The Sith Empire: Reborn. (Lara, Jeff, Michale)


Junior Member

The shuttle folded its wings upwards just as it made its landing upon the volcanic world of Mustafar. The new Emperor of the Sith had arrived to a world that held one of the Sith Lords of the past; Kirian. The young and rather hot headed Emperor strode down the ramp of his shuttle. He was dressed in white clothing, his brown hair swaying somewhat in the volcanic wind. Kirian's forced hadn't recognize the male as the Emperor and immediately began to assault him. The male threw back his head and released a loud cackle as the laser bolts struck his body. He raised a hand and suddenly he concentrated on their bodies. He smirked and closed his hand into a fist causing the bodies of the troopers to smash into other in a gory blood bath as their bodies were fused together then exploded with their limbs, entrails and all splattering upon the ground.

Overhead the sky was filled with the Emperor's own ships battling the fleet that protected this pathetic world. He could hear the thunderous booms of her ships exploding under the mighty fire of his own assaulting battle-fleet. The Emperor called himself Devoratrix; the Devourer. He took his time making it across the platform and finally reaching the bulkhead that led inside the complex. He concentrated a significant amount of Force into his left fist and struck the air with a thunderous pop. Thuuuuuuuuuuum!! Went the attack as it struck against the thick steel bulkhead. The blue rippling force spear headed the door and caused it to explode inwards all the way. The troops inside who had been behind it were all but dead due to the sudden attack and the others who were away from the doors were quick to fire their weapons. It was a complete blood bath for these soldiers; Devoratrix speared his fist through one solider, punching out his heart then flinging the limp body at anther soldier before grabbing the next victim by his face and slamming his head into the floor causing his brain to splatter out from the sides. Each time he did this their life force would channel itself into his body only making him stronger as he continued up the complex.
It was quiet on the volcanic planet, people left her alone, whether it was fear of her, or fear of the atmosphere itself, so she was left to her own devices, using the time to create more of her monsters and study the ancient holocrons she had stolen from her predecessor.

At this moment in time, she was lounging upon her throne, a holocron to the side of her, but her attention was on a younger male, that was pledging his very life and soul to her. Being as popular as she was with the men, many of them donated their sons to her cause, and she groomed them they was she wanted them to be.

She stood up from the throne once he was done and ran her long nails over the boys cheek. He was looking down of course, as she was wearing not a lot at the time, but it was her own quarters, her own fortress, her own planet.

That was until one person wanted to take it from her. She had reports that her fleet was being attacked and her infantry was being massacred right before the fortress.

She of course felt his power, but she was the mistress of this house, he would come to her.
The Emperor took his time to sense her, to smell in a manner. His eyes went from an orange color to a deep black; he was looking through the walls having clairvoyance, more so a second sight. He could see all the life forces of her men and then finally he spotted her own life force; her darkness, her void. She was at the top towers; like a typical woman who likes to think she was all powerful. His eyes returned back to their orange color and suddenly he swung his arms around and bent downwards to the floor in a strange stance. The metal walls, the metal floors were groaning as if something was pushing them outwards away from him; his body glowing a sickly abyssal black then with a large blast of sound he took off into through the ceiling. He climbed and climbed into the air before darting towards the Dark Lord's quarters. The wall caved inwards with ease.

What had blown through with such great ease was completely different than what had came. The very Dark Side energy that seeped off this being was unbearable to be around. His face apparently was hidden behind a mask; a mask of terrible properties. His breathing sounded beastly, sounding hungry. His horns protruding out from the sides of his mask and hair; white ghostly hair flapping and flailing behind him. He was well built; lean muscles covering his body and his lightsaber igniting like a haunting screech. It was abyssal color, the handle having an actual hilt made to represent the ancient Swatiska and the saber blade being curved a unnatural form made with light sabers.

The male who Kirian had been talking too was beginning to shrivel into a old man and soon to skin and bones. A trail of crimson ghostly lines swirled around the Emperor filling him with the life force of the poor man. The Emperor raised his weapon and pointed it towards Kirian and slowly the blade stretched, grew towards her till it stopped at 7 feet. The black void eyes looked at Kirian and slowly a pair of red dots were beginning to appear within the sockets. The mouth, that skeletal mouth opened as a cackling laugh came outwards. The very laugh had enough power to cause her ears to bleed and the metal beneath her to ripple and crunch towards her.

