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Fantasy The Sinful Seven CS

Rusty of Shackleford

Ten Thousand Club
Not many rules. Our characters are meant to be extremely powerful and nearly immortal. So yeah. All of the Seven have baseline powers that they share: enhanced speed, strength, stamina, agility, endurance, and a killer healing factor. A shot to the head will knock them out for a week at most, and a former embodiment of a sin once survived being shot with a cannonball.
Quote: (Doesn't matter what it's from. Could be something they've said in the past, or just a badass quote that fits them.)


Patron Sin: (What is the sin they embody?)

Side of Sin: (What part kf their sin do they represent? As in, what in the sin do they commit? i.e. selfishness for Greed, lethargy for Sloth, etc.)

Gender: (Doesn't matter as long as it makes sense for the time.)

Sexuality: (Doesn't really matter.)




Weapons of Choice: (Every outlaw has an iconic weapon. What's your character's? They can have as many as a human logically could.)

Power: (What is the power that they have? Can be whatever you want, really. Also, how does passing the power on work? Is it hereditary? Is it passed on when the user is killed? If so, who gets it? Is it given to someone? Each embodiment has a unique power, so even embodiments of the same Sin never have the same power.)

Personality: (Can be short, long. Whatever.)

Background: (Their birth, childhood, what led them led them to getting their powers, joining the Seven, so on. Did they help create the gang? Or did they join after? Why did they join?)
Quote: "If you're gonna shoot me, shoot me. Don't go struttin' around with yer cock out like a bull."

Name: Silas Flannagan

Patron Sin: Greed

Side of Sin: Selfishness

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 6'3

Weight: 175 lbs.

Weapons of Choice:
Smith & Wesson Model 3 "Schofield" Revolver: A souvenir from his mother, Silas has used this revolver since her death. It's been modified slightly, firing the much more common .45 Colt round instead of the original.45 S&W.

Winchester Model 1894: This rifle replaced Silas's old repeater, a venriable Model 1873. The old rifle was lost while he was escaping to Mexico, and is currently in the possession of the President, who enjoys using it.

Power: Precognition: Silas has the ability to see a few seconds into the future. This ability has no cool down, and he's almost always using it. It can also show him the various different possibilities of a situation, meaning that he's rarely caught off guard. Silas's abilities are genetic, with it being a recessive trait. It's usually passed onto the first male that is born, but it can also be the first female. The inheiritor to the Sin will have half of their full power as long as their parent is alive. Whenever they die, the inheiritor gets their full power, effectively meaning that to become as powerful as they can be, they need to either wait for their parent to die, or commit patricide. Fitting for Greed, yes?

Personality: Silas was one kf the most feared outlaws for a reason. He's a mean bastard, killing anyone who stands in his way. He doesn't care about being the best or pretending he's the best. Only victory and protecting the few people in the world he cares about matters. Nothing more, nothing less. He doesn't have grand aspirations to gain vast wealth or power. He just wants to be left alone, and be alive.

Background: Silas Kieran Flannagan was born the bastard child of Sean Flannagan, a legendary Irish outlaw. Sean was a crazy bastard, representing Avarice, and he did whatever he wanted. Silas lived alone with his mother on a small ranch in Texas, occasionally getting some money from his father, but never actually meeting him. His mother was tough, as in really tough. She wasn't afraid to kill anyone to protect her son, and she did it often. Silas was aquainted with killing at a very early age, his first one being when he was just twelve years old. He had always been a genius, always seeming to be able to see what was going to happen next. Nothing amazing, until, well, his father died when the steamboat he was on blew up on the Mississippi. Silas didn't notice anything until a group of bandits came to raid the farm, as usual. They got lucky and hit his mother. He could see every mistake her could make, and fought them off using this advantage. But he was too late, his mother succumbing to her wounds and leaving him alone and angry.

Years passed, and he was nothing more than a gunslinger with a chip on his shoulder. His heightened reflexes and durability made barfights and duels a common occurrence, and he was never out of trouble. That all changed when he met someone just like him. This person represented Pride, and they grew close. He was about eighteen at this point, and was ready to start anew. The two started with small jobs. Stage coach robberies, saloon fights, the like. They slowly assembled the gang, their hideout Silas's old farm in Texas. After a particularly big heist, they went to Mexico to let the heat die down. While there, Silas met a pretty girl named Isabella. Despite the man being pretty standoffish and selfish, Isabella saw a good man somewhere inside Silas, and the two eventually fell in love. When shit hit the fan and the Seven went their separate ways, Silas traded his duster for a poncho and settled down with Isabella, the two being married a few months ago. He reluctantly accepted the offer by Gabriel, as he wanted some payback against Kalvin, and Hell didn't sound too pleasant.
Name: Ezra Invidia

Patron Sin: Envy

Side of Sin: The desire to bring down those one is Envious of rather than better oneself. Resentment, spite, and theft for the purpose of robbing another rather than enriching oneself.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual but capable of finding people attractive.

Height: Just under 6'1"

Weight: Just under 168 lbs.

View media item 36974
Weapons of Choice: A pair of 1875 Remington Revolvers.

