occurrence), so it is best to stay within the boundaries she has set out. Ship-mates who follow her rules and lead, however, will have a trustworthy, defensive friend. If you are kind to Tazira, she will return it tenfold.

Appearance: Red hair, blue and violet eyes, grey skin. Scaled, and approximately 6 ft tall (182 cm).

Skills: Piloting, marksmanship, persuasion. Charismatic and social, Tazira is well known for her ability to coerce and create an element of surprise. Sadly, her pirating actions are now common knowledge, and it is harder to convince travelers that she is peacefaring.

Occupation: Captain of the Third Dame, pirate vessel.

History: A product of her native planet's destruction, Tazira moved with her people to the inhospitable neighboring planet of Zhisny. After a difficult upbringing in the inevitable slums of the barren world, she joined the original pirate crews that stole wealth from the ICPU and the Empire. When this was not enough, Tazira left these vessels and used the money she earned to buy her own ship, the Dame. While the first, and second, editions of this ship were destroyed, her name is infamous on many planets, and her name is widespread. She used the last of her profits from the failed ships to rebuild, and the Third Dame was christened. This time, Tazira is determined to keep her wealth.

Atmarakch species info:

A reptilian race, their lifespans are much longer than most mammalian types. The longest living of this race was recorded at 498 years, though the average life is closer to 425. Atmarakch are clawed, scaled, and are able to see well in the dark. While they do well in high heat, which is why they are suitable for planets such as Zhisny or Mawale, they are cold blooded and sensitive to low temperatures. While on frozen or snow covered planets, they need to wear warming gear to prevent their heart rate from slowing down and entering induced sleep.

There are three sexes in the Atmarakch race. Female, Male, and Carrier. The sex ratio is Carrier 2: Female 1: Male 1, meaning for every pair of male and female there are two carriers. To reproduce quickly, the male and female pair breed to create an egg with a gestation period of only 3 Earth months, which is given to the carrier to be raised as their own. Because of this, there is often no parental ties between the male and female Atmarakch and their genetic children, though the carriers have an intense sense of responsibility towards the young. This system does mean that the population increases rapidly during breeding season, which is generally around the warmest seasons of the year.

The male Atmarakch possess tails with a spear like point, traditionally to defend from predators, but are now more of a show of strength. By contrast, the females are not tailed, but possess a neurotoxin in their saliva that paralyzes by activating pain receptors in their enemy's body. The species believes this was made to ward of unwanted advances from males, who would soon find the females difficult to approach, should they risk getting bitten. The carriers, who are sterile and cannot reproduce, have both the tail and neurotoxin, as well as a frilled crest upon their heads to indicate their sex. All sexes of the Atmarakch are of equal height and strength.

Their home planet, Hershara, was destroyed by marauding Danestat vessels. While a portion of the population was able to evacuate, much of it perished when the planet's core split. The survivors moved to the close, empty neighboring planet of Zhisny, where they began to rebuild. An inhospitable planet with a limited amount of resources, it was not the best environment, but the Atmarakch adapted and were able to scratch out a meager lifestyle on the harsh world.
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Vix Gensine

Age: 21

Homeworld: Danand

Gender: Male

Race/Species: Woedant

Personality: Vix is fond of speaking in rhyme or riddles simply out of habit that he couldn't shake, he is more of a perfectionist than anything else, feeling as though any plan, action or mission must be absolutely flawless before they are executed, he thoroughly thinks every action through before doing anything. He is very resourceful, and usually can find the means to do anything if he is given enough time to think about it.

Appearance: Teal/Verdant skin, covered in a thick exoskeleton hide, bright glowing teal eyes, completely hairless, around 7ft tall (213cm) if standing straight up, but is usually hunched to about 6' 5''. Usually wears casual clothing. Arachnid in nature.

Skills: Scavenger, Swordsmanship, Forgery, Escape Artist.

Photokinesis: All Woedant's normally sustain through Photosynthesis, and it has allowed them to use this energy to fuel their partially glowing hides and eyes, in extreme cases, a Woedant can use stored energy to fire bolts of light out of their hands, but doing this depletes them of fuel quickly and they must re-nourish themselves to avoid starving to death in moments.