"I huuuunnnngeerr!!"

On this planet, Kirian was boss and those around her knew it. Yes she had quite a few people that were in the vicinity because they loved her, but the majority were under fear, and she made a point to humiliate those ones that were there because they feared her.

The boy was merely there, due to one of her guards making the deadly mistake of believing she was outside of earshot. It was his son that she had just made pledge to her, his life, body and soul, but this was swiftly taken from her.

The guards around her panicked, having never encountered this type of person before, but she merely smiled at the mangled corpse that now lay at her feet slowly turning to dust. The metal bending around her did not affect her in the slightest, she had been around those with high force abilities before, and she herself was one of them, but she chose to mask her aura.

Her hands motioned for the guards to leave the room, and as they did, her light sabers came shooting into her hand from within the loose robes she wore. In that very moment, her robes swooned around her, like they were caught in a whirlwind, as her sabers suddenly became ignited, and all fell deathly still, her red iris looking up at the stranger who had broken in and entered her fortress and who had now threatened her.

She jumped back from the length of his saber, her mass of red curls bouncing around her face, and as she landed, she was slightly bent at the knees, one hand and saber outstretched in front of her, the other raised and pointed in the direction of this male, above her head.

“So…. You come into my fortress to feed off of me…. Not heard that one before. Take many of the pitiful life forms around this place… but I am not on the menu!”
"Noooo!! I came here to make you bend at the knee at my side! I am your Emperor now. You cannot escape the Hunger. You are outnumbered, consumed by my forces."

The monster cackled even more seeing as to how she was able to withstand such a weak approach of force. He moved his saber out to the left while his open hand began to move; his fingers waving up and down then suddenly he jerked his hand outwards and grabbed hold of Kirian in a Force Choke attack. That skeletal mask opened wide and inside was nothing but darkness. He was beginning to drain the very life force from her body. He then started to speak to her, in her mind his voice echoing throughout her mind.

"You cannot escape the Hunger. What you have seen before cannot be compared to what I am. I am the force that comes unwelcomed, unnoticed. Feel yourself get consumed, feel your years be drained from your very body. You sat here believing you were high and mighty but let me tell you, you are nothing but food for my power."

When he had implanted his fear into her he flung body like a rag doll to the side. He had drained enough to leave her weak but not dead. He was going to make her join his ranks and if she refused, she'd be consumed like the rest. He didn't really have much of a choice here. Mustafar was set on the list of demolition sites; worlds that were marked for consuming by his ship. The monster ran his hand across his face and the skeletal mask vanished in a black smoke revealing his handsome face. He had a wide smirk crossing his features and those orange eyes glowing bright. The Emperor was here and he was now. Everything was going according to his plan.

The voice came from nowhere, The very sound of it made the walls of the fortress tremble. A dark figure leapt down from one of the higher levels of the fortress. Clad in blood red robes that covered his bone white armor. His bone white mask was almost concealed under his red hood. The mask was completely emotionless but gave off a black aura, The mask itself was encrusted with small runes. Each glowed with hidden dark power. The hooded figure turned his dark gaze over to the women that was slammed into the wall behind him. He sighed audibly, quite annoyed at how easily she had been overpowered.

"This is quite sad that I have to come and protect you.....have you grown this weak? I told you to consume those slaves that you keep around like pets....but very well I will deal with this imposter..."

The walls shuddered at the sound of his voice through the force, For he never used his real voice unless only in the presence of his wife Kirian.

The dark figure turned to face the vast monster that stood before him. Cracking his joints Lord Strages held out his hands. Two black hilted lightsabers flashed up into the palm of his gauntlets. The talon like fingers curled around the hilts as he activated his blades. A wash of crimson red erupted from each blade. Strages looked upon the monster with his blood red eyes, Even now the iris in each eye were beginning to change in shape as his ocular force powers were activated. Grinning under his mask with a hint of dark amusement.

"let us begin...."