  • The hammers of Ezra's guns will never fall on empty chambers as long as something he wants to shoot is in his sight.
  • When focused on a target his bullets seem to redirect themselves in their air to hit them.
  • It's not by his own skill that he dodges, but events seem to cause attacks against Ezra to fail due to sheer luck. This feeds into Ezra's insecurities since he sees himself as not being skilled enough to avoid attacks.
  • By destroying that which the person he Envies is able to do that which he Envies (a painter's hands and eyes, a playboy's face, a linguist's tongue), Ezra can take that ability or attribute for himself. These stolen abilities don't last forever and they're never as strong as they were with their original possessor.
  • Ezra's eyes always shine green. Nothing he does can change that, from stolen eyes to smoked lenses.
Of all the Sins' powers, Envy's is the one most likely to change from host to host. Some might be able to steal the talents of others, It doesn't matter their social rank, wealth, or appearance, Envy only ends up in hosts who are already incredibly envious people. A king who couldn't bear the thought of the neighboring kingdom being more prosperous, an obsessive lover who'd kill anyone who so much as touched the object of their affections, a housewife who'd burn her best friend's house down if her flowers were slightly less wilted, what matters if the intensity of Envy. Once the current host dies (often by suicide or while attempting to destroy the latest target of their Envy (or both)) Envy takes up a new host at random.

Personality: If Ezra is aware of one thing, it's his flaws. He's not the best shot, he's not the fastest draw, he's not the best-looking man. And that pisses him off. Every time he sees someone better than him at something it just eats him up inside. He can keep it under control most of the time, but you could fill a cemetery with the people who made the mistake of pushing Ezra past the breaking point with the wrong move. He's left a trail of gunslingers who'll never hold a gun again, casanovas who lost their good looks, formerly rich men, and others who he's taken what he envied from them. Any suggestion that he better himself rather than spitefully ruin others will cause Ezra to lash out at someone he sees as looking down on him. The only people he doesn't seem to feel this way about are the other Seven, and that doesn't stop him from taking it out on other people for his perceptions of his companions.

It doesn't matter how good Ezra has it if he thinks someone else has it better. Not only is his neighbor's grass greener in Ezra's head, his neighbor is mocking him by its mere existence. And Ezra can't stand being mocked. Some witnesses to Ezra's actions have believed him to be Wrath given the fury he displays during them. This just feeds his neuroses since he sees it as yet another example of how he's not good enough to stand out. During combat Ezra will often talk to himself, listing every wrong he believes his enemies have done him and what it means they think about him.

Background: Ezra was born the middle child to a lawman and a prostitute in the town of Prosperity. His father was saw his children as a shame to be hidden, but the whole town knew it anyway. Ezra therefore grew up told that if the town knew they'd hate him even as they mocked him and his siblings already. Fearing that they'd get worse if they knew, Ezra acted like he didn't notice it. This just made it worse. Ezra's younger sister got all their mother's attention, and when she died of sickness at 11 their mother threw Ezra and his brother out on the street.

Having had enough, Ezra and his older brother Ezekiel stole guns from an arms shipment and went to their father's house and demanded he take responsibility for what his children. The lawman responded by drawing on them, only to be shot by Ezekiel before Ezra had even gotten his gun out of his holster. The two brothers had just killed a lawman and were now outlaws. They turned to banditry, building up a gang over 5 years. Two years later they returned to their hometown and burned it to the ground, an event that became known as the Prosperity Massacre.

Over those 7 years Ezra's envy of his older brother had grown and grown. Ezekiel outdid him in everything they attempted from shooting to drinking to riding horses to leadership, Ezra was even an inch shorter than Ezekiel was at the same age. This eventually boiled over in a shootout between Ezra and Ezekiel and the rest of the gang. Ezra won because he'd poisoned the stew beforehand, and chose that moment to show off his new method of firing weapons with both hands, ending up the sole survivor of the Invidia gang. Even then Ezra wasn't happy, seeing it was yet another way he'd come in second. At 20 years old everyone Ezra knew was dead and he'd fully come into his powers as the host of Envy.

Ezra got picked up by The Seven soon after, taking his place after killing every member of a posse of bounty hunters after them after they mocked him. He fired 49 shots without reloading, 17 of them fired into the still-warm corpses of the bounty hunters out of unspent spite. Since then he's been an overlooked member of their group, kept in line by the others and managing to keep it together far better than he would have on his own.

After Kalvin's betrayal Ezra spent his time away from the group destroying everything of Kalvin's he could get his hands on. Men's lives were decided on what name they'd voted for, taverns burned for a drink to the President's health, and every Demon who crossed Ezra's path was either dead or able to outrun him. The Dead coming back from the grave was another concern, Ezra had sent enough souls to their supposed-to-be-final reward to fill seven cemeteries. They kept coming for him for their revenge and he kept sending them back for reminding him he only had one life to live.

When the Angel Gabriel came to The Seven with his offer Ezra took it as a chance to give Kalvin what was coming to him and finally get something for himself. Even so, Ezra's green eyes have turned to Heaven's Gates as yet another reminder of what he doesn't have. Given the chance Ezra would put a bullet into God Himself for looking down on him. If not then The Devil better be ready for Hell to freeze over as Ezra searches out the one being he's been compared to by his victims time and again.

Now The Seven are back together and Ezra's determined that come Heaven, Hell, or High Water he'll see his enemies ruined.
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Name: Ezra Invidia

Patron Sin: Envy

Side of Sin: The desire to bring down those one is Envious of rather than better oneself. Resentment, spite, and theft for the purpose of robbing another rather than enriching oneself.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual but capable of finding people attractive.

Height: Just under 6'1"

Weight: Just under 168 lbs.

View media item 36974
Weapons of Choice: A pair of 1875 Remington Revolvers.

