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1. Hi. I was taking a look at your RP idea, but concerned about the romantic aspect of it, but I think it is optional...?
I did see that you said there would be no sexual content, which I think is good.

2. I did have (another) question regarding the RP.
What time period does the story take place in?
A. Is it a definite year, like 1881?
B. Or is it more like a floating timeline of 1800s to early 1900s?
C. Is anything from ancient to early modern times OK as long as it vaguely fits the academic / science theme, and doesn't contradict the existing lore?

3. For example, Frankenstein would be roughly 1700s, whereas Lovecraft would be roughly 1930s, but I think they might fit decently with the setting...?

4. Is the dominant energy source of the setting: coal / steam, oil, electricity, or something else?

Thank you for reading, and thank you in advance for answering any questions.
Hello, thank you for your questions!

1. Yes, the romantic aspect is definitely optional; I wanted to leave it up to the players to decide. And yes, definitely nothing sexual.

2. I think it will take place sometime during the 1880s, but no specific year, unless agreed. However, this world is different to ours and so we can mix up the timeline and have more of a mix of centuries if it works for people!
C. Is anything from ancient to early modern times OK as long as it vaguely fits the academic / science theme, and doesn't contradict the existing lore?

3. For example, Frankenstein would be roughly 1700s, whereas Lovecraft would be roughly 1930s, but I think they might fit decently with the setting...?
Yes that would be fine!

And I'd say the dominant power source would be coal/ electricity, but we've also got a steampunk scientist.
And I'd say the dominant power source would be coal/ electricity, but we've also got a steampunk scscientist.
Aaaaaaaaand that 'scientist' has a bunch of steampunk'd animal assistants that she can speak to using her effective yet prone to blow up: 'Fauna-Speak Transmorgrifier for the 20th Century'!!

So like yeah, its pretty lax in adhering to like laws and theories since its not very based on irl hard science. But it is based in 100% "SCIENCE!!" lol
For the GM's responses, thank you.

I normally don't like fanfiction, but maybe I can make an exception for classic literature.

I had a few different ideas for some characters.

1. I was considering a character inspired by Frankenstein, but I am expecting that to be a popular choice.
So I'll abstain, unless no one else makes that kind of character.
Or maybe I'll make a character anyway, and just avoid using the Frankenstein name.
That way, maybe we'll have two different takes on the same character type, and we can be collaborators?

2. Another idea that I had. I would like to play an adult Alice in Wonderland!
I am imagining her as growing up to be a rather serious adult, but with a secret interest in the fantastical.
I am imagining that she would be a mathematician, like the author of the book.
But with an interest in linguistics, and more fringe subjects, as well.

3. Maybe someone based on Ada Lovelace? She worked with Charles Babbage on designing the world's first computer,
although she tragically died and they never finished building it.
Maybe in this universe she actually succeeds in making a computer?
Could also collaborate with an engineer character for making a robot, possibly?

4. I don't have a definite idea at the moment, but I was also interested in playing an ethnic minority character.
As I'm sure the setting will be British dominated. I wanted to have some representation.

If anyone had any comments, or possibly wanted to collaborate for our character ideas, let me know!
Those are all excellent, very creative ideas! They're really interesting, I look forward to seeing what you choose! And btw you can come to the OOC thread if you want to discuss further : ))

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