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“Your... head comes off?” Mars blinked a few times, “ok then,” they felt kinda bad for the man, it seemed they were in the same boat of getting the short end of the “power” stick.

Then the newest elevator occupant pulled out a cat from no where, oddly reminding them of how cartoon characters pulled objects out from behind. The cat was super adorable, Mars understood how it could be the second mans coping mechanism. They personally liked to sit outside in the park and just watch everything.

However Mars kept their distance from the cat, because cats never seemed to like them after they had turned into this.

They turned to Mina and gasped in amazement as she floated upwards. Her telling of her other powers explained her brighter glow than the others.

“That explains a lot! ‘Cause, to me your horns and tail glow,” Mars exclaimed, “i can see in Infrared, which took me and my friend a while to figure out, but... heh heh.. its all I can see, I’m basically a human snake,” they grimaced at the end of their explanation.

Mentions: StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus hardboilt hardboilt Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Sierra Malchvitch
Mentions: BarnaB BarnaB


" Well i would hate it if i couldn't show off some" Sierra said truthfully even if she was hiding behind her old face she did still manage ways to show off.

Arthur then agreed to go gambling with her, so that was nice it was always better to have a partner. well sierra assumed as much she hadn't done much traveling before this and before she had never been one to toss away all her money on rigged games. The house always won wasn't just a saying it was mathematically true and Sierra knew it. Still there ways to win money with luck and skill, neither of which Sierra honestly had before now and even now she might only have luck. Still she wasn't the one footing the bill for all this so any money she won was purely positive and if she lost some then she lost some. It was to bad the shadows wouldn't play with them, it wasn't like Sierra was going to run she was close the the attention and spotlight she wanted.

The pair would get some chips and then head to a table settling down. Sierra honestly only knew some of the games, the simple ones blackjack for example was simple enough on the surface, and while it could get complex she didn't need to think of any of it. Arthur asked if she played " Not for cash but as a kid i played 21 a lot " She admitted " I'm not crazy enough to lose all my money gambling, just other people's money" She laughed as the cards were dealt and the game started.

Location -- Las Vegas
Mood -- Intrigued/Solemn
Interactions -- PlusUltra PlusUltra

The monkey's reference flew over him, as despite his knowledge of Earth, he doesn't know as much as an "average" human being should have. Though he wasn't an average human being at all, he can see the woman's perspective on the matter, in spite of it still not registering in his mind as to how slow these human evolutionary processes were. Not paying much thought to it, he listened to the woman's suggestion as to why the alcohol wasn't affecting him, which caused him to hum in reply to the woman.

Maybe his need to drink clouded his head, of course, these chemicals are suited for humans. "I guess you're right on that one", he answered as he chuckled to himself at the realization. What Kain took notice of was the woman's jolly attitude and the way she expressed it through her spinning and body movements which intrigued him. Her story was an odd one, even for Kain, some magical force turned her into an alien, well that sounded far-fetched. But nothing's really impossible in this grand cosmos and Kain was beginning to accept that.

Feeling a bit obligated to share at least something with Delphine, he wasn't too keen on sharing anything about him but revealing a bit wouldn't hurt. He sighed as he dropped his feet to the ground and rested his hands on the table as he tapped on it before speaking, "I envy your life, but I guess we should be grateful for what we have I guess.", he grumbled as he tried to uphold a weak smile even with his sour mood, "I was born in an inconvenient time if I could say that, I was a slave for an alien empire after they ripped me from my mother's womb as an embryo and artificially aged me to adolescence. But they failed to realize that I'm a son of a gene-augmented Kree and a god-like Titaness, so when my natural abilities surfaced, I slaughtered them all and left...ending up here on your planet.". A small smirk grew on his face as stared into nothingness, with the memory replaying in his mind, it was twisted but the feeling of revenge was sweet to him. "So you could say I was lucky to be here when your fellow humans needed help with whatever they needed."

