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Prisoner Freed
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


(Think The Glass Scientists or Bungo Stray Dogs. I haven't read either of them, however!)


In the shadow of 1880s affluent London stands a building behind whose dilapidated facade lives The Society of Unconventional Sciences.
Founded some decades before by scientists who were tired of being written off by their peers as eccentric freaks, The Society brings together those misunderstood in the scientific world for their 'overly ambitious' or 'outright impossible' aims.

Together they support and fund (although funds often prove an issue, this is taken care of by one particular member) each other's work, resulting in groundbreaking collaborations. Some may even say what goes on in The Society is akin to magic.


Naming and basing your character off a fictional/classic/historical personage is optional. This is also a mostly sandbox RP, so if you think of another role you'd like to play, just tell me!

Leader of the Society (Henry Jekyll- likely my role because it'll be easier to control the RP from here. However if you'd really like to play him, I can potentially play Hyde or someone else. Just expect to be able to take initiative and also take some orders from me haha)
Charismatic and eager, but often overworks himself and can be a little scatterbrained. Obsessed with maintaining a gentlemanly appearance and impression. Anxious about keeping Hyde under control and hiding his connections to him. The fact Hyde is learning to force Jekyll to take on Hyde's form is even more worrying to him.
He's eager to, as he sees it, actually make some positive contributions to the world and science by helping those not usually accepted in conventional circles.

v Click for Jekyll's potential appearance (2 photos)
Vice Leader and Secretary of the Society
My vision of the Vice Leader (but by all means, run yours past me too): Young, ambitious and eager to please- mostly just happy they've got a job of some description, but also (sometimes overly) passionate about the sciences.
'Treasurer' (Edward Hyde)
The alter ego of Jekyll (the two started off co-inhabiting the same mind. Jekyll was able to turn into Hyde by taking a potion, but by now Hyde has gained enough strength of his own and for longer and longer periods of time is able to take on his own form separate from Jekyll. What's most worrying to Jekyll is that he's also even started taking over without his consent. He still lives in Jekyll's mind when not in his own form). This both relives and worries Jekyll.). Expect to need to collaborate with the person playing Jekyll (likely me) for this reason.
Hyde, through some compromise with Jekyll, takes care of the financial side of things. That is mainly comprised of theiving.
My vision of Hyde is as follows:
Blasé, cool and independent, with seemingly unlimited energy, valuing his freedom; he and Jekyll conflict quite a lot because of this. Can be a little immature at times, likes to wind people up. Highly experienced in terms of theiving and other unsavoury activities which he takes the utmost delight in, but much less experienced in... well... everything else.
'Dammit' makes a regular appearance in his vocabulary.

v Click for Hyde's potential appearance (3 photos).

Member/Scientist 1
Up to you to choose! Let your imagination run wild, and take into account dynamics as well. Let me know if you need any ideas, or if there's another role you think of!
Member/Scientist 2
Up to you to choose! Let your imagination run wild, and take into account dynamics as well. Let me know if you need any ideas, or if there's another role you think of!
Member/Scientist 3
Up to you to choose! Let your imagination run wild, and take into account dynamics as well. Let me know if you need any ideas, or if there's another role you think of!
Member/Scientist 4
Up to you to choose! Let your imagination run wild, and take into account dynamics as well. Let me know if you need any ideas, or if there's another role you think of!

If there's too much interest in a particular character, I'll have to ask some questions or similar to determine who is the best fit for this particular character in this particular RP.
There's no set limit for the amount of characters, and people may join whenever they wish, at whatever stage the RP is in.

Background Info:
The Society is haven for scientists shunned because of their pursuits. It offers
accommodation, catering, personal laboratories and shared workspaces for its members. Collaboration is encouraged- the outcasts of science must learn to stick together (although of course, one can't go wrong with a little espionage, right?).
Secrets and angst, betrayal and questionable morality run rife!

Abilities: If you give your characters 'magical' abilities, they need to have been gained as a result of scientific experimentation (usually by the scientist themself) or innovation. There is no magic system in this world, and your abilities will need to have limits and quirks, but they can be as fantastical as you like. If unsure about anything, don't hesitate to ask me.
For example, Jekyll created Hyde by technically splitting his personality, through the means of a chemical concoction.

- NSFW and anything that could be considered 18+ or sexual is completely banned. Please also keep swearing to a minimum, and use it wisely. (not including damn, crap, etc.
- Nothing explicitly occult/dark-magic. Alchemy (potions, transmutation, etc.) is fine as long as there's no demonology or anything. The classic supernatural creatures are also okay (werewolves, vampires, etc.)
- Minimum posts per week is one, though two is recommended (?). This may be revised. If you are inactive, we will nudge you, but the rp will have to carry on, slowing it down if other players agree (please let us know if you're going to be unavailable. If there is no communication from you for two weeks we will assume you no longer wish to participate. If you do wish to drop out though, just let me know).
Back-to-back posting with one other player is only acceptable when what those two characters are doing involves them and them only. Otherwise, give everyone a chance to react and intercept.
- One or two large paragraphs preferred, when possible. Advanced vocabulary and grammar preferred.
- OOC will be on RPNation, unless everyone is happy to use Discord. OOC co-operation and brainstorming are highly encouraged, don't hesitate to suggest things, propose relationships and ask questions!

Hope to see you soon! - H. Jekyll

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I'll be making a waiting room of some kind and releasing character sheets for applications hopefully tomorrow or as soon as there's enough interest.
Awesome! Thank you for your interest- I'll let you know when the waiting room goes up.


- Is this more like slice of life? Or like will there be objectives to rp?
- Like how steampunk can we get with the science?
- how much funding do we actially get cuz like sounds like non mainstream sciece experiments could get expensive?
- I was thinking probably more slice of life and character-driven, but with some conflict, etc., and I suppose objectives can also be decided and found by the players as they go.
- Ahaha, as steampunk as you like! The scientific interests of the Society members vary greatly. I'd like a sort of gothic, steampunk atmosphere.
- Indeed indeed, I expect funding will start out low but once Hyde gets going and the need is realised I'm sure there'll be plenty to do what you like.
- I was thinking probably more slice of life and character-driven, but with some conflict, etc., and I suppose objectives can also be decided and found by the players as they go.
- Ahaha, as steampunk as you like! The scientific interests of the Society members vary greatly. I'd like a sort of gothic, steampunk atmosphere.
- Indeed indeed, I expect funding will start out low but once Hyde gets going and the need is realised I'm sure there'll be plenty to do what you like.
K ty for answers.
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Vice-leader still open (as with pretty much all of it haha), come join! Or pssst you could be secretly a werewolf or a crazed descendant of Frankenstein. The possibilities are quite endless!
Thinkin we could use a few more to round out a nice SCIENCE!! party?! And you don't have to be a normie kinda researcher. Just need to be creative with it.

Like if you wanna be a vampire or werewolf its possible. It's not supernatural means but by a strange chemical concoction or weird bio-transfusion SCIENCE!!-y method? Maybe finding a cure could be your SCIENCE!! project?

Or like if you wanna be a witch you'd be more like a potion maker that could use charm potions or hypnotize cats, bats, rats to have as familiars. But like flying on a broom trope might not be feasible but like that could be like your SCIENCE!! project?

Check it out here!!

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