Occupation: First Mate on-board the Third Dame.

Bio: Even though most Woedants are born on their species' home-planet of Clarus, which is a planet of almost constant black-light given off by their sun giving off a UV-A light, Vix was instead born on Danand thanks to his ambitious parent's moving there to try and improve their lifestyle, but more importantly their paychecks. Vix inherited their ambition, he spent alot if his time thinking what sort of wealth he could acquire off the planet, though it seemed unlikely he would ever get off Danand, employment was scarce for his family and the environment thanks to the Danestat natives was nothing less than hostile to them. Vix got by with them by speaking in rhyme or riddles so that they would get annoyed and leave him alone, a trait he still possesses. When Vix heard about the Third Dame preparing to take off in search of wealth, he spent the last of his money in order to meet and join with Ulili.
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Savras Prientiss

Age (Relative to human years):45


Gender (If applicable):Male

Race/Species:Avaris Human

Personality:Imposing, intelligent, dependable, loyal, quite, friendly and joking to those close, hard and tough to others.


plus tank top

Skills:Hand to hand specialist, ship repair and maintenance, some marksmanship skill. general strongman.

Occupation (if any):Technician though prefers to be called engineer. Shore party member.

Bio:Often mistaken for aliens, Savras species are in fact an off shoot of humanity. The colonist of a desert planet right on the edge of human space, the planets radiation and the climate led to the colonist to develop a condition known as Atavism, a sort of backwards evolution, giving them reprtilian traits. Due to this, the species are considered as inferior mindless beast, a notion though flawed not discouraged by the species, they have near the same intelligence as usual humans. Isolationist by nature,they rarely stray far from their "homeworld" and have no interest to the contrary living in small city states. Those that leave the planet ofter carry a certain stigma by other of their kind, the extend of which is unknown as few of these outsiders wish to speak of it. A possible indication of its seriousness.

Savras is one of the far few of the species found in the greater galaxy and is tight lipped about his past. When asked he only smirks saying:" just want to explore" and leaves it at that. His knowledge of ships indicates serving in several ships in his past, and wounds a mercenary background.
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Ignis Automatum (former name: Josh Anderson)

Age (Relative to human years): 43

Homeworld: Oldidray-1

Gender (If applicable): Male

Race/Species: Human with large amounts of prosthetic parts

Personality: Ignis is a cold, calculating person that is filled with cybernetics and augmentations. War injuries and subsequent military testing caused extensive damage to his brain, giving him an inhuman personality. He is extremely distant, keeping his relations with others to a purely formal level. While he is a loyal and obedient soldier, he lacks chemistry with those around him. He has a very difficult time thinking for himself and will usually make bad decisions when he is not given orders. While he normally acts more machine than man, obeying orders without question, he has conflicting personalities inside, as the human portion of his mind is fiery and rage-filled. This gives him occasional outburst of extreme anger, putting himself and those around him at risk.

Appearance: Always in combat armor that looks something like this(but without Nazi Symbols obviously):

Skills: Large amount of physical strength, an adept fighter, mostly-prosthetic body requires little food/water/air to maintain, so he is adept at surviving in hostile conditions

Occupation (if any): Former soldier, worked as a mercenary after leaving test facility

Biographical Info (a short summary of who they are, history, ect). During one of the galaxies many wars, a soldier named Josh Anderson was carted into a hospital having suffered extreme damage to his body during an explosion. Three days after his admittance into the hospital, he was pronounced dead and nobody heard anything about him again. As it would turn out, he had been taken in by corrupt officials for military testing. They were testing augmentations of the mind and body and he happened to be a perfect subject. He was subjected to immense amounts of pain and suffering during the test, making his mental state less than completely there. He has something of a split personality, as the human part of his brain is rage-fueled and rebellious, but the artificial elements of his mind are cold and obedient. When the military compound he was housed at was raided by enemies, he was able to escape, stealing a ship and leaving the planet he was on. His great stamina made him a good bounty hunter and mercenary. He spent many years traveling, accepting various jobs for enough money to get by, before joining up with the dame as a mercenary.