  • The hammers of Ezra's guns will never fall on empty chambers as long as something he wants to shoot is in his sight.
  • When focused on a target his bullets seem to redirect themselves in their air to hit them.
  • It's not by his own skill that he dodges, but events seem to cause attacks against Ezra to fail due to sheer luck. This feeds into Ezra's insecurities since he sees himself as not being skilled enough to avoid attacks.
  • By destroying that which the person he Envies is able to do that which he Envies (a painter's hands and eyes, a playboy's face, a linguist's tongue), Ezra can take that ability or attribute for himself. These stolen abilities don't last forever and they're never as strong as they were with their original possessor.
  • Ezra's eyes always shine green. Nothing he does can change that, from stolen eyes to smoked lenses.
Of all the Sins' powers, Envy's is the one most likely to change from host to host. Some might be able to steal the talents of others, It doesn't matter their social rank, wealth, or appearance, Envy only ends up in hosts who are already incredibly envious people. A king who couldn't bear the thought of the neighboring kingdom being more prosperous, an obsessive lover who'd kill anyone who so much as touched the object of their affections, a housewife who'd burn her best friend's house down if her flowers were slightly less wilted, what matters if the intensity of Envy. Once the current host dies (often by suicide or while attempting to destroy the latest target of their Envy (or both)) Envy takes up a new host at random.

Personality: If Ezra is aware of one thing, it's his flaws. He's not the best shot, he's not the fastest draw, he's not the best-looking man. And that pisses him off. Every time he sees someone better than him at something it just eats him up inside. He can keep it under control most of the time, but you could fill a cemetery with the people who made the mistake of pushing Ezra past the breaking point with the wrong move. He's left a trail of gunslingers who'll never hold a gun again, casanovas who lost their good looks, formerly rich men, and others who he's taken what he envied from them. Any suggestion that he better himself rather than spitefully ruin others will cause Ezra to lash out at someone he sees as looking down on him. The only people he doesn't seem to feel this way about are the other Seven, and that doesn't stop him from taking it out on other people for his perceptions of his companions.

It doesn't matter how good Ezra has it if he thinks someone else has it better. Not only is his neighbor's grass greener in Ezra's head, his neighbor is mocking him by its mere existence. And Ezra can't stand being mocked. Some witnesses to Ezra's actions have believed him to be Wrath given the fury he displays during them. This just feeds his neuroses since he sees it as yet another example of how he's not good enough to stand out. During combat Ezra will often talk to himself, listing every wrong he believes his enemies have done him and what it means they think about him.

Background: Ezra was born the middle child to a lawman and a prostitute in the town of Prosperity. His father was saw his children as a shame to be hidden, but the whole town knew it anyway. Ezra therefore grew up told that if the town knew they'd hate him even as they mocked him and his siblings already. Fearing that they'd get worse if they knew, Ezra acted like he didn't notice it. This just made it worse. Ezra's younger sister got all their mother's attention, and when she died of sickness at 11 their mother threw Ezra and his brother out on the street.

Having had enough, Ezra and his older brother Ezekiel stole guns from an arms shipment and went to their father's house and demanded he take responsibility for what his children. The lawman responded by drawing on them, only to be shot by Ezekiel before Ezra had even gotten his gun out of his holster. The two brothers had just killed a lawman and were now outlaws. They turned to banditry, building up a gang over 5 years. Two years later they returned to their hometown and burned it to the ground, an event that became known as the Prosperity Massacre.

Over those 7 years Ezra's envy of his older brother had grown and grown. Ezekiel outdid him in everything they attempted from shooting to drinking to riding horses to leadership, Ezra was even an inch shorter than Ezekiel was at the same age. This eventually boiled over in a shootout between Ezra and Ezekiel and the rest of the gang. Ezra won because he'd poisoned the stew beforehand, and chose that moment to show off his new method of firing weapons with both hands, ending up the sole survivor of the Invidia gang. Even then Ezra wasn't happy, seeing it was yet another way he'd come in second. At 20 years old everyone Ezra knew was dead and he'd fully come into his powers as the host of Envy.

Ezra got picked up by The Seven soon after, taking his place after killing every member of a posse of bounty hunters after them after they mocked him. He fired 49 shots without reloading, 17 of them fired into the still-warm corpses of the bounty hunters out of unspent spite. Since then he's been an overlooked member of their group, kept in line by the others and managing to keep it together far better than he would have on his own.

After Kalvin's betrayal Ezra spent his time away from the group destroying everything of Kalvin's he could get his hands on. Men's lives were decided on what name they'd voted for, taverns burned for a drink to the President's health, and every Demon who crossed Ezra's path was either dead or able to outrun him. The Dead coming back from the grave was another concern, Ezra had sent enough souls to their supposed-to-be-final reward to fill seven cemeteries. They kept coming for him for their revenge and he kept sending them back for reminding him he only had one life to live.

When the Angel Gabriel came to The Seven with his offer Ezra took it as a chance to give Kalvin what was coming to him and finally get something for himself. Even so, Ezra's green eyes have turned to Heaven's Gates as yet another reminder of what he doesn't have. Given the chance Ezra would put a bullet into God Himself for looking down on him. If not then The Devil better be ready for Hell to freeze over as Ezra searches out the one being he's been compared to by his victims time and again.

Now The Seven are back together and Ezra's determined that come Heaven, hell, or High Water he'll see his enemies ruined.
Accepted! I love him!
Wilson McKendry

Patron Sin: Pride
Side of Sin: Elitist mindset, unwillingness to stoop down to someone else's level - Wilson's pride also compels him to reject another person's sympathy or aid, no matter how badly needed.

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 154 lbs.