Black flames erupted around the monster as his deadly sight ability began to turn the monster into ash. Without a second wasted, Strages his Force Rage Increasing his speed and brute strength to ungodly levels. He dashed forward began to slash at the monster with both of his dual light sabers while staring out with his left eye that could constantly spit out black consuming flames. His last attack Strages unleashed a deadly Force push, Sending the monster flying backwards into the stone pillar behind him.
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The monster was flung against the pillar but hidden by the black smoke or flames of which. It appeared he was defeated but from beneath all that rubble and apparent power this Dark Lord threw against the monster a loud chalk board screeching cackling laugh emitted. The Force Scream exploded forth with the power of earth splitting explosion. The immense Force power being generated was being drawn in by the very attacks the Dark Lord had used. Walking out of the dust and smoke stood the devil himself. The mask had returned and those black eyes coiling with blue smoke that rose out from them.

"You call that an attack?"

The Emperor held his extended saber blade within his hand. The Swastika hilt glowing faintly blood red within his grasp. The white curved saber blade hissed and hummed as he moved it from side to side taunting this man. Obviously whatever this male had threw at him wasn't enough, it was only half absorbed so that the minimal damage would be spread out evenly then healed from absorbing the shock wave. By now the Dark Lord should be feeling the effects of The Hunger; even without contact this unnatural ability takes effect in a large radius. If the male would look down at himself he would see his aura was being drawn towards the monster.

"Can you feel it? You're being drained of your powers. Mmmmm it fills me, but I hunger for more. Lets make some more room!"

The Dark Emperor looked up towards the ceiling and just by flicking his hand over the top of the fortress was peeled away like the hand of the gods had grabbed it and flung it away. The hot air rushed in as well the ash and embers of the volcanoes erupting all around them. The Monster swung his saber down at the ground and channeled his Force power through the blade severing the floor that separated them. The metal floor and its supports plummeted to the boiling lava lakes below but the Emperor remained standing in the air. Whatever he was he had mastered the Force allowing him to bend the laws of psychics to his will.
Kirian was able to stand a lot more than many gave her credit for. Her slender petite body was rippled with muscles that had been reinforced with the force, day after day. She had been the perfect woman, back in the day, bore children, been the model wife, but now all that had changed, she had flipped, and it was all her weaknesses that had made her strong.

She had predicted a use of the force and moved quickly to avoid his force choke. However, she could not escape his use of his draining power. Her eyes glowed a deep red as she felt its effects possess her, but he most certainly did not implant fear in her heart. She had eliminated it from her heart long ago.

She was weakened, it was true, and as she was thrown to the wall, she most certainly didn’t hit it. Something sparked within her, and her feet met the wall, causing her to spin and land in a crouch, back to the wall, watching, red eyes glowing.

Her eyes wandered over to Strages, he tried to scorn her in front of this one trying to take over her kingdom, ruining what she had made in the process. She focused on all the hate, the pain she had felt over the years and revived her energy to be able to do what she was able to do in the next moments.

Whilst he was distracted with destroying her tower, she took her chance.

A mix of speed and hate, and she had appeared right next to him, potentially weakening herself further, but her fist collided with his face. She had been watching him and it was on her assessment that she made her move, and it seemed that it was the one place he wouldn’t have protected. Almost always the main source of power, the way his mask opened when sucking through the life out of people, were the weaker spots.

All her fist did was caused his head to jerk downwards a bit from her strike. The next move wasn't seen but more so felt. He jutted his free hand outwards and held her in the air. Below her was nothing but boiling lakes of lava that were spewing out from the sides of the mountains. The crack in his mask soon repaired itself. He saw that these two still had some fight left in them, they were able to resist the effects of his power; even though it was barely being used. He flung her back onto the floor to join her husband. He took his hand once more and freed his face of the mask, it quickly vanished into a haze of black electrical smoke. That handsome face returned, but he still remained hovering.

"Your time has bought me the allotted frame for my, I mean, for our fortress to arrive. I believe you know her by other names but tonight she is known none other than Las Noches."

The battle between the Emperor of Hunger and now his two Dark Lords was over for now. Just over head the clouds were parted by the exiting juggernaut that is known as Las Noches. The Ultra-class III fortress ship was in view; its black paint gleaming like gloss in the fiery light. The electric blue running lights could be seen by the group and the entire armada that belonged to the Emperor appeared as well. The Emperor's face lit up as he looked back down at Strages and Kirian.