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Atakcha Tichska

(Atak for short)






Atak is technically male but considers herself female



The mysterious Bespolykh are an extremely humanoid race, almost similar in every way apart from a few aspects. They are, on average, about a foot/foot and a half taller than humans along with having different body frames. Bespolykh tend to have longer legs along with thinner bone structures. You can sometimes tell one just by looking at the ankles, which are quite thin and long. They also have broader shoulders. Most of the race has alabaster to stark white skin, with the exception of tanner folk, much like the African American human population. You will rarely ever see a skin tone between alabaster and ebony. This race also features aspects like long, semi-sharp fingernails which are hard to cut. They also only walk on the balls of their feet, as if they are walking in heels. This is simply due to a different bone structure in the foot. The Bespolykh all have around the same vocal range, right in the middle, around tenor or alto, most males have a more extensive range but a comfortable speaking level is around tenor, women's being alto. That is why it is so easy for Atak to blend in with other biological women of her race, as she can easily stretch her voice into higher ranges. But that also means she can extend down into much deeper, "scarier" tones. When extremely agravated, or extremely pleasured, the Bespolykh can reach all the way down into such low frequencies, they are inaudible to non Bespolykh. There are only two known natural hair colors for this race, those being whitish/blonde and the other pitch black. However their hair, like humans, is susceptible to hair dyes. Fashion is a staple for the Bespolykh, one of the things they are best known for. It is not uncommon to see them dominate the modeling world in the golden city of Oldidray. Their average attire consists of mainly small, intricate pieces that wrap around their bodies in marvelous ways. The maximum length of any clothing piece is normally mid thigh, with the exception of a long dress, a symbol of wealth and power. Their shoes are normally some sort of heel, due to their foot position, men are more accustomed to human male shoes, just twisted to align with their foot shape, women are commonly seen in extremely tall stilettos. They rarely ever have any balance issues, unlike some human women.

Now your probably thinking, "If Atak is technically male, why does she look like a barbie?" Well the Bespolykh are a very advanced race, surpassing a quarter of Human intelligence. In a new era of technology, knowledge, and acceptance for their race, they have surpassed gender norms, almost completely blurring gender lines. Atak is technically Transgender in human terms. With a society in which gender is not a conflict and the LGBT community is even embraced, Atak was able to start transitioning before puberty, around ten, completely canceling and preventing any masculinization, and acquiring a gorgeous female figure. However, Atak actually has kept her male "parts," feeling no need to change what was already their as she obviously doesn't need to if she looks better than the female population already. However it is still a consideration. Blurring gender lines has really only occurred with the male population as women still are not very accepted to do such things, and much of the male population has stayed masculine and "alpha." As for her love interests, Atak is very much attracted to the Masculine, alpha male.


Atak, like many of her race, is elegant, poised, and underhanded. Every move, every glance, is filled with mystery and grace. She is a master at concealing emotion, even seeming void now and then. But never is this creature actually "void," no, underneath is a raging pool of emotion. Atak is sensual to say the least, and is quite confident in her body, making her intimidating as well. While Atak seems cold and heartless, she does have a softer side deep, deep, deep, deep...deep inside. You just have to dig a bit before you find it. That is if she hasn't tried to rip your head off by then.


Height~ 6'0

Skin~ A shade before pure white

Eye~ Faint, light pink/grey

Hair color~ Blonde/White


Atak is quite stealthy and agile. She knows how to handle many small bladed weapons and is also very efficient in hacking and technology. If espionage is the job, Atak is the employee. Having to grow up scavenging and stealing has very much helped in the stealth, while her races natural abilities with technology contributes to her "tech wiziness"

Occupation (if any): Hacker, Spy, Occasional Navigator


"Where to begin... well I was born to a wealthy family, my father a government official, and my mother a proud business owner. Life was quite easy until my pig of a father started eliciting drugs and embezzling thousands of dollars. When my mother found out, my whole family turned on each other... everyone for themselves. Eventually we were nothing... dirt poor... beggars. My mother lost her dear business... it was disgusting, shameful. We were elite... all to be thrown away and have us be no more than common filth. You know it's rare to see one of my race living in a rundown appartment, with shattered windows and vermin. We were a mockery. That was all put to an end though... you know when the people who my dad owed money to came to the door and shot him between the eyes... I can't feel sorry for him though. He did all of that to us...