Wilson is a slender young man, and though on the shorter side, carries himself with a dignity and prowess rivalling taller and more powerful individuals. There is nothing that makes Wilson stand out at first glance - his clothes are of dull color (though seem impeccable, with no tears or visible stains, oddly), and his physical aspects are neither hideous nor stunning. Both his eyes and hair are the same plain-looking dusty brown.


[Along with the image, Wilson usually hides the lower portion of his face with an equally dull-colored scarf.]

Weapons of Choice:
- 1866 Winchester Rifle. Kept slung behind his back, this weapon is Wilson's darling. A lever-action rifle, Wilson can fire a round of shots without having to reload, making the gun useful for any occasion. Definitely Wilson's primary firearm.
- A single Colt Dragoon Revolver, holstered on the left side of his hip. Packs a powerful punch, good for medium and short-range shooting. Not Wilson's go-to for a gunfight, however.
- A simple gutting knife used for hunting out in the Western wilderness. Can be used as a method for self-defense, but is a last resort weapon and would require a great deal of luck to successfully down an opponent.

-Botanical Manipulation
[Not related to his sin embodiment - just a curious power that I thought'd be interesting to explore]
- Ability to grow desert flora (cacti, wildflowers, etc.) at will, provided there is soil to root the plant in. Wilson can speed up growth to make a plant fully mature within a minute tops.
- Ability to manipulate said flora into moving its stems/roots (eg. a weedy plant consuming a log or shooting a root outwards to knock a revolver out of a rival's hands).
- Co-existing with his ability to grow desert flora, Wilson can also cause them to recede/'die' with a wave of a hand. This power does not extend to other living things.
- As for the 'necro' part of his power, Wilson can combine some aspects of his botanical manipulation to puppeteer dead things. He does this by intertwining bone with strengthened plant stems, making functional muscles to control the joints. He can also do other things to intertwine botany and necromancy, but that's the basic gist of it.

McKendry enjoys being in the background - a strange thing for an embodiment of pride, but Wilson simply didn't inherit a need to constantly be in the spotlight. He has a different side of the patron sin. His version of a prideful individual is not one of appearance; it's of social status and intellect. His own confidence in both himself and his actions is what makes him so powerful. Wilson could commit awful crimes and not bat an eye, due to already believing that whatever he has done was correct because it was his decision, and according to him, others' opinions are irrelevant. In the same vein, he could easily persuade others to do things they otherwise might be wary of due to the confidence Wilson has in his own words.

Around the other Seven, he's more tolerant. He doesn't try to push an opinion he knows will be incompatible with the other sins, though will still try to maintain a superior status (that's pride for ya) by sometimes purposefully playing on the faults of others when feeling particularly restless. Having been a friend to Silas, embodiment of Greed, since he was a young adult, Wilson generally doesn't try to provoke him and is usually more cooperative towards him. All-in-all, Wilson acts as a tactician and otherwise persuasive individual when it comes to heists and other missions with the Seven.

Wilson is far from being the most talented, or most charming, or most knowledgeable. But confidence is compelling, and thus Wilson has a couple ways with charisma and manipulation. Being a self-centered man, Wilson often acts only according to how an outcome will benefit him alone (in some cases, the entire gang of Seven, but that's still including him). Like other sins, he's selfish. He knows how to twist a scenario by deceptive means so that he retains an edge against a competitor. Nothing can be said to make him doubt himself - that is his most powerful strength.

Yet pride has numerous weaknesses: it makes Wilson rash and impulsive, and blinds him to more rational alternatives of tackling an issue. Pride is, at the end of the day, Wilson's ultimate front: underneath, he's a liar to both himself and others, and once that mirage is broken he's revealed as an egocentric bastard who takes what he wants at the expense of others.

Wilson was born in a lazy town that he has long since forgotten the name of. His mother died in childbirth (common in that time, though Wilson still wonders if it was tied to the hereditary trait of his power) and his father raised him on the road, being part of a trading caravan that winded from west to east and back again. His father, a traditional man, raised Wilson with contempt for America's modernization of the West and a strong bond with Christianity.

As he grew, Wilson developed his power. At night, while the caravan set up camp, tiny desert flowers grew at Wilson's feet and he practiced twining the roots of Devil's Claw around his arms. It was the peak of Wilson's life, looking back - a somewhat strict yet loving father, a caravan community packed with other children he befriended, and a stable future of growing up to carry on his father's profession as a merchant. Back then, it all seemed simple.

Wilson hated the idea of adventure. Even back then, he didn't understand people who did things simply 'for the good of others' and found himself disagreeing with a lot of his father's teachings. At night, he continued discovering his power. He didn't understand it - but that was fine at the time. All he knew was that he could make pretty flowers to bundle into cloth and give to the caravan girls, and that was the extent to it for most of his childhood years. He was distinguished among his caravan peers as a leader - especially amongst the other children, who he'd goad into doing 'errands' for him that involved stealing from the other caravans, doing stupid dares ("When the wagon's moving, try to climb onto the top of the canvas!") and other things for Wilson's entertainment. McKendry was mean-spirited from the beginning, patron sin or not. Being the embodiment of pride only boosted his means of persuasion.

Eventually, the caravan began to fray apart for a multitude of reasons: many of the caravan wagon owners wanted to settle down in the towns they'd previously passed, and new technology from the east - mainly railroads - was rendering the caravan route useless in comparison. At the age of sixteen, Wilson McKendry finally severed connections with the doomed caravan and set out to make a living on his own (much to his father's objection, but Wilson's never really cared for other people's views, family or not). In the end, nothing stopped him from departing at a sleepy town and watching as the caravan faded into the horizon.