"Don't think about running; right now both of your vessels and any extra means of escaping are disabled."

The Emperor laughed manically before opening a rift between their current location and within his ship. They couldn't leave, not by choice, not by force and surely not by will. The rift before opened up with peeling panels of black and white while inside was nothing but a dark abyss. He stepped in forth still laughing while the surface of Mustafar was bombarded with powerful missile strikes that were fired from Las Noches. The Era of Hunger has begun.
Silence befell the battlefield, as if all were suddenly stricken deaf by unknown means the ground continued to shudder under the ceaseless assault of the orbiting Ultra-Class fortress. Until it too was stricken silent, all of its systems suddenly froze. Computer consoles observation monitors everything gone dark with only a sounds of static filling the comms of everyone aboard the massive behemoth.

What had such power to render a battleship of such a size completely inoperable? none among the ships crew could possibly know what was coming, to those on the surface it was painfully obvious what was happening. But what would they do? what could they do? it was then a haunting feminine voice filled the air followed quickly as if speaking in unison another voice this of a male speaking exactly the same words with the same emotionless tone.

"I am the lucid dream.... "

Came from the darkness surround the chamber where the trio had been battling, it rang like a sharp almost numbing pain in the back of two of trios minds, the true voice of the one speaking almost as if that individual was standing right beside both of them whispering in their respective ears.

"The monster in your nightmares..."

The tone of the speech soon darkened and became harsher with each word spoken, more voice began to join with those speaking until the trio were seemingly surrounded by whom ever or whatever it was now speaking.

"The fiend of a thousand faces! witness the true power of the dark side! BOW BEFORE THE TRUE EMPEROR OF THE SITH!"

Having grown to a shout the voices suddenly cut off soon following with the familiar sound of the iconic weapon of both ancient adversaries the Jedi and Sith, the darkness broken by the crimson hue from the blades of the owners of the voices.
"A-ha! True power this, true power that! You people can get very annoying! Ahahahaha!!"

The new Sith Emperor slowly began to laugh. His pearly white teeth showing as he placed his hands on his bulging chest. His laugh grew and grew til he was shouting and screaming in pure comical release. This so called true emperor struck the Hungry Beast's funny bone. He laughed at the voices and laughed at the fact that he had the balls to show himself here of all times. After the moment passed and his laughing had ceased the Emperor of Hunger just flung his two Dark Lords into the black gate he had created. They were weak enough for him to do so, and their little conversation will be taken place upon board Las Noches. He could see that this old emperor was just like the rest of the Sith Lords, they were too cowardly to show themselves and they had to hide behind their weak power of illusion in hopes of distilling fear. But the Beast didn't buy it, no he was too great for such childish tricks.

"You expect me to bow, bow to what? TO VOICES!! AHAHA!! I CAN DO THE SAME!! LOOK AT ME BEING THE BIG BAD COWARD!!"

The sound returned like a slap of thunder! His shouting voice turning into a blood curling scream. The ships systems were beginning to come online but slowly. The planet was already beginning to fall a part slowly bit by bit. The Hungry Beast kept on screaming to the point that the very ground was rippling away from him. The Hunger drawing in power from all around him. His voice had multiplied itself, mocking the Emperor of Old. He knew who it was and he laughed at the name, laughed at the very existence.
Sinovera stood in the portal room, awaiting for her masters return. She was currently in one of her battle forms. One of many. The creature she had chosen was more for speed than strength. She had small slender legs that were much like that of an upright dogs, connected to feet much like that of a birds, with large curved claws on the four toes. Her torso was covered in feathers, feathers that just barely covered her two breasts. The torso had somewhat of an hourglass shape to it. Then there was her arms, they were long and thin with a light muscle mass. Along the underside of her arms she had several layers of long feathers along them. Making wings with hands with very long and curved claws at the ends. Then she has a long neck that was attached to a human like head, with large golden eyes, and a short, hooked beak. Her colouring was ebony black, and shone in the light.