Kain laughed when Delphine questioned him on the topic of the observation he made, "Don't worry, It's just an aspect of my natural ability to interact with all forms of energy, I can see the energies that make up everything and everyone. Kind of handy sometimes, but still new to it. Your biological energy signature is vastly different than that of a human being but there's a residual echo that matches the natural frequency of a human being, it's confusing but it's there nonetheless. It makes sense if you say you were transformed by some unknown force"
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In spite of the fact he had been put into and had just come out of a hammerspace. Dango the Cat seemed pretty calm, happily accepting pats from strange people his companion had just met. Knowing that the hotel may not allow pets. Ray knew he'd have to return Dango to his [Inventory] soon. "His name is Dango. We met while I was getting Dango and the name kinda stuck. I was told I could bring someone with me and this little guy was all I had" replied Ray when questioned about his furry friend. Trying out his [Inspection] ability on the three of them. He was able to find out their names. Dragon Girl was Mina, Snake Person was Mars and Headless Homeboy was Fin. Ray wasn't going to say anything about that yet. Some strange guy with a cat knowing your name before you introduced yourself was just weird regardless of random superpowers. So instead he pulled out his room key and held it up. "So anyone near Room 815?" asked Ray after a moment of silence.

Not being the best when it came to speaking or communicating with others. Ray had to have a good hard think before he opened his mouth. Otherwise he'd just end up saying something not appropriate for pleasant company. Finally the elevator made a little ding noise when the quartet had reached the eighth floor. Making sure Dango a last round of head pats. Ray placed him back in his [Inventory] so the cat could rest. Stepping out the elevator backwards like the cool guy he was. Ray asked Mina in particular if she had any plans for that evening. She was apparently a few years his senior according to her status but sometimes one just had to take a chance.

hardboilt hardboilt StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus Shawdios Shawdios
Finbar Cody
Shawdios Shawdios Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia hardboilt hardboilt

"It does, unfortunately" He replied to Mars. He nearly nodded out of habit, but was able to stop himself from taking that risk. "817, m'self," was his answer to Ray as he petted Dango, who he noted was a lot more calm than the barn cat at home. "It's been a while since I've petted a cat. Our barn cat at home, Rooster, is a bit erratic for that. Get close enough to him and he'll fly the coop. Can't blame 'im for it. The folks at the shelter said he was sickly as a kitten, so I s'pose he thinks that every time anyone comes near he's going to the vet." At the thought of home, and the vet, he remembered once more that he still needed to cook up a story with which to update his mom, which brought a slight look of surprise to his face.
Mina couldn’t help but rub the back of her neck at the man’s confirmation that his head does in fact come off. While she was no super hero comic book aficionado, she was certain she hadn’t heard of that one. Just further proof that whatever was going on here was far beyond her imagination. She thought briefly of her friend, Sal, who was the first person to see her in her newly transformed state. The poor guy nearly leapt out her window but at least he didn’t have to help piece her body parts back together. She turned away for a moment, unable to hide a smirk on her face at the thought.

“Infrared, huh?” she replied to Mars with a mystified look in her eyes. “And here I thought I already stood out like a sore thumb but I’m glowing too? Well I’m glad you’re on our team.” Though her tone was playful her mind began to wander to the possibility of enemies. A thought that hadn’t crossed her mind yet. But why else would the government be so keen to gather all these weirdos together if it weren’t for some kind of threat? And now with this idea that her horns and tail could put a big red glowing target on her back, the stakes suddenly felt more tangible.

Reaching the 8th floor the doors slid open and the group exited. Mina only took one step forward before she was suddenly face to face with Dango’s dad. Despite the most interesting elevator ride of her life, it was his question that surprised her the most. Leisurely activities had been the furthest thing from her mind up until that point. Maybe it was the sunglasses and suit clad agents making this all feel like a chaperoned middle school field trip. Oh, what the hell she thought. Better to mingle than to wallow alone in her room contemplating the big evil bad guy they’re facing, right? As if to reply for her, her stomach grumbled loudly.

Pushing past him a few steps she said, “I’m just gonna freshen up and then head down to the buffet.” She looked back at him over her shoulder and added, “Meet me in 15?”

Mentions: Shawdios Shawdios Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus
Mars winced at the Head Detachable man’s response. It really must not be easy to live with. But, Awww, the cat’s name was Dango.

They watched Dango be put back wherever it was pulled out from. Jealousy coursed through them, why couldn’t they get that for a power?

“814,” Mars answered, raising the hand that had the key and making it jingle.

“and it’s not all it’s cracked up to be, can’t read signs and books or use a screen anymore, no color vision sucks.” They sighed, leaning against the wall of the elevator as they directed their gaze to Mina. She actually did stand out a lot more than the other two because of the glow. Cat Man and Head Detached were hard to tell apart without remembering which one held the cat.