And that's when I ran away with my sister. I was fifteen, my sister, Titasht, a year younger... it makes me almost want to laugh. God, we probably looked so ragged and boney, running through that station. We were headed for Danad... Neither of us wanted to, I mean who would want to live in that desert. But we didn't have much of a choice, did we? It was the only place we could survive, the other planets to expensive to modernized... So that's it really. Ever since then we've been scrounging for meals, and dodging bullets... that's why I'm joining the Dame."



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"Jumpy", Officially labeled Unit 2047

Age: Formally unknown, but almost two years.

Homeworld: Unknown, but likely a product of a Zhisny robotics factory

Gender: Non-applicable. Refers to himself as male.

Race: Android

Personality: Jumpy, or 2047, behaves rather erratically. Somewhere along the factory line, his wiring failed, and he was immediately sent to the scrap heap for his inability to maintain an appropriate level of calm. Instead, he is constantly shaking, and he behaves almost like a curious dog experiencing the outside world for the first time. He makes a habit of learning everything there is to know about literally everything, which has led to him being a walking encyclopedia of sorts. When threatened, is prone to murderous rampages which he enacts with the use of a handcannon of his very own design, named "Amputator". He is fascinated with maps, and "dreams" of making a map of the entire universe. As of yet, he is unable to explain this fascination.

Appearance: White steel body frame, black joints, pale blue eyes. Red detail paint.

Skills: Excellent cartographer. He can make a to-scale map based solely on observing an area, using his built-in calculation systems to process information about distance and size. He also has a pre-loaded star map available, which he has edited to also provide information about shipping lanes and ICPU patrolled areas. Created a martial art known as "Punch-Fu" which consists solely of aerial kicks, because "The name is intended to mislead them."

Occupation: Cartographer and Robot Technician

History: The errant product of a Zhisynian corporation, Unit 2047 was an android designed to be suited for literally any task. With a single upload, 2047 would be able to complete almost any task with no training. However, during his manufacturing, the data chip responsible for managing his personality was exposed to water. A critical piece malfunctioned, resulting in 2047's inexplicable tendencies and other various quirks. During the presentation in which he was shown to the company's committee chairman, he had a violent malfunction and shattered every glass object in the room before crowning himself "Emperor of Space". The company scrapped him, but failed to remove his self-preservation programs. He resisted their efforts to recycle him, and escaped the factory with only one of the many programs they had prepared for him: that of the cartographer. In order to survive without a factory ready to produce parts for him, he quickly learned to repair himself and has been on the run from the corporation ever since. Few know, however, that the ICPU controls his creator company, and was intending to create a super soldier with the 2047 model. "Jumpy" is well aware, but chooses not to share the information because it doesn't seem relevant to him.
Age (Relative to human years): 35

Homeworld: Myre

Gender (If applicable): Female

Race/Species: Myrish

Personality: Sardonic, critical, mistrusting, efficient. A child of war, with little experience otherwise. When she was younger it was coin that swayed her, now she takes only the most dangerous jobs. Also likes to cook.

Appearance: Stout, muscular, thighs like cannons. Five-foot-two inches (~157.5cm). Magenta skin and similarly colored eyes. Even-toed ungulate. Horned.

Skills: Thievery, marksmanship, hand-to-hand-combat, poisons, cooking. Not necessarily in that order.

Occupation (if any): Previously a soldier-for-higher, Kyren attempted retirement. Recent addition to the Third Dame. Good to have around in case something needs punching or stealing. Served briefly as an exotic chef on Belkon-3.


Bio: Her homeworld is a hot, marshy planet. Myre - aptly named by those who discovered it. The Myrish people are a backward, unassuming race of hooved and horned nomads. Despite their otherwise nonthreatening nature, the marshfolk demonstrate an impressive natural resilience to sickness, cultural appropriation and formal education.