Like stated before, Wilson didn't like adventure, and didn't plan on being an outlaw. Yet, he also didn't want to comprise and become a shopkeeper, or some other job he considered low on the social rung. From the beginning, he aspired to be great - to be an elite. He set about making that dream happen by taking every opportunity to become a more powerful man - he joined a group of outlaws and rose to the top, commanding them like lackeys to help him in raiding banks, robbing trains, and the like.

The band's luck ran out on an especially complicated raid, and Wilson fled the town, leaving the rag-tag group of outlaws for dead - he hasn't seen them since, though believes them to either be imprisoned or six feet under. However, as he sought refuge in another town, he chanced upon a man that caught his interest - this person being the embodiment of Greed. Seeing him as a capable partner in crime, Wilson quickly learned to tolerate him and together co-founded the Seven.

The rest is pretty much known - the encounter with the Antichrist, the resulting (literal) Hell on Earth. Wilson still partially blames himself for not seeing Kalvin's true colors - probably the only dent in his pride - and thus nurtures an unhealthy grudge against him. He leapt at the chance to redeem himself and now has put aside his differences with the other Seven to focus on his quest of vengeance.
Wilson McKendry

Patron Sin: Pride
Side of Sin: Elitist mindset, unwillingness to stoop down to someone else's level - Wilson's pride also compels him to reject another person's sympathy or aid, no matter how badly needed.

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 154 lbs.

Wilson is a slender young man, and though on the shorter side, carries himself with a dignity and prowess rivalling taller and more powerful individuals. There is nothing that makes Wilson stand out at first glance - his clothes are of dull color (though seem impeccable, with no tears or visible stains, oddly), and his physical aspects are neither hideous nor stunning. Both his eyes and hair are the same plain-looking dusty brown.


[Along with the image, Wilson usually hides the lower portion of his face with an equally dull-colored scarf.]

Weapons of Choice:
- 1866 Winchester Rifle. Kept slung behind his back, this weapon is Wilson's darling. A lever-action rifle, Wilson can fire a round of shots without having to reload, making the gun useful for any occasion. Definitely Wilson's primary firearm.
- A single Colt Dragoon Revolver, holstered on the left side of his hip. Packs a powerful punch, good for medium and short-range shooting. Not Wilson's go-to for a gunfight, however.
- A simple gutting knife used for hunting out in the Western wilderness. Can be used as a method for self-defense, but is a last resort weapon and would require a great deal of luck to successfully down an opponent.

-Botanical Manipulation
[Not related to his sin embodiment - just a curious power that I thought'd be interesting to explore]
- Ability to grow desert flora (cacti, wildflowers, etc.) at will, provided there is soil to root the plant in. Wilson can speed up growth to make a plant fully mature within a minute tops.
- Ability to manipulate said flora into moving its stems/roots (eg. a weedy plant consuming a log or shooting a root outwards to knock a revolver out of a rival's hands).
- Co-existing with his ability to grow desert flora, Wilson can also cause them to recede/'die' with a wave of a hand. This power does not extend to other living things.
- As for the 'necro' part of his power, Wilson can combine some aspects of his botanical manipulation to puppeteer dead things. He does this by intertwining bone with strengthened plant stems, making functional muscles to control the joints. He can also do other things to intertwine botany and necromancy, but that's the basic gist of it.

McKendry enjoys being in the background - a strange thing for an embodiment of pride, but Wilson simply didn't inherit a need to constantly be in the spotlight. He has a different side of the patron sin. His version of a prideful individual is not one of appearance; it's of social status and intellect. His own confidence in both himself and his actions is what makes him so powerful. Wilson could commit awful crimes and not bat an eye, due to already believing that whatever he has done was correct because it was his decision, and according to him, others' opinions are irrelevant. In the same vein, he could easily persuade others to do things they otherwise might be wary of due to the confidence Wilson has in his own words.

Around the other Seven, he's more tolerant. He doesn't try to push an opinion he knows will be incompatible with the other sins, though will still try to maintain a superior status (that's pride for ya) by sometimes purposefully playing on the faults of others when feeling particularly restless. Having been a friend to Silas, embodiment of Greed, since he was a young adult, Wilson generally doesn't try to provoke him and is usually more cooperative towards him. All-in-all, Wilson acts as a tactician and otherwise persuasive individual when it comes to heists and other missions with the Seven.

Wilson is far from being the most talented, or most charming, or most knowledgeable. But confidence is compelling, and thus Wilson has a couple ways with charisma and manipulation. Being a self-centered man, Wilson often acts only according to how an outcome will benefit him alone (in some cases, the entire gang of Seven, but that's still including him). Like other sins, he's selfish. He knows how to twist a scenario by deceptive means so that he retains an edge against a competitor. Nothing can be said to make him doubt himself - that is his most powerful strength.

Yet pride has numerous weaknesses: it makes Wilson rash and impulsive, and blinds him to more rational alternatives of tackling an issue. Pride is, at the end of the day, Wilson's ultimate front: underneath, he's a liar to both himself and others, and once that mirage is broken he's revealed as an egocentric bastard who takes what he wants at the expense of others.

Wilson was born in a lazy town that he has long since forgotten the name of. His mother died in childbirth (common in that time, though Wilson still wonders if it was tied to the hereditary trait of his power) and his father raised him on the road, being part of a trading caravan that winded from west to east and back again. His father, a traditional man, raised Wilson with contempt for America's modernization of the West and a strong bond with Christianity.