The Cat Man seemed to flirt with Mina and Mars rolled their eyes. Romance wasn’t something they thought he should be focusing on right now. Not with the mystery of everyone’s powers and the agents so prominently apparent.

Mars turned to Head Detached as the elevator doors opened. “Can you tell me which door is 814 when you walk by it?” They asked.

Feeling a little bad for calling the man ‘Head Detached’ in their head, they held out their hand and introduced themself, “I’m Mars by the way.”

Mentions: StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia hardboilt hardboilt
Ray rushed back to his room to prepare for his kinda sorta date. Not having done this ever in his entire life. The necessary steps needed to be taken in order for him not to mess this up. Luckily what little worldly possessions he had were inside of his [Inventory]. So naturally he first opened up his [Shop] menu to check out the items on special. Highlights of his little scroll-fest included [x3 Scented Handcream (Common)], [Squeaky Rubber Boots (Rare)] and the [Loincloth of Testicular Fortitude (Very Rare)]. None of which were particularly helpful for his situation. He only had 20GP and $300 to his name. So his options were severely limited. He hadn't even finished his prior quest yet. That was still something he had to take care of. As if answering his prayers. The familiar ding of a notification could be heard. Ray was surprised to see this NOW considering he'd already separated from the other three. Sighing a bit before tapping the screen to receive his rewards. The equally familiar sensation of experience points entering his body filled him up like an odd warmth.

System Quest: Make Some Friends [COMPLETE]

Difficulty: D

Details: You interacted with a bunch of like-minded people with superpowers like a regular human being. Good job and congratulations. Host seemed so worried about his date that this System didn't want to interrupt with a notification. Definitely not because this System was napping.

.100 EXP
.10 GP

With his newly acquired points. He was finally able to buy something that he believed would serve him well. Tapping on an [Accessory] that was going for 25GP. Ray watched as a soft white light appeared in his hand. That light soon shrank in size until it became a simple looking bracelet. Despite its humble appearance matching that of any regular silver bracelet. This was a magical item created by his system. So naturally it was far better than some mere trinket. Sliding it onto his wrist without a moment to spare. Ray was happy to see its abilities immediately take effect. Cleaning himself up a bit before his date. He quickly made his way down to the buffet that was about to close in a few hours. Since everything was comped by this shady organization. It would be rude not to stock up on literally everything he could. On the way there he was lucky to find a single penny. Truly this was the work of his mighty [Minor Luck Bracelet] and its {+3 Luck} powers. Getting there first and loitering about like a wallflower at a party. Ray tried to remember how interpersonal relations worked.

hardboilt hardboilt
Arthur Render

Arthur followed and took a seat at the blackjack table. He knew the rules to the game but he didn’t think he had an ounce of skill to add to it. He supposed he didn’t have anything to lose in this situation though so it was just something to socialize and maybe gain something monetary if he got lucky. Of course he'd never been a particularly lucky person but at least his penchant for not having a lucky streak wouldn't screw him over this. It looked like they weren't the only one's taking advantage of the casino as the room was generally loud as the pair of them walked in and started to get ready for the game.

He nodded along as he got situated and the game began to get going. “I haven’t played much either to be honest. Used to play Rook with some old buddies” Arthur commented as he was dealt his cards. An eight and a seven, not a great start. He gave a chuckle when Sierra spoke on only spending others money. Well this was certainly the opportunity to do that just brought it to mind to hope that the government investment wasn't for anything underhanded which Arthur wasn't entirely not convinced of but he'd always been prone to a slight touch of paranoia.

“Sounds like a pretty smart way of going about things. Especially in our current situation” Arthur said while thinking over what his move should be. He sighed and decided to stand. He didn't want to bust so even with the lackluster cards he decided to stay somewhat still. Arthur wasn't a fan of taking chances, probably not the mindset of a good gambler. "So, you have a running theory on what's going on here?" Arthur asked honestly forgetting his idea of mundane conversation as his train of thought pushed further into current circumstances.

