The Sinwood Company. (Now open for joining!)


Have you ever wondered what it's like to fight a bear? Well, that's a shame, because this roleplay has nothing to do with fighting bears.


What if there was a world, a world in trouble and need? A world where blood stains the alleyways, yet there was nothing ever there? A world with layers, like an onion? What if in this world, there were special people, those who could see and interact with the different layers of the world? What if I told you there a was a clichéd imminent doom on the horizon on these layers? And these special people must fight to protect the world they hold so dearly?

What if I told you this world existed?

And then I told you that you were one of these people?


Well, if you've read this far, that means I have your attention.

Silly humans and your short attention spans.




1. All site rules apply.

2. Post at least once every two days. *Except if something comes up, this thing called real life is a thing. I don't know much about it, but it exists.*

3. Listen to the GM(s). Currently me. In all of my madness. <3

4. Follow the rules. I shouldn't have to tell you that, but hey, it's a rule. So now you have to.

5. Post at least a paragraph.

6. Participate in the community, this also functions as our ooc thread. Have fun, be wild here!






Race name:



Or suggest your own!



Why do you excessively ask questions?

"Are their special abilities?" Well, I'm glad you asked. Yes, there are.

Whenever the characters use a power or ability they strain their soul, and if they strain it too much, it'll cause an argument between the soul and the mind, causing in the ultimate shutdown of the body. Death.

However, if they do not continuously strain their souls, they will be just fine, and so, they will grow stronger with their abilities/powers.

"How does magic work?" Well, Mr. Excessively asked question, magic works like this:

1. The characters we will be playing aren't "mortals." per say. The mortals in this rp (you can be one if you want.) have a completely different way to use magic. Kapeesh? Good.

2. I liked to refer to this as their Soul Power, not their magic but. . . . Whatever. Furthermore:

Based on what our characters had done in the past, their souls will become attuned to one certain element. They will gain special abilities and powers from that element. However, multiple people could have the same attunement but different powers and abilities.

Our characters, weak as they are, will be stuck with their attunement for a while. Based on their future actions, and where they live, i.e. forest, etc. will dictate their new powers and abilities, while keeping the old ones.

"What are we even fighting, anyways?"

1. People of the race we will be playing as; who just want to watch the world burn, who are collaborating with Demons.

2. Demons trying to enter the mortal plane.

3. Corrupted people as our race, who's minds were taken over by demons.

"HOW DO WE CROSS BETWEEN LAYERS?!" No need to be mad about it, sheesh... If you don't pay attention to this one and ask me I'll slap you.


To cross between the "layers" of the earth, or rather, dimensional boundaries, they must first figure out they have magical powers. The time they use the magics, will, indeed, probably make them black out, as their soul has yet to be used for anything, and is still weak. When they wake up; they will have a basic understanding of magic. Given to them from.. where, exactly? Well, this was simply given to them by their mind and soul collaborating for the first time. They had always known it; they just never knew it. If that makes any sense whatsoever; I'll be darned.

Anyways & furthermore!

To cross between layers, they will have to open up a dimensional rip. (Be careful of the wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.) To do this; with their newfound information; they will have to use their attunement where it is least effective. I.e. Darkness abilities at noon. Fire underwater.

For the abilities, they must first create a sigil, a rather simple one, just imagine the triforce with a circle around it. (Go Google images it if you don't know what it is.) Then use their ability there. "What about abilities like electricity?" Use the ability through a rock with the sigil on it.

Anyways & Furthermore!

More information!

The dimensional rip will be created, and if they touch it, they will be sent to that dimension, and the rip will close. As their soul and mind work together more often, or other members of the race they have met tell them about it, they will learn about new sigils.


Oh my word that was utterly exhausting.

Oh my word,
I must type more, too.




Age: (Cannot exceed one hundred to start off with. No.)

Race: (This one's important.) Human, PureSoul, (that's out race now. Get over it. If you don't like it, go complain in the replies box.)Demon, CorruptedSoul.



^Those better be uncovered over time. Or you better fill them out. Or I'll slap you.




(Add more if you want to get on my good side! c; )


Finally. Done.

So, are you still in?

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