As he grew, Wilson developed his power. At night, while the caravan set up camp, tiny desert flowers grew at Wilson's feet and he practiced twining the roots of Devil's Claw around his arms. It was the peak of Wilson's life, looking back - a somewhat strict yet loving father, a caravan community packed with other children he befriended, and a stable future of growing up to carry on his father's profession as a merchant. Back then, it all seemed simple.

Wilson hated the idea of adventure. Even back then, he didn't understand people who did things simply 'for the good of others' and found himself disagreeing with a lot of his father's teachings. At night, he continued discovering his power. He didn't understand it - but that was fine at the time. All he knew was that he could make pretty flowers to bundle into cloth and give to the caravan girls, and that was the extent to it for most of his childhood years. He was distinguished among his caravan peers as a leader - especially amongst the other children, who he'd goad into doing 'errands' for him that involved stealing from the other caravans, doing stupid dares ("When the wagon's moving, try to climb onto the top of the canvas!") and other things for Wilson's entertainment. McKendry was mean-spirited from the beginning, patron sin or not. Being the embodiment of pride only boosted his means of persuasion.

Eventually, the caravan began to fray apart for a multitude of reasons: many of the caravan wagon owners wanted to settle down in the towns they'd previously passed, and new technology from the east - mainly railroads - was rendering the caravan route useless in comparison. At the age of sixteen, Wilson McKendry finally severed connections with the doomed caravan and set out to make a living on his own (much to his father's objection, but Wilson's never really cared for other people's views, family or not). In the end, nothing stopped him from departing at a sleepy town and watching as the caravan faded into the horizon.

Like stated before, Wilson didn't like adventure, and didn't plan on being an outlaw. Yet, he also didn't want to comprise and become a shopkeeper, or some other job he considered low on the social rung. From the beginning, he aspired to be great - to be an elite. He set about making that dream happen by taking every opportunity to become a more powerful man - he joined a group of outlaws and rose to the top, commanding them like lackeys to help him in raiding banks, robbing trains, and the like.

The band's luck ran out on an especially complicated raid, and Wilson fled the town, leaving the rag-tag group of outlaws for dead - he hasn't seen them since, though believes them to either be imprisoned or six feet under. However, as he sought refuge in another town, he chanced upon a man that caught his interest - this person being the embodiment of Greed. Seeing him as a capable partner in crime, Wilson quickly learned to tolerate him and together co-founded the Seven.

The rest is pretty much known - the encounter with the Antichrist, the resulting (literal) Hell on Earth. Wilson still partially blames himself for not seeing Kalvin's true colors - probably the only dent in his pride - and thus nurtures an unhealthy grudge against him. He leapt at the chance to redeem himself and now has put aside his differences with the other Seven to focus on his quest of vengeance.
Accepted! Nice work!
Quote: "The rules of nature specify that only the strong survive. And the weak are meant to be feasted upon."

Name: Beryl Parson

Patron Sin: Gluttony

Side of Sin: Insatiable appetite and surprisingly high metabolism. Addicted to alcohol and tobacco. Might also potentially be a cannibal.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Height: 5'8

Weight: 120 lbs

Appearance: WIP

Weapons of Choice:
Colt Model 1883 Hammerless Shotgun

Colt New Model 1892 Army and Navy Revolver


Acid Spit: By chewing on tobacco or drinking hard liquor, Beryl can actually mix it in her mouth to form a corrosive acid that she can spit at anyone she doesn't like. The acid melts through most skin and armor. It is stated that the acid itself is also responsible for Beryl's high metabolism and bottomless stomach. This power can be passed on to the first born in the family, although it can also be taken if one is willing to consume the original user.

Personality: Polite and well-mannered on the outside, Beryl's personality makes many initially dismiss her as an average hard-working lady or simple farmer. The truth is she's a violent sadist with sociopathic tendencies. While she's smart enough not to do it in public, she's known to be a slave to her own addictions, especially her cannibalistic routes.

Her perspective is akin to a predatory complex and thrill seeking. She especially enjoys hunting down others.

Background: Beryl's first taste of cannibalism was when her homestead party got stranded in a blizzard. The combination of the cold and merciless weather drove their party to just her family. And the only reason her family made it was because the bodies of the dead were preserved nicely.

Maybe it was luck that they survived...for the discovery of a precious ore mine led to her family's sudden increase of wealth. Like most folks of wealth, she and her many siblings indulged in various vices that included but were not limited too: tobacco, alcohol, peyote and of course...human flesh.

When she grew older, however, she ran off with a boy who promised her to see the world. It was risque, it was exciting. And then it was boring. One saloon and a bad gamble later and they were down in the dumps. It didn't take long before someone found the poor man in an outhouse with parts of him missing and bite marks on his chest. Since then, Beryl has been moving from place to place on a non stop feeding frenzy.

It wasn't until she tried to take a bite out of what would be known as the Sinful Seven before she was recruited into their gang on the stipulation she didn't eat anyone...
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Name: Beryl Parson

Patron Sin: Gluttony

Side of Sin: Insatiable appetite and surprisingly high metabolism. Addicted to alcohol and tobacco. Might also potentially be a cannibal.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Height: 5'8

Weight: 120 lbs

Appearance: WIP

Weapons of Choice:
Colt Model 1883 Hammerless Shotgun

Colt New Model 1892 Army and Navy Revolver


Acid Spit: By chewing on tobacco or drinking hard liquor, Beryl can actually mix it in her mouth to form a corrosive acid that she can spit at anyone she doesn't like. The acid melts through most skin and armor. It is stated that the acid itself is also responsible for Beryl's high metabolism and bottomless stomach. This power can be passed on to the first born in the family, although it can also be taken if one is willing to consume the original user.