Interactions: Karcen Karcen
Finbar Cody

"Of course," Fin answered as he exited the elevator, turning and smiling again. "I'm Finbar, or just Fin. Either's fine. It's good to meet you, Mars."
Momentarily, he stood outside the elevator to make sure that Mars would be beside him so that it would be easier for them to follow, then scanned the doors for the right number, his and Mars's, as he walked down the hall. Finbar then stood beside the door to room 814, and he prayed silently that the lock would remain locked, but soon enough heard a small, singular clicking noise.
"This one's yours," He said, looking back to the number, confirming once again that it was room 814.
Mina chuckled as she watched her mysterious dinner date scurry down the hall to his room. Turning to Mars and Fin she smiled and said, “I’ll see you two in the morning!” She was pleased to have made a few acquaintances so quickly and found comfort in the fact that she was among others who were also in the dark on this whole situation.

Reaching her suite door she swiped her key card and stood in the entryway, mouth agape, as she took in the luxurious room. There was no comparing this suite to the tiny bland rooms she was used to at the local inn where she worked. An enormous plush bed, a jetted tub, a floor to ceiling window leading to a balcony overlooking the strip. Standing in the corner almost blending in with the gaudy decor was Mina’s agent. She nearly jumped out of her own skin when she locked eyes with his black shades. She awkwardly waved at him knowing full well there would be no reaction.

After a quick touch up to her make up Mina stood in the almost comically large bathroom staring at herself in the mirror. Her new fiery red hair was proving just as difficult to get used to as her horns and tail. Despite her Pinterest board full of hair inspo, Mina never had the guts to dye her natural ashy brown hair. With a deep sigh she downed the rest of a tiny vodka bottle she pulled from the room’s mini bar.

With a little boost of liquid courage she made her way down to the buffet. She quickly spotted Mr. Pocket Dimension standing against a wall appearing to be deep in thought. She picked up two empty plates and approached him. She handed him a plate and gestured to the buffet. “You ready to do some damage?”

Mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
After what seemed like a long stretch of time with nothing interesting. Ray was happy to see that Mina had finally turned up. Taking the plate she offered him. He poked around his brain for something cool to say. "Their pain and our gain" said the ashy haired youth with a sly smile. The available food was enough to feed everyone there twice over. Loading up on a mixture of skewers, pizza and sushi. He managed to snag a couple of alcoholic beverages from a server who was nearby. Gesturing over to a corner where they could sit and chat. Ray was stopped in his tracks by a couple of rowdy people in their early adulthood who were amazed by Mina's reptilian parts. One of them thought it was some kind of advanced cosplay and questioned if there was a convention nearby. The other was less pleasant and referred to her as one of those super-powered freaks that had been popping up online. He even went so far as to call her a Lizard Girl. Sighing at the general unpleasantness directed at his date. Ray was pretty sure that his tiny agent companion wouldn't step in for verbal discourse. So he chose the only option available to him.

Dumping his drink over the jerk and staring down his friend. They both made themselves scarce. Looking back to Mina to make sure she was okay. He got them more drinks. "Don't mind them. Idiots are a dime a dozen" said Ray before downing the glass in his hand. His health bar had a [Poisoned] status beneath it for a few seconds before disappearing. Not having the money to drink in a long while. He'd never had the chance to see if alcohol would have any strange effects on his body with his new powers. Worried that Mina might still be upset. Ray took the time to pull Dango out to sit on her lap. Unfortunately he wasn't in the mood to do anything cute and instead tried to eat Mina's food.

hardboilt hardboilt
Sierra Malchvitch
Mentions: BarnaB BarnaB


Sierra watched the deal had an 8 on the table with one card face down, that was normal so the house had something in the double digits for sure. What Arthur had she didn't know. she might be able to if she knew the right organ configuration, but right now she had no idea. As for her cards and ace and an either so 19 that was stupid strong for a first hand. With 19 there was no way she could actually call for a hit to many high cards were still in the deck and a 2 or lower was rather hard to get. She had to stay a risk was fine, it was fun even, but right now she was to close to a win and it would be stupidly reckless to take a hit.

Arthur then asked what Sierra thought was obvious, what were they doing here, what did the government want. Well she was sure what they were here for. " Easy they want a superhero team, a bunch of people with powers, we can't be all and some might not have shown or been known of. Best to get a team on your side before the enemy does" She explained as her turn came up " I raise" She said adding more chips to her bet feeling she was the strongest at the table right now.
"Oh I wouldn't be too envious, the whole powers thing does have some downsides, but i guess the entire slave-like background makes it delightful by comparison, though weird how you figured out intergalactic travel but stumbled on something this planet figured out a good while ago" Another laugh escapes her lips trying to lighten the mood somewhat. The whole talk of ripping from mothers, slavery and slaughter really did kill the mood a bit.