The master has been gone for a long time, I wonder what ha-

Just before she could finish that though two bodies that were severely weakened were tossed into the ship, landing on the ground with loud thuds. Sin waited just a few more moments before seeing that her master was not coming through. She could sense that the planet below was falling apart, the master was siphoning far too much power. She closed her eyes, centering herself before running through the portal, immediately being hit with the the smell of carnage. The blood upon the ground was boiling and the meat was cooking. It filled the air, smelling like delicious meat. Sin had to fight hard to fight her animal instinct to feast upon the feast that was on the ground around her. She looked forward, finding her Master standing amidst lava, ruined building, and crumbling rock. She winced as she heard his voice boom, rattling her skull.

The planet was dissintegrating and they had to leave, but he was losing himself in the battle, and was not using his common sense. She paid no mind to her own health and rushed forward, heading straight for him. She jumped over a pool of lava, doing a flip in the air before landing on the ground of her master in a crouch, her head coming just up to his hips. She quickly righted herself up and had to stare up to look at her master.

"Master, we must leave. You have what you came here for! The planet is destroying itself." Her large, golden eyes became a reddish colour, power flowing from her. "Let's go!" She yelled at him.

Devoratrix felt the presence of his right hand, Sinovera -- the shape shifting Inquisitor department head. He could feel her concern and her struggle against the very air he had made thick and heavy with his amazing amount of Force power. He listened to her words, she was right he had came for what he wanted and taken it, there was no sense in staying and battling an empty voice that was obviously trying to divert him from his grand plan. He wasn't about to be stopped or slowed and so he turned around meeting his Dark Lord of shape shifting, he saw she was in one of her impressive battle forms, rather beautiful than frightening to him but none the less it was time to go.

"Indeed. Let's go."

The handsome Emperor smirked and walked past her with his white clothing fluttering and flapping against the chaotic winds of the planet falling a part. He and his Dark Lord both headed straight for the Digital Gate and walked over the pool of lava and over the remains of Kirian's pathetic force. Finally his form was consumed by the blackness of the gate and appeared on board the ship with both of the other Dark Lords; Strages and Kirian both laying on the floor.

"Sin, order the captain to head for hyper speed as well our fleet. He'll know where to go."

Devoratrix looked to the two limp Dark Lords and quickly bestowed their missing power back so they could get up and quit acting like buffoons. They had appeared in Devoratrix's throne room. It was entirely made out of white marble. The light here was rather bright and uncommon for a Sith. Though there were lines of black leading from every corner up to the large throne of which the Emperor had appeared on, sitting comfortably. His head slowly turned to the three down below and with a smile he spoke.

"Change is coming, quickly."
Sinovera gave a birdlike nod to her master.

"It shall be done, master." She said before running off to the bridge where she would find the helmsman. The ship was a beautiful ship. She sometimes found herself surprised at how beautiful it was. Her masters was a cruel person, filled with a hunger that nothing could sate. At least, that is how she viewed him. When she first met him he had nearly killed her because he had thought that she was a spy, or some assassin trying to kill him. She quickly proved him wrong and allied herself to him. He was a fairly good ruler to those who served him faithfully like herself, but to those that apposed him? That was an entirely different story.

She quickly made it to the bridge. "Helmsman! Time to take off!" She commanded in an oddly strong voice for her small frame.

Change was coming quickly, and she hoped to live long enough to see the change.
Her first instincts weren't that of her being elsewhere, protecting herself or her husband, it was the sheer anger that he had come in to her palace, her planet, her home and just destroyed it. Millennia's worth of data and knowledge being burned to a pulp at that time. Thankfully during her years of self exile she had taken time to study and memorise the majority of the data stored on the holocrons.

She lay there silently on the floor, she was awake, just motionless, until he restored their powers, so she instantly got up and moved to the side. Clearly she was not happy at the whole situation, her whole persona, her body language, eyes and hair seemed to flow with her anger and hate, causing a blood red glow to surround her, and she focused on it to restore her entire strength and stamina.

These bloody emperors were starting to piss her off now, especially as he hobby had been disrupted and destroyed.

"You realise you've just destroyed millennia's worth of knowledge from our ancestors? I was translating them, and now they're destroyed. "

"I don't give a care in the universe about your ancestors, their teachings cannot help me or anyone. They are of the past and they have no room in my plan. And if you speak out of turn again I will take you and send you off into the garbage shoot and have you shot out into space. What have you done that was so great? What is it, not use to something like me being able to resist your charm? Get use to it, you're here to serve me and right now I need you to shut up..."