Kyren, despite growing up mostly offworld, embraces the unfortunate reputation of the Myrish with abandon. The daughter of a mercenary and his merchant bride, she grew up at the hip of the former. Her childhood, while not unpleasant, had little to do with much other than money, marauding and eventually murder when her father was disposed of following a botched job.

Rather than seek vengeance however, she took up her father's mantle and maintained his trade. Serving as a soldier-for-hire on both sides of countless wars, she lived for some twenty years.

Now, old by a mercenary’s standards, she has foregone retirement, and instead looks for an adventure to stake her life on. To that end her thoughts and eyes have turned towards the Third Dame and the ship’s itinerant crew.

Age (Relative to human years): 27

Homeworld: None, he was born a slave on a mining asteroid near the planet Zhisny.

Gender (If applicable): Male

Race/Species: Volicean

Personality: Sarcastic smart-ass, but is also loyal to a fault. He does what he is told without question. Doesn't care what other people think about him, but then again is also not afraid to shoot someone thirty-seven times in the chest. There are those call him sadistic, unstable, and a cold blooded monster, but most of them no longer have their organs on their insides.


Skills: High pain tolerance, expert marksmen, and high agility.

Occupation (if any): Mercenary.

History: Felix born the bastard child of a slave on a mining asteroid near the planet Zhisny. The last time he saw his mom was when he was taken by one of the slavers at the age of eight. He was torchered, thought marksmanship, and hand to hand combat. At the age of fifteen he was a killing machine having killed three grown men. The Slaver gave him one final test to earn his freedom and that was a fight to the death. The battle was long and bloody, but in the end the old slaver was killed by a dagger to the heart his last word burned into Felix's head. “Goodbye son.” With his new found freedom he put his skills to work. He ended up joining the crew of the Third Dame at the age of twenty-two.
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Age: 22

Homeworld: Mawale

Gender: Male

Race: Kirillii

Personality: Overgrown space Boy Scout. Elsiver is a former member of the "Star Scouts," officially known as the ICPUth (pronounced ICP youth). From this stems his unquenchable thirst for adventure, ability to discuss and identify nature of all sorts, as well as his focus on maintaining all safety protocols, and reading instruction manuals. His extensive Scout involvement has left him socially incapable in that he literally cannot tell whether or not someone is attracted to him. This leads Elsiver to ask questions like "Are you flirting with me?" at super inappropriate times. Despite this, his social deprivation has left him "single and ready to mingle." Not quite sure of himself yet, as his last job wasn't exactly of this caliber, but his last job certainly didn't have enough adventure. Has the typical Scout fascination with all things useful for burning, stabbing, shooting, building, and in Elsiver's case, healing. The one thing he's sure of is that his skills and this ship will take him places he's never even dreamed of.

Appearance: Wiry, with smooth skin tanned to a deep blue because of long days spent on service projects and long nights in front of Star Scout fusion powered camp fire substitutes. Overall shorter than average for his race, about 5' 8", but also slightly heavier due to a compact build. No hair, but his ears are fin like, and have small gills behind them. One eye is crossed by a sky blue scar, from his left cheekbone to the center of his forehead. The eye there is golden, as opposed to the natural blue green. The scar is from a sea bear attack on a Scout hike, and the gold eye is from a partial cybernetic replacement. The eye allows him to scan and store documents for later reference, and it currently holds the full text of his Star Scout handbook and the full text of the pamphlets corresponding to every merit badge he has ever earned.

Skills: To a degree a jack of all trades, but has good skills in first aid, as well as survival skills and marksmanship abilities with a wide variety of primitive weapons and their modern energy counterparts.

Occupations: Was previously a Star Scout camp counselor

Background: Elsiver is one of the Kirillii who has become adapted to live on land, though he still retains the penchant for water and the ability to breathe under the surface. He prefers not to speak about his parents, mostly repeating that they “wouldn't approve of this sort of thing.” They are, in fact, members of the government bureaucracy on Mawale and kept their son on a short leash. When he found the ICPUth, he was finally able to explore and discover things on his own. This led to a runaway desire for adventure, and thus a desire to run away, which he did. His wanderings brought him to Kal’s End, where he is planning his next quest.


Kind of looks like this as a base, but adding the details of the scar, etc.
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