"Though on the topic of energy, I really can't give much input other than taking your word on that. A whole lot of unknowns and at a certain point you wonder if more questions would just confuse things further. Just know there's a whole lot more to me than the outside lets on, and maybe i have a little more control of myself than i used to."

Xen6n Xen6n
Arthur Render
For the moment Arthur was sort of just waiting for the next round to progress he didn't have much faith in winning but it's not like he was losing anything so that wasn't too big a deal. He listened as Sierra seemed to have no issue answering his question, she seemed rather sure of her assessment of the situation and in sort of an odd way Arthur saw a bit of sense in it. He did just find it a little odd about his own inclusion. Sure he was a detective but he sure as hell wasn't a Sherlock Holmes and he didn't think his 'superpower' was enough to get him noticed in that department.

Maybe they didn't know the full extent of everyone's powers and they instead just had a way to track everyone they could that'd developed a supernatural ability and they were banking on them being useful. He'd seen a couple folks that seemingly had useful abilities from their appearance and Sierra's metal transformation thing could definitely be useful for that sort of thing. "Well that sounds like it could get... interesting for sure" Arthur spoke. He did wonder what this bunch of people being chosen for possible super heroics could entail in particular. It was doubtful everybody here was trained for combat. Arthur knew he wasn't, except maybe that one time that he couldn't remember but he was halfway convinced that that had just been a weird dream.

"I was convinced this was gonna end in some kind of government coverup so I do like your idea a little better" Arthur added. He found one of his fingers tapping on the table in some form of tick. It was a new thing, he'd not started doing it since a week or so ago. Just another odd occurrence. He'd play a couple more rounds before turning in for the night, he found himself growing tired more easily as well and even just all the traveling with his brain working overdrive to try and figure out what was going on had worn him out.

"So I take it you've got some thoughts on the idea of turning into some kind of superhero then?" Arthur commented, he certainly did himself. It sounded exciting sort of in the same vein of detective work. Being out to help people just in a different kind of way. Of course, that would mean fighting things like the thing he dealt with that night and he guessed blacking out and hoping for the best would cut it.

Karcen Karcen

Location -- Las Vegas
Mood -- Curious
Interactions -- PlusUltra PlusUltra

"Yeah, it is weird, but I guess fate has a funny way of bridging everything together, maybe coming to Erth wasn't so bad as I thought.", Kain responded with a small smile as he appreciated how Delphine was trying to elevate the mood after sharing his past.

They both did just meet so Delphine was pretty much right on what she said ad Kain acknowledged that, while Kain wasn't judgemental he does try to assume many things given his cosmic abilities. "Now that is a rabbit hole I do not intend to go down, so let's talk about something else", Kain would get up from his seat and walk over to the bar and order a cocktail, eventually getting one from the bartender, he went back to Delphine and rested the glass on the table as he laid back on his seat looking about the buzzing area. "So how did you get here honestly, and do you know anything about the people in charge of this?"
Mina let out a hearty laugh at his quip. It was true, her and her empty stomach fully intended to tear this buffet up. Piling her plate with an obscene amount of food she grinned with excitement. Crab legs, prime rib, mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, and an assortment of different kinds of dinner rolls. She was happy to see that her companion was doing the same. She always got along well with other gluttons.

She nearly crashed into his back as he stopped in his tracks on the way to their table. She peeked around him and was confronted with pointed fingers and the obnoxious laughs of some clearly drunk casino patrons. God dammit, she thought as she prepared to begin explaining herself. Before she could even open her mouth she heard the clatter of ice cubes on the ground and looked up to see the man’s hair soaked with a fruity cocktail. The belly laugh that erupted from Mina could probably be heard across the buffet hall.

As they sat down at their table she happily grabbed the drink being handed to her and took a few big gulps. “Thank you…you really didn’t have to do that but it was fucking awesome,” she said with genuine sincerity. Seeing Dango suddenly joining them, she scooped up a little bit of mashed potatoes on her finger and held it out for him to enjoy. “So, mysterious magic cat man, what were you doing before all this?”

Mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Noticing that Mina was feeling fine enough to joke around with him and let a cat lick her finger. Ray was able to breathe easy knowing that the situation had been dealt with. As for her question, it was simple to answer. "I was homeless, so not much going on. Dango and I would usually huddle together in trash for warmth. My powers only helped me make enough not to starve but not much else. During a particularly rainy night. The agent I came here with found the furball and I in a dumpster smelling worse than actual garbage. She got us cleaned up and brought us here" said Ray while patting Dango on his head. There were plenty of stray cats in the alleyways he squatted in. Dango was the only one who stayed with him. This munchkin was all he had in the world. Which was why Ray had refused to part with him.

Taking a moment to start eating actual food until he was full. Ray was at least happy that he was able to enjoy things like this despite the dubious nature of the group that came for powered individuals like himself and Mina. Likely this was part of the carrot on the stick dangled in front of them. Those points invested in his [INT] and [WIS] were well spent. With how this was going, they'd be shipped out and sent on missions with high fatality rates. No singular government had quite revealed to the public that they had figured out how to deal with the unnatural occurrences across the world. Not only were they lab rats, they were a trial run for powered groups as field operatives. Sighing to himself at the situation he'd found himself in. Ray knocked back a few more drinks and frowned at the fact that his system neutralized the alcohol before it had any effect.

hardboilt hardboilt
Delphine would keep her gaze on him as he moved across the bar to get closer, raising a finger to the bartender without looking as her own drink was refilled to the top.

"Honestly I just know there a bunch of suits that are kinda semi-competent at staying out of sight when they want to, and emotionless mannequins at all other times. Pretty sure they are government, but as for what alphabet organisation they are from i couldn't tell you. As for How i got here? Well got tracked down, given a letter, took a wrong turn at Albercurque, then two free plane tickets over to this Hotel"

She shrugs as she explains quite matter-of-factly, she really didn't have that much information so was just going with the flows of things. Given how weird all the power stuff made things it wasn't like she had anything concrete to plan around in the end.
Xen6n Xen6n
Sierra Malchvitch
Mentions: BarnaB BarnaB


Cards would be dealt and wins became loses and became wins again as the table played the game. Time passed and things could only be fun for so long with the casino not running like normal. Normally a casino would try it's hardest to keep you in and keep you from realizing the passage of time. Sierra could have played longer but it was no fun to just play one game with the same people over and over, the cards changed but it was just not as fun. Arthur asked about her become a hero and that much was true.

" Yes i do heroes get all the attention now don't they?" She said not really asking she was just doing this have all eye on her not because she felt any duty to the world.
Arthur Render

Arthur continued to play for the next couple hands his luck didn’t seem to get much better as the game went on. He couldn’t seem to get any higher number than a 17 and even then that ended up getting beat out by the other folks at the table. He nodded along as Sierra gave her thoughts on being a Superhero. She certainly had a point that if you did end up being a superhero people would pay attention to you but Arthur wasn’t sure that was a positive. “I mean if they suddenly become real I’m sure plenty of people will want to know just about everything they do.”

The idea of being some kind of celebrity had never really appealed to him he preferred anonymity personally though it made sense some other folks would be totally down for that kind of thing. After that he was out of energy for questions so he was mostly quiet unless some question or comment was directed towards him and then he’d answer or respond.

The time did come when he decided to pack up and find his room. “Nice to meet you and talk but I am gonna turn in. Good luck” Arthur gave a farewell to Sierra and headed for the elevator remembering his room number and heading in that direction. He found his room and entered within. It was definitely nice all things considered, definitely higher quality than his bedroom back at home. Though he didn't spend any time exploring it. Arthur was beat and the seat of a bed just made him want to turn in all the more. He guessed it'd just have to be a flipped coin whether or not he'd end up sleep walking this tonight.

The light went off and he laid to bed and it wasn't too long after unconsciousness took over that the eyes flung open again.

Mentions: Karcen Karcen

The man's body grew in height and he filled out with muscle. The eyes were a different green color and the very small amount of facial hair present expanded into a full beard. Hercules went up into an upright position and looked about his surroundings, certainly different to the small rickety room he'd found himself in before. He pushed himself up and made his way about, the room was dark and he found himself spending less than a minute inspecting the surroundings before pushing his way out of the door. Hercules took a step forward into what appeared to be a long monotonous hallway.

The olympian blinked twice in surprise looking one way and then the other before pushing onward to make heads or tails of these new surroundings.
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