Personality: Polite and well-mannered on the outside, Beryl's personality makes many initially dismiss her as an average hard-working lady or simple farmer. The truth is she's a violent sadist with sociopathic tendencies. While she's smart enough not to do it in public, she's known to be a slave to her own addictions, especially her cannibalistic routes.

Her perspective is akin to a predatory complex and thrill seeking. She especially enjoys hunting down others.

Background: Beryl's first taste of cannibalism was when her homestead party got stranded in a blizzard. The combination of the cold and merciless weather drove their party to just her family. And the only reason her family made it was because the bodies of the dead were preserved nicely.

Maybe it was luck that they survived...for the discovery of a precious ore mine led to her family's sudden increase of wealth. Like most folks of wealth, she and her many siblings indulged in various vices that included but were not limited too: tobacco, alcohol, peyote and of course...human flesh.

When she grew older, however, she ran off with a boy who promised her to see the world. It was risque, it was exciting. And then it was boring. One saloon and a bad gamble later and they were down in the dumps. It didn't take long before someone found the poor man in an outhouse with parts of him missing and bite marks on his chest. Since then, Beryl has been moving from place to place on a non stop feeding frenzy.

It wasn't until she tried to take a bite out of what would be known as the Sinful Seven before she was recruited into their gang on the stipulation she didn't eat anyone...
Accepted! Great job!
Quote: "The world was built on lazy men. There's an art to have infinite patience, especially when you realize eventually your target will come walking to you."

Name: Mildred Parson

Patron Sin: Sloth

Side of Sin: Care-free attitude and lazy demeanor. Will always try to find the most convenient way out of a situation if it benefits her.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual. She really doesn't care

Height: 5'5

Weight: 100 lbs

Appearance: WIP

Weapons of Choice:

1867 Remington Rolling Block Rifle

1874 Sharps Rifle.


Paralysis: Not the most flashy power, but then again the Sin of Sloth rarely is. Within range of her rifle, Mildred can make anyone freeze. Although their brain and their mouth can still work, their body remains stiff for a period of up to five minutes, giving Mildred an easy shot.

Personality: Normally quiet and cynical, Mildred is the complete opposite of her sister. However, they do seem to share the same dark humor and Mildred has displayed similar sociopathic tendencies when she kills. Her interactions are usually blunt and short, and she prefers napping to actually doing anything substantial.

Background: Much like her younger sister, Mildred also experienced the horrifying experience of having to eat human flesh to survive. And much like her siblings, she also became quite wealthy when her family discovered their mine.

Unlike Beryl, who enjoyed exploring the town, Mildred preferred the maid service and rarely went out if only for a drink or to find a different place to lie down on. Many described her stoic expression as akin to a vulture. Just waiting for scraps until it fell her way. Although she had a known reputation for being lazy, Mildred always seemed to keep track of her more eccentric younger sister.

One could even say she kept a scoped eye on any suitor that followed. When Beryl joined the Seven, Mildred was not far behind. Initially, she said she was ready to kill the first person to lay a hand on her sister but decided against that after seeing how happy she seemed to be.

As a result, Mildred also joined the gang, although she never specified her reason. Some say she just wants to keep an eye on her sister.
Accepted! We're almost ready!
"I ride again..."

(below is his old getup)
Name: Jacob Fair

Patron Sin: Sloth

Side of Sin: Lethargy

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Doesn't really matter.

Height: 5ft 9in

Weight: 160

Weapons of Choice: A weathered, rusty looking Ruger Vaquero
Sure Shot- After taking a deep breath, time slows down for Jacob, allowing him to see the battlefield in perfect clarity. He can then take precision aim and fire, hitting any target dead on. He can also use this in hand to hand combat as well.
Ain't no Grave- Jacob can now take more hits than anyone has ever seen, and can recover faster than a normal man. however, he is not invincible.
Stick Around, Partner- He can become really sociable with people really fast, relaxing them and allowing them to lower their guard.
The Devil's Eyes- Jacobs Eyes become pale, and a hellish aura surrounds him. Anyone witnessing this event becomes paralyzed with fear.

Personality: Tired, nice, and old.

Jacob, AKA, 'Little Jake', was born somewhere in the northern states to aristocrat English immigrant Maria Wilford and pioneer Jake Strong, who met after a 'romantic' night at the local docks. They lived in the north, working on a farm, tending to the local wildlife, hunting and killing, selling what they could to the local market. Jacob showed an almost superhuman mastery of firearms at a young age, and as such felt home in the woods hunting wildlife, rather than tending to the plants. However, when news of Gold came to the north, Jake was able to convince Maria and haul a 20 year old Jacob to the west.

What seemed like a fruitful venture turned sour fast. Days, months, and years went by, with no result. Jake would constantly hound his wife to ask her family for more money, and she usually complied with a bit of 'coercing'. The Wilford family lost a ton of money financing their daughters venture, and eventually they had to stop sending money to keep their upper class status. Broke and destitute, with only a small house to their name, Jake descended into madness. He started staying up late hours, drunk off his mind, and howling words at the moon. He would disappear for days, only to return dirty, smelling of dead animals. This changed one day, when instead of coming home smelling like death, he smelled of the metallic tinge of gold.