Finally the ship and its fleet was beginning to enter into hyperspace. The Emperor could feel the flow of energy coming from the ships gargantuan engines and Hyperspace Core that made it possible for this planetary behemoth to transverse the lanes. Mustafar was reduced to large chunks by the onslaught of Las Noches. Devoratrix sat upon his high throne before vanishing and reappearing again on the surface. Strages's doppleganger, copy, or whatever the thing is wasn't Strages at all; he could plainly tell. Devoratrix knew Kirian would know where her old chambers would be, she was on board this ship before during its maiden voyage. How Devoratrix came into possession of such a thing like this vessel was unknown but what he was going to do with it will soon be told.

A week has passed entirely which was rather odd due to the fact that the ship could transverse the galaxy within a mere day or two. The titanic ship dropped out of hyperspace just inside of Emperor Archaos' old neighboring galaxy. Actually they were right over the planet where Archaos once ruled. All history of Archaos was gone, erased and altered to symbolize The Emperor of Hunger. The Ultra-class loomed over the planet and soon its children, the fleet finally arrived as well from behind. The Emperor was down upon the bridge along side Sinovera; his right hand. He brought up his holographic image and pulled Kirian into view upon the com.

"Your time has come to prove use to me and the Empire. Forget about Tacitus, the old fool is nothing but history that will try to spoil my plans because he thinks he can rule by sitting. You should recognize this planet, after I devoured the fool Archaos he had told me you were the only one able to unlock the doors beneath his throne room. Something that Darth Ibilis and Maximillian had stolen by him. The Trans-Universal Gates used by the ancients. You're going to come with me and Sinovera and you will open the doors. Don't try to make deals with me either."

During the week of travel, Sinovera had been walking around the ship in various forms, watching for any threats. There were some talks of mutiny, and there were some talk of just leaving. They were easily quieted, however. They all seemed frightened of her. At times, they seemed more frightened of her than their master. This interested her greatly, for she viewed the master as the most frightening beast in the universe. She wondered if it was the fact that she could turn into a frightening beast that could devour them easily, or if it was the fact that if she were to touch one of them for even a second, she could turn into a distorted, ugly version of themselves. Showing them the darker side of their soul.

It was a power she enjoyed. She enjoyed it greatly. She had yet to use it on the Master, nor would she. He was a man who wore his dark and light side on his sleeve, one becoming more prominent than the others at a moments noticed.

Currently he was in his handsome, human form. She had to admit that despite the fact that she had previously considered herself a person of no sexual urges, she had an...attraction to her master. He seemed to understand the many beastial urges that she held within herself, the anger, the hate, the fear, everything that made her strong. He helped her wield all her emotions into an unstoppable force.

Today she had chosen another one of her battle forms.

The creature, to the best of her knowledge, was of an ancient species on Earth called a Tiefling. This form was one of her favourites, simply because of the power she felt within the form, the knowledge that this creature had contained before it died in the infusion process. She felt strong.

Sinovera watched the room, watching for a flicker in features, a small gesture, body language, something that may become a threat. She could feel several eyes on her scantily clad form, not paying attention to the master, which made her hiss in frustration. She closed her eyes, focusing inward as body armour that was much like the armour on her arms began to cover her breasts, hips, hindquarters, and thights, leaving just enough room for her long, bladed tail.

Her tail swayed about, never staying still for a second, the blade shining the the light of the room.

"If you attempt to make a deal, I believe that I will have to cut off that venomous tongue of yours and make you fest upon it." A sadistic grin spread across her face before she calmed herself, taking a deep breath, and calming herself.

Damn this creatures instincts.
"I'm sure her husband would need that to do rather sexual deeds. She can keep her tongue. Sinovera, have you locked on to the location? If so open the Digital Gate, we don't need a shuttle for this."

The Emperor quickly snapped in step and headed towards the Gate Room that was below the gigantic bridge that controls the ship. He led the two female Sith Lords to the Gate Room and when they entered their eyes were filled with a white light and gleaming control panels that were buzzing and beeping while the engineers worked at their controls. Two men stood at the top of the steps holding their light sabers and dressed in white; they were Devoratrix's Watchmen who kept an eye on the Gate Room. When they noticed their Emperor they saluted by placing a fist to their back and a fist over their heart. The Emperor nodded his head and smirked.

