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Fantasy The Soul Crescent Replacements

The animal only continued to grow bigger and charged at Amelia. It seems this animal was getting stronger with every attack he received...like he was using some kind of recoil.
Craven was late, nothing unusual. He walked into the training grounds and spoke in a demanding voice. "So what have I got to do to prove myself around here?"
Eric walked to the training ground and watched the fight. He put his hood on hoping that the student would be ok. He heard the other student and sighed. He turned his attention back to the student.
Bri turned to face the late boy. Late? On the first day? That was...well, it wasn't great. Probably something that the staff may just frown upon.

The headmistress stared at the young man. Late?! Well, this certainly was not going to accepted. "Well!" She snapped at the young boy who just arrived. "I see you're late!" She then waited for a response.
"Well you know how it is miss, the train around here is awful, anyway perhaps I was too rash, what should I do now...miss?" Craven had calmed down after he got angry with the train service.
Windell huffed. "Since you're late, you should know that we're assigning teams." She watched as Amelia killed the final beast. "Craven, correct? You're next up for testing. You will be attacked by three monsters that lack a soul. You are to defeat them, and if you fail, you will mauled to death by these creatures." Three cages opened reveling a new, and completely different set of beasts.
"This will interesting" Craven smirked as he made his remarks. He equipped his gun onto his arm and ran at the beasts swiftly and jumped on top of one of them and shot down onto it's back.
Windell wasn't giving any kind of emotion. She only took down some notes watching the student fight to the death with the beasts.

Bri watched closely at his fighting style. He appeared to act more offensive than defensive. His strategy was obvious. Had he been fighting a creature with a mind, his plan would be flawed and he would parish by now.
Craven waited for the two beasts to get close to each other, when they did he took of his gun,threw it and used the blades on it to slash at the beasts feet. Judging from the beast I thought last, these ones use their legs as their support to hold their bulk and utilize their power. The blades had only incapacitated one of the beasts and Craven was forced to kick the other beast to reequip his gun. Damn that was close.
Bri tilted her head. His strategy was even more flawed than before. He had ample time to take out both creatures legs with the blade on his gun. Bri stood there hoping that she wouldn't end up on a team with him.
Eric watched him fight. 'He relies solely on instinct. His fighting style is basic at that.' He thought. He continued to watch without saying a word.
Bri fixed her eyes on the hooded boy. Ali always tried to encourage Bri to be more social. "Hello." She said. Immediately after she greeted him she then felt nothing more than soul crushing regret.
This is not going well.. Craven had realized he was in a tight situation. He ran over to the incapacitated beast and decapitated it, he covered his hands in the blood of the beast to disguise his scent and he shot the two beasts in their eyes and blinded them. They became confused and could not smell Craven and were both decapitated in quick succession.
xXGodoftheGeeksXx said:
Bri fixed her eyes on the hooded boy. Ali always tried to encourage Bri to be more social. "Hello." She said. Immediately after she greeted him she then felt nothing more than soul crushing regret.
Eric looked at her and smiled. "Hi" he said nervously. "I'm Eric."
"Bri." She said introducing herself. She stood there quitely. "I can see you're also a protector in training. You must be very good at it, seeing as you're attending the academy."
xXGodoftheGeeksXx said:
"Bri." She said introducing herself. She stood there quitely. "I can see you're also a protector in training. You must be very good at it, seeing as you're attending the academy."
"I guess I am. I've always been by myself so killing these things are like second hand nature. How about you?" He was slowly becoming less nervous.
"Well, I was made for fighting so I suppose you could call me skilled, seeing as how I've been doing for all of my life." She added smiling. Her fingers twittled around behind her back.
Craven left the arena and went to a sink nearby to wash his hands. He was quiet and decided to just lean against the wall and watch whoever was next.
xXGodoftheGeeksXx said:
"Well, I was made for fighting so I suppose you could call me skilled, seeing as how I've been doing for all of my life." She added smiling. Her fingers twittled around behind her back.
Eric smiled. "That's good you don't have to worry about training. Also what do you mean by made? Are you genetically enhanced or something?"
"Well, I still--" Bri was interrupted by a stern voice. "You there! Bri Horris, right? You're next!" Windell stated, motioning her to come forward. Bri walked into the area, equipping her weapon into its scythe form. Three cages opened and she was left to fight the mindless beasts.
Amelia leaned against a wall, already back to her usual calm demeanour. She had changed the gun back into a necklace, and was frowning. She had managed to stay alive, so she guessed that was good enough.
Bri watched as the horrid monsters dashed towards her. The waited for the correct moment to attack. They were all coming at her from the same direction, this might not be as easy as expected.

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