The Slender Woods


The Master of The Music of The Night
You wake up in the woods. You don't know how you got there, what time it is, or if you're alone. You're not alone. Don't worry there are other people in the woods with you. Work together. Work alone. Your choice. Survive as long as you can and maybe just maybe you can survive. Be mindful of your surroundings. Otherwise he will find her. Slenderman. (Normal humans only)


NR, but no F-bombs, or saying n*****, or c***.

Keep relationships at Pg-13

No God modding

No seriously injuring or killing off other characters without talking to the creator and me fist









My Characters:

Name: Known as Slender

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male


The Slender Man was created in a contest launched on the Something Awful forums on June 8, 2009, with the goal of editing photographs to contain supernatural entities. On June 10, a forum poster with the user name "Victor Surge" contributed two black and white images of groups of children, to which he added a tall, thin spectral figure wearing a black suit. Previous entries had consisted solely of photographs; however, Surge supplemented his submission with snatches of text, supposedly from witnesses, describing the abductions of the groups of children, and giving the character the name, "The Slender Man":

We didn’t want to go, we didn’t want to kill them, but its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time… 1983, photographer unknown, presumed dead.

One of two recovered photographs from the Stirling City Library blaze. Notable for being taken the day which fourteen children vanished and for what is referred to as “The Slender Man”. Deformities cited as film defects by officials. Fire at library occurred one week later. Actual photograph confiscated as evidence. 1986, photographer: Mary Thomas, missing since June 13th, 1986.

The Slender Man soon went, spawning numerous works of, and online fiction known as "": scary stories told in short snatches of easily copyable text that spread from site to site.

The first video series involving the Slender Man evolved from a post on the Something Awful thread by user "ce gars". It tells of a fictional school friend named Alex Kralie, who had stumbled upon something troubling while shooting his first feature-length project,

Marble Hornets

. The video series, published in footage style on, forms an reality game describing the filmers' fictional experiences with the Slender Man. The ARG also incorporates a feed and an alternate YouTube channel created by a user named "totheark".

Marble Hornets

is now one of the most popular Slender Man creations, with over 250,000 followers around the world, and 55 million views.

Other Slender Man-themed YouTube serials followed, including EverymanHYBRID and Tribe Twelve. In 2011, "Notch" Persson, creator of the sandbox indie game, added a new hostile to the game, which he named the "Enderman" when multiple users on and commented on the similarity to the Slender Man. In 2012, the Slender Man was adapted into a video game titled The Eight Pages; as of August, 2012, the game has been downloaded over 2 million times. Several popular variants of the game followed, including

Slenderman's Shadow


Slender Man

for, which became the second most-popular app download. The sequel to

Slender: The Eight Pages

, The Arrival, was released in 2013. Several films about the Slender Man have been released or are in development, including and

The Slender Man

, released free online after a $10,000 campaign.

In 2013, it was announced that

Marble Hornets

would become a theatrical film.

Personality: None



Goals: Unknown

Name: Kain Highron

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Bio: Kain grew up lonely with being an only child. He grew up quickly and matured quickly. He is responsible, for himself and others.

Personality: Positive and uplifting



Goals: To find love and survive
Question. Will our characters have to find the eight pages?
I'll join if I CAN A SPOON WITH ME~!!!! 
Name: Rowan Heath

Age: 14

Gender: IRON MAN~ Female

Bio: ~She ate some mac and cheese before she came, lol jk I will finish later~


Rowan is an outspoken girl, with rebellion in her blood. She likes to do her thing and is, as stubborn as a rock and has the temper of a bull. Once she decides something it is hard to change her mind. Her family often think of her, as a black sheep. For she is always in a mess of trouble, yet she does try sometimes. Rowan can also be a little sensitive, so if you see her just staring at you with her big green eyes. Well, you know you've hurt her feelings and might want to watch your back.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be1e37c36_leaf2.jpg.88126f122712ec38e474c58bef590140.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6103" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be1e37c36_leaf2.jpg.88126f122712ec38e474c58bef590140.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




  • leaf 2.jpg
    leaf 2.jpg
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Name: Bad Luck Brian

Age: appears to be 16

Gender: male

Bio and Personality:

“I asked Siri a question, she told me to shut the fuck up.”

~ Brian on what happens when asking Siri a question

“I wasn't invited to Family Game Night.”

~ Brian on family exclusion

Bad Luck Brian (born Greatest Mistake Ever) is a man with a heavy dosage of the complete opposite of good luck. Brian is LOADED with bad luck. I mean, you can take an African baby and the luckiness scale will be in the African baby's favor. Brian admits he has no memories of having good luck, besides the ones that were overturned with a heavy slap of bad fortune. Ultimately canceling out the luck in his favor into disfavor for Brian. Rumor says when Brian has good luck that is not foiled by bad luck, the new savior will descend from the Heavens and Brian will have to stay away from the Holy descendant to avoid screwing up shit.

Bad Luck Brian has also set a record, believe it or not. In the Book of World Records, Brian holds the record for "Unluckiest Person To Ever Inhabit This Planet" and also received second place in the "Bad Luck Contest".