"Angel and Demon my two trusted Watchmen, you know your task. Watch the gate until we return."

The two nodded their heads and moved aside as the gate shifted and re calibrated into something smaller for the three to walk through.


The masked man spoke as he finally rose back onto his feet. But something was different, The warriors voice changed to darker and colder form. Kirian would probably instantly recognize the voice as the true voice of Darth Strages. The masked man began to shake as his eyes began to bleed. After a brief loud crack of bones the warrior became still his head bowed low and looked as if the man's neck had been snapped by some invisible power. Slowly the figure rose his head and spoke the leader of this sith coven with utter ease.

"Devoratrix..... that show of force was unnecessary...and rather childish... you boast that you defeated a weakened women and a shade that is from beyond the gate and bound to me for as long as I wish it here.....foolish this truly the best you can do? you believe you process true power? all you have done is gorge on the force...allowing it to give you a measure of power... but you have yet to find true power.... the Lord of Hunger title does not belong to one such as who have yet to pass the gate into the Great Ocean ."

The figure turned to kirian. His glare could easily penetrate the very depths of her corrupted soul. Slowly the masked man shook his head as if he was ashamed to have even been in the same company as her.

"you are nothing more than a disappointment to me...."

Returning his cold gaze to Devoratrix the figure made a mock bow.

"the next time we meet you will truly face me.... no more tricks no more shadows.... I will show you why I am the destroyer of worlds.... and the bane to this galaxy.....come and find me...."

With that said the power holding the figure dissipated, and the figure turned into nothing but ash. which scattered around the room. Leaving only a red robe and a cracked mask.
"Sinovera, did you hear something? It sounded like a muffled voice beneath my boots, or was it the fading sound of a weak and cowardly foe who wishes to show 'true power'. None the less, shall we carry on the task at hand? I don't feel like chasing old ghosts of the past, my plans have no use of this Strages."

The Emperor chuckled to himself as he ignored the sneered comments from the Lord Strages who apparently was angry with the display that Devoratrix was giving. The Emperor merely laughed it off and carried on with what he was doing. He didn't need to show true power, he didn't need to prove himself. Everything will be shown in due time, everyone just needed to wait.
Sinovera's mouth widened in a grin at her master's words.

"It sounded more like a muffled voice screaming from six feet under the ground." She walked over to a console and pushed a button, making little tiny bots come out from areas on the wall that would open soundlessly. They rushed to the ashen mess upon the ground and began cleaning it up, putting it in a container just in case the master wished to keep it, right along with the mask and robe. You never knew when you would need something like this to trade with. Not that her master really ever needed to trade, he could simply use his power to weaken the merchant and take what he needed.

Sinovera looked up at the shining portal, ready for what was to come, but she was going to let her master take the lead.

"Master, do you wish me to stay within this form, or do you wish me to change my form?" She asked softly.
Kirian was fuming. Not only had she lost a lifetime of work she was being treated appallingly. She glared at Strages at his words. IF only he knew what she was really thinking or feeling, then none of them aboard the vessel would be alive, if she let her true anger be released.

She was glad she was left to it in the week it took them to travel. She spent the entire time in her chambers, head against the wall of the room and sat there meditating on all she had learnt, and all she could learn.

When she was contacted, she remained in the same position, her head resting against the wall, eyes closed and arm resting on a raised knee. She didn’t even acknowledge him talking to her, after all she was in her own chambers, staying out of trouble.

“Forget about my own flesh and blood… hmm Clever. Hmmmm the fool tried to get to make me open it before, that was before I took his very soul. You shouldn’t under estimate me self proclaimed Emperor. And you should remember that you need me to open that thing. Don’t worry I would never make any deals with you or your pet”

With that she raised her head to look at the other female and instantly she appeared on the bridge. Thankfully she had missed the last comments about her, and she just leant on the side watching the others work. She resembled that of a moody teenager, and it would not be tooo far from the truth, her youthful looks, her attitude. She was robbed of her childhood, and now she was making up for it.

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