Jake told them a man had come to him on his walk, wearing a black suit and pale skin. Said that he came from the north, and helped him find some gold. They laughed and cried tears of joy. They were saved. Spending their money wisely, Jacob was able to buy his first gun, a Ruger, find himself a job, and get a nice gal. Nothing was sweeter. Then, they came. Vicious Indian men and women arrived in strange garb, one with a flock of crows behind them, another with a pack of wolves, and a third with an army. They raged through the town, burning and destroying everything in their path. The townspeople fought the good fight, but to no avail. It was a slaughter. To this day, not many know where the town where Jacob Lived was, and no one even cares.

Standing in the blood of his family, some of the Indians, and his own, he waited for death to come. But he heard the footsteps of another man approach, and the chill of the night wash over him.

A man in black stepped over him, having the darkest shadow Jacob had ever seen. He offered him a choice. Rise, seek revenge, and live forever, or die and know no peace. Jacob saw no other choice but to take the former. After that, everything was a haze, but the next day he awoke, changed. He could feel it inside. The man in black was gone, in his stead was a note to go to a local bar. There he met the Seven, and plotted his vengeance.

They rode like hell, Stealing, robbing, and killing. Each for their own selfish desires. No one could flee from their wrath. And sure as Sin, Jacob found the Indan camp, and setting out on his won, burned the village down to a crisp, killing every last man, woman, and child. It felt so good. For a while.

Jacob was the first of the Seven to Retire. The only one really. He roamed aimlessly, the souls of the dead haunting him forever, he would spend the rest of his days wondering if what he did was right, as the screams echoed in his skill. The emptiness inside engulfed him, and there was no pastor that could help him. After what he did, he couldn't even step in a church. Jacob would meet his end at the end of a gun, after he started a fight, not even having the energy to draw his gun. Sloth had consumed his life.

But, as the man in black said, he was a man of his word.

He would live forever.
"I ride again..."

View attachment 466843
(below is his old getup)
View attachment 466845
Name: Jacob Fair

Patron Sin: Sloth

Side of Sin: Lethargy

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Doesn't really matter.

Height: 5ft 9in

Weight: 160

Weapons of Choice: A weathered, rusty looking Ruger Vaquero
View attachment 466848
Sure Shot- After taking a deep breath, time slows down for Jacob, allowing him to see the battlefield in perfect clarity. He can then take precision aim and fire, hitting any target dead on. He can also use this in hand to hand combat as well.
Ain't no Grave- Jacob can now take more hits than anyone has ever seen, and can recover faster than a normal man. however, he is not invincible.
Stick Around, Partner- He can become really sociable with people really fast, relaxing them and allowing them to lower their guard.
The Devil's Eyes- Jacobs Eyes become pale, and a hellish aura surrounds him. Anyone witnessing this event becomes paralyzed with fear.

Personality: Tired, nice, and old.

Jacob, AKA, 'Little Jake', was born somewhere in the northern states to aristocrat English immigrant Maria Wilford and pioneer Jake Strong, who met after a 'romantic' night at the local docks. They lived in the north, working on a farm, tending to the local wildlife, hunting and killing, selling what they could to the local market. Jacob showed an almost superhuman mastery of firearms at a young age, and as such felt home in the woods hunting wildlife, rather than tending to the plants. However, when news of Gold came to the north, Jake was able to convince Maria and haul a 20 year old Jacob to the west.

What seemed like a fruitful venture turned sour fast. Days, months, and years went by, with no result. Jake would constantly hound his wife to ask her family for more money, and she usually complied with a bit of 'coercing'. The Wilford family lost a ton of money financing their daughters venture, and eventually they had to stop sending money to keep their upper class status. Broke and destitute, with only a small house to their name, Jake descended into madness. He started staying up late hours, drunk off his mind, and howling words at the moon. He would disappear for days, only to return dirty, smelling of dead animals. This changed one day, when instead of coming home smelling like death, he smelled of the metallic tinge of gold.

Jake told them a man had come to him on his walk, wearing a black suit and pale skin. Said that he came from the north, and helped him find some gold. They laughed and cried tears of joy. They were saved. Spending their money wisely, Jacob was able to buy his first gun, a Ruger, find himself a job, and get a nice gal. Nothing was sweeter. Then, they came. Vicious Indian men and women arrived in strange garb, one with a flock of crows behind them, another with a pack of wolves, and a third with an army. They raged through the town, burning and destroying everything in their path. The townspeople fought the good fight, but to no avail. It was a slaughter. To this day, not many know where the town where Jacob Lived was, and no one even cares.

Standing in the blood of his family, some of the Indians, and his own, he waited for death to come. But he heard the footsteps of another man approach, and the chill of the night wash over him.

A man in black stepped over him, having the darkest shadow Jacob had ever seen. He offered him a choice. Rise, seek revenge, and live forever, or die and know no peace. Jacob saw no other choice but to take the former. After that, everything was a haze, but the next day he awoke, changed. He could feel it inside. The man in black was gone, in his stead was a note to go to a local bar. There he met the Seven, and plotted his vengeance.

They rode like hell, Stealing, robbing, and killing. Each for their own selfish desires. No one could flee from their wrath. And sure as Sin, Jacob found the Indan camp, and setting out on his won, burned the village down to a crisp, killing every last man, woman, and child. It felt so good. For a while.

Jacob was the first of the Seven to Retire. The only one really. He roamed aimlessly, the souls of the dead haunting him forever, he would spend the rest of his days wondering if what he did was right, as the screams echoed in his skill. The emptiness inside engulfed him, and there was no pastor that could help him. After what he did, he couldn't even step in a church. Jacob would meet his end at the end of a gun, after he started a fight, not even having the energy to draw his gun. Sloth had consumed his life.

But, as the man in black said, he was a man of his word.

He would live forever.

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