His biggest competition-oriented failure was when he was in the hotseat in the famous game show Who Want To Be A Millionaire? with Regis Philman yours truly and gave only Asian history typequestions. On the 15th question, for the big final buck total of the dynamite roar jackpot $1,000,000... ... ... ... ... ... he got it wrong. It's Bad Luck Brian, what did you expect? Him to win? Yeah... no. Not happening.

When Brian was born, he was "accidentally" dropped on his head by the doctor on a concrete sidewalk.

When his mom returned to the la casa after giving birth to him at the hospital (and also after that one incident on the sidewalk when some bad accident happened) his dad happened to be drunk and beat his mother. Baby Brian had no idea what the liquid spilled onto his white and nerdy cheeks was. Unfortunately for the bad luck baby, he used his pink little tongue to lick up all the spilled hard drink and became not so well-feeling; immediately becoming fated withheart problems and was destined to see the doctor every two weeks at the crack ass of dawn for his check up. Ironically, Brian has been on near-death occasions during these appointments because of these heart defects, but mysteriously only occur during these appointments. Weird...

Brian still sees the doctor every now and then, but more now for being bullied at school and being abused at home.

At ages five, Brian had his first crush. A big fat guy sat on Brian and nearly killed him.

Brian was never invited to any birthday parties. In fact, Brian once threw a birthday party for himself when he was nine. There was scheduled fun everywhere and lots of candy and soda pop and all that goodies, etc. Brian, however, was not invited to his own birthday party.

At age ten, Brian became attracted to a girl (obviously out of his league) and made her laugh... by asking her out.

Brian was never a man with luck, as you could guess. He never could successfully masturbate without getting caught, and even once his mom caught him having sex with himself on his bed.

When Brian was in his prime, at age 15, he traveled into the woods. SLENDERMAN.

When Brian was 17, he was elect as Class President and ended up being assassinated.

Brian never had sex as a teenager, and his virginity is still living on within his spirit.

“I jumped out to scare my mom. She died of a heart attack.”

~ Brian on his bad luck trying to scare his mom

“I asked my parents if they loved me. They said "Just as friends", though.”

~ Brian on his bad luck with his parents' love for him

“My girlfriend got pregnant... I'm still a virgin.”

~ Brian on his girlfriend becoming pregnant

“I sounded my rape whistle. However, I alerted more rapists...”

~ Brian on being raped

“I poked a girl on Facebook. She tried to get me arrested for sexual harassment.”

~ Brian on what happened after poking a girl on Facebook

“The first girl to talk to me!”

~ Brian on

“I said "Come at me, bro!"... my brother jizzed on my face.”

~ Brian on his brother jizzing in his face

“I got hit by a and saw a bright light. The second car.”

~ Brian on being hit by a car... twice

“I confessed to on my deathbed. I recovered in a miracle.”

~ Brian on his confession to murder

“I went into the woods once... there he was.”

~ Brian on

“I opened the door for a trick'or'treater... Myers”

~ Brian on Michael Myers

“I hit the gym. It hit me back.”

~ Brian on the gym's agression

“Yeah... I milked a cow once... actually no, after I successfully "milked a cow" it was indeed a bull.”

~ Brian on the farm

Personality: Gets screwed over. A lot.



Goals: Get good luck for once. (yeah....right)
Name: Sedrian

Age: 19

Gender: male

Bio: Sedrian is the exact opposite of Bad Luck Brian, everything he does is filled with luck. He is able to escape any grim situation without so much as a scar. Of course he's got the skill to back it up, he trained heavily in martial arts and knows how to fight. Then he studied gymnastics and became very flexible. He entered slender's woods on a dare from some idiot he ran into, this may have ruined his run good luck, unless he can collect all eight pages and escape.

Personality: Being extremely lucky, Sedrian is cocky, and arrogant, and a smart mouth.


Goals: to get the hell outta the forest.
Name: Marcus



Bio:Marcus has taken his life on the safe side.Until he finally became eighteen he had a huge party that ended with a race with his friends.But during the race he loses consciousness.Then he woken up all by him self and in a forest.

Personality:Marcus thanks to his lifestyle he is fairly quiet.And a stay back and watch kind of guy.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/imgres.jpg.c1b57dcf7e4417ce527effaa4c519826.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6239" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/imgres.jpg.c1b57dcf7e4417ce527effaa4c519826.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Goals:Just to survive and get out of the forest a soon as possible



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Name: Erik Scizor

Age: 28

Gender: It's Complicated (lol jk Male)

Bio: Erik runs. A lot. One day when running, Erik came through some woods that were very dark and hard to see through. When Erik tried to leave he found he was very lost.

Personality: Too pro for everything. Nuff Said.



Goals: Prove how Pro he is by working hard to escape the forest.
Can't post link until tomorrow... :(

Here, type in "anime guy" into google. Then, look at the 2nd row. it's the guy who is 3rd from the left. He's got a cigarette hanging from his mouth, black hair, and yellow eyes.
NinjaMist said:
Can't post link until tomorrow... :(
Here, type in "anime guy" into google. Then, look at the 2nd row. it's the guy who is 3rd from the left. He's got a cigarette hanging from his mouth, black hair, and yellow eyes.
this one?
Yes you can create two characters and forgive my ignorance but what's a proxy? 
Yes you can create two characters and forgive my ignorance but what's a proxy?

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